Exemplo n.º 1
def molpro_mcscf(filename, select_run=0, threshold=0.0, **kwargs):
    '''Reads MOLPRO MCSCF output. 
    filename : str
      Specifies the filename for the input file.
    select_run : (list of) int
      Specifies the MCSCF calculation (1PROGRAM * MULTI) to be read. 
      For the selected MCSCF calculation, all electronic states will be read.
    threshold : float, optional
      Specifies a read threshold for the CI coefficients.
    ci : list of CIinfo class instances 
      See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.

    ..ATTENTION: Changed return value to list of CI classes
    display('\nReading data of MCSCF calculation from MOLPRO...')
    method = 'mcscf'
    available = {'mcscf': 'MULTI'}
    single_run_selected = isinstance(select_run, int)
    count = 0
    numci = []
    # Go through the file line by line
    with open(filename) as fileobject:
        for line in fileobject:
            if '1PROGRAM * %s' % available[method] in line:
                count += 1
            if '!%s state' % method in line.lower() and 'energy' in line.lower(
                numci[-1] += 1

    if count == 0:
            'The input file %s does not contain any DETCI calculations!\n' %
            (filename) +
            'It does not contain the keyword:\n\t1PROGRAM * MULTI')
        raise IOError('Not a valid input file')
        string = ', '.join(map(str, numci)).rsplit(', ', 1)
        string = ' and '.join(string) if len(
            string[0].split(',')) < 2 else ', and '.join(string)
        display('The input file %s contains' % (filename))
        display('%d MCSCF calculation(s) with %s root(s)%s.' %
                (count, string, ', respectively' if len(numci) > 1 else ''))

        if select_run is None:
            select_run = numpy.arange(count)
        if isinstance(select_run, int) and 0 <= select_run < count:
            select_run = [select_run]
            ci = [[]]
        elif isinstance(select_run, (list, numpy.ndarray)):
            ci = []
            for i in select_run:
                if not isinstance(i, int):
                    raise IOError(
                        str(i) + ' is not a valid selection for select_run')
            raise IOError(
                str(select_run) + ' is a not valid selection for select_run')
    select_run = numpy.array(select_run)

    display('\tYour selection (counting from zero): %s' %
            ', '.join(map(str, select_run)))

    general_information = {'fileinfo': filename, 'read_threshold': threshold}

    ci_skip = 0
    count = 0
    count_runs = 0
    min_c = 1
    start_reading = False
    sec_flag = False

    info_flag = False
    info_sep = False
    info_split = False

    occ_types = ['core', 'closed', 'active', 'external']

    with open(filename) as fileobject:
        for line in fileobject:
            thisline = line.split()  # The current line split into segments

            if '1PROGRAM *' in line:
                start_reading = False
            #--- Number of IRREPs
            if 'Point group' in line or '_PGROUP' in line:
                nIRREP = point_groups()[thisline[-1].lower()]
                rhf_occ = numpy.zeros(nIRREP, dtype=numpy.intc)
            #--- RHF occupation
            elif 'Final occupancy:' in line:
                c_occ = line.split()[2:]
                for ii in range(len(c_occ)):
                    rhf_occ[ii] = int(c_occ[ii])
            #--- A MCSCF Calculation starts ---
            elif '1PROGRAM * %s' % available[method] in line:
                occ_info = {}
                for i in occ_types:
                    occ_info[i] = numpy.zeros(nIRREP, dtype=numpy.intc)
                state_info = []
                i = numpy.argwhere(select_run == count_runs)
                if len(i) > 0:
                    index_run = int(i)
                    start_reading = True
                    count = 0
                    old = 0
                count_runs += 1
            elif start_reading:
                #--- Active space ---
                if 'Number of ' in line and 'orbitals:' in line:
                    line = line.replace('(',
                                                    '').replace('-shell', '')
                    c_occ = numpy.array(line.split()[-nIRREP:],
                    occ_info[line.split()[2]] += c_occ
                elif 'State symmetry' in line:
                    thisline = fileobject.next()
                    if 'State symmetry' in thisline:
                        thisline = fileobject.next()
                    thisline = thisline.replace('=', ' ').split()
                    data = {
                        'nel': thisline[3],
                        'spin': thisline[6],
                        'sym': thisline[9]
                    thisline = fileobject.next().split()
                    state_info.extend([data for i in range(int(thisline[-1]))])
                elif '!%s state' % method in line.lower(
                ) and 'energy' in line.lower():
                    info = state_info[count]
                    thisline = line.lower().replace('state', 'state ').split()
                    ci[index_run][count].info = copy(general_information)
                    ci[index_run][count].info['fileinfo'] += '@%d' % index_run
                    ci[index_run][count].info['state'] = thisline[2]
                    ci[index_run][count].info['energy'] = float(thisline[4])
                    ci[index_run][count].info['spin'] = info['spin']
                    ci[index_run][count].info['nel'] = info['nel']
                    ci[index_run][count].info['occ_info'] = occ_info
                    count += 1
                elif 'CI vector' in line:
                    sec_flag = 'mcscf'
                    info_split = '     '
                    ci_skip = 3
                    info = thisline[-1]
                    count = old
                    first = True
                if not ci_skip:
                    if line == '\n' or '/EOF' in line:
                        sec_flag = False
                    elif sec_flag != False:
                        split_line = filter(None, line.split(info_split))
                        if len(split_line) > 1:
                            occupation = numpy.zeros(
                                (numpy.sum(occ_info['active']), 2),
                            for i, j in enumerate(split_line[0].replace(
                                    ' ', '')):
                                if j == '2':
                                    occupation[i, :] = 1
                                elif j == 'a':
                                    occupation[i, 0] = 1
                                elif j == 'b':
                                    occupation[i, 1] = 1
                            c0 = 0
                        coeffs = split_line[-1].split()
                        for i, j in enumerate(coeffs):
                            if first:
                                old += 1
                            min_c = min(min_c, abs(float(j)))
                            if abs(float(j)) > threshold:
                                ci[index_run][count + c0 + i].coeffs.append(
                                ci[index_run][count + c0 +
                        c0 += len(coeffs)
                        first = False
                    ci_skip -= 1

    #--- Calculating norm of CI states
    display('\nIn total, %d states have been read.' % sum([len(i)
                                                           for i in ci]))
    display('Norm of the states:')
    for i in range(len(ci)):
        for j in range(len(ci[i])):
            ci[i][j].coeffs = numpy.array(ci[i][j].coeffs)
            ci[i][j].occ = numpy.array(ci[i][j].occ, dtype=numpy.intc)
            norm = sum(ci[i][j].coeffs**2)
            # Write Norm to log-file
            display('\tState %s (%s):\tNorm = %0.8f (%d Coefficients)' %
                    (ci[i][j].info['state'], ci[i][j].info['spin'], norm,
    if min_c > threshold:
            '\nInfo:' +
            '\n\tSmallest coefficient (|c|=%f) larger than the read threshold (%f).'
            % (min_c, threshold) +
            '\n\tUse `gthresh, printci=0.0` in the MOLPRO input file to print '
            + 'all CI coefficients.\n')

    #if single_run_selected and len(ci) == 1:
    #ci = ci[0]
    ci_new = []
    for i in ci:

    return ci_new
Exemplo n.º 2
def gaussian_tddft(fname,select_state=None,threshold=0.0,**kwargs):
  '''Reads Gaussian16 TDDFT output. 
    fname: str, file descriptor
      Specifies the filename for the input file.
      fname can also be used with a file descriptor instad of a filename.
    select_state : None or list of int, optional
      If not None, specifies the states to be read (0 corresponds to the ground 
      state), else read all electronic states.
    threshold : float, optional
      Specifies a read threshold for the CI coefficients.
    ci : list of CIinfo class instances
      See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
  display('\nReading data of TDDFT calculation from Gaussian...')
  # Initialize variables
  ci = []
  ci_flag = False
  prttol = False
  init_state = False
  rhfspin = 0
  spin = 'Unknown'
  nel = 0
  deex = []
  if isinstance(select_state,int): select_state = [select_state]

  if isinstance(fname, str):
    filename = fname
    fname = descriptor_from_file(filename, index=0, ci_descriptor=True)
    filename = fname.name

  for line in fname:
    thisline = line.split()             # The current line split into segments
    #--- Check the file for keywords ---
    # Initialize Hartree-Fock ground state
    if ' SCF Done:  E(' in line:
        ci[-1].info   = []
        ci[-1].coeffs = []
        ci[-1].occ    = []
        ci[-1].info = {'state': '0',
                       'energy': float(thisline[4]),
		       'energy_nm': 0.0,
                       'fileinfo': filename,
                       'read_threshold': threshold,
                       'spin': spin,
		       'f_0i': 0.0}
    # Initialize new excited state
    elif ' Excited State' in line and 'eV' in line and 'nm' in line:
      if select_state is None or int(thisline[2].replace(':',' ')) in select_state:
        init_state = True
        tddft_skip = 1
        ci[-1].info   = []
        ci[-1].coeffs = []
        ci[-1].occ    = []
        ci[-1].info = {'state': thisline[2][:-1],
                       'energy': float(thisline[-6])*ev_to_ha + ci[0].info['energy'],
		       'energy_nm': float(thisline[-4]),
                       'fileinfo': filename,
                       'read_threshold': threshold,
                       'spin': thisline[3].split('-')[0],
		       'f_0i': float(thisline[8].replace('=',' ').split()[-1])}
    if init_state == True:
      if not tddft_skip:
        if thisline == [] or '->' not in line and '<-' not in line:
          init_state = False
          if '->' in line:
            thisline = line.replace('->','-> ').split()
            if abs(float(thisline[-1])) > threshold:
              tmp_occ = [thisline[0],thisline[2]]
          elif '<-' in line:
      elif tddft_skip:
        tddft_skip -= 1

  deex = numpy.array(deex)

  #--- Calculating norm of CI states
  display('\nIn total, %d states have been read.' % len(ci)) 
  display('Norm of the states:')
  for i in range(len(ci)):
    j = numpy.array(ci[i].coeffs,dtype=float)
    norm = numpy.sum(j**2)
    ci[i].coeffs = j
    # Write Norm to log-file
    display('\tState %s:\tNorm = %0.8f (%d Coefficients)' % (ci[i].info['state'],norm, len(ci[i].coeffs)))
    # Transform to numpy arrays
    ci[i].occ = numpy.array([s for s in ci[i].occ],dtype=numpy.intc)-1
  return ci
Exemplo n.º 3
def gamess_cis(filename, select_state=None, threshold=0.0, **kwargs):
    '''Reads GAMESS-US CIS output. 
    filename : str
      Specifies the filename for the input file.
    select_state : None or list of int, optional
      If not None, specifies the states to be read (0 corresponds to the ground 
      state), else read all electronic states.
    threshold : float, optional
      Specifies a read threshold for the CI coefficients.
    ci : list of CIinfo class instances
      See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
    display('\nReading data of CIS calculation from GAMESS-US...')
    # Initialize variables
    ci = []
    ci_flag = False
    prttol = False
    init_state = False
    rhfspin = 0
    min_c = -1

    if isinstance(select_state, int): select_state = [select_state]
    with open(filename) as fileobject:
        for line in fileobject:
            thisline = line.split()  # The current line split into segments
            #--- Check the file for keywords ---
            # Initialize Hartree-Fock ground state
            if 'NUMBER OF ELECTRONS' in line and "=" in line:
                nel = int(thisline[-1])
            elif 'SPIN MULTIPLICITY' in line:
                rhfspin = int(thisline[-1])
            elif ' FINAL RHF ENERGY IS' in line and (select_state is None
                                                     or 0 in select_state):
                ci[-1].info = []
                ci[-1].coeffs = []
                ci[-1].occ = []
                ci[-1].occ.append([0, 0])
                ci[-1].info = {
                    'state': '0',
                    'energy': float(thisline[4]),
                    'fileinfo': filename,
                    'read_threshold': threshold,
                    'spin': multiplicity()[rhfspin],
                    'nel': nel
            # Printing parameter
            elif ' PRINTING CIS COEFFICIENTS LARGER THAN' in line:
                min_c = float(thisline[-1])
            # Initialize new excited state
            elif ' EXCITED STATE ' in line and 'ENERGY=' and 'SPACE SYM' in line:
                if select_state is None or int(thisline[2]) in select_state:
                    init_state = True
                    cis_skip = 6
                    ci[-1].info = []
                    ci[-1].coeffs = []
                    ci[-1].occ = []
                    ci[-1].info = {
                        'state': thisline[2],
                        'energy': float(thisline[4]),
                        'fileinfo': filename,
                        'read_threshold': threshold,
                        multiplicity()[int(2 * float(thisline[7]) + 1)],
                        'nel': nel
            if init_state == True:
                if not cis_skip:
                    if '----------------------------------------------' in line:
                        init_state = False
                        if abs(float(thisline[2])) > threshold:
                elif cis_skip:
                    cis_skip -= 1

    #--- Calculating norm of CI states
    display('\nIn total, %d states have been read.' % len(ci))
    display('Norm of the states:')
    for i in range(len(ci)):
        j = numpy.array(ci[i].coeffs, dtype=float)
        norm = numpy.sum(j**2)
        ci[i].coeffs = j
        # Write Norm to log-file
        display('\tState %s:\tNorm = %0.8f (%d Coefficients)' %
                (ci[i].info['state'], norm, len(ci[i].coeffs)))
        # Transform to numpy arrays
        ci[i].occ = numpy.array([s for s in ci[i].occ], dtype=numpy.intc) - 1
    if min_c > threshold:
            '\nInfo:' +
            '\n\tSmallest coefficient (|c|=%f) is larger than the read threshold (%f).'
            % (min_c, threshold) +
            '\n\tUse `PRTTOL=0.0` in the `$CIS` input card to print ' +
            'all CI coefficients.\n')

    return ci
Exemplo n.º 4
def gamess_tddft(fname, select_state=None, threshold=0.0, **kwargs):
    '''Reads GAMESS-US TDDFT output. 
    fname: str, file descriptor
      Specifies the filename for the input file.
      fname can also be used with a file descriptor instad of a filename.
    select_state : None or list of int, optional
      If not None, specifies the states to be read (0 corresponds to the ground 
      state), else read all electronic states.
    threshold : float, optional
      Specifies a read threshold for the CI coefficients.
    ci : list of CIinfo class instances
      See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
    display('\nReading data of TDDFT calculation from GAMESS-US...')
    # Initialize variables
    ci = []
    ci_flag = False
    prttol = False
    init_state = False
    rhfspin = 0
    spin = 'Unknown'

    if isinstance(select_state, int): select_state = [select_state]

    if isinstance(fname, str):
        filename = fname
        fname = descriptor_from_file(filename, index=0, ci_descriptor=True)
        filename = fname.name

    for line in fname:
        thisline = line.split()  # The current line split into segments
        #--- Check the file for keywords ---
        # Initialize Hartree-Fock ground state
        if 'NUMBER OF ELECTRONS' in line:
            nel = int(thisline[-1])
        elif 'SPIN MULTIPLICITY' in line:
            rhfspin = int(thisline[-1])
        elif 'SINGLET EXCITATIONS' in line:
            spin = 'Singlet'
        #elif ' FINAL RHF ENERGY IS' in line and (select_state is None or 0 in select_state):
        elif ' FINAL' in line and ' ENERGY IS' in line and (
                select_state is None or 0 in select_state):
            ci[-1].info = []
            ci[-1].coeffs = []
            ci[-1].occ = []
            ci[-1].occ.append([0, 0])
            ci[-1].info = {
                'state': '0',
                'energy': float(thisline[4]),
                'fileinfo': filename,
                'read_threshold': threshold,
                'spin': spin,
                'nel': nel
        # Initialize new excited state
        elif 'STATE #' in line and 'ENERGY =' in line:
            if select_state is None or int(thisline[2]) in select_state:
                init_state = True
                tddft_skip = 8
                ci[-1].info = []
                ci[-1].coeffs = []
                ci[-1].occ = []
                ci[-1].info = {
                    'state': thisline[2],
                    float(thisline[-2]) * ev_to_ha + ci[0].info['energy'],
                    'fileinfo': filename,
                    'read_threshold': threshold,
                    'spin': 'Unknown',
                    'nel': nel
        if init_state == True and line != '\n' and 'WARNING:' not in line:
            if not tddft_skip:
                if 'NON-ABELIAN' in line or 'SUMMARY' in line or 'SYMMETRY' in line or 'STATE #' in line:
                    init_state = False
                    if abs(float(thisline[2])) > threshold:
            elif tddft_skip:
                tddft_skip -= 1


    #--- Calculating norm of CI states
    display('\nIn total, %d states have been read.' % len(ci))
    display('Norm of the states:')
    for i in range(len(ci)):
        j = numpy.array(ci[i].coeffs, dtype=float)
        norm = numpy.sum(j**2)
        ci[i].coeffs = j
        # Write Norm to log-file
        display('\tState %s:\tNorm = %0.8f (%d Coefficients)' %
                (ci[i].info['state'], norm, len(ci[i].coeffs)))
        # Transform to numpy arrays
        ci[i].occ = numpy.array([s for s in ci[i].occ], dtype=numpy.intc) - 1

    return ci
Exemplo n.º 5
def psi4_detci(filename,select_run=None,threshold=0.0,**kwargs):
  '''Reads PSI4 DETCI output. 
    filename : str
      Specifies the filename for the input file.
    select_run : (list of) int
      Specifies the DETCI calculation (D E T C I) to be read. 
      For the selected DETCI calculation, all electronic states will be read.
    threshold : float, optional
      Specifies a read threshold for the CI coefficients.
    ci : list of CIinfo class instances 
      See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
  ..#ATTENTION: Changed return value to list of CI classes

  display('\nReading data of DETCI calculation from PSI4...')
  count = 0
  numci = []
  # Go through the file line by line 
  with open(filename) as fileobject:
    for line in fileobject:
      if 'D E T C I' in line:
        count += 1
      if '* ROOT' in line:
        numci[-1] += 1
  if count == 0:
    display('The input file %s does not contain any DETCI calculations!\n' % (filename) + 
            'It does not contain the keyword:\n\tD E T C I')
    raise IOError('Not a valid input file')
    string = ', '.join(map(str,numci)).rsplit(', ',1)
    string = ' and '.join(string) if len(string[0].split(',')) < 2 else ', and '.join(string)
    display('The input file %s contains' % (filename))
    display('%d DETCI calculation(s) with %s root(s)%s.'%(count, string,
                               ', respectively' if len(numci)>1 else ''))
    if select_run is None:
      select_run = numpy.arange(count)   
    if isinstance(select_run,int) and 0 <= select_run < count:
      select_run = [select_run]
      ci = [[]]
    elif isinstance(select_run,(list,numpy.ndarray)):
      ci = []
      for i in select_run:
        if not isinstance(i,int):
          raise IOError(str(i) + ' is not a valid selection for select_run')
      raise IOError(str(select_run) + ' is a not valid selection for select_run')    
  select_run = numpy.array(select_run)
  display('\n\tYour selection (counting from zero): %s' % 
          ', '.join(map(str,select_run)))
  general_information = {'fileinfo': filename,
                         'read_threshold': threshold}
  ci_skip = 0
  count = 0
  count_runs = 0
  min_c = 1
  orbs_in_ci = 0
  start_reading = False
  occ_types = ['core','closed','active','external']
  synonyms = {'frozen docc': 'core',
              'restricted docc': 'closed',
              'ras ': 'active',
              'active': 'active',
              'restricted uocc': 'external',
              'frozen uocc': 'external'}
  irreps = []
  fist_active_mo = []
  index_active_mo = []
  occ_symbols = {'A': numpy.array([1,0]),
                 'B': numpy.array([0,1]),
                 'X': numpy.array([1,1])}
  with open(filename) as fileobject:
    for line in fileobject:
      thisline = line.split()             # The current line split into segments
      if 'Running in ' in line and 'symmetry.' in line: 
        nIRREP = point_groups()[thisline[2].lower()]
        rhf_occ = numpy.zeros(nIRREP,dtype=numpy.intc)
      #--- RHF occupation
      elif 'Final Occupation by Irrep:' in line:
        irreps = fileobject.next().split()
        line = fileobject.next()
        c_occ = line.replace(',','').split()[2:-1]
        for ii in range(len(c_occ)):
          rhf_occ[ii] = int(c_occ[ii])
      #--- A DETCI Calculation starts ---
      elif 'D E T C I' in line:
        occ_info = {}
        for i in occ_types:
          occ_info[i] = numpy.zeros(nIRREP,dtype=numpy.intc)
        info = {}
        num_roots = 0
        method = 'detci'
        i = numpy.argwhere(select_run == count_runs)
        if len(i) > 0:
          index_run = int(i)
          start_reading = True
        count_runs += 1
      elif start_reading:
        if 'NUM ROOTS     =' in line:
          num_roots = int(thisline[3])
        elif 'FCI          =' in line and line.endswith('yes'):
          method = 'fci'
        elif 'REF SYM       =' in line:
          info['sym'] = thisline[3] 
          if info['sym'] != 'auto':
            info['sym'] = irreps[int(info['sym'])]
        elif 'S             =' in  line:
          info['spin'] = multiplicity()[int(2*float(thisline[2])+1)]
        elif 'NUM ALP      =' in line:
          info['nel'] = int(thisline[3]) + int(thisline[-1])
        elif 'ORBS IN CI   =' in line: 
          orbs_in_ci = int(thisline[-1])
        elif '=' in line and any([i in line.lower() for i in synonyms.keys()]):
          for i in synonyms.keys():
            if i in line.lower():
              occ_info[synonyms[i]] += numpy.array(thisline[-nIRREP:],
        elif '* ROOT' in line and 'CI total energy' in line:
          ci[index_run][-1].info = copy(general_information) 
          ci[index_run][-1].info['fileinfo'] += '@%d' % index_run
          ci[index_run][-1].info['irreps'] = irreps
          ci[index_run][-1].info['state'] = '%s.%s'%(thisline[2],info['sym'])
          ci[index_run][-1].info['energy'] = float(thisline[7])
          ci[index_run][-1].info['spin'] = info['spin']
          ci[index_run][-1].info['nel'] = info['nel']
          ci[index_run][-1].info['occ_info'] = occ_info
          closed = []
          active = {}
          c = 0
          for i in range(nIRREP):
            a = occ_info['core'][i] + occ_info['closed'][i]
            for b in range(occ_info['active'][i]):
              active['%d%s' % (a+b+1,irreps[i])] = c
              c += 1
        elif 'most important determinants' in line:
          num_det = int(thisline[1])
          ci[index_run][-1].coeffs = [] # numpy.zeros(num_det)
          ci[index_run][-1].occ = [] # numpy.zeros((numpy.sum(occ_info['active']),2),
          def rm(s,w='*(,)'):
            for i in w:
              s = s.replace(i,' ')
            return s
          for i in range(num_det):            
            thisline = rm(fileobject.next()).split()
            if thisline == []:
            min_c = min(min_c,abs(float(thisline[1])))
            if abs(float(thisline[1])) > threshold:
              for j in thisline[4:]:
                ci[index_run][-1].occ[-1][active[j[:-1]]] = occ_symbols[j[-1]]
          ci[index_run][-1].coeffs = numpy.array(ci[index_run][-1].coeffs)
          ci[index_run][-1].occ = numpy.array(ci[index_run][-1].occ,dtype=numpy.intc)
        elif 'A good bug is a dead bug' in line:
          start_reading = False
  #--- Calculating norm of CI states
  display('\nIn total, %d states have been read.' % sum([len(i) for i in ci])) 
  display('Norm of the states:')
  for i in range(len(ci)):
    for j in range(len(ci[i])):
      norm = sum(ci[i][j].coeffs**2)
      display('\tState %s (%s):\tNorm = %0.8f (%d Coefficients)' % 
  if threshold and min_c > threshold:
       '\n\tSmallest coefficient (|c|=%f) larger than the read threshold (%f).' 
       %(min_c,threshold) + 
       '\n\tUse `set num_dets_print -1` in the PSI4 input file to print ' +
       'all CI coefficients.\n')
  ci_new = []
  for i in ci:
  return ci_new
Exemplo n.º 6
def fermions_tdscf(fname,
    '''Reads FermiONs++ TDDFT output. 
    fname: str, file descriptor
      Specifies the filename for the input file.
      fname can also be used with a file descriptor instad of a filename.
    select_state : None or list of int, optional
      If not None, specifies the states to be read (0 corresponds to the ground 
      state), else read all electronic states.
    threshold : float, optional
      Specifies a read threshold for the CI coefficients.
    ci : list of CIinfo class instances
      See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
    display('\nReading data of TDDFT calculation from FermiONs++...')
    # future user-input...
    sst = 'Singlets'
    fspin = 1.0
    if st_typ == 'triplet':
        fspin = 3.0
        sst = 'Triplets'

    ss0 = ''
    if td_typ == 'tda':
        ss0 = 'Tamm-Dancoff Excitation Energies [%s]' % sst
    elif td_typ == 'rpa':
        ss0 = 'RPA Excitation Energies [%s]' % sst
    elif td_typ == 'stda':
        ss0 = 'Simplified Tamm-Dancoff Excitation Energies [%s]' % sst
    elif td_typ == 'srpa':
        ss0 = 'Simplified RPA Excitation Energies [%s]' % sst

    nocca = -1
    noccb = -1

    # Initialize variables
    ci = []
    ci_flag = False
    prttol = False
    init_state = False
    rhfspin = 0
    spin = 'Unknown'
    nel = 0
    deex = []

    if isinstance(select_state, int): select_state = [select_state]

    if isinstance(fname, str):
        filename = fname
        fname = descriptor_from_file(filename, index=0, ci_descriptor=True)
        filename = fname.name

    st = 0
    for line in fname:
        thisline = line.split()  # The current line split into segments
        #--- Check the file for keywords ---
        # Initialize Hartree-Fock ground state
        if 'No. of alpha-electrons:' in line:
            nocca = int(line.split()[3])
        elif 'No. of beta-electrons:' in line:
            noccb = int(line.split()[3])
        elif 'Final SCF energy:' in line:
            ci[-1].info = []
            ci[-1].coeffs = []
            ci[-1].occ = []
            ci[-1].occ.append([0, 0])
            ci[-1].info = {
                'state': '0',
                'energy': float(thisline[3]),
                'energy_nm': 0.0,
                'fileinfo': filename,
                'read_threshold': threshold,
                'spin': spin,
                'f_0i': 0.0
        # Initialize new excited state
        if st == 0:  # look for RPA
            if ss0 in line:
                st = 1
        elif st == 1:
            if 'Converged' in line and '==' in line:
                st = 2
        elif st == 2:
            if 'Excited State' in line:  # and 'eV' in line and 'nm' in line:
                if select_state is None or int(thisline[2]) in select_state:
                    init_state = True
                    tddft_skip = 1
                    ci[-1].info = []
                    ci[-1].coeffs = []
                    ci[-1].occ = []
                    ci[-1].info = {
                        'state': thisline[2],
                        0.0,  #float(thisline[-6])*ev_to_ha + ci[0].info['energy'],
                        'energy_nm': 0.0,  #float(thisline[-4]),
                        'fileinfo': filename,
                        'read_threshold': threshold,
                        'spin': fspin,  #thisline[3].split('-')[0],
                        'f_0i': 0.0
                    }  #float(thisline[8].replace('=',' ').split()[-1])}
            if init_state == True:
                if not tddft_skip:
                    if 'Excitation Energy:' in line:
                        ci[-1].info['energy'] = float(
                            thisline[2]) * ev_to_ha + ci[0].info['energy']
                    elif ' nm' in line:
                        ci[-1].info['energy_nm'] = float(thisline[0])

#                           'spin': thisline[3].split('-')[0],
                    elif len(
                    ) == 0:  #thisline == [] or '->' not in line and '<-' not in line:
                        init_state = False
                        if '<-->' in line:
                            if abs(float(thisline[-2])) > threshold:
                                ex = thisline[-2]
                                dex = thisline[-2]
                                thisline = line.split(
                                    '<-->')  #replace('->','-> ').split()
                                s0 = thisline[0].split('(')[1].split(
                                nocc = nocca
                                if 'beta' in line:
                                    nocc = noccb
                                s1 = int(thisline[1].split('(')[1].split(')')
                                         [0].strip()) + nocc
                                tmp_occ = [s0, '%i' % s1]
                                ci[-1].coeffs.append(float(ex) * numpy.sqrt(2))
                                deex[-1].append(float(dex) * numpy.sqrt(2))
                elif tddft_skip:
                    tddft_skip -= 1
            if '-------------------' in line or 'Excite Total:' in line:
                st = 3

    deex = numpy.array(deex)
    #--- Calculating norm of CI states
    display('\nIn total, %d states have been read.' % len(ci))
    display('Norm of the states:')
    for i in range(len(ci)):
        j = numpy.array(ci[i].coeffs, dtype=float)
        norm = numpy.sum(j**2)
        ci[i].coeffs = j
        # Write Norm to log-file
        display('\tState %s:\tNorm = %0.8f (%d Coefficients)' %
                (ci[i].info['state'], norm, len(ci[i].coeffs)))
        # Transform to numpy arrays
        ci[i].occ = numpy.array([s for s in ci[i].occ], dtype=numpy.intc) - 1

    return ci
Exemplo n.º 7
def tmol_tddft(fname,
    '''Reads Turbomole TD-DFT output (``sing_a`` file). 
  Hint: Only implemented for singlet TD-DFT computations in C_1 symmetry, the
  output data file of which is usually called ``sing_a``.
    fname: str, file descriptor
      Specifies the filename for the input file.
      fname can also be used with a file descriptor instad of a filename.
    nmoocc : int
      Specifies the number of non-frozen occupied orbitals.
    nforbs : int,optional
      Specifies the number of frozen orbitals.
    select_state : None or list of int, optional
      If not None, specifies the states to be read (0 corresponds to the ground 
      state), else read all electronic states. 
    threshold : float, optional
      Specifies a read threshold for the TD-DFT coefficients.
    bortho : bool
      If True, an orthonormalization of  the TD-DFT coefficients is perfomed
      with Gram-Schmidt.
    ci : list of CIinfo class instances
      See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
    display('\nReading data of TD-DFT calculation from Turbomole...')

    nel = (nmoocc + nforbs) * 2
    lumo = (nmoocc + nforbs)
    states = []
    if isinstance(select_state, int): select_state = [select_state]

    if isinstance(fname, str):
        filename = fname
        fname = descriptor_from_file(filename, index=0, ci_descriptor=True)
        filename = fname.name

    start = False
    for i, line in enumerate(fname):
        if '$tensor space dimension' in line:
            tspace = int(line.split()[-1])
        if 'eigenvalue' in line:
            start = True
            l = line.split()
                'eigenvalue': float(l[-1].replace('D', 'E')),
                'coeffs': []
        elif start:
            for i in range((len(line) - 1) // 20):
                    float(line[i * 20:(i + 1) * 20].replace('D', 'E')))

    for i in range(len(states)):
        if len(states[i]['coeffs']) == tspace * 2:
            states[i]['coeffs'] = numpy.array(states[i]['coeffs']).reshape(
                (2, nmoocc, -1))
            states[i]['xia'] = states[i]['coeffs'][0]
        elif len(states[i]['coeffs']) == tspace:
            states[i]['xia'] = numpy.array(states[i]['coeffs']).reshape(
                (nmoocc, -1))
            raise IOError(
                'Shape of coefficient matrix does not match with tensor space.'
        del states[i]['coeffs']

    coeffs = numpy.zeros(
        (len(states) + 1, numpy.prod(states[1]['xia'].shape) + 1))
    for i in range(len(states)):
        coeffs[i + 1][1:] = states[i]['xia'].reshape((-1, ))
    coeffs[0, 0] = 1.0

    # Set up configurations
    ci = []
    for i in range(len(states) + 1):
        if select_state is None or i in select_state:
            ci[-1].coeffs = coeffs[i]
            ci[-1].occ = []
            ci[-1].info = {
                'state': str(i),
                0.0 if i == 0 else numpy.abs(states[i - 1]['eigenvalue']),
                'fileinfo': filename,
                'read_threshold': threshold,
                'spin': 'Unknown',
                'nel': nel
            if not i:
                ci[-1].occ.append([-1, -1])
                ci[-1].occ.append([0, 0])
                for jj in range(states[i - 1]['xia'].shape[0]):
                    for kk in range(states[i - 1]['xia'].shape[1]):
                        ci[-1].occ.append([jj + nforbs, kk + lumo])
            ci[-1].occ = numpy.array(ci[-1].occ, dtype=numpy.intc)

    # Gram-Schmidt
    display('Orthonormalizing the TD-DFT coefficients with Gram-Schmidt...\n')
    ci = orthonorm(ci, reorth=False)

    if bortho:
        for c in ci:
            c.apply_threshold(threshold, keep_length=True)
        ci = orthonorm(ci, reorth=True)
        for c in ci:
            c.apply_threshold(threshold, keep_length=False)

    for c in ci:
        c.apply_threshold(0.0, keep_length=False)

    #--- Calculating norm of CI states
    display('\nIn total, %d states have been read.' % len(ci))
    display('Norm of the states:')
    for i in ci:

    return ci