Exemplo n.º 1
class ProcessTerminationMonitor(plugins.Observable):
    def __init__(self):
        self.processesForKill = OrderedDict()
        self.exitHandlers = OrderedDict()

    def listRunningProcesses(self):
        processesToCheck = guiConfig.getCompositeValue("query_kill_processes", "", modeDependent=True)
        if "all" in processesToCheck:
            processesToCheck = [".*"]
        if len(processesToCheck) == 0:
            return []

        running = []
        triggerGroup = plugins.TextTriggerGroup(processesToCheck)
        for process, description in self.processesForKill.values():
            if triggerGroup.stringContainsText(description):
                running.append("PID " + str(process.pid) + " : " + description)

        return running

    def getProcessIdentifier(self, process):
        # Unfortunately the child_watch_add method needs different ways to
        # identify the process on different platforms...
        if os.name == "posix":
            return process.pid
            return process._handle

    def startProcess(
        self, cmdArgs, description="", killOnTermination=True, exitHandler=None, exitHandlerArgs=(), **kwargs
        process = subprocess.Popen(cmdArgs, stdin=open(os.devnull), **kwargs)
        pidOrHandle = self.getProcessIdentifier(process)
        self.exitHandlers[int(pidOrHandle)] = (exitHandler, exitHandlerArgs)
        if killOnTermination:
            self.processesForKill[int(pidOrHandle)] = (process, description)
        gobject.child_watch_add(pidOrHandle, self.processExited)

    def processExited(self, pid, *args):
        if self.processesForKill.has_key(pid):
            del self.processesForKill[pid]

        if self.exitHandlers.has_key(pid):
            exitHandler, exitHandlerArgs = self.exitHandlers.pop(pid)
            if exitHandler:

    def notifyKillProcesses(self, sig=None):
        # Don't leak processes
        if len(self.processesForKill) == 0:
        diag = logging.getLogger("kill processes")
        self.notify("Status", "Terminating all external viewers ...")
        for pid, (process, description) in self.processesForKill.items():
            if self.exitHandlers.has_key(pid):
                self.exitHandlers.pop(pid)  # don't call exit handlers in this case, we're terminating
            diag.info("Killing '" + description + "' interactive process")
            killSubProcessAndChildren(process, sig)
Exemplo n.º 2
def kmeans_get_cluster_values(data, clusters):
    values = OrderedDict()
    for dataKey, cluster in clusters.items():
        if not values.has_key(cluster):
            values[cluster] = []
    return values
Exemplo n.º 3
class EmailResponder(plugins.Responder):
    def __init__(self, optionMap, *args):
        self.runId = optionMap.get("name", calculateBatchDate()) # use the command-line name if given, else the date
        self.batchAppData = OrderedDict()
        self.allApps = OrderedDict()

    def notifyComplete(self, test):
        if test.app.emailEnabled():
            if not self.batchAppData.has_key(test.app):

    def getRootSuite(self, test):
        if test.parent:
            return self.getRootSuite(test.parent)
            return test
    def addApplication(self, test):
        rootSuite = self.getRootSuite(test)
        app = test.app
        self.batchAppData[app] = BatchApplicationData(rootSuite)
        self.allApps.setdefault(app.name, []).append(app)
    def notifyAllComplete(self):
        mailSender = MailSender(self.runId)
        for appList in self.allApps.values():
            batchDataList = map(self.batchAppData.get, appList)
Exemplo n.º 4
class JUnitResponder(plugins.Responder):
    """Respond to test results and write out results in format suitable for JUnit
    report writer. Only does anything if the app has batch_junit_format:true in its config file """
    def __init__(self, optionMap, *args):
        self.runId = getBatchRunName(optionMap)
        self.allApps = OrderedDict()
        self.appData = OrderedDict()

    def useJUnitFormat(self, app):
        return app.getBatchConfigValue("batch_junit_format") == "true"

    def notifyComplete(self, test):
        if not self.useJUnitFormat(test.app):
        if not self.appData.has_key(test.app):

    def notifyAllComplete(self):
        # allApps is {appname : [app]}
        for appList in self.allApps.values():
            # appData is {app : data}
            for app in appList:
                if self.useJUnitFormat(app):
                    data = self.appData[app]
                    ReportWriter(self.runId).writeResults(app, data)

    def _addApplication(self, test):
        app = test.app
        self.appData[app] = JUnitApplicationData()
        self.allApps.setdefault(app.name, []).append(app)
Exemplo n.º 5
class JUnitResponder(plugins.Responder):
    """Respond to test results and write out results in format suitable for JUnit
    report writer. Only does anything if the app has batch_junit_format:true in its config file """
    def __init__(self, optionMap, *args):
        self.runId = optionMap.get("name", calculateBatchDate()) # use the command-line name if given, else the date
        self.allApps = OrderedDict()
        self.appData = OrderedDict()

    def useJUnitFormat(self, app):
        return app.getBatchConfigValue("batch_junit_format") == "true"
    def notifyComplete(self, test):
        if not self.useJUnitFormat(test.app):
        if not self.appData.has_key(test.app):
    def notifyAllComplete(self):
        # allApps is {appname : [app]}
        for appList in self.allApps.values():
            # appData is {app : data}
            for app in appList:
                if self.useJUnitFormat(app):
                    data = self.appData[app]
                    ReportWriter(self.runId).writeResults(app, data)
    def _addApplication(self, test):
        app = test.app
        self.appData[app] = JUnitApplicationData()
        self.allApps.setdefault(app.name, []).append(app)
Exemplo n.º 6
def kmeans_get_cluster_values(data, clusters):
    values = OrderedDict()
    for dataKey, cluster in clusters.items():
        if not values.has_key(cluster):
            values[cluster] = []
    return values
Exemplo n.º 7
class TestIteratorMap:
    def __init__(self, dynamic, allApps):
        self.dict = OrderedDict()
        self.dynamic = dynamic
        self.parentApps = {}
        for app in allApps:
            for extra in [ app ] + app.extras:
                self.parentApps[extra] = app
    def getKey(self, test):
        if self.dynamic:
            return test
        elif test is not None:
            return self.parentApps.get(test.app, test.app), test.getRelPath()
    def store(self, test, iter):
        self.dict[self.getKey(test)] = iter
    def updateIterator(self, test, oldRelPath):
        # relative path of test has changed
        key = self.parentApps.get(test.app, test.app), oldRelPath
        iter = self.dict.get(key)
        if iter is not None:
            self.store(test, iter)
            del self.dict[key]
            return iter
            return self.getIterator(test)

    def getIterator(self, test):
        return self.dict.get(self.getKey(test))

    def remove(self, test):
        key = self.getKey(test)
        if self.dict.has_key(key):
            del self.dict[key]
Exemplo n.º 8
 def getFreeTextData(self):
     data = OrderedDict()
     for test in self.getAllTests():
         freeText = test.state.freeText
         if freeText:
             if not data.has_key(freeText):
                 data[freeText] = []
     return data.items()
Exemplo n.º 9
 def getFreeTextData(self, tests):
     data = OrderedDict()
     for testName, state, extraVersion in tests:
         freeText = state.freeText if hasattr(state, "freeText") else None
         if freeText:
             if not data.has_key(freeText):
                 data[freeText] = []
             data[freeText].append((testName, state, extraVersion))
     return data.items()
Exemplo n.º 10
 def getFreeTextData(self, tests):
     data = OrderedDict()
     for testName, state, extraVersion in tests:
         freeText = state.freeText
         if freeText:
             if not data.has_key(freeText):
                 data[freeText] = []
             data[freeText].append((testName, state, extraVersion))
     return data.items()
Exemplo n.º 11
    def decay_descriptors(self) :
        descs = OrderedDict()
        '''This won't work in all situations, eg if you have the same head particle as input to 
        the next combined particle (something like Upsilon -> D0 D0bar), but it works with most.'''

        for comb in filter(lambda x : isinstance(x, CombineParticles), self.expandedMembers) :
            if hasattr(comb, 'DecayDescriptor') and comb.DecayDescriptor :
                head, strippeddesc = head_descriptor(comb.DecayDescriptor)
                if descs.has_key(head) :
                else :
                    descs[head] = [comb.DecayDescriptor]
            else :
                for desc in comb.DecayDescriptors :
                    head, strippeddesc = head_descriptor(desc)
                    if descs.has_key(head) :
                    else :
                        descs[head] = [desc]
        return descs
Exemplo n.º 12
class GenerateTestSummary(guiplugins.ActionDialogGUI):
    def __init__(self, *args):
        guiplugins.ActionDialogGUI.__init__(self, *args)
                       possibleDirs=[os.getenv("TEXTTEST_TMP", "")],
        self.batchAppData = OrderedDict()
        self.allApps = OrderedDict()

    def performOnCurrent(self):
        fileName = self.getFileName()
        for test in self.currTestSelection:
            if test.state.isComplete():
                if not self.batchAppData.has_key(test.app):

    def writeTextSummary(self, fileName):
        mailSender = MailSender()
        with open(fileName, "w") as f:
            for appList in self.allApps.values():
                batchDataList = map(self.batchAppData.get, appList)
                f.write(mailSender.makeContents(batchDataList, False))

    def getFileName(self):
        fileName = self.optionGroup.getOptionValue("generate")
        if not fileName:
            raise plugins.TextTestError, "Cannot save selection - no file name specified"
        elif os.path.isdir(fileName):
            raise plugins.TextTestError, "Cannot save selection - existing directory specified"
            return fileName

    def _getTitle(self):
        return "Generate test summary"

    def getRootSuite(self, test):
        if test.parent:
            return self.getRootSuite(test.parent)
            return test

    def addApplication(self, test):
        rootSuite = self.getRootSuite(test)
        app = test.app
        self.batchAppData[app] = BatchApplicationData(rootSuite)
        self.allApps.setdefault(app.name, []).append(app)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def get_decay_descriptors(self) :
     seq = filter(lambda alg : 'CombineParticles' in alg, self.get_filter_sequence())
     alldescs = OrderedDict()
     for alg in seq :
         props = self.get_properties(alg)
         if props['DecayDescriptor'] :
             descs = [props['DecayDescriptor']]
         else :
             descs = eval(props['DecayDescriptors'])
         for desc in descs :
             head, strippeddesc = head_descriptor(desc)
             if alldescs.has_key(head) :
             else :
                 alldescs[head] = [desc]
     return alldescs
Exemplo n.º 14
class GenerateTestSummary(guiplugins.ActionDialogGUI):
    def __init__(self, *args):
        guiplugins.ActionDialogGUI.__init__(self, *args)
        self.addOption("generate", "",possibleDirs=[os.getenv("TEXTTEST_TMP", "")], saveFile=True)
        self.batchAppData = OrderedDict()
        self.allApps = OrderedDict()

    def performOnCurrent(self):
        fileName = self.getFileName()
        for test in self.currTestSelection:
            if test.state.isComplete():
                if not self.batchAppData.has_key(test.app):
    def writeTextSummary(self, fileName):
        mailSender = MailSender()
        with open(fileName, "w") as f:
            for appList in self.allApps.values():
                batchDataList = map(self.batchAppData.get, appList)
                f.write(mailSender.makeContents(batchDataList, False))

    def getFileName(self):
        fileName = self.optionGroup.getOptionValue("generate")
        if not fileName:
            raise plugins.TextTestError, "Cannot save selection - no file name specified"
        elif os.path.isdir(fileName):
            raise plugins.TextTestError, "Cannot save selection - existing directory specified"
            return fileName

    def _getTitle(self):
        return "Generate test summary"

    def getRootSuite(self, test):
        if test.parent:
            return self.getRootSuite(test.parent)
            return test
    def addApplication(self, test):
        rootSuite = self.getRootSuite(test)
        app = test.app
        self.batchAppData[app] = BatchApplicationData(rootSuite)
        self.allApps.setdefault(app.name, []).append(app)
Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: app.py Projeto: verma/blog
def suvan():
	s = Session()
		pictures = s.query(Picture).order_by(desc(Picture.date_uploaded)).all()
		d = OrderedDict()
		for p in pictures:
			dstr = p.date_uploaded.strftime('%B %d, %Y')
			if not d.has_key(dstr):
				d[dstr] = {}
				d[dstr]['date'] = dstr
				d[dstr]['age'] = getAge(p.date_uploaded)
				d[dstr]['pictures'] = []


		return render_template('suvan.html', pictures=d.values())
Exemplo n.º 16
 def get_decay_descriptors(self) :
     seq = self.get_filter_sequence()
     alldescs = OrderedDict()
     for alg in seq :
         props = self.get_properties(alg)
         if not 'DecayDescriptor' in props :
         if props['DecayDescriptor'] :
             descs = [props['DecayDescriptor']]
         elif 'DecayDescriptors' in props :
             descs = eval(props['DecayDescriptors'])
         else :
         for desc in descs :
             head, strippeddesc = head_descriptor(desc)
             if alldescs.has_key(head) :
             else :
                 alldescs[head] = [desc]
     return alldescs
Exemplo n.º 17
class TestIteratorMap:
    def __init__(self, dynamic, allApps):
        self.dict = OrderedDict()
        self.dynamic = dynamic
        self.parentApps = {}
        for app in allApps:
            for extra in [app] + app.extras:
                self.parentApps[extra] = app

    def getKey(self, test):
        if self.dynamic:
            return test
        elif test is not None:
            return self.parentApps.get(test.app, test.app), test.getRelPath()

    def store(self, test, iter):
        self.dict[self.getKey(test)] = iter

    def updateIterator(self, test, oldRelPath):
        # relative path of test has changed
        key = self.parentApps.get(test.app, test.app), oldRelPath
        iter = self.dict.get(key)
        if iter is not None:
            self.store(test, iter)
            del self.dict[key]
            return iter
            return self.getIterator(test)

    def getIterator(self, test):
        return self.dict.get(self.getKey(test))

    def remove(self, test):
        key = self.getKey(test)
        if self.dict.has_key(key):
            del self.dict[key]
Exemplo n.º 18
class Dependency:
    ## Construct an empty dependency tree
    #  @param self the object reference
    #  @param silent  minimal feedback
    #  @param autobuild  warn rather than fail on multiple version dependnecies. XXX
    def __init__(self, silent=True, autobuild=False):
        ## The ASKAP top-level directory
        self.ASKAPROOT = os.environ.get("ASKAP_ROOT")
        if self.ASKAPROOT is None:
            msg = "ASKAP_ROOT environment variable is not defined"
            raise BuildError(msg)
        self.DEPFILE = "dependencies"  # The basename of the dependency file
        self.INSTALL_SUBDIR = "install"
        self._deps = OrderedDict()
        self._bindirs = []
        self._incdirs = []
        self._libdirs = []
        self._rootdirs = []
        self._cppflags = []  # XXX "defs" in package.info. LOFAR/log4cxx
        self._env = []
        self._jars = []
        self._libs = []
        self._packages = []
        self._ldlibpath = ""
        self._pypath = ""
        self._autobuild = autobuild
        self._silent = silent  # mimimal output
        self.selfupdate = False  # should object request updates from svn

    def q_print(self, msg):
        if self._silent:

    ## Get the path of the specified dependency package
    # @param self the current object
    # @param key the label of the package dependency
    # @return the path (relative to ASKAP_ROOT) to the package
    def get_dep_path(self, key):
        return self._deps[key]["path"]

    # Used by "in" test.
    # object.__contains__(self, item)
    # Called to implement membership test operators. Should return true if item
    # is in self, false otherwise. For mapping objects, this should consider
    # the keys of the mapping rather than the values or the key-item pairs.
    # For objects that do not define __contains__(), the membership test first
    # tries iteration via __iter__(), then the old sequence iteration protocol
    # via __getitem__(), see this section in the language reference.
    # http://docs.python.org/reference/datamodel.html

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return self._deps.has_key(key)

    ## Get the absolute path to the dependency packages installed location
    # @param self the current object
    # @param key the label of the package dependency
    # @return the absolute path to the package installed location
    def get_install_path(self, key):
        rel_path = self._deps[key]["path"]
        full_path = os.path.join(self.ASKAPROOT, rel_path, self.INSTALL_SUBDIR)
        return os.path.abspath(full_path)

    def get_path(self):
        return os.path.pathsep.join(self._bindirs)

    ## Get the CPPFLAGS retrieved in the dependency analysis
    #  @param self the object reference
    #  @return a list of library names
    def get_libs(self, mapped=False):
        if mapped:
            return self._libs[:]
            return [m[0] for m in self._libs]

    ## Get the environment variables retrieved in the dependency analysis
    #  @param self the object reference
    #  @return a dictionary of ENVVAR => value pairs
    def get_env(self):
        return dict([i.split("=") for i in self._env])

    ## Get the the java classpath for the depencies
    #  @param self the object reference
    #  @return a classpath string of the form x/y/z.jar:a/b/c.jar
    def get_classpath(self):
        return os.path.pathsep.join(self._jars)

    ## Get the root directories of the tags retrieved in the dependency analysis
    #  @param self the object reference
    #  @return a list of directory names
    def get_rootdirs(
            mapped=False):  # XXX used in ant.py builder with mapped=true.
        if mapped:
            return [ (k, os.path.join( self.ASKAPROOT, v['path'])) \
                for k,v in self._deps.iteritems()]
        return self._rootdirs[:]

    ## Get the LIBRARY directories retrieved in the dependency analysis
    #  @param self the object reference
    #  @param mapped return directory tuples (rootdir, libdir)
    #  @return a list of library directories or tuples of rootdirs and libdirs
    def get_librarydirs(self, mapped=False):
        if mapped:
            return self._libdirs[:]
            return [m[0] for m in self._libdirs]

    ## Get the LD_LIBRARY_PATH accumulated in the dependency analysis
    #  @param self the object reference
    #  @return a string representing the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    def get_ld_library_path(self):
        return self._ldlibpath.strip(":")

    ## Get the INCLUDE directories retrieved in the dependency analysis
    #  @param self the object reference
    #  @return a list of header file directories
    def get_includedirs(self):
        return self._incdirs[:]

    ## Get the CPPFLAGS retrieved in the dependency analysis
    #  @param self the object reference
    #  @return a list preprocessor flags
    def get_cppflags(self):
        return self._cppflags[:]

    def get_pythonpath(self):
        return self._pypath.strip(":")

    ## Get a list of doxygen tag files in the dependencies. This is used for
    #  cross-referencing the documentation
    #  @todo Re-enable: This has been disabled until it is working for python
    #  @param self the object reference
    #  @return a list of TAGFILES entries
    # XXX used only in scons_tools/askap_package.py
    def get_tagfiles(self):
        tagfiles = []
        for pth in self._rootdirs:
            tagname = utils.tag_name(pth)
            tagpath = os.path.join(pth, tagname)
            if os.path.exists(tagpath):
                tagfiles.append('"%s=%s/html"' % (tagpath, pth))
        return tagfiles

    def _get_dependencies(self, package):
        codename = utils.get_platform()['codename']
        hostname = socket.gethostname().split(".")[0]

        for ext in ['default', codename, hostname]:
            if ext:
                depfile = '%s.%s' % (self.DEPFILE, ext)
                if package:
                    depfile = os.path.join(self.ASKAPROOT, package, depfile)
                if self.selfupdate:
                    # always update if it is the "root/target" package
                    basedir = os.path.split(depfile)[0] or "."
                    if not os.path.exists(basedir):

    def _get_depfile(self, depfile, overwrite=False):
        if not os.path.exists(depfile):
            # assume no dependencies
        dfh = file(depfile)
        for line in dfh.readlines():
            line = line.strip()
            if line.startswith("#"): continue
            kv = line.split("=", 1)
            if len(kv) == 2:
                key = kv[0].strip()
                value = kv[1].strip()
                # see if the file explicitly names any libs
                lspl = value.split(";")
                libs = None
                if len(lspl) > 1:
                    libs = lspl[1].strip().split()
                value = lspl[0]
                self._add_dependency(key, value, libs, overwrite)
                if not value.startswith("/"):
                    # recurse into ASKAP dependencies
                    # otherwise just move on as we specified system dependency
                    # which will not have a dependency file


    def _get_info(self, packagedir):
        info = {
            # A single directory path relative to the install directory.
            'bindir': 'bin',
            'distdir': 'dist',
            'incdir': 'include',
            'libdir': 'lib',
            # Space separated lists. XXX Default should be '[]'?
            'defs': None,
            'env': None,
            'jars': None,
            'libs': None,
            # Define a single python module name and version.
            # e.g. pymodule=numpy==1.2.0
            'pymodule': None,
        sslists = ['defs', 'env', 'jars', 'libs']
        infofile = os.path.join(packagedir, 'package.info')

        if os.path.exists(infofile):
            f = file(infofile)
            for line in f.readlines():
                line = line.strip()
                if line.startswith("#"): continue
                kv = line.split("=", 1)
                if len(kv) == 2:
                    key = kv[0].strip()
                    value = kv[1].strip()
                    if key in info.keys():
                        if key in sslists:
                            info[key] = value.split()
                            info[key] = value
        return info

    def _add_dependency(self, key, value, libs, overwrite=False):
        if self._deps.has_key(key):
            # deal with potential symbolic links for 'default' packages
            paths = [self._deps[key]["path"], value]
            outpaths = []
            for pth in paths:
                if not pth.startswith("/"):
                    pth = os.path.join(os.environ["ASKAP_ROOT"], pth)
                pth = os.path.realpath(pth)
            if outpaths[0] == outpaths[1]:
                if libs:
                    if self._deps[key]["libs"] is not None:
                        # prepend the libs
                            "libs"] = libs + self._deps[key]["libs"]
                        self._deps[key]["libs"] = libs
                    # another dependency, so move it to the end, so link
                    # order is correct
                if overwrite:
                    self._deps[key]["path"] = value
                        "info: Overwriting default package dependency '%s' with host specific package (from %s)"
                        % (key, value))
                elif self._autobuild:  # XXX maybe a mistake?
                        "warn: Possible multiple version dependency \n\
                    %s != %s" % (self._deps[key]["path"], value))

                    raise BuildError("Multiple version dependency \n\
                    %s != %s" % (self._deps[key]["path"], value))
            self.q_print("info: Adding package dependency '%s' (from %s)" %
                         (key, value))
            # now update the dependency itself
            # XXX only used in Tools/scons_tools/askap_package.py
            if self.selfupdate:
            self._deps[key] = {"path": value, "libs": libs}

    def _remove_duplicates(self, values):
        # find unique elements
        libs = [v[0] for v in values]
        for k in set(libs):
            # remove all but last duplicate entry
            while libs.count(k) > 1:
                idx = libs.index(k)

    ## Add a ThirdPartyLibrary or ASKAP package to the environment
    #  This will add the package path in ASKAP_ROOT
    #  @param self the object reference
    #  @param pkgname The name of the package as in the repository, e.g.
    #  lapack. Default None means that this is defined in local
    #  dependencies.xyz
    #  @param tag The location of the package, e.g.
    #  3rdParty/lapack-3.1.1/lapack-3.1.1
    #  @param libs The name of the libraries to link against,
    #  default None is the same as the pkgname
    #  @param libdir The location of the library dir relative to the package,
    #  default None which will use settings in the package.info file
    #  @param incdir The location of the include dir relative to the package,
    #  default None which will use settings in the package.info file
    #  @param pymodule the 'require' statement to specify this dependency
    #  statement, e.g. "askap.loghandlers==current"
    def add_package(self,
        self._deps = OrderedDict()

        if pkgname:
            if not tag:
                BuildError("No tag specified")
            if self.selfupdate:
                #if not os.path.exists(tag):
            self._add_path(pkgname, self.ASKAPROOT, tag, libs, libdir, incdir,
                           bindir, pymodule)
            self.q_print("info: Adding package '%s'" % pkgname)

        if tag:
            tag = os.path.join(self.ASKAPROOT, tag)


        parent = ''
        for key, value in self._deps.iteritems():
            parent = value["path"]

    # Add a ASKAP repository path to the environment
    # This sets up LIBPATH and CPPPATH
    def _add_path(self,
        loc = None

        if tag.startswith("/"):  # external package
            loc = tag
        else:  # ASKAP package or 3rdParty library
            loc = os.path.join(root, tag)

        rloc = os.path.relpath(loc, self.ASKAPROOT)
        if not os.path.exists(loc):
            raise BuildError(
                "Dependency directory '%s' does not exist (requested by %s)." %
                (rloc, parent))

        self._rootdirs += [loc]
        info = self._get_info(loc)  # get optional package info
        idir = os.path.join(loc, self.INSTALL_SUBDIR)  # actual installion.

        if not bindir:  # add bin directory
            bindir = info["bindir"]

        if bindir:  # None means disabled in info file
            pth = os.path.join(idir, bindir)
            if os.path.exists(pth):
                self._bindirs += [pth]

        if not incdir:  # add include directory
            incdir = info["incdir"]

        if incdir:  # None means disabled in info file
            pth = os.path.join(idir, incdir)
            if not os.path.exists(pth):
                if not pymodule:
                    self.q_print("warn: incdir '%s' does not exist." % pth)
                self._incdirs += [pth]

        if not libdir:  # add library directory
            libdir = info["libdir"]

        if libdir:  # None means disabled in info file
            pth = os.path.join(idir, libdir)
            if not os.path.exists(pth):
                if not pymodule:
                    self.q_print("warn: libdir '%s' does not exist." % pth)
                self._ldlibpath += os.path.pathsep + pth
                self._libdirs += [(pth, idir)]

        libs = libs or info["libs"]
        addlibs = True

        if isinstance(libs, list) and len(libs) == 0:
            addlibs = False

        libs = libs or pkgname

        if not isinstance(libs, list):
            libs = [libs]

        if addlibs:  # only add lib if it's not a python module
            nlibs = []
            for lib in libs:
                instdir = idir
                if not glob.glob("{0}/lib{1}*".format(
                        os.path.join(idir, libdir), lib)):
                    instdir = ""
                nlibs.append((lib, instdir))
            self._libs += nlibs
            libs = self._libs[:]  # copy
            self._libs = libs

        if info["defs"]:  # add package defines
            self._cppflags += info["defs"]

        if info["env"]:  # add environment variables
            self._env += info["env"]

        # check whether it is python, i.e. pymodule entry in package.info
        if not pymodule:
            pymodule = info["pymodule"]
        if pymodule:
            pth = os.path.join(idir, libdir, utils.get_site_dir())
            if self._pypath.find(pth) < 1:
                self._pypath = os.path.pathsep.join([pth, self._pypath])

        if info["jars"]:
            pth = os.path.join(idir, libdir)
            if not os.path.exists(pth):
                if not pymodule:
                    self.q_print("warn: libdir '%s' does not exist." % pth)
            for jar in info["jars"]:
                jar = os.path.join(pth, jar)
                if jar not in self._jars:
Exemplo n.º 19
class POParser:
    """Parses an existing po- file and builds a dictionary according to
    MessageCatalog. POParser is the deserializer, POWriter the serializer.

    def __init__(self, file):
        self._file = file
        self._in_paren = re.compile(r'"(.*)"')
        self.msgdict = OrderedDict() # see MessageCatalog for structure
        self.line = ''
        self.sameMessageEntry = True
        self.msgid = ''
        self.msgstr = ''
        self.references = []
        self.automatic_comments = []
        self.comments = []

    def read(self):
        """Start reading from file.

        After the call to read() has finished, you may access the structure
        that I read in through the ``msgdict`` attribute."""

        for no, line in enumerate(self._file):
            self.line = line

            oldstatus = self.sameMessageEntry
            if oldstatus:

            newstatus = self.sameMessageEntry
            if oldstatus != newstatus:
                # function changed stateid: call new function with same line
                if newstatus:

        # last msg
        if not self.msgdict.has_key(self.msgid):
            self.line = '#:'

    def _readSameMessage(self):
        """We're reading a comment or msgid."""
        line = self.line
        if line.startswith('msgstr'):
            self.sameMessageEntry = False
        elif line.startswith('#:'):
        elif line.startswith('#.'):
            line = line[2:].strip()
            ls = line.startswith
            if ls(ORIGINAL_COMMENT):
                line = line.replace(ORIGINAL_COMMENT, DEFAULT_COMMENT)
            if not line in self.automatic_comments:
        elif line.startswith('#'):
            line = line[1:].strip()
            ls = line.startswith
            if ls(ORIGINAL_COMMENT) or ls(DEFAULT_COMMENT):
                line = line.replace(ORIGINAL_COMMENT, DEFAULT_COMMENT)
                if not line in self.automatic_comments:
            search = self._in_paren.search(line)
            if search:
                self.msgid += search.groups()[0]

    def _readNewMessage(self):
        """We're reading msgstr."""
        sw = self.line.startswith
        if sw('#') or sw('msgid'):
            self.sameMessageEntry = True
            self.msgdict[self.msgid] = MessageEntry(self.msgid,\
            # reset variables
            self.msgid = self.msgstr = ''
            self.references = []
            self.automatic_comments = []
            self.comments = []
            search = self._in_paren.search(self.line)
            if search:
                self.msgstr += search.groups()[0]
Exemplo n.º 20
def SecondButtonPress(url, HostPage, page=None, elm="", elm2="", wform=0, addkey=None, removekey=None, cookies={}, wait=0, captchakey=None, captchaimg=None, captchacookies={}, split=None, GetUserAgent=None):

	domain = HostPage.split('/')[2]
	payload = OrderedDict()
	headers = OrderedDict()
	headers['Accept'] = 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8'
	headers['Accept-Charset'] = 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3'
	headers['Accept-Encoding'] = 'gzip,deflate,sdch'
	headers['Accept-Language'] = 'en-US,en;q=0.8'
	headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=0'
	headers['Connection'] = 'keep-alive'
	headers['Referer'] = url
	if GetUserAgent == None:
		headers['User-Agent'] = UserAgent
		headers['User-Agent'] = GetUserAgent

	session = requests.session()
	requests.utils.add_dict_to_cookiejar(session.cookies, cookies)

	if page != None:
		s = page
		s = session.get(HostPage, headers=headers)

		form = HTML.ElementFromString(s.content)
		form = HTML.ElementFromString(s)

		whichform = form.xpath('//'+elm+'form')[wform]
		if len(whichform.xpath('./'+elm2+'input')) != 0:
			for input in whichform.xpath('./'+elm2+'input'):
				if input.get('name') != None:
					key = input.get('name')
					value = input.get('value')
					if key != 'method_premium':
						if not payload.has_key(key):
							payload[key] = [value]
			for input in form.xpath('//input'):
				if input.get('name') != None:
					key = input.get('name')
					value = input.get('value')
					if key != 'method_premium':
						if not payload.has_key(key):
							payload[key] = [value]

		if captchakey != None:
				payload[captchakey] = GetImgValue(url=captchaimg, HostPage=HostPage, UserAgent=UserAgent, cookies=captchacookies, split=split)
				payload[captchakey] = "Processing Issue"
		if addkey != None:
		if removekey != None:
			for key in removekey:
					del payload[key]
				except KeyError:

		if wait != 0:
			#wait required

		headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
		headers['Origin'] = 'http://'+domain
		headers['Referer'] = HostPage

		formaction = form.xpath('//'+elm+'form')[wform].get('action')
		if formaction != None and formaction != "":
			if formaction.split('/')[0] == 'http:':
				HostPage = formaction
			elif len(formaction.split('/')) == 2:
				HostPage = 'http://' + HostPage.split('/')[2] + formaction
			elif len(formaction.split('/')) == 1:
				HostPage = HostPage.rpartition('/')[0] + '/' + formaction

		r = session.post(HostPage, data=payload, headers=headers, allow_redirects=True)
		r.cookies = session.cookies
		return r
		s.cookies = session.cookies
		return s
Exemplo n.º 21
class XRCCodeWriter(BaseLangCodeWriter, wcodegen.XRCMixin):
    Code writer class for writing XRC XML code out of the designed GUI
    xrc_objects = None
    dictionary of active L{XrcObject} instances: during the code generation
    it stores all the non-sizer objects that have children (i.e. frames,
    dialogs, panels, notebooks, etc.), while at the end of the code
    generation, before L{finalize} is called, it contains only the true
    toplevel objects (frames and dialogs), and is used to write their XML
    code (see L{finalize}). The other objects are deleted when L{add_object}
    is called with their corresponding code_object as argument
    (see L{add_object})

    global_property_writers = {
        'font': FontPropertyHandler,
        'events': EventsPropertyHandler,
        'extraproperties': ExtraPropertiesPropertyHandler,
    Dictionary whose items are custom handlers for widget properties

    property_writers = {}
    Dictionary of dictionaries of property handlers specific for a widget
    the keys are the class names of the widgets

    Example: property_writers['wxRadioBox'] = {'choices', choices_handler}

    obj_builders = {}
    Dictionary of ``writers'' for the various objects

    tmpl_encoding = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?>\n'
    tmpl_generated_by = '<!-- %(generated_by)s -->'

    use_names_for_binding_events = False

    # inject different XRC objects
    XrcObject = XrcObject
    SizerItemXrcObject = SizerItemXrcObject
    SpacerXrcObject = SpacerXrcObject
    DefaultXrcObject = DefaultXrcObject
    NotImplementedXrcObject = NotImplementedXrcObject

    def __init__(self):
        # Inject to all classed derived from WrcObject
        if not hasattr(XrcObject, 'tabs'):
            XrcObject.tabs = self.tabs
        if not hasattr(XrcObject, '_format_comment'):
            XrcObject._format_comment = self._format_comment

    def init_lang(self, app_attrs):
        # for now we handle only single-file code generation
        if self.multiple_files:
            raise errors.WxgXRCMultipleFilesNotSupported()

        # overwrite existing sources always
        self._overwrite = True

        self.output_file_name = app_attrs['path']
        self.out_file = StringIO.StringIO()
        self.out_file.write('\n<resource version="">\n')
        self.curr_tab = 1
        self.xrc_objects = OrderedDict()

    def finalize(self):
        # write the code for every toplevel object
        for obj in self.xrc_objects.itervalues():
            obj.write(self.out_file, 1)
        # store the contents to file
        self.save_file(self.output_file_name, self.out_file.getvalue())

    def add_app(self, app_attrs, top_win_class):
        In the case of XRC output, there's no wxApp code to generate

    def add_object(self, unused, sub_obj):
        Adds the object sub_obj to the XRC tree. The first argument is unused.
        # what we need in XRC is not top_obj, but sub_obj's true parent
        top_obj = sub_obj.parent
        builder = self.obj_builders.get(sub_obj.base, DefaultXrcObject)
            # check whether we already created the xrc_obj
            xrc_obj = sub_obj.xrc
        except AttributeError:
            xrc_obj = builder(sub_obj)  # builder functions must return a
            # subclass of XrcObject
            sub_obj.xrc = xrc_obj
            # if we found it, remove it from the self.xrc_objects dictionary
            # (if it was there, i.e. the object is not a sizer), because this
            # isn't a true toplevel object
            if sub_obj in self.xrc_objects:
                del self.xrc_objects[sub_obj]
        # let's see if sub_obj's parent already has an XrcObject: if so, it
        # is temporarily stored in the self.xrc_objects dict...
        if top_obj in self.xrc_objects:
            top_xrc = self.xrc_objects[top_obj]
            # ...otherwise, create it and store it in the self.xrc_objects
            # dict
            top_xrc = self.obj_builders.get(top_obj.base,
            top_obj.xrc = top_xrc
            self.xrc_objects[top_obj] = top_xrc

    def add_sizeritem(self, unused, sizer, obj, option, flag, border):
        Adds a sizeritem to the XRC tree. The first argument is unused.
        # what we need in XRC is not toplevel, but sub_obj's true parent
        toplevel = obj.parent
        top_xrc = toplevel.xrc
        obj_xrc = obj.xrc
            sizer_xrc = sizer.xrc
        except AttributeError:
            # if the sizer has not an XrcObject yet, create it now
            sizer_xrc = self.obj_builders.get(sizer.base,
            sizer.xrc = sizer_xrc
        # we now have to move the children from 'toplevel' to 'sizer'
        index = top_xrc.children.index(obj_xrc)
        if obj.klass == 'spacer':
            w = obj.properties.get('width', '0')
            h = obj.properties.get('height', '0')
            obj_xrc = SpacerXrcObject('%s, %s' % (w, h), str(option),
                                      str(flag), str(border))
            sizeritem_xrc = SizerItemXrcObject(obj_xrc, str(option), str(flag),
        del top_xrc.children[index]

    def add_class(self, code_obj):
        Add class behaves very differently for XRC output than for other
        languages (i.e. python): since custom classes are not supported in
        XRC, this has effect only for true toplevel widgets, i.e. frames and
        dialogs. For other kinds of widgets, this is equivalent to add_object
        if not self.xrc_objects.has_key(code_obj):
            builder = self.obj_builders.get(code_obj.base, DefaultXrcObject)
            xrc_obj = builder(code_obj)
            code_obj.xrc = xrc_obj
            # add the xrc_obj to the dict of the toplevel ones
            self.xrc_objects[code_obj] = xrc_obj

    def generate_code_id(self, obj, id=None):
        return '', ''

    def _format_comment(self, msg):
        return '<!-- %s -->' % escape(msg.rstrip())

    def _quote_str(self, s):
        return s
Exemplo n.º 22
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self, args={}):
        self.args = args # arguments from command line
        self.config = {} # config to be processed from .dexy files
        self.docs = []
        self.timing = []
        self.virtual_docs = []

        self.batch_start_time = None
        self.batch_finish_time = None
        self.batch_elapsed_time = None

        # Set up logging
        if args.has_key("logsdir") and args.has_key("logfile"):
            self.log = dexy.utils.get_log("dexy.controller", args['logsdir'], args['logfile'], args['loglevel'])
            self.log = Constants.NULL_LOGGER

        # Set up db
        if args.has_key('dbclass') and args.has_key("logsdir") and args.has_key("dbfile"):
            self.db = dexy.utils.get_db(self.args['dbclass'], logsdir=self.args['logsdir'], dbfile=args['dbfile'])
            self.db = None

        # List of directories that reporters use, these will not be processed by dexy
        self.reports_dirs = dexy.introspect.reports_dirs(self.log)

        # list of artifact classes - if nothing else uses this then move
        # it into the if statement below and don't cache it

        self.artifact_classes = dexy.introspect.artifact_classes(self.log)
        if args.has_key('artifactclass'):
            if self.artifact_classes.has_key(args['artifactclass']):
                self.artifact_class = self.artifact_classes[args['artifactclass']]
                raise dexy.commands.UserFeedback("Artifact class name %s not found in %s" % (args['artifactclass'], ",".join(self.artifact_classes.keys())))

    def run(self):
        This does all the work.
        self.batch_start_time = time.time()
        start = self.batch_start_time

        self.log.debug("populating Document class filter list")
        dexy.document.Document.filter_list = dexy.introspect.filters(self.log)
        self.timing.append(("populate-filter-list", time.time() - start))
        start = time.time()

        self.log.debug("loading config...")
        self.log.debug("finished loading config.")
        self.timing.append(("load-config", time.time() - start))
        start = time.time()

        self.log.debug("processing config, populating document list...")
        self.log.debug("finished processing config.")
        self.timing.append(("process-config", time.time() - start))
        start = time.time()

        # set the list of documents which are virtual
        self.virtual_docs = [d for d in self.docs if d.virtual]

            if not self.args['dryrun']:
                [doc.setup() for doc in self.docs]
                self.docs = [doc.run() for doc in self.docs]
        except dexy.commands.UserFeedback as e:
            raise e

        self.timing.append(("run-docs", time.time() - start))

        self.batch_finish_time = time.time()
        self.batch_elapsed_time = self.batch_finish_time - self.batch_start_time

        self.log.debug("persisting batch info...")
        self.log.debug("finished persisting.")
        self.log.debug("finished processing. elapsed time %s" % self.batch_elapsed_time)

    def persist(self):
        Persists the database. Saves some information about this batch in a
        JSON file (for use by reporters or for debugging).
        dexy.utils.save_batch_info(self.batch_id, self.batch_info(), self.args['logsdir'])

    def batch_info(self):
        Dict of info to save
        return {
            "id" : self.batch_id,
            "config" : self.config,
            "args" : self.args,
            "docs" : dict((doc.key(), doc.document_info()) for doc in self.docs),
            "start_time" : self.batch_start_time,
            "finish_time" : self.batch_finish_time,
            "elapsed" : self.batch_elapsed_time,
            "timing" : self.timing

    def config_for_directory(self, path):
        Determine the config applicable within a directory by looking in every
        parent directory (up as far as the dexy project root) for config files
        and combining them, such that subdirectories override parents.
        self.log.debug("Determining configuration applicable in %s" % path)

        global_args = {}
        config_dict = {}
        variables = {}
        config_file = self.args['config']

        path_elements = path.split(os.sep)

        for i in range(0,len(path_elements)+1):
            config_path = os.path.join(*(path_elements[0:i] + [config_file]))
            config_files = glob.glob(config_path)

            # Don't propagate virtual files
            for k in config_dict.keys():
                propagate_virtual = config_dict[k].has_key('propagate') and config_dict[k]['propagate']
                if k.startswith("@") and not propagate_virtual:
                    del config_dict[k]

            for f in config_files:
                self.log.info("loading config file %s" % f)

                with open(f, "r") as cf:
                        json_dict = json.load(cf)
                    except ValueError as e:
                        msg = "Your config file %s has invalid JSON\n%s" % (f, e.message)
                        raise dexy.commands.UserFeedback(msg)

                if json_dict.has_key("$reset"):
                    # Reset the config, i.e. ignore everything from parent
                    # directories, just use this directory's config in json_dict
                    config_dict = json_dict
                    # Combine any config in this dir with parent dir config.

                if json_dict.has_key("$globals"):

                if json_dict.has_key("$variables"):

        config_dict['$globals'] = global_args
        config_dict['$variables'] = variables
        return config_dict

    def load_config(self):
        This method determines which subdirectories will be included in the
        dexy batch and populates the config dict for each of them.
        if self.args['recurse']:

            # Figure out which directories need to be skipped
            exclude_at_root = Constants.EXCLUDE_DIRS_ROOT + self.reports_dirs + [self.args['artifactsdir'], self.args['logsdir']]
            self.log.debug("project root excluded directories %s" % ", ".join(exclude_at_root))

            exclude_everywhere = Constants.EXCLUDE_DIRS_ALL_LEVELS
            self.log.debug("directories excluded at all levels %s" % ", ".join(exclude_everywhere))

            for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.args['directory']):
                # Figure out if we should process this directory and recurse
                # into its children. Start with process_dir = True
                process_dir = True

                # Remove any children we don't want to recurse into.
                if dirpath == ".":
                    for x in exclude_at_root:
                        if x in dirnames:
                for x in exclude_everywhere:
                    if x in dirnames:

                # Look for a .nodexy file
                if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirpath, '.nodexy')):
                    # If we find one...
                    self.log.info(".nodexy file found in %s" % dirpath)

                    # ...remove all child dirs from processing...
                    for i in xrange(len(dirnames)):

                    # ...and skip this directory.
                    process_dir = False

                # Check if we match any excludes specified on the command line
                args_exclude = self.args['exclude']
                if isinstance(args_exclude, str):
                    args_exclude = args_exclude.split()
                for pattern in args_exclude:
                    for d in dirnames:
                        m1 = re.match(pattern, d)
                        m2 = re.match("./%s" % pattern, d)
                        m3 = re.match("%s/" % pattern, d)
                        m4 = re.match("./%s/" % pattern, d)
                        if m1 or m2 or m3 or m4:

                if process_dir:
                    self.config[dirpath] = self.config_for_directory(dirpath)
                # Not recursing
                dirpath = self.args['directory']
                self.config[dirpath] = self.config_for_directory(dirpath)

    def process_config(self):
        Processes a populated config dict, identifies files to be processed,
        creates Document objects for each, links dependencies and finally does
        topological sort to establish order of batch run.

        # Define the parse_doc nested function which we will call recursively.
        def parse_doc(path, input_directive, args = {}):
            # If a specification is nested in a dependency, then input_directive
            # may be a dict. If so, split it into parts before continuing.
                a, b = input_directive.popitem()
                input_directive = a
                args = b
            except AttributeError:

            tokens = input_directive.split("|")
            if "/" in tokens[0]:
                raise dexy.commands.UserFeedback("paths not allowed in tokens: %s" % tokens[0])
            if path == '.':
                glob_string = tokens[0]
                glob_string = os.path.join(re.sub("^\./", "", path), tokens[0])
            filters = tokens[1:]

            docs = []

            # virtual document
            if re.search("@", glob_string):
                virtual = True
                dangerous = any(k in ['url', 'repo', 'path'] for k in args)
                if dangerous and not self.args['danger']:
                    msg = "You are attempting to access a remote file %s." % glob_string
                    msg += " You must specify -danger option to do this.\n"
                    raise dexy.commands.UserFeedback(msg)
                glob_string = glob_string.replace("@", "")
                virtual = False

            regex = fnmatch.translate(glob_string).replace(".*", "(.*)")
            matcher = re.compile(regex)

            files = glob.glob(glob_string)

            nofiles = len(files) == 0

            if nofiles and virtual:
                files = [glob_string]

            for f in files:
                create = True
                if not virtual:
                    if os.path.isdir(f):
                        create = False

                if args.has_key('disabled'):
                    if args['disabled']:
                        create = False
                        self.log.warn("document %s|%s disabled" % (f, "|".join(filters)))

                inputs = []
                if args.has_key('inputs'):
                    if isinstance(args['inputs'], str) or isinstance(args['inputs'], unicode):
                        raise dexy.commands.UserFeedback("inputs for %s should be an array" % f)
                    for i in args['inputs']:
                        # Create document objects for input patterns (just in this directory)
                        for doc in parse_doc(path, i):

                m = matcher.match(f)
                if m and len(m.groups()) > 0:
                    rootname = matcher.match(f).group(1)

                # The 'ifinput' directive says that if an input exists matching
                # the specified pattern, we should create this document and it
                # will depend on the specified input.
                if args.has_key('ifinput'):
                    if isinstance(args['ifinput'], str) or isinstance(args['ifinput'], unicode):
                        ifinputs = [args['ifinput']]
                        self.log.debug("treating input %s as iterable. class: %s" % (
                            args['ifinput'], args['ifinput'].__class__.__name__))
                        ifinputs = args['ifinput']

                    for s in ifinputs:
                        self.log.debug("evaluating ifinput %s" % s)
                        ifinput = s.replace("%", rootname)
                        self.log.debug("evaluating ifinput %s" % ifinput)
                        input_docs = parse_doc(path, ifinput, {})
                        for input_doc in input_docs:

                    if len(input_docs) == 0:
                        create = False

                if args.has_key('ifnoinput'):
                    ifinput = args['ifnoinput'].replace("%", rootname)
                    input_docs = parse_doc(path, ifinput, {})

                    if len(input_docs) > 0:
                        create = False

                if args.has_key('except'):
                        except_re = re.compile(args['except'])
                    except sre_constants.error as e:
                        raise dexy.commands.UserFeedback("""You passed 'except' value of %s.
Please pass a valid Python-style regular expression for
'except', NOT a glob-style matcher. Error message from
re.compile: %s""" % (args['except'], e))
                    if re.match(except_re, f):
                        self.log.warn("skipping %s for %s as it matches except pattern %s" % (
                        create = False

                if create:
                    doc = dexy.document.Document()

                    # Filters can either be included in the name...
                    doc.set_name_and_filters(f, filters)
                    # ...or they may be listed explicitly.
                    if args.has_key('filters'):
                        doc.filters += args['filters']

                    if args.has_key('loglevel'):
                        doc.loglevelname = args['loglevel']
                    doc.setup_log() # After name has been set
                    doc.virtual = virtual

                    key = doc.key()
                    self.log.debug("creating doc %s for glob %s" % (key, glob_string))

                    if self.members.has_key(key):
                        doc = self.members[key]

                    if args.has_key('priority'):
                        doc.priority = args['priority']
                        del args['priority']


                    if args.has_key('allinputs'):
                        doc.use_all_inputs = args['allinputs']

                    if args.has_key('inputs'):
                        doc.input_args = copy.copy(args['inputs'])
                        doc.input_keys = []

                    for i in inputs:

                    self.members[key] = doc
                    docs.append(doc) # docs is a local list of docs

            return docs # end of parse_doc nested function

        def get_pos(member):
            key = member.key()
            return self.members.keys().index(key)

        def depend(parent, child):
            self.depends.append((get_pos(child), get_pos(parent)))

        # The real processing starts here.
        self.members = OrderedDict()
        self.depends = []

        self.batch_id = self.db.next_batch_id()
        if not self.args['silent']:
            print "batch id is", self.batch_id

        for path, config in self.config.iteritems():
            ### @export "features-global-args-1"
            if config.has_key("$globals"):
                global_args = config["$globals"]
                global_args = {}

            if config.has_key("$variables"):
                global_variables = config["$variables"]
                global_variables = {}

            if self.args.has_key('globals'):

            for k, v in config.iteritems():
                local_args = global_args.copy()
                local_args['$variables'] = global_variables
                for kg in global_args.keys():
                    if local_args.has_key(kg):
                        if isinstance(local_args[kg], dict):
                parse_doc(path, k, local_args)
            ### @end

        # Determine dependencies
        total_dependencies = 0
        self.log.debug("Finalizing dependencies between documents...")
        for doc in self.members.values():
            total_dependencies += len(doc.inputs)
            for input_doc in doc.inputs:
                depend(doc, input_doc)

            self.log.debug("finalized dependencies for %s" % doc.key())
            if len(doc.inputs) > 10:
                self.log.debug("%s inputs added" % len(doc.inputs))
            elif len(doc.inputs) == 0:
                self.log.debug("no inputs added")
                self.log.debug("inputs added: %s" % ", ".join(d.key() for d in doc.inputs))

        if len(self.args['run']) > 0:
            # Only run the specified document, and its dependencies.
            new_members = OrderedDict()
            new_depends = []

            def new_get_pos(member):
                key = member.key()
                return new_members.keys().index(key)

            def new_depend(parent, child):
                new_depends.append((new_get_pos(child), new_get_pos(parent)))

            def parse_new_document(d):
                new_members[d.key()] = d
                for input_doc in d.inputs:
                    if not input_doc.key() in new_members.keys():
                        new_members[input_doc.key()] = input_doc
                    new_depend(d, input_doc)

            run_key = self.args['run']
            if self.members.has_key(run_key):
                doc = self.members[run_key]
                matches = [k for k in self.members.keys() if k.startswith(run_key)]
                matches.sort(key=lambda k: len(self.members[k].inputs))
                doc = self.members[matches[-1]]

            if not self.args['silent']:
                print "limiting members list to %s and its dependencies, %s/%s documents will be run" % (doc.key(), len(new_members), len(self.members))
            self.members = new_members
            self.depends = new_depends

        num_members = len(self.members)
        if num_members > 0:
            dep_ratio = float(total_dependencies)/num_members
            dep_ratio = None

        if not self.args['silent']:
            print "sorting %s documents into run order, there are %s total dependencies" % (num_members, total_dependencies)
            if dep_ratio:
                print "ratio of dependencies to documents is %0.1f" % (dep_ratio)
                if dep_ratio > 10:
                    print "if you are experiencing performance problems:"
                    print "call dexy with -dryrun and inspect logs/batch-XXXX.json to debug dependencies"
                    print "consider using -strictinherit or reducing your use of 'allinputs' "

            self.log.debug("Beginning topological sort...")
            topsort_ordering = topsort(self.depends)
            self.log.debug("Topological sort completed successfully.")
        except CycleError as e:
            print "There are circular dependencies!"
            answer, num_parents, children = e.args
            for child, parents in children.items():
                for parent in parents:
                    print "%s depends on %s" % (self.members.keys()[parent], self.members.keys()[child])
            raise dexy.commands.UserFeedback(e.message)

        docs_without_dependencies = frozenset(range(len(self.members))) - frozenset(topsort_ordering)
        self.ordering = topsort_ordering + list(docs_without_dependencies)

        for i in self.ordering:
            key = self.members.keys()[i]
Exemplo n.º 23
class XRCCodeWriter(BaseCodeWriter):
    Code writer class for writing XRC XML code out of the designed GUI elements

    default_extensions = ['xrc']
    language = "XRC"

    xrc_objects = None
    dictionary of active L{XrcObject} instances: during the code generation
    it stores all the non-sizer objects that have children (i.e. frames,
    dialogs, panels, notebooks, etc.), while at the end of the code generation,
    before L{finalize} is called, it contains only the true toplevel objects
    (frames and dialogs), and is used to write their XML code
    (see L{finalize}). The other objects are deleted when L{add_object} is
    called with their corresponding code_object as argument
    (see L{add_object})

    global_property_writers = {
        'font': FontPropertyHandler,
        'events': EventsPropertyHandler,
        'extraproperties': ExtraPropertiesPropertyHandler,
    Dictionary whose items are custom handlers for widget properties

    property_writers = {}
    Dictionary of dictionaries of property handlers specific for a widget
    the keys are the class names of the widgets

    Example: property_writers['wxRadioBox'] = {'choices', choices_handler}

    obj_builders = {}
    Dictionary of ``writers'' for the various objects

    tmpl_encoding = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?>\n'
    tmpl_generated_by = '<!-- %(generated_by)s -->'

    # Nested classes
    class XrcObject(object):
        Class to produce the XRC code for a given widget. This is a base class
        which does nothing
        def __init__(self):
            self.properties = {}
            self.children = []  # sub-objects

        def write_child_prologue(self, child, out_file, ntabs):

        def write_child_epilogue(self, child, out_file, ntabs):

        def write_property(self, name, val, outfile, ntabs):

        def write(self, out_file, ntabs):

        def warning(self, msg):
            Show a warning message

            @param msg: Warning message
            @type msg:  String
            @see: L{common.MessageLogger.warn()}

    # end of class XrcObject

    class SizerItemXrcObject(XrcObject):
        XrcObject to handle sizer items
        def __init__(self, obj, option, flag, border):
            self.obj = obj  # the XrcObject representing the widget
            self.option = option
            self.flag = flag
            self.border = border

        def write(self, out_file, ntabs):
            write = out_file.write
            write(self.tabs(ntabs) + '<object class="sizeritem">\n')
            if self.option != '0':
                write(self.tabs(ntabs + 1) + '<option>%s</option>\n' % \
            if self.flag and self.flag != '0':
                write(self.tabs(ntabs + 1) + '<flag>%s</flag>\n' % self.flag)
            if self.border != '0':
                write(self.tabs(ntabs + 1) + '<border>%s</border>\n' % \
            # write the widget
            self.obj.write(out_file, ntabs + 1)
            write(self.tabs(ntabs) + '</object>\n')

    # end of class SizerItemXrcObject

    class SpacerXrcObject(XrcObject):
        XrcObject to handle widgets
        def __init__(self, size_str, option, flag, border):
            self.size_str = size_str
            self.option = option
            self.flag = flag
            self.border = border

        def write(self, out_file, ntabs):
            write = out_file.write
            write(self.tabs(ntabs) + '<object class="spacer">\n')
            write(self.tabs(ntabs + 1) + \
                  '<size>%s</size>\n' % self.size_str.strip())
            if self.option != '0':
                write(self.tabs(ntabs + 1) + '<option>%s</option>\n' % \
            if self.flag and self.flag != '0':
                write(self.tabs(ntabs + 1) + '<flag>%s</flag>\n' % self.flag)
            if self.border != '0':
                write(self.tabs(ntabs + 1) + '<border>%s</border>\n' % \
            write(self.tabs(ntabs) + '</object>\n')

    # end of class SpacerXrcObject

    class DefaultXrcObject(XrcObject):
        Standard XrcObject for every widget, used if no specific XrcObject is
        def __init__(self, code_obj):
            self.properties = code_obj.properties
            self.code_obj = code_obj
            self.name = code_obj.name
            self.klass = code_obj.base  # custom classes aren't allowed in XRC
            self.subclass = code_obj.klass

        def write_property(self, name, val, outfile, ntabs):
            if val:
                name = escape(name)
                outfile.write(self.tabs(ntabs) + '<%s>%s</%s>\n' % \
                              (name, escape(val), name))

        def write(self, out_file, ntabs):
            write = out_file.write
            if self.code_obj.in_sizers:
                write(self.tabs(ntabs) + \
                      '<object class=%s>\n' % quoteattr(self.klass))
                if self.subclass and self.subclass != self.klass:
                    write(self.tabs(ntabs) +
                          '<object class=%s name=%s subclass=%s>\n' % \
                          (quoteattr(self.klass), quoteattr(self.name),
                    write(self.tabs(ntabs) + '<object class=%s name=%s>\n' % \
                          (quoteattr(self.klass), quoteattr(self.name)))
            tab_str = self.tabs(ntabs + 1)
            # write the properties
            if self.properties.has_key('foreground'):
                if self.properties['foreground'].startswith('#'):
                    # XRC does not support colors from system settings
                    self.properties['fg'] = self.properties['foreground']
                del self.properties['foreground']
            if self.properties.has_key('background'):
                if self.properties['background'].startswith('#'):
                    # XRC does not support colors from system settings
                    self.properties['bg'] = self.properties['background']
                del self.properties['background']
            if self.properties.has_key('font'):
                font = self.properties['font']
                del self.properties['font']
                font = None
            style = str(self.properties.get('style', ''))
            if style and style == '0':
                del self.properties['style']

            if 'id' in self.properties:
                del self.properties['id']  # id has no meaning for XRC

            # ALB 2004-12-05
            if 'events' in self.properties:
                #del self.properties['events']  # no event handling in XRC
                for handler, event in self.properties['events'].iteritems():
                    write(tab_str + '<handler event=%s>%s</handler>\n' % \
                          (quoteattr(handler), escape(event)))
                del self.properties['events']

            # 'disabled' property is actually 'enabled' for XRC
            if 'disabled' in self.properties:
                    val = int(self.properties['disabled'])
                    val = False
                if val:
                    self.properties['enabled'] = '0'
                del self.properties['disabled']

            # ALB 2007-08-31 extracode property
            if 'extracode' in self.properties:
                write(self.properties['extracode'].replace('\\n', '\n'))
                del self.properties['extracode']

            # custom base classes are ignored for XRC...
            if 'custom_base' in self.properties:
                del self.properties['custom_base']

            if 'extraproperties' in self.properties:
                prop = self.properties['extraproperties']
                del self.properties['extraproperties']

            for name, val in self.properties.iteritems():
                self.write_property(str(name), val, out_file, ntabs + 1)
            # write the font, if present
            if font:
                write(tab_str + '<font>\n')
                tab_str = self.tabs(ntabs + 2)
                for key, val in font.iteritems():
                    if val:
                        write(tab_str + '<%s>%s</%s>\n' % \
                              (escape(key), escape(val), escape(key)))
                write(self.tabs(ntabs + 1) + '</font>\n')
            # write the children
            for c in self.children:
                self.write_child_prologue(c, out_file, ntabs + 1)
                c.write(out_file, ntabs + 1)
                self.write_child_epilogue(c, out_file, ntabs + 1)
            write(self.tabs(ntabs) + '</object>\n')

    # end of class DefaultXrcObject

    class NotImplementedXrcObject(XrcObject):
        XrcObject used when no code for the widget can be generated (for
        example, because XRC does not currently handle such widget)
        def __init__(self, code_obj):
            self.code_obj = code_obj

        def write(self, outfile, ntabs):
            m = 'code generator for %s objects not available' % \
            self.warning('%s' % m)
            outfile.write(self.tabs(ntabs) + '<!-- %s -->\n' % m)

    # end of class NotImplementedXrcObject

    def __init__(self):
        # Inject to all classed derivated from WrcObject
        XRCCodeWriter.XrcObject.tabs = self.tabs

    def initialize(self, app_attrs):
        # initialise parent class
        BaseCodeWriter.initialize(self, app_attrs)

        out_path = app_attrs['path']

        if self.multiple_files:
            # for now we handle only single-file code generation
            raise IOError("XRC code cannot be split into multiple files")
        self.output_file_name = out_path
        self.out_file = cStringIO.StringIO()  # open(out_path, 'w')
        self.out_file.write('\n<resource version="">\n')
        self.curr_tab = 1
        self.xrc_objects = OrderedDict()

    def finalize(self):
        # write the code for every toplevel object
        for obj in self.xrc_objects.itervalues():
            obj.write(self.out_file, 1)
        # store the contents to file

    def add_app(self, app_attrs, top_win_class):
        In the case of XRC output, there's no wxApp code to generate

    def add_object(self, unused, sub_obj):
        Adds the object sub_obj to the XRC tree. The first argument is unused.
        # what we need in XRC is not top_obj, but sub_obj's true parent
        top_obj = sub_obj.parent
        builder = self.obj_builders.get(
            # check whether we already created the xrc_obj
            xrc_obj = sub_obj.xrc
        except AttributeError:
            xrc_obj = builder(sub_obj)  # builder functions must return a
                                        # subclass of XrcObject
            sub_obj.xrc = xrc_obj
            # if we found it, remove it from the self.xrc_objects dictionary
            # (if it was there, i.e. the object is not a sizer), because this
            # isn't a true toplevel object
            if sub_obj in self.xrc_objects:
                del self.xrc_objects[sub_obj]
        # let's see if sub_obj's parent already has an XrcObject: if so, it is
        # temporairly stored in the self.xrc_objects dict...
        if top_obj in self.xrc_objects:
            top_xrc = self.xrc_objects[top_obj]
            # ...otherwise, create it and store it in the self.xrc_objects dict
            top_xrc = self.obj_builders.get(
                top_obj.base, XRCCodeWriter.DefaultXrcObject)(top_obj)
            top_obj.xrc = top_xrc
            self.xrc_objects[top_obj] = top_xrc

    def add_sizeritem(self, unused, sizer, obj, option, flag, border):
        Adds a sizeritem to the XRC tree. The first argument is unused.
        # what we need in XRC is not toplevel, but sub_obj's true parent
        toplevel = obj.parent
        top_xrc = toplevel.xrc
        obj_xrc = obj.xrc
            sizer_xrc = sizer.xrc
        except AttributeError:
            # if the sizer has not an XrcObject yet, create it now
            sizer_xrc = self.obj_builders.get(
                sizer.base, XRCCodeWriter.DefaultXrcObject)(sizer)
            sizer.xrc = sizer_xrc
        # we now have to move the children from 'toplevel' to 'sizer'
        index = top_xrc.children.index(obj_xrc)
        if obj.klass == 'spacer':
            w = obj.properties.get('width', '0')
            h = obj.properties.get('height', '0')
            obj_xrc = XRCCodeWriter.SpacerXrcObject(
                '%s, %s' % (w, h),
            sizeritem_xrc = XRCCodeWriter.SizerItemXrcObject(
        del top_xrc.children[index]

    def add_class(self, code_obj):
        Add class behaves very differently for XRC output than for other
        lanaguages (i.e. pyhton): since custom classes are not supported in
        XRC, this has effect only for true toplevel widgets, i.e. frames and
        dialogs. For other kinds of widgets, this is equivalent to add_object
        if not self.xrc_objects.has_key(code_obj):
            builder = self.obj_builders.get(
            xrc_obj = builder(code_obj)
            code_obj.xrc = xrc_obj
            # add the xrc_obj to the dict of the toplevel ones
            self.xrc_objects[code_obj] = xrc_obj
    def _format_comment(self, msg):
        return '<!-- %s -->' % escape(msg.rstrip())
Exemplo n.º 24
class Artifact(object):
    META_ATTRS = [


    def __init__(self):
        if not hasattr(self.__class__, 'FILTERS'):
            self.__class__.FILTERS = dexy.introspect.filters(Constants.NULL_LOGGER)

        self._inputs = {}
        self.additional = None
        self.additional_inputs = []
        self.args = {}
        self.args['globals'] = {}
        self.artifacts_dir = 'artifacts' # TODO don't hard code
        self.batch_id = None
        self.batch_order = None
        self.binary_input = None
        self.binary_output = None
        self.controller_args = {}
        self.controller_args['globals'] = {}
        self.created_by = None
        self.ctime = None
        self.data_dict = OrderedDict()
        self.dexy_version = Version.VERSION
        self.dirty = False
        self.document_key = None
        self.elapsed = 0
        self.ext = None
        self.final = None
        self.finish_time = None
        self.hashfunction = 'md5'
        self.initial = None
        self.inode = None
        self.input_data_dict = OrderedDict()
        self.is_last = False
        self.key = None
        self.log = logging.getLogger()
        self.logstream = ""
        self.mtime = None
        self.name = None
        self.source = None
        self.start_time = None
        self.state = 'new'
        self.stdout = None
        self.virtual_docs = None

    def keys(self):
        return self.data_dict.keys()

    def may_have_kv_storage(self):
        return self.binary_output and (self.ext in dexy.helpers.KeyValueData.EXTENSIONS)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if not hasattr(self, "_storage") and self.binary_output and (self.ext in dexy.helpers.KeyValueData.EXTENSIONS):

        if hasattr(self, "_storage"):
            if self._storage.mode == "write":
                # Change from write mode to read mode...
            return self._storage.retrieve(key)
        elif self.data_dict.has_key(key):
            return self.data_dict[key]
        elif hasattr(self, key):
            return getattr(self, key)
        elif self.ext in dexy.helpers.KeyValueData.EXTENSIONS:
            return self._storage.retrieve(key)
            raise dexy.commands.UserFeedback("Can't find key '%s' in %s" % (key, self.key))

    def __unicode__(self):
        When d[key] is used without attributes being accessed, need to return artifact output text.

        Jinja calls the __unicode__ method so we override that.
        return self.output_text()

    def is_complete(self):
        return str(self.state) == 'complete'

    def retrieve(klass, hashstring, hashfunction='md5'):
        if not hasattr(klass, 'retrieved_artifacts'):
            klass.retrieved_artifacts = {}
        if klass.retrieved_artifacts.has_key(hashstring):
            return klass.retrieved_artifacts[hashstring]
            artifact = klass()
            artifact.hashstring = hashstring
            artifact.hashfunction = hashfunction
            klass.retrieved_artifacts[hashstring] = artifact
            return artifact

    def load(self):
        if self.is_complete() and not self.is_loaded():

    def load_inputs(self):
        for a in self.inputs():

    def save(self):
        if self.is_abstract():
            pass # For testing.
        elif not self.hashstring:
            raise Exception("can't persist an artifact without a hashstring!")
            if self.is_complete() and not self.is_output_cached():
                except IOError as e:
                    print "An error occured while saving %s" % self.key
                    raise e

    def is_abstract(self):
        return not hasattr(self, 'save_meta')

    def filter_args(self):
        Returns args specified in the .dexy file for this filter alias.
        args = {}
        for a in self.filter_class.ALIASES:
            if self.args.has_key(a):
                except ValueError as e:
                    if "dictionary update sequence element" in e.message:
                        raise dexy.commands.UserFeedback("You need to supply a dict to argument '%s', rather than the single value '%s'" % (a, self.args[a]))
                        print self.args[a]
                        raise e
        return args

    def setup_initial(self):
        Set up an initial artifact (the first artifact in a document's filter chain).
        if self.args.has_key('binary'):
            self.binary_input = self.args['binary']
            self.binary_input = (self.doc.ext in self.BINARY_EXTENSIONS)

        self.binary_output = self.binary_input
        self.ext = self.doc.ext
        self.initial = True
        self.virtual = self.doc.virtual
        self.virtual_docs = self.doc.virtual_docs

        if self.args.has_key('final'):
            self.final = self.args['final']
        elif os.path.basename(self.name).startswith("_"):
            self.final = False

        if not self.doc.virtual:
            stat_info = os.stat(self.name)
            self.ctime = stat_info[stat.ST_CTIME]
            self.mtime = stat_info[stat.ST_MTIME]
            self.inode = stat_info[stat.ST_INO]


        # TODO remove?
        if not self.data_dict:
            raise Exception("no data dict!")
        elif len(self.data_dict) == 0:
            raise Exception("data dict has len 0!")

        self.state = 'complete'

    def setup_from_filter_class(self):
        # cache filter class source code so it only has to be calculated once
        filter_class_source_const = "SOURCE_CODE_%s" % self.filter_class.__name__
        if not hasattr(self.filter_class, filter_class_source_const):
            # get source code of this filter class + all parent filter classes.
            source = ""
            klass = self.filter_class

            # get source code from filter class and all parent classes
            while klass != dexy.dexy_filter.DexyFilter:
                source += inspect.getsource(klass)
                klass = klass.__base__

            # and then get source code of DexyFilter class
            source += inspect.getsource(dexy.dexy_filter.DexyFilter)

            filter_class_source_hash = self.compute_hash(source)
            setattr(self.filter_class, filter_class_source_const, filter_class_source_hash)
            assert filter_class_source_hash == getattr(self.filter_class, filter_class_source_const)
            self.log.debug("Source code hash for %s is %s" % (self.filter_class.__name__, filter_class_source_hash))

        if not hasattr(self.filter_class, 'VERSION'):
            filter_version = self.filter_class.version(self.log)
            self.filter_class.VERSION = filter_version

        self.filter_name = self.filter_class.__name__
        self.filter_source = getattr(self.filter_class, filter_class_source_const)
        self.filter_version = self.filter_class.VERSION

        if self.final is None:
            self.final = self.filter_class.FINAL

    def setup_from_previous_artifact(self, previous_artifact):
        for a in ['args', 'final', 'mtime', 'ctime', 'inode', 'virtual', 'virtual_docs']:
                setattr(self, a, getattr(previous_artifact, a))

        # Look for additional inputs in previous artifacts or previous
        # artifacts' inputs.
        for k, a in previous_artifact.inputs().iteritems():
            if a.additional and not k in self._inputs:
                self.add_input(k, a)
            elif not k in self._inputs and not a.virtual:
                # We should have all other inputs already. Validate this.
                raise Exception("Missing input %s" % k)

            for kk, aa in a.inputs().iteritems():
                if aa.additional and not kk in self._inputs:
                    self.add_input(kk, aa)

        self.binary_input = previous_artifact.binary_output
        self.input_data_dict = previous_artifact.data_dict
        self.input_ext = previous_artifact.ext
        self.previous_artifact_hashstring = previous_artifact.hashstring
        self.previous_artifact_filename = previous_artifact.filename()
        self.previous_artifact_filepath = previous_artifact.filepath()
        self.previous_canonical_filename = previous_artifact.canonical_filename(True)
        self.previous_long_canonical_filename = previous_artifact.long_canonical_filename()
        self.previous_websafe_key = previous_artifact.websafe_key()

        # The JSON output of previous artifact
        if not previous_artifact.binary_output:
            self.previous_cached_output_filepath = previous_artifact.cached_output_filepath()

        # Determine file extension of output
        if hasattr(self, 'next_filter_class'):
            next_inputs = self.next_filter_class.INPUT_EXTENSIONS
            next_inputs = None

        if self.filter_args().has_key('ext'):
            ext = self.filter_args()['ext']
            if not ext.startswith("."):
                ext = ".%s" % ext
            self.ext = ext
            self.ext = self.filter_class.output_file_extension(

        self.binary_output = self.filter_class.BINARY
        if self.binary_output is None:

        self.state = 'setup'

    def setup(klass, doc, artifact_key, filter_class = None, previous_artifact = None):
        Create an Artifact instance and load all information needed to
        calculate its hashstring.
        artifact = klass()
        artifact.key = artifact_key
        artifact.filter_class = filter_class
        artifact.is_last = (artifact.key == doc.key())

        # Add references for convenience
        artifact.artifacts_dir = doc.artifacts_dir
        artifact.controller_args = doc.controller.args
        artifact.hashfunction = doc.controller.args['hashfunction']
        artifact.db = doc.db
        artifact.doc = doc
        artifact.log = doc.log

        # These attributes are the same for all artifacts pertaining to a document
        artifact.args = doc.args
        artifact.batch_id = doc.batch_id
        artifact.document_key = doc.key()
        artifact.name = doc.name

        # Set batch order to next in sequence
        artifact.batch_order = artifact.db.next_batch_order(artifact.batch_id)

        next_filter_class = doc.next_filter_class()
        if next_filter_class:
            artifact.next_filter_name = next_filter_class.__name__
            artifact.next_filter_class = next_filter_class

        # Set inputs from original document inputs.
        if len(artifact.doc.input_artifacts().keys()) > 10:
            doc.log.debug("Setting inputs to include %s document inputs" % len(artifact.doc.input_artifacts()))
        elif len(artifact.doc.input_artifacts().keys()) > 0:
            doc.log.debug("Setting inputs to include inputs: %s" % ",".join(artifact.doc.input_artifacts().keys()))

        for k, a in artifact.doc.input_artifacts().iteritems():
            if a.additional and not k in artifact._inputs:
                doc.log.debug("Adding additional input %s" % k)
                artifact.add_input(k, a)

            for kk, aa in a.inputs().iteritems():
                if aa.additional and not kk in artifact._inputs:
                    doc.log.debug("Adding additional input %s" % kk)
                    artifact.add_input(kk, aa)

        if previous_artifact:


        return artifact

    def run(self):
        start = time.time()

        if self.controller_args['nocache'] or not self.is_complete():
            # We have to actually run things...
            if not self.filter_class:
                self.filter_class = dexy.introspect.get_filter_by_name(self.filter_name, self.doc.__class__.filter_list)

            # Set up instance of filter.
            filter_instance = self.filter_class()
            filter_instance.artifact = self
            filter_instance.log = self.log

            # Make sure previous artifact is loaded.
            if not self.binary_input and len(self.input_text()) == 0:
                f = open(self.previous_artifact_filepath, "rb")
                self.data_dict['1'] = f.read()

            except dexy.commands.UserFeedback as e:
                messages = []
                err_msg_args = (self.doc.key(), self.filter_alias, self.doc.step, len(self.doc.filters))
                messages.append("ERROR in %s (in filter '%s' - step %s of %s)" % err_msg_args)

                for message in messages:

                messages.append("This exception information has been written to logs/dexy.log")
                messages.append("There may be more information in logs/dexy.log")
                if self.log.getEffectiveLevel() > logging.DEBUG:
                    messages.append("If you can't find clues in the log, try running again with -loglevel DEBUG")

                raise dexy.commands.UserFeedback("\n".join(messages))

            except dexy.commands.InternalDexyProblem as e:
                err_msg_args = (self.doc.key(), self.filter_alias, self.doc.step, len(self.doc.filters))
                sys.stderr.write("ERROR in %s (in filter '%s' - step %s of %s)\n" % err_msg_args)
                raise e
            except Exception as e:
                err_msg_args = (self.doc.key(), self.filter_alias, self.doc.step, len(self.doc.filters))
                sys.stderr.write("ERROR in %s (in filter '%s' - step %s of %s)\n" % err_msg_args)
                if e.message:
                    raise dexy.commands.InternalDexyProblem("error class: %s\nerror message: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e.message))
                    raise dexy.commands.InternalDexyProblem("error class: %s" % e.__class__.__name__)

            if self.data_dict and len(self.data_dict) > 0:

            elif self.is_canonical_output_cached:
                self.state = 'complete'

                raise Exception("data neither in memory nor on disk")

            self.logstream = self.doc.logstream.getvalue()
            self.state = 'complete'
            self.source = 'run'
            self.source = 'cache'
            self.log.debug("using cached artifact for %s" % self.key)

            # make sure additional artifacts are added to db
            for a in self.inputs().values():
                if a.additional and not a.key in self.db.extra_keys:
                    a.batch_id = self.batch_id

        self.elapsed = time.time() - start

    def add_additional_artifact(self, key_with_ext, ext=None):
        if not ext:
            ext = os.path.splitext(key_with_ext)[1]
        new_artifact = self.__class__()
        new_artifact.key = key_with_ext
        if ext.startswith("."):
            new_artifact.ext = ext
            new_artifact.ext = ".%s" % ext
        new_artifact.final = True
        new_artifact.hashfunction = self.hashfunction
        new_artifact.additional = True
        new_artifact.artifacts_dir = self.artifacts_dir
        new_artifact.inode = self.hashstring
        new_artifact.created_by = self.key
        new_artifact.virtual = True
        new_artifact.name = key_with_ext.split("|")[0]

        # TODO this is duplicated in setup_from_previous_artifact, should reorganize
        for at in ['batch_id', 'document_key', 'mtime', 'ctime', 'virtual_docs']:
                val = getattr(self, at)
                setattr(new_artifact, at, val)

        self.log.debug("new artifact %s hashstring %s" % (key_with_ext, new_artifact.hashstring))
        self.add_input(key_with_ext, new_artifact)
        self.db.append_artifact(new_artifact) # append to db because not part of doc.artifacts
        return new_artifact

    def add_input(self, key, artifact):
        self._inputs[key] = artifact

    def inputs(self):
        return self._inputs

    def set_binary_from_ext(self):
        # TODO list more binary extensions or find better way to do this
        if self.ext in self.BINARY_EXTENSIONS:
            self.binary_output = True
            self.binary_output = False

    def set_data(self, data):
        self.data_dict['1'] = data

    def set_data_from_artifact(self):
        f = codecs.open(self.filepath(), "r", encoding="utf-8")
        self.data_dict['1'] = f.read()

    def is_loaded(self):
        return hasattr(self, 'data_dict') and len(self.data_dict) > 0

    def compute_hash(self, text):
        unicode_text = None

        if type(text) == unicode:
            unicode_text = text
        elif type(text) in [dict, list]:
            unicode_text = json.dumps(text)
        elif self.binary_input:
            unicode_text = unicode(text, encoding="utf-8")

        if unicode_text:
            text = unicode_text.encode("utf-8")

        if self.hashfunction == 'md5':
            h = hashlib.md5(text).hexdigest()

        elif self.hashfunction == 'sha1':
            h = hashlib.sha1(text).hexdigest()

        elif self.hashfunction == 'sha224':
            h = hashlib.sha224(text).hexdigest()

        elif self.hashfunction == 'sha256':
            h = hashlib.sha256(text).hexdigest()

        elif self.hashfunction == 'sha384':
            h = hashlib.sha384(text).hexdigest()

        elif self.hashfunction == 'sha512':
            h = hashlib.sha512(text).hexdigest()

        elif self.hashfunction == 'crc32':
            h = str(zlib.crc32(text) & 0xffffffff)

        elif self.hashfunction == 'adler32':
            h = str(zlib.adler32(text) & 0xffffffff)

            raise Exception("unexpected hash function %s" % self.hashfunction)

        return h

    def input_hashes(self):
        Returns an OrderedDict of key, hashstring for each input artifact, sorted by key.
        return OrderedDict((k, str(self.inputs()[k].hashstring)) for k in sorted(self.inputs()))

    def hash_dict(self):
        Calculate and cache the elements used to compute the hashstring
        if not hasattr(self.__class__, 'SOURCE_CODE'):
            artifact_class_source = inspect.getsource(self.__class__)
            artifact_py_source = inspect.getsource(Artifact)
            self.__class__.SOURCE_CODE = self.compute_hash(artifact_class_source + artifact_py_source)

        self.artifact_class_source = self.__class__.SOURCE_CODE

        if self.dirty:
            self.dirty_string = time.gmtime()

        hash_dict = OrderedDict()

        hash_dict['inputs'] = self.input_hashes()

        for k in self.HASH_WHITELIST:
            if self.__dict__.has_key(k):
                v = self.__dict__[k]
                if hasattr(v, 'items'):
                    hash_v = OrderedDict()
                    for k1 in sorted(v.keys()):
                        v1 = v[k1]
                            if len(str(v1)) > 50:
                                raise Exception()
                            hash_v[str(k1)] = v1
                        except Exception:
                            # Use a hash if we will have problems saving to JSON
                            # or if the data is large (don't want to clutter up the DB,
                            # makes it harder to spot differences)
                            hash_v[str(k1)] = self.compute_hash(v1)
                    hash_v = str(v)
                hash_dict[str(k)] = hash_v
        return hash_dict

    def set_hashstring(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'hashstring'):
            raise Exception("setting hashstring twice")

        hash_data = str(self.hash_dict())
        self.hashstring = self.compute_hash(hash_data)

            original_document_key = self.document_key
            if not self.is_loaded():
            self.document_key = original_document_key
        except AttributeError as e:
            if not self.is_abstract():
                raise e
        except IOError as e:

    def convert_if_not_unicode(self, s):
        if type(s) == unicode:
            return s
        elif s == None:
            return u""
                ut = unicode(s, encoding="utf-8")
                return ut
            except Exception as e:
                print "error occurred trying to convert text to unicode in", self.key
                raise e

    def input_text(self):
        return u"".join([self.convert_if_not_unicode(v) for k, v in self.input_data_dict.items()])

    def output_text(self):
        return u"".join([self.convert_if_not_unicode(v) for k, v in self.data_dict.items()])

    def read_binary_output(self):
        self.binary_output = True
        self.binary_output = False
        return self.binary_data

    def output(self):
        if not self.is_complete():
            raise Exception("can't call output unless complete!")

        if self.binary_output:
            if not hasattr(self, 'binary_data'):
            return self.binary_data
            return self.output_text()

    def relative_refs(self, relative_to_file):
        """How to refer to this artifact, relative to another."""

        doc_dir = os.path.dirname(relative_to_file)
        return [
                os.path.relpath(self.key, doc_dir),
                os.path.relpath(self.long_canonical_filename(), doc_dir),
                "/%s" % self.key,
                "/%s" % self.long_canonical_filename()

    def use_canonical_filename(self):
        """Returns the canonical filename after saving contents under this name
        in the artifacts directory."""
        return self.canonical_filename()

    def write_to_file(self, filename):
        dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
        if not os.path.exists(dirname) and not dirname == '':
        shutil.copyfile(self.filepath(), filename)

    def work_filename(self):
        return "%s.work%s" % (self.hashstring, self.input_ext)

    def generate_workfile(self, work_filename = None):
        if not work_filename:
            work_filename = self.work_filename()
        work_path = os.path.join(self.artifacts_dir, work_filename)
        work_file = codecs.open(work_path, "w", encoding="utf-8")

    def temp_filename(self, ext):
        return "%s.work%s" % (self.hashstring, ext)

    def open_tempfile(self, ext):
        tempfile_path = os.path.join(self.artifacts_dir, self.temp_filename(ext))
        codecs.open(tempfile_path, "w", encoding="utf-8")

    def temp_dir(self):
        return os.path.join(self.artifacts_dir, self.hashstring)

    def create_temp_dir(self, populate=False):
        tempdir = self.temp_dir()
        shutil.rmtree(tempdir, ignore_errors=True)

        if populate:
            # write all inputs to this directory, under their canonical names
            for input_artifact in self._inputs.values():
                filename = os.path.join(tempdir, input_artifact.canonical_filename())
                if os.path.exists(input_artifact.filepath()):
                    self.log.debug("Populating temp dir for %s with %s" % (self.key, filename))
                    self.log.warn("Not populating temp dir for %s with file %s, file does not exist (yet)" % (self.key, filename))

            # write the workfile to this directory under its canonical name
            previous = self.previous_artifact_filepath
            workfile = os.path.join(tempdir, self.previous_canonical_filename)
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(workfile)):
            self.log.debug("Copying %s to %s" % (previous, workfile))
            shutil.copyfile(previous, workfile)

    def alias(self):
        Whether this artifact includes an alias.
        aliases = [k for k in self.key.split("|") if k.startswith("-")]
        if len(aliases) > 0:
            return aliases[0]

    def canonical_dir(self, ignore_args = False):
        return os.path.dirname(self.name)

    def canonical_basename(self, ignore_args = False):
        return os.path.basename(self.canonical_filename(ignore_args))

    def canonical_filename(self, ignore_args = False):
        fn = os.path.splitext(self.key.split("|")[0])[0]

        if self.args.has_key('canonical-name') and not ignore_args:
            parent_dir = os.path.dirname(fn)
            return os.path.join(parent_dir, self.args['canonical-name'])
        elif self.args.has_key('postfix') and not ignore_args:
            return "%s%s%s" % (fn, self.ext, self.args['postfix'])
        elif self.alias():
            return "%s%s%s" % (fn, self.alias(), self.ext)
            return "%s%s" % (fn, self.ext)

    def long_canonical_filename(self):
        if not "|" in self.key:
            return self.key.replace("|", "-")
            return "%s%s" % (self.key.replace("|", "-"), self.ext)

    def websafe_key(self):
        return self.long_canonical_filename().replace("/", "--")

    def web_safe_document_key(self):
        # duplicate, remove this alias
        return self.websafe_key()

    def filename(self):
        The filename where artifact content is stored, based on the hashstring.
        if not hasattr(self, 'ext'):
            raise Exception("artifact %s has no ext" % self.key)
        return "%s%s" % (self.hashstring, self.ext)

    def filepath(self):
        Full path (including artifacts dir location) to location where artifact content is stored.
        return os.path.join(self.artifacts_dir, self.filename())

    def abs_filepath(self):
        return os.path.abspath(self.filepath())

    def breadcrumbs(self):
        """A list of parent dirs, plus the filename if it's not 'index.html'."""
        parent_dirs = os.path.dirname(self.canonical_filename()).split("/")

        if self.canonical_basename() == "index.html":
            result = parent_dirs
            result = parent_dirs.append(self.canonical_basename())

        if not result:
            result = []

        return result

    def titleized_name(self):
        if self.canonical_basename() == "index.html":
            return self.breadcrumbs()[-1].replace("-"," ").title()
            return os.path.splitext(self.canonical_basename())[0].replace("-"," ").title()

    def unique_key(self):
        return "%s:%s:%s" % (self.batch_id, self.document_key, self.key)

    def websafe_unique_key(self):
        return self.unique_key().replace("/", "--")

    def url(self):
        # TODO test for final
        return "/%s" % self.canonical_filename()

    def hyperlink(self, link_text = None):
        # TODO test for final
        if not link_text:
            link_text = self.canonical_basename()

        return """<a href="%s">%s</a>""" % (self.url(), link_text)

    def iframe(self, link_text = None, width = "600px", height = "300px"):
        # TODO test for final
        args = {
                'url' : self.url(),
                'hyperlink' : self.hyperlink(link_text),
                'width' : width,
                'height' : height

        return """
<iframe src="%(url)s" width="%(width)s" height="%(height)s" style="border: thin solid gray;">
        """ % args

    def img(self):
        # TODO test for final
        return """<img src="/%s" alt="Image generated by dexy %s" />""" % (self.canonical_filename(), self.key)

    def relpath(self, artifact_key):
        Returns relative path from self to other artifact key, e.g. for linking to CSS relatively
        artifact = self.inputs()[artifact_key]
        return os.path.join(self.relative_path_to_input(artifact), artifact.canonical_basename())

    def has_sections(self):
        return (self.data_dict.keys() != ['1'])

    def relative_path_to_input(self, input_artifact):
        my_dir = os.path.dirname(self.name)
        input_dir = os.path.dirname(input_artifact.name)
        self.log.debug("Calculating relative path between %s and %s" % (self.name, input_artifact.name))

        if not my_dir:
            my_dir = "."
        if not input_dir:
            input_dir = "."

        if my_dir == input_dir:
            relpath = ""
            relpath = os.path.relpath(input_dir, my_dir)
        return relpath

    def relative_key_for_input(self, input_artifact):
        relpath = self.relative_path_to_input(input_artifact)
        return os.path.join(relpath, os.path.basename(input_artifact.key))

    def convert_numbered_dict_to_ordered_dict(self, numbered_dict):
        ordered_dict = OrderedDict()
        for x in sorted(numbered_dict.keys()):
            k = x.split(":", 1)[1]
            ordered_dict[k] = numbered_dict[x]
        return ordered_dict

    def convert_data_dict_to_numbered_dict(self):
        if len(self.data_dict) >= self.MAX_DATA_DICT_LENGTH:
            exception_msg = """Your data dict has %s items, which is greater than the arbitrary limit of %s items.
            You can increase this limit by changing MAX_DATA_DICT_DECIMALS."""
            raise Exception(exception_msg % (len(self.data_dict), self.MAX_DATA_DICT_LENGTH))

        data_dict = {}
        i = -1
        for k, v in self.data_dict.iteritems():
            i += 1
            fmt = "%%0%sd:%%s" % self.MAX_DATA_DICT_DECIMALS
            data_dict[fmt % (i, k)] = v
        return data_dict

    def storage(self, reset=False):
        if not hasattr(self, "_storage") or reset:
            # Assume we want KV storage
        return self._storage

    def key_prefixes(self):
        return sorted(set(":".join(k.split(":")[:-1]) for k in self.storage().keys()))

    def kv_storage(self):
        return self.storage()

    def row_storage(self):
        if not hasattr(self, "_storage"):
        return self._storage

    def setup_kv_storage(self):
            self._storage = dexy.helpers.KeyValueData(self.filepath())
        except ValueError as e:
            raise dexy.commands.UserFeedback("Can't get key-value data from %s for %s: %s" % self.filepath(), self.key, e.message)

    def setup_row_storage(self):
        self._storage = dexy.helpers.RowData(self.filepath())
Exemplo n.º 25
class SvxlinkTypeContainer(object):

    def __init__(self, type_name, section_name, valid_options, data=None):
        """Type container for Svxlink Types.

        It serves as an abstract class. We need to check for valid options
        when setting sections. Instead of copying/pasting the code, this
        abstract class checks for valid options when setting an item in class.

        __dbase__ is an internal representation of key/values with an
        OrderedDict. If data is provided, __dbase__ is filled with this
        data.  Otherwise, we know that the section is created from
        scratch so we add TYPE accordingly to type_name argument by
        default.  "Data" is an array of tuple because it's the type that
        ConfigParser returns. For the ease of use, it's directly used in
        this way.

        Note that svxlink.conf requires UPPERCASE for options in sections.
        Section names can be arbitrary, however, options are presented
        upper-case. Whenever you set an option name, it will be converted to
        uppercase. It does not matter the way you set options. For

        f = SvxlinkTypeNet("foo")
        f["tcp_PORT" = 5220

        is converted to:

        f["TCP_PORT"] 5220

        so it's still valid to use as long as option is present in


        # TODO: Implement a checker function. Now, we only check for
        # valid options, not the values themselves. Later, we would need
        # to check for values so we need to implement a function that
        # checks it. Additionally, this function will be unique to the
        # classes that extends SvxlinkTypeContainer. So it should be
        # optional in __init__()

        self._VALID_OPTIONS = valid_options
        self._TYPE_NAME = type_name
        self._SECTION_NAME = section_name

        # internal ordered dictionary for storing key/values typical to
        # section
        self.__dbase__ = OrderedDict()

        if data is None:
            self.__dbase__.update({"TYPE": type_name})
            # start adding values that are in tuple to __dict__
            for tuple_item in data:

    def __check_item_and_update(self, key, val):
        """Checks the item in VALID_OPTIONS and updates __dbase__ if the
        option is valid.

        if not key.upper() in self._VALID_OPTIONS:
            raise ValueError("Option '%s' is not valid for '%s'" %
                    (key, self._SECTION_NAME))

        self.__dbase__.update({key.upper(): val})

    def __str__(self):
        return "<SvxlinkType%s: %s>" % (self._TYPE_NAME, self._SECTION_NAME)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.__dbase__.get(key.upper());

    def __setitem__(self, key, val):
        self.__check_item_and_update(key, val)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        # compare any object with our section name.
        return other == self._SECTION_NAME

    def get_section_name(self):
        """Returns a section name"""

        return self._SECTION_NAME

    def has_option(self, option):
        """Checks if there is an option in __dict__


        return self.__dbase__.has_key(option.upper())

    def items(self):
        """Returns ConfigParser compatable output for items in this section.

        The output is an array of tuples such as:

        [(tcp_port, 5220), (type, "Net")]


        # iterate over __dict__, do not take variables that start with _
        # into account.
        output = []
        for item in self.__dbase__:
            if not item.startswith("_"):
                output.append((item, self[item]))

        return output

    def is_online(self):
        """An abstract method for checking if the section is up.

        This method should be implemented in SvxlinkType objects. By
        default, it returns true. For example, for a
        SvxlinkTypeRepeater, is_online() method can check if the
        repeater is in LOGICS option in GLOBAL section. For a Local
        device, this method can check if the card is listed by ALSA and
        can be accessed without a problem.


        return True
Exemplo n.º 26
class Dependency:
    ## Construct an empty dependency tree
    #  @param self the object reference
    #  @param silent  minimal feedback
    #  @param autobuild  warn rather than fail on multiple version dependnecies. XXX
    def __init__(self, silent=True, autobuild=False):
        ## The ASKAP top-level directory
        self.ASKAPROOT = os.environ.get("ASKAP_ROOT")
        if self.ASKAPROOT is None:
            msg = "ASKAP_ROOT environment variable is not defined"
            raise BuildError(msg)
        self.DEPFILE = "dependencies" # The basename of the dependency file
        self.INSTALL_SUBDIR = "install"
        self._deps = OrderedDict()
        self._bindirs = []
        self._incdirs = []
        self._libdirs = []
        self._rootdirs = []
        self._cppflags = []  # XXX "defs" in package.info. LOFAR/log4cxx
        self._env = []
        self._jars = []
        self._libs = []
        self._packages = []
        self._ldlibpath = ""
        self._pypath = ""
        self._autobuild = autobuild
        self._silent = silent   # mimimal output
        self.selfupdate = False # should object request updates from svn

    def q_print(self, msg):
        if self._silent:

    ## Get the path of the specified dependency package
    # @param self the current object
    # @param key the label of the package dependency
    # @return the path (relative to ASKAP_ROOT) to the package
    def get_dep_path(self, key):
        return self._deps[key]["path"]

    # Used by "in" test.
    # object.__contains__(self, item)
    # Called to implement membership test operators. Should return true if item
    # is in self, false otherwise. For mapping objects, this should consider
    # the keys of the mapping rather than the values or the key-item pairs.
    # For objects that do not define __contains__(), the membership test first
    # tries iteration via __iter__(), then the old sequence iteration protocol
    # via __getitem__(), see this section in the language reference.
    # http://docs.python.org/reference/datamodel.html

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return self._deps.has_key(key)

    ## Get the absolute path to the dependency packages installed location
    # @param self the current object
    # @param key the label of the package dependency
    # @return the absolute path to the package installed location
    def get_install_path(self, key):
        rel_path  = self._deps[key]["path"]
        full_path = os.path.join(self.ASKAPROOT, rel_path, self.INSTALL_SUBDIR)
        return os.path.abspath(full_path)

    def get_path(self):
        return os.path.pathsep.join(self._bindirs)

    ## Get the CPPFLAGS retrieved in the dependency analysis
    #  @param self the object reference
    #  @return a list of library names
    def get_libs(self, mapped=False):
        if mapped:
            return self._libs[:]
            return [ m[0] for m in self._libs ]

    ## Get the environment variables retrieved in the dependency analysis
    #  @param self the object reference
    #  @return a dictionary of ENVVAR => value pairs
    def get_env(self):
        return dict([i.split("=") for i in self._env])

    ## Get the the java classpath for the depencies
    #  @param self the object reference
    #  @return a classpath string of the form x/y/z.jar:a/b/c.jar
    def get_classpath(self):
        return os.path.pathsep.join(self._jars)

    ## Get the root directories of the tags retrieved in the dependency analysis
    #  @param self the object reference
    #  @return a list of directory names
    def get_rootdirs(self, mapped=False): # XXX used in ant.py builder with mapped=true.
        if mapped:
            return [ (k, os.path.join( self.ASKAPROOT, v['path'])) \
                for k,v in self._deps.iteritems()]
        return self._rootdirs[:]

    ## Get the LIBRARY directories retrieved in the dependency analysis
    #  @param self the object reference
    #  @param mapped return directory tuples (rootdir, libdir)
    #  @return a list of library directories or tuples of rootdirs and libdirs
    def get_librarydirs(self, mapped=False):
        if mapped:
            return self._libdirs[:]
            return [ m[0] for m in self._libdirs ]

    ## Get the LD_LIBRARY_PATH accumulated in the dependency analysis
    #  @param self the object reference
    #  @return a string representing the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    def get_ld_library_path(self):
        return self._ldlibpath.strip(":")

    ## Get the INCLUDE directories retrieved in the dependency analysis
    #  @param self the object reference
    #  @return a list of header file directories
    def get_includedirs(self):
        return self._incdirs[:]

    ## Get the CPPFLAGS retrieved in the dependency analysis
    #  @param self the object reference
    #  @return a list preprocessor flags
    def get_cppflags(self):
        return self._cppflags[:]

    def get_pythonpath(self):
        return self._pypath.strip(":")

    ## Get a list of doxygen tag files in the dependencies. This is used for
    #  cross-referencing the documentation
    #  @todo Re-enable: This has been disabled until it is working for python
    #  @param self the object reference
    #  @return a list of TAGFILES entries
    # XXX used only in scons_tools/askap_package.py
    def get_tagfiles(self):
        tagfiles = []
        for pth in self._rootdirs:
            tagname = utils.tag_name(pth)
            tagpath = os.path.join(pth, tagname)
            if os.path.exists(tagpath):
                tagfiles.append('"%s=%s/html"' % (tagpath, pth) )
        return tagfiles

    def _get_dependencies(self, package):
        codename = utils.get_platform()['codename']
        hostname = socket.gethostname().split(".")[0]

        for ext in ['default', codename, hostname]:
            if ext:
                depfile = '%s.%s' % (self.DEPFILE, ext)
                if package:
                    depfile = os.path.join(self.ASKAPROOT, package, depfile)
                if self.selfupdate:
                    # always update if it is the "root/target" package
                    basedir = os.path.split(depfile)[0] or "."
                    if not os.path.exists(basedir):

    def _get_depfile(self, depfile, overwrite=False):
        if not os.path.exists(depfile):
            # assume no dependencies
        dfh = file(depfile)
        for line in dfh.readlines():
            line = line.strip()
            if line.startswith("#"): continue
            kv = line.split("=", 1)
            if len(kv) == 2:
                key = kv[0].strip()
                value = kv[1].strip()
                # see if the file explicitly names any libs
                lspl = value.split(";")
                libs = None
                if len(lspl) > 1:
                    libs = lspl[1].strip().split()
                value = lspl[0]
                self._add_dependency(key, value, libs, overwrite)
                if not value.startswith("/"):
                    # recurse into ASKAP dependencies
                    # otherwise just move on as we specified system dependency
                    # which will not have a dependency file


    def _get_info(self, packagedir):
        info =  {
                # A single directory path relative to the install directory.
                'bindir':  'bin',
                'distdir': 'dist',
                'incdir':  'include',
                'libdir':  'lib',
                # Space separated lists. XXX Default should be '[]'?
                'defs' :    None,
                'env':      None,
                'jars':     None,
                'libs':     None,
                # Define a single python module name and version.
                # e.g. pymodule=numpy==1.2.0
                'pymodule': None,
        sslists = ['defs', 'env', 'jars', 'libs']
        infofile = os.path.join(packagedir, 'package.info')

        if os.path.exists(infofile):
            f = file(infofile)
            for line in f.readlines():
                line = line.strip()
                if line.startswith("#"): continue
                kv = line.split("=", 1)
                if len(kv) == 2:
                    key = kv[0].strip()
                    value = kv[1].strip()
                    if key in info.keys():
                        if key in sslists:
                            info[key] = value.split()
                            info[key] = value
        return info

    def _add_dependency(self, key, value, libs, overwrite=False):
        if self._deps.has_key(key):
            # deal with potential symbolic links for 'default' packages
            paths = [self._deps[key]["path"], value]
            outpaths = []
            for pth in paths:
                if not pth.startswith("/"):
                    pth = os.path.join(os.environ["ASKAP_ROOT"], pth)
                pth = os.path.realpath(pth)
            if outpaths[0] == outpaths[1]:
                if libs:
                    if self._deps[key]["libs"] is not None:
                        # prepend the libs
                        self._deps[key]["libs"] = libs + self._deps[key]["libs"]
                        self._deps[key]["libs"] = libs
                    # another dependency, so move it to the end, so link
                    # order is correct
                if overwrite:
                    self._deps[key]["path"] = value
                    self.q_print("info: Overwriting default package dependency '%s' with host specific package (from %s)" % (key, value) )
                elif self._autobuild: # XXX maybe a mistake?
                    self.q_print("warn: Possible multiple version dependency \n\
                    %s != %s" % (self._deps[key]["path"], value))

                    raise BuildError("Multiple version dependency \n\
                    %s != %s" % (self._deps[key]["path"], value))
            self.q_print("info: Adding package dependency '%s' (from %s)" %
                          (key, value))
            # now update the dependency itself
            # XXX only used in Tools/scons_tools/askap_package.py
            if self.selfupdate:
            self._deps[key] = {"path": value, "libs": libs}

    def _remove_duplicates(self, values):
        # find unique elements
        libs = [v[0] for v in values]
        for k in set(libs):
            # remove all but last duplicate entry
            while libs.count(k) > 1:
                idx = libs.index(k)

    ## Add a ThirdPartyLibrary or ASKAP package to the environment
    #  This will add the package path in ASKAP_ROOT
    #  @param self the object reference
    #  @param pkgname The name of the package as in the repository, e.g.
    #  lapack. Default None means that this is defined in local
    #  dependencies.xyz
    #  @param tag The location of the package, e.g.
    #  3rdParty/lapack-3.1.1/lapack-3.1.1
    #  @param libs The name of the libraries to link against,
    #  default None is the same as the pkgname
    #  @param libdir The location of the library dir relative to the package,
    #  default None which will use settings in the package.info file
    #  @param incdir The location of the include dir relative to the package,
    #  default None which will use settings in the package.info file
    #  @param pymodule the 'require' statement to specify this dependency
    #  statement, e.g. "askap.loghandlers==current"
    def add_package(self, pkgname=None, tag=None,
                    libs=None, libdir=None, incdir=None, bindir=None,
        self._deps = OrderedDict()

        if pkgname:
            if not tag:
                BuildError("No tag specified")
            if self.selfupdate:
                #if not os.path.exists(tag):
            self._add_path(pkgname, self.ASKAPROOT, tag, libs, libdir,
                          incdir, bindir, pymodule)
            self.q_print("info: Adding package '%s'" % pkgname)

        if tag:
            tag = os.path.join(self.ASKAPROOT, tag)


        parent = ''
        for key, value in self._deps.iteritems():
            self._add_path(key, self.ASKAPROOT, value["path"],
                           libs=value["libs"], parent=parent)
            parent = value["path"]

    # Add a ASKAP repository path to the environment
    # This sets up LIBPATH and CPPPATH
    def _add_path(self, pkgname, root, tag, parent='', libs=None,
                 libdir=None, incdir=None, bindir=None,
        loc = None

        if tag.startswith("/"): # external package
            loc = tag
        else:                   # ASKAP package or 3rdParty library
            loc = os.path.join(root, tag)

        rloc = os.path.relpath(loc, self.ASKAPROOT)
        if not os.path.exists(loc):
            raise BuildError("Dependency directory '%s' does not exist (requested by %s)." % (rloc,parent))

        self._rootdirs += [loc]
        info = self._get_info(loc) # get optional package info
        idir = os.path.join(loc, self.INSTALL_SUBDIR) # actual installion.

        if not bindir: # add bin directory
            bindir = info["bindir"]

        if bindir: # None means disabled in info file
            pth = os.path.join(idir, bindir)
            if os.path.exists(pth):
                self._bindirs += [pth]

        if not incdir: # add include directory
            incdir = info["incdir"]

        if incdir: # None means disabled in info file
            pth = os.path.join(idir, incdir)
            if not os.path.exists(pth):
                if not pymodule:
                    self.q_print("warn: incdir '%s' does not exist." % pth)
                self._incdirs += [pth]

        if not libdir: # add library directory
            libdir = info["libdir"]

        if libdir: # None means disabled in info file
            pth = os.path.join(idir, libdir)
            if not os.path.exists(pth):
                if not pymodule:
                    self.q_print("warn: libdir '%s' does not exist." % pth)
                self._ldlibpath += os.path.pathsep+pth
                self._libdirs += [(pth, idir)]

        libs = libs or info["libs"]
        addlibs = True
        if isinstance(libs, list) and len(libs) == 0:
            addlibs = False

        libs = libs or pkgname

        if not isinstance(libs, list):
            libs = [libs]

        if addlibs: # only add lib if it's not a python module
            nlibs = []
            for lib in libs:
                instdir = idir
                if not glob.glob("{0}/lib{1}*".format(os.path.join(idir, 
                    instdir = ""
                nlibs.append((lib, instdir))
            self._libs += nlibs
            libs = self._libs[:] # copy
            self._libs = libs

        if info["defs"]: # add package defines
            self._cppflags += info["defs"]

        if info["env"]: # add environment variables
            self._env += info["env"]

        # check whether it is python, i.e. pymodule entry in package.info
        if not pymodule:
            pymodule = info["pymodule"]
        if pymodule:
            pth = os.path.join(idir, libdir, utils.get_site_dir())
            if self._pypath.find(pth) < 1:
                self._pypath = os.path.pathsep.join([pth, self._pypath])
        if info["jars"]:
            pth = os.path.join(idir, libdir)
            if not os.path.exists(pth):
                if not pymodule:
                    self.q_print("warn: libdir '%s' does not exist." % pth)
            for jar in info["jars"]:
                jar = os.path.join(pth, jar)
                if jar not in self._jars:
Exemplo n.º 27
				if re.search('dst',x[8]) != None:
				elif re.search('src',x[8]) != None:
			if re.search('log',x[8]) != None:
			if re.search('count',x[8]) != None:
			if re.search('no-session-backup',x[8]) != None:
			if re.search('webauth',x[8]) != None:
				policy.set_action(policy.action + "~")

			if policy_dict.has_key(policy.id):
				sys.stderr.write("Duplicate policy id entry detected: %s\n" % policy.id)

			policy_dict[policy.id] = policy

		# marks the beginning of a policy statement with extra configuration items
		# ['Id',None] 
		x = policy_regex_begin.split(line)[1:-1]
		if len(x): 
			id = x[0]
			if x[1] == "disable":
			policy_line = config_iter.next()
Exemplo n.º 28
class GenerateWebPages(object):
    def __init__(self, getConfigValue, pageDir, resourceNames,
                 pageTitle, pageSubTitle, pageVersion, extraVersions, descriptionInfo):
        self.pageTitle = pageTitle
        self.pageSubTitle = pageSubTitle
        self.pageVersion = pageVersion
        self.extraVersions = extraVersions
        self.pageDir = pageDir
        self.pagesOverview = OrderedDict()
        self.pagesDetails = OrderedDict()
        self.getConfigValue = getConfigValue
        self.resourceNames = resourceNames
        self.descriptionInfo = descriptionInfo
        self.diag = logging.getLogger("GenerateWebPages")

    def makeSelectors(self, subPageNames, tags=[]):
        allSelectors = []
        firstSubPageName = self.getConfigValue("historical_report_subpages", "default")[0]
        for subPageName in subPageNames:
            if subPageName == firstSubPageName:
                suffix = ""
                suffix = "_" + subPageName.lower()
            allSelectors.append(Selector(subPageName, suffix, self.getConfigValue, tags))
        return allSelectors
    def generate(self, repositoryDirs, subPageNames):
        foundMinorVersions = {}
        allMonthSelectors = set()
        latestMonth = None
        pageToGraphs = {}
        for version, repositoryDirInfo in repositoryDirs.items():
            self.diag.info("Generating " + version)
            allFiles, tags = self.findTestStateFilesAndTags(repositoryDirInfo)
            if len(allFiles) > 0:
                selectors = self.makeSelectors(subPageNames, tags)
                monthSelectors = SelectorByMonth.makeInstances(tags)
                allSelectors = selectors + list(reversed(monthSelectors))
                # If we already have month pages, we only regenerate the current one
                if len(self.getExistingMonthPages()) == 0:
                    selectors = allSelectors
                    currLatestMonthSel = monthSelectors[-1]
                    if latestMonth is None or currLatestMonthSel.linkName == latestMonth:
                        latestMonth = currLatestMonthSel.linkName
                    tags = list(reduce(set.union, (set(selector.selectedTags) for selector in selectors), set()))

                loggedTests = OrderedDict()
                categoryHandlers = {}
                for stateFile, repository in allFiles:
                    tag = self.getTagFromFile(stateFile)
                    if len(tags) == 0 or tag in tags:
                        testId, state, extraVersion = self.processTestStateFile(stateFile, repository)
                        loggedTests.setdefault(extraVersion, OrderedDict()).setdefault(testId, OrderedDict())[tag] = state
                        categoryHandlers.setdefault(tag, CategoryHandler()).registerInCategory(testId, state, extraVersion)

                versionToShow = self.removePageVersion(version)
                for resourceName in self.resourceNames:
                    hasData = False
                    for sel in selectors:
                        filePath = self.getPageFilePath(sel, resourceName)
                        if self.pagesOverview.has_key(filePath):
                            _, page, pageColours = self.pagesOverview[filePath]
                            page = self.createPage(resourceName)
                            pageColours = set()
                            self.pagesOverview[filePath] = resourceName, page, pageColours

                        for cellInfo in self.getCellInfoForResource(resourceName):
                            tableHeader = self.getTableHeader(resourceName, cellInfo, version, repositoryDirs)
                            heading = self.getHeading(resourceName, versionToShow)
                            hasNewData, graphLink, tableColours = self.addTable(page, cellInfo, categoryHandlers, version,
                                                                                loggedTests, sel, tableHeader, filePath, heading)
                            hasData |= hasNewData
                            if graphLink:
                                pageToGraphs.setdefault(page, []).append(graphLink)
                    if hasData and versionToShow:
                        link = HTMLgen.Href("#" + version, versionToShow)
                        foundMinorVersions.setdefault(resourceName, HTMLgen.Container()).append(link)
                # put them in reverse order, most relevant first
                linkFromDetailsToOverview = [ sel.getLinkInfo(self.pageVersion) for sel in allSelectors ]
                for tag in tags:
                    details = self.pagesDetails.setdefault(tag, TestDetails(tag, self.pageTitle, self.pageSubTitle))
                    details.addVersionSection(version, categoryHandlers[tag], linkFromDetailsToOverview)
        selContainer = HTMLgen.Container()
        selectors = self.makeSelectors(subPageNames)
        for sel in selectors:
            target, linkName = sel.getLinkInfo(self.pageVersion)
            selContainer.append(HTMLgen.Href(target, linkName))

        monthContainer = HTMLgen.Container()
        for sel in sorted(allMonthSelectors):
            target, linkName = sel.getLinkInfo(self.pageVersion)
            monthContainer.append(HTMLgen.Href(target, linkName))
        for resourceName, page, pageColours in self.pagesOverview.values():
            if len(monthContainer.contents) > 0:
                page.prepend(HTMLgen.Heading(2, monthContainer, align = 'center'))
            graphs = pageToGraphs.get(page)
            page.prepend(HTMLgen.Heading(2, selContainer, align = 'center'))
            minorVersionHeader = foundMinorVersions.get(resourceName)
            if minorVersionHeader:
                if not graphs is None and len(graphs) > 1:
                    page.prepend(HTMLgen.Heading(1, *graphs, align = 'center'))
                page.prepend(HTMLgen.Heading(1, minorVersionHeader, align = 'center'))
            page.prepend(HTMLgen.Heading(1, self.getHeading(resourceName), align = 'center'))
            if len(pageColours) > 0:
                page.script = self.getFilterScripts(pageColours)


    def getFilterScripts(self, pageColours):
        finder = ColourFinder(self.getConfigValue)
        rowHeaderColour = finder.find("row_header_bg")
        successColour = finder.find("success_bg")
        # Always put green at the start, we often want to filter that
        sortedColours = sorted(pageColours, key=lambda c: (c != successColour, c))
        scriptCode = "var TEST_ROW_HEADER_COLOR = " + repr(rowHeaderColour) + ";\n" + \
                     "var Colors = " + repr(sortedColours) + ";"  
        return [ HTMLgen.Script(code=scriptCode),
                 HTMLgen.Script(src="../javascript/plugin.js")  ]

    def getHeading(self, resourceName, versionToShow=""):
        heading = self.getResultType(resourceName) + " results for " + self.pageTitle
        if versionToShow:
            heading += "." + versionToShow
        return heading
    def getTableHeader(self, resourceName, cellInfo, version, repositoryDirs):
        parts = []
        if resourceName != cellInfo:
            parts.append(cellInfo.capitalize() + " Results")
        if len(repositoryDirs) > 1:
        return " for ".join(parts)
    def getCellInfoForResource(self, resourceName):
        fromConfig = self.getConfigValue("historical_report_resource_page_tables", resourceName)
        if fromConfig:
            return fromConfig
            return [ resourceName ]

    def getResultType(self, resourceName):
        if resourceName:
            return resourceName.capitalize()
            return "Test"
    def getExistingMonthPages(self):
        return glob(os.path.join(self.pageDir, "test_" + self.pageVersion + "_all_???[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].html"))

    def compareTags(self, x, y):
        timeCmp = cmp(self.getTagTimeInSeconds(x), self.getTagTimeInSeconds(y))
        if timeCmp:
            return timeCmp
        elif len(x) != len(y):
            # If the timing is the same, sort alphabetically
            # Any number should be sorted numerically, do this by padding them with leading zeroes
            return cmp(plugins.padNumbersWithZeroes(x), plugins.padNumbersWithZeroes(y))
            return cmp(x, y)
    def getTagFromFile(self, fileName):
        return os.path.basename(fileName).replace("teststate_", "")
    def findTestStateFilesAndTags(self, repositoryDirs):
        allFiles = []
        allTags = set()
        for _, dir in repositoryDirs:
            for root, _, files in os.walk(dir):
                for file in files:
                    if file.startswith("teststate_"):
                        allFiles.append((os.path.join(root, file), dir))
        return allFiles, sorted(allTags, self.compareTags)
    def processTestStateFile(self, stateFile, repository):
        state = self.readState(stateFile)
        testId = self.getTestIdentifier(stateFile, repository)
        extraVersion = self.findExtraVersion(repository)
        return testId, state, extraVersion
    def findExtraVersion(self, repository):
        versions = os.path.basename(repository).split(".")
        for i in xrange(len(versions)):
            version = ".".join(versions[i:])
            if version in self.extraVersions:
                return version
        return ""

    def findGlobal(self, modName, className):
        exec "from " + modName + " import " + className + " as _class"
        return _class #@UndefinedVariable
    def getNewState(self, file):
        # Would like to do load(file) here... but it doesn't work with universal line endings, see Python bug 1724366
        from cStringIO import StringIO
        unpickler = Unpickler(StringIO(file.read()))
        # Magic to keep us backward compatible in the face of packages changing...
        unpickler.find_global = self.findGlobal
        return unpickler.load()
    def readState(self, stateFile):
        file = open(stateFile, "rU")
            state = self.getNewState(file)
            if isinstance(state, plugins.TestState):
                return state
                return self.readErrorState("Incorrect type for state object.")
        except (UnpicklingError, ImportError, EOFError, AttributeError), e:
            if os.path.getsize(stateFile) > 0:
                return self.readErrorState("Stack info follows:\n" + str(e))
                return plugins.Unrunnable("Results file was empty, probably the disk it resides on is full.", "Disk full?")
Exemplo n.º 29
class GenerateWebPages(object):
    def __init__(self, getConfigValue, pageDir, resourceNames,
                 pageTitle, pageSubTitles, pageVersion, extraVersions, descriptionInfo):
        self.pageTitle = pageTitle
        self.pageSubTitles = pageSubTitles
        self.pageVersion = pageVersion
        self.extraVersions = extraVersions
        self.pageDir = pageDir
        self.pagesOverview = OrderedDict()
        self.pagesDetails = OrderedDict()
        self.getConfigValue = getConfigValue
        self.resourceNames = resourceNames
        self.descriptionInfo = descriptionInfo
        self.diag = logging.getLogger("GenerateWebPages")

    def makeSelectors(self, subPageNames, tags=[]):
        allSelectors = []
        firstSubPageName = self.getConfigValue("historical_report_subpages", "default")[0]
        for subPageName in subPageNames:
            if subPageName == firstSubPageName:
                suffix = ""
                suffix = "_" + subPageName.lower()
            allSelectors.append(Selector(subPageName, suffix, self.getConfigValue, tags))
        return allSelectors
    def removeUnused(self, unused, tagData):
        successTags = {}
        for tag in unused:
            for fn in tagData.get(tag):
                if os.path.basename(fn).startswith("teststate_"):
                    successTags.setdefault(fn, []).append(tag)
        for fn, tagsToRemove in successTags.items():
            linesToKeep = []
            with open(fn) as readFile:
                for line in readFile:
                    tag = line.strip().split()[0]
                    if tag not in tagsToRemove:
            with open(fn, "w") as writeFile:
                for line in linesToKeep:
    def generate(self, repositoryDirs, subPageNames, archiveUnused):
        minorVersionHeader = HTMLgen.Container()
        allMonthSelectors = set()
        latestMonth = None
        pageToGraphs = {}
        for version, repositoryDirInfo in repositoryDirs.items():
            self.diag.info("Generating " + version)
            tagData, stateFiles, successFiles = self.findTestStateFilesAndTags(repositoryDirInfo)
            if len(stateFiles) > 0 or len(successFiles) > 0:
                tags = tagData.keys()
                selectors = self.makeSelectors(subPageNames, tags)
                monthSelectors = SelectorByMonth.makeInstances(tags)
                allSelectors = selectors + list(reversed(monthSelectors))
                # If we already have month pages, we only regenerate the current one
                if len(self.getExistingMonthPages()) == 0:
                    selectors = allSelectors
                    currLatestMonthSel = monthSelectors[-1]
                    if latestMonth is None or currLatestMonthSel.linkName == latestMonth:
                        latestMonth = currLatestMonthSel.linkName
                    selectedTags = set()
                    unusedTags = set(tags)
                    for selector in selectors:
                        currTags = set(selector.selectedTags)
                        if archiveUnused:
                    tags = filter(lambda t: t in selectedTags, tags)
                    if archiveUnused and unusedTags:
                        plugins.log.info("Automatic repository cleaning will now remove old data for the following runs:")
                        for tag in sorted(unusedTags, self.compareTags):
                            plugins.log.info("- " + tag)
                        plugins.log.info("(To disable automatic repository cleaning in future, please run with the --manualarchive flag when collating the HTML report.)")
                        self.removeUnused(unusedTags, tagData)

                loggedTests = OrderedDict()
                categoryHandlers = {}
                self.diag.info("Processing " + str(len(stateFiles)) + " teststate files")
                relevantFiles = 0
                for stateFile, repository in stateFiles:
                    tag = self.getTagFromFile(stateFile)
                    if len(tags) == 0 or tag in tags:
                        relevantFiles += 1
                        testId, state, extraVersion = self.processTestStateFile(stateFile, repository)
                        loggedTests.setdefault(extraVersion, OrderedDict()).setdefault(testId, OrderedDict())[tag] = state
                        categoryHandlers.setdefault(tag, CategoryHandler()).registerInCategory(testId, state.category, extraVersion, state)
                        if relevantFiles % 100 == 0:
                            self.diag.info("- Processed " + str(relevantFiles) + " files with matching tags so far")
                self.diag.info("Processed " + str(relevantFiles) + " relevant teststate files")
                self.diag.info("Processing " + str(len(successFiles)) + " success files")
                for successFile, repository in successFiles:
                    testId = self.getTestIdentifier(successFile, repository)
                    extraVersion = self.findExtraVersion(repository)
                    with open(successFile) as f:
                        fileTags = set()
                        for line in f:
                            parts = line.strip().split(" ", 1)
                            if len(parts) != 2:
                            tag, text = parts
                            if tag in fileTags:
                                sys.stderr.write("WARNING: more than one result present for tag '" + tag + "' in file " + successFile + "!\n")
                                sys.stderr.write("Ignoring later ones\n")
                            if len(tags) == 0 or tag in tags:
                                loggedTests.setdefault(extraVersion, OrderedDict()).setdefault(testId, OrderedDict())[tag] = text
                                categoryHandlers.setdefault(tag, CategoryHandler()).registerInCategory(testId, "success", extraVersion, text)
                self.diag.info("Processed " + str(len(successFiles)) + " success files")
                versionToShow = self.removePageVersion(version)
                hasData = False
                for sel in selectors:
                    filePath = self.getPageFilePath(sel)
                    if self.pagesOverview.has_key(filePath):
                        page, pageColours = self.pagesOverview[filePath]
                        page = self.createPage()
                        pageColours = set()
                        self.pagesOverview[filePath] = page, pageColours

                    tableHeader = self.getTableHeader(version, repositoryDirs)
                    heading = self.getHeading(versionToShow)
                    hasNewData, graphLink, tableColours = self.addTable(page, self.resourceNames, categoryHandlers, version,
                                                                        loggedTests, sel, tableHeader, filePath, heading, repositoryDirInfo)
                    hasData |= hasNewData
                    if graphLink:
                        pageToGraphs.setdefault(page, []).append(graphLink)
                if hasData and versionToShow:
                    link = HTMLgen.Href("#" + version, versionToShow)
                # put them in reverse order, most relevant first
                linkFromDetailsToOverview = [ sel.getLinkInfo(self.pageVersion) for sel in allSelectors ]
                for tag in tags:
                    details = self.pagesDetails.setdefault(tag, TestDetails(tag, self.pageTitle, self.pageSubTitles))
                    details.addVersionSection(version, categoryHandlers[tag], linkFromDetailsToOverview)
        selContainer = HTMLgen.Container()
        selectors = self.makeSelectors(subPageNames)
        for sel in selectors:
            target, linkName = sel.getLinkInfo(self.pageVersion)
            selContainer.append(HTMLgen.Href(target, linkName))

        monthContainer = HTMLgen.Container()
        if len(allMonthSelectors) == 1:
            # Don't want just one month, no navigation possible
            prevMonth = list(allMonthSelectors)[0].getPreviousMonthSelector()
        for sel in sorted(allMonthSelectors):
            target, linkName = sel.getLinkInfo(self.pageVersion)
            monthContainer.append(HTMLgen.Href(target, linkName))
        for page, pageColours in self.pagesOverview.values():
            if len(monthContainer.contents) > 0:
                page.prepend(HTMLgen.Heading(2, monthContainer, align = 'center'))
            graphs = pageToGraphs.get(page)
            page.prepend(HTMLgen.Heading(2, selContainer, align = 'center'))
            if minorVersionHeader.contents:
                if not graphs is None and len(graphs) > 1:
                    page.prepend(HTMLgen.Heading(1, *graphs, align = 'center'))
                page.prepend(HTMLgen.Heading(1, minorVersionHeader, align = 'center'))
            creationDate = TitleWithDateStamp("").__str__().strip()
            page.prepend(HTMLgen.Paragraph(creationDate, align="center"))
            page.prepend(HTMLgen.Heading(1, self.getHeading(), align = 'center'))
            if len(pageColours) > 0:
                page.script = self.getFilterScripts(pageColours)


    def getFilterScripts(self, pageColours):
        finder = ColourFinder(self.getConfigValue)
        rowHeaderColour = finder.find("row_header_bg")
        successColour = finder.find("success_bg")
        # Always put green at the start, we often want to filter that
        sortedColours = sorted(pageColours, key=lambda c: (c != successColour, c))
        scriptCode = "var TEST_ROW_HEADER_COLOR = " + repr(rowHeaderColour) + ";\n" + \
                     "var Colors = " + repr(sortedColours) + ";"
        return [ HTMLgen.Script(code=scriptCode),
                 HTMLgen.Script(src="../javascript/comment.js")  ]

    def getHeading(self, versionToShow=""):
        heading = "Test results for " + self.pageTitle
        if versionToShow:
            heading += "." + versionToShow
        return heading
    def getTableHeader(self, version, repositoryDirs):
        return version if len(repositoryDirs) > 1 else ""
    def getExistingMonthPages(self):
        return glob(os.path.join(self.pageDir, "test_" + self.pageVersion + "_all_???[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].html"))

    def compareTags(self, x, y):
        timeCmp = cmp(self.getTagTimeInSeconds(x), self.getTagTimeInSeconds(y))
        if timeCmp:
            return timeCmp
        elif len(x) != len(y):
            # If the timing is the same, sort alphabetically
            # Any number should be sorted numerically, do this by padding them with leading zeroes
            return cmp(plugins.padNumbersWithZeroes(x), plugins.padNumbersWithZeroes(y))
            return cmp(x, y)
    def getTagFromFile(self, fileName):
        return os.path.basename(fileName).replace("teststate_", "")
    def findTestStateFilesAndTags(self, repositoryDirs):
        tagData, stateFiles, successFiles = {}, [], []
        for _, dir in repositoryDirs:
            self.diag.info("Looking for teststate files in " + dir)
            for root, _, files in sorted(os.walk(dir)):
                for file in files:
                    path = os.path.join(root, file)
                    if file.startswith("teststate_"):
                        tag = self.getTagFromFile(file)
                        stateFiles.append((path, dir))
                        tagData.setdefault(tag, []).append(path)
                    elif file.startswith("succeeded_"):
                        successFiles.append((path, dir))
                        with open(path) as f:
                            for line in f:
                                parts = line.split()
                                if parts:
                                    tag = parts[0]
                                    tagData.setdefault(tag, []).append(path)
            self.diag.info("Found " + str(len(stateFiles)) + " teststate files and " + str(len(successFiles)) + " success files in " + dir)
        return tagData, stateFiles, successFiles
    def processTestStateFile(self, stateFile, repository):
        state = self.readState(stateFile)
        testId = self.getTestIdentifier(stateFile, repository)
        extraVersion = self.findExtraVersion(repository)
        return testId, state, extraVersion
    def findExtraVersion(self, repository):
        versions = os.path.basename(repository).split(".")
        for i in xrange(len(versions)):
            version = ".".join(versions[i:])
            if version in self.extraVersions:
                return version
        return ""

    def findGlobal(modName, className):
            exec "from " + modName + " import " + className + " as _class"
        except ImportError:
            exec "from texttestlib." + modName + " import " + className + " as _class"
        return _class #@UndefinedVariable
    def getNewState(cls, file):
        # Would like to do load(file) here... but it doesn't work with universal line endings, see Python bug 1724366
        from cStringIO import StringIO
        unpickler = Unpickler(StringIO(file.read()))
        # Magic to keep us backward compatible in the face of packages changing...
        unpickler.find_global = cls.findGlobal
        return unpickler.load()
    def readState(cls, stateFile):
        file = open(stateFile, "rU")
            state = cls.getNewState(file)
            if isinstance(state, plugins.TestState):
                return state
                return cls.readErrorState("Incorrect type for state object.")
        except Exception, e:
            if os.path.getsize(stateFile) > 0:
                return cls.readErrorState("Stack info follows:\n" + str(e))
                return plugins.Unrunnable("Results file was empty, probably the disk it resides on is full.", "Disk full?")
Exemplo n.º 30
    def _process_default_flags(self, opts):

        # check if exists fpp or cpp
        output = ''
            output = exec_cmd('which cpp', show_error_msg=False).strip()
        except Exception as e:
        if output.endswith('cpp'):
            self.bin['pp'] = output
            output = ''
                output = exec_cmd('which fpp', show_error_msg=False).strip()
            except Exception as e:
            if output.endswith('fpp'):
                self.bin['pp'] = output
                print 'ERROR: neither cpp or fpp is found'

        # parsing intrinsic skip option
        if opts.intrinsic:
            subflags = []
            for line in opts.intrinsic:

            for subf in subflags:
                if subf and subf.find('=') > 0:
                    key, value = subf.split('=')
                    if key == 'except':
                    elif key == 'add_intrinsic':
                            [name.lower() for name in value.split(';')])
                        raise UserException(
                            'Unknown intrinsic sub option: %s' % subf)
                    if subf == 'skip':
                        self._attrs['search']['skip_intrinsic'] = True
                    elif subf == 'noskip':
                        self._attrs['search']['skip_intrinsic'] = False
                        raise UserException(
                            'Unknown intrinsic option(s) in %s' % subf)

        # parsing include parameters
        if opts.include:
            for inc in opts.include:
                inc_eq = inc.split('=')
                if len(inc_eq) == 1:
                    for inc_colon in inc_eq[0].split(':'):
                if len(inc_eq) == 1:
                    for inc_colon in inc_eq[0].split(':'):
                elif len(inc_eq) == 2:
                    # TODO: support path for each file
                    raise UserException('Wrong format include: %s' % inc)

        if opts.include_ini:
            process_include_option(opts.include_ini, self._attrs['include'])

        if opts.exclude_ini:
            process_exclude_option(opts.exclude_ini, self._attrs['exclude'])

        # parsing macro parameters
        if opts.macro:
            for line in opts.macro:
                for macro in line.split(','):
                    macro_eq = macro.split('=')
                    if len(macro_eq) == 1:
                        self._attrs['include']['macro'][macro_eq[0]] = '1'
                    elif len(macro_eq) == 2:
                            macro_eq[0]] = macro_eq[1]
                        raise UserException('Wrong format include: %s' % inc)

        files = None
        if opts.source:
            for line in opts.source:
                flags = OrderedDict()
                for subflag in line.lower().split(','):
                    if subflag.find('=') > 0:
                        key, value = subflag.split('=')
                        if key == 'file':
                            flags[key] = value.split(':')
                        elif key == 'alias':
                            p1, p2 = value.split(':')
                            if p1.endswith('/'): p1 = p1[:-1]
                            if p2.endswith('/'): p2 = p2[:-1]
                            self._attrs['source']['alias'][p1] = p2
                            flags[key] = value
                        flags[subflag] = None

                isfree = None
                isstrict = None
                if flags.has_key('format'):
                    if flags['format'] == 'free': isfree = True
                    elif flags['format'] == 'fixed': isfree = False
                        raise UserException(
                            'format subflag of source flag should be either free or fixed.'

                if flags.has_key('strict'):
                    if flags['strict'] == 'yes': isstrict = True
                    elif flags['strict'] == 'no': isstrict = False
                        raise UserException(
                            'strict subflag of source flag should be either yes or no.'

                if flags.has_key('file'):
                    subflags = OrderedDict()
                    if isfree: subflags['isfree'] = isfree
                    if isstrict: subflags['isstrict'] = isstrict
                    for file in flags['file']:
                        abspath = os.path.abspath(file)
                        if files is None: files = []
                        self._attrs['source']['file'][abspath] = subflags
                    if isfree: self._attrs['source']['isfree'] = isfree
                    if isstrict: self._attrs['source']['isstrict'] = isstrict

        # dupulicate paths per each alias
        if files is None:
            newpath = set()
            for path in self._attrs['include']['path']:
                for p1, p2 in self._attrs['source']['alias'].iteritems():
                    if path.startswith(p1):
                        newpath.add(p2 + path[len(p1):])
                    elif path.startswith(p2):
                        newpath.add(p1 + path[len(p2):])
            self._attrs['include']['path'] = list(newpath)

        newfile = OrderedDict()
        for path, value in self._attrs['include']['file'].iteritems():
            newfile[path] = value
            for p1, p2 in self._attrs['source']['alias'].iteritems():
                if path.startswith(p1):
                    newpath = p2 + path[len(p1):]
                    newfile[newpath] = deepcopy(value)
                elif path.startswith(p2):
                    newpath = p1 + path[len(p2):]
                    newfile[newpath] = deepcopy(value)
        self._attrs['include']['file'] = newfile

        for path, value in self._attrs['include']['file'].iteritems():
            if value.has_key('path'):
                newpath = set()
                for path in value['path']:
                    for p1, p2 in self._attrs['source']['alias'].iteritems():
                        if path.startswith(p1):
                            newpath.add(p2 + path[len(p1):])
                        elif path.startswith(p2):
                            newpath.add(p1 + path[len(p2):])
                value['path'] = list(newpath)

        # parsing debugging options
        if opts.debug:
            for dbg in opts.debug:
                param_path, value = dbg.split('=')
                param_split = param_path.lower().split('.')
                value_split = value.lower().split(',')
                curdict = self._attrs['debug']
                for param in param_split[:-1]:
                    curdict = curdict[param]
                exec('curdict[param_split[-1]] = value_split')

        # parsing logging options
        if opts.logging:
            for log in opts.logging:
                param_path, value = log.split('=')
                param_split = param_path.lower().split('.')
                value_split = value.lower().split(',')
                curdict = self._attrs['logging']
                for param in param_split[:-1]:
                    curdict = curdict[param]
                exec('curdict[param_split[-1]] = value_split')

        # mpi frame code in kernel driver
        if opts.add_mpi_frame:
            self._attrs['add_mpi_frame']['enabled'] = True
            for checkparams in opts.add_mpi_frame.split(','):
                key, value = checkparams.split('=')
                key = key.lower()
                if key in ['np', 'mpiexec']:
                    self._attrs['add_mpi_frame'][key] = value
                    print 'WARNING: %s is not supported add_mpi_frame parameter' % key

        if opts.outdir:
            self._attrs['path']['outdir'] = opts.outdir

        # create state directories and change working directory
        if not os.path.exists(self._attrs['path']['outdir']):
Exemplo n.º 31
def SecondButtonPress(url,

    domain = HostPage.split('/')[2]
    payload = OrderedDict()
    headers = OrderedDict()
        'Accept'] = 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8'
    headers['Accept-Charset'] = 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3'
    headers['Accept-Encoding'] = 'gzip,deflate,sdch'
    headers['Accept-Language'] = 'en-US,en;q=0.8'
    headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=0'
    headers['Connection'] = 'keep-alive'
    headers['Referer'] = url
    if GetUserAgent == None:
        headers['User-Agent'] = UserAgent
        headers['User-Agent'] = GetUserAgent

    session = requests.session()
    requests.utils.add_dict_to_cookiejar(session.cookies, cookies)

    if page != None:
        s = page
        s = session.get(HostPage, headers=headers)

        form = HTML.ElementFromString(s.content)
        form = HTML.ElementFromString(s)

        whichform = form.xpath('//' + elm + 'form')[wform]

        if len(whichform.xpath('./' + elm2 + 'input')) != 0:
            for input in whichform.xpath('./' + elm2 + 'input'):
                if input.get('name') != None:
                    key = input.get('name')
                    value = input.get('value')
                    if key != 'method_premium':
                        if not payload.has_key(key):
                            payload[key] = [value]
            for input in form.xpath('//input'):
                if input.get('name') != None:
                    key = input.get('name')
                    value = input.get('value')
                    if key != 'method_premium':
                        if not payload.has_key(key):
                            payload[key] = [value]

        if captchakey != None:
                payload[captchakey] = GetImgValue(url=captchaimg,
                payload[captchakey] = "Processing Issue"
        if addkey != None:
        if removekey != None:
            for key in removekey:
                    del payload[key]
                except KeyError:

        if wait != 0:
            #wait required

        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
        headers['Origin'] = 'http://' + domain
        headers['Referer'] = HostPage

        formaction = form.xpath('//' + elm + 'form')[wform].get('action')
        if formaction != None and formaction != "":
            if formaction.split('/')[0] == 'http:':
                HostPage = formaction
            elif len(formaction.split('/')) == 2:
                HostPage = 'http://' + HostPage.split('/')[2] + formaction
            elif len(formaction.split('/')) == 1:
                HostPage = HostPage.rpartition('/')[0] + '/' + formaction

        r = session.post(HostPage,
        r.cookies = session.cookies
        return r
        s.cookies = session.cookies
        return s
Exemplo n.º 32
                if re.search('dst', x[8]) != None:
                elif re.search('src', x[8]) != None:
            if re.search('log', x[8]) != None:
            if re.search('count', x[8]) != None:
            if re.search('no-session-backup', x[8]) != None:
            if re.search('webauth', x[8]) != None:
                policy.set_action(policy.action + "~")

            if policy_dict.has_key(policy.id):
                sys.stderr.write("Duplicate policy id entry detected: %s\n" %

            policy_dict[policy.id] = policy

        # marks the beginning of a policy statement with extra configuration items
        # ['Id',None]
        x = policy_regex_begin.split(line)[1:-1]
        if len(x):
            id = x[0]
            if x[1] == "disable":
Exemplo n.º 33
def SecondButtonPress(

    domain = HostPage.split("/")[2]
    payload = OrderedDict()
    headers = OrderedDict()
    headers["Accept"] = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"
    headers["Accept-Charset"] = "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3"
    headers["Accept-Encoding"] = "gzip,deflate,sdch"
    headers["Accept-Language"] = "en-US,en;q=0.8"
    headers["Cache-Control"] = "max-age=0"
    headers["Connection"] = "keep-alive"
    headers["Referer"] = url
    if GetUserAgent == None:
        headers["User-Agent"] = UserAgent
        headers["User-Agent"] = GetUserAgent

    session = requests.session()
    requests.utils.add_dict_to_cookiejar(session.cookies, cookies)

    if page != None:
        s = page
        s = session.get(HostPage, headers=headers)

        form = HTML.ElementFromString(s.content)
        form = HTML.ElementFromString(s)

        whichform = form.xpath("//" + elm + "form")[wform]

        if len(whichform.xpath("./" + elm2 + "input")) != 0:
            for input in whichform.xpath("./" + elm2 + "input"):
                if input.get("name") != None:
                    key = input.get("name")
                    value = input.get("value")
                    if key != "method_premium":
                        if not payload.has_key(key):
                            payload[key] = [value]
            for input in form.xpath("//input"):
                if input.get("name") != None:
                    key = input.get("name")
                    value = input.get("value")
                    if key != "method_premium":
                        if not payload.has_key(key):
                            payload[key] = [value]

        if captchakey != None:
                payload[captchakey] = GetImgValue(
                    url=captchaimg, HostPage=HostPage, UserAgent=UserAgent, cookies=captchacookies, split=split
                payload[captchakey] = "Processing Issue"
        if addkey != None:
        if removekey != None:
            for key in removekey:
                    del payload[key]
                except KeyError:

        if wait != 0:
            # wait required

        headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
        headers["Origin"] = "http://" + domain
        headers["Referer"] = HostPage

        formaction = form.xpath("//" + elm + "form")[wform].get("action")
        if formaction != None and formaction != "":
            if formaction.split("/")[0] == "http:":
                HostPage = formaction
            elif len(formaction.split("/")) == 2:
                HostPage = "http://" + HostPage.split("/")[2] + formaction
            elif len(formaction.split("/")) == 1:
                HostPage = HostPage.rpartition("/")[0] + "/" + formaction

        r = session.post(HostPage, data=payload, headers=headers, allow_redirects=True)
        r.cookies = session.cookies
        return r
        s.cookies = session.cookies
        return s
Exemplo n.º 34
class Atoms:
    "Class to deal with a single frame of an xyz movie"

    def __init__(self, filename=None, *allocargs, **allockwargs):

        self._atomsptr = None
        self.alloc(*allocargs, **allockwargs)

        if filename is not None:

    def alloc(self, n=0, n_int=0, n_real=3, n_str=1, n_logical=0, use_libatoms=False, atomsptr=None, properties=None, \
                 lattice=numpy.array([[100.,0.,0.],[0.,100.,0.],[0.,0.,100.]]), \

        if use_libatoms or atomsptr is not None:
            if atomsptr is None:
                self.attach(libatoms.atoms_initialise(n, lattice))
            self.n = n
            self.lattice = lattice
            self.g = numpy.linalg.inv(self.lattice)
            self.params = params

            # Create single property for atomic positions
            self.real = numpy.zeros((self.n, n_real), dtype=float)
            self.int = numpy.zeros((self.n, n_int), dtype=int)
            self.str = numpy.zeros((self.n, n_str), dtype='S10')
            self.logical = numpy.zeros((self.n, n_logical), dtype=bool)

            if properties is None:
                self.properties = OrderedDict({
                    'species': ('S', slice(0, 1)),
                    'pos': ('R', slice(0, 3))
                self.properties = properties


    def attach(self, atomsptr):
        self._atomsptr = atomsptr

        self.n, n_int, n_real, n_str, n_logical, iloc, rloc, sloc, lloc, latticeloc, gloc = \

        self.int = arraydata((self.n, n_int), int, iloc)
        self.real = arraydata((self.n, n_real), float, rloc)
        self.str = arraydata((self.n, n_str), 'S10', sloc)
        self.logical = arraydata((self.n, n_logical), bool, sloc)

        self.lattice = arraydata((3, 3), float, latticeloc)
        self.g = arraydata((3, 3), float, gloc)

        self.params = {}

        property_code_map = {1: 'I', 2: 'R', 3: 'S', 4: 'L'}
        self.properties = OrderedDict()
        for i in range(libatoms.atoms_n_properties(self._atomsptr)):
            key, (code, startcol, stopcol) = libatoms.atoms_nth_property(
                self._atomsptr, i + 1)
            self.properties[key.strip()] = (property_code_map[code],
                                            slice(startcol - 1, stopcol))


    def finalise(self):
        if self._atomsptr is not None:
            self._atomsptr = None

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Atoms(n=%d, properties=%s, params=%s, lattice=%s)' % \
              (self.n, repr(self.properties), repr(self.params), repr(self.lattice))

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        if other is None:
            return 1

        # Quick checks
        if (self.n != other.n) or (self.comment() != other.comment()):
            return 1

        # Check if arrays match one by one
        for this, that in \
            (self.lattice, other.lattice), \
            (self.real, other.real), (self.int, other.int), \
            (self.str, other.str), (self.logical, other.logical):

            if (not numpy.all(this == that)):
                return 1

        return 0

    def update(self, other):
        "Overwrite contents of this Atoms object with a copy of an other"
        self.n = other.n
        self.lattice = other.lattice.copy()
        self.g = other.g.copy()
        self.params = other.params.copy()
        self.properties = other.properties.copy()

        self.real = other.real[:]
        self.int = other.int[:]
        self.str = other.str[:]
        self.logical = other.logical[:]


    def add_property(self, name, value, ncols=1):
        "Add a new property to this Atoms object. Value can be a scalar int or float, or an array."

        # Scalar int or list of all ints
        if (type(value) == type(0)) or \
               ((type(value) == type([])) and numpy.all(numpy.array(map(type,value)) == type(0))):
            n_int = self.int.shape[1]
            intcopy = self.int.copy()
            self.int = numpy.zeros((self.n, n_int + ncols), dtype=int)
            self.int[:, :n_int] = intcopy
            if ncols == 1:
                self.int[:, n_int] = value
                self.int[:, n_int:n_int + ncols] = value
            self.properties[name] = ('I', slice(n_int, n_int + ncols))

        # Scalar real or list of all reals
        elif (type(value) == type(0.0)) or \
                 (type(value) == type([]) and numpy.all(numpy.array(map(type,value)) == type(0.0))):
            n_real = self.real.shape[1]
            realcopy = self.real.copy()
            self.real = numpy.zeros((self.n, n_real + ncols), dtype=float)
            self.real[:, :n_real] = realcopy
            if ncols == 1:
                self.real[:, n_real] = value
                self.real[:, n_real:n_real + ncols] = value
            self.properties[name] = ('R', slice(n_real, n_real + ncols))

        # Scalar string or list of strings
        elif (type(value) == type('')) or \
               ((type(value) == type([])) and numpy.all(numpy.array(map(type,value)) == type(''))):
            n_str = self.str.shape[1]
            strcopy = self.str.copy()
            self.str = numpy.zeros((self.n, n_str + ncols), dtype='S10')
            self.str[:, :n_str] = strcopy
            if ncols == 1:
                self.str[:, n_str] = value
                self.str[:, n_str:n_str + ncols] = value
            self.properties[name] = ('S', slice(n_str, n_str + ncols))

        # Scalar logical or list of logicals
        elif (type(value) == type(False)) or \
               ((type(value) == type([])) and numpy.all(numpy.array(map(type,value)) == type(False))):
            n_logical = self.logical.shape[1]
            logicalcopy = self.logical.copy()
            self.logical = numpy.zeros((self.n, n_logical + ncols), dtype=bool)
            self.logical[:, :n_logical] = logicalcopy
            if ncols == 1:
                self.logical[:, n_logical] = value
                self.logical[:, n_logical:n_logical + ncols] = value
            self.properties[name] = ('L', slice(n_logical, n_logical + ncols))

        # Array type
        elif type(value) == type(numpy.array([])):
            if value.shape[0] != self.n:
                raise ValueError('length of value array (%d) != number of atoms (%d)' % \

            if value.dtype.kind == 'f':
                    ncols = value.shape[1]
                except IndexError:
                    ncols = 1
                n_real = self.real.shape[1]
                realcopy = self.real.copy()
                self.real = numpy.zeros((self.n, n_real + ncols), dtype=float)
                self.real[:, :n_real] = realcopy
                if ncols == 1:
                    self.real[:, n_real] = value.copy()
                    self.real[:, n_real:n_real + ncols] = value.copy()
                self.properties[name] = ('R', slice(n_real, n_real + ncols))
            elif value.dtype.kind == 'i':
                    ncols = value.shape[1]
                except IndexError:
                    ncols = 1
                n_int = self.int.shape[1]
                intcopy = self.int.copy()
                self.int = numpy.zeros((self.n, n_int + ncols), dtype=int)
                self.int[:, :n_int] = intcopy

                if ncols == 1:
                    self.int[:, n_int] = value.copy()
                    self.int[:, n_int:n_int + ncols] = value.copy()
                self.properties[name] = ('I', slice(n_int, n_int + ncols))

            elif value.dtype.kind == 'S':
                    ncols = value.shape[1]
                except IndexError:
                    ncols = 1
                n_str = self.str.shape[1]
                strcopy = self.str.copy()
                self.str = numpy.zeros((self.n, n_str + ncols), dtype='S10')
                self.str[:, :n_str] = strcopy

                if ncols == 1:
                    self.str[:, n_str] = value.copy()
                    self.str[:, n_str:n_str + ncols] = value.copy()
                self.properties[name] = ('S', slice(n_str, n_str + ncols))

            elif value.dtype == numpy.dtype('bool'):
                    ncols = value.shape[1]
                except IndexError:
                    ncols = 1
                n_logical = self.logical.shape[1]
                logicalcopy = self.logical.copy()
                self.logical = numpy.zeros((self.n, n_logical + ncols),
                self.logical[:, :n_logical] = logicalcopy

                if ncols == 1:
                    self.logical[:, n_logical] = value.copy()
                    self.logical[:, n_logical:n_logical + ncols] = value.copy()
                self.properties[name] = ('S',
                                         slice(n_logical, n_logical + ncols))

                raise ValueError(
                    "Don't know how to add array property of type %r" %

            raise ValueError("Don't know how to add property of type %r" %

    def repoint(self):
        "Make pointers to columns in real and int"

        for prop, (ptype, cols) in self.properties.items():
            if ptype == 'R':
                if cols.stop - cols.start == 1:
                    setattr(self, prop, self.real[:, cols.start])
                    setattr(self, prop, self.real[:, cols])
            elif ptype == 'I':
                if cols.stop - cols.start == 1:
                    setattr(self, prop, self.int[:, cols.start])
                    setattr(self, prop, self.int[:, cols])
            elif ptype == 'S':
                if cols.stop - cols.start == 1:
                    setattr(self, prop, self.str[:, cols.start])
                    setattr(self, prop, self.str[:, cols])
            elif ptype == 'L':
                if cols.stop - cols.start == 1:
                    setattr(self, prop, self.logical[:, cols.start])
                    setattr(self, prop, self.logical[:, cols])
                raise ValueError('Bad property type :' +

    def comment(self, properties=None):
        "Return the comment line for this Atoms object"

        if properties is None:
            props = self.properties.keys()
            props = properties

        lattice_str = 'Lattice="' + ' '.join(
            map(str, numpy.reshape(self.lattice, 9))) + '"'

        props_str = 'Properties=' + ':'.join(map(':'.join, \
                 zip(props, \
                     [self.properties[k][0] for k in props], \
                     [str(self.properties[k][1].stop-self.properties[k][1].start) for k in props])))

        return lattice_str + ' ' + props_str + ' ' + str(self.params)

    def _props_dtype(self, props=None):
        "Return a record array dtype for the specified properties (default all)"

        if props is None:
            props = self.properties.keys()

        result = []
        fmt_map = {'R': 'd', 'I': 'i', 'S': 'S10', 'L': 'bool'}

        for prop in props:
            ptype, cols = self.properties[prop]
            if cols.start == cols.stop - 1:
                result.append((prop, fmt_map[ptype]))
                for c in range(cols.stop - cols.start):
                    result.append((prop + str(c), fmt_map[ptype]))

        return numpy.dtype(result)

    def to_recarray(self, props=None):
        "Return a record array contains specified properties in order (defaults to all properties)"

        if props is None:
            props = self.properties.keys()

        # Create empty record array with correct dtype
        data = numpy.zeros(self.n, self._props_dtype(props))

        # Copy cols from self.real and self.int into data recarray
        for prop in props:
            ptype, cols = self.properties[prop]
            if ptype == 'R':
                if cols.start == cols.stop - 1:
                    data[prop] = self.real[:, cols.start]
                    for c in range(cols.stop - cols.start):
                        data[prop + str(c)] = self.real[:, cols.start + c]
            elif ptype == 'I':
                if cols.start == cols.stop - 1:
                    data[prop] = self.int[:, cols.start]
                    for c in range(cols.stop - cols.start):
                        data[prop + str(c)] = self.int[:, cols.start + c]
            elif ptype == 'S':
                if cols.start == cols.stop - 1:
                    data[prop] = self.str[:, cols.start]
                    for c in range(cols.stop - cols.start):
                        data[prop + str(c)] = self.str[:, cols.start + c]
            elif ptype == 'L':
                if cols.start == cols.stop - 1:
                    data[prop] = self.logical[:, cols.start]
                    for c in range(cols.stop - cols.start):
                        data[prop + str(c)] = self.logical[:, cols.start + c]
                raise ValueError('Bad property type :' +

        return data

    def update_from_recarray(self, data, props=None):
        """Update Atoms data from a record array. By default all properties
      are updated; use the props argument to update only a subset"""

        if props is None:
            props = self.properties.keys()

        if data.dtype != self._props_dtype(props) or data.shape != (self.n, ):
            raise ValueError('Data shape is incorrect')

        # Copy cols from data recarray into self.real and self.int
        for prop in props:
            ptype, cols = self.properties[prop]
            if ptype == 'R':
                if cols.start == cols.stop - 1:
                    self.real[:, cols.start] = data[prop]
                    for c in range(cols.stop - cols.start):
                        self.real[:, cols.start + c] = data[prop + str(c)]
            elif ptype == 'I':
                if cols.start == cols.stop - 1:
                    self.int[:, cols.start] = data[prop]
                    for c in range(cols.stop - cols.start):
                        self.int[:, cols.start + c] = data[prop + str(c)]
            elif ptype == 'S':
                if cols.start == cols.stop - 1:
                    self.str[:, cols.start] = data[prop]
                    for c in range(cols.stop - cols.start):
                        self.str[:, cols.start + c] = data[prop + str(c)]
            elif ptype == 'L':
                if cols.start == cols.stop - 1:
                    self.logical[:, cols.start] = data[prop]
                    for c in range(cols.stop - cols.start):
                        self.logical[:, cols.start + c] = data[prop + str(c)]
                raise ValueError('Bad property type :' +

    def read_xyz(self, xyz):
        "Read from extended XYZ filename or open file."

        opened = False
        if type(xyz) == type(''):
            xyz = open(xyz, 'r')
            opened = True

        line = xyz.next()
        if not line: return False

        n = int(line.strip())
        comment = (xyz.next()).strip()

        # Parse comment line
        params = ParamReader(comment)

        if not 'Properties' in params:
            raise ValueError('Properties missing from comment line')

        properties, n_int, n_real, n_str, n_logical = _parse_properties(
        del params['Properties']

        # Get lattice
        if not 'Lattice' in params:
            raise ValueError('No lattice found in xyz file')

        lattice = numpy.reshape(params['Lattice'], (3, 3))
        del params['Lattice']


        props_dtype = self._props_dtype()

        converters = [_getconv(props_dtype.fields[name][0]) \
                      for name in props_dtype.names]

        X = []
        for i, line in enumerate(xyz):
            vals = line.split()
            row = tuple([converters[j](val) for j, val in enumerate(vals)])
            if i == self.n - 1: break  # Only read self.n lines

            data = numpy.array(X, props_dtype)
        except TypeError:
            raise IOError('End of file reached before end of frame')

        if opened: xyz.close()

        except ValueError:
            # got a partial frame, must be end of file
            return False
            return True

    def read_netcdf(self, fname, frame=0):
        from pupynere import netcdf_file

        nc = netcdf_file(fname)

        self.n = nc.dimensions['atom']
        self.lattice = make_lattice(nc.variables['cell_lengths'][frame],
        self.g = numpy.linalg.inv(self.lattice)
        self.params = OrderedDict()
        self.properties = OrderedDict()

        self.real = numpy.zeros((self.n, 0), dtype=float)
        self.int = numpy.zeros((self.n, 0), dtype=int)
        self.str = numpy.zeros((self.n, 0), dtype='S10')
        self.logical = numpy.zeros((self.n, 0), dtype=bool)

        vars = nc.variables.keys()
        vars = filter(lambda v: not v in ('cell_angles', 'cell_lengths'), vars)

        # ensure first var is species and second positions
        sp = vars.index('species')
        if sp != 0:
            vars[sp], vars[0] = vars[0], vars[sp]
        pos = vars.index('coordinates')
        if pos != 1:
            vars[pos], vars[1] = vars[1], vars[pos]

        for v in vars:
            d = nc.variables[v].dimensions

            if d[0] != 'frame': continue

            value = nc.variables[v][frame]
            if value.dtype == numpy.dtype('|S1'):
                value = [''.join(x).strip() for x in value]

            if len(d) == 1 or (len(d) == 2 and d[1] in ('label', 'string')):
                if (len(d) == 2 and d[1] in ('label', 'string')):
                    value = ''.join(value)
                self.params[v] = value
                # Name mangling
                if v == 'coordinates':
                    p = 'pos'
                elif v == 'velocities':
                    p = 'velo'
                    p = v
                value = nc.variables[v][frame]
                if value.dtype == numpy.dtype('|S1'):
                    value = [''.join(x).strip() for x in value]
                self.add_property(p, value)

    def write_xyz(self, xyz=sys.stdout, properties=None):
        "Write atoms in extended XYZ format. xyz can be a filename or open file"

        if properties is None:
            # Sort by original order
            props = self.properties.keys()
            props = properties

        species = getattr(self, props[0])
        if len(species.shape) != 1 or species.dtype.kind != 'S':
            raise ValueError('First property must be species like')

        pos = getattr(self, props[1])
        if pos.shape[1] != 3 or pos.dtype.kind != 'f':
            raise ValueError('Second property must be position like')

        data = self.to_recarray(props)
        format = ''.join(
             for name in data.dtype.names]) + '\n'

        opened = False
        if type(xyz) == type(''):
            xyz = open(xyz, 'w')
            opened = True

        xyz.write('%d\n' % self.n)
        xyz.write(self.comment(properties) + '\n')
        for i in range(self.n):
            xyz.write(format % tuple(data[i]))

        if opened: xyz.close()

    def read_cell(self, cell):
        "Read atoms from a CastepCell object or file"

        if hasattr(cell, 'next'):  # looks like a file
            cell = castep.CastepCell(cell)


    def write_cell(self, fname):
        "Write Atoms to a cell file"

        cell = castep.CastepCell()

    def read_geom(self, geom):
        "Read from a CASTEP .geom file"

    def read_castep(self, castepfile):
        "Read from a .castep output file"

        if self.n != 0:
                castep.read_castep_output(castepfile, self, abort=False))
            self.update(castep.read_castep_output(castepfile, abort=False))

    def read(self, fname, filetype=None):
        "Attempt to guess type of file from extension and call appropriate read method"

        opened = False
        if type(fname) == type(''):
            if fname.endswith('.gz'):
                import gzip
                fh = gzip.open(fname)
                fname = fname[:-3]  # remove .gz
            elif fname.endswith('.nc'):
                fh = fname
                fh = open(fname, 'r')
                opened = True

            # Guess file type from extension
            if filetype is None:
                root, filetype = os.path.splitext(fname)
                filetype = filetype[1:]  # remove '.'
            fh = fname

        # Default to xyz format
        if not filetype in ['cell', 'geom', 'xyz', 'castep', 'nc']:
            filetype = 'xyz'

        if filetype == 'xyz':
        elif filetype == 'cell':
        elif filetype == 'geom':
        elif filetype == 'castep':
        elif filetype == 'nc':

        if opened: fh.close()

    def write(self, fname, filetype=None):
        opened = False
        if type(fname) == type(''):
            if fname.endswith('.gz'):
                import gzip
                fh = gzip.open(fname, 'w')
                fname = fname[:-3]  # remove .gz
                fh = open(fname, 'w')

            # Guess file type from extension
            if filetype is None:
                root, filetype = os.path.splitext(fname)
                filetype = filetype[1:]  # remove '.'
            opened = True
            fh = fname

        # Default to xyz format
        if not filetype in ['xyz', 'cfg', 'cell']:
            filetype = 'xyz'

        if filetype == 'xyz':
        elif filetype == 'cfg':
        elif filetype == 'cell':

        if opened: fh.close()

    def write_cfg(self,
                  shift=numpy.array([0., 0., 0.]),
        """Write atoms in AtomEye extended CFG format. Returns a list of auxiliary properties
      actually written to CFG file, which may be abbreviated compared to those requested since
      AtomEye has a maximum of 32 aux props."""

        opened = False
        if type(cfg) == type(''):
            cfg = open(cfg, 'w')
            opened = True

        if properties is None:
            properties = self.properties.keys()

        # Header line
        cfg.write('Number of particles = %d\n' % self.n)
        cfg.write('# ' + self.comment(properties) + '\n')

        # Lattice vectors
        for i in 0, 1, 2:
            for j in 0, 1, 2:
                cfg.write('H0(%d,%d) = %16.8f\n' %
                          (i + 1, j + 1, self.lattice[i, j]))


        # Check first property is position-like
        species = getattr(self, properties[0])
        if len(species.shape) != 1 or species.dtype.kind != 'S':
            raise ValueError('First property must be species like')

        pos = getattr(self, properties[1])
        if pos.shape[1] != 3 or pos.dtype.kind != 'f':
            raise ValueError('Second property must be position like')

        if not self.properties.has_key('frac_pos'):
            self.add_property('frac_pos', 0.0, ncols=3)
        self.frac_pos[:] = numpy.array(
            [numpy.dot(pos[i, :], self.g) + shift for i in range(self.n)])

        if not self.properties.has_key('mass'):
            self.add_property('mass', map(ElementMass.get, self.species))

        properties = filter(
            lambda p: p not in ('pos', 'frac_pos', 'mass', 'species'),

        # AtomEye can handle a maximum of 32 columns, so we might have to throw away
        # some of the less interesting propeeties

        def count_cols():
            n_aux = 0
            for p in properties:
                s = getattr(self, p).shape
                if len(s) == 1: n_aux += 1
                else: n_aux += s[1]
            return n_aux

        boring_properties = ['travel', 'avgpos', 'oldpos', 'acc', 'velo']
        while count_cols() > 32:
            if len(boring_properties) == 0:
                raise ValueError('No boring properties left!')
                next_most_boring = boring_properties.pop(0)
                del properties[properties.index(next_most_boring)]
            except IndexError:
                pass  # this boring property isn't in the list: move on to next

        properties = ['species', 'mass', 'frac_pos'] + properties
        data = self.to_recarray(properties)

        cfg.write('entry_count = %d\n' % (len(data.dtype.names) - 2))

        # 3 lines per atom: element name, mass and other data
        format = '%s\n%12.4f\n'
        for i, name in enumerate(data.dtype.names[2:]):
            if i > 2: cfg.write('auxiliary[%d] = %s\n' % (i - 3, name))
            format = format + _getfmt(data.dtype.fields[name][0])
        format = format + '\n'

        for i in range(self.n):
            cfg.write(format % tuple(data[i]))

        if opened: cfg.close()

        # Return column names as a list
        return list(data.dtype.names)

    def filter(self, mask):
        "Return smaller Atoms with only the elements where mask is true"

        other = Atoms()

        if mask is None:
            mask = numpy.zeros((self.n, ), numpy.bool)
            mask[:] = True

        other.n = count(mask)
        other.lattice = self.lattice.copy()
        other.g = self.g.copy()
        other.params = self.params.copy()
        other.properties = self.properties.copy()

        other.real = self.real[mask]
        other.int = self.int[mask]
        other.str = self.str[mask]
        other.logical = self.logical[mask]


        return other

    def copy(self):
        if self.n == 0:
            return Atoms()
            return self.filter(mask=None)

    def add(self, newpos, newspecies):

        if type(newpos) == type([]):
            newpos = numpy.array(newpos)

        if len(newpos.shape) == 1:
            n_new = 1
            n_new = newpos.shape[0]

        oldn = self.n
        self.n = self.n + n_new

        self.real = numpy.resize(self.real, (self.n, self.real.shape[1]))
        self.int = numpy.resize(self.int, (self.n, self.int.shape[1]))
        self.str = numpy.resize(self.str, (self.n, self.str.shape[1]))
        self.logical = numpy.resize(self.logical,
                                    (self.n, self.logical.shape[1]))


        self.pos[oldn:self.n] = newpos
        self.species[oldn:self.n] = newspecies

    def remove(self, discard):
        keep = [i for i in range(self.n) if not i in discard]

        self.n = len(keep)
        self.real = self.real[keep]
        self.int = self.int[keep]
        self.str = self.str[keep]
        self.logical = self.logical[keep]

    def supercell(self, n1, n2, n3):

        other = Atoms(n=self.n*n1*n2*n3,n_int=self.int.shape[1],\
                      n_real=self.real.shape[1], \

        other.lattice[0, :] = self.lattice[0, :] * n1
        other.lattice[1, :] = self.lattice[1, :] * n2
        other.lattice[2, :] = self.lattice[2, :] * n3
        other.g = numpy.linalg.inv(other.lattice)

        for i in range(n1):
            for j in range(n2):
                for k in range(n3):
                    p = numpy.dot(self.lattice, numpy.array([i, j, k]))
                    for n in range(self.n):
                        nn = ((i * n2 + j) * n3 + k) * self.n + n
                        other.int[nn, :] = self.int[n, :]
                        other.real[nn, :] = self.real[n, :]
                        other.logical[nn, :] = self.logical[n, :]
                        other.str[nn, :] = self.str[n, :]
                        other.pos[nn, :] = self.pos[n, :] + p

        return other

    def cell_volume(self):
        return abs(
            numpy.dot(numpy.cross(self.lattice[0, :], self.lattice[1, :]),
                      self.lattice[2, :]))