def docMethod(self):
     #print 'doc: ', self.document, self.document.getClass().getName()
     #print 'editor: ', self.editor, self.editor.getClass().getName()
     #line = self.selection.getCursorLine()
     lineStartScopeObj = self.selection.getPreviousLineThatStartsScope()
     # the number of the line that starts the scope.
     print 'start of scope is:', lineStartScopeObj.iLineStartingScope
     parser = FastParser.parseToKnowGloballyAccessiblePath(self.document, lineStartScopeObj.iLineStartingScope)
     for stmt in parser:
         print 'stmt', stmt
         if isinstance(stmt, FunctionDef):
             #print 'begin line?', stmt.beginLine
             # now get the return values and the args sent to the function
             grammarVersion = self.editor.getGrammarVersion()
             parseInfoObj = PyParser.ParserInfo(self.document, grammarVersion)
             parseOut = PyParser.reparseDocument(parseInfoObj)
             body = NodeUtils.getBody(parseOut.ast)
             funcDef = self.searchFuncs(body, stmt.beginLine)
             argList = self.parseFunc(funcDef)
             returnState = self.hasReturn(funcDef)
             #lineOffset = self.document.getLineOffset(stmt.beginLine)
             #startLine = self.selection.getLine(self.document, stmt.beginLine-1)
             prevLine = self.selection.getLine(self.document, stmt.beginLine)
             indentation = self.selection.getIndentationFromLine(prevLine)
             docString = self.prepOutputMethodString2(indentation, argList, returnState)
             self.selection.addLine(indentation + docString, stmt.beginLine-1)
             return docString
            def docMethod(self):

                #print 'doc: ', self.document, self.document.getClass().getName()
                #print 'editor: ', self.editor, self.editor.getClass().getName()
                #line = self.selection.getCursorLine()
                lineStartScopeObj = self.selection.getPreviousLineThatStartsScope(
                # the number of the line that starts the scope.
                print 'start of scope is:', lineStartScopeObj.iLineStartingScope
                parser = FastParser.parseToKnowGloballyAccessiblePath(
                    self.document, lineStartScopeObj.iLineStartingScope)
                for stmt in parser:
                    print 'stmt', stmt
                    if isinstance(stmt, FunctionDef):
                        #print 'begin line?', stmt.beginLine
                        # now get the return values and the args sent to the function
                        grammarVersion = self.editor.getGrammarVersion()
                        parseInfoObj = PyParser.ParserInfo(
                            self.document, grammarVersion)
                        parseOut = PyParser.reparseDocument(parseInfoObj)
                        body = NodeUtils.getBody(parseOut.ast)
                        funcDef = self.searchFuncs(body, stmt.beginLine)
                        argList = self.parseFunc(funcDef)
                        returnState = self.hasReturn(funcDef)
                        #lineOffset = self.document.getLineOffset(stmt.beginLine)
                        #startLine = self.selection.getLine(self.document, stmt.beginLine-1)
                        prevLine = self.selection.getLine(
                            self.document, stmt.beginLine)
                        indentation = self.selection.getIndentationFromLine(
                        docString = self.prepOutputMethodString2(
                            indentation, argList, returnState)
                        self.selection.addLine(indentation + docString,
                                               stmt.beginLine - 1)
                        return docString
Exemplo n.º 3
def _GetCurrentASTPath(context, reverse=False):
    @return: ArrayList(SimpleNode)
    from org.python.pydev.parser.fastparser import FastParser
    selection = _CreateSelection(context)
    ret = FastParser.parseToKnowGloballyAccessiblePath(
        context.getDocument(), selection.getStartLineIndex())
    if reverse:
        from java.util import Collections
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 4
def _GetCurrentASTPath(context, reverse=False):
    @return: ArrayList(SimpleNode)
    from org.python.pydev.parser.fastparser import FastParser
    selection = _CreateSelection(context)
    ret = FastParser.parseToKnowGloballyAccessiblePath(
        context.getDocument(), selection.getStartLineIndex())
    if reverse:
        from java.util import Collections

    return ret
            def docClass(self):
                print 'doc Class'
                lineNum = self.selection.getCursorLine()

                isInClass = self.testScope(lineNum)
                print 'isInClass', isInClass
                if isInClass:
                    lineNum = self.getUncommentLine(lineNum)
                    # need to put a check in here to determine if the scope
                    # of the current cursor position is ultimately contained
                    # by a class.  Should work up looking for a classDef.
                    # This has not been implemented as running out of time, but
                    # its something that should get added.

                    lineStartScopeObj = self.selection.getPreviousLineThatStartsScope(
                    print 'lineNum', lineNum
                    lineStartScopeNumber = lineStartScopeObj.iLineStartingScope
                    lineStartScopeObj = self.selection.getPreviousLineThatStartsScope(
                    print 'line start scope: ', lineStartScopeObj.getClass(
                    print 'start of scope line is: ', lineStartScopeNumber
                    parser = FastParser.parseToKnowGloballyAccessiblePath(
                        self.document, lineNum)
                    classLineNum = None
                    print 'parser', parser
                    if parser:
                        for stmt in parser:
                            print 'stmt:', stmt.beginLine
                            if isinstance(stmt, ClassDef):
                                # TODO: Need to find out what the indentation is for the class and
                                # put it into the variable indentation
                                #endLineOfScope = None
                                LineScopeObj = self.selection.getLineThatStartsScope(
                                    True, self.selection.INDENT_TOKENS,
                                    stmt.beginLine, 9999)
                                #print 'LineScopeObj number', LineScopeObj.iLineStartingScope
                                #if LineScopeObj:
                                #endLineOfScope = LineScopeObj.iLineStartingScope
                                # now know the start and end of the class scope, next step is to try
                                # to extract the class variables.
                                #    pass
                                #    pass
                                # Looks like if the class that is being described is the last one in the document
                                # then the  LineScopeObj object will always be null here.  Assume this means
                                # that is I get a null LineStartingScope object here I can assume the scope goes
                                # to the end of the doc.
                                #print 'from where we are now to the end of doc is the scope'
                                #classArgs = getClassArgs(selection, stmt.beginLine)
                                #print 'stmt.beginLine', stmt.beginLine
                                classVars = self.getClassArgs(stmt.beginLine)
                                classLineNum = stmt.beginLine
                                #print 'classVars are:', classVars

                                # Finnally format the class vars into a docstring
                    print 'classLineNum:', classLineNum
                    classDefLine = self.selection.getLine(
                        self.document, classLineNum)
                    indentation = self.selection.getIndentationFromLine(

                    # format the docstring
                    docString = self.getClassDocString(classVars, indentation)

                    # insert the line just below the classdef that the cursor line
                    # falls under.
                    self.selection.addLine(indentation + docString,
                                           isInClass - 1)
Exemplo n.º 6
def GetClassVars(idocument):
    Recieves the PyDocumentTemplateContext object that all code completion
    operations recieve. Finds the line from which the method was called, 
    determines what class the line is part of, scans the class for all
    the class or instance variables, and finally returns a docstring 
    :param  idocument: The input pydev object that all code completion
                       templates recieve.
    :type idocument: org.python.pydev.editor.codecompletion.templates.PyDocumentTemplateContext
    :returns: a docstring template the describes the class from which 
              this method was called (from a pydev template)
    :rtype: string
    from org.python.pydev.parser.jython.ast import ClassDef
    from org.python.pydev.parser.fastparser import FastParser
    from org.python.pydev.core.docutils import PySelection
    indentation = '    '
    classVars = None
    # 1 - get the current document
    doc = idocument.getDocument()
    # 2 - create a selection object that gets the line that this method gets calle from.
    #selection = PySelection(doc, idocument.getStart())
    selection = idocument.createPySelection()
#     lineStart = selection.getPreviousLineThatStartsScope()
#     startLineNumber = doc.getLineOfOffset(idocument.getStart())
    print 'selection:', selection
#    startLineNumber = doc.getLineOfOffset(idocument.getStart())
    # 3 - create a parser object with the hierarchy of methods, classes etc to which the current line belongs
    parser = FastParser.parseToKnowGloballyAccessiblePath(
                                        doc, selection.getStartLineIndex() )
    # only continuing if the parser found a class definition. 
    if parser:
        # 4 - iterate through the parser object
        for stmt in parser:
            # 5 - if the parser contains a class definition
            if isinstance(stmt, ClassDef):
                # TODO: Need to find out what the indentation is for the class and 
                # put it into the variable indentation
                endLineOfScope = None
                LineScopeObj = selection.getLineThatStartsScope(True, selection.INDENT_TOKENS, stmt.beginLine, 9999)
                if LineScopeObj:
                    endLineOfScope = LineScopeObj.iLineStartingScope
                    print 'endLineOfScope', endLineOfScope
                    # now know the start and end of the class scope, next step is to try 
                    # to extract the class variables.
                    # Looks like if the class that is being described is the last one in the document
                    # then the  LineScopeObj object will always be null here.  Assume this means
                    # that is I get a null LineStartingScope object here I can assume the scope goes
                    # to the end of the doc.
                    print 'from where we are now to the end of doc is the scope'
                    #classArgs = getClassArgs(selection, stmt.beginLine)
                classVars = getClassArgs(idocument, selection, stmt.beginLine)
                # Finnally format the class vars into a docstring
    docString = getClassDocString(classVars, indentation)
    print '----------doc string--------------'
    print docString
    # When this is finished will return the docstring for the class.  Not finished yet
    return docString
Exemplo n.º 7
def GetMethodArg(idocument):
    This is an older version of the GetMethodArg2 function.  After 
    figuring out how to parse a document using the pydev parsers
    rewrote the method parsing functions.  This will get 
    deleted once I am comfortable that the the GetMethodArg2 is 
    working well.
    :param  idocument: an idocument object containing the entire
                       module that was created for this method.
    :type idocument: org.python.pydev.editor.codecompletion.templates.PyDocumentTemplateContext
    :returns: a formatted docstring template for the method on which
              this function was called
    :rtype: string
    # TODO: parse the method looking for the return type
    from org.python.pydev.parser.jython.ast import FunctionDef
    from org.python.pydev.parser.fastparser import FastParser
    from org.python.pydev.core.docutils import PySelection
    # 1 - get the current document
    doc = idocument.getDocument()
    # 2 - get a selection object for the current line
    selection = PySelection(idocument.getDocument(), idocument.getStart())
    startLineNumber = doc.getLineOfOffset(idocument.getStart())
    startLineContents = selection.getLine(startLineNumber)
    startIndentation = selection.getIndentationFromLine(startLineContents)
    print 'the line is', startLineNumber
    print 'contents is', startLineContents

    # 3 - create a parser object with the hierarchy of methods, classes etc to which the current line belongs
    parser = FastParser.parseToKnowGloballyAccessiblePath(
        idocument.getDocument(), selection.getStartLineIndex())
    if parser:
        # only continuing if the parser found a method definition. 
        print 'parser', parser
        print 'begin line', parser[0].beginLine
        print 'rettype', type(parser)
        print 'start is', idocument.getStart()
        from java.util import Collections
        # 4 - iterate through the parser object
        for stmt in parser:
            print 'stmt', stmt
            print type(stmt)
            # 5 - if the parser contains a method definition
            if isinstance(stmt, FunctionDef):
                # 6 - get the line number for the method definition
                print 'method line', stmt.beginLine
                functionDefinitionStmt = selection.getLine(stmt.beginLine-1)
                print 'defstatement:', functionDefinitionStmt
                print 'woke up'
                afterLine = stmt.beginLine - 1
#                listOfStringLines = []
                string2Add = prepOutputMethodString(startIndentation, functionDefinitionStmt)
                #selection.addLine( indentationString + string2Add, stmt.beginLine - 1)
                offset = doc.getLineInformation(afterLine + 1).getOffset();
                print 'offset 1 - ', offset
                if doc.getNumberOfLines() > stmt.beginLine - 1:
                    offset = doc.getLineInformation(afterLine + 1).getOffset();
                    print 'offset 2 - ', offset
                    offset = doc.getLineInformation(afterLine).getOffset()
                    print 'offset 2 - ', offset
                #doc.replace(offset, 0, string2Add)
                # inserting into the doc immediately after the method is
                # not working, instead will return the doc string
                return string2Add
                #selection.addLine( indentationString + string2Add, stmt.beginLine - 1)
                #offset = doc.getLineInformation(afterLine + 1).getOffset();
                #selection = PySelection(idocument.getDocument(), idocument.getStart())
                #offset = doc.getLineInformation(stmt.beginLine).getOffset()
                #print 'offset is now ',offset
                #print 'on line number', selection.getLineNumber()
                #args = NodeUtils.getNodeArgs(stmt)
                #print 'args are', args
                #print '.getRepresentationString' , NodeUtils.getRepresentationString(stmt)
                #print 'full rep string:', NodeUtils.getFullRepresentationString(stmt)
                #return NodeUtils.getRepresentationString(stmt)
    # if nothing was found then return null.
    return ""
Exemplo n.º 8
def GetMethodArg2(idocument):
    This method will receive a PyDocumentTemplateContext.  From that 
    object it is able to determine the cursor position, from the cursor 
    position it can determine what method / function the cursor position 
    is a part of.  Once it knows the function name it can retrieve the 
    parameters that are being sent to the method as well as determine 
    whether the method has any return types.  Based on that information 
    it will return a docstring template the uses the Sphinx documentation 
    systems tags, in a restructured text format that Sphinx can consume.
    This is a revised version of the original method GetMethodArg.  This new 
    version will use the pydev ast document structure.  In other words uses
    the same code that pydev uses to parse the individual elements in the 
    Versions prior to this version retrieved the functions code, and parsed
    it using my own simple python based function parser.
    :param  idocument: The input document context.  From this object you can get an iDocument
                       object, and from there get any parameter you require.
    :type idocument: org.python.pydev.editor.codecompletion.templates.PyDocumentTemplateContext
    :returns: a docstring for the method that the cursor was in when this
              method was invoked through the templateing system in pydev.
    :rtype: string
    from org.python.pydev.parser.fastparser import FastParser
    from org.python.pydev.core.docutils import PySelection
    from org.python.pydev.parser.jython.ast import FunctionDef
    docString = None
    print 'using method:GetMethodArg2'
    print 'here'
    # 1 - get the current document
    doc = idocument.getDocument()
    # 2 - create a selection object that gets the line that this method gets called 
    #     from, ie the line the cursor was on when this method is called, or again
    #     the position where the returned docstring will get inserted.
    #selection = PySelection(doc, idocument.getStart())
    selection = idocument.createPySelection()
    lineStart = selection.getPreviousLineThatStartsScope()
    startLineNumber = doc.getLineOfOffset(idocument.getStart())
    print 'startlinenumber', startLineNumber, lineStart.iLineStartingScope
    # 3 find out the start line of the function that encloses  
    #   the cursor position from which this function was called
    # the fast parser is a quick way to get the class and function start lines.
    #parser = FastParser.parseToKnowGloballyAccessiblePath(idocument.getDocument(), selection.getStartLineIndex())
    parser = FastParser.parseToKnowGloballyAccessiblePath(doc, startLineNumber)
    print 'got here now! now'
    if parser:
        from java.util import Collections
        print 'parser-----'
        print parser
        for stmt in parser:
            print 'stmt', stmt
            # found a function definition, can now retrieve the line
            # number of the function definition
            if isinstance(stmt, FunctionDef):
                # Getting the line number of the func def here.
                #print 'method line', stmt.beginLine
                # Now going to do a full parse of the doc and retrieve 
                # the full function definition info (fast parser just 
                # gets the headlines, this parser will retrieve the 
                # full function def in an AST hierarchy from which 
                # we can extract args and return values.
                functionDefinitionStmt = selection.getLine(stmt.beginLine-1)
                print 'defstatement:', functionDefinitionStmt
                docString = getFuncArgs(idocument, stmt.beginLine)
                # found what we need, no need to continue wiht the rest of the doc
    return docString
         def docClass(self):
             print 'doc Class'
             lineNum = self.selection.getCursorLine()
             isInClass = self.testScope(lineNum)
             print 'isInClass', isInClass
             if isInClass:
                 lineNum = self.getUncommentLine(lineNum)
                 # need to put a check in here to determine if the scope 
                 # of the current cursor position is ultimately contained
                 # by a class.  Should work up looking for a classDef.
                 # This has not been implemented as running out of time, but
                 # its something that should get added.
                 lineStartScopeObj = self.selection.getPreviousLineThatStartsScope()
                 print 'lineNum', lineNum
                 lineStartScopeNumber = lineStartScopeObj.iLineStartingScope
                 lineStartScopeObj = self.selection.getPreviousLineThatStartsScope( lineNum)
                 print 'line start scope: ', lineStartScopeObj.getClass().getName()
                 print 'start of scope line is: ', lineStartScopeNumber
                 parser = FastParser.parseToKnowGloballyAccessiblePath( self.document,
                                                                        lineNum )
                 classLineNum = None
                 print 'parser', parser
                 if parser:
                     for stmt in parser:
                         print 'stmt:', stmt.beginLine
                         if isinstance(stmt, ClassDef):
                             # TODO: Need to find out what the indentation is for the class and 
                             # put it into the variable indentation
                             #endLineOfScope = None
                             LineScopeObj = self.selection.getLineThatStartsScope(True, self.selection.INDENT_TOKENS, stmt.beginLine, 9999)
                             #print 'LineScopeObj number', LineScopeObj.iLineStartingScope
                             #if LineScopeObj:
                                 #endLineOfScope = LineScopeObj.iLineStartingScope
                                 # now know the start and end of the class scope, next step is to try 
                                 # to extract the class variables.
                             #    pass
                             #    pass
                                 # Looks like if the class that is being described is the last one in the document
                                 # then the  LineScopeObj object will always be null here.  Assume this means
                                 # that is I get a null LineStartingScope object here I can assume the scope goes
                                 # to the end of the doc.
                                 #print 'from where we are now to the end of doc is the scope'
                                 #classArgs = getClassArgs(selection, stmt.beginLine)
                             #print 'stmt.beginLine', stmt.beginLine
                             classVars = self.getClassArgs(stmt.beginLine)
                             classLineNum = stmt.beginLine
                             #print 'classVars are:', classVars
                             # Finnally format the class vars into a docstring
                 print 'classLineNum:', classLineNum
                 classDefLine = self.selection.getLine(self.document, classLineNum)
                 indentation = self.selection.getIndentationFromLine(classDefLine)
                 # format the docstring
                 docString = self.getClassDocString(classVars, indentation)
                 # insert the line just below the classdef that the cursor line
                 # falls under.
                 self.selection.addLine(indentation + docString, isInClass - 1)