def convert_currency(amount, from_currency, to_currency): try: client = osa.Client(URL_CURRENCY) response_cur = client.service.ConvertToNum(fromCurrency=from_currency, toCurrency=to_currency, amount=amount, rounding=True) return response_cur except: client = osa.Client(URL_CURRENCY) currencies = client.service.Currencies() print('ERROR: failed converting currencies. Available currencies are:') print(currencies.replace(';', ', '))
def coantCelsius(a): URL = '' client = osa.Client(URL) response1 = client.service.ConvertTemp(Temperature=a, FromUnit='degreeFahrenheit' , ToUnit='degreeCelsius') return response1
def convert_temperature_from_fahrenheit_to_celsius(data): client = osa.Client('') temperatures_list = data.replace(' F', '').split('\n') converted_temperatures_list = list() for temperature in temperatures_list: converted_temperatures_list.append(client.service.ConvertTemp(temperature, 'degreeFahrenheit', 'degreeCelsius')) return converted_temperatures_list
def __init__(self, hostname, username, password, port=ISIS_SOAP_PORT): """ :param hostname: hostname or ip of the Avid Isis Storage server :param username: a valid username :param password: password of the user :param port: the port of the legacy web interface (80 or 3002) """ self.hostname = hostname self.username = username self.password = password self.port = port # must be present for __del__ to gracefully exit failed session self.token = None url = ISIS_SOAP_URL.format(hostname=self.hostname, port=self.port) try: self._client = osa.Client(url) except urllib2.URLError: raise HostnameError("Hostname %s not found." % self.hostname) try: self.token = self._client.service.Login(ISIS_AGENT, self.username, self.password) except ValueError: raise LoginError("Username or password invalid.") self.set_byte_count_divisor(1024*1024)
def convert_currency(currency_dict): client = osa.Client('') for key, value in currency_dict.items(): if value[1] not in 'RUB': converted_value = client.service.ConvertToNum('', value[1], 'RUB', value[0], True, '', '') currency_dict[key] = [math.ceil(converted_value), 'RUB'] return currency_dict
def convert_curr(data): client = osa.Client( "") return client.service.ConvertToNum(fromCurrency=f"{data[2]}", toCurrency="rub", amount=f"{data[1]}", rounding="1")
def getProtokol(addr, string): """ Возвращает протокол за дату. Если не указана, то за вчерашний день. :param addr адрес сервиса :param date: дата, за которую получать протокол :return: список файлов из архива и кол-во ошибок """ err = 0 fileList = list() resp = None print('Строка даты=', string) # пробуем получить протокол try: cl = osa.Client(addr + '?wsdl') request = cl.types.GetProtocol() = string resp = cl.service.GetProtocol(request) except: print('При обращении к методу GetProtocol, адрес %s возникли ошибки' % addr) err += 1 # может прийти и пустой if resp is None: print('Протокол за %s не получен' % string) err += 1 else: # проверяем были ли ошибки print(resp.HasError) if resp.HasError is False: # проверка результата if resp.Result is not None: # преобразуем протокол из base64 в zip и сохраняем open('', 'wb').write(base64.standard_b64decode(resp.Result)) # проверка zip файла with zipfile.ZipFile('') as zipFile: # проверка файла error = zipFile.testzip() if error is None: print('Полученный zip файл прошел проверку') # разархивирую файлы fileList = zipFile.namelist() print('Внутри архива файлы: %s' % fileList) zipFile.extractall(path='csv/') else: print( 'Полученный zip файл поврежден. Результат проверки: ' % error) err += 1 # удалить временный zip файл os.remove('') else: print('Вернулься пустой результат') err += 1 else: # вернулись ошибки при получении протокола err += 1 print('Вернулась ошибка при получении протокола: %s' % resp.Message) return fileList, err
def convert_temperature(value, from_unit, to_unit): client = osa.Client( '') result = client.service.ConvertTemp(Temperature=value, FromUnit=from_unit, ToUnit=to_unit) return result
def temp_converter_from_fahr_to_cels(temp): FromUnit = 'degreeFahrenheit' ToUnit = 'degreeCelsius' client = osa.Client( '') result = client.service.ConvertTemp(temp, FromUnit, ToUnit) return round(result, 2)
def get_average_temp(filename): client = osa.Client( '') temps = read_temps_from_file(filename) average_temps = sum(temps) / len(temps) response = client.service.ConvertTemp(average_temps, 'degreeFahrenheit', 'degreeCelsius') return round(response, 2)
def temp_converter(file): client = osa.Client('') with open(file, 'r') as f: temp = [f for f in if f != 'F'] for t in temp: t = client.service.ConvertTemp(t, 'degreeFahrenheit', 'degreeCelsius') print(round(t, 1), 'градусов Цельсия')
def convert_length(value, from_unit, to_unit): client = osa.Client('') result = client.service.ChangeLengthUnit( LengthValue=value, fromLengthUnit=from_unit, toLengthUnit=to_unit, ) return float(result)
def convert_currency(fromCurrency, amount): client = osa.Client( '') response = client.service.ConvertToNum(fromCurrency=fromCurrency, toCurrency='RUB', amount=amount, rounding=True) return response
def Convert_temperature(Temperature_value, FromUnit="degreeFahrenheit", ToUnit="degreeCelsius"): client = osa.Client( "") print( round(client.service.ConvertTemp(Temperature_value, FromUnit, ToUnit), 2))
def convert_weight(value, from_unit, to_unit): client = osa.Client( '') result = client.service.ChangeMetricWeightUnit( MetricWeightValue=value, fromMetricWeightUnit=from_unit, toMetricWeightUnit=to_unit) return result
def convert_temp(temperature): URL_temps = '' client =osa.Client(wsdl_url=URL_temps) temp_params = dict( Temperature = temperature, FromUnit = 'degreeFahrenheit', ToUnit = 'degreeCelsius') response = client.service.ConvertTemp(**temp_params) return round(response, 2)
def convert_dist(value, from_unit): URL_dist = '' client =osa.Client(wsdl_url=URL_dist) dist_params = dict( LengthValue = value, fromLengthUnit = convert(from_unit), toLengthUnit = 'Kilometers') response = client.service.ChangeLengthUnit(**dist_params) return round(response, 2)
def travel_length(file_path): client = osa.Client('') with open(file_path) as f: amount = 0 for way in f: trip = way.strip().split(' ') amount += float(trip[1].replace(',', '')) return round(client.service.ChangeLengthUnit(amount, 'Miles', 'Kilometers'))
def convert_miles_to_km(filename): client = osa.Client('') miles = read_miles_from_file(filename) kilometers = [] for mile in miles: kilometer = client.service.ChangeLengthUnit(mile, 'Miles', 'Kilometers') kilometers.append(round(kilometer, 2)) return sum(kilometers)
def length_converter_from_miles_to_km(length): LengthValue = length, fromLengthUnit = 'Miles', toLengthUnit = 'Kilometers' client = osa.Client('') result = client.service.ChangeLengthUnit(LengthValue, fromLengthUnit, toLengthUnit) return round(result, 2)
def convert_currencies(value, from_unit, to_unit, round_bool): client = osa.Client('') result = client.service.ConvertToNum( amount=value, fromCurrency=from_unit, toCurrency=to_unit, rounding=round_bool ) return float(result)
def printPrice(currency, price, sum_currencies): url = '' client1 = osa.Client(url) response = client1.service.ConvertToNum(fromCurrency=currency, toCurrency='RUB', amount=price, rounding=True) sum_currencies += (int(round(response, 0))) return sum_currencies
def currency_convert(source_path): client = osa.Client( '') sum = 0 with open(source_path, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): text = line.replace('\n', '').split(' ') sum += client.service.ConvertToNum('', text[2], 'rub', text[1], 'false') return round(sum)
def currencies(curr_file_path): client = osa.Client('') with open(curr_file_path) as f: costs_list = [] for line in f: costs_list.append(line.strip().split()) costs_rub = 0 for costs in costs_list: response = client.service.ConvertToNum(toCurrency='RUB', fromCurrency=costs[2], amount=costs[1], rounding=True) costs_rub += response return costs_rub
def travel_unit(travel_file_path): client = osa.Client('') with open(travel_file_path) as f: travel_list = [] for line in f: travel_list.append(line.strip().split()) travel_km = 0 for travel in travel_list: response = client.service.ChangeLengthUnit(travel[1].replace(',', ''), fromLengthUnit='Miles', toLengthUnit='Kilometers') travel_km += round(response, 2) return travel_km