Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: danajp/optfn
 def test_stdout_special_argument(self):
     def upper(stdin=None, stdout=None):
     stdout = FakeStdout()
     optfn.run(upper, stdin=FakeStdin(), stdout=stdout)
     self.assertEqual(stdout.written, 'HELLO')
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: danajp/optfn
    def test_varargs(self):
        def func(one, two, three, *varargs):
            return "foo", varargs
        # Should only have the -h help option
        num_required_args, has_varargs, parser = optfn.func_to_optionparser(func)
        self.assertEqual(len(parser.option_list), 1)
        self.assertEqual(str(parser.option_list[0]), '-h/--help')
        # Should have three required args
        self.assertEqual(num_required_args, 3)
        self.assertEqual(has_varargs, True)
        # Running it with the wrong number of arguments should cause an error
        for argv in (['one'], ['one', 'two']):
            e = StringIO()
            res = optfn.run(func, argv, stderr=e)
            self.assertTrue('Required 3 or more arguments' in e.getvalue(), e.getvalue())
            self.assertEqual(res, optfn.ERROR_RETURN_CODE)
        # Running it with the right number of arguments should be fine - no varargs
        e = StringIO()
        res = optfn.run(func, ['one', 'two', 'three'], stderr=e)
        self.assertEqual(e.getvalue(), '')
        self.assertEqual(res, ("foo", ()))

        # Running it with the right number of arguments should be fine - with varargs
        e = StringIO()
        res = optfn.run(func, ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five'], stderr=e)
        self.assertEqual(e.getvalue(), '')
        self.assertEqual(res, ("foo", ("four", "five")))
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: danajp/optfn
    def test_multiple_invalid_subcommand(self):
        "With multiple subcommands, invalid first arg should raise an error"
        def one(arg):
        def two(arg):
        def three(arg):
        # Invalid first argument should raise an error
        e = StringIO()
        res = optfn.run([one, two], ['three'], stderr=e)
        self.assertEqual(res, optfn.ERROR_RETURN_CODE)
        self.assertEqual(e.getvalue().strip(), "Unknown command: try 'one' or 'two'")

        e = StringIO()
        res = optfn.run([one, two, three], ['four'], stderr=e)
        self.assertEqual(res, optfn.ERROR_RETURN_CODE)
        self.assertEqual(e.getvalue().strip(), "Unknown command: try 'one', 'three' or 'two'")
        # No argument at all should raise an error
        e = StringIO()
        res = optfn.run([one, two, three], [], stderr=e)
        self.assertEqual(res, optfn.ERROR_RETURN_CODE)
        self.assertEqual(e.getvalue().strip(), "Unknown command: try 'one', 'three' or 'two'")
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: danajp/optfn
    def test_short_option_can_be_named_explicitly(self):
        def func1(one, option='', q_verbose=False):
        num_required_args, has_varargs, parser = optfn.func_to_optionparser(func1)
        strs = [str(o) for o in parser.option_list]
        self.assertEqual(strs, ['-h/--help', '-o/--option', '-q/--verbose'])

        e = StringIO()
        optfn.run(func1, ['one', '-q'], stderr=e)
        self.assertEqual(e.getvalue().strip(), '')
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: danajp/optfn
    def test_stderr_special_argument(self):
        def bad_upper(stderr):
            stderr.write('an error')

        def good_upper(stderr=None):
            stderr.write('an error')
        stderr = FakeStdout()
        optfn.run(bad_upper, stderr=stderr)
        self.assertEqual(stderr.written.strip(), 'Required 1 arguments, got 0')

        stderr = FakeStdout()
        optfn.run(good_upper, stderr=stderr)
        self.assertEqual(stderr.written, 'an error')
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: danajp/optfn
 def test_notstrict(self):
     "@notstrict tells optfn to tolerate missing required arguments"
     def strict_func(one):
     e = StringIO()
     optfn.run(strict_func, [], stderr=e)
     self.assertEqual(e.getvalue().strip(), 'Required 1 arguments, got 0')
     def notstrict_func(one):
     e = StringIO()
     optfn.run(notstrict_func, [], stderr=e)
     self.assertEqual(e.getvalue().strip(), '')
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: danajp/optfn
    def test_return_arguments(self):
        "Checks that return values of functions are proxied back by run()"

        def one():
            return "one called"
        def two():
            return "two called"

        e = StringIO()
        res = optfn.run([one, two], ['one'], stderr=e)
        self.assertEqual(e.getvalue().strip(), "")
        self.assertEqual(res, "one called")

        e = StringIO()
        res = optfn.run([one, two], ['three'], stderr=e)
        self.assertEqual(e.getvalue().strip(), "Unknown command: try 'one' or 'two'")
        self.assertEqual(res, optfn.ERROR_RETURN_CODE)
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: danajp/optfn
    def test_multiple_valid_subcommand_valid_argument(self):
        "Subcommands with valid arguments should execute as expected"
        def one(arg):
            return "one", arg
        def two(arg):
            return "two", arg

        e = StringIO()
        res = optfn.run([one, two], ['two', 'arg!'], stderr=e)
        self.assertEqual(e.getvalue().strip(), '')
        self.assertEqual(res, ('two', 'arg!'))
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: danajp/optfn
    def test_multiple_valid_subcommand_invalid_argument(self):
        "Subcommands with invalid arguments should report as such"
        def one(arg):
        def two(arg):

        e = StringIO()
        res = optfn.run([one, two], ['one'], stderr=e)
        self.assertEqual(res, optfn.ERROR_RETURN_CODE)
        self.assertEqual(e.getvalue().strip(), 'one: Required 1 arguments, got 0')
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: danajp/optfn
 def test_one_arg_one_option(self):
     def func(one, option=''):
         return (one, option)
     # Should have -o option as well as -h option
     num_required_args, has_varargs, parser = optfn.func_to_optionparser(func)
     self.assertEqual(len(parser.option_list), 2)
     strs = [str(o) for o in parser.option_list]
     self.assertTrue('-h/--help' in strs)
     self.assertTrue('-o/--option' in strs)
     # Should have one required arg
     self.assertEqual(num_required_args, 1)
     self.assertEqual(has_varargs, False)
     # Should execute
     res = optfn.run(func, ['the-required', '-o', 'the-option'])
     self.assertEqual(res, ("the-required", "the-option"))
     # Option should be optional
     res = optfn.run(func, ['required2'])
     self.assertEqual(res, ("required2", ""))
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: cli.py Projeto: dailymuse/oz
def main():
    """Main entry-point for oz's cli"""

    # Hack to make user code available for import

    # Run the specified action
    retr = optfn.run(list(oz._actions.values()))

    if retr == optfn.ERROR_RETURN_CODE:
    elif retr == None:
    elif isinstance(retr, int):
        raise Exception("Unexpected return value from action: %s" % retr)
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: test.py Projeto: danajp/optfn
 def test_stdin_special_argument(self):
     def func(stdin=None):
         return stdin.read()
     res = optfn.run(func, stdin=FakeStdin())
     self.assertEqual(res, "hello")
Exemplo n.º 13
    > ./lc.py [options]

    --host=<host>            - host running SooperLooper (default: localhost)
    --port=<port>            - SooperLooper port (default: 9951)
    --loops=<n>              - Number of loops to start (default: 2)
    --udp_host=<host>        - UDP host address to connect/bind to (default
                               in settings)
    --stero                  - Set if stereo is to be selected
    --nosetup                - Do not re-configure the looper
    --config=<config>        - Config set defined in settings (default: default)
    --show_config            - Show configurations available
    --help -h                - Show this help

    if show_config is True:

    # ensure type is correct here
    port = int(port)
    loops = int(loops)
    if udp_host is not None:
        settings.UDP_HOST = udp_host
    setup = not nosetup
    run_controller(host, port, setup, loops, 2 if stereo else 1)

if __name__ == '__main__':