def CreateSegNet(self): net = Unet3D({'data': self.image_batch}, batch_size=self.batch_size, is_training=self.is_trainning) restore_var = tf.global_variables() config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True sess = tf.Session(config=config) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() if self.restore_from is not None: loader = tf.train.Saver(var_list=restore_var) load(loader, sess, self.restore_from, self.model_dir) return net, sess
def CreateSegNet(): net=Unet3D({'data': image_batch},batch_size=batch_size,is_training=False) restore_var = tf.global_variables() config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True sess = tf.Session(config=config) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() if restore_from is not None: loader = tf.train.Saver(var_list=restore_var) load(loader, sess, restore_from,"unet3d") return net,sess
def build_model(self):{'data': self.image_batch},batch_size=self.batch_size) self.prob =['result']['conv_8'] self.cross_loss = pixelwise_cross_entropy(self.logits, self.label_batch) self.loss_dice=dice_coef_loss(self.prob,self.label_batch) self.dice=1-loss_dice self.all_trainable =tf.trainable_variables() self.restore_var = tf.global_variables() self.learning_rate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) self.optimiser = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(self.learning_rate,0.99) self.gradients = tf.gradients(self.loss_dice, self.all_trainable) self.clipped_gradients, self.norm = tf.clip_by_global_norm(self.gradients,1.) self.train_op = optimiser.apply_gradients(zip(self.clipped_gradients, self.all_trainable)) config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True self.sess = tf.Session(config=config) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() self.saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=self.restore_var, max_to_keep=40) if self.restore_from is not None: loader = tf.train.Saver(var_list=self.restore_var) load(loader, self.sess, self.restore_from,self.model_dir)
def main(): pre_loss = 1 dice_loss_meter = tnt.meter.AverageValueMeter() vis.vis.texts = '' # loss_meter =tnt.meter.AverageValueMeter() image_batch = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 64, 64, 64, 1]) label_batch = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 64, 64, 64, 1]) net = Unet3D({'data': image_batch}, batch_size=batch_size, keep_prob=0.5) dataset = LungDataset(luna_data + 'train/', augument=True) prob = net.layers['result'] logits = net.layers['conv_8'] logitsum = tf.summary.histogram("logits", logits) conv7_1 = net.layers['conv7_1'] conv7_1_sum = tf.summary.histogram("conv7_1", conv7_1) conv7_2 = net.layers['conv7_2'] con7_2sum = tf.summary.histogram("conv7_2", conv7_2) print "logits--------------:", logits.shape cross_loss = pixelwise_cross_entropy(logits, label_batch) # cross_loss_sum=tf.summary.scalar("cross_loss",cross_loss) all_trainable = tf.trainable_variables() restore_var = tf.global_variables() loss_dice = dice_coef_loss(prob, label_batch) dice = 1 - loss_dice extra_loss = extraLoss(prob, label_batch) Loss = loss_dice #-0.001*tf.norm(prob-0.5)#+10*extraLoss1(prob,label_batch) # dice_sum=tf.summary.scalar("dice",dice) global iters learning_rate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) # lr_sum=tf.summary.scalar("learning_rate",learning_rate) optimiser = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate, 0.99) gradients = tf.gradients(Loss, all_trainable) clipped_gradients, norm = tf.clip_by_global_norm(gradients, 1.) train_op = optimiser.apply_gradients(zip(clipped_gradients, all_trainable)) # summarypic=prob[:,32] # origin_sum=tf.summary.image("image_batch",image_batch[:,32,:,:]) # mask_sum=tf.summary.image("label_batch",label_batch[:,32,:,:]+image_batch[:,32,:,:]) # img_sum=tf.summary.image("prediction",tf.add(summarypic,image_batch[:,32,:,:])) # summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(logs,graph=tf.get_default_graph()) config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True sess = tf.Session(config=config) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() # all_sum=tf.summary.merge([cross_loss_sum,img_sum,origin_sum,mask_sum,dice_sum,logitsum,conv7_1_sum,con7_2sum]) # Saver for storing checkpoints of the model. saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=restore_var, max_to_keep=40) lr = 0.01 # Load variables if the checkpoint is provided. if restore_from is not None: loader = tf.train.Saver(var_list=restore_var) load(loader, sess, restore_from, "unet3d_v1") for i in range(max_run): dice_loss_meter.reset() start_time = time.time() train_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=1, pin_memory=True, drop_last=True) for batch_idx, (img_, mask_, file) in enumerate(train_loader): iters += 1 img = img_.numpy() mask = mask_.numpy() img = img.transpose([0, 2, 3, 4, 1]) mask = mask.transpose([0, 2, 3, 4, 1]) feed_dict = { image_batch: img, label_batch: mask, learning_rate: lr } _, prob_ =[train_op, prob], feed_dict=feed_dict) # summary_writer.add_summary(summary, iters) dice = loss_dice.eval(feed_dict, session=sess) dice_loss_meter.add(dice) all_loss = Loss.eval(feed_dict, session=sess) if batch_idx > 10: vis.plot('dice_loss', dice_loss_meter.value()[0]) vis.plot("dice", 1 - dice_loss_meter.value()[0]) # vis.plot("all_loss",all_loss) # vis.img('input',img_[0,0,32,:,:].cpu().float()) # vis.img('mask',mask_[0,0,32,:,:].cpu().float()) img_k = np.zeros((64 * 8, 64 * 8), dtype=np.float32) mask_k = np.zeros((64 * 8, 64 * 8), dtype=np.float32) pred_k = np.zeros((64 * 8, 64 * 8), dtype=np.float32) l = 0 # print file for i_ in range(8): for j in range(8): img_k[i_ * 64:i_ * 64 + 64, j * 64:j * 64 + 64] = img[0, l, :, :, 0] mask_k[i_ * 64:i_ * 64 + 64, j * 64:j * 64 + 64] = mask[0, l, :, :, 0] pred_k[i_ * 64:i_ * 64 + 64, j * 64:j * 64 + 64] = prob_[0, l, :, :, 0] l = l + 1 if np.sum(prob_) < 5: vis.plot('pred__', np.sum(prob_)) vis.img('input', torch.from_numpy(img_k)) vis.img('mask', torch.from_numpy(mask_k)) vis.img('pred', torch.from_numpy(pred_k)) # if dice<0.01: # img_l=np.zeros((64*5,64*5),dtype=np.float32) # mask_l=np.zeros((64*5,64*5),dtype=np.float32) # pred_l=np.zeros((64*5,64*5),dtype=np.float32) # l=0 # for i in range(5): # for j in range(5): # l=l+1 # img_l[i*64:i*64+64,j*64:j*64+64]=img[0,12+l,:,:,0] # mask_l[i*64:i*64+64,j*64:j*64+64]=mask[0,12+l,:,:,0] # pred_l[i*64:i*64+64,j*64:j*64+64]=prob_[0,12+l,:,:,0] # vis.img('input_0.01_loss',torch.from_numpy(img_l)) # vis.img('mask_0.01_loss',torch.from_numpy(mask_l)) # vis.img('pred_0.01_loss',torch.from_numpy(pred_l)) if iters % 50 == 0: logitss = logits.eval(feed_dict, session=sess) print("logits %.4f" % np.sum(logitss)) losss = cross_loss.eval(feed_dict, session=sess) dice = loss_dice.eval(feed_dict, session=sess) all_loss = Loss.eval(feed_dict, session=sess) print("Epoch: [%2d] [%4d] ,time: %4.4f,all_loss:%.8f,dice_loss:%.8f,dice:%.8f,cross_loss:%.8f" % \ (i,batch_idx,time.time() - start_time,all_loss,dice,1-dice,losss)) if dice_loss_meter.value()[0] > pre_loss: lr = lr * 0.95 print "pre_loss: ", pre_loss, " now_loss: ", dice_loss_meter.value( )[0], " lr: ", lr pre_loss = dice_loss_meter.value()[0] if lr < 1e-7: save(saver, sess, models_path, iters, "unet3d_v1", train_tag="mask_predict") print "stop for lr<1e-7" break if i % 10 == 0: save(saver, sess, models_path, iters, "unet3d_v1", train_tag="mask_predict")
def main(): train_vids, test_vids = data_util.load_dataset(args) iters = args.iters best_model = args.best_model # will pick last model prefix = ("sto" + "_h=" + str(args.image_size_h) + "_w=" + str(args.image_size_w) + "_K=" + str(args.K) + "_T=" + str(args.T) + "_B=" + str(args.B) + "_batch_size=" + str(32) + "_beta1=" + str(args.beta1) + "_alpha=" + str(args.alpha) + "_gamma=" + str(args.gamma) + "_lr=" + str( + "_mode=" + str(args.mode) + "_space_aware=" + str(space_aware) + "_z_channel=" + str(args.z_channel) + "_p_loss=" + str(args.pixel_loss) + "_cell_type=" + str(args.cell_type) + "_norm=" + str(not args.no_normalized) + "_mask_w=" + str(args.mask_weight) + "_res_type=" + str(args.res_type) + "_neg_noise=" + str(not args.no_negative_noise) + "_res_ref=" + str(not args.no_res_ref) + "_pic_norm=" + str(not args.no_pic_norm) + "_start_perc=" + str(args.start_percentage)) checkpoint_dir = "../../models/stochastic/" \ + args.dataset + '/' + prefix + "/" # if args.best_model!="": # prefix+="_" + args.best_model device_string = "" if args.cpu: os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0" device_string = "/cpu:0" elif args.gpu: device_string = "/gpu:%d" % args.gpu[0] os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(args.gpu[0]) gt_dir = "../../results/images/stochastic/" + args.dataset + '/' + str( args.T) + "/gt/" c_dim = args.color_channel_num flipable = False if args.dataset == "kth": flipable = True if args.save_gt: write2gt(gt_dir, test_vids, flipable, c_dim=c_dim) return with tf.device(device_string): if args.mode == "bi_sto": model = stochastic_bi_net( [args.image_size_h, args.image_size_w], batch_size=args.batch_size, c_dim=args.color_channel_num, K=args.K, T=args.T, B=args.B, debug=False, pixel_loss=args.pixel_loss, convlstm_kernel=[3, 3], mode=args.mode, space_aware=space_aware, cell_type=args.cell_type, z_channel=args.z_channel, normalize=not args.no_normalized, weight=args.mask_weight, res_type=args.res_type, negative_noise=not args.no_negative_noise, res_ref=not args.no_res_ref, pic_norm=not args.no_pic_norm) elif args.mode == "learned_prior": model = stochastic_learned_prior( [args.image_size_h, args.image_size_w], batch_size=args.batch_size, c_dim=args.color_channel_num, K=args.K, T=args.T, B=args.B, debug=False, pixel_loss=args.pixel_loss, convlstm_kernel=[3, 3], mode=args.mode, space_aware=space_aware, cell_type=args.cell_type, z_channel=args.z_channel, normalize=not args.no_normalized, weight=args.mask_weight, res_type=args.res_type, negative_noise=not args.no_negative_noise, res_ref=not args.no_res_ref, pic_norm=not args.no_pic_norm) elif args.mode == "deter_flexible": model = deter_flexible([args.image_size_h, args.image_size_w], batch_size=args.batch_size, c_dim=args.color_channel_num, K=args.K, T=args.T, B=args.B, debug=False, pixel_loss=args.pixel_loss, convlstm_kernel=[3, 3], mode=args.mode, space_aware=space_aware, cell_type=args.cell_type, z_channel=args.z_channel, normalize=not args.no_normalized, weight=args.mask_weight, res_type=args.res_type, negative_noise=not args.no_negative_noise, res_ref=not args.no_res_ref, pic_norm=not args.no_pic_norm) # global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) # global_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(, global_step, # args.decay_step, args.decay_rate, staircase=True) # update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) # with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops): # g_full = model.L_train_p + args.alpha * model.L_train_kl # if args.gamma != 0: # g_full += args.gamma * model.L_train_kl_exlusive # g_optim = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(global_rate, beta1=args.beta1).minimize( # g_full, var_list=model.trainable_variables, global_step=global_step # ) config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False) config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: tf.global_variables_initializer().run() print("checkpoint_dir:", checkpoint_dir) loaded, model_name = ops.load(model, sess, checkpoint_dir, best_model) gen_dir = "../../results/images/stochastic/" + args.dataset + '/' + str(args.T) + "/" \ + prefix + "/generated/" + model_name + "/" quant_dir = "../../results/quantitative/stochastic/" + args.dataset + '/' + str( args.T) + "/" + prefix + "/quant/" + model_name + "/" if args.save_gt: check_create_dir(gt_dir, clean=True) if not args.save_gt and args.qualitative: check_create_dir(gen_dir, clean=False) if not args.save_gt and args.quantitative: check_create_dir(quant_dir, clean=True) save_path = quant_dir + "results_model=" + model_name + ".npz" save_path_post = quant_dir + "results_model=" + model_name + "_post.npz" save_path_one = quant_dir + "results_model=" + model_name + "_one.npz" p_loss_percentage = 1.0 psnr_err = np.zeros((0, args.T)) flow_err = np.zeros((0, 1)) ssim_err = np.zeros((0, args.T)) psnr_err_post = np.zeros((0, args.T)) flow_err_post = np.zeros((0, 1)) ssim_err_post = np.zeros((0, args.T)) for img_dir in subdir(gt_dir): gensub_dir = gen_dir + img_dir.split('/')[-1] + "/" check_create_dir(gensub_dir, clean=(not args.testtrain)) inf_batch = np.zeros((1, args.K + args.T + 1, args.image_size_h, args.image_size_w, c_dim), dtype="float32") ref_batch = np.zeros( (1, args.B + 1, args.image_size_h, args.image_size_w, c_dim), dtype="float32") for t in range(args.B + 1): img = cv2.imread(img_dir + "/ref_" + "{0:04d}".format(t + 1) + ".png") if c_dim == 1: img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) if c_dim == 1: ref_batch[0, t, ...] = transform(img[:, :, None]) else: ref_batch[0, t, ...] = transform(img[:, :, :]) for t in range(args.K + args.T + 1): img = cv2.imread(img_dir + "/gt_" + "{0:04d}".format(t + 1) + ".png") if c_dim == 1: img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) if c_dim == 1: inf_batch[0, t, ...] = transform(img[:, :, None]) else: inf_batch[0, t, ...] = transform(img[:, :, :]) true_data = inf_batch.copy() pred_data = np.zeros((1, args.K + args.T + 1, args.image_size_h, args.image_size_w, c_dim), dtype="float32") pred_data_post = np.zeros( (1, args.K + args.T + 1, args.image_size_h, args.image_size_w, c_dim), dtype="float32") G_test, G_test_post, test_mask_binary = [model.G_real, model.G_post_real, model.mask_binary], feed_dict={ model.ref_seq: ref_batch, model.inf_seq: inf_batch, model.is_train: args.testtrain, model.p_loss_percentage: p_loss_percentage }) print G_test.shape, inf_batch[:, 0, ...].shape pred_data[0] = np.concatenate( (np.expand_dims(inf_batch[:, 0, ...], axis=1), G_test, np.expand_dims(inf_batch[:, -1, ...], axis=1)), axis=1) pred_data_post[0] = np.concatenate( (np.expand_dims(inf_batch[:, 0, ...], axis=1), G_test_post, np.expand_dims(inf_batch[:, -1, ...], axis=1)), axis=1) true_data_unit = normalized2uint(true_data) pred_data_unit = normalized2uint(pred_data) pred_data_post_unit = normalized2uint(pred_data_post) cpsnr = np.zeros((args.T)) cssim = np.zeros((args.T)) cpsnr_post = np.zeros((args.T)) cssim_post = np.zeros((args.T)) flow_l2 = np.zeros((1, 1)) flow_l2_post = np.zeros((1, 1)) if args.quantitative: for t in xrange(args.T): pred = pred_data_unit[0, t + args.K, ...] pred_post = pred_data_post_unit[0, t + args.K, ...] target = true_data_unit[0, t + args.K, ...] cpsnr[t] = measure.compare_psnr(target, pred) cssim[t] = ssim.compute_ssim( Image.fromarray( cv2.cvtColor( target, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR if c_dim == 1 else cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)), Image.fromarray( cv2.cvtColor( pred, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR if c_dim == 1 else cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR))) cpsnr_post[t] = measure.compare_psnr(target, pred_post) cssim_post[t] = ssim.compute_ssim( Image.fromarray( cv2.cvtColor( target, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR if c_dim == 1 else cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)), Image.fromarray( cv2.cvtColor( pred_post, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR if c_dim == 1 else cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR))) flow_target = cv2.calcOpticalFlowFarneback( true_data_unit[0, args.T + args.K - 1, ...] if c_dim == 1 else cv2.cvtColor(true_data_unit[0, args.T + args.K - 1, ...], cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY), true_data_unit[0, args.T + args.K, ...] if c_dim == 1 else cv2.cvtColor(true_data_unit[0, args.T + args.K, ...], cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY), 0.5, 3, 15, 3, 5, 1.2, 0) flow_pred = cv2.calcOpticalFlowFarneback( pred_data_unit[0, args.T + args.K - 1, ...] if c_dim == 1 else cv2.cvtColor(pred_data_unit[0, args.T + args.K - 1, ...], cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY), pred_data_unit[0, args.T + args.K, ...] if c_dim == 1 else cv2.cvtColor(pred_data_unit[0, args.T + args.K, ...], cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY), 0.5, 3, 15, 3, 5, 1.2, 0) flow_pred_post = cv2.calcOpticalFlowFarneback( pred_data_post_unit[0, args.T + args.K - 1, ...] if c_dim == 1 else cv2.cvtColor( pred_data_post_unit[0, args.T + args.K - 1, ...], cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY), pred_data_post_unit[0, args.T + args.K, ...] if c_dim == 1 else cv2.cvtColor(pred_data_post_unit[0, args.T + args.K, ...], cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY), 0.5, 3, 15, 3, 5, 1.2, 0) flow_l2[0, 0] = np.mean(np.square(flow_target - flow_pred)) flow_l2_post[0, 0] = np.mean( np.square(flow_target - flow_pred_post)) if args.qualitative: for t in xrange(args.K * 2 + args.T): pred_frame = draw_frame( cv2.cvtColor(pred_data_unit[0, t, ...], cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) if c_dim == 1 else pred_data_unit[0, t, ...], t % (args.T + args.K) < args.K) pred_post_frame = draw_frame( cv2.cvtColor(pred_data_post_unit[0, t, ...], cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) if c_dim == 1 else pred_data_post_unit[0, t, ...], t % (args.T + args.K) < args.K) if args.testtrain: cv2.imwrite( gensub_dir + "predone_" + "{0:04d}".format(t) + ".png", pred_data_unit[0, t, ...]) cv2.imwrite( gensub_dir + "predoneframe_" + "{0:04d}".format(t) + ".png", pred_frame) else: cv2.imwrite( gensub_dir + "pred_" + "{0:04d}".format(t) + ".png", pred_data_unit[0, t, ...]) cv2.imwrite( gensub_dir + "predframe_" + "{0:04d}".format(t) + ".png", pred_frame) cv2.imwrite( gensub_dir + "predpost_" + "{0:04d}".format(t) + ".png", pred_data_post_unit[0, t, ...]) cv2.imwrite( gensub_dir + "predpostframe_" + "{0:04d}".format(t) + ".png", pred_post_frame) # blank = (inverse_transform(inf_batch[0, t, :, :]) * 255).astype("uint8") # cv2.imwrite(savedir + "/blk_gt_" + "{0:04d}".format(t) + ".png", blank) if args.qualitative: cmd1 = "rm " + gensub_dir + "predframe.gif" cmd4 = "rm " + gensub_dir + "predpostframe.gif" cmd7 = "rm " + gensub_dir + "predoneframe.gif" cmd2 = ("ffmpeg -f image2 -framerate 7 -i " + gensub_dir + "predframe_%04d.png " + gensub_dir + "predframe.gif") cmd5 = ("ffmpeg -f image2 -framerate 7 -i " + gensub_dir + "predpostframe_%04d.png " + gensub_dir + "predpostframe.gif") cmd8 = ("ffmpeg -f image2 -framerate 7 -i " + gensub_dir + "predoneframe_%04d.png " + gensub_dir + "predoneframe.gif") cmd3 = "rm " + gensub_dir + "predframe*.png" cmd6 = "rm " + gensub_dir + "predpostframe*.png" cmd9 = "rm " + gensub_dir + "predoneframe*.png" # Comment out "system(cmd3)" if you want to keep the output images # Otherwise only the gifs will be kept if args.testtrain: system(cmd7) system(cmd8) system(cmd9) else: system(cmd1) system(cmd2) system(cmd3) system(cmd4) system(cmd5) system(cmd6) if args.quantitative: print psnr_err.shape, cpsnr.shape print ssim_err.shape, cssim.shape print "ssim_err of this sequence", np.mean(cssim) print "ssim_err_post of this sequence", np.mean(cssim_post) print "psnr_err of this sequence", np.mean(cpsnr) print "psnr_err_post of this sequence", np.mean(cpsnr_post) psnr_err = np.concatenate((psnr_err, cpsnr[None, :]), axis=0) ssim_err = np.concatenate((ssim_err, cssim[None, :]), axis=0) flow_err = np.concatenate((flow_err, flow_l2[:]), axis=0) psnr_err_post = np.concatenate( (psnr_err_post, cpsnr_post[None, :]), axis=0) ssim_err_post = np.concatenate( (ssim_err_post, cssim_post[None, :]), axis=0) flow_err_post = np.concatenate( (flow_err_post, flow_l2_post[:]), axis=0) if args.quantitative: if args.testtrain: np.savez(save_path_one, psnr=psnr_err, ssim=ssim_err, flow=flow_err) else: np.savez(save_path, psnr=psnr_err, ssim=ssim_err, flow=flow_err) np.savez(save_path_post, psnr=psnr_err_post, ssim=ssim_err_post, flow=flow_err_post) if args.testtrain: print("PriorOne Results saved to " + save_path) print "PriorOne PSNR per frame:", np.mean(psnr_err, axis=0) print "PriorOne SSIM per frame:", np.mean(ssim_err, axis=0) print "PriorOne PSNR overall average:", np.mean(psnr_err), "PriorOne SSIM overall average", \ np.mean(ssim_err), "PriorOne flow_err average", np.mean(flow_err) else: print("Prior Results saved to " + save_path) print("Post Results saved to " + save_path_post) print "Prior PSNR per frame:", np.mean(psnr_err, axis=0) print "Prior SSIM per frame:", np.mean(ssim_err, axis=0) print "Prior PSNR overall average:", np.mean(psnr_err), "Prior SSIM overall average", \ np.mean(ssim_err), "Prior flow_err average", np.mean(flow_err) print "Post PSNR per frame:", np.mean(psnr_err_post, axis=0) print "Post SSIM per frame:", np.mean(ssim_err_post, axis=0) print "Post PSNR overall average:", np.mean(psnr_err_post), "Post SSIM overall average",\ np.mean(ssim_err_post), "Post flow_err average", np.mean(flow_err_post) print("Done.")
def main(): vis.vis.texts='' dice_loss_meter =tnt.meter.AverageValueMeter() image_batch=tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 48, 48,48, 1]) label_batch=tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None,2]) net=Classifier({'data': image_batch},batch_size=batch_size) prob = net.layers['result'] logits=net.layers['logits'] dataset=LungDataset("/home/x/dcsb/data/TianChi",augument=True) all_trainable =tf.trainable_variables() restore_var = tf.global_variables() cross_loss = tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy(label_batch,logits) global iters cross_loss_sum=tf.summary.scalar("crossloss",cross_loss) # accuracy=tf.metrics.accuracy(label_batch,prob) optimiser = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(0.01,0.99) gradients = tf.gradients(cross_loss, all_trainable) clipped_gradients, norm = tf.clip_by_global_norm(gradients,1.) train_op = optimiser.apply_gradients(zip(clipped_gradients, all_trainable)) config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True sess = tf.Session(config=config) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() all_sum=tf.summary.merge([cross_loss_sum]) summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(logs,graph=tf.get_default_graph()) saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=restore_var, max_to_keep=40) # Load variables if the checkpoint is provided. if restore_from is not None: loader = tf.train.Saver(var_list=restore_var) load(loader, sess, restore_from,"classifier_v2") for i in range(max_run): dice_loss_meter.reset() start_time = time.time() labels=np.array([1,0]) labels=labels[np.newaxis,:] pred=np.array([1,0]) pred=pred[np.newaxis,:] train_loader = DataLoader(dataset,batch_size = batch_size,shuffle = True,num_workers = 1,pin_memory=True,drop_last=True) for batch_idx, (img_, label_,_) in enumerate(train_loader): iters+=1 img=img_.numpy() label=label_.numpy() labels=np.concatenate([labels,label],axis=0) img=img.transpose([0,2,3,4,1]) feed_dict={image_batch:img,label_batch:label} _,cross_loss_,probs,[train_op,cross_loss,prob,all_sum],feed_dict=feed_dict) summary_writer.add_summary(summary, iters) pred=np.concatenate([pred,probs],axis=0) # print "prob+:",probs[:,0] vis.plot('accuracy',np.mean(np.argmax(labels,axis=1)==np.argmax(pred,axis=1))) dice_loss_meter.add(cross_loss_) if batch_idx>10: try: vis.plot('cross_loss',dice_loss_meter.value()[0]) except: pass vis.img('input',img_[0,0,24,:,:].cpu().float()) if iters%50==0: pred_=np.argmax(pred,axis=1) label_=np.argmax(labels,axis=1) acc=np.mean(label_==pred_) cross=cross_loss.eval(feed_dict,session=sess) print("Epoch: [%2d] [%4d] ,time: %4.4f,cross_loss:%.8f,accuracy:%.8f"% \ (i,batch_idx,time.time() - start_time,cross,acc)) if i%2==0: save(saver,sess,models_path,iters,"classifier_v2",train_tag="nodule_predict")
def main(): train_vids, test_vids = data_util.load_dataset(args) iters = args.iters prefix = ("sto" + "_h=" + str(args.image_size_h) + "_w=" + str(args.image_size_w) + "_K=" + str(args.K) + "_T=" + str(args.T) + "_B=" + str(args.B) + "_batch_size=" + str(args.batch_size) + "_beta1=" + str(args.beta1) + "_alpha=" + str(args.alpha) + "_gamma=" + str(args.gamma) + "_lr=" + str( + "_mode=" + str(args.mode) + "_space_aware=" + str(space_aware) + "_z_channel=" + str(args.z_channel) + "_p_loss=" + str(args.pixel_loss) + "_cell_type=" + str(args.cell_type) + "_norm=" + str(not args.no_normalized) + "_mask_w=" + str(args.mask_weight) + "_res_type=" + str(args.res_type) + "_neg_noise=" + str(not args.no_negative_noise) + "_res_ref=" + str(not args.no_res_ref) + "_pic_norm=" + str(not args.no_pic_norm) + "_start_perc=" + str(args.start_percentage) ) print("\n" + prefix + "\n") checkpoint_dir = "../../models/stochastic/" + args.dataset + '/' + prefix + "/" samples_dir = "../../samples/stochastic/" + args.dataset + '/' + prefix + "/" summary_dir = "../../logs/stochastic/" + args.dataset + '/' + prefix + "/" if not exists(checkpoint_dir): makedirs(checkpoint_dir) # save synthesized frame sample if not exists(samples_dir): makedirs(samples_dir) if not exists(summary_dir): makedirs(summary_dir) device_string = "" if args.cpu: os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0" device_string = "/cpu:0" elif args.gpu: device_string = "/gpu:%d" % args.gpu[0] os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(args.gpu[0]) with tf.device(device_string): if args.mode == "bi_sto": model = stochastic_bi_net([args.image_size_h, args.image_size_w], batch_size = args.batch_size, c_dim = args.color_channel_num, K=args.K, T=args.T, B=args.B, debug = False, pixel_loss = args.pixel_loss, convlstm_kernel = [3, 3], mode = args.mode, space_aware = space_aware, cell_type=args.cell_type, z_channel = args.z_channel, normalize = not args.no_normalized, weight=args.mask_weight, res_type=args.res_type, negative_noise = not args.no_negative_noise, res_ref = not args.no_res_ref, pic_norm = not args.no_pic_norm) elif args.mode == "learned_prior": model = stochastic_learned_prior([args.image_size_h, args.image_size_w], batch_size = args.batch_size, c_dim = args.color_channel_num, K=args.K, T=args.T, B=args.B, debug = False, pixel_loss = args.pixel_loss, convlstm_kernel = [3, 3], mode = args.mode, space_aware = space_aware, cell_type=args.cell_type, z_channel = args.z_channel, normalize = not args.no_normalized, weight=args.mask_weight, res_type=args.res_type, negative_noise = not args.no_negative_noise, res_ref = not args.no_res_ref, pic_norm = not args.no_pic_norm) elif args.mode == "deter_flexible": model = deter_flexible([args.image_size_h, args.image_size_w], batch_size = args.batch_size, c_dim = args.color_channel_num, K=args.K, T=args.T, B=args.B, debug = False, pixel_loss = args.pixel_loss, convlstm_kernel = [3, 3], mode = args.mode, space_aware = space_aware, cell_type=args.cell_type, z_channel = args.z_channel, normalize = not args.no_normalized, weight=args.mask_weight, res_type=args.res_type, negative_noise = not args.no_negative_noise, res_ref = not args.no_res_ref, pic_norm = not args.no_pic_norm) global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) global_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(, global_step, args.decay_step, args.decay_rate, staircase=True) update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops): g_full = model.L_train_p + args.alpha * model.L_train_kl if args.gamma != 0: g_full += args.gamma * model.L_train_kl_exlusive g_optim = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(global_rate, beta1=args.beta1).minimize( g_full, var_list=model.trainable_variables, global_step=global_step ) config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False) config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: tf.global_variables_initializer().run() if args.load_pretrain: if ops.load(model, sess, checkpoint_dir): print(" [*] Load SUCCESS") else: print(" [!] Load failed...") train_sum = tf.summary.merge([model.L_train_p_sum, model.L_train_kl_sum, model.L_train_p_l1_diff_sum, model.L_trainTest_p_l1_diff_sum]) test_sum = tf.summary.merge([model.L_test_p_sum, model.L_test_p_l1_diff_sum, model.L_testTrain_p_l1_diff_sum]) writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(summary_dir, sess.graph) start_time = time.time() full_train = True # if (len(args.pretrain_model) > 0): # # Create a saver. include gen_vars and encoder_vars # model.saver.restore(sess, args.pretrain_model) blank = None p_loss_percentage = 1.0 flipable = False if args.dataset=="kth": flipable = True blank1 = None while iters <= args.num_iter: mini_batches = get_minibatches_idx(len(train_vids), args.batch_size, shuffle=True) for _, batchidx in mini_batches: if args.start_percentage == 0.0: p_loss_percentage = 0.5 else: if iters >= (args.num_iter * args.start_percentage): if iters < args.num_iter * (1 - args.start_percentage): p_loss_percentage = 1 - 0.6 * ( (1.0 * iters / args.num_iter - args.start_percentage) / (1.0 - 2 * args.start_percentage)) else: p_loss_percentage = 0.4 if iters > args.num_iter: break if len(batchidx) == args.batch_size:'update_dup')) # batch, time, height, width, color ref_batch, inf_batch = load_stochastic_data_from_list(train_vids, batchidx, args.image_size_h, args.image_size_w, args.K, args.T, args.B, flipable=flipable, channel=args.color_channel_num) if args.debug: print ref_batch.shape, inf_batch.shape _, summary_str , L_train_p, L_train_kl\ =[g_optim, train_sum, model.L_train_p, model.L_train_kl], feed_dict={model.ref_seq: ref_batch, model.inf_seq: inf_batch, model.is_train: True, model.p_loss_percentage: p_loss_percentage}) if not args.no_store: writer.add_summary(summary_str, iters) print( "Iters: [%2d] time: %4.4f, L_train_p: %.8f, L_train_kl: %.8f" % (iters, time.time() - start_time, L_train_p, L_train_kl) ) if np.mod(iters, 2500) == 0: print("validation at iters:", iters) ref_batch_train, inf_batch_train = load_stochastic_data_from_list(train_vids, range(3, 3 + args.batch_size/2)+range(60, 60 + args.batch_size/2), args.image_size_h, args.image_size_w, args.K, args.T, args.B, flipable=flipable, channel=args.color_channel_num) ref_batch_test, inf_batch_test = load_stochastic_data_from_list(test_vids, range(3, 3 + args.batch_size/2)+range(60, 60 + args.batch_size/2), args.image_size_h, args.image_size_w, args.K, args.T, args.B, flipable=flipable, channel=args.color_channel_num) if blank1 is None: blank1 = np.zeros_like(ref_batch_train[0, :args.B // 2 + 1, ...]) blank2 = np.zeros_like(ref_batch_train[0, args.B//2+1: , ...]) summary_test, L_test_p, L_test_kl, \ G_test, G_test_post, test_mask_binary, last_frame_test = [test_sum, model.L_train_p, model.L_train_kl, model.G_real, model.G_post_real, model.mask_binary, model.last_frame], feed_dict={model.ref_seq: ref_batch_test, model.inf_seq: inf_batch_test, model.is_train: False, model.p_loss_percentage: p_loss_percentage}) _, _, _, _, _, mean_batch_psnr_test_post, mean_batch_ssim_test_post\ = metrics.cal_seq(inf_batch_test[:, 1:-1, ...], G_test_post) _, _, _, _, _, mean_batch_psnr_test, mean_batch_ssim_test \ = metrics.cal_seq(inf_batch_test[:, 1:-1, ...], G_test) writer.add_summary(summary_test, iters) print( "Iters: [%2d] time: %4.4f, L_test_p: %.8f, L_test_kl: %.8f" % (iters, time.time() - start_time, L_test_p, L_test_kl) ) print("ref_batch_test.min, ref_batch_test.max", np.min(ref_batch_test), np.max(ref_batch_test)) print("mean_batch_psnr_test_post, mean_batch_ssim_test_post", mean_batch_psnr_test_post, mean_batch_ssim_test_post) print("mean_batch_psnr_test, mean_batch_ssim_test", mean_batch_psnr_test, mean_batch_ssim_test) print "test G_test.shape", G_test.shape summary_train, L_train_p, L_train_kl, G_train, \ G_train_post, train_mask_binary, last_frame_train = [train_sum, model.L_train_p, model.L_train_kl, model.G_real, model.G_post_real, model.mask_binary, model.last_frame], feed_dict={model.ref_seq: ref_batch_train, model.inf_seq: inf_batch_train, model.is_train: True, model.p_loss_percentage: p_loss_percentage}) _, _, _, _, _, mean_batch_psnr_train_post, mean_batch_ssim_train_post \ = metrics.cal_seq(inf_batch_train[:, 1:-1, ...], G_train_post) _, _, _, _, _, mean_batch_psnr_train, mean_batch_ssim_train \ = metrics.cal_seq(inf_batch_train[:, 1:-1, ...], G_train) print("mean_batch_psnr_train_post, mean_batch_ssim_train_post", mean_batch_psnr_train_post, mean_batch_ssim_train_post) print("mean_batch_psnr_train, mean_batch_ssim_train", mean_batch_psnr_train, mean_batch_ssim_train) for i in [1, args.batch_size/2 ,args.batch_size - 1]: sample_train = depth_to_width(np.concatenate( (ref_batch_train[i,:args.B//2,...], inf_batch_train[i,...], ref_batch_train[i,args.B//2+2:,...]), axis=0)) gen_train_mask = depth_to_width(np.concatenate( (blank1, train_mask_binary[i, ...], blank2),axis=0)) gen_train_post = depth_to_width(np.concatenate( (blank1, G_train_post[i, ...], blank2), axis=0)) gen_train = depth_to_width(np.concatenate( (blank1, G_train[i, ...], blank2),axis=0)) sample_test = depth_to_width(np.concatenate( (ref_batch_test[i,:args.B//2,...], inf_batch_test[i,...], ref_batch_test[i,args.B//2+2:,...]),axis=0)) gen_test_mask = depth_to_width(np.concatenate( (blank1, test_mask_binary[i, ...], blank2), axis=0)) gen_test_post = depth_to_width(np.concatenate( (blank1, G_test_post[i, ...], blank2), axis=0)) gen_test = depth_to_width(np.concatenate( (blank1, G_test[i, ...], blank2),axis=0)) if i == 1: print sample_train.shape, gen_train.shape, sample_train.shape sample_train_cat = np.concatenate((sample_train, gen_train_mask, gen_train_post, gen_train), axis=0) sample_test_cat = np.concatenate((sample_test, gen_test_mask, gen_test_post, gen_test), axis=0) else: sample_train_cat = np.concatenate( (sample_train_cat, sample_train, gen_train_mask, gen_train_post, gen_train), axis=0) sample_test_cat = np.concatenate( (sample_test_cat, sample_test, gen_test_mask, gen_test_post, gen_test), axis=0) print("Saving sample at iter"), iters img_summary =, feed_dict={ model.train_seq_img: np.expand_dims(image_clipping(sample_train_cat), axis=0), model.test_seq_img: np.expand_dims(image_clipping(sample_test_cat), axis=0) }) metrics_summary = model.summary_merge_metrics, feed_dict={ model.mean_batch_psnr_test_post: mean_batch_psnr_test_post, model.mean_batch_psnr_test: mean_batch_psnr_test, model.mean_batch_psnr_train_post: mean_batch_psnr_train_post, model.mean_batch_psnr_train: mean_batch_psnr_train, model.mean_batch_ssim_test_post: mean_batch_ssim_test_post, model.mean_batch_ssim_test: mean_batch_ssim_test, model.mean_batch_ssim_train_post: mean_batch_ssim_train_post, model.mean_batch_ssim_train: mean_batch_ssim_train } ) if not args.no_store: writer.add_summary(img_summary, iters) writer.add_summary(metrics_summary, iters) if np.mod(iters, 10000) == 0 and iters != 0 and not args.no_store:, sess, checkpoint_dir, iters) iters += 1 print "finish Training"