Exemplo n.º 1
def clearConflictsDisplay():
    if PVUtil.getDouble(pvs[1]) != 0: return
    for row in range(9):
        for col in range(9):
            cell = getWidget(row, col)
            pv = pvs[calcPVIndex(row, col)]
            if PVUtil.getString(pv) == "#":
                pv.write(" ")
            cell.setPropertyValue("foreground_color", text)
Exemplo n.º 2
def findConflicts(row, col, value):
    conflicts = []
    if value == " " or value == "_":
        return conflicts
    for currCol in range(9):
        if currCol != col and \
                      value == PVUtil.getString(pvs[calcPVIndex(row,currCol)]):
            conflicts.append((row, currCol))
        for currRow in range(9):
            if currRow != row and \
                          value == PVUtil.getString(pvs[calcPVIndex(currRow,col)]):
                conflicts.append((currRow, col))
    for currRow in calcBlockRange(row):
        for currCol in calcBlockRange(col):
            if currRow != row and \
                            currCol != col and \
                            value == PVUtil.getString(pvs[calcPVIndex(currRow,currCol)]):
                conflicts.append((currRow, currCol))
    if len(conflicts) > 0:
        conflicts.append((row, col))
    return conflicts
from org.csstudio.display.builder.runtime.script import PVUtil, ScriptUtil

# Which trace parm is this for?
#trace_parm = "trace_0_visible"
trace_parm = PVUtil.getString(pvs[1])

# Locate graph widget in the display based on name
graph_widget = widget.getDisplayModel().runtimeChildren().getChildByName(

if PVUtil.getLong(pvs[0]) == 1:
    state = True
    state = False

graph_widget.setPropertyValue(trace_parm, state)
Exemplo n.º 4
# For Phoebus, disable widgets that have not been implemented
# pvs[0] - widget type to check

from org.csstudio.display.builder.runtime.script import ScriptUtil, PVUtil

if 'PHOEBUS' in dir(ScriptUtil):
    from org.csstudio.display.builder.representation.javafx.widgets import BaseWidgetRepresentations

    type = PVUtil.getString(pvs[0])

    supported = False
    for t in BaseWidgetRepresentations().getWidgetRepresentationFactories():
        if t.getType() == type:
            supported = True
    if not supported:
        print("Disable " + type)
        widget.setPropertyValue("visible", False)
Exemplo n.º 5
# Set color map
from org.csstudio.display.builder.runtime.script import PVUtil, ScriptUtil
from org.csstudio.display.builder.model.properties import PredefinedColorMaps

mapname = PVUtil.getString(pvs[0])

colormap = None

# Initial Display Builder used ColorMap.PREDEFINED ..
for map in PredefinedColorMaps.PREDEFINED:
    if mapname == map.getName():
        colormap = map

if colormap is None:
    ScriptUtil.getLogger().warning("Unknown color map " + mapname)
    widget.setPropertyValue("color_map", colormap)

Exemplo n.º 6
from org.csstudio.display.builder.runtime.script import PVUtil, ConsoleUtil

cameras = PVUtil.getStringArray(pvs[0])
timeout = 2000

if PVUtil.getString(pvs[1]) == "Fine":
    pvToWrite = ":SET_ROI_VIEW.PROC"
    pvToWrite = ":SET_FULL_CHIP.PROC"

[PVUtil.writePV(cam + pvToWrite, 1, timeout) for cam in cameras]
Exemplo n.º 7

def showInfo(text):
    w = display.runtimeChildren().getChildByName("info")
    w.setPropertyValue("text", str(text))

t3 = display.getUserData("T3")
if t3 is None:
    # Initialize new board
    t3 = T3()
    display.setUserData("T3", t3)
    # User entered a move
    pos = int(PVUtil.getString(pvs[0]))
    if not (0 <= pos < 9):
        showInfo("Field must be 0 .. 8")
    elif t3.board[pos] != ' ':
        showInfo("Field %d already occupied!" % pos)
        # Perform user's move
        t3.board[pos] = 'x'

        # Compute computer's move
        test = T3(t3.board)
        pos = test.makeMove('o')
        if pos is not None:
            showInfo("I set " + str(pos))
            t3.board[pos] = 'o'
Exemplo n.º 8
# Set color map
from org.csstudio.display.builder.runtime.script import PVUtil, ScriptUtil
from org.csstudio.display.builder.model.properties import PredefinedColorMaps

mapname = PVUtil.getString(pvs[0]).upper()

colormap = None

# Initial Display Builder used ColorMap.PREDEFINED ..
for m in PredefinedColorMaps.PREDEFINED:

    if mapname == m.getName():
        colormap = m

if colormap is None:
    ScriptUtil.getLogger().warning("Unknown color map " + mapname)
    widget.setPropertyValue("color_map", colormap)

Exemplo n.º 9
from org.csstudio.display.builder.runtime.script import PVUtil
import time
run = PVUtil.getInt(pvs[0])
max_time = PVUtil.getString(pvs[1])
indicator = pvs[2]

def format(secs):
    """Format seconds as 'MM:SS' """
    sec = int(secs)
    min = sec / 60
    sec -= min*60
    return "%02d:%02d" % (min, sec)
if run:
    # Expecting "MM:SS" as runtime
    total = float(max_time[0:2])*60 + float(max_time[3:5])
    end = time.time() + total
    now = time.time()
    while run  and  now < end:
        secs = end - now
        fraction = secs/total
        widget.setPropertyValue("total_angle", 360.0*fraction)
        if fraction < 0.25:
            color = [ 255, 0, 0 ]
        elif fraction < 0.4:
            color = [ 255, 255, 0 ]
            color = [ 0, 255, 0 ] 
        widget.setPropertyValue("background_color", color)
""" Input:
    pvs[0] - PV name to use
from org.csstudio.display.builder.runtime.script import PVUtil

value = PVUtil.getString(pvs[0]);
# print "update_pv_name.py: Name is %s" % value
widget.setPropertyValue("pv_name", value)

Exemplo n.º 11
to the PV named in the widget called 'pv_name'

from org.csstudio.display.builder.runtime.script import PVUtil, ScriptUtil

logger = ScriptUtil.getLogger()

# Locate other widgets in the display based on their name
children = widget.getDisplayModel().runtimeChildren()
name_widget = children.getChildByName("pv_name")
value_widget = children.getChildByName("pv_value")

# Get the current value of those widgets
logger.info("Name widget " + str(name_widget))
logger.info("Value widget " + str(value_widget))
name_pv = ScriptUtil.getPrimaryPV(name_widget)
value_pv = ScriptUtil.getPrimaryPV(value_widget)
name = PVUtil.getString(name_pv)
value = PVUtil.getString(value_pv)

logger.info("Need to set " + name + " = " + value)

# Locate one of the target widgets based on their name
target_widget_name = name.replace("loc://", "")
target_widget = children.getChildByName(target_widget_name)
logger.info("Widget named " + target_widget_name + ": " + str(target_widget))

# Write to the PV of the target widget
pv = ScriptUtil.getPrimaryPV(target_widget)
Exemplo n.º 12

def showInfo(text):
    w = display.runtimeChildren().getChildByName("info")
    w.setPropertyValue("text", str(text))

t3 = display.getUserData("T3")
if t3 is None:
    # Initialize new board
    t3 = T3()
    display.setUserData("T3", t3)
    # User entered a move
    pos = int(PVUtil.getString(pvs[0]))
    if not (0 <= pos < 9):
        showInfo("Field must be 0 .. 8")
    elif t3.board[pos] != ' ':
        showInfo("Field %d already occupied!" % pos)
        # Perform user's move
        t3.board[pos] = 'x'
        # Compute computer's move
        test = T3(t3.board)
        pos = test.makeMove('o')
        if pos is not None:
            showInfo("I set " + str(pos))
            t3.board[pos] = 'o'
Exemplo n.º 13
from org.csstudio.display.builder.runtime.script import PVUtil
import time

run = PVUtil.getInt(pvs[0])
max_time = PVUtil.getString(pvs[1])
indicator = pvs[2]

def format(secs):
    """Format seconds as 'MM:SS' """
    sec = int(secs)
    min = sec / 60
    sec -= min * 60
    return "%02d:%02d" % (min, sec)

if run:
    # Expecting "MM:SS" as runtime
    total = float(max_time[0:2]) * 60 + float(max_time[3:5])
    end = time.time() + total
    now = time.time()
    while run and now < end:
        secs = end - now
        fraction = secs / total
        widget.setPropertyValue("total_angle", 360.0 * fraction)

        if fraction < 0.25:
            color = [255, 0, 0]
        elif fraction < 0.4:
            color = [255, 255, 0]
Exemplo n.º 14

def clearConflictsDisplay():
    if PVUtil.getDouble(pvs[1]) != 0: return
    for row in range(9):
        for col in range(9):
            cell = getWidget(row, col)
            pv = pvs[calcPVIndex(row, col)]
            if PVUtil.getString(pv) == "#":
                pv.write(" ")
            cell.setPropertyValue("foreground_color", text)
    #logger.warning("finished clearing conflicts")

selected = int(widget.getPropertyValue("name")[4:])
value = PVUtil.getString(pvs[0])
#logger.warning("*Entry for %d" % selected)
if value != "#" and PVUtil.getDouble(pvs[1]) != -1:
    col = selected % 10
    row = (selected - col) / 10
    if value != " ":
    conflicts = findConflicts(row, col, value)
    if value == "_":
        pvs[0].write(" ")
    elif len(conflicts) > 0:
        #logger.warning("conflicted (%d,%d)" % (row, col))
        for pos in conflicts:
            cell = getWidget(pos[0], pos[1])