def aug_orthonormalize(L):
    Lstar, sigmadict = aug_orthogonalize(L)
    norms = [find_norm(l) for l in Lstar]
    print(Lstar, 'l', norms, 'norms')
    R = [adjust(sigma, norms) for sigma in sigmadict]
    Q = [(1 / norm) * l for l, norm in zip(Lstar, norms)]
    return Q, R
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
        - L: a list of Vecs
        - A pair Qlist, Rlist such that:
            * coldict2mat(L) == coldict2mat(Qlist) * coldict2mat(Rlist)
            * Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    A,B = aug_orthogonalize(L)
    # multipliers = Vec(L[0].D,{})
    D = set(range(len(L)))
    multipliers = Vec(D,{})
    # normalize
    for i in range(len(A)):
        norm = sqrt(A[i] * A[i])
        for key in A[i].D:
            A[i][key] = A[i][key] / norm
        multipliers[i] = norm
    # multiply with the latter matrix
    for vector in B:
        for i in vector.D:
            vector[i] = multipliers[i] * vector[i]
    return A,B

# test
#L = [list2vec(v) for v in [[4,3,1,2],[8,9,-5,-5],[10,1,-1,5]]]
#expectedQ = [list2vec(x) for x in [[0.73, 0.55, 0.18, 0.37], [0.19, 0.40, -0.57, -0.69], [0.53, -0.65, -0.51, 0.18]]]
#actualQ, actualR = aug_orthonormalize(L)
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
    def adjust(v,mul):
        return Vec(v.D,{i:mul[i]*v[i] for i in v.D})
    assert isinstance(L,list)
    Qstar,Rstar = aug_orthogonalize(L)
    mul = [sqrt(vstar*vstar) for vstar in Qstar]
    Qlist = [Qstar[i]/mul[i] for i in range(len(mul))]
    Rlist = [adjust(r,mul) for r in Rstar]
    return Qlist,Rlist
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
        - L: a list of Vecs
        - A pair Qlist, Rlist such that:
            * coldict2mat(L) == coldict2mat(Qlist) * coldict2mat(Rlist)
            * Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    vstarlist, sigmalist = aug_orthogonalize(L)
    normlist = [sqrt(vec * vec) for vec in vstarlist]
    return orthonormalize(vstarlist), [adjust(sigmavec, normlist) for sigmavec in sigmalist]
Exemplo n.º 5
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
        - L: a list of Vecs
        - A pair Qlist, Rlist such that:
            * coldict2mat(L) == coldict2mat(Qlist) * coldict2mat(Rlist)
            * Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    >>> from vec import Vec
    >>> D={'a','b','c','d'}
    >>> L = [Vec(D, {'a':4,'b':3,'c':1,'d':2}), Vec(D, {'a':8,'b':9,'c':-5,'d':-5}), Vec(D, {'a':10,'b':1,'c':-1,'d':5})]
    >>> Qlist, Rlist = aug_orthonormalize(L)
    >>> from matutil import coldict2mat
    >>> print(coldict2mat(Qlist))
               0      1      2
     a  |   0.73  0.187  0.528
     b  |  0.548  0.403 -0.653
     c  |  0.183 -0.566 -0.512
     d  |  0.365 -0.695  0.181
    >>> print(coldict2mat(Rlist))
              0    1      2
     0  |  5.48 8.03   9.49
     1  |     0 11.4 -0.636
     2  |     0    0   6.04
    >>> print(coldict2mat(Qlist)*coldict2mat(Rlist))
           0  1  2
     a  |  4  8 10
     b  |  3  9  1
     c  |  1 -5 -1
     d  |  2 -5  5
    vstarlist, r_vecs = orthogonalization.aug_orthogonalize(
        L)  # get Rlist vecs
    Qlist = [normalize(v) for v in vstarlist]  # get Qmatrix

    # transform r_vecs to Rlist
    for i in range(len(r_vecs)):
        for j in r_vecs[i].D:
            r_vecs[i][j] = r_vecs[i][j] * math.sqrt(
                vstarlist[j] * vstarlist[j])

    return Qlist, r_vecs
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
        - L: a list of Vecs
        - A pair Qlist, Rlist of lists such that:
            * coldict2mat(L) == coldict2mat(Qlist) * coldict2mat(Rlist)
            * Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    >>> from vec import Vec
    >>> D={'a','b','c','d'}
    >>> L = [Vec(D, {'a':4,'b':3,'c':1,'d':2}), Vec(D, {'a':8,'b':9,'c':-5,'d':-5}), Vec(D, {'a':10,'b':1,'c':-1,'d':5})]
    >>> Qlist, Rlist = aug_orthonormalize(L)
    >>> from matutil import coldict2mat
    >>> print(coldict2mat(Qlist))
               0      1      2
     a  |   0.73  0.187  0.528
     b  |  0.548  0.403 -0.653
     c  |  0.183 -0.566 -0.512
     d  |  0.365 -0.695  0.181
    >>> print(coldict2mat(Rlist))
              0    1      2
     0  |  5.48 8.03   9.49
     1  |     0 11.4 -0.636
     2  |     0    0   6.04
    >>> print(coldict2mat(Qlist)*coldict2mat(Rlist))
           0  1  2
     a  |  4  8 10
     b  |  3  9  1
     c  |  1 -5 -1
     d  |  2 -5  5

    def to_R(vecs, sigma):
        r_rows = mat2rowdict(rowdict2mat(sigma).transpose())
        r_rows_scaled = [sqrt(v*v)*r_rows[i] for i, v in enumerate(vecs)]
        r_cols = mat2coldict(rowdict2mat(r_rows_scaled))
        return [r_cols[i] for i in sorted(r_cols.keys())]
    v, sigma = aug_orthogonalize(L)
    r = to_R(v, sigma)
    return (orthonormalize(v), r)
Exemplo n.º 7
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
        - L: a list of Vecs
        - A pair Qlist, Rlist such that:
            * coldict2mat(L) == coldict2mat(Qlist) * coldict2mat(Rlist)
            * Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    V, S = aug_orthogonalize(L)
    Q = orthonormalize(L)
    R = mat2coldict(transpose(coldict2mat(V)) * coldict2mat(Q) * coldict2mat(S))
    return (Q,[x for x in R.values()])
Exemplo n.º 8
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
        - L: a list of Vecs
        - A pair Qlist, Rlist such that:
            * coldict2mat(L) == coldict2mat(Qlist) * coldict2mat(Rlist)
            * Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    Q, R = aug_orthogonalize(L)
    Qlist = orthonormalize(Q)
    multipliers = [sqrt(square_norm(q)) for q in Q]
    Rlist = [adjust(r, multipliers) for r in R]
    return (Qlist, Rlist)
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
        - L: a list of Vecs
        - A pair Qlist, Rlist such that:
            * coldict2mat(L) == coldict2mat(Qlist) * coldict2mat(Rlist)
            * Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    Q, R = aug_orthogonalize(L)
    Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    Rlist = [ adjust(r, [ math.sqrt(x*x) for x in Q ]) for r in R ]
    #Rlist = [ math.sqrt(x*x) for x in Q ]
    return Qlist, Rlist
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
        - L: a list of Vecs
        - A pair Qlist, Rlist such that:
            * coldict2mat(L) == coldict2mat(Qlist) * coldict2mat(Rlist)
            * Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    >>> from vec import Vec
    >>> D={'a','b','c','d'}
    >>> L = [Vec(D, {'a':4,'b':3,'c':1,'d':2}), Vec(D, {'a':8,'b':9,'c':-5,'d':-5}), Vec(D, {'a':10,'b':1,'c':-1,'d':5})]
    >>> Qlist, Rlist = aug_orthonormalize(L)
    >>> from matutil import coldict2mat
    >>> print(coldict2mat(Qlist))
               0      1      2
     a  |   0.73  0.187  0.528
     b  |  0.548  0.403 -0.653
     c  |  0.183 -0.566 -0.512
     d  |  0.365 -0.695  0.181
    >>> print(coldict2mat(Rlist))
              0    1      2
     0  |  5.48 8.03   9.49
     1  |     0 11.4 -0.636
     2  |     0    0   6.04
    >>> print(coldict2mat(Qlist)*coldict2mat(Rlist))
           0  1  2
     a  |  4  8 10
     b  |  3  9  1
     c  |  1 -5 -1
     d  |  2 -5  5
    vstarlist, r_vecs = orthogonalization.aug_orthogonalize(L)  # get Rlist vecs
    Qlist = [normalize(v) for v in vstarlist]  # get Qmatrix

    # transform r_vecs to Rlist
    for i in range(len(r_vecs)):
        for j in r_vecs[i].D:
            r_vecs[i][j] = r_vecs[i][j] * math.sqrt(vstarlist[j] * vstarlist[j])

    return Qlist, r_vecs
Exemplo n.º 11
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
        - L: a list of Vecs
        - A pair Qlist, Rlist such that:
            * coldict2mat(L) == coldict2mat(Qlist) * coldict2mat(Rlist)
            * Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    vstarlist, sigmalist = aug_orthogonalize(L)
    normlist = [sqrt(vec * vec) for vec in vstarlist]
    return orthonormalize(vstarlist), [
        adjust(sigmavec, normlist) for sigmavec in sigmalist
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
        - L: a list of Vecs
        - A pair Qlist, Rlist such that:
            * coldict2mat(L) == coldict2mat(Qlist) * coldict2mat(Rlist)
            * Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    Q, R = aug_orthogonalize(L)
    Qlist = orthonormalize(Q)
    multipliers = [sqrt(square_norm(q)) for q in Q]
    Rlist = [adjust(r, multipliers) for r in R]
    return (Qlist, Rlist)
Exemplo n.º 13
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
        - L: a list of Vecs
        - A pair Qlist, Rlist such that:
            * coldict2mat(L) == coldict2mat(Qlist) * coldict2mat(Rlist)
            * Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    V, S = aug_orthogonalize(L)
    Q = orthonormalize(L)
    R = mat2coldict(
        transpose(coldict2mat(V)) * coldict2mat(Q) * coldict2mat(S))

    return (Q, [x for x in R.values()])
Exemplo n.º 14
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
        - L: a list of Vecs
        - A pair Qlist, Rlist such that:
            * coldict2mat(L) == coldict2mat(Qlist) * coldict2mat(Rlist)
            * Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    orthoL, retR = aug_orthogonalize(L)
    normL = [sqrt(li * li) for li in orthoL]
    orthoL = [li / ni for li, ni in zip(orthoL, normL)]
    for i in range(len(normL)):
        for iVec in retR:
            iVec[i] = normL[i] * iVec[i]
    return (orthoL, retR)
Exemplo n.º 15
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
        - L: a list of Vecs
        - A pair Qlist, Rlist such that:
            * coldict2mat(L) == coldict2mat(Qlist) * coldict2mat(Rlist)
            * Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    orthoL,retR = aug_orthogonalize(L)
    normL = [sqrt(li*li) for li in orthoL]
    orthoL = [li/ni for li,ni in zip(orthoL, normL)]
    for i in range(len(normL)):
        for iVec in retR:
            iVec[i] = normL[i]*iVec[i]
    return (orthoL, retR)
Exemplo n.º 16
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
        - L: a list of Vecs
        - A pair Qlist, Rlist such that:
            * coldict2mat(L) == coldict2mat(Qlist) * coldict2mat(Rlist)
            * Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    Qlist, sigmavecs = aug_orthogonalize(L)
    multipliers = [math.sqrt(v*v) for v in Qlist]
    Rlist = []
    for vec in sigmavecs:
        Rlist.append(list2vec([a*b for a,b in zip(vec2list(vec), multipliers)]))
    Qlist = orthonormalize(Qlist)
    return (Qlist, Rlist)
Exemplo n.º 17
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
        - L: a list of Vecs
        - A pair Qlist, Rlist such that:
            * coldict2mat(L) == coldict2mat(Qlist) * coldict2mat(Rlist)
            * Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    def adjust(v,multipliers):
        return Vec(v.D,{i: v.f[i]*multipliers[i] if i in v.f else 0 for i in v.D})
    q,r = aug_orthogonalize(L)
    Qlist = orthonormalize(q)
    Rlist = [ adjust(v,[ sqrt(v*v) for v in orthogonalize(L) ]) for v in r ]
    return Qlist,Rlist
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
        - L: a list of Vecs
        - A pair Qlist, Rlist such that:
            * coldict2mat(L) == coldict2mat(Qlist) * coldict2mat(Rlist)
            * Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    >>> from vec import Vec
    >>> D={'a','b','c','d'}
    >>> L = [Vec(D, {'a':4,'b':3,'c':1,'d':2}), Vec(D, {'a':8,'b':9,'c':-5,'d':-5}), Vec(D, {'a':10,'b':1,'c':-1,'d':5})]
    >>> Qlist, Rlist = aug_orthonormalize(L)
    >>> from matutil import coldict2mat
    >>> print(coldict2mat(Qlist))
               0      1      2
     a  |   0.73  0.187  0.528
     b  |  0.548  0.403 -0.653
     c  |  0.183 -0.566 -0.512
     d  |  0.365 -0.695  0.181
    >>> print(coldict2mat(Rlist))
              0    1      2
     0  |  5.48 8.03   9.49
     1  |     0 11.4 -0.636
     2  |     0    0   6.04
    >>> print(coldict2mat(Qlist)*coldict2mat(Rlist))
           0  1  2
     a  |  4  8 10
     b  |  3  9  1
     c  |  1 -5 -1
     d  |  2 -5  5
    (a, b) = aug_orthogonalize(L)
    norms = [sqrt(v * v) for v in a]
    Qlist = [a[i] / norms[i] for i in range(len(a))]
    scaler = coldict2mat([Vec(b[i].D, {i: norms[i]}) for i in range(len(b))])
    Rlist = [scaler * v for v in b]
    return (Qlist, Rlist)
Exemplo n.º 19
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
        - L: a list of Vecs
        - A pair Qlist, Rlist such that:
            * coldict2mat(L) == coldict2mat(Qlist) * coldict2mat(Rlist)
            * Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    >>> from vec import Vec
    >>> D={'a','b','c','d'}
    >>> L = [Vec(D, {'a':4,'b':3,'c':1,'d':2}), Vec(D, {'a':8,'b':9,'c':-5,'d':-5}), Vec(D, {'a':10,'b':1,'c':-1,'d':5})]
    >>> Qlist, Rlist = aug_orthonormalize(L)
    >>> from matutil import coldict2mat
    >>> print(coldict2mat(Qlist))
               0      1      2
     a  |   0.73  0.187  0.528
     b  |  0.548  0.403 -0.653
     c  |  0.183 -0.566 -0.512
     d  |  0.365 -0.695  0.181
    >>> print(coldict2mat(Rlist))
              0    1      2
     0  |  5.48 8.03   9.49
     1  |     0 11.4 -0.636
     2  |     0    0   6.04
    >>> print(coldict2mat(Qlist)*coldict2mat(Rlist))
           0  1  2
     a  |  4  8 10
     b  |  3  9  1
     c  |  1 -5 -1
     d  |  2 -5  5
    Qlist, Rlist = aug_orthogonalize(L)
    norms = [sqrt(x * x) for x in Qlist]
    Q = [Qlist[x] / norms[x] for x in range(len(norms))]
    ##Use the norms to scale the vectors in Rlist
    R = [list2vec([norms[x] * t[x] for x in range(len(norms))]) for t in Rlist]
    return Q, R
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
        - L: a list of Vecs
        - A pair Qlist, Rlist such that:
            * coldict2mat(L) == coldict2mat(Qlist) * coldict2mat(Rlist)
            * Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    >>> from vec import Vec
    >>> D={'a','b','c','d'}
    >>> L = [Vec(D, {'a':4,'b':3,'c':1,'d':2}), Vec(D, {'a':8,'b':9,'c':-5,'d':-5}), Vec(D, {'a':10,'b':1,'c':-1,'d':5})]
    >>> Qlist, Rlist = aug_orthonormalize(L)
    >>> from matutil import coldict2mat
    >>> print(coldict2mat(Qlist))
               0      1      2
     a  |   0.73  0.187  0.528
     b  |  0.548  0.403 -0.653
     c  |  0.183 -0.566 -0.512
     d  |  0.365 -0.695  0.181
    >>> print(coldict2mat(Rlist))
              0    1      2
     0  |  5.48 8.03   9.49
     1  |     0 11.4 -0.636
     2  |     0    0   6.04
    >>> print(coldict2mat(Qlist)*coldict2mat(Rlist))
           0  1  2
     a  |  4  8 10
     b  |  3  9  1
     c  |  1 -5 -1
     d  |  2 -5  5
    Qlist, Rlist = aug_orthogonalize(L)
    norms = [sqrt(x*x) for x in Qlist]
    Q = [Qlist[x] / norms[x] for x in range(len(norms))]
    ##Use the norms to scale the vectors in Rlist
    R = [list2vec([norms[x]*t[x] for x in range(len(norms))]) for t in Rlist]
    return Q,R
Exemplo n.º 21
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
        - L: a list of Vecs
        - A pair Qlist, Rlist such that:
            * coldict2mat(L) == coldict2mat(Qlist) * coldict2mat(Rlist)
            * Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    from orthogonalization import aug_orthogonalize
    q, r = aug_orthogonalize(L)
    qList = orthonormalize(q)
    mults = [(v*v)**(1/2) for v in q]
    for vector in r:
    	for i in range(len(vector.D)):
    		vector[i] = vector[i] * mults[i]
    return qList, r
Exemplo n.º 22
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
        - L: a list of Vecs
        - A pair Qlist, Rlist such that:
            * coldict2mat(L) == coldict2mat(Qlist) * coldict2mat(Rlist)
            * Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    Q, R = aug_orthogonalize(L)

    Q_mat = matutil.coldict2mat(Q)
    Q_norm_mat = matutil.coldict2mat(orthonormalize(Q))
    R_mat = matutil.coldict2mat(R)
    R_norm_mat = (Q_mat.transpose() * Q_norm_mat) * R_mat
    return mat2list(Q_norm_mat), mat2list(R_norm_mat)
Exemplo n.º 23
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
        - L: a list of Vecs
        - A pair Qlist, Rlist such that:
            * coldict2mat(L) == coldict2mat(Qlist) * coldict2mat(Rlist)
            * Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    vstarlist, tcols = aug_orthogonalize(L)
    sigmas = [sqrt(v*v) for v in vstarlist]
    qlist = orthonormalize(vstarlist)
    T = coldict2mat(tcols)  
    trows = mat2rowdict(T)
    rrows = [adjust(trows[k], sigmas[k]) for k in trows]
    rdict = mat2coldict(rowdict2mat(rrows))
    rlist = [rdict[k] for k in rdict]
    return qlist, rlist
Exemplo n.º 24
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
        - L: a list of Vecs
        - A pair Qlist, Rlist such that:
            * coldict2mat(L) == coldict2mat(Qlist) * coldict2mat(Rlist)
            * Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    from orthogonalization import aug_orthogonalize
    from math import sqrt

    (Qlist, Rlist) = aug_orthogonalize(L)
    # Rlist rows to be scaled up by norm of Qlist vectors
    Rmult = [sqrt(v * v) for v in Qlist]
    Qmult = [1 / x for x in Rmult]

    return ([x * v for (x, v) in zip(Qmult, Qlist)],
            [adjust(Rmult, w) for w in Rlist])
Exemplo n.º 25
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
        - L: a list of Vecs
        - A pair Qlist, Rlist such that:
            * coldict2mat(L) == coldict2mat(Qlist) * coldict2mat(Rlist)
            * Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    from orthogonalization import aug_orthogonalize
    from math import sqrt
    (Qlist, Rlist) = aug_orthogonalize(L)
    # Rlist rows to be scaled up by norm of Qlist vectors
    Rmult = [sqrt(v*v) for v in Qlist]
    Qmult = [1/x for x in Rmult]
    return ([x*v for (x,v) in zip(Qmult, Qlist)],
            [adjust(Rmult, w) for w in Rlist])
Exemplo n.º 26
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
        - L: a list of Vecs
        - A pair Qlist, Rlist such that:
            * coldict2mat(L) == coldict2mat(Qlist) * coldict2mat(Rlist)
            * Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    L1, L2 = aug_orthogonalize(L)
    L3 = []
    for i in L1:
        temp = 0
        for j in i.D:
            temp += i[j] ** 2
    L3 = [sqrt(i) for i in L3]
    Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    Rlist = [adjust(L2[i], L3) for i in range(len(L2))]
    return Qlist, Rlist
Exemplo n.º 27
def aug_orthonormalize(L):
        - L: a list of Vecs
        - A pair Qlist, Rlist such that:
            * coldict2mat(L) == coldict2mat(Qlist) * coldict2mat(Rlist)
            * Qlist = orthonormalize(L)
    Qlist = list()
    Rlist = list()
    normlist = list()
    vstarlist, sigma_vecs = aug_orthogonalize(L)

    for vstar,sigma_vec in zip(vstarlist,sigma_vecs):
        q = normalize(vstar)

    for r in range(len(Rlist)):
        for k in Rlist[r].D:
            Rlist[r][k] = normlist[k] * Rlist[r][k]
    return (Qlist, Rlist)