def lockUser(self, user_name):
        if StringHelper.isEmpty(user_name):
            return None

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        cacheService= CdiUtil.bean(CacheService)
        facesMessages = CdiUtil.bean(FacesMessages)

        find_user_by_uid = userService.getUser(user_name)
        if (find_user_by_uid == None):
            return None

        status_attribute_value = userService.getCustomAttribute(find_user_by_uid, .jans.tatus")
        if status_attribute_value != None:
            user_status = status_attribute_value.getValue()
            if StringHelper.equals(user_status, "inactive"):
                print "Basic (lock account). Lock user. User '%s' locked already" % user_name
        userService.setCustomAttribute(find_user_by_uid, .jans.tatus", "inactive")
        userService.setCustomAttribute(find_user_by_uid, "oxTrustActive", "false")
        updated_user = userService.updateUser(find_user_by_uid)

        object_to_store = json.dumps({'locked': True, 'created':}, separators=(',',':'))

        cacheService.put(StringHelper.toString(self.lockExpirationTime), "lock_user_"+user_name, object_to_store);
        facesMessages.add(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Your account is locked. Please try again after " + StringHelper.toString(self.lockExpirationTime) + " secs")

        print "Basic (lock account). Lock user. User '%s' locked" % user_name
    def validateTotpKey(self, secretKey, totpKey, user_name):
        localTotpKey = self.generateTotpKey(secretKey)
        cachedOTP = self.getCachedOTP(user_name)

        if StringHelper.equals(
                totpKey) and not StringHelper.equals(localTotpKey, cachedOTP):
            userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
            if cachedOTP is None:
                userService.addUserAttribute(user_name, "oxOTPCache",
                userService.replaceUserAttribute(user_name, "oxOTPCache",
                                                 cachedOTP, localTotpKey)
            print "OTP. Caching OTP: '%s'" % localTotpKey
            return {"result": True}
        return {"result": False}
Exemplo n.º 3
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        duo_host = configurationAttributes.get("duo_host").getValue2()

        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)

        if (step == 1):
            print "Duo. Authenticate for step 1"

            # Check if user authenticated already in another custom script
            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if user == None:
                credentials = identity.getCredentials()
                user_name = credentials.getUsername()
                user_password = credentials.getPassword()

                logged_in = False
                if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name)
                        and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password)):
                    userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
                    logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(
                        user_name, user_password)

                if (not logged_in):
                    return False

                user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()

            if (self.use_duo_group):
                print "Duo. Authenticate for step 1. Checking if user belong to Duo group"
                is_member_duo_group = self.isUserMemberOfGroup(
                    user, self.audit_attribute, self.duo_group)
                if (is_member_duo_group):
                    print "Duo. Authenticate for step 1. User '" + user.getUserId(
                    ) + "' member of Duo group"
                    duo_count_login_steps = 2
                    duo_count_login_steps = 1


            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "Duo. Authenticate for step 2"
            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if user == None:
                print "Duo. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            user_name = user.getUserId()

            sig_response_array = requestParameters.get("sig_response")
            if ArrayHelper.isEmpty(sig_response_array):
                print "Duo. Authenticate for step 2. sig_response is empty"
                return False

            duo_sig_response = sig_response_array[0]

            print "Duo. Authenticate for step 2. duo_sig_response: " + duo_sig_response

            authenticated_username = duo_web.verify_response(
                self.ikey, self.skey, self.akey, duo_sig_response)

            print "Duo. Authenticate for step 2. authenticated_username: "******", expected user_name: " + user_name

            if (not StringHelper.equals(user_name, authenticated_username)):
                return False


            return True
            return False