def test_changing_variable_names_is_reflected_in_the_solver(self):
     model = Model(problem=glpk_read_cplex(TESTMODELPATH))
     for i, variable in enumerate(model.variables): = "var" + str(i)
         self.assertEqual(, "var" + str(i))
         self.assertEqual(glp_get_col_name(model.problem, variable._index),
                          "var" + str(i))
    def _MakeMDFProblemDual(self):
        """Create a CVXOPT problem for finding the Maximal Thermodynamic
        Driving Force (MDF).

        Does not set the objective function... leaves that to the caller.

            the linear problem object, and the four types of variables as arrays
        A, b, c, w, g, z, u = self._GetDualVariablesAndConstants()
        x = w + g + z + u
        lp = Model(name="MDF_DUAL")

        cnstr_names = ["y_%02d" % j for j in range(self.Nr)] + \
                      ["l_%02d" % j for j in range(self.Nc)] + \

        constraints = []
        for i in range(A.shape[1]):
            row = [A[j, i] * x[j] for j in range(A.shape[0])]
                           lb=c[i, 0],
                           ub=c[i, 0],


        row = [b[i, 0] * x[i] for i in range(A.shape[0])]
        lp.objective = Objective(sum(row), direction='min')

        return lp, w, g, z, u
 def test_get_primal(self):
     self.assertEqual(self.var.primal, None)
     model = Model(problem=glpk_read_cplex(TESTMODELPATH))
     for i, j in zip([var.primal for var in model.variables], [
             0.8739215069684306, -16.023526143167608, 16.023526143167604,
             -14.71613956874283, 14.71613956874283, 4.959984944574658,
             4.959984944574657, 4.959984944574658, 3.1162689467973905e-29,
             2.926716099010601e-29, 0.0, 0.0, -6.112235045340358e-30,
             -5.6659435396316186e-30, 0.0, -4.922925402711085e-29, 0.0,
             9.282532599166613, 0.0, 6.00724957535033, 6.007249575350331,
             6.00724957535033, -5.064375661482091, 1.7581774441067828, 0.0,
             7.477381962160285, 0.0, 0.22346172933182767,
             45.514009774517454, 8.39, 0.0, 6.007249575350331, 0.0,
             -4.541857463865631, 0.0, 5.064375661482091, 0.0, 0.0,
             2.504309470368734, 0.0, 0.0, -22.809833310204958,
             22.809833310204958, 7.477381962160285, 7.477381962160285,
             1.1814980932459636, 1.496983757261567, -0.0, 0.0,
             4.860861146496815, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
             5.064375661482091, 0.0, 5.064375661482091, 0.0, 0.0,
             1.496983757261567, 10.000000000000002, -10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
             0.0, 0.0, -29.175827135565804, 43.598985311997524,
             29.175827135565804, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.2332237321082153e-29,
             3.2148950476847613, 38.53460965051542, 5.064375661482091, 0.0,
             -1.2812714099825612e-29, -1.1331887079263237e-29,
             17.530865429786694, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4.765319193197458,
             -4.765319193197457, 21.79949265599876, -21.79949265599876,
             -3.2148950476847613, 0.0, -2.281503094067127,
             2.6784818505075303, 0.0
         self.assertAlmostEqual(i, j)
    def _MakeMDFProblem(self):
        """Create a CVXOPT problem for finding the Maximal Thermodynamic
        Driving Force (MDF).

        Does not set the objective function... leaves that to the caller.

            the linear problem object, and the three types of variables as arrays
        A, b, c, y, l = self._GetPrimalVariablesAndConstants()
        B = Variable('mdf')
        x = y + l + [B]
        lp = Model(name="MDF_PRIMAL")

        cnstr_names = ["driving_force_%02d" % j for j in range(self.Nr_active)] + \
                      ["covariance_var_ub_%02d" % j for j in range(self.Nr)] + \
                      ["covariance_var_lb_%02d" % j for j in range(self.Nr)] + \
                      ["log_conc_ub_%02d" % j for j in range(self.Nc)] + \
                      ["log_conc_lb_%02d" % j for j in range(self.Nc)]

        constraints = []
        for j in range(A.shape[0]):
            row = [A[j, i] * x[i] for i in range(A.shape[1])]
                Constraint(sum(row), ub=b[j, 0], name=cnstr_names[j]))


        row = [c[i, 0] * x[i] for i in range(c.shape[0])]
        lp.objective = Objective(sum(row), direction='max')

        return lp, y, l, B
Exemplo n.º 5
 def setUp(self):
     self.var1 = var1 = Variable("var1", lb=0, ub=1, type="continuous")
     self.var2 = var2 = Variable("var2", lb=0, ub=1, type="continuous")
     self.const1 = const1 = Constraint(0.5 * var1, lb=0, ub=1, name="c1")
     self.const2 = const2 = Constraint(0.1 * var2 + 0.4 * var1, name="c2")
     self.model = model = Model()
     model.add([var1, var2])
     model.add([const1, const2])
     model.objective = Objective(var1 + var2)
     self.json_string = json.dumps(model.to_json())
def load_problem(mps_file):
    prob_tmp_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix='.mps')
    with open(prob_tmp_file, 'wb') as tmp_handle:
        f =, 'rb')

    problem = glp_create_prob()
    glp_read_mps(problem, GLP_MPS_FILE, None, prob_tmp_file)
    model = Model(problem=problem)
    model.configuration.presolve = True
    model.configuration.verbosity = 3
    model.configuration.timeout = 60 * 9
    return problem, model
    def _GetTotalEnergyProblem(self, min_driving_force=0.0, direction='min'):

        A, b, _c, y, l = self._GetPrimalVariablesAndConstants()
        x = y + l + [min_driving_force]
        lp = Model(name='MDF')

        constraints = []
        for j in range(A.shape[0]):
            row = [A[j, i] * x[i] for i in range(A.shape[1])]
                Constraint(sum(row), ub=b[j, 0], name='row_%d' % j))

        total_g0 = float(self.fluxes @ self.dG0_r_prime)
        total_reaction = self.S @ self.fluxes.T
        row = [total_reaction[i, 0] * x[i] for i in range(self.Nc)]
        total_g = total_g0 + sum(row)

        lp.objective = Objective(total_g, direction=direction)

        return lp
 def test_glpk_create_empty_model(self):
     model = Model(name="empty_problem")
     self.assertEqual(glp_get_prob_name(model.problem), "empty_problem")
 def setUp(self):
     self.model = Model(problem=glpk_read_cplex(TESTMODELPATH))
     self.obj = self.model.objective
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_netlib(netlib_tar_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/netlib_lp_problems.tar.gz')):
    Test netlib with glpk interface
    if six.PY3:
        nose.SkipTest('Skipping because py3')
        with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/the_final_netlib_results.pcl'), 'rb') as fhandle:
            THE_FINAL_NETLIB_RESULTS = pickle.load(fhandle)

        # noinspection PyShadowingNames
        def read_netlib_sif_glpk(fhandle):
            tmp_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix='.mps')
            with open(tmp_file, 'w') as tmp_handle:
                content = ''.join([str(s) for s in fhandle if str(s.strip())])
            problem = glp_create_prob()
            glp_read_mps(problem, GLP_MPS_DECK, None, tmp_file)
            # glp_read_mps(problem, GLP_MPS_FILE, None, tmp_file)
            return problem

        def check_dimensions(glpk_problem, model):
            Tests that the glpk problem and the interface model have the same
            number of rows (constraints) and columns (variables).
            assert glp_get_num_cols(glpk_problem) == len(model.variables)

        def check_objval(glpk_problem, model_objval):
            Check that ...
            smcp = glp_smcp()
            smcp.presolve = True
            glp_simplex(glpk_problem, None)
            status = glp_get_status(glpk_problem)
            if status == GLP_OPT:
                glpk_problem_objval = glp_get_obj_val(glpk_problem)
                glpk_problem_objval = None
  , model_objval, places=4)

        def check_objval_against_the_final_netlib_results(netlib_id, model_objval):
            relative_error = abs(1 - (model_objval / float(THE_FINAL_NETLIB_RESULTS[netlib_id]['Objvalue'])))
   < 0.01)
            #, float(THE_FINAL_NETLIB_RESULTS[netlib_id]['Objvalue']), places=4)

        tar =
        model_paths_in_tar = glob.fnmatch.filter(tar.getnames(), '*.SIF')

        for model_path_in_tar in model_paths_in_tar:
            netlib_id = os.path.basename(model_path_in_tar).replace('.SIF', '')
            # TODO: get the following problems to work
            # E226 seems to be a MPS related problem, see
            if netlib_id in ('AGG', 'E226', 'SCSD6', 'DFL001'):
                # def test_skip(netlib_id):
                # raise SkipTest('Skipping netlib problem %s ...' % netlib_id)
                # test_skip(netlib_id)
                # class TestWeirdNetlibProblems(unittest.TestCase):

                # @unittest.skip('Skipping netlib problem')
                # def test_fail():
                #         pass
            # TODO: For now, test only models that are covered by the final netlib results
                if netlib_id not in THE_FINAL_NETLIB_RESULTS.keys():
                fhandle = tar.extractfile(model_path_in_tar)
                glpk_problem = read_netlib_sif_glpk(fhandle)
                model = Model(problem=glpk_problem)
                model.configuration.presolve = True
                # model.configuration.verbosity = 3
                func = partial(check_dimensions, glpk_problem, model)
                func.description = "test_netlib_check_dimensions_%s (%s)" % (netlib_id, os.path.basename(str(__file__)))
                yield func

                if model.status == 'optimal':
                    model_objval = model.objective.value
                    raise Exception('No optimal solution found for netlib model %s' % netlib_id)

                func = partial(check_objval, glpk_problem, model_objval)
                func.description = "test_netlib_check_objective_value_%s (%s)" % (
                    netlib_id, os.path.basename(str(__file__)))
                yield func

                func = partial(check_objval_against_the_final_netlib_results, netlib_id, model_objval)
                func.description = "test_netlib_check_objective_value__against_the_final_netlib_results_%s (%s)" % (
                    netlib_id, os.path.basename(str(__file__)))
                yield func