Exemplo n.º 1
    def saveAsXml(self):
        p = ET.Element("participant")
        p.set("filename", self.fileName)
        p.set("number", str(self.number))

        fixes = ET.SubElement(p, "fixations")
        for fix in self.fixationList:

        rawfixes = ET.SubElement(p, "rawFixations")
        for fix in self.rawFixationList:

        boxes = ET.SubElement(p, "boxes")
        if self.boxes:
            for i in range(self.gridX):
                for j in range(self.gridY):
                    b = self.boxes[i][j].saveAsXml()
                    b.set('x', str(i))
                    b.set('y', str(j))

        gridsize = ET.SubElement(p, "gridSize")
        if self.gridX:
            gridx = ET.SubElement(gridsize, "width")
            gridx.text = str(self.gridX)
        if self.gridY:
            gridy = ET.SubElement(gridsize, "height")
            gridy.text = str(self.gridY)

        times = ET.SubElement(p, "times")
        t0 = ET.SubElement(times, "start")
        t0.text = str(self.startTime)
        t1 = ET.SubElement(times, "finish")
        t1.text = str(self.endTime)

        if self.offScreen:
            os = self.offScreen.saveAsXml()
            os.set('offscreen', str(True))

        # paths...

        return p
Exemplo n.º 2
def customer_xml():
    Generates an XML file suitable for Customer usage

    from lxml import etree

    location_attribute = '{%s}noNameSpaceSchemaLocation' % "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    kvasir_results_xml = etree.Element('KvasirResults',
                                           location_attribute: 'kvasir.xsd',

    summary_xml = etree.SubElement(kvasir_results_xml, 'summary')
    customer = etree.SubElement(summary_xml, 'customer')
    customer.text = settings.customer or 'CUSTOMER NAME'
    assessment = etree.SubElement(summary_xml, 'assessment')
    assessment.set('type', settings.assessment_type)
    start_date = etree.SubElement(assessment, 'start-date')
    start_date.text = settings.start_date or 'START DATE'
    end_date = etree.SubElement(assessment, 'end-date')
    end_date.text = settings.end_date or 'END DATE'

    hosts_xml = etree.SubElement(kvasir_results_xml, 'hosts')
    os_xml = etree.SubElement(kvasir_results_xml, 'os_records')
    vulns_xml = etree.SubElement(kvasir_results_xml, 'vulns')

    # this is a little hack to ensure a record is either blank or None
    # use it as "if variable not in notin:"
    notin = [None, '']
    unknown_cpeid_counter = 0

    # go through each host, adding the os, services and vulns accordingly
    query = create_hostfilter_query(session.hostfilter)
    for host_rec in db(query).select():
        host_xml = etree.SubElement(hosts_xml, 'host')
        host_xml.set('ipaddr', host_rec.f_ipaddr)
        host_xml.set('assetgroup', host_rec.f_asset_group)
        if host_rec.f_macaddr:
            host_xml.set('macaddr', host_rec.f_macaddr)
        if host_rec.f_hostname:
            host_xml.set('hostname', host_rec.f_hostname.decode('utf-8'))
        if host_rec.f_netbios_name:
            host_xml.set('netbios', host_rec.f_netbios_name.decode('utf-8'))

        # build the os information using the highest certainty record
        highest = (0, None)
        for os_rec in db(db.t_host_os_refs.f_hosts_id == host_rec.id).select():
            if os_rec.f_certainty > highest[0]:
                highest = (os_rec.f_certainty, os_rec)

        if highest[0] > 0:
            # add os element to the host
            record = highest[1]
            os = etree.SubElement(host_xml, 'os')
            os.set('certainty', str(highest[0]))
            if record.f_class not in notin:
                os.set('class', record.f_class)
            if record.f_family not in notin:
                os.set('family', record.f_family)

            # since some os records may not have a cpe id we'll mask them with
            # using their title, replacing spaces with underscores
            t_os_rec = db.t_os[record.f_os_id]
            if t_os_rec.f_cpename in notin:
                cpeid = t_os_rec.f_title.replace(' ', '_')
                cpeid = t_os_rec.f_cpename

            os.set('id', cpeid)

            # if the id isn't in os_records, add it
            if len(os_xml.findall('.//os[@id="%s"]' %
                                  (os.get('id', None)))) < 1:
                os_info_xml = etree.SubElement(os_xml, 'os')
                os_rec = db.t_os[highest[1].f_os_id]
                os_info_xml.set('id', cpeid)
                os_info_xml.set('title', os_rec.f_title)

                if os_rec.f_vendor not in notin:
                    vendor = etree.SubElement(os_info_xml, 'vendor')
                    vendor.text = os_rec.f_vendor

                if os_rec.f_product not in notin:
                    product = etree.SubElement(os_info_xml, 'product')
                    product.text = os_rec.f_product

                if os_rec.f_version not in notin:
                    version = etree.SubElement(os_info_xml, 'version')
                    version.text = os_rec.f_version

                if os_rec.f_update not in notin:
                    update = etree.SubElement(os_info_xml, 'update')
                    update.text = os_rec.f_update

                if os_rec.f_edition not in notin:
                    edition = etree.SubElement(os_info_xml, 'edition')
                    edition.text = os_rec.f_edition

                if os_rec.f_language not in notin:
                    language = etree.SubElement(os_info_xml, 'language')
                    language.text = os_rec.f_language

        # snmp strings
        snmp_recs = db(db.t_snmp.f_hosts_id == host_rec.id).select()
        if len(snmp_recs) > 0:
            snmp_top_xml = etree.SubElement(hosts_xml, 'snmps')
            for record in snmp_recs:
                snmp_xml = etree.SubElement(snmp_top_xml, 'snmp')
                if record.f_community not in notin:
                    snmp_xml.set('version', record.f_version)
                    snmp_xml.set('access', record.f_access)

        # netbios information
        netb_record = db(
            db.t_netbios.f_hosts_id == host_rec.id).select().first() or None
        if netb_record:
            netbios_xml = etree.SubElement(hosts_xml, 'netbios')
            if netb_record.f_type not in notin:
                netbios_xml.set('type', netb_record.f_type)
            if netb_record.f_domain not in notin:
                netbios_xml.set('domain', netb_record.f_domain.decode('utf-8'))
            if netb_record.f_lockout_limit not in notin:
            if netb_record.f_lockout_duration not in notin:

            if netb_record.f_advertised_names is not None:
                adv_names_xml = etree.SubElement(netbios_xml,
                for name in netb_record.f_advertised_names:
                    name_xml = etree.SubElement(adv_names_xml, 'name')
                    name.text = name.decode('utf-8')

        # build the services and vulnerabilities
        services_xml = etree.SubElement(host_xml, 'services')
        for svc_rec in db(db.t_services.f_hosts_id == host_rec.id).select():
            service_xml = etree.SubElement(services_xml, 'service')
            service_xml.set('proto', svc_rec.f_proto)
            service_xml.set('number', svc_rec.f_number)

            if svc_rec.f_name not in notin:
                name = etree.SubElement(service_xml, 'name')
                name.text = svc_rec.f_name.decode('utf-8')

            if svc_rec.f_banner not in notin:
                banner = etree.SubElement(service_xml, 'banner')
                banner.text = svc_rec.f_banner.decode('utf-8')

            # service configuration records
            svc_info_recs = db(
                db.t_service_info.f_services_id == svc_rec.id).select()
            if len(svc_info_recs) > 0:
                config_xml = etree.SubElement(service_xml, 'configuration')
                for info_rec in svc_info_recs:
                    rec_xml = etree.SubElement(config_xml, 'config')
                    if info_rec.f_name not in notin:
                        rec_xml.set('name', info_rec.f_name)
                        if info_rec.f_text not in notin:
                            rec_xml.text = info_rec.f_text.decode('utf-8')

            # vulnerabilities
            svc_vuln_recs = db(
                db.t_service_vulns.f_services_id == svc_rec.id).select()
            if len(svc_vuln_recs) > 0:
                svc_vulns_xml = etree.SubElement(service_xml, 'vulns')
                for vuln_rec in svc_vuln_recs:
                    vuln_xml = etree.SubElement(svc_vulns_xml, 'vuln')
                    vuln_xml.set('status', vuln_rec.f_status)
                        'id', db.t_vulndata[vuln_rec.f_vulndata_id].f_vulnid)
                    proof = etree.SubElement(vuln_xml, 'proof')
                    proof.text = etree.CDATA(
                        unicode(MARKMIN(vuln_rec.f_proof).xml(), 'utf-8'))

                    # search for the nexpose id in vulns_xml
                    if len(
                            vuln_xml.findall('.//vuln[@id="%s"]' %
                                             vuln_xml.get('id', None))) < 1:
                        new_vuln_xml = etree.SubElement(vulns_xml, 'vuln')
                        vulndata = db.t_vulndata[vuln_rec.f_vulndata_id]
                        new_vuln_xml.set('id', vulndata.f_vulnid)
                        new_vuln_xml.set('title', vulndata.f_title)
                        new_vuln_xml.set('severity', str(vulndata.f_severity))
                        new_vuln_xml.set('pci_sev', str(vulndata.f_pci_sev))
                        new_vuln_xml.set('cvss_metric', cvss_metrics(vulndata))
                        description = etree.SubElement(new_vuln_xml,
                        description.text = etree.CDATA(
                        solution = etree.SubElement(new_vuln_xml, 'solution')
                        solution.text = etree.CDATA(
                                MARKMIN(vulndata.f_solution).xml(), 'utf-8'))

                        # find vulnerability references and add them
                        vuln_refs = db(db.t_vuln_references.f_vulndata_id ==
                        if len(vuln_refs) > 0:
                            refs_xml = etree.SubElement(
                                new_vuln_xml, 'references')
                            for ref_rec in vuln_refs:
                                record = db.t_vuln_refs[ref_rec.f_vuln_ref_id]
                                ref_xml = etree.SubElement(
                                    refs_xml, 'reference')
                                ref_xml.set('source', record.f_source)
                                ref_xml.text = record.f_text.decode('utf-8')

            # accounts
            accounts = db(db.t_accounts.f_services_id == svc_rec.id).select()
            if len(accounts) > 0:
                accounts_xml = etree.SubElement(service_xml, 'accounts')
                for acct_rec in accounts:
                    acct_xml = etree.SubElement(accounts_xml, 'account')

                    if acct_rec.f_username not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'username')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_username.decode('utf-8')

                    if acct_rec.f_fullname not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'fullname')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_fullname.decode('utf-8')

                    if acct_rec.f_password not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'password')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_password.decode('utf-8')

                    if acct_rec.f_hash1 not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'hash1')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_hash1

                    if acct_rec.f_hash1_type not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'hash1_type')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_hash1_type

                    if acct_rec.f_hash2 not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'hash2')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_hash2

                    if acct_rec.f_hash2_type not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'hash2_type')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_hash2_type

                    if acct_rec.f_uid not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'uid')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_uid

                    if acct_rec.f_gid not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'gid')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_gid

                    if acct_rec.f_level not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'level')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_level

                    if acct_rec.f_domain not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'domain')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_domain.decode('utf-8')

                    if acct_rec.f_description not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'description')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_description.decode('utf-8')

    result = etree.tostring(kvasir_results_xml,
    return result
Exemplo n.º 3
def customer_xml():
    Generates an XML file suitable for Customer usage

    from lxml import etree

    # grab the filter type and value if provided or from the session
    if session.hostfilter is None:
        f_type  = request.vars.f_type or None
        f_value = request.vars.f_value or None
        f_type  = session.hostfilter[0]
        f_value = session.hostfilter[1]

    location_attribute = '{%s}noNameSpaceSchemaLocation' % "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    kvasir_results_xml = etree.Element('KvasirResults', attrib={ location_attribute: 'kvasir.xsd', })

    summary_xml = etree.SubElement(kvasir_results_xml, 'summary')
    customer = etree.SubElement(summary_xml, 'customer')
    customer.text = settings.customer or 'CUSTOMER NAME'
    assessment = etree.SubElement(summary_xml, 'assessment')
    assessment.set('type', settings.assessment_type)
    start_date = etree.SubElement(assessment, 'start-date')
    start_date.text = settings.start_date or 'START DATE'
    end_date = etree.SubElement(assessment, 'end-date')
    end_date.text = settings.end_date or 'END DATE'

    hosts_xml = etree.SubElement(kvasir_results_xml, 'hosts')
    os_xml = etree.SubElement(kvasir_results_xml, 'os_records')
    vulns_xml = etree.SubElement(kvasir_results_xml, 'vulns')

    # this is a little hack to ensure a record is either blank or None
    # use it as "if variable not in notin:"
    notin = [ None, '' ]
    unknown_cpeid_counter = 0

    # go through each host, adding the os, services and vulns accordingly
    query = create_hostfilter_query([(f_type, f_value), False])
    for host_rec in db(query).select():
        host_xml = etree.SubElement(hosts_xml, 'host')
        host_xml.set('ipv4', host_rec.f_ipv4)
        host_xml.set('assetgroup', host_rec.f_asset_group)
        if host_rec.f_ipv6:
            host_xml.set('ipv6', host_rec.f_ipv6)
        if host_rec.f_macaddr:
            host_xml.set('macaddr', host_rec.f_macaddr)
        if host_rec.f_hostname:
            host_xml.set('hostname', host_rec.f_hostname.decode('utf-8'))
        if host_rec.f_netbios_name:
            host_xml.set('netbios', host_rec.f_netbios_name.decode('utf-8'))

        # build the os information using the highest certainty record
        highest = (0, None)
        for os_rec in db(db.t_host_os_refs.f_hosts_id == host_rec.id).select():
            if os_rec.f_certainty > highest[0]:
                highest = (os_rec.f_certainty, os_rec)

        if highest[0] > 0:
            # add os element to the host
            record = highest[1]
            os = etree.SubElement(host_xml, 'os')
            os.set('certainty', str(highest[0]))
            if record.f_class not in notin:
                os.set('class', record.f_class)
            if record.f_family not in notin:
                os.set('family', record.f_family)

            # since some os records may not have a cpe id we'll mask them with
            # using their title, replacing spaces with underscores
            t_os_rec = db.t_os[record.f_os_id]
            if t_os_rec.f_cpename in notin:
                cpeid = t_os_rec.f_title.replace(' ', '_')
                cpeid = t_os_rec.f_cpename

            os.set('id', cpeid)

            # if the id isn't in os_records, add it
            if len(os_xml.findall('.//os[@id="%s"]' % (os.get('id', None)))) < 1:
                os_info_xml = etree.SubElement(os_xml, 'os')
                os_rec = db.t_os[highest[1].f_os_id]
                os_info_xml.set('id', cpeid)
                os_info_xml.set('title', os_rec.f_title)

                if os_rec.f_vendor not in notin:
                    vendor = etree.SubElement(os_info_xml, 'vendor')
                    vendor.text = os_rec.f_vendor

                if os_rec.f_product not in notin:
                    product = etree.SubElement(os_info_xml, 'product')
                    product.text = os_rec.f_product

                if os_rec.f_version not in notin:
                    version = etree.SubElement(os_info_xml, 'version')
                    version.text = os_rec.f_version

                if os_rec.f_update not in notin:
                    update = etree.SubElement(os_info_xml, 'update')
                    update.text = os_rec.f_update

                if os_rec.f_edition not in notin:
                    edition = etree.SubElement(os_info_xml, 'edition')
                    edition.text = os_rec.f_edition

                if os_rec.f_language not in notin:
                    language = etree.SubElement(os_info_xml, 'language')
                    language.text = os_rec.f_language

        # snmp strings
        snmp_recs = db(db.t_snmp.f_hosts_id == host_rec.id).select()
        if len(snmp_recs) > 0:
            snmp_top_xml = etree.SubElement(hosts_xml, 'snmps')
            for record in snmp_recs:
                snmp_xml = etree.SubElement(snmp_top_xml, 'snmp')
                if record.f_community not in notin:
                    snmp_xml.set('community', record.f_community.decode('utf-8'))
                    snmp_xml.set('version', record.f_version)
                    snmp_xml.set('access', record.f_access)

        # netbios information
        netb_record = db(db.t_netbios.f_hosts_id == host_rec.id).select().first() or None
        if netb_record:
            netbios_xml = etree.SubElement(hosts_xml, 'netbios')
            if netb_record.f_type not in notin:
                netbios_xml.set('type', netb_record.f_type)
            if netb_record.f_domain not in notin:
                netbios_xml.set('domain', netb_record.f_domain.decode('utf-8'))
            if netb_record.f_lockout_limit not in notin:
                netbios_xml.set('lockout_limit', str(netb_record.f_lockout_limit))
            if netb_record.f_lockout_duration not in notin:
                netbios_xml.set('lockout_duration', str(netb_record.f_lockout_duration))

            if netb_record.f_advertised_names is not None:
                adv_names_xml = etree.SubElement(netbios_xml, 'advertised_names')
                for name in netb_record.f_advertised_names:
                    name_xml = etree.SubElement(adv_names_xml, 'name')
                    name.text = name.decode('utf-8')

        # build the services and vulnerabilities
        services_xml = etree.SubElement(host_xml, 'services')
        for svc_rec in db(db.t_services.f_hosts_id == host_rec.id).select():
            service_xml = etree.SubElement(services_xml, 'service')
            service_xml.set('proto', svc_rec.f_proto)
            service_xml.set('number', svc_rec.f_number)

            if svc_rec.f_name not in notin:
                name = etree.SubElement(service_xml, 'name')
                name.text = svc_rec.f_name.decode('utf-8')

            if svc_rec.f_banner not in notin:
                banner = etree.SubElement(service_xml, 'banner')
                banner.text = svc_rec.f_banner.decode('utf-8')

            # service configuration records
            svc_info_recs = db(db.t_service_info.f_services_id == svc_rec.id).select()
            if len(svc_info_recs) > 0:
                config_xml = etree.SubElement(service_xml, 'configuration')
                for info_rec in svc_info_recs:
                    rec_xml = etree.SubElement(config_xml, 'config')
                    if info_rec.f_name not in notin:
                        rec_xml.set('name', info_rec.f_name)
                        if info_rec.f_text not in notin:
                            rec_xml.text = info_rec.f_text.decode('utf-8')

            # vulnerabilities
            svc_vuln_recs = db(db.t_service_vulns.f_services_id == svc_rec.id).select()
            if len(svc_vuln_recs) > 0:
                svc_vulns_xml = etree.SubElement(service_xml, 'vulns')
                for vuln_rec in svc_vuln_recs:
                    vuln_xml = etree.SubElement(svc_vulns_xml, 'vuln')
                    vuln_xml.set('status', vuln_rec.f_status)
                    vuln_xml.set('id', db.t_vulndata[vuln_rec.f_vulndata_id].f_vulnid)
                    proof = etree.SubElement(vuln_xml, 'proof')
                    proof.text = etree.CDATA(unicode(MARKMIN(vuln_rec.f_proof).xml(), 'utf-8'))

                    # search for the nexpose id in vulns_xml
                    if len(vuln_xml.findall('.//vuln[@id="%s"]' % vuln_xml.get('id', None))) < 1:
                        new_vuln_xml = etree.SubElement(vulns_xml, 'vuln')
                        vulndata = db.t_vulndata[vuln_rec.f_vulndata_id]
                        new_vuln_xml.set('id', vulndata.f_vulnid)
                        new_vuln_xml.set('title', vulndata.f_title)
                        new_vuln_xml.set('severity', str(vulndata.f_severity))
                        new_vuln_xml.set('pci_sev', str(vulndata.f_pci_sev))
                        new_vuln_xml.set('cvss_score', str(vulndata.f_cvss_score))
                        new_vuln_xml.set('cvss_metric', cvss_metrics(vulndata))
                        description = etree.SubElement(new_vuln_xml, 'description')
                        description.text = etree.CDATA(unicode(MARKMIN(vulndata.f_description).xml(), 'utf-8'))
                        solution = etree.SubElement(new_vuln_xml, 'solution')
                        solution.text = etree.CDATA(unicode(MARKMIN(vulndata.f_solution).xml(), 'utf-8'))

                        # find vulnerability references and add them
                        vuln_refs = db(db.t_vuln_references.f_vulndata_id == vulndata.id).select()
                        if len(vuln_refs) > 0:
                            refs_xml = etree.SubElement(new_vuln_xml, 'references')
                            for ref_rec in vuln_refs:
                                record = db.t_vuln_refs[ref_rec.f_vuln_ref_id]
                                ref_xml = etree.SubElement(refs_xml, 'reference')
                                ref_xml.set('source', record.f_source)
                                ref_xml.text = record.f_text.decode('utf-8')

            # accounts
            accounts = db(db.t_accounts.f_services_id == svc_rec.id).select()
            if len(accounts) > 0:
                accounts_xml = etree.SubElement(service_xml, 'accounts')
                for acct_rec in accounts:
                    acct_xml = etree.SubElement(accounts_xml, 'account')

                    if acct_rec.f_username not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'username')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_username.decode('utf-8')

                    if acct_rec.f_fullname not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'fullname')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_fullname.decode('utf-8')

                    if acct_rec.f_password not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'password')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_password.decode('utf-8')

                    if acct_rec.f_hash1 not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'hash1')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_hash1

                    if acct_rec.f_hash1_type not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'hash1_type')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_hash1_type

                    if acct_rec.f_hash2 not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'hash2')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_hash2

                    if acct_rec.f_hash2_type not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'hash2_type')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_hash2_type

                    if acct_rec.f_uid not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'uid')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_uid

                    if acct_rec.f_gid not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'gid')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_gid

                    if acct_rec.f_level not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'level')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_level

                    if acct_rec.f_domain not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'domain')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_domain.decode('utf-8')

                    if acct_rec.f_description not in notin:
                        elem = etree.SubElement(acct_xml, 'description')
                        elem.text = acct_rec.f_description.decode('utf-8')

    result = etree.tostring(kvasir_results_xml, pretty_print=True, encoding=unicode)
    return result