def createJiraExe(ico: str = None): call( 'C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python36-32\\Scripts\\pyinstaller -w -F -i {} -p -p Tool --hidden-import Tool' .format(ico)) dist = sep.join(['dist', 'JiraTool.exe']) if isfile(dist): EXE_PATH = sep.join([SHARE_PATH, 'JiraTool']) print('{} isdir {}'.format(EXE_PATH, isdir(EXE_PATH))) JIRA_TOOL_PATH = sep.join([EXE_PATH, 'JiraTool']) EXE_FILE_PATH = sep.join([JIRA_TOOL_PATH, 'JiraTool.exe']) ZIP_FILE_PATH = sep.join([EXE_PATH, '']) print('exe={} zip={}'.format(EXE_FILE_PATH, ZIP_FILE_PATH)) copyfile(dist, EXE_FILE_PATH) zip_single(JIRA_TOOL_PATH, ZIP_FILE_PATH) customerConf = ConfigParser() defaultConf = customerConf.defaults() defaultConf['update_time'] = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') defaultConf['version'] = getVersion('') defaultConf['v{}'.format( defaultConf['version'])] = getUpdateContent('') defaultConf['content'] = defaultConf['v{}'.format( defaultConf['version'])] customerConf.write(open(JiraTool.VERSION_INI_FILE, mode='w')) if isdir('dist'): rmtree('dist') if isdir('build'): rmtree('build')
def _set_up_config_file(cfg_name: str): local_cfg_file = sep.join([ CURRENT_EXPERIMENT["mainfolder"], CURRENT_EXPERIMENT["sample_name"], CURRENT_EXPERIMENT['local_scripts_subfolder'], "{}.config".format(cfg_name) ]) if os.path.isfile(local_cfg_file): CURRENT_EXPERIMENT["{}_config".format(cfg_name)] = 'local''set up config file at {}'.format(local_cfg_file)) else: log.warning('no config file found at {}, will try general' ''.format(local_cfg_file)) try: script_folder = CURRENT_EXPERIMENT["scriptfolder"] except KeyError: raise KeyError('scriptfolder not found in CURRENT_EXPERIMENT, ' 'check that init function calls ' '_set_up_script_folder before _set_up_config_file') general_cfg_file = sep.join( [script_folder, "{}.config".format(cfg_name)]) if os.path.isfile(general_cfg_file): CURRENT_EXPERIMENT["{}_config".format(cfg_name)] = 'general''set up config file at {}'.format(general_cfg_file)) else: log.error('no config file found at {}' ''.format(general_cfg_file))
def find_config_folder(): """searches path from cwd to $HOME, searching for .pyabolism directory if cwd not within home directory, searches cwd only if finds nothing, returns None""" from os import getcwd from os.path import sep, expanduser, isdir folder_name = '.pyabolism' home_path = expanduser('~') cwd = getcwd() if cwd[0:len(home_path)] != home_path: test_path = sep.join([cwd, folder_name]) if isdir(test_path): return test_path else: split_home_path = home_path.split(sep) split_cwd = cwd.split(sep) for i in range(len(split_cwd) - len(split_home_path) + 1): test_path = sep.join(split_cwd[:len(split_cwd) - i] + [folder_name]) if isdir(test_path): return test_path return None
def create_app(config_file): app = Flask('blaze') app.config.from_pyfile(config_file) #building path for theme directory which contains templates world_blueprint.template_folder = sep.join([app.root_path, "world",\ 'templates']) world_blueprint.static_folder = sep.join( ["themes",\ app.config['SITE_THEME'],'static']) app.register_blueprint(admin_blueprint) app.register_blueprint(world_blueprint) app.register_blueprint(root_blueprint) @app.errorhandler(404) def file_not_found_error(e): r = request.url now = with open('error_log.txt', 'a' ) as f: current_timestamp = now.strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S") f.write("\n 404 %s %s " %(current_timestamp,r)) return "page not found", 404 @app.errorhandler(500) def internal_server_error(e): r = request.url now = with open('error_log.txt', 'a' ) as f: current_timestamp = now.strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S") f.write("\n 500 %s %s " %(current_timestamp,r)) return "page not found", 500 return app
def _get_repo_hash(self): files = reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, [[(sep.join([d, f]), stat(sep.join([d, f])).st_mtime) for f in fn] for d, dn, fn in walk(self._path)]) hash = md5() hash.update(json.dumps(files)) return hash.hexdigest()
def cache_model(model, bug_name, overwrite=False): """cache a model as pickle inside the pyabolism config folder NB Pyabolism bugs are intended to speed up loading models, not for storage of edits made. These should be written back to external SBML files. Bugs will not in general survive upgrades to Pyabolism code base! Use with care!!""" raise Exception("Apologies, in it's current state this functionality is best avoided!") from .tools import find_config_folder config_folder = find_config_folder() if not config_folder: raise Exception("Unable to save bug, can't find a config folder!") from os.path import isdir, sep, isfile if not isdir(sep.join([config_folder, 'bugs'])): os.mkdir(sep.join([config_folder, 'bugs'])) pickle_name = sep.join([config_folder, 'bugs', '%s.pickle' % bug_name]) if isfile(pickle_name) and not overwrite: raise Exception('Bug already exists! Pass overwrite=True to replace existing pickle.') save_pickle(model, open(pickle_name, 'w')) return
def homework(): opencv_dir = getenv("OPENCV_DIR") cascades_path = path.join(sep.join(opencv_dir.split(sep)[0:-3]), "sources", "data", "haarcascades") cascades_path_1 = path.join(sep.join(opencv_dir.split(sep)[0:-3]), "sources", "data", "haarcascades", "cuda") face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier( path.join(cascades_path, "haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml")) eyes_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier( path.join(cascades_path, "haarcascade_eye.xml")) img = cv2.imread("people.jpeg") img_grayscale = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(img_grayscale, 1.7, 5) for (x, y, w, h) in faces: print x, y, w, h face_grayscale = np.array(img_grayscale[y:(y + h), x:(x + w)]) print face_grayscale.shape face_color = img[y:(y + h), x:(x + w)] eyes = eyes_cascade.detectMultiScale2(face_grayscale) print "%s eyes have been found" % len(eyes) for (ex, ey, ew, eh) in eyes: cv2.rectangle(face_color, (ex, ey), (ex + ew, ey + eh), (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.rectangle(img, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (255, 0, 0), 2) cv2.imshow("Faces", img) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def find_settings_file(filename='settings.json'): # traverse the directories upwards to find and load the project's settings file cur_dirs = getcwd().split(sep) # settings = None b_settings_found = False while len(cur_dirs) > 1: filepath = join(sep.join(cur_dirs), filename) if exists(filepath): with open(filepath) as file: # settings = load_settings(file)"settings file found: {}".format(filepath)) b_settings_found = True # settings['project_base_dir'] = join(sep.join(cur_dirs)) break else: # one directory up in the tree cur_dirs = cur_dirs[:-1] # if not b_settings_found: #"no settings file found.") if b_settings_found: return sep.join(cur_dirs), filename else: return None
def character_list(game, file_match='characters_base-stats'): data_dir = '.', 'stat_data', 'fe' + game data_dir = sep.join(data_dir) compiled_names = list() for root, folders, files in walk(data_dir): if root != data_dir: continue for file in files: if file_match not in file: continue filename = data_dir, file filename = sep.join(filename) table = pd.read_csv(filename, index_col=0) name_list = table.index for name in name_list: if name in compiled_names: continue if 'HM' in name: continue if name == 'General': continue if name == 'Nils': continue if '(' in name: continue if name not in compiled_names: compiled_names.append(name) return compiled_names
def _do_MatPlot(data,meas_params): plt.ioff() plot, num_subplots = _plot_setup(data, meas_params, useQT=False) # pad a bit more to prevent overlap between # suptitle and title plot.rescale_axis() plot.fig.tight_layout(pad=3) if 'pdf_subfolder' in CURRENT_EXPERIMENT: title_list = plot.get_default_title().split(sep) title_list.insert(-1, CURRENT_EXPERIMENT['pdf_subfolder']) title = sep.join(title_list)"{}.pdf".format(title)) if 'png_subfolder' in CURRENT_EXPERIMENT: title_list = plot.get_default_title().split(sep) title_list.insert(-1, CURRENT_EXPERIMENT['png_subfolder']) title = sep.join(title_list) plot.fig.savefig("{}.png".format(title),dpi=500) if (pdfdisplay['combined'] or (num_subplots == 1 and pdfdisplay['individual'])): plot.fig.canvas.draw() else: plt.close(plot.fig) if num_subplots > 1: _save_individual_plots(data, meas_params, pdfdisplay['individual']) plt.ion()
def downloadAction(): logs = logDict[__model__][__version__] path = None for log in logs: willDown = False if not productVersions or len(productVersions) == 0: willDown = True elif log.productVersion in productVersions: willDown = True print('willDown={}, productVersions={}'.format( willDown, productVersions)) if willDown: if GLOBAL_VALUES.packageNameDown: path = sep.join([ outPath, log.logType, log.packageName, log.jiraId, __version__ ]) else: path = sep.join([ outPath, log.logType, log.jiraId, __version__ ]) if callbackMsg: callbackMsg('下载{}'.format(log.logId)) if path and isdir(path) and len(listdir(path)) == 0: rmtree(path) workThread.LockUtil.acquire() GLOBAL_VALUES.downOkCount = GLOBAL_VALUES.downOkCount + 1 workThread.LockUtil.release() print('downOkCount={},downNumber={}'.format( GLOBAL_VALUES.downOkCount, GLOBAL_VALUES.downNumber)) if async_ and GLOBAL_VALUES.downOkCount >= GLOBAL_VALUES.downNumber: queue.put('{}下载完成'.format(outPath.replace('\\', '/')))
def getLastTwoPartsOfFilePath(absFilePath): from os.path import sep if absFilePath: pathSplitted = absFilePath.split(sep) return sep.join(pathSplitted[-2:] ) if len(pathSplitted) > 1 else sep.join(pathSplitted) else: return ""
def set_log_locations(): """ Sets location for qcodes to save log files based on the qcodes.config.user.log_location value. Within this folder creates python_logs file and (if in notebook) creates ipython_logs file, starts ipython log. Sets python_log_loc and ipython_log_loc in global_settings.files_setup dictionary to True. """ warnings.simplefilter('error', UserWarning) sample_name = get_sample_name() try: log_location = abspath( qc.config.user.log_location.format(sample_name=sample_name)) python_log_location = sep.join([log_location, 'python_logs', ""]) ipython_log_location = sep.join([log_location, 'ipython_logs', ""]) except KeyError: raise KeyError('log_location not set in config, see ' '"' '/docs/examples/Configuring_QCoDeS.ipynb"') if exp.files_setup['python_log_loc']: print('Python log already started at {}.'.format(python_log_location)) print('-------------------------') else: if not os.path.exists(python_log_location): os.makedirs(python_log_location) python_logfile_name = "{}{}{}".format( python_log_location, strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S', localtime()), '_pythonlogfile.log') logging.basicConfig(filename=python_logfile_name, level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') exp.files_setup['python_log_loc'] = True print('Set up python log location: {}'.format(python_log_location)) print('-------------------------') if exp.files_setup['ipython_log_loc']: print( 'ipython log already started at {}.'.format(ipython_log_location)) print('-------------------------') else: if in_ipynb(): if not os.path.exists(ipython_log_location): os.makedirs(ipython_log_location) ipython_logfile_name = "{}{}{}".format( ipython_log_location, strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S', localtime()), '_ipythonlogfile.txt') try: get_ipython().magic( "logstart -t {} append".format(ipython_logfile_name)) exp.files_setup['ipython_log_loc'] = True print('Set up ipython log location: {}'.format( ipython_log_location)) print('-------------------------') except Warning as w: print('Could not set up ipython log: ', w) print('-------------------------')
def relative_to(self, frame): assert isinstance(frame, Path) # Fast mode check for normalized path decendents. if len(self._path) >= len(frame._path) + 2 and \ self._path.startswith(frame._path) and \ self._path[len(frame._path)+1] == sep: return self._path[len(frame._path):] # Get the segment sequences from root to self and frame. self_family = iter(self.parents()) frame_family = iter(frame.parents()) # Find the common ancesstor of self and frame. s = None f = None common = None while True: s = next(self_family, None) f = next(frame_family, None) if s is None and f is None: if common is None: # common should have at least advanced to root! raise ValueError( "Failed to find common decendent of %s and %s" % (self, frame)) else: # self and frame exhaused at the same time. Must be the same path. return SELF_STR elif s is None: # frame is a decendent of self. Self is an ancesstor of frame. # We can return remaining segments of frame. # Self is "/a" frame = "/a/b/c" common is "/a" result is "../.." backtracks = len(list(frame_family)) + 1 backtrack = [PARENT_STR] * backtracks backtrack = sep.join([PARENT_STR] * backtracks) # raise NotImplementedError("self %s frame %s common %s backtracks %s backtrack %s" % ( # self, frame, common, backtracks, backtrack)) return backtrack elif f is None: # self is a decendent of frame. frame is an ancesstor of self. # We can return remaining segments of self. if common == ROOT: return self._path[len(common._path):] else: return self._path[len(common._path) + 1:] elif s == f: # self and frame decendent are the same, so advance. common = s pass else: # we need to backtrack from frame to common. backtracks = len(list(frame_family)) + 1 backtrack = [PARENT_STR] * backtracks backtrack = sep.join([PARENT_STR] * backtracks) if common == ROOT: forward = self._path[len(common._path):] else: forward = self._path[len(common._path) + 1:] # print("backtracks", backtracks, "backtrack", backtrack, "forward", forward, "common", common) return backtrack + sep + forward
def test_commands(self): call_command('run_resume_compilation') self.assertTrue( isfile(sep.join([settings.MEDIA_ROOT, '']))) self.assertTrue( isfile(sep.join([settings.MEDIA_ROOT, '']))) self.assertTrue( isfile(sep.join([settings.MEDIA_ROOT, ''])))
def returnDirectoryList(self, backup_dir, local_dir): main_folder = abspath(sep.join([backup_dir, local_dir])) backup_folders = { 'main' : main_folder , 'archives': abspath(sep.join([main_folder, 'monthly-archives'])) # Contain monthly archives , 'diff' : abspath(sep.join([main_folder, 'rdiff-repository'])) # Contain current month diferential backup , 'mirror' : abspath(sep.join([main_folder, 'mirror'])) # Contain a mirror of the remote folder } return backup_folders
def __init__(self): # Configure translation API keys credentials_file = sep.join([dirname(realpath(__file__)), pardir, pardir, pardir, 'config', 'Team-BIASES-3948f0cc1da3.json']) os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = credentials_file self.client = translate.Client() self.shelf =[dirname(realpath(__file__)), pardir, pardir, pardir,'/data/cache/']))
def save_raw_data(): data_dir = '.', 'stat_data' data_dir = sep.join(data_dir) for k in range(4, 10): game = str(k) game_dir = sep.join([data_dir, 'fe' + game]) if not exists(game_dir): mkdir(game_dir) save_stats(game)
def __init__(self, path): tmp = path.split("/") self.urban = sep.join(tmp) self.path = sep.join(tmp[0:len(tmp) - 1]) self.pathQ3UT4 = self.path + sep + "q3ut4" self.pathDemos = self.pathQ3UT4 + sep + "demos" self.demosList = list() self.format = ".dm_68" self.initDemosList()
def test_update_zips(self): current_dir =getcwd() update_resume_zips() self.assertEqual(getcwd(),current_dir) self.assertTrue(isfile(sep.join([settings.MEDIA_ROOT, '']))) self.assertTrue(isfile(sep.join([settings.MEDIA_ROOT, '']))) self.assertTrue(zipfile.is_zipfile(sep.join([settings.MEDIA_ROOT, '']))) self.assertTrue(zipfile.is_zipfile(sep.join([settings.MEDIA_ROOT, '']))) self.assertTrue(exists(RESUMES_BY_MAJOR_LOCATION())) self.assertTrue(exists(RESUMES_BY_YEAR_LOCATION()))
def validate_classfile(class_info): if len(class_info)==3: file_path = sep.join([item for item in class_info[2].split('_') if len(item)>0]) + '.php' file_path = sep.join([package_dir,module_dir,file_path]) if exists(file_path): return True else: return ['%s does not exist' % file_path] elif len(class_info)==2: return ['%s/%s is not a valid file' % class_info]
def __init__(self): self.stat_dir=sep.join(['.','stat_data','fe5']) filePointer=lambda x: sep.join([self.stat_dir,x+'.csv']) self.promo_file=filePointer('classes_promotion-gains') self.bases_file=filePointer('characters_base-stats') self.dismount_file=sep.join(['.','metadata','fe5-dismount.csv']) self.file_dict={ 'promo':self.promo_file,\ 'bases':self.bases_file,\ 'dismount':self.dismount_file }
def __init__(self, work_root): super().__init__() # common variable defination self.path_root = work_root self.path_model = sep.join([self.path_root, "Steps"]) self.path_workspace = sep.join([self.path_root, "build"]) self.path_pics = sep.join([self.path_workspace, "pics"]) self.path_out = sep.join([self.path_workspace, "out"]) self.prepare_workspace()
def _read_dir(self, path, extensions, basedir=None): if basedir is None: basedir = path items = [] for d in filter(lambda f: isdir(sep.join([path, f])), listdir(path)): items = self._read_dir(sep.join([path, d]), extensions, basedir) + items for file in filter(lambda f: not isdir(sep.join([path, f])), listdir(path)): name, ext = splitext(file) if ext.lower() in extensions: location = sep.join([path, file]).replace(basedir + sep, '') items.append(location) return items
def test_more_args(fake_path, case): with tempdir() as chroot: create_files(["a/b/c/", "a/d/", "a/e/"]) expected = [ join(chroot, suffix) for suffix in (sep.join(("a", "b")), "a", sep.join(("a", "e"))) ] + fake_path assert sys.path == fake_path with lint.fix_import_path(case): assert sys.path == expected assert sys.path == fake_path
def test_more_args(fake_path, case): with tempdir() as chroot: create_files(['a/b/c/', 'a/d/', 'a/e/']) expected = [ join(chroot, suffix) for suffix in [sep.join(('a', 'b')), 'a', sep.join(('a', 'e'))] ] + ["."] + fake_path assert sys.path == fake_path with lint.fix_import_path(case): assert sys.path == expected assert sys.path == fake_path
def downCallback(): time.sleep(1) bar.quit() start_file = '' if value == 0 : start_file = sep.join([foldPath, basename(file_path).replace('.zip','.txt') if '.zip' in basename(file_path) else 'reason.txt']) elif value == 1 : start_file = sep.join([file_path, '{}.txt'.format(basename(file_path))]) elif value == 2 : start_file = file_path if exists(start_file): startfile(start_file)
def run(self, simulate = True): pk = TestConstants if simulate: # run simulation before loading results cfg_ref = TestConfig() ds_test = TestDataSet(cfg=cfg_ref) g = ParamGroup("zigzag_HT_High_RE") g.add_test_param("Re_des = 20000", Re_des=20000) # ds_test.add_para_group(g) g = ParamGroup("zigzag_HT_diff_Re") g.add_test_param("Re_des=5000", Re_des=5000) g.add_test_param("Re_des=14500(design)", Re_des=14500) g.add_test_param("Re_des=20000", Re_des=20000) ds_test.add_para_group(g) # g = ds_test.new_para_group("zigzag_HT_diff_mdot", [r"$\dot{m}_{off}$ = 10"]) g = ParamGroup("zigzag_HT_mdot_50") g.add_test_param("MDot_50", mdot_hot_odes=MDot(50), mdot_cold_odes=MDot(50)) # ds_test.add_para_group(g) g = ParamGroup("zigzag_HT_diff_mdot") g.add_test_param("MDot_50(-50%)", title=r"$\dot{m}_{off}$=50(-50%)", mdot_hot_odes=MDot(50), mdot_cold_odes=MDot(50)) g.add_test_param("MDot_100(100%)", title=r"$\dot{m}_{off}$=100(100%)", mdot_hot_odes=MDot(100), mdot_cold_odes=MDot(100)) g.add_test_param("MDot_150(+50%)", title=r"$\dot{m}_{off}$=150(+50%)", mdot_hot_odes=MDot(150), mdot_cold_odes=MDot(150)) ds_test.add_para_group(g) g = ParamGroup("zigzag_HT_diff_pT_in") g.add_test_param("pT=10_450", title=r"$(p,T)_{hi}$ = 10 MPa, 450°", p_hot_in=Pressure.MPa(10), T_hot_in=Temperature.degC(730)) g.add_test_param("pT=12_300", title=r"$(p,T)_{hi}$ = 12 MPa, 300°", p_hot_in=Pressure.MPa(12), T_hot_in=Temperature.degC(300)) # ds_test.add_para_group(g) self.simulate(ds_test) print('Test data saved, ready to plot figures') # loading the newes result test_name = self.find_latest_test(self.path_out) # load the simulation result from latest, pre-saved file ds_test = self.load_result(test_name) zigzag = 1 imgfile = ["Meshram_Fig_04.png", "Meshram_Fig_05.png"][zigzag] imgfile = sep.join([self.path_pics, imgfile]) for test in ds_test: destfile = sep.join([self.path_out,, "Meshram_Fig{0}b_compare_{1}.png".format(4 + zigzag,]) self.gen_plot_manager(test).draw(img_file=imgfile, dest_file=destfile) print('all done!')
def __init__(self, work_root): super().__init__() # common variable defination self.path_root = work_root from pathlib import Path parent_dir = Path(self.path_root).parent self.path_model = sep.join([parent_dir.__str__(), "Modelica", "Steps"]) self.path_workspace = sep.join([self.path_root, "build"]) self.path_pics = sep.join([self.path_workspace, "pics"]) self.path_out = sep.join([self.path_workspace, "out"]) self.prepare_workspace()
def rows_and_headers_for(game): rows={} raw_data_path=('.','stat_data','fe'+game) raw_data_path=sep.join(raw_data_path) headers=[] for root,folders,files in walk(raw_data_path): if root != raw_data_path: continue for file in files: table=(raw_data_path,file) table=sep.join(table) collect_table(table,headers,rows,files) return rows,headers
def __init__(self, game, folder=None): if folder is not None: assert type(folder) in (tuple, str) = game self.stat_dict = read_stat_names(game) if folder is None: self.folder = '.' elif type(folder) == tuple: self.folder = sep.join(folder) elif folder == 'metadata': self.folder = folder else: self.folder = sep.join(['.', folder, 'fe%s' % game])
def setUp(self): from import load_notung_nhx self.gTree = load_notung_nhx(sep.join(tests_folder + ['data', 'tree.newick'])) gTree = load_notung_nhx(sep.join(tests_folder + ['data', 'tree.newick'])) from pinfer.itree.label import label_birth_death label_birth_death(gTree) self.gTree_processed = gTree
def prepare_workspace(self): ''' prepare the workspace for simulation, the directory structure is - Steps (currernt work directory) -> path_root |--.vscode - directory for vscode's configurations |--docs - documents |--lib - compiled libraries |--build - -> path_workspace, workspace for modelica simulation, all | | the relative paths in this program are relative to point | |--out - Final output of the Simulation | | |--Test_Batch 1 - Simulation output data for test 1 | | ... - Simulation output data for test ... | |--pics - Temp storage dir for referenced pic |--src | |--c - c++ sources |--Modelica - Modelica models |--Steps - Directory for modelica models codes |--scripts - shell scripts for compiling and tasks |--Python - Python scripts for parameters sweep |.env - configuration file for vscode python extension |.gitignore - git ignore file ''' import os import shutil # setup working directory if not os.path.exists(self.path_workspace): os.mkdir(self.path_workspace) os.chdir(self.path_workspace) if os.path.exists(self.path_pics): shutil.rmtree(self.path_pics) # copy referenced pics for output figure shutil.copytree(sep.join([self.path_root, 'pics']), self.path_pics) # directory for output if not os.path.exists(self.path_out): os.mkdir(self.path_out) # copy cool prop lib libs = ["libCoolProp.a", 'libCoolProp.dll', 'MyProps.dll'] for lib in libs: lib_path = sep.join([self.path_model, "Resources", "Library", lib]) if not os.path.exists(lib_path): try: shutil.copyfile(lib_path, sep.join([".",lib])) # completa target name needed except: pass
def load_unit_info(game,unit,lyn_mode=False,father='Arden'): data_dir='.','stat_data','fe'+game data_dir=sep.join(data_dir) unit_info={} unit_info['Game']=game unit_info['Name']=unit if unit in fe4_child_list(): unit_info['Father']=father file_substr='characters_base-stats' if game == '7': if lyn_mode: suffix='1' else: suffix='2' if unit == 'Nils': unit='Ninian' file_substr+=suffix lyndis_league=character_list( game,\ file_match='characters_base-stats1.csv' ) if unit in lyndis_league: unit_info['Lyn Mode']=lyn_mode if game == '4': if unit in fe4_child_list(get_father=True): file_substr+='1' for root,folders,files in walk(data_dir): if root != data_dir: continue for file in files: if file_substr not in file: continue data_file=data_dir,file data_file=sep.join(data_file) data=pd.read_csv(data_file,index_col=0) if unit in data.index: if 'Lv' in data.columns: col='Lv' elif 'Level' in data.columns: col='Level' unit_info['Class'][unit,'Class'][unit,col] if type(level) != int: unit_info['Level']=int(level) break return unit_info
def test_root_subdir_access(self): root = FSRoot( target = ['safe', 'readme.txt'] # joined path self.assertEqual(b'safe', self.assertEqual('safe', root.text(sep.join(target))) # raw list access self.assertEqual(b'safe', self.assertEqual('safe', root.text(target)) with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
def copy_file(original, target_directory): logger = logging.getLogger('root') assert (isinstance(original, FilePath)) assert (os.path.exists(target_directory)) splited_dirs = collections.deque( splited_dirs.popleft() copy_directory = sep.join([target_directory, sep.join(splited_dirs)]) target_file = FilePath(copy_directory, original.filename) try: os.makedirs( shutil.copy2(original.as_path(), target_file.as_path())'%s -> %s', original.as_path(), target_file.as_path()) except FileExistsError as err: logger.warning('File exists: %s', err.filename) return target_file
def refresh(self, contents=None): if contents == None: contents = self._read_dir(sep.join([self._path, 'contents']), ['.json', '.yml', '.yaml']) self._contents = contents self._rules = self._generate_rules() self._remove_rules() self._add_rules()
def check_context(self): self.split_path = (getcwd() + sep).replace(self.root_dir, '').split(sep)[:-1] context = { 0: self.root, 1: self.subject, 2: self.period, 3: self.assignment, 4: self.assignmentgroup, 5: self.deadline, 6:, }.get(len(self.split_path), # if we go any deeper than to the delivery folder, show info # about the delivery, instead of failing and show nothing print (getcwd() + sep).replace(self.root_dir, '') if context == self.split_path = self.split_path[0:6] print self.split_path if len(self.split_path) != 0: self.subtree = self.metadata[sep.join(self.split_path)] context() print "#"
def test_more_args(fake_path, case): with tempdir() as chroot: create_files(["a/b/c/", "a/d/", "a/e/"]) expected = ( [ join(chroot, suffix) for suffix in [sep.join(("a", "b")), "a", sep.join(("a", "e"))] ] + ["."] + fake_path ) assert sys.path == fake_path with lint.fix_import_path(case): assert sys.path == expected assert sys.path == fake_path
def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(RESUMES_BY_MAJOR_LOCATION(),ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(RESUMES_BY_YEAR_LOCATION(),ignore_errors=True) try: remove(sep.join([settings.MEDIA_ROOT, ''])) except OSError: pass try: remove(sep.join([settings.MEDIA_ROOT, ''])) except OSError: pass try: remove(sep.join([settings.MEDIA_ROOT, ''])) except OSError: pass super(CorporateAuxiliaryTestCase,self).tearDown()
def save_csv(filename, data, keys): # Applatissement des données en liste et dict (un seul sous-niveau) flat = [] for res in data: for k in res.keys(): if isinstance(res[k], dict): d = res.pop(k) for k2, v in d.items(): k3 = "%s - %s" % (k, k2) if k3 not in keys: keys.append(k3) if isinstance(v, list): res[k3] = " - ".join([unicode(va) for va in v]) else: res[k3] = v elif k not in keys: keys.append(k) if k in res and isinstance(res[k], list): res[k] = " - ".join([unicode(va) for va in res[k]]) flat.append(res) dictk = {} for k in keys: dictk[k] = k flat.insert(0, dictk) with open(sep.join(['data', '%s.csv' % filename]), 'w') as f: for res in flat: f.write(",".join(["" if k not in res else unicode(res[k]).encode('utf-8') if re_n.match(unicode(res[k])) else "\"%s\"" % res[k].encode('utf-8').replace('"', '""') for k in keys]) + "\n")
def cd(self, p): d = self.dir directory = d.split(sep)[:-1] if not p.dir or p.dir[0] == sep: directory = [""] if not p.dir: self.dir = sep return folders = p.dir.split(sep) for folder in folders: try: if folder not in [".", ""]: if folder in "..": directory.pop() else: directory.append(folder) folder = self._find_file(folder) except Exception as e: self.dir = d["cd"].parse_args([d])) raise directory.append("") self.dir = sep.join(directory)
def hdfs_to_local(hdfs_path, columns): ''' 下载 hdfs 文件夹 到 本地 :param hdfs_path: hdfs 文件路径 :param columns: 列信息 :return: 本地文件路径 ''' file_name = os.path.basename(hdfs_path) file_path = sep.join([local_base_path, file_name]) local_file = "{}.csv".format(file_path) if not os.path.exists(local_base_path): os.makedirs(local_base_path) if os.path.exists(file_path): shutil.rmtree(file_path) if os.path.exists(local_file): os.remove(local_file), file_path) # 合并文件 os.system("cat {0}/* >> {1}".format(file_path, local_file)) # 添加列信息 if columns: os.system("sed -i '1 i {0}' {1}".format(columns, local_file)) return local_file
def parse_load_file(file_name='test', entry_type='post'): """ parse_load_file(file_name='test', page_type='post',\ template_name='page_content.html') :param file_name: name of the file to be rendered :param entry_type: post or page. post refers to blog post page refers to static page """ page_content = {} try: """ >>> "test".split('html')[0] 'test' >>> "test-html.html".split('.html')[0] 'test-html' """ #complete path for yaml file is built full_file_name = sep.join([build_contents_path(entry_type),\ file_name.split('.html')[0]]) +'.yaml' with open(full_file_name, 'r') as f: #yaml file contents are loaded page_content = load(f) page_content['content'] = parse_content(page_content['content']) return page_content except IOError: flash({'message': 'Entry Content Not Found', 'type': 'error'}) except Exception, e: flash({'message': e, 'type': 'error'}) return page_content
def matching_files(self): """ Find files. Returns: list: the list of matching files. """ matching = [] matcher = self.file_path_regex pieces = self.file_path_regex.pattern.split(sep) partial_matchers = list(map(re.compile, ( sep.join(pieces[:i + 1]) for i in range(len(pieces))))) for root, dirs, files in walk(self.top_dir, topdown=True): for i in reversed(range(len(dirs))): dirname = relpath(join(root, dirs[i]), self.top_dir) dirlevel = dirname.count(sep) if not partial_matchers[dirlevel].match(dirname): del dirs[i] for filename in files: if matcher.match(filename): matching.append(abspath(join(root, filename))) return matching
def uncache_model(bug_name): """Searches .pyabolism file for matching bug name if available will load pickle file otherwise, will load from SBML and store pickle for future use NB Pyabolism bugs are intended to speed up loading models, not for storage of edits made. These should be written back to external SBML files for safekeeping. Bugs will not in general survive upgrades to Pyabolism code base! Use with care! """ raise Exception("Apologies, in it's current state this functionality is best avoided!") from .tools import find_config_folder config_folder = find_config_folder() if not config_folder: raise Exception("Unable to load bug, can't find a config folder!") import pickle from os.path import sep try: return pickle.load(open(sep.join([config_folder, 'bugs', '%s.pickle' % bug_name]), 'r')) except IOError: raise IOError('Sorry, unable to find a bug of that name...')
def _set_extract_path(self): from os.path import sep self.buildout_directory = self.buildout.get('buildout').get( 'directory') DEFAULT_EXTRACT_PATH = sep.join([self.buildout_directory, 'parts']) self.extract_path = self.options.get('extract_path', DEFAULT_EXTRACT_PATH)
def __init__(self, root, path): splitedPath = string.split(path,"/") self.path = sep.join(splitedPath) self.root = root self.size = size_conversion(getsize(os.path.join(root, path))) = time.ctime(getmtime(os.path.join(root, path))) self._basename = basename(self.path)
def call_modules(auto_discover=()): """ this is called in project for registering desired modules (eg.: """ log = logging.getLogger('ella.utils.installedapps.call_modules') for app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: modules = set(auto_discover) if app in INSTALLED_APPS_REGISTER: modules.update(INSTALLED_APPS_REGISTER[app]) for module in modules: try: imp = '%s.%s' % (app, module) mod = __import__(imp, {}, {}, ['']) inst = getattr(mod, '__install__', lambda:None) inst() except ImportError, e: msg = 'problem during discovering %s - %s\n%s' % (imp, e, traceback.format_exc()) # check if problem is inside autodiscovered file (i.e. mispelled module name) OR autodiscovered file does not exists mod = __import__(app, {}, {}, ['']) app_path = mod.__file__.split(path_separator)[:-1] app_path.append('' % module) mod_path = path_separator.join(app_path) if not exists(mod_path): # autodiscovered file does not exist log.debug(msg) else: # ImportError inside autodiscovered file log.error(msg)
def read_file(): ALL_PROBLEMS = [] # Store all the SAT problems in format Problems->[Problem->[Clause->[variables]]] ACTUAL_DIRECTORY = getcwd() # Get the current directory path (../SAT/Reductor) PARENT_DIRECTORY = sep.join(ACTUAL_DIRECTORY.split(sep)[1:-1]) # Get the parent directory (../SAT) PARENT_DIRECTORY = join(sep, PARENT_DIRECTORY) # Apeend SO separator to access the folder SAT_instances_directory = join(PARENT_DIRECTORY, "InstanciasSAT") # Joins the parent directory with InstanciasSAT to get into (../SAT/instanciasSAT) _, _, SAT_instances = next(walk(SAT_instances_directory)) for SAT_instance in SAT_instances: SAT_file = open(join(SAT_instances_directory, SAT_instance), 'r') problem = [] for line in SAT_file: if line[0] == "c": continue if line[0] == "p" and not problem: ALL_PROBLEMS.append(problem) problem.append(line[:-1].split(" ")) continue if line[0] == "p": ALL_PROBLEMS.append(problem) problem = [] problem.append(line[:-1].split(" ")) continue if problem: problem.append(line[:-3].split(" ")) return ALL_PROBLEMS
def _generate_rules(self): rules = [] for c in self._contents: name, ext = splitext(c) url = self._prefix + c.replace(ext, '').replace('_index', '') rule_name = self._name + '_' + c.replace(sep, '_').replace(ext, '').replace('_index', 'index') rules.append((url, rule_name, sep.join([self._path, 'contents', c]))) return rules
def encode(self, message, cover_file, data_file, new_file, password): self.resources.update_status_box(message) output_dir = sep.join([expanduser('~'), "Downloads"]) try: image_file = create_stegano_image(original_image=cover_file, data_to_hide=data_file, cipher_key=password)"{0}{1}{2}.png".format(output_dir, sep, new_file.replace(".png", ""))) self.resources.update_status_box('{0}.pdf succssfully saved in Downloads folder'.format(new_file.replace(".png", ""))) except Exception as e: self.resources.update_status_box(e)
def test_more_args(self): with tempdir() as chroot: create_files(["a/b/c/", "a/d/", "a/e/"]) expected = [ join(chroot, suffix) for suffix in [sep.join(("a", "b")), "a", sep.join(("a", "e"))] ] + self.fake cases = ( ["a/b/c/", "a/d/", "a/e/"], ["a/b/c", "a", "a/e"], ["a/b/c", "a", "a/b/c", "a/e", "a"], ) self.assertEqual(sys.path, self.fake) for case in cases: with lint.fix_import_path(case): self.assertEqual(sys.path, expected) self.assertEqual(sys.path, self.fake)
def extract(self, message, image_with_data, new_file, password): self.resources.update_status_box(message) output_dir = sep.join([expanduser('~'), "Downloads"]) try: extracted_content = extract_data_from_stegano_image(image=image_with_data, cipher_key=password) self.write_extracted_content_to_file(extracted_content, "{0}{1}{2}".format(output_dir, sep, new_file)) self.resources.update_status_box('Extraction successful {0} saved in Downloads folder'.format(new_file)) except Exception as e: self.resources.update_status_box(e)
def walk(node, parents): for key, node2 in node.items(): if len(node2) > 0: config_fn = sep.join([self.src] + parents + [key, "config.yaml"]) if exists(config_fn): node2.update(get_yaml(config_fn)) p = parents[:] p.append(key) walk(node2, p)
def _worker_run_once(self, conn, c_in, q_in, q_out): '''Internal. Load one image, process, and push. ''' # get one tile to process try: nx, ny, zoom, maptype, format = q_in.pop() except: c_in.acquire() c_in.wait() c_in.release() return # check if the tile already have been downloaded filename = self.to_filename(nx, ny, zoom, maptype, format) if not exists(filename): # calculate the good tile index tz = pow(2, zoom) lx, ly = unproject(2.0 * (nx + 0.5) / tz - 1, 1 - 2.0 * (ny + 0.5) / tz) lx, ly = map(fix180, (lx, ly)) # get url for this specific tile url = self.geturl( nx=nx, ny=ny, lx=lx, ly=ly, tilew=256, tileh=256, zoom=zoom, format=format, maptype=maptype ) # load url content try: conn.request('GET', url) res = conn.getresponse() data = if res.status < 200 or res.status >= 300: raise Exception('Invalid HTTP Code %d:%s' % ( res.status, res.reason)) except Exception, e: pymt_logger.error('TileServer: %s: %s' % (str(e), filename)) pymt_logger.error('TileServer: URL=%s' % url) return # write data on disk try: directory = sep.join(filename.split(sep)[:-1]) if not exists(directory): mkdir(directory) with open(filename, 'wb') as fd: fd.write(data) except: pymt_logger.exception('Tileserver: Unable to write %s' % filename) return # post processing self.post_download(filename)
def check_context(self): split_path = getcwd().replace(self.root_dir, '').split(sep) # 7 is the depth for deliveries: # <root_dir>/subject/period/assignment/assignmentgroup/deadline/delivery/ # There should be a 'feedback.rst' at this depth if len(split_path) < 6: print "This directory is not a delivery directory.", "'" + sep.join(split_path) + "'" return feedback = join(self.root_dir, sep.join(split_path[0:6]), 'feedback') print feedback if exists(feedback): self.set_and_save(feedback) print "Added" else: print "feedback not found in:", dirname(feedback)
def __call__(self, oldPath): head, tail = splitpath(oldPath) headParts = head.split(sep) if not headParts: raise ValueError( 'Directory part is empty for entry "%s"' % oldPath ) headParts[0] = self.newName return sep.join(headParts + [ tail ])
def tearDown(self): del(self.client) CorporateResourceGuide.objects.all().delete() shutil.rmtree(RESUMES_BY_MAJOR_LOCATION(),ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(RESUMES_BY_YEAR_LOCATION(),ignore_errors=True) try: remove(sep.join([settings.MEDIA_ROOT, ''])) except OSError: pass try: remove(sep.join([settings.MEDIA_ROOT, ''])) except OSError: pass try: remove(sep.join([settings.MEDIA_ROOT, ''])) except OSError: pass super(CorporateViewsTestCase,self).tearDown()