Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_plot_phase(self, crystal_map_input, phase_list,
        cm = CrystalMap(**crystal_map_input)

        assert np.unique(cm.phase_id) == np.array([0])  # Test code assumption
        assert phase_list.ids == [0, 1, 2]
        cm.phases = phase_list
        cm[0, 0].phase_id = 0
        cm[1, 1].phase_id = 2

        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(projection=PLOT_MAP)
        im = ax.plot_map(cm)

        # Expected image data
        phase_id = cm.get_map_data("phase_id")
        unique_phase_ids = np.unique(phase_id[~np.isnan(phase_id)])
        expected_data = np.ones(phase_id.shape + (3, ))
        for i, color in zip(unique_phase_ids, cm.phases_in_data.colors_rgb):
            mask = phase_id == int(i)
            expected_data[mask] = expected_data[mask] * color

        image_data = im.get_array()
        assert np.allclose(image_data.shape, expected_data_shape)
        assert np.allclose(image_data, expected_data)

Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_get_rotations_array(self, crystal_map_input):
        cm = CrystalMap(**crystal_map_input)

        # Get with string
        r = cm.get_map_data("rotations")

        new_shape = cm.shape + (3,)
        if cm.rotations_per_point > 1:
            expected_array = cm.rotations[:, 0].to_euler().reshape(*new_shape)
            expected_array = cm.rotations.to_euler().reshape(*new_shape)
        assert np.allclose(r, expected_array, atol=1e-3)

        # Get with array (RGB)
        new_shape2 = (cm.size, 3)
        r2 = cm.get_map_data(r.reshape(*new_shape2))
        assert np.allclose(r2, expected_array, atol=1e-3)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_get_coordinate_array(self, crystal_map_input, to_get, expected_array):
        cm = CrystalMap(**crystal_map_input)

        # Get via string
        data_via_string = cm.get_map_data(to_get)
        assert np.allclose(data_via_string, expected_array)

        # Get via numpy array
        if to_get == "x":
            data_via_array = cm.get_map_data(cm.x)
        elif to_get == "y":
            data_via_array = cm.get_map_data(cm.y)
        else:  # to_get == "z"
            data_via_array = cm.get_map_data(cm.z)
        assert np.allclose(data_via_array, expected_array)

        # Make sure they are the same
        assert np.allclose(data_via_array, data_via_string)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_get_orientations_array(self, crystal_map_input, phase_list):
        cm = CrystalMap(**crystal_map_input)

        cm[:2, 0].phase_id = 1
        # Test code assumption
        id1 = 0
        id2 = 1
        assert np.allclose(np.unique(cm.phase_id), np.array([id1, id2]))
        cm.phases = phase_list

        # Get all with string
        o = cm.get_map_data("orientations")

        # Get per phase with string
        cm1 = cm[cm.phase_id == id1]
        cm2 = cm[cm.phase_id == id2]
        o1 = cm1.get_map_data("orientations")
        o2 = cm2.get_map_data("orientations")

        expected_o1 = cm1.orientations.to_euler()
        expected_shape = expected_o1.shape
        assert np.allclose(
            o1[~np.isnan(o1)].reshape(expected_shape), expected_o1, atol=1e-3

        expected_o2 = cm2.orientations.to_euler()
        expected_shape = expected_o2.shape
        assert np.allclose(
            o2[~np.isnan(o2)].reshape(expected_shape), expected_o2, atol=1e-3

        # Do calculations "manually"
        data_shape = (cm.size, 3)
        array = np.zeros(data_shape)

        if cm.rotations_per_point > 1:
            rotations = cm.rotations[:, 0]
            rotations = cm.rotations

        for i, phase in cm.phases_in_data:
            phase_mask = cm._phase_id == i
            phase_mask_in_data = cm.phase_id == i
            array[phase_mask] = (

        assert np.allclose(o, array.reshape(o.shape), atol=1e-3)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_get_unknown_string_raises(self, crystal_map_input, to_get):
     xmap = CrystalMap(**crystal_map_input)
     with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=f"{to_get} is None."):
         _ = xmap.get_map_data(to_get)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_get_phase_id_array_from_3d_data(self, crystal_map_input):
     cm = CrystalMap(**crystal_map_input)
     _ = cm.get_map_data(cm.phase_id)