Exemplo n.º 1
def price_vars(net):
    nodes2 = networks.from_yaml(net, "price_vars.yaml")
    nodes2 = nodes2.fillna(0)
    nodes = sim.get_table('nodes')
    nodes = nodes.to_frame().join(nodes2)
    sim.add_table("nodes", nodes)
Exemplo n.º 2
def simple_transition(tbl, rate, location_fname):
    Run a simple growth rate transition model on the table passed in

    tbl : DataFrameWrapper
        Table to be transitioned
    rate : float
        Growth rate
    location_fname : str
        The field name in the resulting dataframe to set to -1 (to unplace
        new agents)

    transition = GrowthRateTransition(rate)
    df = tbl.to_frame(tbl.local_columns)

    print("%d agents before transition" % len(df.index))
    df, added, copied, removed = transition.transition(df, None)
    print("%d agents after transition" % len(df.index))

    df.loc[added, location_fname] = -1
    sim.add_table(tbl.name, df)
Exemplo n.º 3
def full_transition(agents, agent_controls, year, settings, location_fname):
    Run a transition model based on control totals specified in the usual
    UrbanSim way

    agents : DataFrameWrapper
        Table to be transitioned
    agent_controls : DataFrameWrapper
        Table of control totals
    year : int
        The year, which will index into the controls
    settings : dict
        Contains the configuration for the transition model - is specified
        down to the yaml level with a "total_column" which specifies the
        control total and an "add_columns" param which specified which
        columns to add when calling to_frame (should be a list of the columns
        needed to do the transition
    location_fname : str
        The field name in the resulting dataframe to set to -1 (to unplace
        new agents)

    ct = agent_controls.to_frame()
    hh = agents.to_frame(agents.local_columns + settings['add_columns'])
    print("Total agents before transition: {}".format(len(hh)))
    tran = transition.TabularTotalsTransition(ct, settings['total_column'])
    model = transition.TransitionModel(tran)
    new, added_hh_idx, new_linked = model.transition(hh, year)
    new.loc[added_hh_idx, location_fname] = -1
    print("Total agents after transition: {}".format(len(new)))
    sim.add_table(agents.name, new)
Exemplo n.º 4
def neighborhood_vars(net):
    nodes = networks.from_yaml(net, "neighborhood_vars.yaml")
    nodes = nodes.fillna(0)
    sim.add_table("nodes", nodes)
Exemplo n.º 5
def run_feasibility(parcels, parcel_price_callback,
                    parcel_use_allowed_callback, residential_to_yearly=True,
                    parcel_filter=None, only_built=True, forms_to_test=None,
                    config=None, pass_through=[]):
    Execute development feasibility on all parcels

    parcels : DataFrame Wrapper
        The data frame wrapper for the parcel data
    parcel_price_callback : function
        A callback which takes each use of the pro forma and returns a series
        with index as parcel_id and value as yearly_rent
    parcel_use_allowed_callback : function
        A callback which takes each form of the pro forma and returns a series
        with index as parcel_id and value and boolean whether the form
        is allowed on the parcel
    residential_to_yearly : boolean (default true)
        Whether to use the cap rate to convert the residential price from total
        sales price per sqft to rent per sqft
    parcel_filter : string
        A filter to apply to the parcels data frame to remove parcels from
        consideration - is typically used to remove parcels with buildings
        older than a certain date for historical preservation, but is
        generally useful
    only_built : boolean
        Only return those buildings that are profitable - only those buildings
        that "will be built"
    forms_to_test : list of strings (optional)
        Pass the list of the names of forms to test for feasibility - if set to
        None will use all the forms available in ProFormaConfig
    config : SqFtProFormaConfig configuration object.  Optional.  Defaults to
    pass_through : list of strings
        Will be passed to the feasibility lookup function - is used to pass
        variables from the parcel dataframe to the output dataframe, usually
        for debugging

    Adds a table called feasibility to the sim object (returns nothing)

    pf = sqftproforma.SqFtProForma(config) if config \
        else sqftproforma.SqFtProForma()

    df = parcels.to_frame()
    if parcel_filter:
        df = df.query(parcel_filter)
    # add prices for each use
    for use in pf.config.uses:
        # assume we can get the 80th percentile price for new development
        df[use] = parcel_price_callback(use)

    # convert from cost to yearly rent
    if residential_to_yearly:
        df["residential"] *= pf.config.cap_rate

    print("Describe of the yearly rent by use")

    d = {}

    forms = forms_to_test or pf.config.forms
    for form in forms:
        print("Computing feasibility for form %s" % form)
        allowed = parcel_use_allowed_callback(form).loc[df.index]
        d[form] = pf.lookup(form, df[allowed], only_built=only_built,
        if residential_to_yearly and "residential" in pass_through:
            d[form]["residential"] /= pf.config.cap_rate

    far_predictions = pd.concat(d.values(), keys=d.keys(), axis=1)
    far_predictions['residential'].max_profit = far_predictions['residential'].max_profit / np.power(far_predictions['residential'].max_profit_far*far_predictions['residential'].shape_area,1)
    far_predictions['industrial'].max_profit = far_predictions['industrial'].max_profit / np.power(far_predictions['industrial'].max_profit_far*far_predictions['industrial'].shape_area,1)
    far_predictions['retail'].max_profit = far_predictions['retail'].max_profit / np.power(far_predictions['retail'].max_profit_far*far_predictions['retail'].shape_area,1)
    far_predictions['office'].max_profit = far_predictions['office'].max_profit / np.power(far_predictions['office'].max_profit_far*far_predictions['office'].shape_area,1)
    #far_predictions['residential'].max_profit = np.divide(far_predictions['residential'].max_profit,far_predictions['residential'].max_dua)
    #far_predictions['residential'].max_profit[far_predictions['residential'].max_profit==-np.inf] = np.nan

    sim.add_table("feasibility", far_predictions)
Exemplo n.º 6
def run_developer(forms, agents, buildings, buildings_all, supply_fname, parcel_size,
                  ave_unit_size, total_units, feasibility, year=None,
                  target_vacancy=.1, form_to_btype_callback=None,
                  add_more_columns_callback=None, max_parcel_size=34647265,
                  residential=True, bldg_sqft_per_job=400.0,
                  min_unit_size=400, remove_developed_buildings=True,
                  unplace_agents=['households', 'jobs']):
    Run the developer model to pick and build buildings

    forms : string or list of strings
        Passed directly dev.pick
    agents : DataFrame Wrapper
        Used to compute the current demand for units/floorspace in the area
    buildings : DataFrame Wrapper
        Used to compute the current supply of units/floorspace in the area
        Buildings for the entire region, used to write back to buildings table
    supply_fname : string
        Identifies the column in buildings which indicates the supply of
    parcel_size : Series
        Passed directly to dev.pick
    ave_unit_size : Series
        Passed directly to dev.pick - average residential unit size
    total_units : Series
        Passed directly to dev.pick - total current residential_units /
    feasibility : DataFrame Wrapper
        The output from feasibility above (the table called 'feasibility')
    year : int
        The year of the simulation - will be assigned to 'year_built' on the
        new buildings
    target_vacancy : float
        The target vacancy rate - used to determine how much to build
    form_to_btype_callback : function
        Will be used to convert the 'forms' in the pro forma to
        'building_type_id' in the larger model
    add_more_columns_callback : function
        Takes a dataframe and returns a dataframe - is used to make custom
        modifications to the new buildings that get added
    max_parcel_size : float
        Passed directly to dev.pick - max parcel size to consider
    min_unit_size : float
        Passed directly to dev.pick - min unit size that is valid
    residential : boolean
        Passed directly to dev.pick - switches between adding/computing
        residential_units and job_spaces
    bldg_sqft_per_job : float
        Passed directly to dev.pick - specified the multiplier between
        floor spaces and job spaces for this form (does not vary by parcel
        as ave_unit_size does)
    remove_redeveloped_buildings : optional, boolean (default True)
        Remove all buildings on the parcels which are being developed on
    unplace_agents : optional : list of strings (default ['households', 'jobs'])
        For all tables in the list, will look for field building_id and set
        it to -1 for buildings which are removed - only executed if
        remove_developed_buildings is true

    Writes the result back to the buildings table and returns the new
    buildings with available debugging information on each new building

    dev = developer.Developer(feasibility.to_frame())
    #dev = WFRCDeveloper.WFRCDeveloper(feasibility.to_frame())
    target_units = dev.\

    print("{:,} feasible buildings before running developer".format(

    new_buildings = dev.pick(forms,

    sim.add_table("feasibility", dev.feasibility)
    year = sim.get_injectable('year')
    if new_buildings is None:

    if len(new_buildings) == 0:
        return new_buildings
    if not isinstance(forms, list):
        # form gets set only if forms is a list
        new_buildings["form"] = forms

    if form_to_btype_callback is not None:
        new_buildings["building_type_id"] = new_buildings.\
            apply(form_to_btype_callback, axis=1)

    new_buildings["stories"] = new_buildings.stories.apply(np.ceil)
    new_buildings["note"] = "simulated"
    ret_buildings = new_buildings
    if add_more_columns_callback is not None:
        new_buildings = add_more_columns_callback(new_buildings)
    if year is not None:
        new_buildings["year_built"] = year

    print("Adding {:,} buildings with {:,} {}".

    print("{:,} feasible buildings after running developer".format(

    old_buildings = buildings.to_frame(buildings.local_columns)
    old_buildings_all = buildings_all.to_frame(buildings.local_columns)
    new_buildings = new_buildings[buildings.local_columns]
    if remove_developed_buildings:
        redev_buildings = old_buildings.parcel_id.isin(new_buildings.parcel_id)
        redev_buildings_all = old_buildings_all.parcel_id.isin(new_buildings.parcel_id)
        l = len(old_buildings)
        drop_buildings = old_buildings[redev_buildings]
        drop_buildings_all = old_buildings_all[redev_buildings_all]
        old_buildings = old_buildings[np.logical_not(redev_buildings)]
        old_buildings_all = old_buildings_all[np.logical_not(redev_buildings_all)]
        l2 = len(old_buildings)
        print("before dropped l:" + str(l))
        print("after dropped l2: " + str(l2))
        #print redev_buildings
        #print drop_buildings
        if l2-l > 0:
            print("Dropped {} buildings because they were redeveloped".
                  format(l2 - l))

        for tbl in unplace_agents:
            agents = sim.get_table(tbl)
            agents = agents.to_frame(agents.local_columns)
            #displaced_agents = agents.building_id.isin(drop_buildings.index)
            displaced_agents = agents.building_id.isin(drop_buildings_all.index)
            print("Unplaced {} before: {}".format(tbl, len(agents.query(
                "building_id == -1"))))
            agents.building_id[displaced_agents] = -1
            print("Unplaced {} after: {}".format(tbl, len(agents.query(
                "building_id == -1"))))
            sim.add_table(tbl, agents)
    all_buildings = dev.merge(old_buildings_all, new_buildings)
    sim.add_table("buildings", all_buildings)

    return ret_buildings