Exemplo n.º 1
    def compare(self, src_path, dest_stat):
        '''see if devs are the same'''

        if not self.exists:
            return False

        # dest_stat is a SyncStat object and it's useless here
        # I need a real, fresh statbuf that includes st_rdev field
            dest_stat = os.lstat(self.name)
        except OSError as err:
            error('error checking %s : %s' % (self.name, err.strerror))
            return False

        src_major = os.major(self.src_stat.st_rdev)
        src_minor = os.minor(self.src_stat.st_rdev)
        dest_major = os.major(dest_stat.st_rdev)
        dest_minor = os.minor(dest_stat.st_rdev)
        if src_major != dest_major or src_minor != dest_minor:
            stdout('%s should have major,minor %d,%d but has %d,%d' %
                (self.name, src_major, src_minor, dest_major, dest_minor))
            unix_out('# updating major,minor %s' % self.name)
            terse(synctool.lib.TERSE_SYNC, self.name)
            return False

        return True
Exemplo n.º 2
    def valid_vcsa(vcsa):
        """Check that the vcsa device and associated terminal seem sane"""
        vcsa_kernel_major = 7
        tty_kernel_major = 4
        vcsa_range = range(128, 191)
        tty_range = range(1, 63)

        tty = PaperTTY.ttydev(vcsa)
        vs = os.stat(vcsa)
        ts = os.stat(tty)

        vcsa_major, vcsa_minor = os.major(vs.st_rdev), os.minor(vs.st_rdev)
        tty_major, tty_minor = os.major(ts.st_rdev), os.minor(ts.st_rdev)
        if not (vcsa_major == vcsa_kernel_major and vcsa_minor in vcsa_range):
            print("Not a valid vcsa device node: {} ({}/{})".format(vcsa, vcsa_major, vcsa_minor))
            return False
        read_vcsa = os.access(vcsa, os.R_OK)
        write_tty = os.access(tty, os.W_OK)
        if not read_vcsa:
            print("No read access to {} - maybe run with sudo?".format(vcsa))
            return False
        if not (tty_major == tty_kernel_major and tty_minor in tty_range):
            print("Not a valid TTY device node: {}".format(vcsa))
        if not write_tty:
            print("No write access to {} so cannot set terminal size, maybe run with sudo?".format(tty))
        return True
Exemplo n.º 3
def copy_device(source, target_dir, source_dir="", target=None):
    if not os.path.isdir(target_dir):
        raise IOError, "'%s' is no directory." % target_dir
    if not target:
        target = source

    s = "%s/%s" % (source_dir, source)
    s_linkto = None
    if os.path.islink(s):
        s_linkto = os.readlink(s)
        s = "%s/%s" % (source_dir, s_linkto)
    stats = os.stat(s)
    if not stats.st_rdev:
        raise IOError, "'%s' is no device." % s

    t = "%s/%s" % (target_dir, target)
    if os.path.exists(t):
        if s_linkto:
            create_dir(target_dir, os.path.dirname(s_linkto))
            create_device(target_dir, s_linkto, stats.st_mode,
                          os.major(stats.st_rdev), os.minor(stats.st_rdev))
            create_dir(target_dir, os.path.dirname(target))
            os.symlink(s_linkto, t)
            create_device(target_dir, target, stats.st_mode,
                          os.major(stats.st_rdev), os.minor(stats.st_rdev))
    except Exception, msg:
        raise IOError, "Unable to copy device '%s': %s" % (s, msg)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def unpack_from(self, block, offset=0):
        (self.magic, dev, self.ino, self.mode,
         self.uid, self.gid, self.nlink, rdev,
         mtimehigh, mtimelow, namesize, filesizehigh,
         filesizelow) = self.coder.unpack_from(block, offset)

        self.devmajor = os.major(dev)
        self.devminor = os.minor(dev)
        self.rdevmajor = os.major(rdev)
        self.rdevminor = os.minor(rdev)

        self.mtime = (mtimehigh << 16) | mtimelow
        self.filesize = (filesizehigh << 16) | filesizelow

        namestart = offset + self.coder.size
        datastart = namestart + namesize

        self.name = block[namestart:datastart - 1]  # drop the null

        if isinstance(self, CpioMemberBin) and (namesize & 1):
            datastart += 1  # skip a pad byte if necessary

        self.content = block[datastart:datastart + self.filesize]

        return self
Exemplo n.º 5
    def compare(self, _src_path, dest_stat):
        # type: (str, SyncStat) -> bool
        '''see if devs are the same'''

        if not self.exists:
            return False

        # dest_stat is a SyncStat object and it's useless here
        # I need a real, fresh statbuf that includes st_rdev field
            dest_stat = os.lstat(self.name)
        except OSError as err:
            error('error checking %s : %s' % (self.name, err.strerror))
            return False

        # Note: mypy triggers false errors here
        # Also, no luck with Union[SyncStat, posix.stat_result]
        # In any case, for VNodeChrDev and VNodeBlkDev,
        # the self.src_stat is of type posix.stat_result
        src_major = os.major(self.src_stat.st_rdev)     # type: ignore
        src_minor = os.minor(self.src_stat.st_rdev)     # type: ignore
        dest_major = os.major(dest_stat.st_rdev)        # type: ignore
        dest_minor = os.minor(dest_stat.st_rdev)        # type: ignore
        if src_major != dest_major or src_minor != dest_minor:
            stdout('%s should have major,minor %d,%d but has %d,%d' %
                   (self.name, src_major, src_minor, dest_major, dest_minor))
            unix_out('# updating major,minor %s' % self.name)
            terse(synctool.lib.TERSE_SYNC, self.name)
            return False

        return True
Exemplo n.º 6
    def verify(self, entry, modlist):
        """Verify device entry."""
        ondisk = self._exists(entry)
        if not ondisk:
            return False

        # attempt to verify device properties as specified in config
        rv = True
        dev_type = entry.get('dev_type')
        if dev_type in ['block', 'char']:
            major = int(entry.get('major'))
            minor = int(entry.get('minor'))
            if major != os.major(ondisk.st_rdev):
                msg = ("Major number for device %s is incorrect. "
                       "Current major is %s but should be %s" %
                       (entry.get("name"), os.major(ondisk.st_rdev), major))
                self.logger.debug('POSIX: ' + msg)
                entry.set('qtext', entry.get('qtext', '') + "\n" + msg)
                rv = False

            if minor != os.minor(ondisk.st_rdev):
                msg = ("Minor number for device %s is incorrect. "
                       "Current minor is %s but should be %s" %
                       (entry.get("name"), os.minor(ondisk.st_rdev), minor))
                self.logger.debug('POSIX: ' + msg)
                entry.set('qtext', entry.get('qtext', '') + "\n" + msg)
                rv = False
        return POSIXTool.verify(self, entry, modlist) and rv
Exemplo n.º 7
    def unpack_from(self, block, offset=0):
        (self.magic, dev, ino, mode,
         uid, gid, nlink, rdev,
         mtime, namesize, filesize) = self.coder.unpack_from(block, offset)
        _namesize = namesize
        self.ino = int(ino, 8)
        self.mode = int(mode, 8)
        self.uid = int(uid, 8)
        self.gid = int(gid, 8)
        self.nlink = int(nlink, 8)

        dev = int(dev, 8)
        rdev = int(rdev, 8)
        self.devmajor = os.major(dev)
        self.devminor = os.minor(dev)
        self.rdevmajor = os.major(rdev)
        self.rdevminor = os.minor(rdev)

        self.mtime = int(mtime, 8)
        namesize = int(namesize, 8)
        self.filesize = int(filesize, 8)

        namestart = offset + self.coder.size
        datastart = namestart + namesize

        self.name = block[namestart:datastart - 1]  # drop the null
        print('+', _namesize, self.name)
        self.content = block[datastart:datastart + self.filesize]

        return self
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: main.py Projeto: d3zd3z/asure
def convert_stat(st):
    if S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
	return { 'kind': 'dir',
		 'uid': st.st_uid,
		 'gid': st.st_gid,
		 'perm': S_IMODE(st.st_mode) }

    elif S_ISREG(st.st_mode):
	return { 'kind': 'file',
		 'uid': st.st_uid,
		 'gid': st.st_gid,
		 'mtime': st.st_mtime,
		 'ctime': st.st_ctime,
		 'ino': st.st_ino,
		 'perm': S_IMODE(st.st_mode) }

    elif S_ISLNK(st.st_mode):
	return { 'kind': 'lnk' }

    elif S_ISSOCK:
	return { 'kind': 'sock',
		 'uid': st.st_uid,
		 'gid': st.st_gid,
		 'perm': S_IMODE(st.st_mode) }

    elif S_ISFIFO:
	return { 'kind': 'fifo',
		 'uid': st.st_uid,
		 'gid': st.st_gid,
		 'perm': S_IMODE(st.st_mode) }

    elif S_ISBLK:
	return { 'kind': 'blk',
		 'uid': st.st_uid,
		 'gid': st.st_gid,
		 'devmaj': os.major(st.st_rdev),
		 'devmin': os.minor(st.st_rdev),
		 'perm': S_IMODE(st.st_mode) }

    elif S_ISCHR:
	return { 'kind': 'chr',
		 'uid': st.st_uid,
		 'gid': st.st_gid,
		 'devmaj': os.major(st.st_rdev),
		 'devmin': os.minor(st.st_rdev),
		 'perm': S_IMODE(st.st_mode) }

	raise "Unknown file kind"
Exemplo n.º 9
    def create_volume(self, **params):
        size = params.get('size')
        snapshot_id = params.get('snapshot')

        assert size or snapshot_id, 'Not enough params to create volume'
        if snapshot_id:
            snapshot = self.describe_snapshot(snapshot_id)
            if size:
                if int(size) < int(snapshot['size']):
                    raise StorageError('Size you specified is smaller than snapshot')
            # Size in Gigabytes
            size = int(size)

        id = 'vol-%s' % str(uuid.uuid4())[:7]

        lvm2.lvcreate(vg_name, name=id, size='%sG' % size)
        lvinfo = lvm2.lvs(lvm2.lvpath(vg_name, id)).values()[0]
        device = os.path.realpath(lvinfo.lv_path)
        if snapshot_id:
            # Apply snapshot
            system('dd if=%s of=%s' % (self._get_snapshot_path(snapshot_id), device), shell=True)

        stat = os.stat(device)
        maj, min = (os.major(stat.st_rdev), os.minor(stat.st_rdev))

        self.volumes[id] = dict(id=id, attached_to=None, maj=maj, min=min,
                      host_path=device, size=str(size), source_snapshot=snapshot_id)
        return self.volumes[id]
Exemplo n.º 10
    def cache_status(self):
        if not self.is_cached():
            raise ValueError('LV is of wrong type')

        devpath = self.path
        s = os.stat(devpath)
        major, minor = os.major(s.st_rdev), os.minor(s.st_rdev)
        mapper = find_device('/dev/mapper', major, minor)

        if mapper is None:
            raise KeyError('failed to find device mapper entry for '
                           '%s/%s' % (self.vg.name, self.name))

        status = dmsetup('status', mapper)

        status = dict(zip(cache_status_fields,
        for k in status.keys():
            if status[k].isdigit():
                status[k] = int(status[k])
            elif '/' in status[k]:
                a, b = [int(x) for x in status[k].split('/')]
                status['%s_pct' % k] = (a*1.0/b*1.0)*100

        return status
Exemplo n.º 11
def get_file_systems():
    Creates a map of mounted filesystems on the machine.

      (major, minor) -> FileSystem(device, mount_point)
    result = {}
    if not os.access('/proc/mounts', os.R_OK):
        return result
    file = open('/proc/mounts')
    for line in file:
            device, mount_point, fs_type, fs_options, dummy1, dummy2 = line.split()
        except ValueError:

        if mount_point.startswith('/dev') or mount_point.startswith('/proc') or mount_point.startswith('/sys'):

        if device.startswith('/') and mount_point.startswith('/'):
            stat  = os.stat(mount_point)
            major = os.major(stat.st_dev)
            minor = os.minor(stat.st_dev)

            result[(major, minor)] = _FileSystem(device, mount_point)

    return result
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __call__(self, log, *args, **kwargs):
        context = pyudev.Context()
        devices = context.list_devices(subsystem = 'drm')

        log.debug('DRM devices:')

        for device in devices:
            if not device.device_node:

            if 'seat' not in device.tags:

            devno = device.device_number

            log.debug('  %s (%u, %u)' % (device.device_node, os.major(devno),

            dev = drm.open(device.device_node)
            version = dev.GetVersion()
            log.debug('    Driver:', version.name)
            log.debug('      Description:', version.description)
            log.debug('      Version: %u.%u.%u (%s)' % (version.major,
Exemplo n.º 13
def _resolveLoopDevice(path):
    Loop devices appear as the loop device under /proc/mount instead of the
    backing file. As the mount command does the resolution so must we.
    if not path.startswith("/"):
        return path

        st = os.stat(path)
        return path

    if not stat.S_ISBLK(st.st_mode):
        return path

    minor = os.minor(st.st_rdev)
    major = os.major(st.st_rdev)
    backing_file = os.path.join(_SYS_DEV_BLOCK_PATH,
                                '%d:%d' % (major, minor),

        with open(backing_file, "r") as f:
            # Remove trailing newline
            return f.read()[:-1]
    except IOError as e:
        if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:

    return path
Exemplo n.º 14
def detailed_str(meta, fields = None):
    # FIXME: should optional fields be omitted, or empty i.e. "rdev:
    # 0", "link-target:", etc.
    if not fields:
        fields = all_fields

    result = []
    if 'path' in fields:
        path = meta.path or ''
        result.append('path: ' + path)
    if 'mode' in fields:
        result.append('mode: %s (%s)' % (oct(meta.mode),
    if 'link-target' in fields and stat.S_ISLNK(meta.mode):
        result.append('link-target: ' + meta.symlink_target)
    if 'rdev' in fields:
        if meta.rdev:
            result.append('rdev: %d,%d' % (os.major(meta.rdev),
            result.append('rdev: 0')
    if 'size' in fields and meta.size:
        result.append('size: ' + str(meta.size))
    if 'uid' in fields:
        result.append('uid: ' + str(meta.uid))
    if 'gid' in fields:
        result.append('gid: ' + str(meta.gid))
    if 'user' in fields:
        result.append('user: '******'group' in fields:
        result.append('group: ' + meta.group)
    if 'atime' in fields:
        # If we don't have xstat.lutime, that means we have to use
        # utime(), and utime() has no way to set the mtime/atime of a
        # symlink.  Thus, the mtime/atime of a symlink is meaningless,
        # so let's not report it.  (That way scripts comparing
        # before/after won't trigger.)
        if xstat.lutime or not stat.S_ISLNK(meta.mode):
            result.append('atime: ' + xstat.fstime_to_sec_str(meta.atime))
            result.append('atime: 0')
    if 'mtime' in fields:
        if xstat.lutime or not stat.S_ISLNK(meta.mode):
            result.append('mtime: ' + xstat.fstime_to_sec_str(meta.mtime))
            result.append('mtime: 0')
    if 'ctime' in fields:
        result.append('ctime: ' + xstat.fstime_to_sec_str(meta.ctime))
    if 'linux-attr' in fields and meta.linux_attr:
        result.append('linux-attr: ' + hex(meta.linux_attr))
    if 'linux-xattr' in fields and meta.linux_xattr:
        for name, value in meta.linux_xattr:
            result.append('linux-xattr: %s -> %s' % (name, repr(value)))
    if 'posix1e-acl' in fields and meta.posix1e_acl:
        acl = meta.posix1e_acl[0]
        result.append('posix1e-acl: ' + acl + '\n')
        if stat.S_ISDIR(meta.mode):
            def_acl = meta.posix1e_acl[2]
            result.append('posix1e-acl-default: ' + def_acl + '\n')
    return '\n'.join(result)
Exemplo n.º 15
def get_disk_info(device):
    if isinstance(device, tuple): major, minor = device
        disk_rdev = os.stat(device).st_rdev
        major, minor = (os.major(disk_rdev), os.minor(disk_rdev))
    device_dir = "/sys/dev/block/%d:%d" % (major, minor)
    if not os.path.isdir("%s/device" % device_dir): return None  # Not representing a pysical device

    def read(file):
        filename = os.path.join(device_dir, file)
        if not os.path.isfile(filename): return None
        return open(filename).read().strip()

    rst = {"name":device, "identical_name":"/dev/block/%d:%d" % (major, minor),"device_dir":device_dir, "major":major, "minor":minor, "ro":int(read("ro")),"removable":int(read("removable")),"vendor":read("device/vendor") or read("device/oemid"),"model":read("device/model") or read("device/name")}
        device_capacity = get_device_capacity(device)
        rst["size"] = device_capacity[0]
        rst["sector_size"] = device_capacity[1]
        rst["bios_compatible"] = rst["sector_size"] == 512 and rst["size"] <= MAX_BIOS_FRIENDLY_DISK_SIZE
    except OSError:
        pass   # e.g. unloaded cd-rom drive

    if "size" in rst: rst["size_str"] = get_capacity_string(rst["size"])

    return rst
Exemplo n.º 16
def get_unused_devices():
    devices = []
    if os.path.exists("/dev/mapper/planetlab-rawdisk"):
    # Figure out which partitions are part of the VG
    in_vg = []
    for i in os.listdir("/sys/block"):
        if not i.startswith("dm-"):
        in_vg.extend(map(lambda x: x.replace("!", "/"),
                         os.listdir("/sys/block/%s/slaves" % i)))
    # Read the list of partitions
    partitions = file("/proc/partitions", "r")
    pat = re.compile("\s+")
    while True:
        buf = partitions.readline()
        if buf == "":
        buf = buf.strip()
        fields = re.split(pat, buf)
        dev = fields[-1]
        if (not dev.startswith("dm-") and dev not in in_vg and
            os.path.exists("/dev/%s" % dev) and
            (os.minor(os.stat("/dev/%s" % dev).st_rdev) % 2) != 0):
            devices.append("/dev/%s" % dev)
    return devices
Exemplo n.º 17
def _linux_use_stat(f, log=None):
    devnum_cache = _devicenum_cache(log=log)
    dev_cache = {}
    returndict = {}
    unknown_paths = []
    unknown_cache = {}
    for path in f:
            blk = os.stat(path)[stat.ST_DEV]
            dev_major = os.major(blk)
            dev_minor = os.minor(blk)
            dn = "{}:{}".format(dev_major, dev_minor)
            if dn in dev_cache:
                returndict[path] = dev_cache[dn]
            elif dn in devnum_cache:
                dev_cache[dn] = devnum_cache[dn]
                returndict[path] = dev_cache[dn]
        except Exception as _:
            if sillyfacter.config.STRICT:
            if sillyfacter.config.DEBUG:
                dp = debugprint()
                dp("Error in stat of '{}' exception is '{}'".
                   format(path, _), "_linux_use_stat")
            if log:
                log.error("Stat failed for path: {}".format(path))
            returndict[path] = None
    if len(unknown_paths) > 0:
        unknown_cache = _run_df(unknown_paths, df_cmd=["/bin/df", "-P"])
        returndict = dict(returndict.items() + unknown_cache.items())
    return returndict
Exemplo n.º 18
def build_dmblock_major_minor_tables():
    1) a table of filenames that are all device mapper block special files
    2) a dict mapping each device mapper name to (major,minor)
    3) a dict mapping each (major,minor) pair to a table of devce mapper names"""

    names = []
    name2pair = {}
    pair2name = {}
    mapper_entries = []

    mapper_entries = os.listdir(DMDIR)
    for n in mapper_entries:
        s = os.lstat(DMDIR + '/' + n)
        if stat.S_ISBLK(s[stat.ST_MODE]):
            maj = str(os.major(s.st_rdev))
            min = str(os.minor(s.st_rdev))
            name2pair[n] = (maj, min)
            pair2name[(maj, min)] = n

    logging.debug('grabbed dmsetup device info')
    logging.debug('dmsetup devices: ' + str(name2pair))

    return (names, name2pair, pair2name)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def getInfoFromDeviceNumber(self, d):
     retval = None
     d = parse_device_number(d)
     device_cache = self.db("_device_num_to_list")
     if d not in device_cache and self._offline is False:
             m = []
             with open("/proc/mounts", "r") as f:
                 m = f.readlines()
             for l in m:
                 if re.search(" (nfs|smbfs|cifs|pnfs|afs) ", l):
                     mount = l.split()[1]
                     devic = l.split()[0]
                         stdev = os.stat(mount).st_dev
                         key = "{},{}".format(os.major(stdev), os.minor(stdev))
                         device_cache[key] = [devic, mount]
         retval = device_cache[d]
     return retval
Exemplo n.º 20
 def fromDevice(device):
     if device.startswith(VlmcTapdisk.TAP_DEV):
         minor = os.minor(os.stat(device).st_rdev)
         tapdisks = filter(lambda x: x.minor == minor, VlmcTapdisk.list())
         if len(tapdisks) == 1:
             return tapdisks[0]
     return None
Exemplo n.º 21
    def __init__( self, path, blocking=True, parent=None ):
        path = Path( '/dev/uio', path )
        self.path = path

        flags = O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC
        if not blocking:
            flags |= O_NONBLOCK # for irq_recv
        self._fd = os.open( str(path), flags )

        # check parent memory region (if any)
        if parent is not None:
            if isinstance( parent, Uio ):
                parent = parent.region()
            elif isinstance( parent, MemRegion ):
                raise TypeError

        # build path to sysfs dir for obtaining metadata
        dev = os.stat( self._fd ).st_rdev
        dev = '{0}:{1}'.format( os.major(dev), os.minor(dev) )
        self.syspath = Path('/sys/dev/char', dev).resolve()

        # enumerate memory regions
        # beware that if there are none, the dir is absent rather than empty
        self._regions = {}
        rgninfo = self.syspath/'maps';
        if rgninfo.is_dir():
            for info in rgninfo.iterdir():
                rgn = MemRegion( self, info, parent )

                # allow lookup by index or (if available) by name
                self._regions[ rgn.index ] = rgn
                if rgn.name:
                    self._regions[ rgn.name ] = rgn
Exemplo n.º 22
def get_blkdev_major_minor(path, lookup_for_file=True):
    """Get 'major:minor' number of block device.

    Get the device's 'major:minor' number of a block device to control
    I/O ratelimit of the specified path.
    If lookup_for_file is True and the path is a regular file, lookup a disk
    device which the file lies on and returns the result for the device.
    st = os.stat(path)
    if stat.S_ISBLK(st.st_mode):
        path, st = _get_disk_of_partition(path, st)
        return "%d:%d" % (os.major(st.st_rdev), os.minor(st.st_rdev))
    elif stat.S_ISCHR(st.st_mode):
        # No I/O ratelimit control is provided for character devices
        return None
    elif lookup_for_file:
        # lookup the mounted disk which the file lies on
        out, _err = execute("df", path)
        devpath = out.split("\n")[1].split()[0]
        if devpath[0] is not "/":
            # the file is on a network file system
            return None
        return get_blkdev_major_minor(devpath, False)
        msg = _("Unable to get a block device for file '%s'") % path
        raise exception.Error(msg)
Exemplo n.º 23
def processTree(tarfd, tree):
    for child in tree.children.values():
        # Create file info
        info = tarfile.TarInfo()
        info.name = child.filePath
        info.mode = stat.S_IMODE(child.st.st_mode)
        info.type = _STAT_TO_TAR_TYPE[stat.S_IFMT(child.st.st_mode)]
        info.mtime = child.st.st_mtime
        info.uid = child.st.st_uid
        info.gid = child.st.st_gid
        info.devmajor = os.major(child.st.st_dev)
        info.devminor = os.minor(child.st.st_dev)

        # Setup content and links
        content = None
        if stat.S_IFMT(child.st.st_mode) == stat.S_IFREG:
            info.size = child.dataSize
            content = io.BytesIO(child.getData())
        elif stat.S_IFMT(child.st.st_mode) == stat.S_IFLNK:
            info.linkname = child.getData().decode("UTF-8")

        # Add file and itd content
        tarfd.addfile(info, content)

        # Recursion for directories
        if stat.S_IFMT(child.st.st_mode) == stat.S_IFDIR:
            processTree(tarfd, child)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def test_major_minor(self):
     os = self.posix
     assert os.major(12345) == self.expected_major_12345
     assert os.minor(12345) == self.expected_minor_12345
     assert os.makedev(self.expected_major_12345,
                       self.expected_minor_12345) == 12345
     raises((ValueError, OverflowError), os.major, -1)
Exemplo n.º 25
 def _initDMinfo(self):
     """Check files in /dev/mapper to initialize data sctructures for 
     mappings between device-mapper devices, minor device numbers, VGs 
     and LVs.
     self._mapMinorDmName = {}
     self._mapMinorLV = {}
     self._mapLVminor = {}
     self._vgTree = {}
     if self._dmMajorNum is None:
     for file in os.listdir(devmapperDir):
         path = os.path.join(devmapperDir, file)
         fstat = os.stat(path)
         major = os.major(fstat.st_rdev)
         minor = os.minor(fstat.st_rdev)
         if major == self._dmMajorNum:
             self._mapMinorDmName[minor] = file
         mobj = re.match('(.*[^!])-([^!].*)$', file)
         if mobj:
             vg = mobj.group(1)
             lv = mobj.group(2)
             self._mapMinorLV[minor] = (vg,lv)
             self._mapLVminor["-".join((vg,lv))] = minor
             if not self._vgTree.has_key(vg):
                 self._vgTree[vg] = []
Exemplo n.º 26
    def get_fs_info(self, path):
        fs_type = None
        uuid = None
        label = None
        devpth = None
        tmpd = None
            devpth=("%s/dev" % tmpd)
            os.mknod(devpth,0o400 | stat.S_IFBLK ,dev)

        ret = { }
        pairs = { 'LABEL' : 'label', 'UUID' : 'uuid' , 'FS_TYPE' : 'fs_type' }
        for (blkid_n, my_n) in pairs.items():
            cmd = [ 'blkid', '-s%s' % blkid_n, '-ovalue', devpth ]
                output = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
            except Exception as e:
                raise UnsupportedException("Unable to determine %s for %s" % (blkid_n, path))

Exemplo n.º 27
    def mknod(self, path, mode, device):
        log.debug('function mknod')
        full_path, minion_id = self._full_path(path)

        devtype = str(oct(mode)).replace('L', '')
        if devtype[:2] == '01':
            ntype = 'p'
        elif devtype[:2] == '02':
            ntype = 'c'
        elif devtype[:2] == '06':
            ntype = 'b'
            raise OSError

        major = os.major(device)
        minor = os.minor(device)

        res = self._salt_cmd(
                'name': full_path,
                'ntype': ntype,
                'major': major,
                'minor': minor,
Exemplo n.º 28
 def setup_class(cls):
     cls.space = space
     cls.w_posix = space.appexec([], GET_POSIX)
     cls.w_path = space.wrap(str(path))
     cls.w_path2 = space.wrap(str(path2))
     cls.w_pdir = space.wrap(str(pdir))
         cls.w_unicode_dir = space.wrap(
     except UnicodeDecodeError:
         # filesystem encoding is not good enough
         cls.w_unicode_dir = space.w_None
     if hasattr(os, 'getuid'):
         cls.w_getuid = space.wrap(os.getuid())
         cls.w_geteuid = space.wrap(os.geteuid())
     if hasattr(os, 'getgid'):
         cls.w_getgid = space.wrap(os.getgid())
     if hasattr(os, 'getgroups'):
         cls.w_getgroups = space.newlist([space.wrap(e) for e in os.getgroups()])
     if hasattr(os, 'getpgid'):
         cls.w_getpgid = space.wrap(os.getpgid(os.getpid()))
     if hasattr(os, 'getsid'):
         cls.w_getsid0 = space.wrap(os.getsid(0))
     if hasattr(os, 'sysconf'):
         sysconf_name = os.sysconf_names.keys()[0]
         cls.w_sysconf_name = space.wrap(sysconf_name)
         cls.w_sysconf_value = space.wrap(os.sysconf_names[sysconf_name])
         cls.w_sysconf_result = space.wrap(os.sysconf(sysconf_name))
     cls.w_SIGABRT = space.wrap(signal.SIGABRT)
     cls.w_python = space.wrap(sys.executable)
     if hasattr(os, 'major'):
         cls.w_expected_major_12345 = space.wrap(os.major(12345))
         cls.w_expected_minor_12345 = space.wrap(os.minor(12345))
     cls.w_udir = space.wrap(str(udir))
Exemplo n.º 29
    def attach_volume(self, name, device, mount_device, static=True):
            s = os.stat(device)
            if not stat.S_ISBLK(s.st_mode):
                raise exception.InvalidInput(reason='"%s" is not block device'%device)
            maj, min = os.major(s.st_rdev), os.minor(s.st_rdev)
            if not static:
                # ignore mount_device now
                self._dynamic_attach_or_detach_volume(name, device, maj, min, attach=True)
                conf_path = lxc_device_conf_file(name, device)
                with open(conf_path, 'w') as f:
                    for i in range(16):
                        f.write('lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = '
                                 'b %(maj)s:%(min)s rwm\n'%{'maj':maj, 'min':min+i})

                LOG.info(_("new config path %(path)s for %(device)s"),
                        {'path': conf_path, 'device': device})
                # autodev hook:
                #  add the partitions of this device into the container when it starts
                with open(lxc_autodev_hook_script(name, device), 'w') as f, \
                      open('/proc/partitions', 'r') as p:
                    for line in p:
                        fields = line.split()
                        if fields and fields[-1].startswith(os.path.basename(device)):
                            f.write("mknod --mode=0660 $LXC_ROOTFS_MOUNT/dev/%(device)s "
                                    "b %(maj)s %(min)s\n" % {
                                    "device": fields[-1], "maj":fields[0], "min":fields[1]})

        except Exception as ex:
            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
                LOG.error(_('Failed to attach device %(device)s '
                              ' for %(name)s: %(ex)s'),
                          {'name': name, 'ex': ex.message, 'device': device})
Exemplo n.º 30
def _resolveLoopDevice(path):
    Loop devices appear as the loop device under /proc/mount instead of the
    backing file. As the mount command does the resolution so must we.
    if not path.startswith("/"):
        return path

        st = os.stat(path)
        return path

    if not stat.S_ISBLK(st.st_mode):
        return path

    minor = os.minor(st.st_rdev)
    major = os.major(st.st_rdev)
    loopdir = "/sys/dev/block/%d:%d/loop" % (major, minor)
    if os.path.exists(loopdir):
        with open(loopdir + "/backing_file", "r") as f:
            # Remove trailing newline
            return f.read()[:-1]

    # Old kernels might not have the sysfs entry, this is a bit slower and does
    # not work on hosts that do support the above method.
    for rec in _iterateMtab():
        loopOpt = "loop=%s" % path
        for opt in rec.fs_mntops:
            if opt != loopOpt:

            return rec.fs_spec

    return path
Exemplo n.º 31
def share_device_with_container_docker(container, node):
    log_sharing_device(node, "docker", container)
    container_id = subprocess.check_output(
        ["docker", "inspect", "--format={{.ID}}", container], text=True
    nodeinfo = os.stat(node)
    major = os.major(nodeinfo.st_rdev)
    minor = os.minor(nodeinfo.st_rdev)
    with open(
        "/sys/fs/cgroup/devices/docker/%s/devices.allow" % container_id, "w"
    ) as allow:
        allow.write("a %d:%d rwm\n" % (major, minor))
            "mkdir -p %s && mknod %s c %d %d || true"
            % (os.path.dirname(node), node, major, minor),
Exemplo n.º 32
def get_containing_device(path, devicetree):
    """ Return the device that a path resides on. """
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        return None

    st = os.stat(path)
    major = os.major(st.st_dev)
    minor = os.minor(st.st_dev)
    link = "/sys/dev/block/%s:%s" % (major, minor)
    if not os.path.exists(link):
        return None

        device_name = os.path.basename(os.readlink(link))
    except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        log_exception_info(fmt_str="failed to find device name for path %s", fmt_args=[path])
        return None

    if device_name.startswith("dm-"):
        # have I told you lately that I love you, device-mapper?
        device_name = blockdev.dm.name_from_node(device_name)

    return devicetree.get_device_by_name(device_name)
Exemplo n.º 33
def _resolveLoopDevice(path):
    Loop devices appear as the loop device under /proc/mount instead of the
    backing file. As the mount command does the resolution so must we.
    if not path.startswith("/"):
        return path

        st = os.stat(path)
        return path

    if not stat.S_ISBLK(st.st_mode):
        return path

    minor = os.minor(st.st_rdev)
    major = os.major(st.st_rdev)
    loopdir = os.path.join(_SYS_DEV_BLOCK_PATH, '%d:%d' % (major, minor),
        with open(loopdir + "/backing_file", "r") as f:
            # Remove trailing newline
            return f.read()[:-1]
    except IOError as e:
        if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:

    # Old kernels might not have the sysfs entry, this is a bit slower and does
    # not work on hosts that do support the above method.

    lookup = _getLoopFsSpecs()

    if path in lookup:
        return lookup[path]

    return path
Exemplo n.º 34
def devs_to_disks(self, devs=set()):
    """ If PV is a device map, replace by its sysfs name (dm-*)
        If device map has slaves, replace by its slaves
    disks = set()
    dm_major = major('device-mapper')
    try: md_major = major('md')
    except: md_major = 0
    try: lo_major = major('loop')
    except: lo_major = 0
    for dev in devs:
            statinfo = os.stat(dev)
            self.log.debug("can not stat %s" % dev)
        if md_major != 0 and os.major(statinfo.st_rdev) == md_major:
            md = dev.replace("/dev/", "")
            syspath = '/sys/block/' + md + '/slaves'
            disks |= get_blockdev_sd_slaves(syspath)
        elif os.major(statinfo.st_rdev) == dm_major:
            dm = 'dm-' + str(os.minor(statinfo.st_rdev))
            syspath = '/sys/block/' + dm + '/slaves'
            disks |= get_blockdev_sd_slaves(syspath)
        elif lo_major != 0 and os.major(statinfo.st_rdev) == lo_major:
            self.log.debug("skip loop device %s from disk list"%dev)
            parent = get_partition_parent(dev)
            if parent is not None:
    _disks = list(disks)
    for i, disk in enumerate(_disks):
        _disks[i] = re.sub("^(/dev/[vhs]d[a-z]*)[0-9]*$", r"\1", disk)
    return disks
Exemplo n.º 35
    def create_volume(self, **params):
        size = params.get('size')
        snapshot_id = params.get('snapshot')

        assert size or snapshot_id, 'Not enough params to create volume'
        if snapshot_id:
            snapshot = self.describe_snapshot(snapshot_id)
            if size:
                if int(size) < int(snapshot['size']):
                    raise StorageError(
                        'Size you specified is smaller than snapshot')
            # Size in Gigabytes
            size = int(size)

        id = 'vol-%s' % str(uuid.uuid4())[:7]

        lvm2.lvcreate(vg_name, name=id, size='%sG' % size)
        lvinfo = lvm2.lvs(lvm2.lvpath(vg_name, id)).values()[0]
        device = os.path.realpath(lvinfo.lv_path)
        if snapshot_id:
            # Apply snapshot
            system('dd if=%s of=%s' %
                   (self._get_snapshot_path(snapshot_id), device),

        stat = os.stat(device)
        maj, min = (os.major(stat.st_rdev), os.minor(stat.st_rdev))

        self.volumes[id] = dict(id=id,
        return self.volumes[id]
Exemplo n.º 36
    def set_from_stat(self):
        u"""Set the value of self.type, self.mode from self.stat"""
        if not self.stat:
            self.type = None

        st_mode = self.stat.st_mode
        if stat.S_ISREG(st_mode):
            self.type = u"reg"
        elif stat.S_ISDIR(st_mode):
            self.type = u"dir"
        elif stat.S_ISLNK(st_mode):
            self.type = u"sym"
        elif stat.S_ISFIFO(st_mode):
            self.type = u"fifo"
        elif stat.S_ISSOCK(st_mode):
            raise PathException(
                util.fsdecode(self.get_relative_path()) +
                u"is a socket, unsupported by tar")
            self.type = u"sock"  # pylint: disable=unreachable
        elif stat.S_ISCHR(st_mode):
            self.type = u"chr"
        elif stat.S_ISBLK(st_mode):
            self.type = u"blk"
            raise PathException(u"Unknown type")

        self.mode = stat.S_IMODE(st_mode)
        if self.type in (u"chr", u"blk"):
                self.devnums = (os.major(self.stat.st_rdev),
                    _(u"Warning: %s invalid devnums (0x%X), treating as (0, 0)."
                      ) % (util.fsdecode(
                          self.get_relative_path()), self.stat.st_rdev))
                self.devnums = (0, 0)
Exemplo n.º 37
    def attach_volume(self, context, connection_info, instance, mountpoint,
                      disk_bus=None, device_type=None, encryption=None):
        """Attach block device to a nova instance.

        Attaching a block device to a container requires a couple of steps.
        First os_brick connects the cinder volume to the host. Next,
        the block device is added to the containers profile. Next, the
        apparmor profile for the container is updated to allow mounting
        'ext4' block devices. Finally, the profile is saved.

        The block device must be formatted as ext4 in order to mount
        the block device inside the container.

        See `nova.virt.driver.ComputeDriver.attach_volume' for
        more information/
        profile = self.client.profiles.get(instance.name)
        protocol = connection_info['driver_volume_type']
        storage_driver = brick_get_connector(protocol)
        device_info = storage_driver.connect_volume(
        disk = os.stat(os.path.realpath(device_info['path']))
        vol_id = connection_info['data']['volume_id']

        disk_device = {
            vol_id: {
                'path': mountpoint,
                'major': '%s' % os.major(disk.st_rdev),
                'minor': '%s' % os.minor(disk.st_rdev),
                'type': 'unix-block'

        # XXX zulcss (10 Jul 2016) - fused is currently not supported.
        profile.config.update({'raw.apparmor': 'mount fstype=ext4,'})
Exemplo n.º 38
def get_disk_info(device):
    if isinstance(device, tuple): major, minor = device
        disk_rdev = os.stat(device).st_rdev
        major, minor = (os.major(disk_rdev), os.minor(disk_rdev))
    device_dir = "/sys/dev/block/%d:%d" % (major, minor)
    if not os.path.isdir("%s/device" % device_dir):
        return None  # Not representing a pysical device

    def read(file):
        filename = os.path.join(device_dir, file)
        if not os.path.isfile(filename): return None
        return open(filename).read().strip()

    rst = {
        "name": device,
        "identical_name": "/dev/block/%d:%d" % (major, minor),
        "device_dir": device_dir,
        "major": major,
        "minor": minor,
        "ro": int(read("ro")),
        "removable": int(read("removable")),
        "vendor": read("device/vendor") or read("device/oemid"),
        "model": read("device/model") or read("device/name")
        device_capacity = get_device_capacity(device)
        rst["size"] = device_capacity[0]
        rst["sector_size"] = device_capacity[1]
        rst["bios_compatible"] = rst["sector_size"] == 512 and rst[
            "size"] <= MAX_BIOS_FRIENDLY_DISK_SIZE
    except OSError:
        pass  # e.g. unloaded cd-rom drive

    if "size" in rst: rst["size_str"] = get_capacity_string(rst["size"])

    return rst
Exemplo n.º 39
def nfs_aware_chown(path, *args, **kwargs):
    # NFSv4 is fickle.  The protocol might either use numeric UIDs/GIDs, or
    # (canonically, but not by default) user/group names.  The latter requires
    # the NFS server to know about the user/group in advance.  This might go
    # wrong if we only just created them, especially since NetApp caches
    # nonexistence for a long time.
    # We *try* not to do anything that will cause nonexistence to be cached
    # (we update NIS and wait a good while for the server before we chown)
    # but actions elsewhere (e.g. someone trying to manually chown to a
    # not-yet-existent user) might have already triggered the problem.  We
    # can't do anything about that except give the poor sysadmin a hint.
        os.chown(path, *args, **kwargs)
    except OSError as e:
        if e.errno == 22:  # EINVAL
            dev = os.stat(path).st_dev
            dev_str = "%s:%s" % (os.major(dev), os.minor(dev))
            with open("/proc/net/nfsfs/volumes", "r") as f:
                for line in f:
                    fields = line.split()
                    if fields[3] == dev_str:
                        server = fields[1]
                        ver = fields[0]
                        with open("/proc/net/nfsfs/servers", "r") as ff:
                            for lline in ff:
                                ffields = lline.split()
                                if ffields[1] == server:
                                    hostname = ffields[4]
                                    raise Exception(
                                        "Got EINVAL when attempting to chown(%s) on %s via NFS%s.  "
                                        "That might mean that the user or group is unknown to the NFS server.  "
                                        "If this seems wrong, it may have cached nonexistence.  "
                                        "If it's a NetApp, try 'nfs nsdb flush' on %s, or "
                                        "just wait an hour or two then retry."
                                        % (path, hostname, ver, hostname))
Exemplo n.º 40
    def do_start_char_devices(self):
        if not self.create_char_devices:
        for dev in self.devs:
            raw = self.find_raw(dev)
            if raw is not None:
                self.log.info("%s is already mapped to a raw device" % dev)
                raw = self.find_next_raw()
                cmd = ['raw', "/dev/raw/" + raw, dev]
                ret, out, err = self.vcall(cmd)
                if ret != 0:
                    raise ex.Error
                s = os.stat("/dev/raw/" + raw)
                self.raws[raw] = {
                    'rdev': (os.major(s.st_rdev), os.minor(s.st_rdev)),
                    'devname': dev,
                    'bdev': self.devs_t[dev]

Exemplo n.º 41
    def __init__( self, path, blocking=True, parent=None ):
        path = Path( '/dev/uio', path )
        self.path = path

        if path.is_dir():
            path = path / 'module'

        flags = O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC
        if not blocking:
            flags |= O_NONBLOCK # for irq_recv
        self._fd = os.open( str(path), flags )

        # check parent memory region (if any)
        if parent is not None:
            if isinstance( parent, Uio ):
                parent = parent.region()
            elif not isinstance( parent, MemRegion ):
                raise TypeError

        # build path to sysfs dir for obtaining metadata
        dev = os.stat( self._fd ).st_rdev
        dev = '{0}:{1}'.format( os.major(dev), os.minor(dev) )
        self.syspath = Path('/sys/dev/char', dev).resolve()

        # enumerate memory regions
        # beware that if there are none, the dir is absent rather than empty
        self._regions = {}
        rgninfo = self.syspath/'maps'
        if rgninfo.is_dir():
            for info in rgninfo.iterdir():
                rgn = MemRegion.from_sysfs( self, info, parent )

                # allow lookup by index or (if available) by name
                self._regions[ rgn.index ] = rgn
                if rgn.name:
                    self._regions[ rgn.name ] = rgn
Exemplo n.º 42
    def disk_size(self, dev):
        size = 0
        if '/dev/mapper/' in dev:
                statinfo = os.stat(dev)
                raise Exception("can not stat %s" % dev)
            dm = 'dm-' + str(os.minor(statinfo.st_rdev))
            path = '/sys/block/' + dm + '/size'
            if not os.path.exists(path):
                return 0
            path = dev.replace('/dev/', '/sys/block/') + '/size'
            if not os.path.exists(path):
                cmd = ['blockdev', '--getsize', dev]
                out, err, ret = justcall(cmd)
                if ret != 0:
                    return 0
                return int(math.ceil(1. * int(out) / 2048))

        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            size = f.read()
        return int(math.ceil(1. * int(size) / 2048))
Exemplo n.º 43
def get_blkdev_major_minor(path, lookup_for_file=True):
    """Get the device's "major:minor" number of a block device to control
    I/O ratelimit of the specified path.
    If lookup_for_file is True and the path is a regular file, lookup a disk
    device which the file lies on and returns the result for the device.
    st = os.stat(path)
    if stat.S_ISBLK(st.st_mode):
        path, st = _get_disk_of_partition(path, st)
        return '%d:%d' % (os.major(st.st_rdev), os.minor(st.st_rdev))
    elif stat.S_ISCHR(st.st_mode):
        # No I/O ratelimit control is provided for character devices
        return None
    elif lookup_for_file:
        # lookup the mounted disk which the file lies on
        out, _err = execute('df', path)
        devpath = out.split("\n")[1].split()[0]
        if devpath[0] is not '/':
            # the file is on a network file system
            return None
        return get_blkdev_major_minor(devpath, False)
        msg = _("Unable to get a block device for file \'%s\'") % path
        raise exception.Error(msg)
Exemplo n.º 44
def drive_is_ssd(orig_dev):
    """Check if device (whole drive or a partition) is an SSD"""
    dev = orig_dev
    while True:
        dev = os.path.realpath(dev)
        st = os.lstat(dev)
        if not stat.S_ISBLK(st.st_mode):
            raise ValueError("{}: not a block device".format(dev))
        M, m = os.major(st.st_rdev), os.minor(st.st_rdev)
        sysfs_dir = '/sys/dev/block/{M}:{m}'.format(M=M, m=m)
        if not os.path.exists(sysfs_dir):
            raise RuntimeError("device {0}: no sysfs entry {1}".format(
                dev, sysfs_dir))
        rotational = '{}/queue/rotational'.format(sysfs_dir)
        if os.path.isfile(rotational):
            base_dev = partition_base_device(dev, abspath=True)
            if base_dev == dev:
                return False
            dev = base_dev

    with open(rotational, 'r') as f:
        return int(f.read()) == 0
Exemplo n.º 45
 def mounts(self, detectdev=False):
     mounts = []
     with open('/proc/mounts', 'r') as f:
         for line in f:
             dev, path, fstype = line.split()[0:3]
             # simfs: filesystem in OpenVZ
             if fstype in ('ext2', 'ext3', 'ext4', 'xfs', 'jfs', 'reiserfs',
                           'btrfs', 'simfs'):
                 if not os.path.isdir(path):
                 mounts.append({'dev': dev, 'path': path, 'fstype': fstype})
     for mount in mounts:
         stat = os.statvfs(mount['path'])
         total = stat.f_blocks * stat.f_bsize
         free = stat.f_bfree * stat.f_bsize
         used = (stat.f_blocks - stat.f_bfree) * stat.f_bsize
         mount['total'] = b2h(total)
         mount['free'] = b2h(free)
         mount['used'] = b2h(used)
         mount['used_rate'] = div_percent(used, total)
         if detectdev:
             dev = os.stat(mount['path']).st_dev
             mount['major'], mount['minor'] = os.major(dev), os.minor(dev)
     return mounts
Exemplo n.º 46
    def get_file_systems(self):
        Creates a map of mounted filesystems on the machine.
        iostat(1): Each sector has size of 512 bytes.
          (major, minor) -> FileSystem(device, mount_point)
        result = {}
        if not os.access('/proc/mounts', os.R_OK):
            return result
        file = open('/proc/mounts')
        for line in file:
                device, mount_point, fs_type, fs_options, dummy1, dummy2 = line.split(
            except ValueError:

            if mount_point.startswith('/dev') or mount_point.startswith(
                    '/proc') or mount_point.startswith('/sys'):

            if device.startswith('/') and mount_point.startswith('/'):
                stat = os.stat(mount_point)
                major = os.major(stat.st_dev)
                minor = os.minor(stat.st_dev)

                result[(major, minor)] = {
                    'device': device,
                    'mount_point': mount_point

        return result
def cloneDeviceNode(srcpath, devpath):
    '''Clone a device node into a temporary private location.'''

    # we don't use os.remove/mknod/chmod/chown because we need sudo
    command = ['/bin/rm', '-f', devpath]
    retcode, out, err = utils.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('directlun: error rm -f %s, err = %s\n' % (devpath, err))

    stat = os.stat(srcpath)
    major = os.major(stat.st_rdev)
    minor = os.minor(stat.st_rdev)
    command = ['/bin/mknod', devpath, 'b', str(major), str(minor)]
    retcode, out, err = utils.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('directlun: error mknod %s, err = %s\n' % (devpath, err))

    mode = '660'
    command = ['/bin/chmod', mode, devpath]
    retcode, out, err = utils.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('directlun: error chmod %s to %s, err = %s\n' % (devpath, mode, err))

    group = grp.getgrnam('qemu')
    gid = group.gr_gid
    user = pwd.getpwnam('qemu')
    uid = user.pw_uid
    owner = str(uid) + ':' + str(gid)
    command = ['/bin/chown', owner, devpath]
    retcode, out, err = utils.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('directlun: error chown %s to %s, err = %s\n' % (devpath, owner, err))
Exemplo n.º 48
    def get_file_systems(self):
        Creates a map of mounted filesystems on the machine.

        iostat(1): Each sector has size of 512 bytes.

          (major, minor) -> FileSystem(device, mount_point)
        result = {}
        if os.access('/proc/mounts', os.R_OK):
            file = open('/proc/mounts')
            for line in file:
                    mount = line.split()
                    device = mount[0]
                    mount_point = mount[1]
                    fs_type = mount[2]
                except (IndexError, ValueError):

                # Skip the filesystem if it is not in the list of valid
                # filesystems
                if fs_type not in self.filesystems:
                        "Ignoring %s since it is of type %s which " +
                        " is not in the list of filesystems.", mount_point,

                # Process the filters
                if self.exclude_reg.search(mount_point):
                        "Ignoring %s since it is in the " +
                        "exclude_filter list.", mount_point)

                if (mount_point.startswith('/dev')
                        or mount_point.startswith('/proc')
                        or mount_point.startswith('/sys')):

                if '/' in device and mount_point.startswith('/'):
                        stat = os.stat(mount_point)
                        major = os.major(stat.st_dev)
                        minor = os.minor(stat.st_dev)
                    except OSError:
                        self.log.debug("Path %s is not mounted - skipping.",

                    if (major, minor) in result:

                    result[(major, minor)] = {
                        'device': os.path.realpath(device),
                        'mount_point': mount_point,
                        'fs_type': fs_type


            if not psutil:
                self.log.error('Unable to import psutil')
                return None

            partitions = psutil.disk_partitions(False)
            for partition in partitions:
                result[(0, len(result))] = {
                    'device': os.path.realpath(partition.device),
                    'mount_point': partition.mountpoint,
                    'fs_type': partition.fstype

        return result
Exemplo n.º 49

import os, sys

path = "foo7.txt"

info = os.lstat(path)

major_dnum = os.major(info.st_dev)
minor_dnum = os.minor(info.st_dev)

print "Major device number : ", major_dnum
print "Minor device number : ", minor_dnum
Exemplo n.º 50
def get_device_id(device_path):
    dev_stat = os.stat(device_path)
    return '{},{}'.format(os.major(dev_stat.st_rdev), os.minor(dev_stat.st_rdev))
Exemplo n.º 51
def _get_md_name_from_kernel_dev(kdev):
    minor = os.minor(os.stat(kdev).st_rdev)
    return next(name for name in os.listdir(DEV_MD)
                if os.minor(os.stat("%s/%s" % (DEV_MD, name)).st_rdev) == minor)
Exemplo n.º 52
def MajorMinor(path):
    rdev = stat(path).st_rdev
    return (major(rdev), minor(rdev))
Exemplo n.º 53
def decode_dev(field, value):
    if _marked_as_odev(field):
        return "%d:%d" % (os.major(value), os.minor(value))
        return "%d:%d" % (value >> kern_minorbits, value &
                          ((1 << kern_minorbits) - 1))
Exemplo n.º 54
    def __init__(self, device, removable=False):
        self.device = device

        if os.access("/dev/.udev", 0):
            self.type = DEVTYPE_UDEV
        elif os.access("/dev/udev_network_queue", 0):
            self.type = DEVTYPE_UDEV
        elif os.access("/dev/.devfsd", 0):
            self.type = DEVTYPE_DEVFS
            print "[Harddisk] Unable to determine structure of /dev"
            self.type = -1
            self.card = False

        self.max_idle_time = 0
        self.idle_running = False
        self.last_access = time.time()
        self.last_stat = 0
        self.timer = None
        self.is_sleeping = False

        self.dev_path = ''
        self.disk_path = ''
        self.mount_path = None
        self.mount_device = None
        self.phys_path = os.path.realpath(self.sysfsPath('device'))

        self.removable = removable
        self.internal = "pci" in self.phys_path or "ahci" in self.phys_path or "sata" in self.phys_path
            data = open("/sys/block/%s/queue/rotational" % device,
            self.rotational = int(data)
            self.rotational = True

        if self.type == DEVTYPE_UDEV:
            self.dev_path = '/dev/' + self.device
            self.disk_path = self.dev_path
            self.card = "sdhci" in self.phys_path or "mmc" in self.device

        elif self.type == DEVTYPE_DEVFS:
            tmp = readFile(self.sysfsPath('dev')).split(':')
            s_major = int(tmp[0])
            s_minor = int(tmp[1])
            for disc in os.listdir("/dev/discs"):
                dev_path = os.path.realpath('/dev/discs/' + disc)
                disk_path = dev_path + '/disc'
                    rdev = os.stat(disk_path).st_rdev
                except OSError:
                if s_major == os.major(rdev) and s_minor == os.minor(rdev):
                    self.dev_path = dev_path
                    self.disk_path = disk_path
            self.card = self.device[:2] == "hd" and "host0" not in self.dev_path

        print "[Harddisk] new device=%s dev_path=%s disk_path=%s removable=%s internal=%s rotational=%s card=%s" % (
            self.device, self.dev_path, self.disk_path, removable,
            self.internal, self.rotational, self.card)
        if (self.internal or not removable) and not self.card:
Exemplo n.º 55
 def checkIfDevice(path, diskstats):
     st_dev = os.stat(path).st_dev
     return (os.major(st_dev), os.minor(st_dev)) in diskstats
Exemplo n.º 56
def dev_maj_min(block_dev):
    """Returns major/minor device numbers for the given block device."""
    dev_stat = os.stat(os.path.realpath(block_dev))
    return (os.major(dev_stat.st_rdev), os.minor(dev_stat.st_rdev))
Exemplo n.º 57
## print root user can run this script
uid = os.getuid()

if uid != 0:
    print "You need to be a root user to run this script."

## create raw devices with native devices
# get the native device details
dev_name = raw_input("Enter device name: ")
d = os.stat(dev_name)

# Get major and minor numbers for the device
mj_num = os.major(d.st_rdev)
print "Device major number is", mj_num

mi_num = os.minor(d.st_rdev)
print "Device minor number is", mi_num

# Create raw device
raw_dev = os.system("raw dev_name mj_num mi_num")
print raw_dev

# Update details into udev
# An example would be:
#   ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sda", RUN+="/usr/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw1 %N"
# to bind /dev/raw/raw1 to /dev/sda, or
#   ACTION=="add", ENV{MAJOR}=="8", ENV{MINOR}=="1", RUN+="/usr/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw2 %M %m"
# to bind /dev/raw/raw2 to the device with major 8, minor 1.
Exemplo n.º 58
 def test_add_node_dev_null(self):
     st = os.lstat('/dev/null')
     dev_maj = os.major(st.st_rdev)
     dev_min = os.minor(st.st_rdev)
     self.tf.add_node('/dev/null', st.st_mode, os.makedev(dev_maj, dev_min))
Exemplo n.º 59
 def test_mknod(self):
     self.vol.mknod("dev", stat.S_IFCHR | 0o644, os.makedev(1, 3))
     st = self.vol.stat("dev")
     self.assertEqual(os.major(st.st_rdev), 1)
     self.assertEqual(os.minor(st.st_rdev), 3)
Exemplo n.º 60
    def get_file_struct(self, fs_path, new_level=False):
        """Generate file meta data from file abs path.

        Return the meta data as a dict structure and a binary string

        :param fs_path: file abs path
        :param new_level
        :return: file data structure

        # Get file inode information, whether the file is a regular
        # file or a symbolic link
            os_stat = os.lstat(fs_path)
        except (OSError, IOError) as error:
            raise Exception('[*] Error on file stat: {}'.format(error))

        file_mode = os_stat.st_mode
        # Get file type. If file type is a link it returns also the
        # file pointed by the link
        file_type, lname = self.get_file_type(file_mode, fs_path)

        # If file_type is a socket return False
        if file_type == 's':
            return False, False

        ctime = int(os_stat.st_ctime)
        mtime = int(os_stat.st_mtime)
        uname = pwd.getpwuid(os_stat.st_uid)[0]
        gname = grp.getgrgid(os_stat.st_gid)[0]

        dev = os_stat.st_dev
        inumber = os_stat.st_ino
        nlink = os_stat.st_nlink
        uid = os_stat.st_uid
        gid = os_stat.st_gid
        size = os_stat.st_size
        devmajor = os.major(dev)
        devminor = os.minor(dev)

        level_id = '0000'
        if new_level:
            level_id = '1111'

        # build file meta data as dictionary
        inode_dict = {
            'inode': {
                'inumber': inumber,
                'nlink': nlink,
                'mode': file_mode,
                'uid': uid,
                'gid': gid,
                'size': size,
                'devmajor': devmajor,
                'devminor': devminor,
                'mtime': mtime,
                'ctime': ctime,
                'uname': uname,
                'gname': gname,
                'ftype': file_type,
                'lname': lname,
                'rsync_block_size': RSYNC_BLOCK_SIZE,
                'level_id': level_id,
                'deleted': '0000'

        # build file meta data as binary string
        inode_bin_str = (b'{}\00{}\00{}\00{}\00{}'
                             RSYNC_DATA_STRUCT_VERSION, file_mode, uid, gid,
                             size, mtime, ctime, uname, gname, file_type,
                             lname, inumber, nlink, devminor, devmajor,
                             RSYNC_BLOCK_SIZE, level_id, '0000')

        return inode_dict, inode_bin_str