Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: danajp/optfn
    def test_options_with_same_initial_use_next_letter(self):
        def func1(one, version='', verbose=False):
        num_required_args, has_varargs, parser = optfn.func_to_optionparser(func1)
        strs = [str(o) for o in parser.option_list]
        self.assertEqual(strs, ['-h/--help', '-v/--version', '-e/--verbose'])

        def func2(one, host=''):
        num_required_args, has_varargs, parser = optfn.func_to_optionparser(func2)
        strs = [str(o) for o in parser.option_list]
        self.assertEqual(strs, ['-h/--help', '-o/--host'])
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: danajp/optfn
    def test_varargs(self):
        def func(one, two, three, *varargs):
            return "foo", varargs
        # Should only have the -h help option
        num_required_args, has_varargs, parser = optfn.func_to_optionparser(func)
        self.assertEqual(len(parser.option_list), 1)
        self.assertEqual(str(parser.option_list[0]), '-h/--help')
        # Should have three required args
        self.assertEqual(num_required_args, 3)
        self.assertEqual(has_varargs, True)
        # Running it with the wrong number of arguments should cause an error
        for argv in (['one'], ['one', 'two']):
            e = StringIO()
            res = optfn.run(func, argv, stderr=e)
            self.assertTrue('Required 3 or more arguments' in e.getvalue(), e.getvalue())
            self.assertEqual(res, optfn.ERROR_RETURN_CODE)
        # Running it with the right number of arguments should be fine - no varargs
        e = StringIO()
        res = optfn.run(func, ['one', 'two', 'three'], stderr=e)
        self.assertEqual(e.getvalue(), '')
        self.assertEqual(res, ("foo", ()))

        # Running it with the right number of arguments should be fine - with varargs
        e = StringIO()
        res = optfn.run(func, ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five'], stderr=e)
        self.assertEqual(e.getvalue(), '')
        self.assertEqual(res, ("foo", ("four", "five")))
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: danajp/optfn
 def test_option_with_hyphens(self):
     def func2(option_with_hyphens=True):
     num_required_args, has_varargs, parser = optfn.func_to_optionparser(func2)
     strs = [str(o) for o in parser.option_list]
     self.assertEqual(strs, ['-h/--help', '-o/--option-with-hyphens'])
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: danajp/optfn
 def test_options_are_correctly_named(self):
     def func1(one, option='', verbose=False):
     num_required_args, has_varargs, parser = optfn.func_to_optionparser(func1)
     strs = [str(o) for o in parser.option_list]
     self.assertEqual(strs, ['-h/--help', '-o/--option', '-v/--verbose'])
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: danajp/optfn
 def test_arghelp(self):
     "@arghelp('foo', 'help about foo') sets help text for parameters"
     @optfn.arghelp('foo', 'help about foo')
     def foo(foo = False):
     num_required_args, has_varargs, parser = optfn.func_to_optionparser(foo)
     opt = parser.option_list[1]
     self.assertEqual(str(opt), '-f/--foo')
     self.assertEqual(opt.help, 'help about foo')
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: danajp/optfn
    def test_short_option_can_be_named_explicitly(self):
        def func1(one, option='', q_verbose=False):
        num_required_args, has_varargs, parser = optfn.func_to_optionparser(func1)
        strs = [str(o) for o in parser.option_list]
        self.assertEqual(strs, ['-h/--help', '-o/--option', '-q/--verbose'])

        e = StringIO()
        optfn.run(func1, ['one', '-q'], stderr=e)
        self.assertEqual(e.getvalue().strip(), '')
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: danajp/optfn
 def test_one_arg_one_option(self):
     def func(one, option=''):
         return (one, option)
     # Should have -o option as well as -h option
     num_required_args, has_varargs, parser = optfn.func_to_optionparser(func)
     self.assertEqual(len(parser.option_list), 2)
     strs = [str(o) for o in parser.option_list]
     self.assertTrue('-h/--help' in strs)
     self.assertTrue('-o/--option' in strs)
     # Should have one required arg
     self.assertEqual(num_required_args, 1)
     self.assertEqual(has_varargs, False)
     # Should execute
     res = optfn.run(func, ['the-required', '-o', 'the-option'])
     self.assertEqual(res, ("the-required", "the-option"))
     # Option should be optional
     res = optfn.run(func, ['required2'])
     self.assertEqual(res, ("required2", ""))