import numpy as np
import sys
import opt_utils

#defining function
def f_1(x):
    return -x**5 + 1 / 3 * x**2 + 1 / 2

def f_2(x):
    return (np.cos(x))**2 + 0.1

def f_3(x):
    return np.sin(x / 3) + 0.1 * (x + 5)

print opt_utils.my_Secant(f_1, .1, .2, tol=1e-4, N=20)

# f1 has root at 0.157021404263

print opt_utils.my_Secant(f_2, 1, 1.1, tol=1e-4, N=20)

# f2 has no roots, cos^2 + .1 never hits the x-axis

print opt_utils.my_Secant(f_3, -1.2, -1.1, tol=1e-4, N=20)

# f3 has a root at -1.1768780402
Exemplo n.º 2
F2(x) = cos(x)**2 + 0.1

F3(x) = sin(x/3) + 0.1(x+5)
import opt_utils as ou
import numpy as np

def f1_x(x, verbose=True):
    return -1 * x**5 + 0.333 * x**2 + 0.5

guess = -3

for x in range(-10, 10):
    ou.my_Secant(f1_x, guess, guess + 1, tol=1e-4)

print("~~~~~~~~~ done F1(x) ~~~~~~~~~~")

#the root is 0.9573 for F1(x)

guess = 0

def f2_x(x):
    return np.cos(x)**2 + 0.1

for x in range(-3, 3):
    ou.my_Secant(f2_x, guess, guess + 1, tol=1e-4)
Exemplo n.º 3
@author: scarletpasser
import numpy as np
import opt_utils

################################# A ####################################

#function 1
def f_1(x):
    return -x**5 + (x**2) / 3. + 0.5

#interval for guess between 1 and 10, derivative equals 0 at x = 0
root_1 = opt_utils.my_Secant(f_1, 1, 10, tol=1e-4, N=20)

print 'root 1: ', root_1

################################# B ####################################

#function 2
def f_2(x):
    return np.cos(x)**2 + 0.1

#this function never crosses the x - axis, secant methos returns infinity
root_2 = opt_utils.my_Secant(f_2, -10, 10, tol=1e-4, N=20)

print 'root 2: ', root_2
def f2(x):
    return np.cos(x)**2 + 0.1

def f3(x):
    return np.sin(x / 3) + 0.1 * (x + 5)

#for x in range(x1min, x1max):
# ou.my_Secant(f1, x1min, x1min + 0.1, tol=1e-4, N=20)
# x += 1
#Find, print roots

print ou.my_Secant(f1, x1min, x1min + 0.1, tol=1e-6,
                   N=40), '<--------Root for a.'
print ou.my_Secant(f2, x1min, x1min + 0.1, tol=1e-6,
                   N=20), '<--------Root for b.'
print ou.my_Secant(f3, x2min, x2min + 0.1, tol=1e-6,
                   N=20), '<--------Root for c'


    a.) -0.057301
    b.) No roots
    c.) -1.177

time3 = np.linspace(-3, 3, 1000)

#       first function
def f1_x(x):
    return (-x**5 + (x**2) / 3. + 0.5)

#plt.plot(time1, f1_x(time1), 'ro', ms = 2)
#plt.ylim(-1,1 ) #play with this range until the plot is precise

root1 = opt_utils.my_Secant(f1_x, -1, 1)
print('The root is: ', root1)

#       second function
def f2_x(x):
    return (((np.cos(x))**2) + 0.1)

#plt.plot(time2, f2_x(time2), 'bo', ms = 2)

root2 = opt_utils.my_Secant(f2_x, 0, 1.2)
Exemplo n.º 6
#           Secant Method calculations
#defining steps, starting points, and create
#an empty list for results to be stored
p = 0
i = 0
N = 20
ini_x1 = -11
ini_x2 = -10
x_intcpt = []
x_intcpt.append(0.0001)  #allows the while loop to pass the

while i < N:
    #finding the roots using functions from opt_ utils
    root = utils.my_Secant(h_t, ini_x1, ini_x2)
    i += 1
    ini_x1 += 1  #advancing from -10 to 10
    ini_x2 += 1
    if h_t(root) < 0.001:  #filter out results that aren't roots
        if (root - x_intcpt[p]) / root < 0.01:  #filter out repeated results
            p += 1  #adding the new result into the list
            x_intcpt.append(root)  #and advance the list
x_intcpt.remove(0.0001)  #removing this element since it
#has no more uses
This problem computes the roots for three functions using the Secant method.

#   a)

import numpy as np
import opt_utils

#   a)

def f1(x):
    return -(x**5) + (x**2) / 3 + 0.5

f1_sec = opt_utils.my_Secant(f1, 1, 10, tol=1e-4, N=20)

print "The root for f1 is at x =", str(f1_sec)

#   b)

def f2(x):
    return np.cos(x)**2 + 0.1

#f2_sec = opt_utils.my_Secant(f2, -10, 10, tol = 1e-4, N = 20)
There exists no root for y = (cos(x))^2 + 0.1 b/c fcm never crosses the x-axis.

Exemplo n.º 8
    return -(x**5) + (x**2) / 3 + (1 / 2)

def f2(x):
    return (np.cos(x))**2 + .1

def f3(x):
    return np.sin(x / 3) + .1 * (x + 5)

#                           find roots
# root calculation, set tol to 1e-6 for more precise results
x_root1 = opt_utils.my_Secant(f1, x0, x0 + 10, tol=1e-6, N=20)
x_root2 = opt_utils.my_Secant(f2, x0, x0 + 10, tol=1e-6, N=20)
x_root3 = opt_utils.my_Secant(f3, x0, x0 + 10, tol=1e-6, N=20)

print 'root of f1(x):', x_root1
print 'root of f2(x): none'  # x_root2 does not exist
print 'root of f3(x):', x_root3
#                           plots
#These plots are here to help see what is a good x0 guess.
a_x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 1000)
ax = plt.subplot(311)
ax.plot(a_x, f1(a_x), 'k-')
plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [0, 0], 'r--')
Exemplo n.º 9
    return ((-x)**5) + (1 / 3) * x**2 + (1 / 2)

def f2_x(x):
    return (np.cos(x))**2 + 0.1

def f3_x(x):
    return np.sin(x / 3) + 0.1 * (x + 5)

t1 = np.linspace(-10, 10)

t2 = np.linspace(-3, 3)

for i in range(0, 20):
    x = opt.my_Secant(f1_x, .1, t1[i], tol=1e-4, N=20)
    i += 1
print('roots for 4a)', x)

for i in range(0, 20):
    x1 = opt.my_Secant(f2_x, 0, t1[i], tol=1e-4, N=20)
    i += 1
print('roots for 4b)', x1)

for i in range(0, 6):
    x2 = opt.my_Secant(f3_x, 0, t2[i], tol=1e-4, N=20)
    i += 1

print('roots for 4c)', x2)
@author: andreaskooi
import numpy as np
import opt_utils as ou

def f1(x):
    return (-x**5) + ((x**2) / 3) + 0.5

def f2(x):
    return np.cos(x)**2 + 0.1

def f3(x):
    return np.sin(x / 3) + 0.1 * (x + 5)

dx = 0.1

print("f1(t) has a root at ", ou.my_Secant(f1, 1, 1 + dx))

print("f2(t) has a root at ", ou.my_Secant(f2, 1, 1 + dx))

print("f3(t) has a root at ", ou.my_Secant(f3, -1, 1 + dx))

# Values
# a. )    0.957
# b. )    n/a
# c. )    -1.17
Exemplo n.º 11
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri May  3 22:45:18 2019

import numpy as np
import opt_utils as opt
import math

#=============================part a==========================================
def f1(x):
    return -x**5 + (1 / 3) * x**2 + 1 / 2

f1 = opt.my_Secant(f1, -10, 10)
print f1

#=============================part b==========================================
def f2(x):
    return math.cos(x)**2 + 0.1

f2 = opt.my_Secant(f2, -10, 10)
print f2

#=============================part c==========================================
def f3(z):
    return math.sin(z / 3) + 0.1 * (z + 5)

# -10 < x < 10 for all functions
x = np.arange( -10, 11)

#                            function 1

#function 1
def f_1(x):
    return x**5 + (2*x**2)/5 - 2

#using my secant method, derivative = 0 at 0 so x0 > 0
root1 = opt_utils.my_Secant(f_1, 1, 2) 

#                            function 2

def f_2(x):
    return np.exp(-x/10) + x

#using my secant method, function is pretty well behaves so bounds matter less
root2 = opt_utils.my_Secant(f_2, -2, 5) 

#                            function 3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import math
import opt_utils

def f1_x(x):
    return -(x**5) + x**2 * (1.0 / 3.0) + 0.5

def f2_x(x):
    return math.cos(x)**2 + 0.1

def f3_x(x):
    return math.sin(x / 3.0) + 0.1 * (x + 5)

for x in range(-10, 10):
    roots_f1 = opt_utils.my_Secant(f1_x, x, x + .1)
    roots_f2 = opt_utils.my_Secant(f2_x, x, x + .1)

for x in range(-3, 3):
    roots_f3 = opt_utils.my_Secant(f3_x, x, x + .1)

print 'f1 root(-10,10): ' + str(roots_f1)
print 'f2 root(-10,10): ' + str(roots_f2)
print 'f3 root(-3,3): ' + str(roots_f3)
Exemplo n.º 14
#=============== Define Fct. ===============#
def fct_1(x):
    return x**5 + 2. / 5 * x**2 - 2

def fct_2(x):
    return np.exp(-x / 10) + x

def fct_3(x):
    return 10 * np.sin(x / 4) + 0.1 * (x + 12)

#=============== Find Roots ===============#
#using secant method from module/ data opt_utils
f_Se_1 = opt_utils.my_Secant(fct_1, x0, x0 + 10, N=20)
f_Se_2 = opt_utils.my_Secant(fct_2, x0, x0 + 10, N=20)
f_Se_3 = opt_utils.my_Secant(fct_3, x0, x0 + 10, N=20)

ax = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 1000)
plt.plot(ax, fct_1(ax), 'r-', label='f1(x)')
plt.plot(ax, fct_2(ax), 'b-', label='f2(x)')
plt.plot(ax, fct_3(ax), 'g-', label='f3(x)')
plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [0, 0], 'k--')
plt.plot([f_Se_1], [fct_1(f_Se_1)], 'k*', mfc='w', ms=10)
plt.plot([f_Se_2], [fct_2(f_Se_2)], 'r*', mfc='w', ms=10)
#plt.plot( [f_Se_3], [fct_3( f_Se_3)],   'r*', mfc = 'w', ms = 10)   not needed/ does not land ofn the graphs
plt.ylabel('Function Values')
plt.ylim(-13, 14)
plt.title('Roots of Three Functions')
plt.plot(time, f1_x(time), 'ro', ms=2)
plt.ylim(-2.1, 1)  #play with this range until the plot is precise
plt.xlim(-2, 2)
plt.plot(-1.0882465935220864, 0, 'ko')
plt.title('Roots of Three Functions')

root1 = opt_utils.my_Secant(f1_x, -2.1, -1.9)
print('The root is: ', root1)

#       second function
def f2_x(x):
    return (np.exp(-x / 10.) + x)

plt.plot(time, f2_x(time), 'bo', ms=2)
plt.ylim(-1.5, 1.5)
plt.xlim(-2, 2)
plt.plot(-1.1183078051936663, 0, 'ko')
Exemplo n.º 16
def f1 (x): 
    return np.exp(-x/10) + x

#setting parameters
xmin,xmax   = -10, 10
i           = -10 
N           = 1
root        = []
root.append(-20) #adding a number to kick start the loop
a           = 0
eps         = 1e-3

while i < xmax: #looping with -10 to 10 and test out multiple intervels
   #print (i, i+N)
   #print root
   curr_root = opt.my_Secant(f1, i, i+N, N=30)
   if f1(i+N)-f1(i) <= eps: #filter out secant lines that doesn't cross the x-axis
   elif curr_root == None:  #filter out results that doesn't work
   elif f1(curr_root) - f1(root[a]) < eps: #filter out similar results
   elif curr_root - root[a] > eps:  #adding correct results to the list
       root.append(opt.my_Secant(f1, i, i+N))
       a += 1    
   i += N

root.remove(-20) #remove the useless variable
a_root = np.asarray(root) #convert from list to array for calculation purpose
print ('the root is at:', a_root)
xmin, xmax = -10, 10
x0         = 5
N          = 20
err        = 1e-5

#Define functions
def f1(x):
    return x**5 + (2/5)*x**2 - 2
def f2(x):
    return np.exp(-x/10) + x
def f3(x):
    return 10*np.sin(x/4) + 0.1*(x + 12)

#Find roots
fsec_1 = ou.my_Secant( f1, x0, x0 + 10, err, N)
print fsec_1
fsec_2 = ou.my_Secant( f2, x0, x0 + 10, err, N)
print fsec_2
fsec_3 = ou.my_Secant( f3, x0, x0 + 10, err, N)
print fsec_3


ax = np.linspace( xmin, xmax, 1000)
plt.plot( ax, f1( ax),  'k-', label = 'f1(x)')
plt.plot( ax, f2( ax),  'g-', label = 'f2(x)')
plt.plot( ax, f3( ax),  'r-', label = 'f3(x)')
Exemplo n.º 18

def f2(x):
    return (np.cos(x)**2) + .1

#with -10 to 10

def f3(x1):
    return (np.sin(x1 / 3)) + (.1 * (x1 + 5))

# with -3 to 3

root1 = opt_utils.my_Secant(f1, -1, 1, tol=1e-7, N=100)
root2 = opt_utils.my_Secant(f2, -10, 10, tol=1e-4, N=20)
root3 = opt_utils.my_Secant(f3, -3, 3, tol=1e-4, N=20)

p1 = plt.subplot(311)
p1.plot(x, f1(x), 'r-')
p1.plot([root1], [f1(root1)], 'r*', ms=15)

p2 = plt.subplot(312)
p2.plot(x, f2(x), 'b-')
p2.plot([root2], [f2(root2)], 'b*', ms=15)

p3 = plt.subplot(313)
p3.plot(x1, f3(x1), 'k-')
p3.plot([root3], [f3(root3)], 'k*', ms=15)
Exemplo n.º 19
def fct1(x):
    return x**5 + (2 / 5) * x**2 - 2

def fct2(x):
    return np.exp(-x / 10) + x

def fct3(x):
    return 10 * np.sin(x / 4) + 0.1 * (x + 12)

#                       ROOTS
secfct1 = utils.my_Secant(fct1, x0, x0 + 10, N=40)
secfct2 = utils.my_Secant(fct2, x0, x0 + 10, N=40)
secfct3 = utils.my_Secant(fct3, x0, x0 + 10, N=100)

#                       PLOTS
if testPlot == True:
    a_x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 1000)
    plt.plot(a_x, fct1(a_x), 'b-', label='f1(x)')
    plt.plot(a_x, fct2(a_x), 'g-', label='f2(x)')
    plt.plot(a_x, fct3(a_x), 'r-', label='f3(x)')
    plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [0, 0], '--')
    plt.plot([secfct1], [fct1(secfct1)], 'b*', mfc='w', ms=10)
    plt.plot([secfct2], [fct2(secfct2)], 'g*', mfc='w', ms=10)
Exemplo n.º 20
    return np.cos(x)**2 + 0.1

#defining steps, starting points, and create
#an empty list for results to be stored
p       = 0
i       = 0
N       = 20
ini_x1  = -11
ini_x2  = -10
x_intcpt= []
x_intcpt.append(0.0001) #allows the while loop to pass the

while i < N:
    #finding the roots using functions from opt_ utils
        root = utils.my_Secant(ft2, ini_x1, ini_x2)
        i       += 1
        ini_x1  += 1 #advancing from -10 to 10
        ini_x2  += 1
        #print ('attempts', i, ini_x1, ini_x2, root)
        if root == None:
        elif ft2 (root) < 0.001: #filter out results that aren't roots
            if (root-x_intcpt[p])/root < 0.01: #filter out repeated results
                p += 1    #adding the new result into the list 
                x_intcpt.append(root)    #and advance the list
# =============================================================================
#                           Define variables
# =============================================================================

x1 = np.arange(-10., 11., 1.)

# print(x1) # Unit testing

import numpy as np

x2 = np.arange(-3., 4., 1.)

# print(x2) # Unit testing

f1_root = opt.my_Secant(f_1, x1, x1 + 10.)
f2_root = opt.my_Secant(f_2, x1, x1 + 10.)
f3_root = opt.my_Secant(f_3, x2, x2 + 10.)

for i in np.arange(0, 21, 1):
    if f1_root == x1[i]:
        print 'The roots of f1 are ', f1_root
    if f2_root == x1[i]:
        print 'The roots of f2 are ', f2_root
    if i < 20:
        i += 1

for i in np.arange(0, 8, 1):
    if f3_root == x2[i]:

def fct2(x):
    return np.exp(-x / 10) + x

def fct3(x):
    return 10 * np.sin(x / 4) + 0.1 * (x + 12)

#                             find roots

## solve using secant method
f_Se_x0 = ou.my_Secant(fct1, x0, x0 + 1, N=40)
## compare to python solutions:
print('secant  ----------- ', f_Se_x0, 'scipy: ',
      scopt.newton(fct1, x0, fprime=None))

f_Se_x02 = ou.my_Secant(fct2, x0, x0 + 1, N=40)
## compare to python solutions:
print('secant  ----------- ', f_Se_x0, 'scipy: ',
      scopt.newton(fct2, x0, fprime=None))

f_Se_x03 = ou.my_Secant(fct3, x0, x0 + 1, N=40)
## compare to python solutions:
print('secant  ----------- ', f_Se_x03, 'scipy: ',
      scopt.newton(fct3, x0, fprime=None))

## test plot

def fx1(x):
    return (((-x)**5) + ((x**2) / 3.) + .5)

def fx2(x):
    return ((np.cos(x))**2) + .1

def fx3(x):
    return ((np.sin(x / 3.)) + .1 * (x + 5))

a_fx1 = fx1(x)
a_fx2 = fx2(x)
a_fx3 = fx3(x)

plt.plot(x, a_fx1, 'r-')
plt.plot(x, a_fx2, 'g-')
plt.plot(x, a_fx3, 'b-')
root1 = opt.my_Secant(fx1, -5.0, 5.0, tol=1e-4, N=20)
root2 = opt.my_Secant(fx2, -5.0, 5.0, tol=1e-4, N=20)
root3 = opt.my_Secant(fx3, -5.0, 5.0, tol=1e-4, N=20)

#print('the roots of f1(x) are %.3f.')%(root1)
print('there are no roots of f2(x).')
print('the roots of f3(x) are %.3f.') % (root3)
# root finding
tol = 1e-6

#range of function
t = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 1000)

#Part a
def f1(x):
    return (x**5) + (2 / 5) * (x**2) - 2

####find root of fn########
root1 = opt_utils.my_Secant(f1, x0, x0 + 10, N=40)
print 'root of f1 is: ', root1

plt.plot(t, f1(t), 'b-', label='f1(x)')
plt.plot([root1], [f1(root1)],
         label=('Root: %.3f' % root1))
plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [0, 0], '--')
plt.ylim(-10, 10)
plt.ylabel('f1(x) value')
Exemplo n.º 25
        # numerical approx. of derivative
        dfdt = (fct(x1) - fct(x0)) / (x1 - x0)
        x_next = x1 - fct(x1) / dfdt

        x0 = x1
        x1 = x_next
        print(i, 'fct_value', abs(fct(x1)), x_next)
        i += 1
    # check is solution converged
    if abs(fct(x1)) > tol:
        return np.nan
        return x1

f_Se_x0 = opt_utils.my_Secant(f_1, x0, x0 + 10, N=40)
print('secant  ----------- ', f_Se_x0, 'scipy: ',
      scopt.newton(f_1, x0, fprime=None))
f_Se_x2 = opt_utils.my_Secant(f_2, x0, x0 + 10, N=40)
print('secant  ----------- ', f_Se_x2, 'scipy: ',
      scopt.newton(f_2, x0, fprime=None))
f_Se_x3 = opt_utils.my_Secant(f_3, x0, x0 + 10, N=40)
print('secant  ----------- ', f_Se_x3, 'scipy: ',
      scopt.newton(f_2, x0, fprime=None))

a_x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 1000)
plt.plot(a_x, f_1(a_x), 'k-', label='f1(x)')
plt.plot(a_x, f_2(a_x), 'g-', label='f2(x)')
plt.plot(a_x, f_3(a_x), 'r-', label='f3(x)')
plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [0, 0], '--')
plt.plot([f_Se_x0], [f_1(f_Se_x0)], 'k*', mfc='w', ms=10)
        df_dt = float(fct(x1) - fct(x0)) / (x1 - x0)
        x_next = x1 - fct((x1)) / df_dt
        print i, abs(fct(x1)), x_next
        x0 = x1
        x1 = x_next
        # update variables at new step
        i += 1
    if abs(fct(x1)) > tol:  # no solution found
        return None
        return float(x_next)


## solve using secant method
f_Se_x0 = opt_utils.my_Secant(fct1, x0, x0 + 10, N=40)
## compare to python solutions:
print('secant  ----------- ', f_Se_x0, 'scipy: ',
      scopt.newton(fct1, x0, fprime=None))

f_Se_x02 = opt_utils.my_Secant(fct2, x0, x0 + 10, N=40)
## compare to python solutions:
print('secant  ----------- ', f_Se_x0, 'scipy: ',
      scopt.newton(fct2, x0, fprime=None))

f_Se_x03 = opt_utils.my_Secant(fct3, x0, x0 + 2, N=40)
## compare to python solutions:
print('secant  ----------- ', f_Se_x03, 'scipy: ',
      scopt.newton(fct3, x0, fprime=None))

def f3(x):
    return 10 * np.sin(x / 4) + 0.1 * (x + 12)

#                                   params
xmin, xmax = -10, 10
#starting point
x0 = 5

#                                   find roots w/ Secant method

root1 = opt_utils.my_Secant(f1, x0, x0 + 2)
root2 = opt_utils.my_Secant(f2, x0, x0 + 2)
root3 = opt_utils.my_Secant(f3, 0, 1)

#                                   plot
a_x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 1000)

plt.title('root for first equation')
plt.plot(a_x, f1(a_x), 'k', label='f(x)=x^5+2/5x^2-2')
plt.plot(root1, f1(root1), 'r*', label='root at x=%f' % (root1))
plt.legend(loc='upper left')