Exemplo n.º 1
def _naive_relative_to(path: PosixPath, root: PosixPath) -> PurePosixPath:
    Compute relative PurePosixPath, result may include '..' parts.

    Both arguments must be absolute PurePosixPath's and lack '..' parts.

    Possibility of symlinks is ignored, i. e. arguments are interpreted
    as resolved paths.
    if not path.is_absolute():
        raise ValueError(path)
    if not root.is_absolute():
        raise ValueError(root)
    if '..' in path.parts:
        raise ValueError(path)
    if '..' in root.parts:
        raise ValueError(root)
    upstairs = 0
    while root not in path.parents:
        parent = root.parent
        assert parent != root
        root = parent
        upstairs += 1
    return PurePosixPath(
        * (('..',) * upstairs),
        path.relative_to(root) )
Exemplo n.º 2
def filelist_from_patterns(patterns, ignore=None, base='.', sizesort=False):
    base = Path(base or '.').expanduser()

    filenames = set()
    for pattern in patterns or []:
        path = base / pattern
        if path.is_file():

        if path.is_dir():
            path += '/*'

        parts = path.parts[1:] if path.is_absolute() else path.parts
        pattern = str(Path("").joinpath(*parts))
            (p for p in Path(path.root).glob(pattern) if not p.is_dir()))

    filenames = list(filenames)

    def excluded(path):
        if any(path.match(ex) for ex in ignore):
            return True
        for part in path.parts:
            if any(Path(part).match(ex) for ex in ignore):
                return True

    if ignore:
        filenames = [path for path in filenames if not excluded(path)]
    if sizesort:
        filenames.sort(key=lambda f: f.stat().st_size)

    return filenames
Exemplo n.º 3
def encode_path(path: fs.Path) -> str:
    if not isinstance(path, fs.Path):
        raise TypeError
    if path.is_absolute() or not path.is_normalized():
        raise ValueError
    encoded_path = path.as_string()
    if encoded_path[-1:] != '/':
        encoded_path = encoded_path + '/'  # to enable efficient search for path prefixes in SQL
    if encoded_path[:2] == './':
        encoded_path = encoded_path[2:]
    return encoded_path
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __call__(self, ctx) -> str:
        from pathlib import Path

        path = Path(self._path)
        if not path.is_absolute():
            path = Path(ctx._pwd) / path
            path = path.absolute()

        if not path.exists():
            path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        elif not path.is_dir():
            raise ConfigurationError("'%s' is not a directory" % self._path)
        return str(path)
Exemplo n.º 5
def lookForFile(path):
    Tries to smartly find the absolute path of a config file.
    If the given path is absolute and exists return it unmodified, otherwise do usual leaf based lookup
    If the given path contains only a file name check for existence in LOAD_ORDER dirs returning if found
    If the given path contains a relative filepath check for existence in LOAD_ORDER joining each with the fragement
    path = PosixPath(path)
    if path.is_absolute() and path.exists():
        return path

    for confDir in LOAD_ORDER:
        if confDir.joinpath(path).exists():
            return confDir.joinpath(path).resolve()
    return None
Exemplo n.º 6
def strip_root(path: pathlib.PurePath) -> pathlib.PurePosixPath:
    """Turn the path into a relative path by stripping the root.

    This also turns any drive letter into a normal path component.

    This changes "C:/Program Files/Blender" to "C/Program Files/Blender",
    and "/absolute/path.txt" to "absolute/path.txt", making it possible to
    treat it as a relative path.

    if path.drive:
        return pathlib.PurePosixPath(path.drive[0], *path.parts[1:])
    if isinstance(path, pathlib.PurePosixPath):
        # This happens when running on POSIX but still handling paths
        # originating from a Windows machine.
        parts = path.parts
        if parts and len(parts[0]) == 2 and parts[0][0].isalpha() and parts[0][1] == ':':
            # The first part is a drive letter.
            return pathlib.PurePosixPath(parts[0][0], *path.parts[1:])

    if path.is_absolute():
        return pathlib.PurePosixPath(*path.parts[1:])
    return pathlib.PurePosixPath(path)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def find_path_in(
        path: fs.PathLike,
        search_prefixes: Optional[Iterable[fs.PathLike]] = None
    ) -> Optional[fs.Path]:
        # noinspection PyMethodFirstArgAssignment
        self = _get_root_specifics()

        if not isinstance(path, fs.Path):
            path = fs.Path(path)
        if path.is_absolute():
            raise ValueError("'path' must not be absolute")

        if search_prefixes is None:
            prefixes = self._executable_search_paths
            prefixes = []
            if isinstance(search_prefixes, (str, bytes)):
                raise TypeError(
                    "'search_prefixes' must be iterable (other than 'str' or 'bytes')"
            for p in search_prefixes:
                if not isinstance(p, fs.Path):
                    p = fs.Path(p, is_dir=True)
                if not p.is_dir():
                    raise ValueError(f"not a directory: {p.as_string()!r}")
                if not p.is_absolute():
                    p = self._root_path / p

        for prefix in prefixes:
            p = prefix / path
                if path.is_dir() == stat.S_ISDIR(os.stat(p.native).st_mode):
                    return p  # absolute
            except (ValueError, OSError):
Exemplo n.º 8
 def _clean_settings_path( p ):
     path = Path(p)
     if path.is_absolute() or str(path).startswith("@"):
         return p 
         return str( Path( json_path ).parent.joinpath(p).resolve() )
Exemplo n.º 9
    def load_file(self, f, triangulate=True):
        """Loads models from file object
        Triangulates faces if *triangulate* specified"""

        mtl_loader = MTLLoader()

        for i, line in enumerate(f):
            if line.startswith("#"):
                op, *params = line.split()
            except ValueError:

            if op == "v":
                t = tuple(map(float, params))
                assert len(t) == 3
            elif op == "vt":
                t = tuple(map(float, params))
                assert len(t) == 2
            elif op == "vn":
                t = Vec(map(float, params))
                assert len(t) == 3
            elif op == "f":

                if triangulate:
                    #params = list(
                    #    map(lambda x: tuple(map(index_or_none, x.split("/"))), params)
                    params = [[
                        None if not v.isnumeric() else int(v) -
                        1 if int(v) > 0 else int(v) for v in x.split("/")
                    ] for x in params]
                    for i in range(len(params) - 2):
                        t = []
                        t.extend(params[i + 1])
                        t.extend(params[i + 2])
                    t = []
                    for p in params:
                        t.extend(map(index_or_none, p.split("/")))
            elif op == "usemtl":
                self.current_material = params[0]
            elif op == "mtllib":
                path = pathlib.Path(line.split(maxsplit=1)[1].strip())
                logger.info("Loading mtlib from %s", path)
                if path.is_absolute():
                    path = pathlib.Path(self.loads_from).parent.joinpath(path)
            elif op == "o":
                if len(params) > 0:
                    self.current_object = params[0]
                    self.current_object = len(self.objects.keys())

                logger.warning("Unsapported op %s", op)
 def file_path(self, file_name):
     path = Path(getattr(self, file_name + "_path"))
     if not path.is_absolute():
         path = FragSimConf.CFM_ID_FOLDER / path
     return str(path)
Exemplo n.º 11
def get_abs_path(path):
    assert (isinstance(path, pathlib.PurePath))
    if path.is_absolute():
        return path
    return pathlib.Path.cwd().joinpath(path)
Exemplo n.º 12
def abspath_from_conf(cf_path: Path, path: Path):
    return (path if path.is_absolute() else
Exemplo n.º 13
 def fix_path(path_str, workdir):
     path = Path(path_str)
     path = path if path.is_absolute() else workdir / path
     return str(path)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def working_tree_path_of(
            path: fs.PathLike,
            is_dir: Optional[bool] = None,
            existing: bool = False,
            collapsable: bool = False,
            allow_temporary: bool = False,
            allow_nontemporary_management: bool = False) -> fs.Path:
        # this must be very fast for relative dlb.fs.Path with existing = True

        # noinspection PyMethodFirstArgAssignment
        self = _get_root_specifics()

        if not isinstance(
                fs.Path) or is_dir is not None and is_dir != path.is_dir():
            path = fs.Path(path, is_dir=is_dir)

        if path.is_absolute():
            # note: do _not_ used path.resolve() or os.path.realpath(), since it would resolve the entire path
            native_components = path.native.components

            # may raise PathNormalizationError
            normalized_native_components = \
                (native_components[0],) + \
                _worktree.normalize_dotdot_native_components(native_components[1:], ref_dir_path=native_components[0])

            native_root_path_components = self._root_path.native.components
            n = len(native_root_path_components)
            if normalized_native_components[:n] != native_root_path_components:
                raise _error.WorkingTreePathError(
                    "does not start with the working tree's root path")

            rel_components = ('', ) + normalized_native_components[n:]
            # 'collapsable' means only the part relative to the working tree's root
            ref_dir_path = None if collapsable else self._root_path_native_str
            rel_components = (
                '', ) + _worktree.normalize_dotdot_native_components(
                    path.components[1:], ref_dir_path=ref_dir_path)

        if len(rel_components) > 1 and rel_components[
                1] == _worktree.MANAGEMENTTREE_DIR_NAME:
            if len(rel_components
                   ) > 2 and rel_components[2] == _worktree.TEMPORARY_DIR_NAME:
                permitted = allow_temporary
                permitted = allow_nontemporary_management
            if not permitted:
                msg = f"path in non-permitted part of the working tree: {path.as_string()!r}"
                raise _error.WorkingTreePathError(msg)

        # may raise ValueError
        rel_path = path.__class__(rel_components, is_dir=path.is_dir(
        )) if path.components != rel_components else path

        if not existing:
                s = str(rel_path.native)
                if s[:2] == '.' + os.path.sep:
                    s = s[2:]
                sr = os.lstat(os.path.sep.join([self._root_path_native_str,
                is_dir = stat.S_ISDIR(sr.st_mode)
            except OSError as e:
                raise _error.WorkingTreePathError(oserror=e) from None
            if is_dir != rel_path.is_dir():
                rel_path = path.__class__(rel_components, is_dir=is_dir)

        return rel_path