Exemplo n.º 1
def _atom_to_action(atom, last_action):
    """Convert an atom into an action.


    atom -- A string holding an atom. An atom is an irreducible string that is
    either entirely a single meta command or entirely text containing no meta

    last_action -- The context in which the new action takes place.

    Returns: An action for the atom.

    action = _Action()
    last_word = last_action.word
    last_glue = last_action.glue
    last_attach = last_action.attach
    last_capitalize = last_action.capitalize
    last_lower = last_action.lower
    last_orthography = last_action.orthography
    meta = _get_meta(atom)
    if meta is not None:
        meta = _unescape_atom(meta)
        if meta in META_COMMAS:
            action.text = meta
        elif meta in META_STOPS:
            action.text = meta
            action.capitalize = True
            action.lower = False
        elif meta == META_CAPITALIZE:
            action = last_action.copy_state()
            action.capitalize = True
            action.lower = False
        elif meta == META_LOWER:
            action = last_action.copy_state()
            action.lower = True
            action.capitalize = False
        elif meta.startswith(META_COMMAND):
            action = last_action.copy_state()
            action.command = meta[len(META_COMMAND):]
        elif meta.startswith(META_GLUE_FLAG):
            action.glue = True
            glue = last_glue or last_attach
            space = NO_SPACE if glue else SPACE
            text = meta[len(META_GLUE_FLAG):]
            if last_capitalize:
                text = _capitalize(text)
            if last_lower:
                text = _lower(text)
            action.text = space + text
            action.word = _rightmost_word(last_word + action.text)
        elif (meta.startswith(META_ATTACH_FLAG) or 
            begin = meta.startswith(META_ATTACH_FLAG)
            end = meta.endswith(META_ATTACH_FLAG)
            if begin:
                meta = meta[len(META_ATTACH_FLAG):]
            if end and len(meta) >= len(META_ATTACH_FLAG):
                meta = meta[:-len(META_ATTACH_FLAG)]
            space = NO_SPACE if begin or last_attach else SPACE
            if end:
                action.attach = True
            if begin and end and meta == '':
                # We use an empty connection to indicate a "break" in the 
                # application of orthography rules. This allows the stenographer 
                # to tell plover not to auto-correct a word.
                action.orthography = False
            if (((begin and not end) or (begin and end and ' ' in meta)) and 
                new = orthography.add_suffix(last_word.lower(), meta)
                common = commonprefix([last_word.lower(), new])
                action.replace = last_word[len(common):]
                meta = new[len(common):]
            if last_capitalize:
                meta = _capitalize(meta)
            if last_lower:
                meta = _lower(meta)
            action.text = space + meta
            action.word = _rightmost_word(
                last_word[:len(last_word)-len(action.replace)] + action.text)
        elif meta.startswith(META_KEY_COMBINATION):
            action = last_action.copy_state()
            action.combo = meta[len(META_KEY_COMBINATION):]
        text = _unescape_atom(atom)
        if last_capitalize:
            text = _capitalize(text)
        if last_lower:
            text = _lower(text)
        space = NO_SPACE if last_attach else SPACE
        action.text = space + text
        action.word = _rightmost_word(text)
    return action
Exemplo n.º 2
def _atom_to_action(atom, last_action):
    """Convert an atom into an action.


    atom -- A string holding an atom. An atom is an irreducible string that is
    either entirely a single meta command or entirely text containing no meta

    last_action -- The context in which the new action takes place.

    Returns: An action for the atom.

    action = _Action()
    last_word = last_action.word
    last_glue = last_action.glue
    last_attach = last_action.attach
    last_capitalize = last_action.capitalize
    last_lower = last_action.lower
    last_orthography = last_action.orthography
    meta = _get_meta(atom)
    if meta is not None:
        meta = _unescape_atom(meta)
        if meta in META_COMMAS:
            action.text = meta
        elif meta in META_STOPS:
            action.text = meta
            action.capitalize = True
            action.lower = False
        elif meta == META_CAPITALIZE:
            action = last_action.copy_state()
            action.capitalize = True
            action.lower = False
        elif meta == META_LOWER:
            action = last_action.copy_state()
            action.lower = True
            action.capitalize = False
        elif meta.startswith(META_COMMAND):
            action = last_action.copy_state()
            action.command = meta[len(META_COMMAND):]
        elif meta.startswith(META_GLUE_FLAG):
            action.glue = True
            glue = last_glue or last_attach
            space = NO_SPACE if glue else SPACE
            text = meta[len(META_GLUE_FLAG):]
            if last_capitalize:
                text = _capitalize(text)
            if last_lower:
                text = _lower(text)
            action.text = space + text
            action.word = _rightmost_word(last_word + action.text)
        elif (meta.startswith(META_ATTACH_FLAG)
              or meta.endswith(META_ATTACH_FLAG)):
            begin = meta.startswith(META_ATTACH_FLAG)
            end = meta.endswith(META_ATTACH_FLAG)
            if begin:
                meta = meta[len(META_ATTACH_FLAG):]
            if end and len(meta) >= len(META_ATTACH_FLAG):
                meta = meta[:-len(META_ATTACH_FLAG)]
            space = NO_SPACE if begin or last_attach else SPACE
            if end:
                action.attach = True
            if begin and end and meta == '':
                # We use an empty connection to indicate a "break" in the
                # application of orthography rules. This allows the stenographer
                # to tell plover not to auto-correct a word.
                action.orthography = False
            if (((begin and not end) or (begin and end and ' ' in meta))
                    and last_orthography):
                new = orthography.add_suffix(last_word.lower(), meta)
                common = commonprefix([last_word.lower(), new])
                action.replace = last_word[len(common):]
                meta = new[len(common):]
            if last_capitalize:
                meta = _capitalize(meta)
            if last_lower:
                meta = _lower(meta)
            action.text = space + meta
            action.word = _rightmost_word(last_word[:len(last_word) -
                                                    len(action.replace)] +
        elif meta.startswith(META_KEY_COMBINATION):
            action = last_action.copy_state()
            action.combo = meta[len(META_KEY_COMBINATION):]
        text = _unescape_atom(atom)
        if last_capitalize:
            text = _capitalize(text)
        if last_lower:
            text = _lower(text)
        space = NO_SPACE if last_attach else SPACE
        action.text = space + text
        action.word = _rightmost_word(text)
    return action
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_add_suffix(self):
     cases = (
         ('artistic', 'ly', 'artistically'),
         ('cosmetic', 'ly', 'cosmetically'),
         ('establish', 's', 'establishes'),
         ('speech', 's', 'speeches'),
         ('approach', 's', 'approaches'),
         ('beach', 's', 'beaches'),
         ('arch', 's', 'arches'),
         ('larch', 's', 'larches'),
         ('march', 's', 'marches'),
         ('search', 's', 'searches'),
         ('starch', 's', 'starches'),
         ('stomach', 's', 'stomachs'),
         ('monarch', 's', 'monarchs'),
         ('patriarch', 's', 'patriarchs'),
         ('oligarch', 's', 'oligarchs'),
         ('cherry', 's', 'cherries'),
         ('day', 's', 'days'),
         ('penny', 's', 'pennies'),
         ('pharmacy', 'ist', 'pharmacist'),
         ('melody', 'ist', 'melodist'),
         ('pacify', 'ist', 'pacifist'),
         ('geology', 'ist', 'geologist'),
         ('metallurgy', 'ist', 'metallurgist'),
         ('anarchy', 'ist', 'anarchist'),
         ('monopoly', 'ist', 'monopolist'),
         ('alchemy', 'ist', 'alchemist'),
         ('botany', 'ist', 'botanist'),
         ('therapy', 'ist', 'therapist'),
         ('theory', 'ist', 'theorist'),
         ('psychiatry', 'ist', 'psychiatrist'),
         ('lobby', 'ist', 'lobbyist'),
         ('hobby', 'ist', 'hobbyist'),
         ('copy', 'ist', 'copyist'),
         ('beauty', 'ful', 'beautiful'),
         ('weary', 'ness', 'weariness'),
         ('weary', 'some', 'wearisome'),
         ('lonely', 'ness', 'loneliness'),
         ('narrate', 'ing', 'narrating'),
         ('narrate', 'or', 'narrator'),
         ('generalize', 'ability', 'generalizability'),
         ('reproduce', 'able', 'reproducible'),
         ('grade', 'ations', 'gradations'),
         ('urine', 'ary', 'urinary'),
         ('achieve', 'able', 'achievable'),
         ('polarize', 'ation', 'polarization'),
         ('done', 'or', 'donor'),
         ('analyze', 'ed', 'analyzed'),
         ('narrate', 'ing', 'narrating'),
         ('believe', 'able', 'believable'),
         ('animate', 'ors', 'animators'),
         ('discontinue', 'ation', 'discontinuation'),
         ('innovate', 'ive', 'innovative'),
         ('future', 'ists', 'futurists'),
         ('illustrate', 'or', 'illustrator'),
         ('emerge', 'ent', 'emergent'),
         ('equip', 'ed', 'equipped'),
         ('defer', 'ed', 'deferred'),
         ('defer', 'er', 'deferrer'),
         ('defer', 'ing', 'deferring'),
         ('pigment', 'ed', 'pigmented'),
         ('refer', 'ed', 'referred'),
         ('fix', 'ed', 'fixed'),
         ('alter', 'ed', 'altered'),
         ('interpret', 'ing', 'interpreting'),
         ('wonder', 'ing', 'wondering'),
         ('target', 'ing', 'targeting'),
         ('limit', 'er', 'limiter'),
         ('maneuver', 'ing', 'maneuvering'),
         ('monitor', 'ing', 'monitoring'),
         ('color', 'ing', 'coloring'),
         ('inhibit', 'ing', 'inhibiting'),
         ('master', 'ed', 'mastered'),
         ('target', 'ing', 'targeting'),
         ('fix', 'ed', 'fixed'),
         ('scrap', 'y', 'scrappy'),
         ('trip', 's', 'trips'),
         ('equip', 's', 'equips'),
         ('bat', 'en', 'batten'),
         ('smite', 'en', 'smitten'),
         ('got', 'en', 'gotten'),
         ('bite', 'en', 'bitten'),
         ('write', 'en', 'written'),
         ('flax', 'en', 'flaxen'),
         ('wax', 'en', 'waxen'),
         ('fast', 'est', 'fastest'),
         ('white', 'er', 'whiter'),
         ('crap', 'y', 'crappy'),
         ('lad', 'er', 'ladder'),
     failed = []
     for word, suffix, expected in cases:
         if add_suffix(word, suffix) != expected:
             failed.append((word, suffix, expected))
     for word, suffix, expected in failed:
         print 'add_suffix(%s, %s) is %s not %s' % (word, suffix, add_suffix(word, suffix),expected)
     self.assertEqual(len(failed), 0)
Exemplo n.º 4
def _atom_to_action_spaces_after(atom, last_action):
    """Convert an atom into an action.


    atom -- A string holding an atom. An atom is an irreducible string that is
    either entirely a single meta command or entirely text containing no meta

    last_action -- The context in which the new action takes place.

    Returns: An action for the atom.

    action = _Action()
    last_word = last_action.word
    last_glue = last_action.glue
    last_attach = last_action.attach
    last_capitalize = last_action.capitalize
    last_lower = last_action.lower
    last_upper = last_action.upper
    last_upper_carry = last_action.upper_carry
    last_orthography = last_action.orthography
    last_space = SPACE if last_action.text.endswith(SPACE) else NO_SPACE
    meta = _get_meta(atom)
    if meta is not None:
        meta = _unescape_atom(meta)
        if meta in META_COMMAS:
            action.text = meta + SPACE
            if last_action.text != '':
                action.replace = SPACE
            if last_attach:
                action.replace = NO_SPACE
        elif meta in META_STOPS:
            action.text = meta + SPACE
            action.capitalize = True
            action.lower = False
            if last_action.text != '':
                action.replace = SPACE
            if last_attach:
                action.replace = NO_SPACE
        elif meta == META_CAPITALIZE:
            action = last_action.copy_state()
            action.capitalize = True
            action.lower = False
        elif meta == META_LOWER:
            action = last_action.copy_state()
            action.lower = True
            action.capitalize = False
        elif meta == META_UPPER:
            action = last_action.copy_state()
            action.lower = False
            action.upper = True
            action.capitalize = False
        elif meta == META_RETRO_CAPITALIZE:
            action = last_action.copy_state()
            action.word = _capitalize(action.word)
            if len(last_action.text) < len(last_action.word):
                action.replace = last_action.word + SPACE
                action.text = _capitalize(last_action.word + SPACE)
                action.replace = last_action.text
                action.text = _capitalize_nowhitespace(last_action.text)
        elif meta == META_RETRO_LOWER:
            action = last_action.copy_state()
            action.word = _lower(action.word)
            if len(last_action.text) < len(last_action.word):
                action.replace = last_action.word + SPACE
                action.text = _lower(last_action.word + SPACE)
                action.replace = last_action.text
                action.text = _lower_nowhitespace(last_action.text)
        elif meta == META_RETRO_UPPER:
            action = last_action.copy_state()
            action.word = _upper(action.word)
            action.upper_carry = True
            if len(last_action.text) < len(last_action.word):
                action.replace = last_action.word + SPACE
                action.text = _upper(last_action.word + SPACE)
                action.replace = last_action.text
                action.text = _upper(last_action.text)
        elif meta.startswith(META_RETRO_FORMAT):
            if (meta.startswith(META_RETRO_FORMAT) and meta.endswith(')')):
                dict_format = meta[len(META_RETRO_FORMAT):-len(')')]
                action = last_action.copy_state()
                action.replace = last_action.word + SPACE
                except ValueError:
                    format = dict_format.replace('c', '{:,.2f}')
                    cast_input = float(last_action.word)
                except ValueError:
                    format = dict_format.replace('c', '{:,}')
                    cast_input = int(last_action.word)
                action.text = format.format(cast_input) + SPACE
                action.word = format.format(cast_input)
        elif meta.startswith(META_COMMAND):
            action = last_action.copy_state()
            action.command = meta[len(META_COMMAND):]
        elif meta.startswith(META_GLUE_FLAG):
            action.glue = True
            text = meta[len(META_GLUE_FLAG):]
            if last_capitalize:
                text = _capitalize(text)
            if last_lower:
                text = _lower(text)
            action.text = text + SPACE
            action.word = _rightmost_word(text)
            if last_glue:
                action.replace = SPACE
                action.word = _rightmost_word(last_word + text)
            if last_attach:
                action.replace = NO_SPACE
                action.word = _rightmost_word(last_word + text)
        elif (meta.startswith(META_ATTACH_FLAG) or 
            begin = meta.startswith(META_ATTACH_FLAG)
            end = meta.endswith(META_ATTACH_FLAG)
            if begin:
                meta = meta[len(META_ATTACH_FLAG):]
            if end and len(meta) >= len(META_ATTACH_FLAG):
                meta = meta[:-len(META_ATTACH_FLAG)]
            space = NO_SPACE if end else SPACE
            replace_space = NO_SPACE if last_attach else SPACE
            if end:
                action.attach = True
            if begin and end and meta == '':
                # We use an empty connection to indicate a "break" in the 
                # application of orthography rules. This allows the stenographer 
                # to tell plover not to auto-correct a word.
                action.orthography = False
                if last_action.text != '':
                    action.replace = replace_space
            if (((begin and not end) or (begin and end and ' ' in meta)) and 
                new = orthography.add_suffix(last_word.lower(), meta)
                common = commonprefix([last_word.lower(), new])
                if last_action.text == '':
                    replace_space = NO_SPACE
                action.replace = last_word[len(common):] + replace_space
                meta = new[len(common):]
            if begin and end:
                if last_action.text != '':
                    action.replace = replace_space
            if last_capitalize:
                meta = _capitalize(meta)
            if last_lower:
                meta = _lower(meta)
            if last_upper_carry:
                meta = _upper(meta)
                action.upper_carry = True
            action.text = meta + space
            action.word = _rightmost_word(
                last_word[:len(last_word + last_space)-len(action.replace)] + meta)
            if end and not begin and last_space == SPACE:
                action.word = _rightmost_word(meta)
        elif meta.startswith(META_KEY_COMBINATION):
            action = last_action.copy_state()
            action.combo = meta[len(META_KEY_COMBINATION):]
        text = _unescape_atom(atom)
        if last_capitalize:
            text = _capitalize(text)
        if last_lower:
            text = _lower(text)
        if last_upper:
            text = _upper(text)
            action.upper_carry = True
        action.text = text + SPACE
        action.word = _rightmost_word(text)
    return action
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_add_suffix(self):
     cases = (
         ('artistic', 'ly', 'artistically'),
         ('cosmetic', 'ly', 'cosmetically'),
         ('establish', 's', 'establishes'),
         ('speech', 's', 'speeches'),
         ('approach', 's', 'approaches'),
         ('beach', 's', 'beaches'),
         ('arch', 's', 'arches'),
         ('larch', 's', 'larches'),
         ('march', 's', 'marches'),
         ('search', 's', 'searches'),
         ('starch', 's', 'starches'),
         ('stomach', 's', 'stomachs'),
         ('monarch', 's', 'monarchs'),
         ('patriarch', 's', 'patriarchs'),
         ('oligarch', 's', 'oligarchs'),
         ('cherry', 's', 'cherries'),
         ('day', 's', 'days'),
         ('penny', 's', 'pennies'),
         ('pharmacy', 'ist', 'pharmacist'),
         ('melody', 'ist', 'melodist'),
         ('pacify', 'ist', 'pacifist'),
         ('geology', 'ist', 'geologist'),
         ('metallurgy', 'ist', 'metallurgist'),
         ('anarchy', 'ist', 'anarchist'),
         ('monopoly', 'ist', 'monopolist'),
         ('alchemy', 'ist', 'alchemist'),
         ('botany', 'ist', 'botanist'),
         ('therapy', 'ist', 'therapist'),
         ('theory', 'ist', 'theorist'),
         ('psychiatry', 'ist', 'psychiatrist'),
         ('lobby', 'ist', 'lobbyist'),
         ('hobby', 'ist', 'hobbyist'),
         ('copy', 'ist', 'copyist'),
         ('beauty', 'ful', 'beautiful'),
         ('weary', 'ness', 'weariness'),
         ('weary', 'some', 'wearisome'),
         ('lonely', 'ness', 'loneliness'),
         ('narrate', 'ing', 'narrating'),
         ('narrate', 'or', 'narrator'),
         ('generalize', 'ability', 'generalizability'),
         ('reproduce', 'able', 'reproducible'),
         ('grade', 'ations', 'gradations'),
         ('urine', 'ary', 'urinary'),
         ('achieve', 'able', 'achievable'),
         ('polarize', 'ation', 'polarization'),
         ('done', 'or', 'donor'),
         ('analyze', 'ed', 'analyzed'),
         ('narrate', 'ing', 'narrating'),
         ('believe', 'able', 'believable'),
         ('animate', 'ors', 'animators'),
         ('discontinue', 'ation', 'discontinuation'),
         ('innovate', 'ive', 'innovative'),
         ('future', 'ists', 'futurists'),
         ('illustrate', 'or', 'illustrator'),
         ('emerge', 'ent', 'emergent'),
         ('equip', 'ed', 'equipped'),
         ('defer', 'ed', 'deferred'),
         ('defer', 'er', 'deferrer'),
         ('defer', 'ing', 'deferring'),
         ('pigment', 'ed', 'pigmented'),
         ('refer', 'ed', 'referred'),
         ('fix', 'ed', 'fixed'),
         ('alter', 'ed', 'altered'),
         ('interpret', 'ing', 'interpreting'),
         ('wonder', 'ing', 'wondering'),
         ('target', 'ing', 'targeting'),
         ('limit', 'er', 'limiter'),
         ('maneuver', 'ing', 'maneuvering'),
         ('monitor', 'ing', 'monitoring'),
         ('color', 'ing', 'coloring'),
         ('inhibit', 'ing', 'inhibiting'),
         ('master', 'ed', 'mastered'),
         ('target', 'ing', 'targeting'),
         ('fix', 'ed', 'fixed'),
         ('scrap', 'y', 'scrappy'),
         ('trip', 's', 'trips'),
         ('equip', 's', 'equips'),
         ('bat', 'en', 'batten'),
         ('smite', 'en', 'smitten'),
         ('got', 'en', 'gotten'),
         ('bite', 'en', 'bitten'),
         ('write', 'en', 'written'),
         ('flax', 'en', 'flaxen'),
         ('wax', 'en', 'waxen'),
         ('fast', 'est', 'fastest')
     failed = []
     for word, suffix, expected in cases:
         if add_suffix(word, suffix) != expected:
             failed.append((word, suffix, expected))
     for word, suffix, expected in failed:
         print 'add_suffix(%s, %s) is %s not %s' % (word, suffix, add_suffix(word, suffix),expected)
     self.assertEqual(len(failed), 0)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_add_suffix(self):
        # c+ly->cally
        assert add_suffix('artistic', 'ly') == 'artistically'

        # sibilant+s->es
        assert add_suffix('establish', 's') == 'establishes'
        assert add_suffix('speech', 's') == 'speeches'
        assert add_suffix('approach', 's') == 'approaches'
        assert add_suffix('beach', 's') == 'beaches'
        assert add_suffix('arch', 's') == 'arches'
        assert add_suffix('larch', 's') == 'larches'
        assert add_suffix('march', 's') == 'marches'
        assert add_suffix('search', 's') == 'searches'
        assert add_suffix('starch', 's') == 'starches'
        # hard ch+s->s
        assert add_suffix('stomach', 's') == 'stomachs'
        assert add_suffix('monarch', 's') == 'monarchs'
        assert add_suffix('patriarch', 's') == 'patriarchs'
        assert add_suffix('oligarch', 's') == 'oligarchs'

        # y+s->ies
        assert add_suffix('cherry', 's') == 'cherries'
        assert add_suffix('day', 's') == 'days'

        # y+ist->ist
        assert add_suffix('pharmacy', 'ist') == 'pharmacist'
        assert add_suffix('melody', 'ist') == 'melodist'
        assert add_suffix('pacify', 'ist') == 'pacifist'
        assert add_suffix('geology', 'ist') == 'geologist'
        assert add_suffix('metallurgy', 'ist') == 'metallurgist'
        assert add_suffix('anarchy', 'ist') == 'anarchist'
        assert add_suffix('monopoly', 'ist') == 'monopolist'
        assert add_suffix('alchemy', 'ist') == 'alchemist'
        assert add_suffix('botany', 'ist') == 'botanist'
        assert add_suffix('therapy', 'ist') == 'therapist'
        assert add_suffix('theory', 'ist') == 'theorist'
        assert add_suffix('psychiatry', 'ist') == 'psychiatrist'
        # y+ist->i exceptions
        assert add_suffix('lobby', 'ist') == 'lobbyist'
        assert add_suffix('hobby', 'ist') == 'hobbyist'
        assert add_suffix('copy', 'ist') != 'copyist'  # TODO

        # y+!i->i
        assert add_suffix('beauty', 'ful') == 'beautiful'
        assert add_suffix('weary', 'ness') == 'weariness'
        assert add_suffix('weary', 'some') == 'wearisome'

        # e+vowel->vowel
        assert add_suffix('narrate', 'ing') == 'narrating'
        assert add_suffix('narrate', 'or') == 'narrator'

        # consonant doubling
        assert add_suffix('equip', 'ed') == 'equipped'
        assert add_suffix('defer', 'ed') == 'deferred'
        assert add_suffix('defer', 'er') == 'deferrer'
        assert add_suffix('defer', 'ing') == 'deferring'
        assert add_suffix('pigment', 'ed') == 'pigmented'
        assert add_suffix('refer', 'ed') == 'referred'
        assert add_suffix('fix', 'ed') == 'fixed'
        assert add_suffix('alter', 'ed') != 'altered'  # TODO
        assert add_suffix('interpret', 'ing') != 'interpreting'  # TODO
        assert add_suffix('wonder', 'ing') != 'wondering'  # TODO
        assert add_suffix('target', 'ing') != 'targeting'  # TODO
        assert add_suffix('limit', 'er') != 'limiter'  # TODO
        assert add_suffix('maneuver', 'ing') != 'maneuvering'  # TODO
        assert add_suffix('monitor', 'ing') != 'monitoring'  # TODO
        assert add_suffix('color', 'ing') != 'coloring'  # TODO
        assert add_suffix('inhibit', 'ing') != 'inhibiting'  # TODO
        assert add_suffix('master', 'ed') != 'mastered'  # TODO
Exemplo n.º 7
def _atom_to_action_spaces_after(atom, last_action):
    """Convert an atom into an action.


    atom -- A string holding an atom. An atom is an irreducible string that is
    either entirely a single meta command or entirely text containing no meta

    last_action -- The context in which the new action takes place.

    Returns: An action for the atom.


    action = _Action()
    last_word = last_action.word
    last_glue = last_action.glue
    last_attach = last_action.attach
    last_capitalize = last_action.capitalize
    last_lower = last_action.lower
    last_upper = last_action.upper
    last_upper_carry = last_action.upper_carry
    last_orthography = last_action.orthography
    last_space = SPACE if last_action.text.endswith(SPACE) else NO_SPACE
    meta = _get_meta(atom)
    if meta is not None:
        meta = _unescape_atom(meta)
        if meta in META_COMMAS:
            action.text = meta + SPACE
            if last_action.text != '':
                action.replace = SPACE
            if last_attach:
                action.replace = NO_SPACE
        elif meta in META_STOPS:
            action.text = meta + SPACE
            action.capitalize = True
            action.lower = False
            if last_action.text != '':
                action.replace = SPACE
            if last_attach:
                action.replace = NO_SPACE
        elif meta == META_CAPITALIZE:
            action = last_action.copy_state()
            action.capitalize = True
            action.lower = False
        elif meta == META_LOWER:
            action = last_action.copy_state()
            action.lower = True
            action.capitalize = False
        elif meta == META_UPPER:
            action = last_action.copy_state()
            action.lower = False
            action.upper = True
            action.capitalize = False
        elif meta == META_RETRO_CAPITALIZE:
            action = last_action.copy_state()
            action.word = _capitalize(action.word)
            if len(last_action.text) < len(last_action.word):
                action.replace = last_action.word + SPACE
                action.text = _capitalize(last_action.word + SPACE)
                action.replace = last_action.text
                action.text = _capitalize_nowhitespace(last_action.text)
        elif meta == META_RETRO_LOWER:
            action = last_action.copy_state()
            action.word = _lower(action.word)
            if len(last_action.text) < len(last_action.word):
                action.replace = last_action.word + SPACE
                action.text = _lower(last_action.word + SPACE)
                action.replace = last_action.text
                action.text = _lower_nowhitespace(last_action.text)
        elif meta == META_RETRO_UPPER:
            action = last_action.copy_state()
            action.word = _upper(action.word)
            action.upper_carry = True
            if len(last_action.text) < len(last_action.word):
                action.replace = last_action.word + SPACE
                action.text = _upper(last_action.word + SPACE)
                action.replace = last_action.text
                action.text = _upper(last_action.text)
        elif meta.startswith(META_RETRO_FORMAT):
            if (meta.startswith(META_RETRO_FORMAT) and meta.endswith(')')):
                dict_format = meta[len(META_RETRO_FORMAT):-len(')')]
                action = last_action.copy_state()
                action.replace = last_action.word + SPACE
                except ValueError:
                    format = dict_format.replace('c', '{:,.2f}')
                    cast_input = float(last_action.word)
                except ValueError:
                    format = dict_format.replace('c', '{:,}')
                    cast_input = int(last_action.word)
                action.text = format.format(cast_input) + SPACE
                action.word = format.format(cast_input)
        elif meta.startswith(META_COMMAND):
            action = last_action.copy_state()
            action.command = meta[len(META_COMMAND):]
        elif meta.startswith(META_GLUE_FLAG):
            action.glue = True
            text = meta[len(META_GLUE_FLAG):]
            if last_capitalize:
                text = _capitalize(text)
            if last_lower:
                text = _lower(text)
            action.text = text + SPACE
            action.word = _rightmost_word(text)
            if last_glue:
                action.replace = SPACE
                action.word = _rightmost_word(last_word + text)
            if last_attach:
                action.replace = NO_SPACE
                action.word = _rightmost_word(last_word + text)
        elif (meta.startswith(META_ATTACH_FLAG)
              or meta.endswith(META_ATTACH_FLAG)):
            begin = meta.startswith(META_ATTACH_FLAG)
            end = meta.endswith(META_ATTACH_FLAG)
            if begin:
                meta = meta[len(META_ATTACH_FLAG):]
            if end and len(meta) >= len(META_ATTACH_FLAG):
                meta = meta[:-len(META_ATTACH_FLAG)]

            space = NO_SPACE if end else SPACE
            replace_space = NO_SPACE if last_attach else SPACE

            if end:
                action.attach = True
            if begin and end and meta == '':
                # We use an empty connection to indicate a "break" in the
                # application of orthography rules. This allows the stenographer
                # to tell plover not to auto-correct a word.
                action.orthography = False
                if last_action.text != '':
                    action.replace = replace_space
            if (((begin and not end) or (begin and end and ' ' in meta))
                    and last_orthography):
                new = orthography.add_suffix(last_word.lower(), meta)
                common = commonprefix([last_word.lower(), new])
                if last_action.text == '':
                    replace_space = NO_SPACE
                action.replace = last_word[len(common):] + replace_space
                meta = new[len(common):]
            if begin and end:
                if last_action.text != '':
                    action.replace = replace_space
            if last_capitalize:
                meta = _capitalize(meta)
            if last_lower:
                meta = _lower(meta)
            if last_upper_carry:
                meta = _upper(meta)
                action.upper_carry = True
            action.text = meta + space
            action.word = _rightmost_word(
                last_word[:len(last_word + last_space) - len(action.replace)] +
            if end and not begin and last_space == SPACE:
                action.word = _rightmost_word(meta)
        elif meta.startswith(META_KEY_COMBINATION):
            action = last_action.copy_state()
            action.combo = meta[len(META_KEY_COMBINATION):]
        text = _unescape_atom(atom)
        if last_capitalize:
            text = _capitalize(text)
        if last_lower:
            text = _lower(text)
        if last_upper:
            text = _upper(text)
            action.upper_carry = True

        action.text = text + SPACE
        action.word = _rightmost_word(text)
    return action
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_add_suffix(self):
        cases = (
            ("artistic", "ly", "artistically"),
            ("cosmetic", "ly", "cosmetically"),
            ("establish", "s", "establishes"),
            ("speech", "s", "speeches"),
            ("approach", "s", "approaches"),
            ("beach", "s", "beaches"),
            ("arch", "s", "arches"),
            ("larch", "s", "larches"),
            ("march", "s", "marches"),
            ("search", "s", "searches"),
            ("starch", "s", "starches"),
            ("stomach", "s", "stomachs"),
            ("monarch", "s", "monarchs"),
            ("patriarch", "s", "patriarchs"),
            ("oligarch", "s", "oligarchs"),
            ("cherry", "s", "cherries"),
            ("day", "s", "days"),
            ("penny", "s", "pennies"),
            ("pharmacy", "ist", "pharmacist"),
            ("melody", "ist", "melodist"),
            ("pacify", "ist", "pacifist"),
            ("geology", "ist", "geologist"),
            ("metallurgy", "ist", "metallurgist"),
            ("anarchy", "ist", "anarchist"),
            ("monopoly", "ist", "monopolist"),
            ("alchemy", "ist", "alchemist"),
            ("botany", "ist", "botanist"),
            ("therapy", "ist", "therapist"),
            ("theory", "ist", "theorist"),
            ("psychiatry", "ist", "psychiatrist"),
            ("lobby", "ist", "lobbyist"),
            ("hobby", "ist", "hobbyist"),
            ("copy", "ist", "copyist"),
            ("beauty", "ful", "beautiful"),
            ("weary", "ness", "weariness"),
            ("weary", "some", "wearisome"),
            ("lonely", "ness", "loneliness"),
            ("narrate", "ing", "narrating"),
            ("narrate", "or", "narrator"),
            ("generalize", "ability", "generalizability"),
            ("reproduce", "able", "reproducible"),
            ("grade", "ations", "gradations"),
            ("urine", "ary", "urinary"),
            ("achieve", "able", "achievable"),
            ("polarize", "ation", "polarization"),
            ("done", "or", "donor"),
            ("analyze", "ed", "analyzed"),
            ("narrate", "ing", "narrating"),
            ("believe", "able", "believable"),
            ("animate", "ors", "animators"),
            ("discontinue", "ation", "discontinuation"),
            ("innovate", "ive", "innovative"),
            ("future", "ists", "futurists"),
            ("illustrate", "or", "illustrator"),
            ("emerge", "ent", "emergent"),
            ("equip", "ed", "equipped"),
            ("defer", "ed", "deferred"),
            ("defer", "er", "deferrer"),
            ("defer", "ing", "deferring"),
            ("pigment", "ed", "pigmented"),
            ("refer", "ed", "referred"),
            ("fix", "ed", "fixed"),
            ("alter", "ed", "altered"),
            ("interpret", "ing", "interpreting"),
            ("wonder", "ing", "wondering"),
            ("target", "ing", "targeting"),
            ("limit", "er", "limiter"),
            ("maneuver", "ing", "maneuvering"),
            ("monitor", "ing", "monitoring"),
            ("color", "ing", "coloring"),
            ("inhibit", "ing", "inhibiting"),
            ("master", "ed", "mastered"),
            ("target", "ing", "targeting"),
            ("fix", "ed", "fixed"),
            ("scrap", "y", "scrappy"),
            ("trip", "s", "trips"),
            ("equip", "s", "equips"),
            ("bat", "en", "batten"),
            ("smite", "en", "smitten"),
            ("got", "en", "gotten"),
            ("bite", "en", "bitten"),
            ("write", "en", "written"),
            ("flax", "en", "flaxen"),
            ("wax", "en", "waxen"),
            ("fast", "est", "fastest"),
            ("white", "er", "whiter"),
            ("crap", "y", "crappy"),
            ("lad", "er", "ladder"),

        failed = []
        for word, suffix, expected in cases:
            if add_suffix(word, suffix) != expected:
                failed.append((word, suffix, expected))

        for word, suffix, expected in failed:
            print "add_suffix(%s, %s) is %s not %s" % (word, suffix, add_suffix(word, suffix), expected)

        self.assertEqual(len(failed), 0)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _translations_to_string(self, translations):
        """ Converts a list of Translation objects into printable text.


        translations -- A list of Translation objects.

        Returns a two-tuple, the first element of which is a printable
        string and the second element of which is a list of index, key
        combination pairs. Each key combination should be invoked
        after the sum of the number of emulated characters of the
        printable string and the number of emulated key combinations
        is equal to index.

        text_length = 0
        text = []
        key_combinations = []
        previous_atom = None
        for translation in translations:

            if self._get_engine_command(translation):
            # Reduce the translation to atoms. An atom is in
            # irreducible string that is either entirely a single meta
            # command or entirely text containing no meta commands.
            if translation.english is not None:
                to_atomize = translation.english
                if to_atomize.isdigit():
                    to_atomize = self._apply_glue(to_atomize)
                atoms = META_RE.findall(to_atomize)
                to_atomize = translation.rtfcre
                if to_atomize.isdigit():
                    to_atomize = self._apply_glue(to_atomize)
                atoms = [to_atomize]
            for atom in atoms:
                atom = atom.strip()
                if text:
                    space = SPACE
                    space = NO_SPACE
                meta = self._get_meta(atom)
                if meta is not None:
                    meta = self._unescape_atom(meta)
                    english = meta
                    space = NO_SPACE  # Correct for most meta commands.
                    old_text = ''
                    if meta in META_COMMAS or meta in META_STOPS:
                        pass  # Space is already deleted.
                    elif meta.startswith(META_GLUE_FLAG):
                        english = meta[1:]
                        previous_meta = self._get_meta(previous_atom)
                        if (previous_meta is None or
                            not previous_meta.startswith(META_GLUE_FLAG)):
                            space = SPACE
                    elif meta.startswith(META_ATTACH_FLAG):
                        english = meta[1:]
                        if english.endswith(META_ATTACH_FLAG):
                            english = english[:-1]
                        if text:
                            old_text = text.pop()
                            english = orthography.add_suffix(old_text, english);
                    elif meta.endswith(META_ATTACH_FLAG):
                        space = SPACE
                        english = meta[:-1]
                    elif meta == META_CAPITALIZE:
                        english = NO_SPACE
                    elif meta.startswith(META_KEY_COMBINATION):
                        english = NO_SPACE
                        combo = meta[1:]
                        key_combinations.append((text_length, combo))
                        text_length += 1
                    text_length -= len(old_text)
                    english = self._unescape_atom(atom)

                # Check if the previous atom is a meta command that
                # influences the next atom, namely this atom.
                previous_meta = self._get_meta(previous_atom)
                if previous_meta is not None:
                    if previous_meta in META_STOPS:
                        space = STOP_SPACE
                        if english:
                            english = english[0].upper() + english[1:]
                    elif previous_meta == META_CAPITALIZE:
                        space = NO_SPACE
                        if english:
                            english = english[0].upper() + english[1:]
                    elif previous_meta.endswith(META_ATTACH_FLAG):
                        space = NO_SPACE
                    elif previous_meta.startswith(META_KEY_COMBINATION):
                        space = NO_SPACE

                new_text = space + english
                text_length += len(new_text)
                previous_atom = atom

        return (''.join(text), key_combinations)