def ingest( dataset, cls, skip_if_exists=True, multi_process=False, multi_threaded=False, cores=None): pool = None if multi_process: pool = Pool(cores or cpu_count()) map_func = pool.imap_unordered elif multi_threaded: pool = ThreadPool(cores or cpu_count()) map_func = pool.imap_unordered else: map_func = map cls_args = repeat(cls) skip_args = repeat(skip_if_exists) map_func(ingest_one, zip(dataset, cls_args, skip_args)) if pool is not None: # if we're ingesting using multiple processes or threads, the processing # should be parallel, but this method should be synchronous from the # caller's perspective pool.close() pool.join()
def test2_pReader(self): print("test2 pReader r") reader = PlainReader("{}/trace.txt".format(DAT_FOLDER)) cH = CHeatmap() bpv = cH.get_breakpoints(reader, 'v', time_interval=1000) self.assertEqual(bpv[10], 10000) cH.heatmap(reader, 'v', "hit_ratio_start_time_end_time", time_interval=1000, num_of_threads=os.cpu_count(), cache_size=2000, figname="pReader_hr_st_et_LRU.png") cH.heatmap(reader, 'v', "rd_distribution", time_interval=1000, num_of_threads=os.cpu_count(), figname="pReader_rd_dist.png") cH.heatmap(reader, 'v', "future_rd_distribution", time_interval=1000, num_of_threads=os.cpu_count(), figname="pReader_frd_dist.png") cH.heatmap(reader, 'v', "hit_ratio_start_time_end_time", time_interval=10000, algorithm="FIFO", num_of_threads=os.cpu_count(), cache_size=2000, figname="pReader_hr_st_et_FIFO.png") cH.diff_heatmap(reader, 'v', "hit_ratio_start_time_end_time", time_interval=10000, cache_size=200, algorithm1="LFU", algorithm2="Optimal", cache_params2=None, num_of_threads=os.cpu_count(), figname="pReader_diff_hr_st_et.png")
def _export_datasets(dataset, features, classes, origin, sufix): from itertools import combinations from tasks.linker import params from multiprocessing.pool import Pool nfolds = 3 folds = [i for i in range(nfolds)] partitions = [list(c) + list((set(folds) - set(c))) for c in combinations(folds, 2)] datasets = _fold(dataset, nfolds) for pt in partitions: training = [] for i in pt[:-1]: training.extend(datasets[i]) test = datasets[pt[-1]] name_ = 'all{}{}{}'.format(origin, sufix + '_tr', pt[-1]) filename = get_path('datasets', '{}.arff'.format(name_)) classes_ = [next((v['short_name'] for k, v in params.items() if v['metadata_uri'] == c), None) for c in classes] dataset_ = ([d, classes_] for d in _chunks(training, os.cpu_count())) with Pool(os.cpu_count()) as p: sets_ = p.starmap(_expand, dataset_); dataset_ = [] for s in sets_: dataset_.extend(s) with Pool(os.cpu_count()) as p: dataset_ =, dataset_) _save(dataset_, features, 'class', name_, filename) name_ = 'all{}{}{}'.format(origin, sufix + '_tt', pt[-1]) filename = get_path('datasets', '{}.arff'.format(name_)) dataset_ = ([l, classes_] for l in test) with Pool(os.cpu_count()) as p: dataset_ = p.starmap(_concat, dataset_) with Pool(os.cpu_count()) as p: dataset_ =, dataset_) _save_test(dataset_, features, 'class', name_, filename)
def test5_bReader(self): print("bReader") reader = BinaryReader("{}/trace.vscsi".format(DAT_FOLDER), init_params={"label":6, "real_time":7, "fmt": "<3I2H2Q"}) cH = CHeatmap() bpr = cH.get_breakpoints(reader, 'r', time_interval=1000000) self.assertEqual(bpr[10], 53) bpv = cH.get_breakpoints(reader, 'v', time_interval=1000) self.assertEqual(bpv[10], 10000) cH.heatmap(reader, 'r', "hit_ratio_start_time_end_time", num_of_pixel_of_time_dim=100, num_of_threads=os.cpu_count(), cache_size=2000, figname="hr_st_et_LRU_bReader.png") cH.heatmap(reader, 'r', "rd_distribution", num_of_pixel_of_time_dim=1000, num_of_threads=os.cpu_count()) cH.heatmap(reader, 'r', "future_rd_distribution", num_of_pixel_of_time_dim=1000, num_of_threads=os.cpu_count()) cH.heatmap(reader, 'r', "hit_ratio_start_time_end_time", num_of_pixel_of_time_dim=100, algorithm="FIFO", num_of_threads=os.cpu_count(), cache_size=200) cH.diff_heatmap(reader, 'r', "hit_ratio_start_time_end_time", num_of_pixel_of_time_dim=24, cache_size=200, algorithm1="LRU", algorithm2="Optimal", cache_params2=None, num_of_threads=os.cpu_count())
def run_in_parallel(input_list, args, func, kwargs_dict = None, workers = None, onebyone = False): ''' Take an input list, divide into chunks and then apply a function to each of the chunks in parallel. ''' if not workers: #divide by two to get the number of physical cores #subtract one to leave one core free workers = int(os.cpu_count()/2 - 1) elif workers == "all": workers = os.cpu_count() arg_to_parallelize = args.index("foo") if not onebyone: chunk_list = [input_list[i::workers] for i in range(workers)] else: #each element in the input list will constitute a chunk of its own. chunk_list = input_list pool = mp.Pool(workers) results = [] for i in chunk_list: current_args = args.copy() current_args[arg_to_parallelize] = i if kwargs_dict: process = pool.apply_async(func, tuple(current_args), kwargs_dict) else: process = pool.apply_async(func, tuple(current_args)) results.append(process) pool.close() pool.join() return(results)
def __init__(self, size): self.size = size self._time = pyfftw.empty_aligned(size, 'float64') self._freq = pyfftw.empty_aligned(size//2 + 1, 'complex128') self.fft = pyfftw.FFTW(self._time, self._freq, threads=os.cpu_count(), direction='FFTW_FORWARD') self.ifft = pyfftw.FFTW(self._freq, self._time, threads=os.cpu_count(), direction='FFTW_BACKWARD')
def _main(filename): import os import csv import sys import math import concurrent.futures from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta from utils.db.schema import session_execute from utils.db.schema import session_close users = session_execute('select distinct user_id from "Twitter"."Trajectory" where trajectory_id in (select distinct trajectory_id from "Twitter"."Stop")', {}) users = [r[0] for r in users] # session_close() with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as csvfile: fieldnames = ['trajectory_id', 'tweet_id', 'created_at', 'coordinates', 'text', 'place', 'category_name', 'category_uri', 'section'] writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames, dialect='unix') # writer.writeheader() counter1 = 0; counter2 = 0; total = len(users); is_ = 0; nsets = 3; return_code = -1 split_factor = 1 / nsets; block_size = math.ceil(total * split_factor); blocks = math.ceil(total / block_size) partition = [users[i * block_size: (i + 1) * block_size] for i in range(0, blocks)] users = None for subset in partition: is_ += 1 subtotal = len(subset) split_factor = 1 / os.cpu_count(); block_size = math.ceil(subtotal * split_factor); blocks = math.ceil(subtotal / block_size) partition2 = [subset[i * block_size: (i + 1) * block_size] for i in range(0, blocks)] start = with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=os.cpu_count()) as executor: # with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=os.cpu_count()) as executor: tasks = [] print ('Start exporting.') for subset2 in partition2: tasks.append(executor.submit(_task, subset2)) print ('Start waiting subprocesses.') for t in concurrent.futures.as_completed(tasks): rows, counter2_, counter1_ = t.result() counter2 += counter2_; counter1 += counter1_; if return_code < 0 and counter2 > 0: return_code = 0 for row in rows: writer.writerow(row) print (str(counter2) + '/' + str(counter1) + '/' + str(total) + ' done. ') current = elapsed = (current - start).total_seconds() / 3600 timeleft = ((total - counter1) * elapsed) / subtotal finish = current + timedelta(seconds=timeleft * 3600) print ('Subset {}/{} done.'.format(is_, nsets)) print ('Elapsed time: {} hours'.format(round(elapsed, 1))) print ('Remaining time: {} hours'.format(round(timeleft, 1))) print ('Estimated finish time: {}\n'.format(finish.strftime('%H:%M'))) sys.exit(0)
def match(label): result = []; query = (str(n) for n in re.findall('\d+', label)) answer = [i for q in query for i in (_index[q] if q in _index else [])] answer = (x for x, c in collections.Counter(answer).items() if c > 1) patterns = [[_patterns[j], label] for j in answer] with Pool(os.cpu_count()) as p: results =, _chunks2(patterns, os.cpu_count())) for r in results: result += r return result
def fitPeaks(self, fitwidth, nproc=0, par_func=None, **kwargs): """ Fit all peaks found by peak finder, has the ability to split the peaks among multiple processors Parameters ---------- fitwidth : int Sets the size of the fitting window nproc : int number of processors to use Returns ------- list : list of DataFrames A list of DataFrames with each DataFrame holding the fits of one peak """ blobs = self.peakfinder.blobs if nproc > 1: # make sure we don't try to use more processors than we have if nproc > os.cpu_count(): nproc = os.cpu_count() # save the data type character dtype_char = self.stack.dtype.char # allocate shared memory for the array shared_array_base = mp.RawArray(dtype_char, self.stack.size) # assign the array, this opertates through a memoryview # so it's very fast but has no checking mv_array = memoryview(shared_array_base) # we have to cast through bytes because of Py3 peculiarities mv_array.cast("B").cast(dtype_char)[:] = self.stack.ravel() # start pool, initilize shared array on each worker. with mp.Pool(nproc, _init_func, (par_func, shared_array_base, self.stack.shape)) as p: print('Multiprocessing engaged with {} cores'.format(nproc)) # farm out the tasks results = [p.apply_async( par_func, args=(fitwidth, blob, None), kwds=kwargs ) for blob in blobs] # collect results fits = [pp.get() for pp in results] else: # serial version, just list comprehension fits = [par_func( fitwidth, blob, self.stack, **kwargs) for blob in blobs] # clear nones (i.e. unsuccessful fits) fits = [fit for fit in fits if fit is not None] self.fits = fits return fits
def compress(): #Get corecount, with fallback cores = str(os.cpu_count()) #thank you Python 3.4 if os.cpu_count() == None: cores = str(1) for file in os.listdir(localdir): if file.endswith(".exe") and file.startswith(("Q10", "Z10", "Z30", "Z3", "Passport")): print("\nCOMPRESSING: " + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0] + ".exe @mmt" + cores) if amd64 == True: os.system(sevenzip + " a -mx9 -mmt" + cores + " -m0=lzma2:d128m:fb128 " + '"' + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0] + '.7z" "' + file + '"') else: os.system(sevenzip + " a -mx9 -mmt" + cores + " " + '"' + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0] + '.7z" "' + file + '"')
def _export_datasets(dataset, features, classes, origin, sufix): from tasks.linker import params from multiprocessing.pool import Pool name_ = 'all' + str(origin) + sufix filename = get_path('datasets', '{}.arff'.format(name_)) classes_ = [next((v['short_name'] for k, v in params.items() if v['metadata_uri'] == c), None) for c in classes] dataset_ = ([d, classes_] for d in _chunks(dataset, os.cpu_count())) with Pool(os.cpu_count()) as p: sets_ = p.starmap(_expand, dataset_); dataset_ = [] for s in sets_: dataset_.extend(s) with Pool(os.cpu_count()) as p: dataset_ =, dataset_) _save(dataset_, features, 'class', name_, filename)
def _export_datasets(dataset, features, classes, origin, sufix): from copy import deepcopy from tasks.linker import params from multiprocessing.pool import Pool for name in ['schools', 'ies', 'attractions', 'museums', 'theaters', 'hospitals', 'hotels', 'offices']: name_ = name + str(origin) + sufix filename = get_path('datasets', '{}.arff'.format(name_)) class_ = next((v['metadata_uri'] for k, v in params.items() if v['short_name'] == name), None) index_ = classes.index(class_) dataset_ = ([l, index_] for l in deepcopy(dataset)) with Pool(os.cpu_count()) as p: dataset_ = p.starmap(_crop, dataset_) with Pool(os.cpu_count()) as p: dataset_ =, dataset_) _save(dataset_, features, class_, name_, filename)
async def _execute_queuing_tasks(self, queue, loop, executor, func): """Execute queue tasks""" tasks = [ self._set_task_queue_for_executor(queue, loop, executor, func) for i in range(os.cpu_count()) ] return await asyncio.wait(tasks)
def __init__(self, uid, access_token, output_folder, album): self.uid = uid self.access_token = access_token self.output_folder = output_folder self.album = album self.cpu_count = os.cpu_count() if not os.path.exists(self.output_folder): os.makedirs(self.output_folder) # '{04}_{}.mp3 self.folder_aids = {x[5:-4] for x in os.listdir(self.output_folder)} url = ( "" "uid={uid}&access_token={access_token}" ).format(uid=self.uid, access_token=self.access_token) response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) content = self._content = json.loads(content.decode('utf-8')) self.music_list = self._content['response'] self.tracks_map = {} for ind, track in enumerate(reversed(self.music_list)): self.tracks_map[str(track['aid'])] = { 'index': ind, 'artist': unescape(track['artist']), 'title': unescape(track['title']), 'url': track['url'], 'output_path': os.path.join(output_folder, '{}_{}.mp3'.format(format(ind, '04'), track['aid'])), }
def load_patterns(tablename): global _patterns, _index print ('Loading patterns...') _patterns = (p for p in _db[tablename].find(fields={'_id':False, 'label':True, 'expansion':True})) with Pool(200) as p: _patterns =, _patterns) print ('Done.') print ('Indexing patterns...') with Pool(os.cpu_count()) as p: keywords =, _patterns) with Pool(os.cpu_count()) as p: indexes = (index for index in p.starmap(_subindex, _chunks(keywords, os.cpu_count()))) for index in indexes: for k in index: if k in _index: _index[k].extend(index[k]) else: _index[k] = index[k] print ('Done.')
def get_num_workers(jobs): """ Parameters ---------- jobs How many jobs to be paralleled. Negative or 0 means number of cpu cores left. Returns ------- How many subprocess to be used """ num_workers = jobs if num_workers <= 0: num_workers = os.cpu_count() + jobs if num_workers < 0 or num_workers > os.cpu_count(): raise RuntimeError("System doesn't have so many cpu cores: {} vs {}".format(jobs, os.cpu_count())) return num_workers
def create_arg_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-bp', '--build-path', help='Path to build directory, automatically detected if possible.', metavar='<path>') parser.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', default=os.cpu_count() or 1, type=int_argument_greater_than_zero, help='Run N jobs in parallel. Defaults to number of logical cores ' '(%(default)s detected).', metavar='N') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='More verbose output.') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='command', help='-h or --help after <command> for more help', metavar='<command>') # Fix for bug introduced in 3.3.5. See . subparsers.required = True commands.analyze.add_argparse_subparser(subparsers, _SOURCE_PATHS_ARG_NAME) commands.assembler.add_argparse_subparser(subparsers, _SOURCE_PATHS_ARG_NAME) commands.check.add_argparse_subparser(subparsers, _SOURCE_PATHS_ARG_NAME) return parser
def __init__(self, key, repository, manifest, archive, cached_repo): super().__init__() self._inode_count = 0 self.key = key self.repository = cached_repo self.items = {} self.parent = {} self.contents = defaultdict(dict) self.default_dir = {b'mode': 0o40755, b'mtime': int(time.time() * 1e9), b'uid': os.getuid(), b'gid': os.getgid()} self.pending_archives = {} self.accounted_chunks = {} self.cache = ItemCache() data_cache_capacity = int(os.environ.get('BORG_MOUNT_DATA_CACHE_ENTRIES', os.cpu_count() or 1)) logger.debug('mount data cache capacity: %d chunks', data_cache_capacity) self.data_cache = LRUCache(capacity=data_cache_capacity, dispose=lambda _: None) if archive: self.process_archive(archive) else: # Create root inode self.parent[1] = self.allocate_inode() self.items[1] = self.default_dir for archive_name in manifest.archives: # Create archive placeholder inode archive_inode = self.allocate_inode() self.items[archive_inode] = self.default_dir self.parent[archive_inode] = 1 self.contents[1][os.fsencode(archive_name)] = archive_inode self.pending_archives[archive_inode] = Archive(repository, key, manifest, archive_name)
def tests_for_sha(path, disable_blacklist=False): """List all tests wich evaluate in the repo, as a set of (attr, drvPath)""" num_jobs = 32 # at this size, each job takes 1~1.7 GB mem max_workers = max(1, psutil.virtual_memory().available//(1700*1024*1024)) # a job is also cpu hungry try: max_workers = min(max_workers, os.cpu_count()) except: pass def eval(i): output = subprocess.check_output(['nix-instantiate', '--eval', '--json', '--strict', '-I', "nixpkgs="+str(path), enumerate_tests, '--arg', "jobIndex", str(i), '--arg', 'numJobs', str(num_jobs), '--arg', 'disableBlacklist', str(disable_blacklist).lower(), '--show-trace'], universal_newlines=True) return json.loads(output) with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor: evals =, range(num_jobs)) path = ("<nixpkgs/nixos/release.nix>", "--arg", "supportedSystems", "[builtins.currentSystem]") attrs = set() for partial in evals: for test in partial: b = Buildable(test["attr"], test["drv"], path=path) attrs.add(b) return attrs
def build_libuv(self): env = os.environ.copy() env['CFLAGS'] = ('-fPIC ' + env.get('CFLAGS', '-O2') + ' ' + env.get('ARCHFLAGS', '')) j_flag = '-j{}'.format(os.cpu_count() or 1) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(LIBUV_DIR, 'configure')):['/bin/sh', ''], cwd=LIBUV_DIR, env=env, check=True) # Sometimes pip fails to preserve the timestamps correctly, # in which case, make will try to run autotools again.['touch', '', 'aclocal.m4', 'configure', '', ''], cwd=LIBUV_DIR, env=env, check=True)['./configure'], cwd=LIBUV_DIR, env=env, check=True) c_flag = "CFLAGS={}".format(env['CFLAGS'])['make', j_flag, c_flag], cwd=LIBUV_DIR, env=env, check=True)
def batch(func, iterable, chunksize=1000, max_value=None): bar = Bar(max_value=max_value).start() workers = int(config.get("WORKERS", os.cpu_count())) with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers) as executor: for i, res in enumerate(, iterable)): bar.update(i) bar.finish()
def run_tests(args): log_file = "test-suite.log" tasks = [] task_queue = queue.Queue() prefix = "" if args.valgrind: prefix = " ".join([args.valgrind, args.valgrind_supp, VALGRIND_OPTS]) log_file = "test-suite-memcheck.log" for test in args.tests.split(): cmd = test if prefix: cmd = prefix + " " + cmd task = Task(test, cmd) tasks.append(task) task_queue.put(task) for i in range(os.cpu_count()): threading.Thread(target=run_test_program, args=(task_queue,)).start() task_queue.join() print_log(log_file, tasks) for task in tasks: if not task.success: sys.exit(1)
def __init__(self, outdir, lang="de"): self.lang = lang # Create output directory self.outdir = os.path.join(outdir, lang) os.makedirs(self.outdir, exist_ok=True) # Async executor self.executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(os.cpu_count()) # Modified queue behaviour so new rules are run before reading new PO files, # in effect saving a ton of RAM self.executor._work_queue = queue.LifoQueue(512) # Load rules for language rules, rule_errors = importRulesForLanguage(lang) self.rules = sorted(rules, reverse=True) self.rule_errors = rule_errors # Get timestamp self.timestamp ="%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # Process lastdownload date (copied to the templated) lastdownloadPath = os.path.join("cache", "lastdownload-{0}.txt".format(lang)) if os.path.isfile(lastdownloadPath): with open(lastdownloadPath) as infile: self.downloadTimestamp = else: self.downloadTimestamp = None # Initialize translation ID/URL map translationFilemapCache = getTranslationFilemapCache(lang) self.translationURLs = { v["path"]: "{0}/enus-{1}".format(v["id"], lang) for v in translationFilemapCache.values() }
def _prepare_dataset(): import math import concurrent.futures from utils.db.schema import session_execute from utils.db.schema import session_close dataset = [] trajectories = session_execute('select distinct trajectory_id from "Twitter"."Stop"', {}) trajectories = [r[0] for r in trajectories] total = len(trajectories) session_close() print ('Trajectories loaded.') split_factor = 1 / 3; block_size = math.ceil(total * split_factor); blocks = math.ceil(total / block_size) partition = [trajectories[i * block_size: (i + 1) * block_size] for i in range(0, blocks)] trajectories = None counter1, counter2 = 0, 0 for subset in partition: with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=os.cpu_count()) as executor: tasks = [] for trajectory_id in subset: tasks.append(executor.submit(_prepare_trajectory, trajectory_id)) print('Waiting for processes termination.') for t in concurrent.futures.as_completed(tasks): counter1 += 1; trajectory = t.result() if trajectory: dataset.append(trajectory) if trajectory['datasets']: counter2 += 1 if (counter2 % 200) == 0: print((str(trajectory['datasets']) + ' (' + str(counter2) + '/' + str(counter1) + '/' + str(total) + ')')) return dataset
def find_all_control_points(): # Create control points for each ring # TODO: use order from settings project.control_points.clear() quickypano.lowpriority() if args.debug: exec_class = DummyExecutor else: exec_class = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor with exec_class(os.cpu_count()) as executor: sett = project.settings find_cpoints_for_ring(sett.ROW_MIDDLE, sett.start_offset('MIDDLE'), executor) find_cpoints_for_ring(sett.ROW_DOWN, sett.start_offset('DOWN'), executor) find_cpoints_for_ring(sett.ROW_UP, sett.start_offset('UP'), executor) # Connect rings connect_rings('MIDDLE', 'DOWN', executor) connect_rings('MIDDLE', 'UP', executor) # TODO: zenith & nadir shots sys.stderr.flush() sys.stdout.flush() quickypano.normalpriority()'Found a total of %i control points', len(project.control_points))
def __init__(self, config, atStorage, userStorage, filterRequest=False, threadPoolNumber=None): # init configurations self.config = config self.atStorage = atStorage or TestStorage() self.userStorage = userStorage self.filterRequest = filterRequest self.threadPoolNumber = threadPoolNumber or ((None if not hasattr(os, 'cpu_count') else os.cpu_count()) or 1) * 5 try: self.ioLoop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current() except: self.ioLoop = None self.isWsgi = True self.debug = True self._replyFnDict = {} # init apis self.application = Application(self) = Chat(self) self.common = Common(self) self.customerservice = CustomerService(self) = Menu(self) self.messages = Messages(self) self.oauth2 = Oauth2(self) self.statistics = Statistics(self) self.templatemsgs = TemplateMsgs(self) self.users = Users(self) self.utils = Utils(self) self.wrapped = Wrapped(self)
def cpu_count(self): '''Returns the number of CPUs in the system''' num = os.cpu_count() if num is None: raise NotImplementedError('cannot determine number of cpus') else: return num
def start_working(self, start_time, count): for i in range(os.cpu_count()): threading.Thread(target=self.workerbee_do, daemon=True, name="workerbee " + str(i + 1)).start() stop_all = time.time() - start_time queue.join() with lock: print("Adding", str(count), "tracks took", str(stop_all.__round__(5)) + "seconds")
def build_libuv(self): env = _libuv_build_env() # Make sure configure and friends are present in case # we are building from a git checkout. _libuv_autogen(env) # Copy the libuv tree to build/ so that its build # products don't pollute sdist accidentally. if os.path.exists(LIBUV_BUILD_DIR): shutil.rmtree(LIBUV_BUILD_DIR) shutil.copytree(LIBUV_DIR, LIBUV_BUILD_DIR) # Sometimes pip fails to preserve the timestamps correctly, # in which case, make will try to run autotools again. ['touch', '', 'aclocal.m4', 'configure', '', ''], cwd=LIBUV_BUILD_DIR, env=env, check=True) if 'LIBUV_CONFIGURE_HOST' in env: cmd = ['./configure', '--host=' + env['LIBUV_CONFIGURE_HOST']] else: cmd = ['./configure'] cmd, cwd=LIBUV_BUILD_DIR, env=env, check=True) j_flag = '-j{}'.format(os.cpu_count() or 1) c_flag = "CFLAGS={}".format(env['CFLAGS']) ['make', j_flag, c_flag], cwd=LIBUV_BUILD_DIR, env=env, check=True)
def list_configs(): rc_list = [] for c in range(1, os.cpu_count() - 1): rc = get_config('localhost_{}'.format(c)) rc_list.append(rc) return rc_list
def __init__(self): # set up basic geometry of main window super().__init__() self.title = 'yt2mp3 - Your simple Youtube to MP3 converter' self.left = 0 = 0 self.width = 900 self.height = 385 self.setWindowTitle(self.title) self.setGeometry(self.left,, self.width, self.height) ################################################################################### # set up threading work backend, leaving at least one cpu for the OS and other crap ################################################################################### self.worker_thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=max(1, os.cpu_count() - 1)) self.gui_communicator_thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=max(1, os.cpu_count() - 1)) ############################### # set up layout of main window ############################### # first, some buttons to the right self.add_tab_button = QPushButton( '+ Tab') # button for adding new tabs (see below) self.run_all_jobs_button = QPushButton( 'Run all (?)' ) # button to run all runnable (not yet running and un-run) jobs self.stop_all_jobs_button = QPushButton( 'Stop all (?)') # button to terminate all running jobs # labels for summarizing job stati self.previous_job_stati = None # memorize the previously received status to avoid uneccessary rendering. self.status_widget = QWidget() self.job_status_layout = QGridLayout() self.status_widget.setLayout(self.job_status_layout) self.n_jobs_idle_label = QLabel('Idle:') self.n_jobs_idle_number_label = QLabel('?') self.n_jobs_submitted_label = QLabel('Submitted:') self.n_jobs_submitted_number_label = QLabel('?') self.n_jobs_running_label = QLabel('Running:') self.n_jobs_running_number_label = QLabel('?') self.n_jobs_finished_label = QLabel('Finished:') self.n_jobs_finished_number_label = QLabel('?') self.n_jobs_stopped_label = QLabel('Stopped:') self.n_jobs_stopped_number_label = QLabel('?') self.n_jobs_failed_label = QLabel('Failed:') self.n_jobs_failed_number_label = QLabel('?') self.job_status_layout.addWidget(self.n_jobs_idle_label, 0, 0) self.job_status_layout.addWidget(self.n_jobs_idle_number_label, 0, 1) self.job_status_layout.addWidget(self.n_jobs_submitted_label, 1, 0) self.job_status_layout.addWidget(self.n_jobs_submitted_number_label, 1, 1) self.job_status_layout.addWidget(self.n_jobs_running_label, 2, 0) self.job_status_layout.addWidget(self.n_jobs_running_number_label, 2, 1) self.job_status_layout.addWidget(self.n_jobs_stopped_label, 3, 0) self.job_status_layout.addWidget(self.n_jobs_stopped_number_label, 3, 1) self.job_status_layout.addWidget(self.n_jobs_failed_label, 4, 0) self.job_status_layout.addWidget(self.n_jobs_failed_number_label, 4, 1) self.job_status_layout.addWidget(self.n_jobs_finished_label, 5, 0) self.job_status_layout.addWidget(self.n_jobs_finished_number_label, 5, 1) self.button_panel = QWidget() # widget and layout to group buttons button_layout = QVBoxLayout(self) button_layout.addWidget(self.add_tab_button) # assemble buttons button_layout.addStretch() # add some spacing button_layout.addWidget(self.status_widget) button_layout.addStretch() # add some spacing button_layout.addWidget(self.run_all_jobs_button) button_layout.addWidget(self.stop_all_jobs_button) self.button_panel.setLayout(button_layout) # second, a tab panel for job specification to the left # list of icons for the tabs to use. self.tab_icons = { JobPanel.STATUS_IDLE: QIcon('resources/edit.png'), JobPanel.STATUS_SUBMITTED: QIcon('resources/stopwatch.png'), JobPanel.STATUS_RUNNING: QIcon('resources/download.png'), JobPanel.STATUS_STOPPED: QIcon('resources/stop.png'), JobPanel.STATUS_FINISHED: QIcon('resources/finish-flag.png'), JobPanel.STATUS_FAILED: QIcon('resources/alarm.png') } self.tab_status = {} # keep track of each tab's job's status self.tab_icon_size = QSize(24, 24) self.tab_panel = QTabWidget() self.tab_panel.setTabsClosable(True) # make tabs closable. self.tab_panel.setIconSize(self.tab_icon_size) self.tabs_created = 0 # count how many tabs have been created # assemble gui elements window_layout = QHBoxLayout(self) window_layout.addWidget(self.tab_panel) # tab panel to the left window_layout.addWidget(self.button_panel) # controls to the right self.setLayout(window_layout) # add initial tab from argparse_namespace input and show self.add_tab() # create process output monitor self.process_output_monitor = ProcessOutputMonitor(self.tab_panel) ################################ # add functionality and controls ################################ self.add_tab_button.clicked.connect(self.add_tab) self.tab_panel.tabCloseRequested.connect(self.close_tab) self.run_all_jobs_button.clicked.connect(self.run_all_jobs) self.stop_all_jobs_button.clicked.connect(self.stop_all_jobs) self.process_output_monitor.update_output.connect( self.handle_process_output) self.process_output_monitor.update_tabinfo.connect( self.handle_tabinfo_change) self.process_output_monitor.update_stati.connect( self.handle_process_status_summary) self.process_output_monitor.update_runnable_stoppable_count.connect( self.handle_runnable_stoppable_count) self.process_output_monitor.monitor_outputs()
def main(): cpu_count = os.cpu_count() or 8 version = "20191107" packages = [ "hummingbot", "hummingbot.client", "hummingbot.client.command", "hummingbot.client.config", "hummingbot.client.liquidity_bounty", "hummingbot.client.ui", "hummingbot.core", "hummingbot.core.data_type", "hummingbot.core.event", "", "hummingbot.core.utils", "hummingbot.data_feed", "hummingbot.logger", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "hummingbot.strategy", "hummingbot.strategy.arbitrage", "hummingbot.strategy.cross_exchange_market_making", "hummingbot.strategy.discovery", "hummingbot.strategy.pure_market_making", "hummingbot.templates", "hummingbot.wallet", "hummingbot.wallet.ethereum", "hummingbot.wallet.ethereum.uniswap", "hummingbot.wallet.ethereum.watcher", "hummingbot.wallet.ethereum.zero_ex", ] package_data = { "hummingbot": [ "core/cpp/*", "client/liquidity_bounty/*.txt", "wallet/ethereum/zero_ex/zero_ex_coordinator_abi.json", "wallet/ethereum/zero_ex/zero_ex_coordinator_registry_abi.json", "wallet/ethereum/zero_ex/zero_ex_exchange_abi.json", "wallet/ethereum/token_abi/*.json", "wallet/ethereum/erc20_tokens.json", "VERSION", "templates/*TEMPLATE.yml" ], } install_requires = [ "aioconsole", "aiokafka", "attrdict", "cytoolz", "eth-abi", "eth-account", "eth-hash", "eth-keyfile", "eth-keys", "eth-rlp", "eth-utils", "hexbytes", "kafka-python", "lru-dict", "parsimonious", "pycryptodome", "requests", "rlp", "toolz", "tzlocal", "urllib3", "web3", "websockets", "aiohttp", "async-timeout", "attrs", "certifi", "chardet", "cython==0.29.5", "idna", "idna_ssl", "multidict", "numpy", "pandas", "pytz", "pyyaml", "python-binance==0.6.9", "sqlalchemy", "ujson", "yarl", ] if "DEV_MODE" in os.environ: version += ".dev1" package_data[""] = ["*.pxd", "*.pyx", "*.h"] package_data["hummingbot"].append("core/cpp/*.cpp") if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "build_ext": sys.argv.append(f"--parallel={cpu_count}") setup( name="hummingbot", version=version, description="CoinAlpha Hummingbot", url="", author="Martin Kou", author_email="*****@*****.**", license="Proprietary", packages=packages, package_data=package_data, install_requires=install_requires, ext_modules=cythonize(["hummingbot/**/*.pyx"], language="c++", language_level=3, nthreads=cpu_count), include_dirs=[ np.get_include(), ], scripts=["bin/", "bin/"], )
try: testing_names = os.listdir(args.testingSetPath) except OSError: log.error( "No such directory {}. Check if the directory exists".format( args.testingSetPath)) exit() for testing_name in testing_names: directory_name = os.path.join(args.testingSetPath, testing_name) class_path = imutils.imlist(directory_name) image_paths += class_path else: image_paths = [args.image] # Get the amount of cpus cpus = os.cpu_count() # Take the set size set_size = len(image_paths) # Calculates the number of subsets required for the quantity of cpus subset_size = int(numpy.ceil(set_size / cpus)) # Divide the set into subsets according to the quantity of cpus"Dividing feature detection and extraction between {} processes". format(cpus)) image_paths_parts = [ image_paths[i:i + subset_size] for i in range(0, set_size, subset_size) ] # Create feature extraction and keypoint detector objects
async def main() -> None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Runs CP2K regression test suite.") parser.add_argument("--mpiranks", type=int, default=2) parser.add_argument("--ompthreads", type=int) parser.add_argument("--maxtasks", type=int, default=os.cpu_count()) parser.add_argument("--timeout", type=int, default=400) parser.add_argument("--maxerrors", type=int, default=50) parser.add_argument("--mpiexec", default="mpiexec") parser.add_argument("--keepalive", dest="keepalive", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--restrictdir", action="append") parser.add_argument("--workbasedir", type=Path) parser.add_argument("arch") parser.add_argument("version") cfg = Config(parser.parse_args()) print("*************************** Testing started ****************************") start_time = time.perf_counter() # Query CP2K binary for feature flags. version_bytes, _ = await (await cfg.launch_exe("cp2k", "--version")).communicate() version_output = version_bytes.decode("utf8", errors="replace") flags_line =" cp2kflags:(.*)\n", version_output) if not flags_line: print(version_output + "\nCould not parse feature flags.") sys.exit(1) else: flags = print("\n----------------------------- Settings ---------------------------------") print(f"MPI ranks: {cfg.mpiranks}") print(f"OpenMP threads: {cfg.ompthreads}") print(f"GPU devices: {cfg.num_gpus}") print(f"Workers: {cfg.num_workers}") print(f"Timeout [s]: {cfg.timeout}") print(f"Work base dir: {cfg.work_base_dir}") print(f"MPI exec: {cfg.mpiexec}") print(f"Keepalive: {cfg.keepalive}") print(f"Debug: {cfg.debug}") print(f"ARCH: {cfg.arch}") print(f"VERSION: {cfg.version}") print(f"Flags: " + ",".join(flags)) # Have to copy everything upfront because the test dirs are not self-contained. print("------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("Copying test files ...", end="") shutil.copytree(cfg.cp2k_root / "tests", cfg.work_base_dir) print(" done") # Discover unit tests. unittest_batch = Batch("UNIT", cfg) unittest_batch.workdir.mkdir() unittest_glob = (cfg.cp2k_root / "exe" / cfg.arch).glob(f"*_unittest.{cfg.version}") for exe in unittest_glob: unittest_batch.unittests.append(Unittest(exe.stem, unittest_batch.workdir)) # Read TEST_TYPES. test_types_fn = cfg.cp2k_root / "tests" / "TEST_TYPES" test_types: List[Optional[TestType]] = [None] # test type zero lines = test_types_fn.read_text(encoding="utf8").split("\n") test_types += [TestType(l) for l in lines[1 : int(lines[0]) + 1]] # Read TEST_DIRS. batches: List[Batch] = [unittest_batch] test_dirs_fn = cfg.cp2k_root / "tests" / "TEST_DIRS" for line in test_dirs_fn.read_text(encoding="utf8").split("\n"): line = line.split("#", 1)[0].strip() if not line: continue batch = Batch(line, cfg) # Read TEST_FILES. test_files_fn = Path(batch.src_dir / "TEST_FILES") for line in test_files_fn.read_text(encoding="utf8").split("\n"): line = line.split("#", 1)[0].strip() if not line: continue batch.regtests.append(Regtest(line, test_types, batch.workdir)) batches.append(batch) # Create async tasks. tasks = [] num_restrictdirs = 0 for batch in batches: if not batch.requirements_satisfied(flags, cfg.mpiranks): print(f"Skipping {} because its requirements are not satisfied.") elif not any(re.match(p, for p in cfg.restrictdirs): num_restrictdirs += 1 else: tasks.append(asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(run_batch(batch, cfg))) if num_restrictdirs: print(f"Skipping {num_restrictdirs} test directories because of --restrictdir.") if not tasks: print("\nNo test directories selected, check --restrictdir filter.") sys.exit(1) # Wait for tasks to finish and print their results. print(f"Launched {len(tasks)} test directories and {cfg.num_workers} worker...\n") all_results: List[TestResult] = [] with open(cfg.error_summary, "wt", encoding="utf8", errors="replace") as err_fh: for num_done, task in enumerate(asyncio.as_completed(tasks)): batch_result = await task all_results += batch_result.results print(f">>> {batch_result.batch.workdir}") print("\n".join(str(r) for r in batch_result.results)) print(f"<<< {batch_result.batch.workdir} ({num_done + 1}", end="") print(f" of {len(tasks)}) done in {batch_result.duration:.2f} sec") sys.stdout.flush() err_fh.write("\n".join(r.error for r in batch_result.results if r.error)) err_fh.flush() if sum(r.status != "OK" for r in all_results) > cfg.max_errors: print(f"\nGot more than {cfg.max_errors} errors, aborting...") break print("------------------------------- Errors ---------------------------------") print("\n".join(r.error for r in all_results if r.error)) print("\n------------------------------- Timings --------------------------------") timings = sorted(r.duration for r in all_results) print('Plot: name="timings", title="Timing Distribution", ylabel="time [s]"') for p in (100, 99, 98, 95, 90, 80): v = percentile(timings, p / 100.0) print(f'PlotPoint: name="{p}th_percentile", plot="timings", ', end="") print(f'label="{p}th %ile", y={v:.2f}, yerr=0.0') print("\n------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------") total_duration = time.perf_counter() - start_time num_tests = len(all_results) num_failed = sum(r.status in ("TIMED OUT", "RUNTIME FAIL") for r in all_results) num_wrong = sum(r.status == "WRONG RESULT" for r in all_results) num_ok = sum(r.status == "OK" for r in all_results) print(f"Number of FAILED tests {num_failed}") print(f"Number of WRONG tests {num_wrong}") print(f"Number of CORRECT tests {num_ok}") print(f"Total number of tests {num_tests}") summary = f"\nSummary: correct: {num_ok} / {num_tests}" summary += f"; wrong: {num_wrong}" if num_wrong > 0 else "" summary += f"; failed: {num_failed}" if num_failed > 0 else "" summary += f"; {total_duration/60.0:.0f}min" print(summary) print("Status: " + ("OK" if num_ok == num_tests else "FAILED") + "\n") print("*************************** Testing ended ******************************") sys.exit(num_tests - num_ok)
def main(argv): if len(argv) > 1: raise app.UsageError('Too many command-line arguments.') random.seed(2077) log.set_level(FLAGS.log_level) n_jobs = os.cpu_count() assert FLAGS.max_threads != 0 if FLAGS.max_threads > 0: n_jobs = FLAGS.max_threads mesh_directory = FLAGS.mesh_directory if mesh_directory[-1] == '/': mesh_directory = mesh_directory[:-1] files = glob.glob(f'{mesh_directory}/*/*/*.ply') if not files and not FLAGS.optimize_only: raise ValueError(f"Didn't find any ply files in {mesh_directory}. " "Please make sure the directory structure is " "[mesh_directory]/[splits]/[class names]/[ply files]") # Make the directories first because it's not threadsafe and also might fail. if files and not FLAGS.optimize_only:'Creating directories...') for i, f in tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(files)): relpath = f.replace(mesh_directory, '') #'Relpath: {relpath}') assert relpath[0] == '/' relpath = relpath[1:] split, synset = relpath.split('/')[:2] if not os.path.isdir(f'{FLAGS.dataset_directory}/{split}'): os.makedirs(f'{FLAGS.dataset_directory}/{split}') if not os.path.isdir(f'{FLAGS.dataset_directory}/{split}/{synset}'): os.mkdir(f'{FLAGS.dataset_directory}/{split}/{synset}')'Making dataset...') # Flags can't be pickled: output_dirs = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(process_one)(f, mesh_directory, FLAGS.dataset_directory, FLAGS.skip_existing, FLAGS.log_level) for f in tqdm.tqdm(files))'Making dataset registry...') else: output_dirs = glob.glob(f'{FLAGS.dataset_directory}/*/*/*/surface_samples_from_dodeca.pts') output_dirs = [os.path.dirname(f) + '/' for f in output_dirs] output_dirs.sort() # So randomize with a fixed seed always results in the same order splits = {x.split('/')[-4] for x in output_dirs} if 'optimized' in splits: raise ValueError(f'The keyword "optimized" cannot be used for a split name, it is reserved.') for split in splits: elements_of_split = [x for x in output_dirs if x.split('/')[-4] == split] with open(f'{FLAGS.dataset_directory}/{split}.txt', 'wt') as f: f.write('\n'.join(elements_of_split) + '\n')'Done!') if FLAGS.optimize:'Precomputing optimized tfrecord files...') opt_dir = f'{FLAGS.dataset_directory}/optimized' if FLAGS.trample_optimized and os.path.isdir(opt_dir): for f in os.listdir(opt_dir): if f.endswith('.tfrecords'): os.remove(os.path.join(opt_dir, f)) if not os.path.isdir(opt_dir): os.mkdir(opt_dir) for split in splits:'Optimizing split {split}...') elements_of_split = [x for x in output_dirs if x.split('/')[-4] == split] examples_per_shard=64 # Make sure shards are totally random: random.shuffle(elements_of_split) n_shards = int(len(elements_of_split) / examples_per_shard) if len(elements_of_split) % examples_per_shard: n_shards += 1 shard_dir = f'{FLAGS.dataset_directory}/optimized/{split}' if not os.path.isdir(shard_dir): os.mkdir(shard_dir) for shard_idx in tqdm.tqdm(range(n_shards)): shard_name = f'{shard_dir}/{split}-%.5d-of-%.5d.tfrecords' % (shard_idx, n_shards) if not FLAGS.trample_optimized and os.path.isfile(shard_name): continue start_idx = shard_idx * examples_per_shard end_idx = (shard_idx + 1) * examples_per_shard options = with, options=options) as writer: to_process = elements_of_split[start_idx:end_idx] serialized = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(serialize)(d, FLAGS.log_level) for d in to_process) for s in serialized: writer.write(s)
def create_all_dags(args, neural_factory): yaml = YAML(typ="safe") with open(args.model_config) as f: jasper_params = yaml.load(f) vocab = jasper_params['labels'] sample_rate = jasper_params['sample_rate'] # Calculate num_workers for dataloader total_cpus = os.cpu_count() cpu_per_traindl = max(int(total_cpus / neural_factory.world_size), 1) # perturb_config = jasper_params.get('perturb', None) train_dl_params = copy.deepcopy(jasper_params["AudioToTextDataLayer"]) train_dl_params.update(jasper_params["AudioToTextDataLayer"]["train"]) del train_dl_params["train"] del train_dl_params["eval"] # del train_dl_params["normalize_transcripts"] data_layer = nemo_asr.AudioToTextDataLayer( manifest_filepath=args.train_dataset, sample_rate=sample_rate, labels=vocab, batch_size=args.batch_size, num_workers=cpu_per_traindl, **train_dl_params, # normalize_transcripts=False ) N = len(data_layer) steps_per_epoch = math.ceil(N / (args.batch_size * args.iter_per_step * args.num_gpus))'Have {0} examples to train on.'.format(N)) data_preprocessor = nemo_asr.AudioToMelSpectrogramPreprocessor( sample_rate=sample_rate, **jasper_params["AudioToMelSpectrogramPreprocessor"], ) multiply_batch_config = jasper_params.get('MultiplyBatch', None) if multiply_batch_config: multiply_batch = nemo_asr.MultiplyBatch(**multiply_batch_config) spectr_augment_config = jasper_params.get('SpectrogramAugmentation', None) if spectr_augment_config: data_spectr_augmentation = nemo_asr.SpectrogramAugmentation(**spectr_augment_config) eval_dl_params = copy.deepcopy(jasper_params["AudioToTextDataLayer"]) eval_dl_params.update(jasper_params["AudioToTextDataLayer"]["eval"]) del eval_dl_params["train"] del eval_dl_params["eval"] data_layers_eval = [] if args.eval_datasets: for eval_datasets in args.eval_datasets: data_layer_eval = nemo_asr.AudioToTextDataLayer( manifest_filepath=eval_datasets, sample_rate=sample_rate, labels=vocab, batch_size=args.eval_batch_size, num_workers=cpu_per_traindl, **eval_dl_params, ) data_layers_eval.append(data_layer_eval) else: nemo.logging.warning("There were no val datasets passed") jasper_encoder = nemo_asr.JasperEncoder( feat_in=jasper_params["AudioToMelSpectrogramPreprocessor"]["features"], **jasper_params["JasperEncoder"], ) jasper_decoder = nemo_asr.JasperDecoderForCTC( feat_in=jasper_params["JasperEncoder"]["jasper"][-1]["filters"], num_classes=len(vocab) ) ctc_loss = nemo_asr.CTCLossNM(num_classes=len(vocab)) greedy_decoder = nemo_asr.GreedyCTCDecoder()'================================')"Number of parameters in encoder: {jasper_encoder.num_weights}")"Number of parameters in decoder: {jasper_decoder.num_weights}") f"Total number of parameters in model: " f"{jasper_decoder.num_weights + jasper_encoder.num_weights}" )'================================') # Train DAG (audio_signal_t, a_sig_length_t, transcript_t, transcript_len_t,) = data_layer() processed_signal_t, p_length_t = data_preprocessor(input_signal=audio_signal_t, length=a_sig_length_t) if multiply_batch_config: (processed_signal_t, p_length_t, transcript_t, transcript_len_t,) = multiply_batch( in_x=processed_signal_t, in_x_len=p_length_t, in_y=transcript_t, in_y_len=transcript_len_t, ) if spectr_augment_config: processed_signal_t = data_spectr_augmentation(input_spec=processed_signal_t) encoded_t, encoded_len_t = jasper_encoder(audio_signal=processed_signal_t, length=p_length_t) log_probs_t = jasper_decoder(encoder_output=encoded_t) predictions_t = greedy_decoder(log_probs=log_probs_t) loss_t = ctc_loss( log_probs=log_probs_t, targets=transcript_t, input_length=encoded_len_t, target_length=transcript_len_t, ) # Callbacks needed to print info to console and Tensorboard train_callback = nemo.core.SimpleLossLoggerCallback( tensors=[loss_t, predictions_t, transcript_t, transcript_len_t], print_func=partial(monitor_asr_train_progress, labels=vocab), get_tb_values=lambda x: [("loss", x[0])], tb_writer=neural_factory.tb_writer, ) chpt_callback = nemo.core.CheckpointCallback( folder=neural_factory.checkpoint_dir, load_from_folder=args.load_dir, step_freq=args.checkpoint_save_freq, ) callbacks = [train_callback, chpt_callback] # assemble eval DAGs for i, eval_dl in enumerate(data_layers_eval): (audio_signal_e, a_sig_length_e, transcript_e, transcript_len_e,) = eval_dl() processed_signal_e, p_length_e = data_preprocessor(input_signal=audio_signal_e, length=a_sig_length_e) encoded_e, encoded_len_e = jasper_encoder(audio_signal=processed_signal_e, length=p_length_e) log_probs_e = jasper_decoder(encoder_output=encoded_e) predictions_e = greedy_decoder(log_probs=log_probs_e) loss_e = ctc_loss( log_probs=log_probs_e, targets=transcript_e, input_length=encoded_len_e, target_length=transcript_len_e, ) # create corresponding eval callback tagname = os.path.basename(args.eval_datasets[i]).split(".")[0] eval_callback = nemo.core.EvaluatorCallback( eval_tensors=[loss_e, predictions_e, transcript_e, transcript_len_e,], user_iter_callback=partial(process_evaluation_batch, labels=vocab), user_epochs_done_callback=partial(process_evaluation_epoch, tag=tagname), eval_step=args.eval_freq, tb_writer=neural_factory.tb_writer, ) callbacks.append(eval_callback) return loss_t, callbacks, steps_per_epoch
def main(args): # Prepare for distributed training yolo.init_distributed_mode(args) begin_time = time.time() print(time.asctime(time.localtime(begin_time))) device = torch.device( "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() and args.use_cuda else "cpu") cuda = device.type == "cuda" if cuda: yolo.get_gpu_prop(show=True) print("\ndevice: {}".format(device)) # Automatic mixed precision args.amp = False if cuda and torch.__version__ >= "1.6.0": capability = torch.cuda.get_device_capability()[0] if capability >= 7: # 7 refers to RTX series GPUs, e.g. 2080Ti, 2080, Titan RTX args.amp = True print("Automatic mixed precision (AMP) is enabled!") # ---------------------- prepare data loader ------------------------------- # # NVIDIA DALI, much faster data loader. DALI = cuda & yolo.DALI & args.dali & (args.dataset == "coco") # The code below is for COCO 2017 dataset # If you're using VOC dataset or COCO 2012 dataset, remember to revise the code splits = ("train2017", "val2017") file_roots = [os.path.join(args.data_dir, x) for x in splits] ann_files = [ os.path.join(args.data_dir, "annotations/instances_{}.json".format(x)) for x in splits ] if DALI: # Currently only support COCO dataset; support distributed training # DALICOCODataLoader behaves like PyTorch's DataLoader. # It consists of Dataset, DataLoader and DataPrefetcher. Thus it outputs CUDA tensor. print("Nvidia DALI is utilized!") d_train = yolo.DALICOCODataLoader(file_roots[0], ann_files[0], args.batch_size, collate_fn=yolo.collate_wrapper, drop_last=True, shuffle=True, device_id=args.gpu, world_size=args.world_size) d_test = yolo.DALICOCODataLoader(file_roots[1], ann_files[1], args.batch_size, collate_fn=yolo.collate_wrapper, device_id=args.gpu, world_size=args.world_size) else: #transforms = yolo.RandomAffine((0, 0), (0.1, 0.1), (0.9, 1.1), (0, 0, 0, 0)) dataset_train = yolo.datasets(args.dataset, file_roots[0], ann_files[0], train=True) dataset_test = yolo.datasets(args.dataset, file_roots[1], ann_files[1], train=True) # set train=True for eval if args.distributed: sampler_train = dataset_train) sampler_test = dataset_test) else: sampler_train = sampler_test = batch_sampler_train = yolo.GroupedBatchSampler( sampler_train, dataset_train.aspect_ratios, args.batch_size, drop_last=True) batch_sampler_test = yolo.GroupedBatchSampler( sampler_test, dataset_test.aspect_ratios, args.batch_size) args.num_workers = min(os.cpu_count() // 2, 8, args.batch_size if args.batch_size > 1 else 0) data_loader_train = dataset_train, batch_sampler=batch_sampler_train, num_workers=args.num_workers, collate_fn=yolo.collate_wrapper, pin_memory=cuda) data_loader_test = dataset_test, batch_sampler=batch_sampler_test, num_workers=args.num_workers, collate_fn=yolo.collate_wrapper, pin_memory=cuda) # cuda version of DataLoader, it behaves like DataLoader, but faster # DataLoader's pin_memroy should be True d_train = yolo.DataPrefetcher( data_loader_train) if cuda else data_loader_train d_test = yolo.DataPrefetcher( data_loader_test) if cuda else data_loader_test args.warmup_iters = max(1000, 3 * len(d_train)) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # print(args) yolo.setup_seed(args.seed) model_sizes = { "small": (0.33, 0.5), "medium": (0.67, 0.75), "large": (1, 1), "extreme": (1.33, 1.25) } num_classes = len(d_train.dataset.classes) model = yolo.YOLOv5(num_classes, model_sizes[args.model_size], img_sizes=args.img_sizes).to(device) model.transformer.mosaic = args.mosaic model_without_ddp = model if args.distributed: model = torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel( model, device_ids=[args.gpu]) model_without_ddp = model.module params = {"conv_weights": [], "biases": [], "others": []} for n, p in model_without_ddp.named_parameters(): if p.requires_grad: if p.dim() == 4: params["conv_weights"].append(p) elif ".bias" in n: params["biases"].append(p) else: params["others"].append(p) args.accumulate = max(1, round(64 / args.batch_size)) wd = args.weight_decay * args.batch_size * args.accumulate / 64 optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(params["biases"],, momentum=args.momentum, nesterov=True) optimizer.add_param_group({ "params": params["conv_weights"], "weight_decay": wd }) optimizer.add_param_group({"params": params["others"]}) lr_lambda = lambda x: math.cos(math.pi * x / ( (x // args.period + 1) * args.period) / 2)**2 * 0.9 + 0.1 print("Optimizer param groups: ", end="") print(", ".join("{} {}".format(len(v), k) for k, v in params.items())) del params torch.cuda.empty_cache() ema = yolo.ModelEMA(model) ema_without_ddp = ema.ema.module if args.distributed else ema.ema start_epoch = 0 ckpts = yolo.find_ckpts(args.ckpt_path) if ckpts: checkpoint = torch.load(ckpts[-1], map_location=device) # load last checkpoint model_without_ddp.load_state_dict(checkpoint["model"]) optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint["optimizer"]) start_epoch = checkpoint["epochs"] ema_without_ddp.load_state_dict(checkpoint["ema"][0]) ema.updates = checkpoint["ema"][1] del checkpoint torch.cuda.empty_cache() since = time.time() print("\nalready trained: {} epochs; to {} epochs".format( start_epoch, args.epochs)) # ------------------------------- train ------------------------------------ # for epoch in range(start_epoch, args.epochs): print("\nepoch: {}".format(epoch + 1)) if not DALI and args.distributed: sampler_train.set_epoch(epoch) A = time.time() args.lr_epoch = lr_lambda(epoch) * print("lr_epoch: {:.4f}, factor: {:.4f}".format( args.lr_epoch, lr_lambda(epoch))) iter_train = yolo.train_one_epoch(model, optimizer, d_train, device, epoch, args, ema) A = time.time() - A B = time.time() eval_output, iter_eval = yolo.evaluate(ema.ema, d_test, device, args) B = time.time() - B trained_epoch = epoch + 1 if yolo.get_rank() == 0: print("training: {:.2f} s, evaluation: {:.2f} s".format(A, B)) yolo.collect_gpu_info( "yolov5s", [args.batch_size / iter_train, args.batch_size / iter_eval]) print(eval_output.get_AP()) yolo.save_ckpt(model_without_ddp, optimizer, trained_epoch, args.ckpt_path, eval_info=str(eval_output), ema=(ema_without_ddp.state_dict(), ema.updates)) # It will create many checkpoint files during training, so delete some. ckpts = yolo.find_ckpts(args.ckpt_path) remaining = 60 if len(ckpts) > remaining: for i in range(len(ckpts) - remaining): os.system("rm {}".format(ckpts[i])) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # print("\ntotal time of this training: {:.2f} s".format(time.time() - since)) if start_epoch < args.epochs: print("already trained: {} epochs\n".format(trained_epoch))
import torchvision import yaml from utils.google_utils import gsutil_getsize from utils.metrics import fitness from utils.torch_utils import init_torch_seeds # Settings torch.set_printoptions(linewidth=320, precision=5, profile='long') np.set_printoptions(linewidth=320, formatter={'float_kind': '{:11.5g}'.format }) # format short g, %precision=5 cv2.setNumThreads( 0 ) # prevent OpenCV from multithreading (incompatible with PyTorch DataLoader) os.environ['NUMEXPR_MAX_THREADS'] = str(min(os.cpu_count(), 8)) # NumExpr max threads def set_logging(rank=-1): logging.basicConfig( format="%(message)s", level=logging.INFO if rank in [-1, 0] else logging.WARN) def init_seeds(seed=0): # Initialize random number generator (RNG) seeds random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) init_torch_seeds(seed)
for i in range(0, 5): start_time = time.perf_counter_ns() contextSwitch() resultsw.append(time.perf_counter_ns() - start_time) print(resultsw[i], "ns which is ", resultsw[i] * (10 ** (-9)), "seconds") sumThreadsw = 0.0; for i in range(0, 5): sumThreadsw = sumThreadsw + resultsw[i] averageTimesw= sumThreadsw/ 5 return averageTimesw print("Number of CPUs:", os.cpu_count()) def migration(): id1=1 id2=2 thread1 = thread("Thread" + str(id1), id1) print(str(thread1.thread_name) + " " + str(thread1.thread_ID)); thread2 = thread("Thread" + str(id2), id2) print(str(thread2.thread_name) + " " + str(thread2.thread_ID)); pid=0 aff1 = affinity.get_process_affinity_mask(pid) print("Thread1 is eligibl to run on:", aff1) affinity.set_process_affinity_mask(0, 100) print("CPU affinity mask is modified for process id % s" % pid)
def read_config(path, analyse): config = {} if not os.path.exists(path): _LOGGER.error('%s does not exist' % path) exit(-1) try: with open(path, 'r') as configFile: config = json.load(configFile) except ValueError: _LOGGER.error('Failed to parse config file') exit(-1) except IOError: _LOGGER.error('Failed to read config file') exit(-1) for key in ['libmusly', 'paths']: if not key in config: _LOGGER.error("'%s' not in config file" % key) exit(-1) for key in ['musly', 'lms', 'db']: if not key in config['paths']: _LOGGER.error("'paths.%s' not in config file" % key) exit(-1) if (key == 'db' and not os.path.exists(config['paths'][key])) or ( analyse and key == 'musly' and not os.path.exists(config['paths'][key])): _LOGGER.error("'%s' does not exist" % config['paths'][key]) exit(-1) for key in config['paths']: if not config['paths'][key].endswith('/'): config['paths'][key] = config['paths'][key] + '/' if 'tmp' in config['paths'] and not os.path.exists(config['paths']['tmp']): _LOGGER.error("'%s' does not exist" % config['paths']['tmp']) exit(-1) if not 'port' in config: config['port'] = 11000 if not 'host' in config: config['host'] = '' if not 'threads' in config: config['threads'] = os.cpu_count() if not 'extractlen' in config: config['extractlen'] = 30 if not 'extractstart' in config: config['extractstart'] = -48 if not 'styletracks' in config: config['styletracks'] = 1000 if 'genres' in config: config['all_genres'] = [] for genres in config['genres']: for g in genres: if not g in config['all_genres']: config['all_genres'].append(g) if 'ignoregenre' in config: if isinstance(config['ignoregenre'], list): ignore = [] for item in config['ignoregenre']: ignore.append(metadata_db.normalize_artist(item)) config['ignoregenre'] = ignore else: config['ignoregenre'] = [config['ignoregenre']] if 'normalize' in config: metadata_db.set_normalize_options(config['normalize']) return config
from typing import Any, Dict, List, NamedTuple import click import yaml from dotenv import load_dotenv from pygitguardian.models import PolicyBreak from .git_shell import get_git_root, is_git_dir from .text_utils import display_error CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=["-h", "--help"]) # max file size to accept MAX_FILE_SIZE = 1048576 CPU_COUNT = os.cpu_count() or 1 class Attribute(NamedTuple): name: str default: Any def replace_in_keys(data: Dict, old_char: str, new_char: str) -> None: """ Replace old_char with new_char in data keys. """ for key in list(data): if old_char in key: new_key = key.replace(old_char, new_char) data[new_key] = data.pop(key)
import os import time import boost_histogram as bh import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mplhep as hep import numpy as np import pandas as pd import uproot from awkward import to_pandas'ATLAS') N_THREADS = os.cpu_count() OUT_DIR = '../outputs/quick_script_outputs/' DATAFILE = '../data/mc16a_wmintaunu_SLICES/*.root' LUMI_DATA = 32988.1 + 3219.56 BRANCHES = [ 'MC_WZmu_el_pt_born', 'MC_WZneutrino_pt_born', 'MC_WZmu_el_phi_born', 'MC_WZneutrino_phi_born', 'MC_WZ_dilep_m_born', 'mcChannelNumber', 'weight_mc', 'KFactor_weight_truth', 'weight_pileup', 'eventNumber', ] # pull root data
# var='zhangyu' # if var == 'zhangyu': # print("good") # testname = input("input a name\n") # print("hi ",testname.upper()) pi = 3.14159 import inspect inspect.getmembers(pi, predicate=inspect.isbuiltin) pi.is_integer() pi.as_integer_ratio() import os # importing module print(os.getcwd()) # gets current working directory os.cpu_count()
from sys import platform if platform == 'darwin': # OSX backend does not support blitting import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Qt5Agg') import pickle import argparse from multiprocessing import Pool from SALib.sample import saltelli from SALib.analyze import sobol import numpy as np import pandas as pd from matplotlib import gridspec import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import analytic default_N = os.cpu_count() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-N", type=int, default=1000, help="obtain N*(2D+2) samples from parameter space") parser.add_argument("-n", "--ncores", type=int, help="number of cores, defaults to {} on this machine".format(default_N)) parser.add_argument("-o", "--filename", type=str, help="filename to write output to, no extension", default='analysis') def run_model(N, Rplus, v, loglam, logDelta, eta_alpha, theta_beta, beta, gamma, delta): '''This is a wrapper around the analytic traveling wave solution based on the parameter space that we are examining. It takes in each parameter we are testing and calls the solver. It then parses the result into whatever we are testing for sensitivity, and
def log_execution_env_state(config_paths=None, logdir=None): """Log information about the execution environment. Files in 'config_paths' will be copied to directory 'logdir'. A common use-case is passing the path to a (compression) schedule YAML file. Storing a copy of the schedule file, with the experiment logs, is useful in order to reproduce experiments. Args: config_paths: path(s) to config file(s), used only when logdir is set logdir: log directory git_root: the path to the .git root directory """ def log_git_state(): """Log the state of the git repository. It is useful to know what git tag we're using, and if we have outstanding code. """ try: repo = Repo(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..')) assert not repo.bare except InvalidGitRepositoryError: logger.debug( "Cannot find a Git repository. You probably downloaded an archive of CACP." ) return if repo.is_dirty(): logger.debug("Git is dirty") try: branch_name = except TypeError: branch_name = "None, Git is in 'detached HEAD' state" logger.debug("Active Git branch: %s", branch_name) logger.debug("Git commit: %s" % repo.head.commit.hexsha) try: num_cpus = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) except AttributeError: num_cpus = os.cpu_count() logger.debug("Number of CPUs: %d", num_cpus) logger.debug("Number of GPUs: %d", torch.cuda.device_count()) logger.debug("CUDA version: %s", torch.version.cuda) logger.debug("CUDNN version: %s", torch.backends.cudnn.version()) logger.debug("Kernel: %s", platform.release()) if HAVE_LSB: logger.debug("OS: %s", lsb_release.get_lsb_information()['DESCRIPTION']) logger.debug("Python: %s", sys.version) try: logger.debug("PYTHONPATH: %s", os.environ['PYTHONPATH']) except KeyError: pass def _pip_freeze(): return { x.key: x.version for x in sorted(pkg_resources.working_set, key=operator.attrgetter('key')) } logger.debug("pip freeze: {}".format(_pip_freeze())) log_git_state() logger.debug("Command line: %s", " ".join(sys.argv)) if (logdir is None) or (config_paths is None): return # clone configuration files to output directory configs_dest = os.path.join(logdir, 'configs') if isinstance(config_paths, str) or not hasattr(config_paths, '__iter__'): config_paths = [config_paths] for cpath in config_paths: os.makedirs(configs_dest, exist_ok=True) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(configs_dest, os.path.basename(cpath))): logger.debug('{} already exists in logdir'.format( os.path.basename(cpath) or cpath)) else: try: shutil.copy(cpath, configs_dest) except OSError as e: logger.debug('Failed to copy of config file: {}'.format( str(e)))
def __init__(self, worker_procs, backend_socket): if isinstance(worker_procs, (int, str)): self._worker_procs = [str(worker_procs)] elif worker_procs is None: # from sos notebook with no value specified self._worker_procs = [str(min(max(os.cpu_count() // 2, 2), 8))] else: # should be a sequence self._worker_procs = worker_procs # the first item in self._worker_procs is always considered to be the localhost, which is where # the router lives. The rest of the hosts will be considered as remote workers. try: self._worker_hosts = [] self._max_workers = [] for worker_proc in self._worker_procs: if ":" in worker_proc: worker_host, max_workers = worker_proc.rsplit(":", 1) if not max_workers.isdigit(): raise ValueError( f'Invalid worker specification {worker_proc}: number of process expected after ":"' ) self._worker_hosts.append(worker_host) self._max_workers.append(int(max_workers)) elif worker_proc.isdigit(): self._worker_hosts.append(get_localhost_ip()) self._max_workers.append(int(worker_proc)) else: self._worker_hosts.append(worker_proc) # here we assume that all nodes have the same number of cores so that we use # the default value for master node for all computing nodes self._max_workers.append(min(max(os.cpu_count() // 2, 2), 8)) self._num_workers = [0 for x in self._worker_procs] except Exception: raise RuntimeError( f"Incorrect format for option -j ({self._worker_procs}), which should be one or more [host:]nproc" ) self._local_workers = [] self._remote_connections = [] self._num_remote_workers = {} self._n_requested = 0 self._n_processed = 0 self._local_worker_alive_time = time.time() # self._last_pending_time = {} self._substep_requests = [] self._task_requests = [] self._step_requests = {} self._worker_backend_socket = backend_socket # ports of workers working for blocking workflow self._blocking_ports = set() self._available_ports = set() self._claimed_ports = set() self._last_pending_msg = {} # start a worker, note that we do not start all workers for performance # considerations self.start_worker()
import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.optim as opt from import DataLoader, Dataset from import default_collate from tqdm import tqdm import learnergy4video.utils.logging as l from learnergy4video.utils.collate import collate_fn from learnergy4video.models.binary import ConvRBM from learnergy4video.models.real import GaussianConvRBM, SpecConvRBM from learnergy4video.core import Dataset, Model import time import os workers = os.cpu_count() if workers == None: workers = 0 else: workers -= 2 logger = l.get_logger(__name__) MODELS = { 'conv_rbm': ConvRBM, 'cont_conv_rbm': GaussianConvRBM, 'spec_conv_rbm': SpecConvRBM } class SpecCDBN(Model):
parser.add_argument('--jobs', '-j', action="store", default=default_num_jobs, type=int, help="Number of jobs to use for running the tests") args = parser.parse_args() print_progress = print_status_verbose if args.verbose else print_progress_succint custom_seastar_args = { "sstable_test": ['-c1'], 'sstable_datafile_test': ['-c1'], "sstable_3_x_test": ['-c1'], "mutation_reader_test": ['-c{}'.format(min(os.cpu_count(), 3)), '-m2G'], } test_to_run = [] modes_to_run = all_modes if not args.modes else args.modes for mode in modes_to_run: prefix = os.path.join('build', mode, 'tests') standard_args = '--overprovisioned --unsafe-bypass-fsync 1 --blocked-reactor-notify-ms 2000000'.split( ) seastar_args = '-c2 -m2G'.split() for test in other_tests: test_to_run.append( (os.path.join(prefix, test), 'other', custom_seastar_args.get(test, seastar_args) + standard_args)) for test in boost_tests: test_to_run.append(