def getAttendance(request, username): if request.method == "POST": cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM main_student WHERE username = '******';") temp = cursor.fetchall() attendanceData = [] for t in temp: branch = t[4] sem = t[9] tblname = branch + "_" + sem + "_" + request.POST['subject'] cursor.execute( "SELECT tableName FROM attendance_start_stop WHERE tableName = '" + tblname + "';") if cursor.fetchall(): cursor.execute("SELECT present,date,time FROM " + tblname + " WHERE username = '******';") for temp in cursor.fetchall(): t = {"present": temp[0], "date": temp[1], "time": temp[2]} attendanceData.append(t) return render( request, "attendance/view_attendance.html", { 'attendanceData': attendanceData, 'message': "Your attendance in " + request.POST['subject'] + " is as follows:" }) else: error = [] error.append("No details found for " + request.POST['subject']) return render(request, "attendance/view_attendance.html", {'error': error}) else: return render(request, "attendance/view_attendance.html")
def refreshStudentAttendanceTable(request, username): cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM main_student WHERE username = '******';") temp = cursor.fetchall() for t in temp: branch = t[4] sem = t[9] cursor.execute( "SELECT tableName FROM attendance_start_stop WHERE semester = '" + sem + "' AND branch = '" + branch + "' AND status = '1';") tableNames = cursor.fetchall() on_going_attendance = [] for table in tableNames: temp = table s = "" for t in range(len(temp)): if table[t] == '(' or table[t] == ')' or table[t] == ',' or table[ t] == "'": pass else: s += table[t] table = s on_going_attendance.append(table) if tableNames: return render(request, 'attendance/make_attendance.html', { 'on_going_attendance': on_going_attendance, }) else: error = [] error.append("OOPS! seems no attandance has been started") return render(request, 'attendance/make_attendance.html', { 'error': error, })
def refreshAttendanceTable(request, teacher): teacher = teacher cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS attendance_start_stop (branch VARCHAR(50), semester VARCHAR(50), subject VARCHAR(50), status INT, tableName VARCHAR(50), faculty VARCHAR(50), FOREIGN KEY (faculty) REFERENCES main_teacher(username) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE);" ) cursor.execute( "SELECT tableName FROM attendance_start_stop WHERE faculty = '" + teacher + "' AND status=1 ;") tableNames = cursor.fetchall() on_going_attendance = [] for table in tableNames: temp = table s = "" for t in range(len(temp)): if table[t] == '(' or table[t] == ')' or table[t] == ',' or table[ t] == "'": pass else: s += table[t] table = s on_going_attendance.append(table) if tableNames: return render(request, 'attendance/start_stop.html', { 'on_going_attendance': on_going_attendance, }) else: error = [] error.append("You haven't started any attendance yet!!") return render(request, 'attendance/start_stop.html', { 'error': error, })
def clickedPresent(request, table, student): cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM " + table + " WHERE username = '******' AND date = '" + str( + "' AND present = 1;") if cursor.fetchall(): error = [] error.append("You are alerady present") return render(request, 'attendance/make_attendance.html', {'error': error}) else: today = d = today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") cursor.execute("UPDATE " + table + " SET present = 1, time = '" + str( + "' WHERE username = '******' AND date = '" + d + "';") return render( request, 'attendance/make_attendance.html', { 'message': "Your Attendance have been successfull recognized for " + table })
def save_student_profile(request): if request.method == "POST": get_phone_no = request.POST.get("phone_no", "") if get_phone_no: phone_no = get_phone_no else: phone_no = request.POST["hidden_phone_no"] get_parent_phone_no = request.POST.get("parent_phone_no", "") if get_parent_phone_no: parent_phone_no = get_parent_phone_no else: parent_phone_no = request.POST["hidden_parent_phone_no"] get_student_id = request.POST.get("student_id", "") if get_student_id: student_id = get_student_id else: student_id = request.POST["hidden_student_id"] get_roll_no = request.POST.get("roll_no", "") if get_roll_no: roll_no = get_roll_no else: roll_no = request.POST["hidden_roll_no"] get_branch = request.POST.get("branch", "") if get_branch: branch = get_branch else: branch = request.POST["hidden_branch"] get_email = request.POST.get("email", "") if get_email: email = get_email else: email = request.POST["hidden_email"] get_uname = request.POST.get("uname", "") if get_uname: uname = get_uname else: uname = request.POST["hidden_uname"] get_fullname = request.POST.get("fullname", "") if get_fullname: fullname = get_fullname else: fullname = request.POST["hidden_fullname"] get_semester = request.POST.get("semester", "") if get_semester: semester = get_semester else: semester = request.POST["hidden_semester"] error = [] cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM auth_user WHERE username <> '" + request.user.username + "'") for temp in cursor.fetchall(): if temp[4] == uname: error.append("Username has already been taken") if temp[7] == email: error.append("Email has already been taken") if phone_no == parent_phone_no: error.append("Your's and Parent's phone number cannot be same") cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM main_student WHERE username <> '" + request.user.username + "'") for temp in cursor.fetchall(): if temp[2] == phone_no: error.append("Phone number must be unique") break if temp[3] == parent_phone_no: error.append("Phone number must be unique") break if temp[5] == student_id: error.append("Student id must be unique") break if temp[6] == roll_no and temp[4] == branch: error.append("Roll NO. must be unique") break if error: return render(request, "home.html", {'home_error': error}) else: temp_username = request.user.username cursor.execute("UPDATE auth_user SET username = '******', email = '" + email + "' WHERE username = '******'") cursor.execute("UPDATE main_student SET username = '******', fullname = '" + fullname + "', phone_no = '" + phone_no + "', parents_phone_no = '" + parent_phone_no + "', branch = '" + branch + "', student_id = '" + student_id + "', roll_no = '" + roll_no + "',semester = 'sem" + str(semester) + "' WHERE username = '******'") return render(request, "home.html", { 'home_message': "Your details have been successfully updated" }) else: return render(request, 'registration/student_my_profile.html')
def generateMuster(request): if request.method == "POST": response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/ms-excel') response['content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=Attendance'+\ str('.xls' branch = request.POST['branch'] sem = request.POST['sem'] subject = request.POST['subject'] startDate = request.POST['start_date'] endDate = request.POST['end_date'] tblname = branch + "_" + sem + "_" + subject if startDate < endDate: cursor = connection.cursor() # first getting all tablename and checking if there is attendance data or not cursor.execute( "SELECT tableName FROM attendance_start_stop WHERE faculty = '" + request.user.username + "'") flag = 0 for temp in cursor.fetchall(): if temp[0].lower() == tblname.lower(): flag = 1 if flag == 1: # adding heading to excel file style = xlwt.XFStyle() style.font.bold = True style.alignment.wrap = 1 # Set wrap workbook = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf-8') worksheet = workbook.add_sheet('My Worksheet') worksheet.write_merge( 0, 0, 0, 20, 'DHARMSINH DESAI UNIVERSITY, NADIAD', xlwt.easyxf( 'align: horz center, vert center;pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour white;font: colour black, bold True, height 420;' )) worksheet.write_merge( 1, 1, 0, 20, 'Attendance report for ' + branch + ' ' + sem + ' ' + subject + ' ', xlwt.easyxf( 'align: horz center, vert center;pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour white;font: colour black, bold True, height 320;' )) worksheet.write_merge( 2, 2, 0, 20, 'From Date:' + startDate + ' To Date:' + endDate + '', xlwt.easyxf( 'align: horz center, vert center;font: colour red, bold True, height 220;' )) first_col = worksheet.col(1) first_col.width = 420 * 20 worksheet.write( 3, 0, "Roll NO.", xlwt.easyxf( 'align: horz center, vert center;pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour white;font: colour black, bold True;' )) worksheet.write( 3, 1, "Sutudent name", xlwt.easyxf( 'align: horz center, vert center;pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour white;font: colour black, bold True;' )) # setting roll no and name of student in excel row = 5 cursor.execute("SELECT name,roll_no FROM " + tblname + " WHERE date BETWEEN '" + startDate + "' AND '" + endDate + "' GROUP BY roll_no ORDER BY roll_no") for temp in cursor.fetchall(): worksheet.write(row, 0, temp[1]) worksheet.write(row, 1, temp[0]) row += 1 # setting date row cursor.execute("SELECT date FROM " + tblname + " WHERE date BETWEEN '" + startDate + "' AND '" + endDate + "' GROUP BY date") col = 2 month_col = 2 months = [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ] initial_month = -1 prev_month = -1 last_month = -1 count = 2 for temp in cursor.fetchall(): initial_month = int(str(temp[0])[5:7]) - 1 last_month = initial_month if initial_month == prev_month: pass else: if count > month_col: worksheet.write_merge( 3, 3, month_col, count - 1, months[prev_month], xlwt.easyxf( 'align: horz center, vert center;pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour white;font: colour black, bold True;' )) month_col = count prev_month = initial_month temp_col = worksheet.col(col) temp_col.width = 25 * 25 worksheet.write(4, col, str(temp[0])[8:10]) count += 1 col += 1 if last_month != -1: worksheet.write_merge( 3, 3, month_col, count - 1, months[last_month], xlwt.easyxf( 'align: horz center, vert center;pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour white;font: colour black, bold True;' )) # getting data from database between start and end date cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM " + tblname + " WHERE date BETWEEN '" + startDate + "' AND '" + endDate + "' ORDER BY roll_no, date") row = 4 col = 2 prev_roll_no = '' for temp in cursor.fetchall(): initial_roll_no = str(temp[2]) if initial_roll_no == prev_roll_no: col += 1 else: prev_roll_no = initial_roll_no row += 1 col = 2 if temp[3] == 1: worksheet.write(row, col, "P", xlwt.easyxf('font: colour green;')) else: worksheet.write(row, col, "A", xlwt.easyxf('font: colour red;')) return response else: error = [] error.append("OPPS!! no data found") return render(request, "attendance/generate_muster.html", {'error': error}) else: error = [] error.append("Start date cannot be greater then End date") return render(request, "attendance/generate_muster.html", {'error': error}) else: return render(request, "attendance/generate_muster.html")
def registration_view(request): if request.method == 'POST': if request.POST['pass1'] == request.POST['pass2']: phone_no = request.POST['phone_no'] parent_phone_no = request.POST['parent_phone_no'] student_id = request.POST['student_id'] roll_no = request.POST['roll_no'] branch = request.POST['branch'] email = request.POST['email'] error = [] cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM auth_user") for temp in cursor.fetchall(): if temp[4] == request.POST['uname']: error.append("Username has already been taken") if temp[7] == email: error.append("Email has already been taken") if phone_no == parent_phone_no: error.append("Your's and Parent's phone number cannot be same") cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM main_student") for temp in cursor.fetchall(): if temp[3] == phone_no: error.append("Phone number must be unique") break if temp[4] == parent_phone_no: error.append("Phone number must be unique") break if temp[6] == student_id: error.append("Student id must be unique") break if temp[7] == roll_no and temp[5] == branch: error.append("Roll NO. must be unique") break if error: return render(request, 'registration/signup.html', {'error': error}) else: username = request.POST['uname'] email = request.POST['email'] user = User.objects.create_user(username=username, password=request.POST['pass1'], email=email) fullname = request.POST['fullname'] phone_no = request.POST['phone_no'] parent_phone_no = request.POST['parent_phone_no'] branch = request.POST['branch'] student_id = request.POST['student_id'] roll_no = request.POST['roll_no'] sem = request.POST['sem'] newStudent = Student(username=username, fullname=fullname, phone_no=phone_no, parents_phone_no=parent_phone_no, branch=branch, semester="sem" + sem, student_id=student_id, roll_no=roll_no, user=user) cursor.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS attendancedate(tableName VARCHAR(30), date DATE);" ) cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM attendancedate") for temp in cursor.fetchall(): tblname = branch + "_" + "sem" + str(sem) if temp[0][0:7].lower() == tblname.lower(): temp_con = connection.cursor() sql = "INSERT INTO " + temp[ 0] + " VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s);" val = (fullname, username, roll_no, 0, temp[1], temp_con.execute(sql, val) login(request, user) return redirect('home') else: return render(request, 'registration/signup.html', {'error': "Password Don't Match"}) else: return render(request, 'registration/signup.html')
def startAttendance(request): if request.method == 'POST': branch = request.POST['branch'] semester = request.POST['sem'] subject = request.POST['subject'] teacher = request.POST['teacher'] tblname = branch + "_" + semester + "_" + subject error = [] if branch == '': error.append("Branch must not be empty") if semester == "Select the semester": error.append("Please choose valid semester") if subject == '': error.append("Subject must not be empty") if error: return render(request, 'attendance/start_stop.html', {'error': error}) else: cursor = connection.cursor() # inserting date data for future reference if any student signup later cursor.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS attendancedate(tableName VARCHAR(30), date DATE);" ) cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM attendancedate WHERE tableName ='" + tblname + "' AND date = '" + str( + "'") if cursor.fetchall(): pass else: sql = "INSERT INTO attendancedate (tableName,date) VALUES(%s,%s);" val = (tblname, cursor.execute(sql, val) on_going_attendance = [] cursor.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS attendance_start_stop (branch VARCHAR(50), semester VARCHAR(50), subject VARCHAR(50), status INT, tableName VARCHAR(50), faculty VARCHAR(50), FOREIGN KEY (faculty) REFERENCES main_teacher(username));" ) cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM attendance_start_stop WHERE tableName = '" + tblname + "' AND faculty = '" + teacher + "';") if cursor.fetchall(): cursor.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + tblname + " (name VARCHAR(50), username VARCHAR(30), roll_no VARCHAR(50), present INT, date DATE, time TIME, FOREIGN KEY (username) REFERENCES main_student(username) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE);" ) today = d = today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM " + tblname + " WHERE date = '" + d + "';") if cursor.fetchall(): pass else: cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM main_student WHERE branch = '" + branch + "' AND semester = '" + semester + "';") data = cursor.fetchall() for d in data: sql = "INSERT INTO " + tblname + " VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s);" val = (d[1], d[0], d[6], 0,, cursor.execute(sql, val) sql = "UPDATE attendance_start_stop SET status = 1 WHERE tableName = '" + tblname + "';" cursor.execute(sql) cursor.execute( "SELECT tableName FROM attendance_start_stop WHERE faculty = '" + teacher + "' AND status = 1 ;") tableNames = cursor.fetchall() for table in tableNames: temp = table s = "" for t in range(len(temp)): if table[t] == '(' or table[t] == ')' or table[ t] == ',' or table[t] == "'": pass else: s += table[t] table = s on_going_attendance.append(table) else: cursor.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + tblname + " (name VARCHAR(50), username VARCHAR(30), roll_no VARCHAR(50), present INT, date DATE, time TIME, FOREIGN KEY (username) REFERENCES main_student(username) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE);" ) today = d = today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM " + tblname + " WHERE date = '" + d + "';") if cursor.fetchall(): pass else: cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM main_student WHERE branch = '" + branch + "' AND semester = '" + semester + "';") data = cursor.fetchall() for d in data: sql = "INSERT INTO " + tblname + " VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s);" val = (d[1], d[0], d[6], 0,, cursor.execute(sql, val) sql = "INSERT INTO attendance_start_stop VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s);" val = (branch, semester, subject, 1, tblname, teacher) cursor.execute(sql, val) cursor.execute( "SELECT tableName FROM attendance_start_stop WHERE faculty = '" + teacher + "' AND status = 1 ;") tableNames = cursor.fetchall() for table in tableNames: temp = table s = "" for t in range(len(temp)): if table[t] == '(' or table[t] == ')' or table[ t] == ',' or table[t] == "'": pass else: s += table[t] table = s on_going_attendance.append(table) return render( request, 'attendance/start_stop.html', { 'message': "Attendance for " + branch + " " + semester + " " + subject + " has been started", 'on_going_attendance': on_going_attendance }) else: return render(request, 'attendance/start_stop.html')