Exemplo n.º 1
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        print "Registration. Authenticate for step 1"
        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        if (StringHelper.isEmptyString(
                self.getUserValueFromAuth("email", requestParameters))):
            facesMessages = CdiUtil.bean(FacesMessages)
                              "Please provide your email.")
            return False

        if (StringHelper.isEmptyString(
                self.getUserValueFromAuth("pwd", requestParameters))):
            facesMessages = CdiUtil.bean(FacesMessages)
                              "Please provide password.")
            return False

        foundUser = userService.getUserByAttribute(
            "mail", self.getUserValueFromAuth("email", requestParameters))
        if (foundUser == None):
            newUser = User()
            for attributesMappingEntry in self.attributesMapping.entrySet():
                remoteAttribute = attributesMappingEntry.getKey()
                localAttribute = attributesMappingEntry.getValue()
                localAttributeValue = self.getUserValueFromAuth(
                    remoteAttribute, requestParameters)
                if ((localAttribute != None) &
                    (localAttributeValue != "undefined")):
                    print localAttribute + localAttributeValue
                    newUser.setAttribute(localAttribute, localAttributeValue)

                foundUser = userService.addUser(newUser, True)
                foundUserName = foundUser.getUserId()
                print("Registration: Found user name " + foundUserName)
                userAuthenticated = authenticationService.authenticate(
                    "Registration: User added successfully and isUserAuthenticated = "
                    + str(userAuthenticated))
            except Exception, err:
                print("Registration: Error in adding user:" + str(err))
                return False
            return userAuthenticated
    def isUserMemberOfGroups(self, credentials, groups):
        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)

        user_name = credentials.getUsername()
        if StringHelper.isEmptyString(user_name):
            return False

        find_user_by_uid = userService.getUser(user_name)

        is_member = False
        member_of_list = find_user_by_uid.getAttributeValues("memberOf")
        if member_of_list == None:
            return is_member

        print member_of_list
        print groups

        for member_of in member_of_list:
            for group in groups:
                if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(
                        group, member_of) or member_of.endswith(group):
                    is_member = True

        return is_member
Exemplo n.º 3
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)

        credentials = identity.getCredentials()
        user_name = credentials.getUsername()

        iw_otp = requestParameters.get("loginForm:otp")

        if ArrayHelper.isNotEmpty(iw_otp) and StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(
                "true", iw_otp[0]) and step == 2:
            identity.setWorkingParameter("iw_count_login_steps", 3)
            return True

        elif StringHelper.isEmptyString(user_name) and step == 1:
            print "empty user_name in step1 indicates browser token notfound"
            identity.setWorkingParameter("iw_count_login_steps", 2)
            return True

            response_check = False
            user_exists_in_gluu = authenticationService.authenticate(user_name)
            identity.setWorkingParameter("iw_count_login_steps", step)

            if (step == 1 or step == 3):
                print "if (step == 1 or step == 3):"
                password = credentials.getPassword()
                if StringHelper.isEmpty(password):
                    print "InWebo. Authenticate for step 2. otp token is empty"
                    return False
                #password is the otp token
                response_check = self.validateInweboToken(
                    self.api_uri, self.service_id, user_name, password, step)
            elif (step == 2):
                print "elif (step == 2):"
                session = CdiUtil.bean(SessionIdService).getSessionId()
                if session == None:
                    print "InWebo. Authenticate for step 2. session_id is not exists"
                    return False

                response_check = self.checkStatus(self.api_uri,
                                                  self.service_id, user_name,

                if self.push_fail is not None:
                    identity.setWorkingParameter("iw_count_login_steps", 3)

            return response_check and user_exists_in_gluu
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        credentials = identity.getCredentials()

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        requestParameterService = CdiUtil.bean(RequestParameterService)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
        httpService = CdiUtil.bean(HttpService)

        if step == 1:
            print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1"
            ticket_array = requestParameters.get("ticket")
            if ArrayHelper.isEmpty(ticket_array):
                print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. ticket is empty"
                return False

            ticket = ticket_array[0]
            print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. ticket: " + ticket

            if StringHelper.isEmptyString(ticket):
                print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. ticket is invalid"
                return False

            # Validate ticket
            facesContext = CdiUtil.bean(FacesContext)
            request = facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequest()

            parametersMap = HashMap()
                httpService.constructServerUrl(request) + "/postlogin.htm")
            if self.cas_renew_opt:
                parametersMap.put("renew", "true")
            parametersMap.put("ticket", ticket)
            cas_service_request_uri = requestParameterService.parametersAsString(
            cas_service_request_uri = self.cas_host + "/serviceValidate?" + cas_service_request_uri
            if self.cas_extra_opts != None:
                cas_service_request_uri = cas_service_request_uri + "&" + self.cas_extra_opts

            print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. cas_service_request_uri: " + cas_service_request_uri

            http_client = httpService.getHttpsClient()
            http_service_response = httpService.executeGet(
                http_client, cas_service_request_uri)
                validation_content = httpService.convertEntityToString(

            print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. validation_content: " + validation_content
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(validation_content):
                print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. Ticket validation response is invalid"
                return False

            cas2_auth_failure = self.parse_tag(validation_content,
            print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. cas2_auth_failure: ", cas2_auth_failure

            cas2_user_uid = self.parse_tag(validation_content, "cas:user")
            print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. cas2_user_uid: ", cas2_user_uid

            if (cas2_auth_failure != None) or (cas2_user_uid == None):
                print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. Ticket is invalid"
                return False

            if self.cas_map_user:
                print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by oxExternalUid: cas2:" + cas2_user_uid

                # Check if the is user with specified cas2_user_uid
                find_user_by_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute(
                    "oxExternalUid", "cas2:" + cas2_user_uid)

                if find_user_by_uid == None:
                    print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to find user"
                    print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 2"
                    identity.setWorkingParameter("cas2_count_login_steps", 2)
                    return True

                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. found_user_name: " + found_user_name


                print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                identity.setWorkingParameter("cas2_count_login_steps", 1)

                return True
                print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by uid:" + cas2_user_uid

                # Check if there is user with specified cas2_user_uid
                find_user_by_uid = userService.getUser(cas2_user_uid)
                if find_user_by_uid == None:
                    print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to find user"
                    return False

                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. found_user_name: " + found_user_name


                print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                identity.setWorkingParameter("cas2_count_login_steps", 1)

                return True
        elif step == 2:
            print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 2"

            if identity.isSetWorkingParameter("cas2_user_uid"):
                print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 2. cas2_user_uid is empty"
                return False

            cas2_user_uid = identity.getWorkingParameter("cas2_user_uid")
            passed_step1 = StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(cas2_user_uid)
            if not passed_step1:
                return False

            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()

            logged_in = False
            if StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(
                    user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(
                logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(
                    user_name, user_password)

            if not logged_in:
                return False

            # Check if there is user which has cas2_user_uid
            # Avoid mapping CAS2 account to more than one IDP account
            find_user_by_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute(
                "oxExternalUid", "cas2:" + cas2_user_uid)

            if find_user_by_uid == None:
                # Add cas2_user_uid to user one id UIDs
                find_user_by_uid = userService.addUserAttribute(
                    user_name, "oxExternalUid", "cas2:" + cas2_user_uid)
                if find_user_by_uid == None:
                    print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to update current user"
                    return False

                return True
                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "CAS2. Authenticate for step 2. found_user_name: " + found_user_name

                if StringHelper.equals(user_name, found_user_name):
                    return True

            return False
            return False
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        credentials = identity.getCredentials()
        user_name = credentials.getUsername()

        if (step == 1):
            print "Basic (with password update). Authenticate for step 1"
            facesMessages = CdiUtil.bean(FacesMessages)
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()

            logged_in = False
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name) and StringHelper.isEmptyString(user_password)):
                facesMessages.add(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, "Password is empty! Enter your password")
                print "Basic. Authenticate: Password is empty! Enter your password"
                return False

            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password)):
                find_user = userService.getUser(user_name)
                if (find_user == None):
                    facesMessages.add(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, "User doesn't Exist")
                    return False
                    print "Basic . Authenticate for step 1-4-disablechecking"
                    user_status = userService.getCustomAttribute(find_user, "gluuStatus")
                    print "Basic . Authenticate for step 1-5-disablechecking"
                    if (user_status != None):
                        user_status_value = user_status.getValue()
                        if (StringHelper.equals(user_status_value, "inactive")): 
                            facesMessages.add(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, "User is Disabled")                            
                            return False 	
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password)):
                logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(user_name, user_password)

            if (not logged_in):
                return False

            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "Basic (with password update). Authenticate for step 2-see"
            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            facesMessages = CdiUtil.bean(FacesMessages)
            if user == None:
                print "Basic (with password update). Authenticate for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            user_name = user.getUserId()
            find_user_by_uid = userService.getUser(user_name)

            update_button = requestParameters.get("loginForm:updateButton")

            if ArrayHelper.isEmpty(update_button):
                return True

            new_password_array = requestParameters.get("loginForm:password")
            new_password = new_password_array[0]  
            if ArrayHelper.isEmpty(new_password_array) or StringHelper.isEmpty(new_password):
                print "Basic (with password update). Authenticate for step 2. New password is empty"
                return False
            print "Basic (with password update). Authenticate for step 2. see the new password ================'%s'" % new_password

            results = zxcvbn(new_password)
            if results['score'] <2:
                print 'Its a weak Password, please increase the complexity."
                facesMessages.add(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, "Its weak password, please increase the complexity.")
                return False

            find_user_by_uid.setAttribute("userPassword", new_password)

            print "Basic (with password update). Authenticate for step 2. Attempting to set new user '%s' password " % user_name

            print "Basic (with password update). Authenticate for step 2. Password updated successfully"

            return True
            return False
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        mapUserDeployment = False
        enrollUserDeployment = False
        if (configurationAttributes.containsKey("gplus_deployment_type")):
            deploymentType = StringHelper.toLowerCase(configurationAttributes.get("gplus_deployment_type").getValue2())
            if (StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(deploymentType, "map")):
                mapUserDeployment = True
            if (StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(deploymentType, "enroll")):
                enrollUserDeployment = True

        if (step == 1):
            print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1"
            gplusAuthCodeArray = requestParameters.get("gplus_auth_code")
            gplusAuthCode = gplusAuthCodeArray[0]

            # Check if user uses basic method to log in
            useBasicAuth = False
            if (StringHelper.isEmptyString(gplusAuthCode)):
                useBasicAuth = True

            # Use basic method to log in
            if (useBasicAuth):
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Basic authentication"
                identity.setWorkingParameter("gplus_count_login_steps", 1)
                credentials = identity.getCredentials()

                userName = credentials.getUsername()
                userPassword = credentials.getPassword()
                loggedIn = False
                if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(userName) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(userPassword)):
                    userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
                    loggedIn = authenticationService.authenticate(userName, userPassword)
                if (not loggedIn):
                    return False
                return True

            # Use Google+ method to log in
            print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. gplusAuthCode:", gplusAuthCode

            currentClientSecrets = self.getCurrentClientSecrets(self.clientSecrets, configurationAttributes, requestParameters)
            if (currentClientSecrets == None):
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Client secrets configuration is invalid"
                return False
            print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to gets tokens"
            tokenResponse = self.getTokensByCode(self.clientSecrets, configurationAttributes, gplusAuthCode)
            if ((tokenResponse == None) or (tokenResponse.getIdToken() == None) or (tokenResponse.getAccessToken() == None)):
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Failed to get tokens"
                return False
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Successfully gets tokens"

            jwt = Jwt.parse(tokenResponse.getIdToken())
            # TODO: Validate ID Token Signature  

            gplusUserUid = jwt.getClaims().getClaimAsString(JwtClaimName.SUBJECT_IDENTIFIER)
            print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Found Google user ID in the ID token: '%s'" % gplusUserUid
            if (mapUserDeployment):
                # Use mapping to local IDP user
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by oxExternalUid: 'gplus:%s'" % gplusUserUid

                # Check if there is user with specified gplusUserUid
                foundUser = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", "gplus:" + gplusUserUid)

                if (foundUser == None):
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Failed to find user"
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 2"
                    identity.setWorkingParameter("gplus_count_login_steps", 2)
                    identity.setWorkingParameter("gplus_user_uid", gplusUserUid)
                    return True

                foundUserName = foundUser.getUserId()
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. foundUserName: '******'" % foundUserName
                userAuthenticated = authenticationService.authenticate(foundUserName)
                if (userAuthenticated == False):
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user"
                    return False
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                identity.setWorkingParameter("gplus_count_login_steps", 1)

                postLoginResult = self.extensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, foundUser)
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. postLoginResult: '%s'" % postLoginResult

                return postLoginResult
            elif (enrollUserDeployment):
                # Use auto enrollment to local IDP
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by oxExternalUid: 'gplus:%s'" % gplusUserUid
                # Check if there is user with specified gplusUserUid
                foundUser = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", "gplus:" + gplusUserUid)
                if (foundUser == None):
                    # Auto user enrollemnt
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. There is no user in LDAP. Adding user to local LDAP"

                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to gets user info"
                    userInfoResponse = self.getUserInfo(currentClientSecrets, configurationAttributes, tokenResponse.getAccessToken())
                    if ((userInfoResponse == None) or (userInfoResponse.getClaims().size() == 0)):
                        print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Failed to get user info"
                        return False
                        print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Successfully gets user info"
                    gplusResponseAttributes = userInfoResponse.getClaims()
                    # Convert Google+ user claims to lover case
                    gplusResponseNormalizedAttributes = HashMap()
                    for gplusResponseAttributeEntry in gplusResponseAttributes.entrySet():
                            StringHelper.toLowerCase(gplusResponseAttributeEntry.getKey()), gplusResponseAttributeEntry.getValue())
                    currentAttributesMapping = self.getCurrentAttributesMapping(self.attributesMapping, configurationAttributes, requestParameters)
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Using next attributes mapping '%s'" % currentAttributesMapping
                    newUser = User()
                    for attributesMappingEntry in currentAttributesMapping.entrySet():
                        remoteAttribute = attributesMappingEntry.getKey()
                        localAttribute = attributesMappingEntry.getValue()
                        localAttributeValue = gplusResponseNormalizedAttributes.get(remoteAttribute)
                        if (localAttribute != None):
                            newUser.setAttribute(localAttribute, localAttributeValue)
                    if (newUser.getAttribute("sn") == None):
                        newUser.setAttribute("sn", gplusUserUid)
                    if (newUser.getAttribute("cn") == None):
                        newUser.setAttribute("cn", gplusUserUid)

                    # Add mail to oxTrustEmail so that the user's
                    # email is available through the SCIM interface
                    # too.
                    if (newUser.getAttribute("oxTrustEmail") is None and
                        newUser.getAttribute("mail") is not None):
                        oxTrustEmail = {
                            "value": newUser.getAttribute("mail"),
                            "display": newUser.getAttribute("mail"),
                            "primary": True,
                            "operation": None,
                            "reference": None,
                            "type": "other"
                        newUser.setAttribute("oxTrustEmail", json.dumps(oxTrustEmail))

                    newUser.setAttribute("oxExternalUid", "gplus:" + gplusUserUid)
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to add user '%s' with next attributes '%s'" % (gplusUserUid, newUser.getCustomAttributes())
                    foundUser = userService.addUser(newUser, True)
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Added new user with UID: '%s'" % foundUser.getUserId()

                foundUserName = foundUser.getUserId()
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. foundUserName: '******'" % foundUserName

                userAuthenticated = authenticationService.authenticate(foundUserName)
                if (userAuthenticated == False):
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user"
                    return False

                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                identity.setWorkingParameter("gplus_count_login_steps", 1)

                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to run extension postLogin"
                postLoginResult = self.extensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, foundUser)
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. postLoginResult: '%s'" % postLoginResult

                return postLoginResult
                # Check if there is user with specified gplusUserUid
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Attempting to find user by uid: '%s'" % gplusUserUid

                foundUser = userService.getUser(gplusUserUid)
                if (foundUser == None):
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Failed to find user"
                    return False

                foundUserName = foundUser.getUserId()
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. foundUserName: '******'" % foundUserName

                userAuthenticated = authenticationService.authenticate(foundUserName)
                if (userAuthenticated == False):
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Failed to authenticate user"
                    return False

                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
                identity.setWorkingParameter("gplus_count_login_steps", 1)

                postLoginResult = self.extensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, foundUser)
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 1. postLoginResult: '%s'" % postLoginResult

                return postLoginResult
        elif (step == 2):
            print "Google+ Authenticate for step 2"
            sessionAttributes = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes()
            if (sessionAttributes == None) or not sessionAttributes.containsKey("gplus_user_uid"):
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 2. gplus_user_uid is empty"
                return False

            gplusUserUid = sessionAttributes.get("gplus_user_uid")
            passed_step1 = StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(gplusUserUid)
            if (not passed_step1):
                return False

            identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
            credentials = identity.getCredentials()

            userName = credentials.getUsername()
            userPassword = credentials.getPassword()

            loggedIn = False
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(userName) and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(userPassword)):
                loggedIn = authenticationService.authenticate(userName, userPassword)

            if (not loggedIn):
                return False

            # Check if there is user which has gplusUserUid
            # Avoid mapping Google account to more than one IDP account
            foundUser = userService.getUserByAttribute("oxExternalUid", "gplus:" + gplusUserUid)

            if (foundUser == None):
                # Add gplusUserUid to user one id UIDs
                foundUser = userService.addUserAttribute(userName, "oxExternalUid", "gplus:" + gplusUserUid)
                if (foundUser == None):
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 2. Failed to update current user"
                    return False

                postLoginResult = self.extensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, foundUser)
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 2. postLoginResult: '%s'" % postLoginResult

                return postLoginResult
                foundUserName = foundUser.getUserId()
                print "Google+ Authenticate for step 2. foundUserName: '******'" % foundUserName
                if StringHelper.equals(userName, foundUserName):
                    postLoginResult = self.extensionPostLogin(configurationAttributes, foundUser)
                    print "Google+ Authenticate for step 2. postLoginResult: '%s'" % postLoginResult
                    return postLoginResult
            return False
            return False
Exemplo n.º 7
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
        httpService = CdiUtil.bean(HttpService)

        server_flag = configurationAttributes.get(
        callback_attrs = configurationAttributes.get(
        creds_file = configurationAttributes.get(

        # Create OneID
        authn = OneID(server_flag)

        # Set path to credentials file
        authn.creds_file = creds_file

        if (step == 1):
            print "OneId. Authenticate for step 1"

            # Find OneID request
            json_data_array = requestParameters.get("json_data")
            if ArrayHelper.isEmpty(json_data_array):
                print "OneId. Authenticate for step 1. json_data is empty"
                return False

            request = json_data_array[0]
            print "OneId. Authenticate for step 1. request: " + request

            if (StringHelper.isEmptyString(request)):
                return False


            # Validate request
            http_client = httpService.getHttpsClientDefaulTrustStore()
            auth_data = httpService.encodeBase64(authn.api_id + ":" +
            http_response = httpService.executePost(
                http_client, authn.helper_server + "/validate", auth_data,
                request, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON)
            validation_content = httpService.convertEntityToString(
            print "OneId. Authenticate for step 1. validation_content: " + validation_content

            if (StringHelper.isEmptyString(validation_content)):
                return False

            validation_resp = json.loads(validation_content)
            print "OneId. Authenticate for step 1. validation_resp: " + str(

            if (not authn.success(validation_resp)):
                return False

            response = json.loads(request)
            for x in validation_resp:
                response[x] = validation_resp[x]

            oneid_user_uid = response['uid']
            print "OneId. Authenticate for step 1. oneid_user_uid: " + oneid_user_uid

            # Check if the is user with specified oneid_user_uid
            find_user_by_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute(
                "oxExternalUid", "oneid:" + oneid_user_uid)

            if (find_user_by_uid == None):
                print "OneId. Authenticate for step 1. Failed to find user"
                print "OneId. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 2"
                identity.setWorkingParameter("oneid_count_login_steps", 2)
                identity.setWorkingParameter("oneid_user_uid", oneid_user_uid)
                return True

            found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
            print "OneId. Authenticate for step 1. found_user_name: " + found_user_name

            identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
            credentials = identity.getCredentials()


            print "OneId. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps to 1"
            identity.setWorkingParameter("oneid_count_login_steps", 1)

            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "OneId. Authenticate for step 2"

            sessionAttributes = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes()
            if (sessionAttributes == None
                ) or not sessionAttributes.containsKey("oneid_user_uid"):
                print "OneId. Authenticate for step 2. oneid_user_uid is empty"
                return False

            oneid_user_uid = sessionAttributes.get("oneid_user_uid")
            passed_step1 = StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(oneid_user_uid)
            if (not passed_step1):
                return False

            identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
            credentials = identity.getCredentials()

            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            passed_step1 = StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name)

            if (not passed_step1):
                return False

            identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
            credentials = identity.getCredentials()

            user_name = credentials.getUsername()
            user_password = credentials.getPassword()
            logged_in = False
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name)
                    and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password)):
                logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(
                    user_name, user_password)

            if (not logged_in):
                return False

            # Check if there is user which has oneid_user_uid
            # Avoid mapping OneID account to more than one IDP account
            find_user_by_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute(
                "oxExternalUid", "oneid:" + oneid_user_uid)

            if (find_user_by_uid == None):
                # Add oneid_user_uid to user one id UIDs
                find_user_by_uid = userService.addUserAttribute(
                    user_name, "oxExternalUid", "oneid:" + oneid_user_uid)
                if (find_user_by_uid == None):
                    print "OneId. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to update current user"
                    return False

                return True
                found_user_name = find_user_by_uid.getUserId()
                print "OneId. Authenticate for step 2. found_user_name: " + found_user_name

                if StringHelper.equals(user_name, found_user_name):
                    return True

            return False
            return False