def discriminator(x, label): with tf.variable_scope('Discriminator'): if layers > 1: with tf.variable_scope('rgb_layer_{}'.format(layers - 2)): d0 = pool(x) d0 = leaky_relu(conv2d(d0, self.channels[layers - 1], 1)) with tf.variable_scope('rgb_layer_{}'.format(layers - 1)): d1 = leaky_relu(conv2d(x, self.channels[layers], 1)) for i in reversed(range(layers)): with tf.variable_scope('layer_{}'.format(i)): if i == 0: d1 = minibatch_stddev(d1) with tf.variable_scope('1'): d1 = leaky_relu(conv2d(d1, self.channels[i])) with tf.variable_scope('2'): if i == 0: d1 = leaky_relu(conv2d(d1, self.channels[0], 2, 2)) else: d1 = leaky_relu(conv2d(d1, self.channels[i])) if i > 0: d1 = pool(d1) if i == layers - 1 and layers > 1: d1 = self._reparameterize(d0, d1) with tf.variable_scope('dense'): d = tf.concat([tf.layers.flatten(d1), tf.layers.flatten(label)], axis=1) d = dense_layer(d, 1) return d
def generator(z, label): with tf.variable_scope('Generator'): z = z[:self.batch_size[layers]] with tf.variable_scope('latent_vector'): g1 = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(z, axis=-1), axis=-1) g1 = tf.concat([g1, label], axis=1) for i in range(layers): with tf.variable_scope('layer_{}'.format(i)): if i > 0: g1 = resize(g1) if i == layers - 1 and layers > 1: g0 = g1 with tf.variable_scope('1'): if i == 0: g1 = pixelwise_norm(leaky_relu(conv2d_transpose( g1, [tf.shape(g1)[0], self.channels[0], 2, 8] ))) else: g1 = pixelwise_norm(leaky_relu(conv2d(g1, self.channels[i]))) with tf.variable_scope('2'): g1 = pixelwise_norm(leaky_relu(conv2d(g1, self.channels[i]))) with tf.variable_scope('rgb_layer_{}'.format(layers - 1)): g1 = conv2d(g1, self.channel_num, 1, weight_norm=False) if layers > 1: with tf.variable_scope('rgb_layer_{}'.format(layers - 2)): g0 = conv2d(g0, self.channel_num, 1, weight_norm=False) g = self._reparameterize(g0, g1) else: g = g1 return tf.tanh(g)
def up_sample4(ipt, name='up_sample4', reuse=False, is_training=True): with tf.variable_scope(name): c3s1k256 = ops.conv2d(ipt, 256, 3, 1, norm=None, activation=None, reuse=reuse, is_training=is_training, name='c3s1k256_1') d_to_s_1 = tf.depth_to_space(c3s1k256, 2) relu1 = ops.leaky_relu(d_to_s_1) c3s1k256 = ops.conv2d(relu1, 256, 3, 1, norm=None, activation=None, reuse=reuse, is_training=is_training, name='c3s1k256_2') d_to_s_2 = tf.depth_to_space(c3s1k256, 2) relu2 = ops.leaky_relu(d_to_s_2) return ops.conv2d(relu2, 3, 3, 1, 1, norm=None, activation=None, name='c3s1k3', reuse=reuse, is_training=is_training)
def dblock(name, inputs, num_filters, data_format): with tf.variable_scope(name): x = ops.conv2d('conv', inputs, num_filters[0], 3, data_format) x = ops.leaky_relu(x) x = ops.conv2d_down('conv_down', x, num_filters[1], 3, data_format) x = ops.leaky_relu(x) return x
def gblock(name, inputs, filters, data_format): with tf.variable_scope(name): x = ops.conv2d_up('conv_up', inputs, filters, 3, data_format) x = ops.leaky_relu(x) x = ops.pixel_norm(x, data_format) x = ops.conv2d('conv', x, filters, 3, data_format) x = ops.leaky_relu(x) x = ops.pixel_norm(x, data_format) return x
def generator(x, last_layer_resolution, cfg, is_training=True, scope='Generator'): def rname(resolution): return str(resolution) + 'x' + str(resolution) with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): with tf.variable_scope("4x4"): fn4 = cfg.resolution_to_filt_num[4] x = ops.pixel_norm(x, cfg.data_format) x = ops.dense('dense', x, 4 * 4 * fn4, cfg.data_format) if cfg.data_format == 'NHWC': x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, 4, 4, fn4]) else: x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, fn4, 4, 4]) x = ops.leaky_relu(x) x = ops.pixel_norm(x, cfg.data_format) x = ops.conv2d('conv', x, fn4, 3, cfg.data_format) x = ops.leaky_relu(x) x = ops.pixel_norm(x, cfg.data_format) resolution = 8 prev_x = None while resolution <= last_layer_resolution: filt_num = cfg.resolution_to_filt_num[resolution] prev_x = x x = gblock(rname(resolution), x, filt_num, cfg.data_format) resolution *= 2 resolution = resolution // 2 if resolution > cfg.starting_resolution: t = tf.get_variable( rname(resolution) + '_t', shape=[], collections=[tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, "lerp"], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=False) x1 = ops.to_rgb('to_rgb_' + rname(resolution // 2), prev_x, cfg.data_format) x1 = ops.upscale2d(x1, cfg.data_format) x2 = ops.to_rgb('to_rgb_' + rname(resolution), x, cfg.data_format) x = ops.lerp_clip(x1, x2, t) else: x = ops.to_rgb('to_rgb_' + rname(resolution), x, cfg.data_format) x_shape = utils.int_shape(x) assert (resolution == x_shape[1 if cfg.data_format == 'NHWC' else 3]) assert (resolution == x_shape[2]) return x
def discriminator(images, labels, reuse=False): with tf.variable_scope("discriminator") as scope: if reuse: scope.reuse_variables() # conv1 conv1 = ops.conv_2d(images, 64, scope="conv1") # leakly ReLu h1 = ops.leaky_relu(conv1) # conv2 conv2 = ops.conv_2d(h1, 128, scope="conv2") # batch norm norm2 = ops.batch_norm(conv2, scope="batch_norm2", is_training=True) # leaky ReLU h2 = ops.leaky_relu(norm2) # conv3 conv3 = ops.conv_2d(h2, 256, scope="conv3") # batch norm norm3 = ops.batch_norm(conv3, scope="batch_norm3", is_training=True) # leaky ReLU h3 = ops.leaky_relu(norm3) # conv4 conv4 = ops.conv_2d(h3, 512, scope="conv4") # batch norm norm4 = ops.batch_norm(conv4, scope="batch_norm4", is_training=True) # leaky ReLU h4 = ops.leaky_relu(norm4) # reshape h4_reshape = tf.reshape(h4, [FLAGS.batch_size, -1]) # source logits source_logits = ops.fc(h4_reshape, 1, scope="source_logits") # class logits class_logits = ops.fc( h4_reshape, FLAGS.n_classes, scope="class_logits") return source_logits, class_logits
def generator(self, inputs, reuse=False, is_training=True): #################################################### # Define the structure of generator, you may use the # generator structure of DCGAN. defines some # layers that you may use. #################################################### with tf.variable_scope('generator', reuse=reuse): size = self.image_size # 64 s2 = self.get_required_conv_out_size(size, 2) # 32 s4 = self.get_required_conv_out_size(s2, 2) # 16 s8 = self.get_required_conv_out_size(s4, 2) # 8 s16 = self.get_required_conv_out_size(s8, 2) # 4 img_ch = 3 # project z and reshape fc1 = ops.linear(inputs, self.image_size * 8 * s16**2, 'fc') # [11,8192] fc1_reshaped = tf.reshape(fc1, [-1, s16, s16, self.image_size * 8]) h0 = ops.leaky_relu(fc1_reshaped) #[11,4,4,512] conv1 = ops.convt2d(h0, [self.batch_size, s8, s8, self.image_size * 4], name='g_h1') h1 = ops.leaky_relu(conv1) # [11,8,8,256] conv2 = ops.convt2d(h1, [self.batch_size, s4, s4, self.image_size * 2], name='g_h2') h2 = ops.leaky_relu(conv2) # [11,16,16,128] conv3 = ops.convt2d(h2, [self.batch_size, s2, s2, self.image_size * 1], name='g_h3') h3 = ops.leaky_relu(conv3) # [11,32,32,64] h4 = ops.convt2d(h3, [self.batch_size, size, size, img_ch], name='g_h4') # [11,64,64,3] return h4
def discriminator(image, reuse=False): with tf.variable_scope('discriminator', reuse=reuse): conv_1 = ops.conv_2d(image, 64, scope='conv_1') relu_1 = ops.leaky_relu(conv_1) conv_2 = ops.conv_2d(relu_1, 128, scope='conv_2') conv_2_norm = ops.batch_norm(conv_2, True, scope="batch_norm_2") relu_2 = ops.leaky_relu(conv_2_norm) conv_3 = ops.conv_2d(relu_2, 256, scope='conv_3') conv_3_norm = ops.batch_norm(conv_3, True, scope="batch_norm_3") relu_3 = ops.leaky_relu(conv_3_norm) conv_4 = ops.conv_2d(relu_3, 512, scope='conv_4') conv_4_norm = ops.batch_norm(conv_4, True, scope="batch_norm_4") relu_4 = ops.leaky_relu(conv_4_norm) relu_4_flat = tf.reshape(relu_4, [flags.batch_size, -1]) source_logits = ops.full_connect(relu_4_flat, 1, scope='source_logits') class_logits = ops.full_connect(relu_4_flat, 1, scope='class_logits') return source_logits, class_logits
def __call__(self, inputs, train_phase): with tf.variable_scope(, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): # inputs = tf.random_crop(inputs, [-1, 70, 70, 3]) inputs = conv("conv1_1", inputs, 64, 3, 2) inputs = leaky_relu(inputs, 0.2) # inputs = conv("conv1_2", inputs, 64, 3, is_SN=True) # inputs = leaky_relu(inputs, 0.2) inputs = conv("conv2_1", inputs, 128, 3, 2) inputs = batchnorm(inputs, train_phase, "BN1") inputs = leaky_relu(inputs, 0.2) # inputs = conv("conv2_2", inputs, 128, 3, is_SN=True) # inputs = leaky_relu(inputs, 0.2) inputs = conv("conv3_1", inputs, 256, 3, 2) inputs = batchnorm(inputs, train_phase, "BN2") inputs = leaky_relu(inputs, 0.2) # inputs = conv("conv3_2", inputs, 256, 3, is_SN=True) # inputs = leaky_relu(inputs, 0.2) inputs = conv("conv4_1", inputs, 512, 3, 2) inputs = batchnorm(inputs, train_phase, "BN3") inputs = leaky_relu(inputs, 0.2) # inputs = fully_connected("fc", inputs, 512, is_SN=True) output = fully_connected("output", inputs, 1) return output
def discriminator(x, resolution, cfg, is_training=True, scope='Discriminator'): assert (cfg.data_format == 'NCHW' or cfg.data_format == 'NHWC') def rname(resolution): return str(resolution) + 'x' + str(resolution) def fmap(resolution): return cfg.resolution_to_filt_num[resolution] x_shape = utils.int_shape(x) assert (resolution == x_shape[1 if cfg.data_format == 'NHWC' else 3]) assert (resolution == x_shape[2]) with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): if resolution > cfg.starting_resolution: x1 = ops.downscale2d(x, cfg.data_format) x1 = ops.from_rgb('from_rgb_' + rname(resolution // 2), x1, fmap(resolution // 2), cfg.data_format) x2 = ops.from_rgb('from_rgb_' + rname(resolution), x, fmap(resolution // 2), cfg.data_format) t = tf.get_variable( rname(resolution) + '_t', shape=[], dtype=tf.float32, collections=[tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, "lerp"], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=False) num_filters = [fmap(resolution), fmap(resolution // 2)] x2 = dblock(rname(resolution), x2, num_filters, cfg.data_format) x = ops.lerp_clip(x1, x2, t) resolution = resolution // 2 else: x = ops.from_rgb('from_rgb_' + rname(resolution), x, fmap(resolution), cfg.data_format) while resolution >= 4: if resolution == 4: x = ops.minibatch_stddev_layer(x, cfg.data_format) num_filters = [fmap(resolution), fmap(resolution // 2)] x = dblock(rname(resolution), x, num_filters, cfg.data_format) resolution = resolution // 2 x = ops.dense('2x2', x, fmap(resolution), cfg.data_format) x = ops.leaky_relu(x) x = ops.dense('output', x, 1, cfg.data_format) return x
def encoder(x, scope="spade_encoder"): """Encoder that outputs global N(mu, sig) parameters. Args: x: [B, H, W, 4] an RGBD image (usually the initial image) which is used to sample noise from a distirbution to feed into the refinement network. Range [0, 1]. scope: (str) variable scope Returns: (mu, logvar) are [B, 256] tensors of parameters defining a normal distribution to sample from. """ x = 2 * x - 1 num_channel = 16 with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope(scope, reuse=tf.compat.v1.AUTO_REUSE): x = ops.sn_conv(x, num_channel, kernel_size=3, stride=2, use_bias=True, use_spectral_norm=True, scope="conv_0") x = ops.instance_norm(x, scope="inst_norm_0") x = ops.leaky_relu(x, 0.2) x = ops.sn_conv(x, 2 * num_channel, kernel_size=3, stride=2, use_bias=True, use_spectral_norm=True, scope="conv_1") x = ops.instance_norm(x, scope="inst_norm_1") x = ops.leaky_relu(x, 0.2) x = ops.sn_conv(x, 4 * num_channel, kernel_size=3, stride=2, use_bias=True, use_spectral_norm=True, scope="conv_2") x = ops.instance_norm(x, scope="inst_norm_2") x = ops.leaky_relu(x, 0.2) x = ops.sn_conv(x, 8 * num_channel, kernel_size=3, stride=2, use_bias=True, use_spectral_norm=True, scope="conv_3") x = ops.instance_norm(x, scope="inst_norm_3") x = ops.leaky_relu(x, 0.2) x = ops.sn_conv(x, 8 * num_channel, kernel_size=3, stride=2, use_bias=True, use_spectral_norm=True, scope="conv_4") x = ops.instance_norm(x, scope="inst_norm_4") x = ops.leaky_relu(x, 0.2) x = ops.sn_conv(x, 8 * num_channel, kernel_size=3, stride=2, use_bias=True, use_spectral_norm=True, scope="conv_5") x = ops.instance_norm(x, scope="inst_norm_5") x = ops.leaky_relu(x, 0.2) mu = ops.fully_connected(x, config.DIM_OF_STYLE_EMBEDDING, scope="linear_mu") logvar = ops.fully_connected(x, config.DIM_OF_STYLE_EMBEDDING, scope="linear_logvar") return mu, logvar
def spade_resblock(tensor, condition, channel_out, use_spectral_norm=False, scope="spade_resblock"): """A SPADE resblock. Args: tensor: [B, H, W, C] image to be generated condition: [B, H, W, D] conditioning image to compute affine normalization parameters. channel_out: (int) The number of channels of the output tensor use_spectral_norm: (bool) If true, use spectral normalization in conv layers scope: (str) The variable scope Returns: The output of a spade residual block """ channel_in = tensor.get_shape().as_list()[-1] channel_middle = min(channel_in, channel_out) with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope(scope, reuse=tf.compat.v1.AUTO_REUSE): x = spade(tensor, condition, use_spectral_norm=use_spectral_norm, scope="spade_0") x = ops.leaky_relu(x, 0.2) # This one always uses spectral norm. x = ops.sn_conv(x, channel_middle, kernel_size=3, use_spectral_norm=True, scope="conv_0") x = spade(x, condition, use_spectral_norm=use_spectral_norm, scope="spade_1") x = ops.leaky_relu(x, 0.2) x = ops.sn_conv(x, channel_out, kernel_size=3, use_spectral_norm=True, scope="conv_1") if channel_in != channel_out: x_in = spade(tensor, condition, use_spectral_norm=use_spectral_norm, scope="shortcut_spade") x_in = ops.sn_conv(x_in, channel_out, kernel_size=1, stride=1, use_bias=False, use_spectral_norm=True, scope="shortcut_conv") else: x_in = tensor out = x_in + x return out
def discriminator(images, reuse=False): with tf.variable_scope("discriminator") as scope: if reuse: scope.reuse_variables() # conv1 conv1 = ops.conv_2d(images, 64, scope="conv1") # leakly ReLu h1 = ops.leaky_relu(conv1) # conv2 conv2 = ops.conv_2d(h1, 128, scope="conv2") # batch norm norm2 = ops.batch_norm(conv2, scope="batch_norm2", is_training=FLAGS.is_train) # leaky ReLU h2 = ops.leaky_relu(norm2) # conv3 conv3 = ops.conv_2d(h2, 256, scope="conv3") # batch norm norm3 = ops.batch_norm(conv3, scope="batch_norm3", is_training=FLAGS.is_train) # leaky ReLU h3 = ops.leaky_relu(norm3) # conv4 conv4 = ops.conv_2d(h3, 512, scope="conv4") # batch norm norm4 = ops.batch_norm(conv4, scope="batch_norm4", is_training=FLAGS.is_train) # leaky ReLU h4 = ops.leaky_relu(norm4) conv5 = ops.conv_2d(h4, 1024, scope="conv5") conv5 = tf.nn.dropout(conv5, 0.5, name='conv_5_drop_out') norm5 = ops.batch_norm(conv5, scope="batch_norm5", is_training=FLAGS.is_train) h5 = ops.leaky_relu(norm5) # reshape h5_reshape = tf.reshape(h5, [FLAGS.batch_size, -1]) # source logits source_logits = ops.fc(h5_reshape, 1, scope="source_logits") # class logits class_logits = ops.fc(h5_reshape, FLAGS.num_classes, scope="class_logits", decay=4e-3) return source_logits, class_logits
def refinement_network(rgbd, mask, z, scope="spade_generator"): """Refines rgbd, mask based on noise z. H, W should be divisible by 2 ** num_up_layers Args: rgbd: [B, H, W, 4] the rendered view to be refined mask: [B, H, W, 1] binary mask of unknown regions. 1 where known and 0 where unknown z: [B, D] a noise vector to be used as noise for the generator scope: (str) variable scope Returns: [B, H, W, 4] refined rgbd image. """ img = 2 * rgbd - 1 img = tf.concat([img, mask], axis=-1) num_channel = 32 num_up_layers = 5 out_channels = 4 # For RGBD batch_size, im_height, im_width, unused_c = rgbd.get_shape().as_list() init_h = im_height // (2**num_up_layers) init_w = im_width // (2**num_up_layers) with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope(scope, reuse=tf.compat.v1.AUTO_REUSE): x = ops.fully_connected(z, 16 * num_channel * init_h * init_w, "fc_expand_z") x = tf.reshape(x, [batch_size, init_h, init_w, 16 * num_channel]) x = spade.spade_resblock( x, img, 16 * num_channel, use_spectral_norm=config.USE_SPECTRAL_NORMALIZATION, scope="head") x = ops.double_size(x) x = spade.spade_resblock( x, img, 16 * num_channel, use_spectral_norm=config.USE_SPECTRAL_NORMALIZATION, scope="middle_0") x = spade.spade_resblock( x, img, 16 * num_channel, use_spectral_norm=config.USE_SPECTRAL_NORMALIZATION, scope="middle_1") x = ops.double_size(x) x = spade.spade_resblock( x, img, 8 * num_channel, use_spectral_norm=config.USE_SPECTRAL_NORMALIZATION, scope="up_0") x = ops.double_size(x) x = spade.spade_resblock( x, img, 4 * num_channel, use_spectral_norm=config.USE_SPECTRAL_NORMALIZATION, scope="up_1") x = ops.double_size(x) x = spade.spade_resblock( x, img, 2 * num_channel, use_spectral_norm=config.USE_SPECTRAL_NORMALIZATION, scope="up_2") x = ops.double_size(x) x = spade.spade_resblock( x, img, 1 * num_channel, use_spectral_norm=config.USE_SPECTRAL_NORMALIZATION, scope="up_3") x = ops.leaky_relu(x, 0.2) # Pre-trained checkpoint uses default conv scoping. x = ops.sn_conv(x, out_channels, kernel_size=3) x = tf.tanh(x) return 0.5 * (x + 1)