Exemplo n.º 1
def lstm(concat, c, forget_bias=None):
    batches = concat.shape[0]
    vec_len = concat.shape[1]/4

    assert c.shape[0] == concat.shape[0]
    assert c.shape[1] == vec_len
    assert c.dtype == concat.dtype

    pos = ovl.position_in([batches, vec_len])
    cur_batch = pos[0]
    cur_elem = pos[1]

    i = concat[cur_batch, cur_elem]
    j = concat[cur_batch, cur_elem + vec_len]
    f = concat[cur_batch, cur_elem + 2*vec_len]
    o = concat[cur_batch, cur_elem + 3*vec_len]
    c_cur = c[cur_batch, cur_elem]

    new_c = ovl.output_like(c)
    new_h = ovl.output_like(c)

    new_c_cur = c_cur*sig(f + forget_bias) + sig(i) * ovl.tanh(j)

    new_c[pos] = new_c_cur
    new_h[pos] = ovl.tanh(new_c_cur) * sig(o)

    return new_c, new_h
Exemplo n.º 2
 def op(self, input0, input1, input2):
     pos = ops.position_in(input0.shape)
     out0 = ops.output_like(input0)
     a = input0[pos]
     b = input1[pos]
     c = input2[pos]
     d = a*a + b*b + c*c
     out0[pos] = d
     return out0
Exemplo n.º 3
def accumulate(x, inner_fcn=None, axis=None):
    Define the operator function.

    :param x: The input tensor
    :param inner_fcn: a lambda function to be applied for accumulation
    :param axis: The axis across which accumulation will be applied
    :return: The accumulated result

    # assert that the axis parameter makes sense
    assert isinstance(axis, int)
    assert axis >= 0
    assert axis < x.rank

    # Define the workgroup shape. Here we use a single worker to perform the accumulation across the
    # accumulation axis. The workgroup shape is then the size of all other axes with accumulation axis removed.
    if x.rank is 1:
        workgroup_shape = [1]
        workgroup_shape = []
        for cur_dim, num_elements in enumerate(x.shape):
            if cur_dim == axis:
    pos = ovl.position_in(workgroup_shape)

    # Define the accumulated output to be the same type as the input
    out = ovl.output_like(x)

    # Define a function for determining the index of the input tensor as a function of accumulation axis position
    # and the current worker position. This is equal to the worker position with the accumulation axis position
    # inserted where it should be in the indexing order.
    def resolve_position(axis_n):
        cur_pos = []
        offset = 0
        for cur_dim in range(x.rank):
            if cur_dim == axis:
                offset = 1
                cur_pos.append(pos[cur_dim - offset])
        return cur_pos

    # initialize accumulator to be the first element along the accumulation axis
    initial_value = x[resolve_position(0)]
    accum = ovl.variable(initial_value, x.dtype)
    out[resolve_position(0)] = accum

    # use this worker to iterate over and accumulate the rest of the elements in the accumulation axis
    for i in ovl.arange(1, x.shape[axis]):
        accum <<= inner_fcn(accum, x[resolve_position(i)])
        out[resolve_position(i)] = accum

    return out
def accumulate(x, inner_fcn=None, axis=None):
    Define the operator function.

    :param x: The input tensor
    :param inner_fcn: a lambda function to be applied for accumulation
    :param axis: The axis across which accumulation will be applied
    :return: The accumulated result

    # assert that the axis parameter makes sense
    assert isinstance(axis, int)
    assert axis >= 0
    assert axis < x.rank

    # Define the workgroup shape. Here we use a single worker to perform the accumulation across the
    # accumulation axis. The workgroup shape is then the size of all other axes with accumulation axis removed.
    if x.rank is 1:
        workgroup_shape = [1]
        workgroup_shape = []
        for cur_dim, num_elements in enumerate(x.shape):
            if cur_dim == axis:
    pos = ovl.position_in(workgroup_shape)

    # Define the accumulated output to be the same type as the input
    out = ovl.output_like(x)

    # Define a function for determining the index of the input tensor as a function of accumulation axis position
    # and the current worker position. This is equal to the worker position with the accumulation axis position
    # inserted where it should be in the indexing order.
    def resolve_position(axis_n):
        cur_pos = []
        offset = 0
        for cur_dim in range(x.rank):
            if cur_dim == axis:
                offset = 1
        return cur_pos

    # initialize accumulator to be the first element along the accumulation axis
    initial_value = x[resolve_position(0)]
    accum = ovl.variable(initial_value, x.dtype)
    out[resolve_position(0)] = accum

    # use this worker to iterate over and accumulate the rest of the elements in the accumulation axis
    for i in ovl.arange(1, x.shape[axis]):
        accum <<= inner_fcn(accum, x[resolve_position(i)])
        out[resolve_position(i)] = accum

    return out
Exemplo n.º 5
    def op(self, input0, input1, input2):
        sum = ops.output_like(input0)
        pos = ops.position_in(input0.shape)

        a = input0[pos]
        b = input1[pos]
        c = input2[pos]
        sum[pos] = ops.sqrt(a*a + b*b + c*c)

        return sum
Exemplo n.º 6
def lstm_grad(concat, c, d_new_c, d_new_h, forget_bias=None):
    batches = concat.shape[0]
    vec_len = concat.shape[1]/4

    assert c.shape[0] == concat.shape[0]
    assert c.shape[1] == vec_len
    assert c.dtype == concat.dtype

    assert d_new_c.tensor_type == c.tensor_type
    assert d_new_h.tensor_type == c.tensor_type

    pos = ovl.position_in([batches, vec_len])
    cur_batch = pos[0]
    cur_elem = pos[1]

    i = concat[cur_batch, cur_elem]
    j = concat[cur_batch, cur_elem + vec_len]
    f = concat[cur_batch, cur_elem + 2*vec_len]
    o = concat[cur_batch, cur_elem + 3*vec_len]
    c_cur = c[cur_batch, cur_elem]
    new_c_cur = c_cur*sig(f + forget_bias) + sig(i) * ovl.tanh(j)

    d_new_c_cur = d_new_c[cur_batch, cur_elem]
    d_new_h_cur = d_new_h[cur_batch, cur_elem]

    d_concat = ovl.output_like(concat)
    d_c = ovl.output_like(c)

    back_ch = d_new_c_cur + tanh_grad(new_c_cur)*sig(o)*d_new_h_cur
    d_i = ovl.tanh(j)*sig_grad(i)*back_ch
    d_j = sig(i)*tanh_grad(j)*back_ch
    d_f = c_cur*sig_grad(f+forget_bias)*back_ch
    d_c_cur = sig(f+forget_bias)*back_ch
    d_o = ovl.tanh(new_c_cur)*sig_grad(o)*d_new_h_cur

    d_concat[cur_batch, cur_elem] = d_i
    d_concat[cur_batch, cur_elem+vec_len] = d_j
    d_concat[cur_batch, cur_elem+2*vec_len] = d_f
    d_concat[cur_batch, cur_elem+3*vec_len] = d_o
    d_c[pos] = d_c_cur

    return d_concat, d_c
Exemplo n.º 7
def expm1(x):
    Define the expm1 operator by defining the its operator function to be

    .. math::
      out_{i} = exp(x_{i}) - 1.0

    :param x: The input tensor
    :return: Element-wise exp(x) - 1


    .. doctest::

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from opveclib import evaluate
        >>> from opveclib.examples import expm1
        >>> a = np.array([1e-10, -1e-10])
        >>> evaluate(expm1(a))
        array([  1.00000000e-10,  -1.00000000e-10])
        >>> np.expm1(a)
        array([  1.00000000e-10,  -1.00000000e-10])
        >>> ones = np.ones_like(a)
        >>> np.exp(a) - ones
        array([  1.00000008e-10,  -1.00000008e-10])
    output = ovl.output_like(x)
    pos = ovl.position_in(x.shape)
    e = ovl.exp(x[pos])

    # note, this is an example of the use of the OVL conditional operators
    with ovl.if_(ovl.logical_and(ovl.isinf(x[pos]), x[pos] > 0.0)):
        output[pos] = x[pos]
    with ovl.elif_(e == 1.0):
        output[pos] = x[pos]
    with ovl.elif_((e - 1.0) == -1.0):
        output[pos] = -1.0
    with ovl.else_():
        output[pos] = (e - 1.0) * x[pos] / ovl.log(e)
    return output
Exemplo n.º 8
def expm1(x):
    Define the expm1 operator by defining the its operator function to be

    .. math::
      out_{i} = exp(x_{i}) - 1.0

    :param x: The input tensor
    :return: Element-wise exp(x) - 1


    .. doctest::

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from opveclib import evaluate
        >>> from opveclib.examples import expm1
        >>> a = np.array([1e-10, -1e-10])
        >>> evaluate(expm1(a))
        array([  1.00000000e-10,  -1.00000000e-10])
        >>> np.expm1(a)
        array([  1.00000000e-10,  -1.00000000e-10])
        >>> ones = np.ones_like(a)
        >>> np.exp(a) - ones
        array([  1.00000008e-10,  -1.00000008e-10])
    output = ovl.output_like(x)
    pos = ovl.position_in(x.shape)
    e = ovl.exp(x[pos])

    # note, this is an example of the use of the OVL conditional operators
    with ovl.if_(ovl.logical_and(ovl.isinf(x[pos]), x[pos] > 0.0)):
        output[pos] = x[pos]
    with ovl.elif_(e == 1.0):
        output[pos] = x[pos]
    with ovl.elif_ ((e - 1.0) == -1.0):
        output[pos] = -1.0
    with ovl.else_():
        output[pos] = (e - 1.0) * x[pos] / ovl.log(e)
    return output
Exemplo n.º 9
def log1p(x):
    Define the log1p operator by defining the its operator function to be

    .. math::
      out_{i} = log(1.0 + x_{i})

    :param x: The input tensor
    :return: Element-wise log(1 + x)


    .. doctest::

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from opveclib import evaluate
        >>> from opveclib.examples import log1p
        >>> a = np.array([1e-99, -1e-99])
        >>> evaluate(log1p(a))
        array([  1.00000000e-99,  -1.00000000e-99])
        >>> np.log1p(a)
        array([  1.00000000e-99,  -1.00000000e-99])
        >>> ones = np.ones_like(a)
        >>> np.log(ones + a)
        array([ 0.,  0.])
    output = ovl.output_like(x)
    pos = ovl.position_in(x.shape)
    u = 1.0 + x[pos]
    d = u - 1.0

    # note, this is an example of the use of the OVL conditional operators
    with ovl.if_(ovl.logical_and(ovl.isinf(x[pos]), x[pos] > 0.0)):
        output[pos] = x[pos]
    with ovl.elif_(d == 0):
        output[pos] = x[pos]
    with ovl.else_():
        output[pos] = ovl.log(u) * x[pos] / d
    return output
Exemplo n.º 10
 def op(self, input0, input1, input2, input3, input4):
     sum = ops.output_like(input0)
     pos = ops.position_in(input0.shape)
     sum[pos] = input0[pos] + input1[pos] + input2[pos] + input3[pos] + input4[pos]
     return sum