Exemplo n.º 1
    def JobPut(self, inCommand, inSecond=1):
        # 応答形式の取得
        #   "Result" : False, "Reason" : None, "Responce" : None
        wRes = CLS_OSIF.sGet_Resp()

        # cronが有効か?
        if self.FLG_Cron != True:
            wRes['Reason'] = " JobPut: Cron disabled"
            return wRes

        # ダブってるjobがないか
        wJobList = self.GetList(inCommand)
        if wJobList['Result'] != True:
            wRes['Reason'] = wRes['Reason']  #中継
            return wRes
        if wJobList['Responce']['isJob'] == True:
            wRes['Reason'] = " JobPut: Detect booking job: " + inCommand
            return wRes

        # jobをrconに登録 (実行するわけではない)
        job = self.OBJ_Cron.new(command=inCommand)

        # crontabに書き込み

        wRes['Result'] = True
        return wRes
Exemplo n.º 2
    def JobDel(self, inCommand):
        # 応答形式の取得
        #   "Result" : False, "Reason" : None, "Responce" : None
        wRes = CLS_OSIF.sGet_Resp()

        # cronが有効か?
        if self.FLG_Cron != True:
            wRes['Reason'] = " JobDel: Cron disabled"
            return wRes

        # jobが存在しない
        wJobList = self.GetList(inCommand)
        if wJobList['Result'] != True:
            wRes['Reason'] = wRes['Reason']  #中継
            return wRes
        if wJobList['Responce']['isJob'] == False:
            wRes['Reason'] = " JobDel: Job is not found: " + inCommand
            return wRes

        # commandをキーにjobを削除

        # crontabに書き込み

        wRes['Result'] = True
        return wRes
Exemplo n.º 3
    def GetList(self, inCommand=None):
        # 応答形式の取得
        #   "Result" : False, "Reason" : None, "Responce" : None
        wRes = CLS_OSIF.sGet_Resp()

        # カレントパスを取得
        wCHR_Curr = CLS_OSIF.sGetCwd()

        # cronが有効か?
        if self.FLG_Cron != True:
            wRes['Reason'] = " GetJoblist: Cron disabled"
            return wRes

        # jobの文字列リスト化
        wRes['Responce'] = {}
        wRes['Responce'].update({'isJob': False, 'List': []})
        for wJob in self.OBJ_Cron:
            wJobStr = str(wJob)
            if wJobStr.find(wCHR_Curr) < 0:  #同一カレントか
            if inCommand != None:  #ダブってるJobがあればTrue
                if wJobStr.find(inCommand) >= 0:
                    wRes['Responce']['isJob'] = True


        wRes['Result'] = True
        return wRes
Exemplo n.º 4
	def __registUser( self, inFulluser, inMail, inPass ):
		# 応答形式の取得
		#   "Result" : False, "Reason" : None, "Responce" : None
		wRes = CLS_OSIF.sGet_Resp()
		# ユーザ名の妥当性チェック(いちお再チェック)
		wSTR_user = CLS_UserData.sUserCheck( inFulluser )
		if wSTR_user['Result']!=True :
			wRes['Reason'] = wSTR_user['Reason']
			return wRes
		# 入力間違いのチェック
		wFlg = True
		if inFulluser==inMail :
			wFlg = False
		elif inFulluser==inPass :
			wFlg = False
		elif inMail==inPass :
			wFlg = False
		if wFlg!=True :
			wRes['Reason'] = "ユーザ名、メールアドレス、パスワードの入力が誤ってます。(重複検出)"
			return wRes
		wRes['Result'] = True
		return wRes
Exemplo n.º 5
    def sGetUserPath(cls, inFulluser):
        # 応答形式の取得
        #   "Result" : False, "Reason" : None, "Responce" : None
        wRes = CLS_OSIF.sGet_Resp()

        # フォルダの存在チェック
        wFilename = gVal.DEF_USERDATA_PATH + inFulluser + "/"
        ##		if CLS_File.sExist( wFilename )!=True :
        ##			wRes['Reason'] = "CLS_UserData: sGetUserPath: User Folder is not found: " + wFilename
        ##			return wRes
        if CLS_File.sExist(wFilename) == True:
            wRes['Result'] = True

        wRes['Responce'] = wFilename
        ##		wRes['Result'] = True
        return wRes
Exemplo n.º 6
    def sGetTrafficUser(cls):
        # 応答形式の取得
        #   "Result" : False, "Reason" : None, "Responce" : None
        wRes = CLS_OSIF.sGet_Resp()

        # 読み出し先初期化
        wTrafficUser = []

        # ファイル読み込み
        wFile_path = gVal.DEF_STR_FILE['TrafficFile']
        if CLS_File.sReadFile(wFile_path, outLine=wTrafficUser) != True:
            return wRes  #失敗

        wRes['Responce'] = wTrafficUser
        wRes['Result'] = True
        return wRes  #OK
Exemplo n.º 7
    def Clear(self):
        # 応答形式の取得
        #   "Result" : False, "Reason" : None, "Responce" : None
        wRes = CLS_OSIF.sGet_Resp()

        # cronが有効か?
        if self.FLG_Cron != True:
            wRes['Reason'] = " Clear: Cron disabled"
            return wRes

        # cronからすべてのjobを削除

        # crontabに書き込み

        wRes['Result'] = True
        return wRes
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __getCommand(self, inKind, inAccount):
        # 応答形式の取得
        #   "Result" : False, "Reason" : None, "Responce" : None
        wRes = CLS_OSIF.sGet_Resp()

        # cronが有効か?
        if self.OBJ_CronCtrl.Check() != True:
            wRes['Reason'] = "Cron disable"
            return wRes

        # inKindが有効か?
        if inKind not in gVal.STR_CronInfo:
            wRes['Reason'] = "inKind is disable: " + inKind
            return wRes

        # 登録のあるアカウントか?
        if inKind == gVal.DEF_CRON_MASTER or inKind == gVal.DEF_CRON_SUB:
            wUserList = CLS_UserData.sGetUserList()
            if inAccount not in wUserList:
                wRes['Reason'] = "Unregistered account: " + inAccount
                return wRes

        # コマンドの組み立て
        if inKind == gVal.DEF_CRON_MASTER or inKind == gVal.DEF_CRON_SUB:
            wRes['Responce'] = self.Command_Temp + inKind + " " + inAccount
##		elif inKind==gVal.DEF_CRON_BACK :
##			wRes['Responce'] = self.Command_Temp + inKind + " " + gVal.DEF_CRON_ACCOUNT_BACKGROUND
            wRes['Responce'] = "Type that can not issue command: " + inKind
            return wRes

        wRes['Result'] = True
        return wRes
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __sendToot(self, inKind, inFileName):
        # 応答形式の取得
        #   "Result" : False, "Reason" : None, "Responce" : None
        wRes = CLS_OSIF.sGet_Resp()

        # ファイル読み出し
        wToot = []

        wFile_path = gVal.DEF_STR_FILE['Toot_path'] + inFileName
        if CLS_File.sReadFile(wFile_path, outLine=wToot) != True:
                'Reason'] = "CLS_CircleToot: __sendToot: Toot file read failed: " + wFile_path
            return wRes  #失敗

        if len(wToot) <= 1:
                'Reason'] = "CLS_CircleToot: __sendToot: Toot is sortest: " + wFile_path
            return wRes  #失敗

        # 範囲の設定
        wRange = CLS_UserData.sGetRange(wToot[0])
        del wToot[0]

        # 種別=CWトゥート
        if inKind == "w":
            wTitle = self.DEF_TITLE_PRTOOT + " " + wToot[0]
            del wToot[0]
            wSetToot = ""
            wSetToot = self.DEF_TITLE_PRTOOT + " "

        # トゥートの組み立て
        for wLine in wToot:
            wSetToot = wSetToot + wLine + '\n'

##		wSetToot = wSetToot + " " + gVal.STR_MasterConfig['prTag']
##		# 管理者がいれば通知する
##		if gVal.STR_MasterConfig['AdminUser']!="" and gVal.STR_MasterConfig['AdminUser']!=self.Obj_Parent.CHR_Account:
##			wSetToot = wSetToot + '\n' + '\n' + "[Admin] @" + gVal.STR_MasterConfig['AdminUser']
        wSetToot = wSetToot + '\n' + "#" + gVal.STR_MasterConfig['prTag']

        if len(wSetToot) > 500:
                'Reason'] = "CLS_CircleToot: __sendToot: Create toot is over length"
            return wRes  #失敗

        # トゥートの送信
        if inKind == "w":
            wRes = self.Obj_Parent.OBJ_MyDon.Toot(status=wSetToot,
            wRes = self.Obj_Parent.OBJ_MyDon.Toot(status=wSetToot,

        if wRes['Result'] != True:
                'Reason'] = "CLS_LookRIP: __copeFavo: Mastodon error: " + wRes[
            return wRes

        wRes['Result'] = True
        return wRes
Exemplo n.º 10
    def Run(self):
        # 応答形式の取得
        #   "Result" : False, "Reason" : None, "Responce" : None
        wRes = CLS_OSIF.sGet_Resp()

        # 引数取得
        wArg = CLS_OSIF.sGetArg()
        if len(wArg) == 3:  #テストモードか
            if wArg[2] == gVal.DEF_TEST_MODE:
                gVal.FLG_Test_Mode = True

        elif len(wArg) != 2:  #引数が足りない
            wStr = "CLS_CronTest: Argument deficiency: argument=" + str(wArg)
            CLS_OSIF.sPrn(wStr)  #メールに頼る
            return wRes

        wKind = wArg[0]
        wAccount = wArg[1]

        ##		#############################
        ##		# Backgroundのチェックは別でやる
        ##		if wKind==gVal.DEF_CRON_BACK and wAccount==gVal.DEF_CRON_ACCOUNT_BACKGROUND :
        ##			wRes = self.__backgroundTest( outRes=wRes )
        ##			return wRes

        # 1.jobチェック
        #     実行ファイルチェック
        #     ユーザ登録チェック(Master、Subの場合)
        wCLS_Botjob = CLS_Botjob()
        wRes = wCLS_Botjob.isJob(wKind, wAccount)
        if wRes['Result'] != True:
            wStr = "CLS_CronTest: Job check NG: " + wRes['Reason']
            CLS_OSIF.sPrn(wStr)  #メールに頼る
            return wRes

        if wRes['Responce']['isJob'] == False and gVal.FLG_Test_Mode == False:
            ##			wStr = "CLS_CronTest: Job is not found: kind=" + wKind + ": account=" + wAccount
            wStr = "CLS_CronTest: Job is not found: kind=" + wKind + ": account=" + wAccount + " current: " + CLS_OSIF.sGetCwd(
            CLS_OSIF.sPrn(wStr)  #メールに頼る

            wRes['Result'] = False  #テストはNG
            return wRes

        wFlg_ok = True
        # 2.データフォルダのチェック
        if CLS_File.sExist(gVal.DEF_USERDATA_PATH) != True:
            wFlg_ok = False

        # 3.Master環境情報の読み込み
        if CLS_Config.sGetMasterConfig() != True:
            wFlg_ok = False

        # Master環境情報に異常はないか
        if wFlg_ok == False:
            ##			wRes = wCLS_Botjob.Stop()	#全cronを削除する
            ##			if wRes['Result']!=True :
            ##				wStr = "CLS_CronTest: Cron stop failed: " + wRes['Reason']
            ##				CLS_OSIF.sPrn( wStr  )	#メールに頼る
            ##			wStr = "Master環境情報に異常があったため、" + gVal.STR_SystemInfo['Client_Name']
            ##			wStr = wStr + "で登録した全cronを停止しました。"
            wStr = "Master環境情報に異常があったため、処理を中止します。"
            CLS_OSIF.sPrn(wStr)  #メールに頼る

            wRes['Result'] = False  #テストはNG
            return wRes

        # 4.Userフォルダチェック
        wRes = CLS_UserData.sGetUserPath(wAccount)
        if wRes['Result'] != True:
            wRes = wCLS_Botjob.Del(wKind, wAccount)  #cronを削除する
            if wRes['Result'] != True:
                wStr = "CLS_CronTest: Cron delete failed: " + wRes['Reason']
                CLS_OSIF.sPrn(wStr)  #メールに頼る

            wStr = "Userフォルダが存在しないため、" + wAccount
            wStr = wStr + "のcronを停止しました。"
            CLS_OSIF.sPrn(wStr)  #メールに頼る

            wRes['Result'] = False  #テストはNG
            return wRes

        wUserPath = wRes['Responce']

        ##		#############################
        ##		# 5.User環境情報の読み込み
        ##		wRes = CLS_Config.sGetUserConfig( wAccount )
        ##		if wRes['Result']!=True :
        ##			wRes = wCLS_Botjob.Del( wKind, wAccount )	#cronを削除する
        ##			if wRes['Result']!=True :
        ##				wStr = "CLS_CronTest: Cron delete failed: " + wRes['Reason']
        ##				CLS_OSIF.sPrn( wStr  )	#メールに頼る
        ##			wStr = "User環境情報に異常があったため、" + wAccount
        ##			wStr = wStr + "のcronを停止しました。"
        ##			CLS_OSIF.sPrn( wStr  )		#メールに頼る
        ##			wRes['Result'] = False	#テストはNG
        ##			return wRes

        # 5.実行権限チェック
        wFlg_Authority = True
        # コマンドの組み立て
        if wKind == gVal.DEF_CRON_MASTER:  # Masuer User以外か
            if wAccount != gVal.STR_MasterConfig['MasterUser']:
                wFlg_Authority = False

##		elif wKind==gVal.DEF_CRON_BACK :	# Background以外か
##			if wAccount!=gVal.DEF_CRON_ACCOUNT_BACKGROUND :
##				wFlg_Authority = False

        elif wKind == gVal.DEF_CRON_SUB:  # Sub以外か
            ##			if wAccount==gVal.STR_MasterConfig['MasterUser'] or \
            ##			   wAccount==gVal.DEF_CRON_ACCOUNT_BACKGROUND :
            if wAccount == gVal.STR_MasterConfig['MasterUser']:
                wFlg_Authority = False

            wFlg_Authority = False

        if wFlg_Authority == False:
            wRes = wCLS_Botjob.Del(wKind, wAccount)  #cronを削除する
            if wRes['Result'] != True:
                wStr = "CLS_CronTest: Cron delete failed: " + wRes['Reason']
                CLS_OSIF.sPrn(wStr)  #メールに頼る

            wStr = "実行権限に問題があったため、" + wAccount
            wStr = wStr + "のcronを停止しました。"
            CLS_OSIF.sPrn(wStr)  #メールに頼る

            wRes['Result'] = False  #テストはNG
            return wRes

        # ここまででtestは合格してる

        # 6.testログ
        self.__testLog(wKind, wAccount)

        wRes['Responce'] = {}
            "Kind": wKind,
            "Account": wAccount,
            "User_path": wUserPath
        wRes['Result'] = True
        return wRes