Exemplo n.º 1
def test_suggest_int_log(storage_init_func: Callable[[], storages.BaseStorage]) -> None:

    mock = Mock()
    mock.side_effect = [1, 2]
    sampler = samplers.RandomSampler()

    study = create_study(storage_init_func(), sampler=sampler)
    trial = Trial(study, study._storage.create_new_trial(study._study_id))
    distribution = IntLogUniformDistribution(low=1, high=3)
    with patch.object(sampler, "sample_independent", mock) as mock_object:
        assert trial._suggest("x", distribution) == 1  # Test suggesting a param.
        assert trial._suggest("x", distribution) == 1  # Test suggesting the same param.
        assert trial._suggest("y", distribution) == 2  # Test suggesting a different param.
        assert trial.params == {"x": 1, "y": 2}
        assert mock_object.call_count == 2

    study = create_study(storage_init_func(), sampler=sampler)
    trial = Trial(study, study._storage.create_new_trial(study._study_id))
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        # UserWarning will be raised since [0.5, 10] is not divisible by 1.
        warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=UserWarning)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            trial.suggest_int("z", 0.5, 10, log=True)  # type: ignore

    study = create_study(storage_init_func(), sampler=sampler)
    trial = Trial(study, study._storage.create_new_trial(study._study_id))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        trial.suggest_int("w", 1, 3, step=2, log=True)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_sample_single_distribution(
        sampler_class: Callable[[], BaseSampler]) -> None:

    relative_search_space = {
        "a": UniformDistribution(low=1.0, high=1.0),
        "b": LogUniformDistribution(low=1.0, high=1.0),
        "c": DiscreteUniformDistribution(low=1.0, high=1.0, q=1.0),
        "d": IntUniformDistribution(low=1, high=1),
        "e": IntLogUniformDistribution(low=1, high=1),
        "f": CategoricalDistribution([1]),
        "g": FloatDistribution(low=1.0, high=1.0),
        "h": FloatDistribution(low=1.0, high=1.0, log=True),
        "i": FloatDistribution(low=1.0, high=1.0, step=1.0),
        "j": IntDistribution(low=1, high=1),
        "k": IntDistribution(low=1, high=1, log=True),

    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.simplefilter("ignore", optuna.exceptions.ExperimentalWarning)
        sampler = sampler_class()
    study = optuna.study.create_study(sampler=sampler)

    # We need to test the construction of the model, so we should set `n_trials >= 2`.
    for _ in range(2):
        trial = study.ask(fixed_distributions=relative_search_space)
        study.tell(trial, 1.0)
        for param_name in relative_search_space.keys():
            assert trial.params[param_name] == 1
Exemplo n.º 3
    def suggest_int(self,
                    name: str,
                    low: int,
                    high: int,
                    step: int = 1,
                    log: bool = False) -> int:

        if step != 1:
            if log:
                raise ValueError(
                    "The parameter `step != 1` is not supported when `log` is True."
                    "The specified `step` is {}.".format(step))
                distribution: Union[
                    IntLogUniformDistribution] = IntUniformDistribution(
                        low=low, high=high, step=step)
            if log:
                distribution = IntLogUniformDistribution(low=low, high=high)
                distribution = IntUniformDistribution(low=low,
        return int(self._suggest(name, distribution))
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_distributions(storage_init_func):
    # type: (Callable[[], storages.BaseStorage]) -> None

    def objective(trial):
        # type: (Trial) -> float

        trial.suggest_uniform("a", 0, 10)
        trial.suggest_loguniform("b", 0.1, 10)
        trial.suggest_discrete_uniform("c", 0, 10, 1)
        trial.suggest_int("d", 0, 10)
        trial.suggest_categorical("e", ["foo", "bar", "baz"])
        trial.suggest_int("f", 1, 10, log=True)

        return 1.0

    study = create_study(storage_init_func())
    study.optimize(objective, n_trials=1)

    assert study.best_trial.distributions == {
        "a": UniformDistribution(low=0, high=10),
        "b": LogUniformDistribution(low=0.1, high=10),
        "c": DiscreteUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10, q=1),
        "d": IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10),
        "e": CategoricalDistribution(choices=("foo", "bar", "baz")),
        "f": IntLogUniformDistribution(low=1, high=10),
Exemplo n.º 5
def create_optuna_distribution_from_config(
        config: MutableMapping[str, Any]) -> BaseDistribution:
    kwargs = dict(config)
    if isinstance(config["type"], str):
        kwargs["type"] = DistributionType[config["type"]]
    param = DistributionConfig(**kwargs)
    if param.type == DistributionType.categorical:
        assert param.choices is not None
        return CategoricalDistribution(param.choices)
    if param.type == DistributionType.int:
        assert param.low is not None
        assert param.high is not None
        if param.log:
            return IntLogUniformDistribution(int(param.low), int(param.high))
        step = int(param.step) if param.step is not None else 1
        return IntUniformDistribution(int(param.low),
    if param.type == DistributionType.float:
        assert param.low is not None
        assert param.high is not None
        if param.log:
            return LogUniformDistribution(param.low, param.high)
        if param.step is not None:
            return DiscreteUniformDistribution(param.low, param.high,
        return UniformDistribution(param.low, param.high)
    raise NotImplementedError(
        f"{param.type} is not supported by Optuna sweeper.")
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_search_space_transform_untransform_params() -> None:
    search_space = {
        "x0": DiscreteUniformDistribution(0, 1, q=0.2),
        "x1": CategoricalDistribution(["foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"]),
        "x2": IntLogUniformDistribution(1, 10),
        "x3": CategoricalDistribution(["quux", "quuz"]),
        "x4": UniformDistribution(2, 3),
        "x5": LogUniformDistribution(1, 10),
        "x6": IntUniformDistribution(2, 4),
        "x7": CategoricalDistribution(["corge"]),

    params = {
        "x0": 0.2,
        "x1": "qux",
        "x2": 1,
        "x3": "quux",
        "x4": 2.0,
        "x5": 1.0,
        "x6": 2,
        "x7": "corge",

    trans = _SearchSpaceTransform(search_space)
    trans_params = trans.transform(params)
    untrans_params = trans.untransform(trans_params)

    for name in params.keys():
        assert untrans_params[name] == params[name]
def create_optuna_distribution_from_override(override: Override) -> Any:
    value = override.value()
    if not override.is_sweep_override():
        return value

    if override.is_choice_sweep():
        assert isinstance(value, ChoiceSweep)
        choices = [
            x for x in override.sweep_iterator(transformer=Transformer.encode)
        return CategoricalDistribution(choices)

    if override.is_range_sweep():
        choices = [
            x for x in override.sweep_iterator(transformer=Transformer.encode)
        return CategoricalDistribution(choices)

    if override.is_interval_sweep():
        assert isinstance(value, IntervalSweep)
        if "log" in value.tags:
            if "int" in value.tags:
                return IntLogUniformDistribution(value.start, value.end)
            return LogUniformDistribution(value.start, value.end)
            if "int" in value.tags:
                return IntUniformDistribution(value.start, value.end)
            return UniformDistribution(value.start, value.end)

    raise NotImplementedError(
        "{} is not supported by Optuna sweeper.".format(override))
Exemplo n.º 8
    def search_space() -> Dict[str, BaseDistribution]:

        return {
            "c": CategoricalDistribution(("a", "b")),
            "d": DiscreteUniformDistribution(-1, 9, 2),
            "i": IntUniformDistribution(-1, 1),
            "ii": IntUniformDistribution(-1, 3, 2),
            "il": IntLogUniformDistribution(2, 16),
            "l": LogUniformDistribution(0.001, 0.1),
            "u": UniformDistribution(-2, 2),
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_relative_parameters(storage_mode: str) -> None:

    relative_search_space = {
        "x": UniformDistribution(low=5, high=6),
        "y": UniformDistribution(low=5, high=6),
    relative_params = {"x": 5.5, "y": 5.5, "z": 5.5}

    sampler = DeterministicRelativeSampler(relative_search_space,
                                           relative_params)  # type: ignore

    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        study = create_study(storage=storage, sampler=sampler)

        def create_trial() -> Trial:

            return Trial(study,

        # Suggested from `relative_params`.
        trial0 = create_trial()
        distribution0 = UniformDistribution(low=0, high=100)
        assert trial0._suggest("x", distribution0) == 5.5

        # Not suggested from `relative_params` (due to unknown parameter name).
        trial1 = create_trial()
        distribution1 = distribution0
        assert trial1._suggest("w", distribution1) != 5.5

        # Not suggested from `relative_params` (due to incompatible value range).
        trial2 = create_trial()
        distribution2 = UniformDistribution(low=0, high=5)
        assert trial2._suggest("x", distribution2) != 5.5

        # Error (due to incompatible distribution class).
        trial3 = create_trial()
        distribution3 = IntUniformDistribution(low=1, high=100)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            trial3._suggest("y", distribution3)

        # Error ('z' is included in `relative_params` but not in `relative_search_space`).
        trial4 = create_trial()
        distribution4 = UniformDistribution(low=0, high=10)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            trial4._suggest("z", distribution4)

        # Error (due to incompatible distribution class).
        trial5 = create_trial()
        distribution5 = IntLogUniformDistribution(low=1, high=100)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            trial5._suggest("y", distribution5)
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_not_contained_param() -> None:
    trial = create_trial(
        params={"x": 1.0},
        distributions={"x": UniformDistribution(1.0, 10.0)},
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        assert trial.suggest_float("x", 10.0, 100.0) == 1.0

    trial = create_trial(
        params={"x": 1.0},
        distributions={"x": LogUniformDistribution(1.0, 10.0)},
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        assert trial.suggest_float("x", 10.0, 100.0, log=True) == 1.0

    trial = create_trial(
        params={"x": 1.0},
        distributions={"x": DiscreteUniformDistribution(1.0, 10.0, 1.0)},
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        assert trial.suggest_float("x", 10.0, 100.0, step=1.0) == 1.0

    trial = create_trial(
        params={"x": 1.0},
        distributions={"x": IntUniformDistribution(1, 10)},
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        assert trial.suggest_int("x", 10, 100) == 1

    trial = create_trial(
        params={"x": 1},
        distributions={"x": IntUniformDistribution(1, 10, 1)},
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        assert trial.suggest_int("x", 10, 100, 1) == 1

    trial = create_trial(
        params={"x": 1},
        distributions={"x": IntLogUniformDistribution(1, 10)},
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        assert trial.suggest_int("x", 10, 100, log=True) == 1
Exemplo n.º 11
def create_optuna_distribution_from_override(override: Override) -> Any:
    value = override.value()
    if not override.is_sweep_override():
        return value

    choices: List[CategoricalChoiceType] = []
    if override.is_choice_sweep():
        assert isinstance(value, ChoiceSweep)
        for x in override.sweep_iterator(transformer=Transformer.encode):
            assert isinstance(
                x, (str, int, float, bool)
            ), f"A choice sweep expects str, int, float, or bool type. Got {type(x)}."
        return CategoricalDistribution(choices)

    if override.is_range_sweep():
        assert isinstance(value, RangeSweep)
        assert value.start is not None
        assert value.stop is not None
        if value.shuffle:
            for x in override.sweep_iterator(transformer=Transformer.encode):
                assert isinstance(
                    x, (str, int, float, bool)
                ), f"A choice sweep expects str, int, float, or bool type. Got {type(x)}."
            return CategoricalDistribution(choices)
        return IntUniformDistribution(int(value.start),

    if override.is_interval_sweep():
        assert isinstance(value, IntervalSweep)
        assert value.start is not None
        assert value.end is not None
        if "log" in value.tags:
            if isinstance(value.start, int) and isinstance(value.end, int):
                return IntLogUniformDistribution(int(value.start),
            return LogUniformDistribution(value.start, value.end)
            if isinstance(value.start, int) and isinstance(value.end, int):
                return IntUniformDistribution(value.start, value.end)
            return UniformDistribution(value.start, value.end)

    raise NotImplementedError(
        f"{override} is not supported by Optuna sweeper.")
Exemplo n.º 12
def restore_old_distribution(distribution_json: str) -> str:
    distribution = json_to_distribution(distribution_json)
    old_distribution: BaseDistribution

    # Float distributions.
    if isinstance(distribution, FloatDistribution):
        if distribution.log:
            old_distribution = LogUniformDistribution(
            if distribution.step is not None:
                old_distribution = DiscreteUniformDistribution(
                old_distribution = UniformDistribution(

    # Integer distributions.
    elif isinstance(distribution, IntDistribution):
        if distribution.log:
            old_distribution = IntLogUniformDistribution(
            old_distribution = IntUniformDistribution(

    # Categorical distribution.
        old_distribution = distribution

    return distribution_to_json(old_distribution)
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_frozen_trial_suggest_int_log() -> None:

    trial = FrozenTrial(
        params={"x": 1},
        distributions={"x": IntLogUniformDistribution(1, 10)},

    assert trial.suggest_int("x", 1, 10, log=True) == 1

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        trial.suggest_int("x", 1, 10, step=2, log=True)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        trial.suggest_int("y", 1, 10, log=True)
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_distributions(storage_mode: str) -> None:
    def objective(trial: Trial) -> float:

        trial.suggest_float("a", 0, 10)
        trial.suggest_float("b", 0.1, 10, log=True)
        trial.suggest_float("c", 0, 10, step=1)
        trial.suggest_int("d", 0, 10)
        trial.suggest_categorical("e", ["foo", "bar", "baz"])
        trial.suggest_int("f", 1, 10, log=True)

        return 1.0

    with StorageSupplier(storage_mode) as storage:
        study = create_study(storage=storage)
        study.optimize(objective, n_trials=1)

        assert study.best_trial.distributions == {
            "a": UniformDistribution(low=0, high=10),
            "b": LogUniformDistribution(low=0.1, high=10),
            "c": DiscreteUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10, q=1),
            "d": IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10),
            "e": CategoricalDistribution(choices=("foo", "bar", "baz")),
            "f": IntLogUniformDistribution(low=1, high=10),
Exemplo n.º 15
    def suggest_int(self, name: str, low: int, high: int, step: int = 1, log: bool = False) -> int:
        """Suggest a value for the integer parameter.

        The value is sampled from the integers in :math:`[\\mathsf{low}, \\mathsf{high}]`.


            Suggest the number of trees in `RandomForestClassifier <https://scikit-learn.org/

            .. testcode::

                import numpy as np
                from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
                from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
                from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

                import optuna

                X, y = load_iris(return_X_y=True)
                X_train, X_valid, y_train, y_valid = train_test_split(X, y)

                def objective(trial):
                    n_estimators = trial.suggest_int("n_estimators", 50, 400)
                    clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=n_estimators, random_state=0)
                    clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
                    return clf.score(X_valid, y_valid)

                study = optuna.create_study(direction="maximize")
                study.optimize(objective, n_trials=3)

                A parameter name.
                Lower endpoint of the range of suggested values. ``low`` is included in the range.
                Upper endpoint of the range of suggested values. ``high`` is included in the range.
                A step of discretization.

                .. note::
                    Note that :math:`\\mathsf{high}` is modified if the range is not divisible by
                    :math:`\\mathsf{step}`. Please check the warning messages to find the changed

                .. note::
                    The method returns one of the values in the sequence
                    :math:`\\mathsf{low}, \\mathsf{low} + \\mathsf{step}, \\mathsf{low} + 2 *
                    \\mathsf{step}, \\dots, \\mathsf{low} + k * \\mathsf{step} \\le
                    \\mathsf{high}`, where :math:`k` denotes an integer.

                .. note::
                    The ``step != 1`` and ``log`` arguments cannot be used at the same time.
                    To set the ``step`` argument :math:`\\mathsf{step} \\ge 2`, set the
                    ``log`` argument to :obj:`False`.
                A flag to sample the value from the log domain or not.

                .. note::
                    If ``log`` is true, at first, the range of suggested values is divided into
                    grid points of width 1. The range of suggested values is then converted to
                    a log domain, from which a value is sampled. The uniformly sampled
                    value is re-converted to the original domain and rounded to the nearest grid
                    point that we just split, and the suggested value is determined.
                    For example, if `low = 2` and `high = 8`, then the range of suggested values is
                    `[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]` and lower values tend to be more sampled than higher

                .. note::
                    The ``step != 1`` and ``log`` arguments cannot be used at the same time.
                    To set the ``log`` argument to :obj:`True`, set the ``step`` argument to 1.

                If ``step != 1`` and ``log = True`` are specified.

        .. seealso::
            :ref:`configurations` tutorial describes more details and flexible usages.

        if step != 1:
            if log:
                raise ValueError(
                    "The parameter `step != 1` is not supported when `log` is True."
                    "The specified `step` is {}.".format(step)
                distribution: Union[
                    IntUniformDistribution, IntLogUniformDistribution
                ] = IntUniformDistribution(low=low, high=high, step=step)
            if log:
                distribution = IntLogUniformDistribution(low=low, high=high)
                distribution = IntUniformDistribution(low=low, high=high, step=step)

        self._check_distribution(name, distribution)

        return int(self._suggest(name, distribution))
Exemplo n.º 16
 def to_optuna(self):
     """returns an equivalent optuna space"""
     if self.prior != 'log':
         return IntUniformDistribution(low=self.low, high=self.high)
         return IntLogUniformDistribution(low=self.low, high=self.high)
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_search_space_group() -> None:
    search_space_group = _SearchSpaceGroup()

    # No search space.
    assert search_space_group.search_spaces == []

    # No distributions.
    assert search_space_group.search_spaces == []

    # Add a single distribution.
        {"x": IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10)})
    assert search_space_group.search_spaces == [{
        IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10)

    # Add a same single distribution.
        {"x": IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10)})
    assert search_space_group.search_spaces == [{
        IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10)

    # Add disjoint distributions.
        IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10),
        UniformDistribution(low=-3, high=3),
    assert search_space_group.search_spaces == [
            "x": IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10)
            "y": IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10),
            "z": UniformDistribution(low=-3, high=3),

    # Add distributions, which include one of search spaces in the group.
        IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10),
        UniformDistribution(low=-3, high=3),
        LogUniformDistribution(low=1e-2, high=1e2),
        CategoricalDistribution(choices=["A", "B", "C"]),
    assert search_space_group.search_spaces == [
            "x": IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10)
            "y": IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10),
            "z": UniformDistribution(low=-3, high=3),
            "u": LogUniformDistribution(low=1e-2, high=1e2),
            "v": CategoricalDistribution(choices=["A", "B", "C"]),

    # Add a distribution, which is included by one of search spaces in the group.
        {"u": LogUniformDistribution(low=1e-2, high=1e2)})
    assert search_space_group.search_spaces == [
            "x": IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10)
            "y": IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10),
            "z": UniformDistribution(low=-3, high=3),
            "u": LogUniformDistribution(low=1e-2, high=1e2)
            "v": CategoricalDistribution(choices=["A", "B", "C"])

    # Add distributions whose intersection with one of search spaces in the group is not empty.
        IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10),
        IntLogUniformDistribution(low=2, high=8),
    assert search_space_group.search_spaces == [
            "x": IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10)
            "u": LogUniformDistribution(low=1e-2, high=1e2)
            "v": CategoricalDistribution(choices=["A", "B", "C"])
            "y": IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10)
            "z": UniformDistribution(low=-3, high=3)
            "w": IntLogUniformDistribution(low=2, high=8)

    # Add distributions which include some of search spaces in the group.
        IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10),
        IntLogUniformDistribution(low=2, high=8),
        UniformDistribution(low=10, high=100),
    assert search_space_group.search_spaces == [
            "x": IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10)
            "u": LogUniformDistribution(low=1e-2, high=1e2)
            "v": CategoricalDistribution(choices=["A", "B", "C"])
            "y": IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10)
            "z": UniformDistribution(low=-3, high=3)
            "w": IntLogUniformDistribution(low=2, high=8)
            "t": UniformDistribution(low=10, high=100)
Exemplo n.º 18
     IntUniformDistribution(0, 10, step=2),
     "type": "int",
     "low": 0,
     "high": 5
 }, IntUniformDistribution(0, 5)),
         "type": "int",
         "low": 1,
         "high": 100,
         "log": True
     IntLogUniformDistribution(1, 100),
     "type": "float",
     "low": 0,
     "high": 1
 }, UniformDistribution(0, 1)),
         "type": "float",
         "low": 0,
         "high": 10,
         "step": 2
     DiscreteUniformDistribution(0, 10, 2),
Exemplo n.º 19
    # 'x' value is corresponding to an index of distribution.choices.
    assert np.all(points >= 0)
    assert np.all(points <= len(distribution.choices) - 1)
    round_points = np.round(points)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(round_points, points)

        UniformDistribution(-1.0, 1.0),
        LogUniformDistribution(1e-7, 1.0),
        DiscreteUniformDistribution(-10, 10, 0.5),
        IntUniformDistribution(1, 10),
        IntLogUniformDistribution(1, 100),
        UniformDistribution(-1.0, 1.0),
        LogUniformDistribution(1e-7, 1.0),
        DiscreteUniformDistribution(-10, 10, 0.5),
        IntUniformDistribution(1, 10),
        IntLogUniformDistribution(1, 100),
def test_sample_relative_numerical(
    relative_sampler_class: Callable[[], BaseSampler],
    x_distribution: BaseDistribution,
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_group_decomposed_search_space() -> None:
    search_space = _GroupDecomposedSearchSpace()
    study = create_study()

    # No trial.
    assert search_space.calculate(study).search_spaces == []

    # A single parameter.
    study.optimize(lambda t: t.suggest_int("x", 0, 10), n_trials=1)
    assert search_space.calculate(study).search_spaces == [{
        IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10)

    # Disjoint parameters.
        lambda t: t.suggest_int("y", 0, 10) + t.suggest_float("z", -3, 3),
    assert search_space.calculate(study).search_spaces == [
            "x": IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10)
            "y": IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10),
            "z": UniformDistribution(low=-3, high=3),

    # Parameters which include one of search spaces in the group.
        lambda t: t.suggest_int("y", 0, 10) + t.suggest_float("z", -3, 3) + t.
        suggest_float("u", 1e-2, 1e2, log=True) + bool(
            t.suggest_categorical("v", ["A", "B", "C"])),
    assert search_space.calculate(study).search_spaces == [
            "x": IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10)
            "y": IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10),
            "z": UniformDistribution(low=-3, high=3),
            "u": LogUniformDistribution(low=1e-2, high=1e2),
            "v": CategoricalDistribution(choices=["A", "B", "C"]),

    # A parameter which is included by one of search spaces in thew group.
    study.optimize(lambda t: t.suggest_float("u", 1e-2, 1e2, log=True),
    assert search_space.calculate(study).search_spaces == [
            "x": IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10)
            "y": IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10),
            "z": UniformDistribution(low=-3, high=3),
            "u": LogUniformDistribution(low=1e-2, high=1e2)
            "v": CategoricalDistribution(choices=["A", "B", "C"])

    # Parameters whose intersection with one of search spaces in the group is not empty.
    study.optimize(lambda t: t.suggest_int("y", 0, 10) + t.suggest_int(
        "w", 2, 8, log=True),
    assert search_space.calculate(study).search_spaces == [
            "v": CategoricalDistribution(choices=["A", "B", "C"])
            "x": IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10)
            "u": LogUniformDistribution(low=1e-2, high=1e2)
            "y": IntUniformDistribution(low=0, high=10)
            "z": UniformDistribution(low=-3, high=3)
            "w": IntLogUniformDistribution(low=2, high=8)

    search_space = _GroupDecomposedSearchSpace()
    study = create_study()

    # Failed or pruned trials are not considered in the calculation of
    # an intersection search space.
    def objective(trial: Trial, exception: Exception) -> float:

        trial.suggest_float("a", 0, 1)
        raise exception

    study.optimize(lambda t: objective(t, RuntimeError()),
                   catch=(RuntimeError, ))
    study.optimize(lambda t: objective(t, TrialPruned()), n_trials=1)
    assert search_space.calculate(study).search_spaces == []

    # If two parameters have the same name but different distributions,
    # the first one takes priority.
    study.optimize(lambda t: t.suggest_float("a", -1, 1), n_trials=1)
    study.optimize(lambda t: t.suggest_float("a", 0, 1), n_trials=1)
    assert search_space.calculate(study).search_spaces == [{
        UniformDistribution(low=-1, high=1)
Exemplo n.º 21
from optuna._transform import _SearchSpaceTransform
from optuna.distributions import BaseDistribution
from optuna.distributions import CategoricalDistribution
from optuna.distributions import DiscreteUniformDistribution
from optuna.distributions import IntLogUniformDistribution
from optuna.distributions import IntUniformDistribution
from optuna.distributions import LogUniformDistribution
from optuna.distributions import UniformDistribution

        (0, IntUniformDistribution(0, 3)),
        (1, IntLogUniformDistribution(1, 10)),
        (2, IntUniformDistribution(0, 10, step=2)),
        (0.0, UniformDistribution(0, 3)),
        (1.0, LogUniformDistribution(1, 10)),
        (0.2, DiscreteUniformDistribution(0, 1, q=0.2)),
        ("foo", CategoricalDistribution(["foo"])),
        ("bar", CategoricalDistribution(["foo", "bar", "baz"])),
def test_search_space_transform_shapes_dtypes(param: Any, distribution: BaseDistribution) -> None:
    trans = _SearchSpaceTransform({"x0": distribution})
    trans_params = trans.transform({"x0": param})

    if isinstance(distribution, CategoricalDistribution):
        expected_bounds_shape = (len(distribution.choices), 2)
        expected_params_shape = (len(distribution.choices),)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def suggest_int(self, name, low, high, step=1, log=False):
        # type: (str, int, int, int, bool) -> int
        """Suggest a value for the integer parameter.

        The value is sampled from the integers in :math:`[\\mathsf{low}, \\mathsf{high}]`, and the
        step of discretization is :math:`\\mathsf{step}`. More specifically, this method returns
        one of the values in the sequence :math:`\\mathsf{low}, \\mathsf{low} + \\mathsf{step},
        \\mathsf{low} + 2 * \\mathsf{step}, \\dots, \\mathsf{low} + k * \\mathsf{step} \\le
        \\mathsf{high}`, where :math:`k` denotes an integer. Note that :math:`\\mathsf{high}` is
        modified if the range is not divisible by :math:`\\mathsf{step}`. Please check the warning
        messages to find the changed values.


            Suggest the number of trees in `RandomForestClassifier <https://scikit-learn.org/

            .. testcode::

                import numpy as np
                from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
                from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
                from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

                import optuna

                X, y = load_iris(return_X_y=True)
                X_train, X_valid, y_train, y_valid = train_test_split(X, y)

                def objective(trial):
                    n_estimators = trial.suggest_int('n_estimators', 50, 400)
                    clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=n_estimators, random_state=0)
                    clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
                    return clf.score(X_valid, y_valid)

                study = optuna.create_study(direction='maximize')
                study.optimize(objective, n_trials=3)

                A parameter name.
                Lower endpoint of the range of suggested values. ``low`` is included in the range.
                Upper endpoint of the range of suggested values. ``high`` is included in the range.
                A step of discretization.
                A flag to sample the value from the log domain or not.
                If ``log`` is true, at first, the range of suggested values is divided into grid
                points of width ``step``. The range of suggested values is then converted to a log
                domain, from which a value is uniformly sampled. The uniformly sampled value is
                re-converted to the original domain and rounded to the nearest grid point that we
                just split, and the suggested value is determined.
                For example,
                if `low = 2`, `high = 8` and `step = 2`,
                then the range of suggested values is divided by ``step`` as `[2, 4, 6, 8]`
                and lower values tend to be more sampled than higher values.

        if log:
            distribution = IntLogUniformDistribution(
                low=low, high=high, step=step
            )  # type: Union[IntUniformDistribution, IntLogUniformDistribution]
            distribution = IntUniformDistribution(low=low, high=high, step=step)

        self._check_distribution(name, distribution)

        if distribution.low == distribution.high:
            return self._set_new_param_or_get_existing(name, distribution.low, distribution)

        return int(self._suggest(name, distribution))