def find_address(search_range, range=False): try: import smbus bus = smbus.SMBus(0 if helpers.get_rpi_revision() == 1 else 1) if range: for addr, type in search_range.items(): try: bus.read_byte(addr) return True break except Exception: pass else: return False else: try: bus.read_byte(search_range) return True except Exception: pass else: return False except ImportError: log.warning(NAME, _('Could not import smbus.'))
def find_lcd_address(): search_range = {addr: 'PCF8574' for addr in range(32, 40)} search_range.update({addr: 'PCF8574A' for addr in range(56, 63)}) try: import smbus bus = smbus.SMBus(0 if helpers.get_rpi_revision() == 1 else 1) # DF - alter RPi version test fallback to value that works on BBB for addr, pcf_type in search_range.items(): try: # bus.write_quick(addr) try_io( lambda: bus.read_byte(addr) ) #bus.read_byte(addr) # DF - write_quick doesn't work on BBB NAME, _('Found {} on address {}').format(pcf_type, hex(addr))) lcd_options['address'] = addr break except Exception: pass else: log.warning(NAME, _('Could not find any PCF8574 controller.')) except: log.warning(NAME, _('Could not import smbus.'))
def get_all_addr(): find_adr = '' try: import smbus bus = smbus.SMBus(0 if helpers.get_rpi_revision() == 1 else 1) find_adr += _('Available addresses') + '\n' for addr in range(128): try: bus.read_byte(addr) find_adr += '{}\n'.format(hex(addr)) except Exception: pass except ImportError: log.warning(NAME, _('Could not import smbus.')) return find_adr
def run(self): try: import smbus # for PCF 8591 self.adc = smbus.SMBus(1 if get_rpi_revision() >= 2 else 0) except ImportError: log.warning(NAME, _(u'Could not import smbus.')) while not self._stop_event.is_set(): log.clear(NAME) try: if self.adc is not None and pcf_options['enabled']: # if pcf plugin is enabled for i in range(4): val = read_AD(self.adc, i + 1) self.status['ad%d_raw' % i] = val self.status['ad%d' % i] = get_temp(val) if pcf_options['ad%d_temp' % i] else get_volt(val), datetime_string()) for i in range(4):, pcf_options['ad%d_label' % i] + ': ' + format(self.status['ad%d' % i], pcf_options['ad%d_temp' % i])) if pcf_options['enable_log']: update_log(self.status) try: write_DA(self.adc, pcf_options['da_value']) except Exception: self.adc = None self._sleep(max(60, pcf_options['log_interval'] * 60)) except Exception: self.adc = None log.error(NAME, _(u'Voltage and Temperature Monitor plug-in') + ':\n' + traceback.format_exc()) self._sleep(60)
def on_message(client, userdata, message): log.clear(NAME), datetime_string() + ' ' + _('Message received') + ': ' + str(message.payload.decode("utf-8"))) #print("Message topic=",message.topic) #print("Message qos=",message.qos) #print("Message retain flag=",message.retain) try: cmd = json.loads(message.payload) except: cmd = [] status = "RunOnce Error" client.publish(plugin_options['publish_up_down'], status) pass try:, datetime_string() + ' ' + _(u'Try-ing to processing command.')) num_sta = options.output_count if type(cmd) is list: # cmd is list if len(cmd) < num_sta:, datetime_string() + ' ' + _(u'Not enough stations specified, assuming first {} of {}').format(len(cmd), num_sta)) rovals = cmd + ([0] * (num_sta - len(cmd))) elif len(cmd) > num_sta:, datetime_string() + ' ' + _(u'Too many stations specified, truncating to {}').format(num_sta)) rovals = cmd[0:num_sta] else: rovals = cmd elif type(cmd) is dict: # cmd is dictionary rovals = [0] * num_sta snames = station_names() # Load station names from file jnames = json.loads(snames) # Load as json for k, v in list(cmd.items()): if k not in snames: # station name in dict is not in OSPy stations name (ERROR) log.warning(NAME, _(u'No station named') + (u': %s') % k) else: # station name in dict is in OSPy stations name (OK) # v is value for time, k is station name in dict rovals[jnames.index(k)] = v else: log.error(NAME, datetime_string() + ' ' + _(u'Unexpected command') + (u': %s') % message.payload) rovals = None status = "RunOnce Error" client.publish(plugin_options['publish_up_down'], status) if rovals is not None and any(rovals): for i in range(0, len(rovals)): sid = i start = try: end = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(rovals[i])) except: end = log.error(NAME, _(u'MQTT Run-once plug-in') + ':\n' + traceback.format_exc()) pass new_schedule = { 'active': True, 'program': -1, 'station': sid, 'program_name': _(u'MQTT Run-once'), 'fixed': True, 'cut_off': 0, 'manual': True, 'blocked': False, 'start': start, 'original_start': start, 'end': end, 'uid': '%s-%s-%d' % (str(start), "Manual", sid), 'usage': stations.get(sid).usage } log.start_run(new_schedule) stations.activate(new_schedule['station']) if int(rovals[i]) < 1: # station has no time for run (stoping) stations.deactivate(sid) active = log.active_runs() for interval in active: if interval['station'] == sid: log.finish_run(interval) status = "RunOnce Processing" client.publish(plugin_options['publish_up_down'], status) except Exception: log.clear(NAME) log.error(NAME, _(u'MQTT Run-once plug-in') + ':\n' + traceback.format_exc()) status = "RunOnce Error" client.publish(plugin_options['publish_up_down'], status) pass
def run(self): millis = int(round(time_.time() * 1000)) last_millis = millis # timer for save log last_clear_millis = millis # last clear millis for timer last_24h_millis = millis # deleting maximal spead after 24 hour send = False # send email disable_text = True val = 0 en_del_24h = True wind_mon = None if wind_options['use_footer']: wind_mon = showInFooter( ) # instantiate class to enable data in footer wind_mon.label = _(u'Wind Speed') # label on footer wind_mon.val = '---' # value on footer wind_mon.button = "wind_monitor/settings" # button redirect on footer while not self._stop_event.is_set(): try: if wind_options[ 'use_wind_monitor']: # if wind plugin is enabled disable_text = True try: import smbus # for PCF 8583 self.bus = smbus.SMBus( 0 if helpers.get_rpi_revision() == 1 else 1) except ImportError: log.warning(NAME, _(u'Could not import smbus.')) if self.bus is not None: set_counter(self.bus) # set pcf8583 as counter puls = counter(self.bus) # read pulses if puls is not None and puls < 1000: # limiter for maximal pulses from counter (error filter) puls = counter( self.bus) / 10.0 # counter value is value/10sec val = puls / (wind_options['pulses'] * 1.0) val = val * wind_options['metperrot'] self.status['meter'] = round(val * 1.0, 2) self.status['kmeter'] = round(val * 3.6, 2) if self.status['meter'] > self.status['max_meter']: self.status['max_meter'] = self.status['meter'] self.status['log_date_maxspeed'] = datetime_string( ) if wind_options['enable_log_change']: update_log(), datetime_string()) if wind_options['use_kmh']: NAME, _(u'Speed') + ': ' + u'%.1f' % round(self.status['meter'] * 3.6, 2) + ' ' + _(u'km/h') + ', ' + _(u'Pulses') + ': ' + u'%s' % puls + ' ' + _(u'pulses/sec')) else: NAME, _(u'Speed') + ': ' + u'%.1f' % round(self.status['meter'], 2) + ' ' + _(u'm/sec') + ', ' + _(u'Pulses') + ': ' + u'%s' % puls + ' ' + _(u'pulses/sec')) if wind_options['use_kmh']: NAME, u'%s' % self.status['log_date_maxspeed'] + ' ' + _(u'Maximal speed') + ': ' + u'%s' % round(self.status['max_meter'] * 3.6, 2) + ' ' + _(u'km/h')) else: NAME, u'%s' % self.status['log_date_maxspeed'] + ' ' + _(u'Maximal speed') + ': ' + u'%s' % round(self.status['max_meter'], 2) + ' ' + _(u'm/sec')) if self.status['meter'] >= 42: log.error( NAME, datetime_string() + ' ' + _(u'Wind speed > 150 km/h (42 m/sec)')) if self.status['meter'] >= int( wind_options['maxspeed'] ): # if wind speed is > options max speed log.clear(NAME) if wind_options[ 'sendeml']: # if enabled send email send = True NAME, datetime_string() + ' ' + _(u'Sending E-mail with notification.')) if wind_options[ 'stoperr']: # if enabled stoping for running stations in scheduler set_stations_in_scheduler_off( ) # set selected stations to stop in scheduler millis = int(round(time_.time() * 1000)) if wind_options['enable_log']: # if logging interval = (wind_options['log_interval'] * 60000) if (millis - last_millis) >= interval: last_millis = millis update_log() if ( millis - last_clear_millis ) >= 120000: # after 120 second deleting in status screen last_clear_millis = millis log.clear(NAME) if wind_options[ 'delete_max_24h']: # if enable deleting max after 24 hours (86400000 ms) is_interval = True if wind_options[ 'delete_max'] == '1': # after one minute int_ms = 60000 elif wind_options[ 'delete_max'] == '10': # after 10 minutes int_ms = 600000 elif wind_options[ 'delete_max'] == '30': # after 30 minutes int_ms = 1800000 elif wind_options[ 'delete_max'] == '1h': # after one hours int_ms = 3600000 elif wind_options[ 'delete_max'] == '2h': # after two hours int_ms = 7200000 elif wind_options[ 'delete_max'] == '10h': # after 10 hours int_ms = 36000000 elif wind_options[ 'delete_max'] == '24h': # after 24 hours int_ms = 86400000 else: is_interval = False if ( millis - last_24h_millis ) >= int_ms and is_interval: # after xx minutes or hours deleting maximal speed last_24h_millis = millis self.status['meter'] = 0 self.status['kmeter'] = 0 self.status['max_meter'] = 0 self.status[ 'log_date_maxspeed'] = datetime_string() NAME, datetime_string() + ' ' + _(u'Deleting maximal speed after selected interval.' )) update_log() tempText = "" if wind_options['use_kmh']: tempText += u'%s' % self.status[ 'kmeter'] + ' ' + _(u'km/h') else: tempText += u'%s' % self.status['meter'] + ' ' + _( u'm/s') if wind_options['use_footer']: if wind_mon is not None: wind_mon.val = tempText.encode('utf8').decode( 'utf8') # value on footer else: self._sleep(1) else: if disable_text: log.clear(NAME), _(u'Wind speed monitor plug-in is disabled.')) disable_text = False self._sleep(1) if send: msg = '<b>' + _( u'Wind speed monitor plug-in' ) + '</b> ' + '<br><p style="color:red;">' + _( u'System detected error: wind speed monitor. All stations set to OFF. Wind is' ) + ': ' + u'%.1f' % (round( val * 3.6, 2)) + ' ' + _(u'km/h') + '. </p>' msglog = _( u'System detected error: wind speed monitor. All stations set to OFF. Wind is' ) + ': ' + u'%.1f' % (round(val, 2) * 3.6) + ' ' + _(u'km/h') + '.' send = False try: try_mail = None if wind_options['eplug'] == 0: # email_notifications from plugins.email_notifications import try_mail if wind_options[ 'eplug'] == 1: # email_notifications SSL from plugins.email_notifications_ssl import try_mail if try_mail is not None: try_mail( msg, msglog, attachment=None, subject=wind_options['emlsubject'] ) # try_mail(text, logtext, attachment=None, subject=None) except Exception: log.error( NAME, _(u'Wind Speed monitor plug-in') + ':\n' + traceback.format_exc()) except Exception: log.clear(NAME) log.error( NAME, _(u'Wind Speed monitor plug-in') + ':\n' + traceback.format_exc()) self._sleep(60)
def run(self): try: import smbus # for PCF 8583 self.bus = smbus.SMBus(1 if get_rpi_revision() >= 2 else 0) except ImportError: log.warning(NAME, _('Could not import smbus.')) if self.bus is not None: self.pcf = set_counter(self.bus) # set pcf8583 as counter log.clear(NAME) send = False # send email disable_text = True val = 0.0 maxval = 0.0 timer_reset = 0 while not self._stop.is_set(): try: if self.bus is not None and wind_options[ 'use_wind_monitor']: # if wind plugin is enabled disable_text = True puls = counter( self.bus) / 10.0 # counter value is value/10sec val = puls / (wind_options['pulses'] * 1.0) val = val * wind_options['metperrot'] if val > maxval: maxval = val if timer_reset >= 86400: # 1 day timer_reset = 0 maxval = 0.0 self.status['meter'] = round(val, 2) self.status['kmeter'] = round(val * 3.6, 2) log.clear(NAME), _('Please wait 10 sec...')) NAME, _('Speed') + ' ' + str(round(val, 2)) + ' ' + _('m/sec')) NAME, _('Speed Peak 24 hour') + ' ' + str(round(maxval, 2)) + ' ' + _('m/sec')) NAME, _('Pulses') + ' ' + str(puls) + ' ' + _('pulses/sec')) if val >= 42: log.error(NAME, _('Wind speed > 150 km/h (42 m/sec)')) if get_station_is_on(): # if station is on if val >= int( wind_options['maxspeed'] ): # if wind speed is > options max speed log.clear(NAME) log.finish_run(None) # save log stations.clear() # set all station to off log.clear(NAME) NAME, _('Stops all stations and sends email if enabled sends email.' )) if wind_options[ 'sendeml']: # if enabled send email send = True else: # text on the web if plugin is disabled if disable_text: log.clear(NAME), _('Wind speed monitor plug-in is disabled.')) disable_text = False if send: TEXT = (datetime_string() + ': ' + _( 'System detected error: wind speed monitor. All stations set to OFF. Wind is' ) + ': ' + str(round(val * 3.6, 2)) + ' km/h.') try: from plugins.email_notifications import email email(TEXT) # send email without attachments, _('Email was sent') + ': ' + TEXT) send = False except Exception: log.clear(NAME) log.error( NAME, _('Email was not sent') + '! ' + traceback.format_exc()) timer_reset += 10 # measure is 10 sec long except Exception: log.clear(NAME) log.error( NAME, _('Wind Speed monitor plug-in') + ':\n' + traceback.format_exc()) self._sleep(60) self.pcf = set_counter(self.bus) # set pcf8583 as counter
def run(self): try: import smbus # for PCF 8583 self.bus = smbus.SMBus(0 if helpers.get_rpi_revision() == 1 else 1) except ImportError: log.warning(NAME, _(u'Could not import smbus.')) if self.bus is not None: self.pcf = set_counter(self.bus) # set pcf8583 as counter log.clear(NAME) once_text = True # text enabled plugin two_text = True # text disabled plugin val = 0 # actual water per second sum_water = options['sum'] # saved value of summary water minute_water = 0 # actual water per minutes hour_water = 0 # actual water per hours last_minute_time = int(time.time()) last_hour_time = int(time.time()) actual_time = int(time.time()) while not self._stop_event.is_set(): try: if self.bus is not None and options['enabled']: # if water meter plugin is enabled val = counter(self.bus) / options['pulses'] self.status['meter'] = round(val, 2) if once_text: log.clear(NAME), _(u'Water Meter plug-in is enabled.')) once_text = False two_text = True if self.pcf is None: log.warning(NAME, _(u'Could not find PCF8583.')) else:, _(u'Please wait for minutes/hours data...')), '________________________________'), _(u'Measured from') + ' {}'.format(options['log_date_last_reset']) + u'\n'+ _(u'Total sum') + u': {}'.format(round(sum_water, 2)) + u' ' + _(u'liters')) if self.pcf is not None: sum_water = sum_water + val minute_water = minute_water + val hour_water = hour_water + val actual_time = int(time.time()) if actual_time - last_minute_time >= 60: # minute counter last_minute_time = actual_time log.clear(NAME), _(u'Water per minutes') + ': {}'.format(round(minute_water, 2)) + u' ' + _(u'liters')), _(u'Water per hours') + ': {}'.format(round(hour_water, 2)) + u' ' + _(u'liters')), _(u'Measured from') + ' {}'.format(options['log_date_last_reset']) + u'\n'+ _(u'Total sum') + u': {}'.format(round(sum_water, 2)) + u' ' + _(u'liters')) minute_water = 0 # save summary water to options only 1 minutes # options.__setitem__('sum', sum_water) qdict = {} if options['enabled']: qdict['enabled'] = u'on' if options['address']: qdict['address'] = u'on' qdict['sum'] = round(sum_water, 2) options.web_update(qdict) if actual_time - last_hour_time >= 3600: # hour counter last_hour_time = actual_time hour_water = 0 else: if two_text: self.status['meter'] = '0.0' log.clear(NAME), _(u'Water Meter plug-in is disabled.')) two_text = False once_text = True self._sleep(1) except Exception: self.bus = None log.error(NAME, _(u'Water Meter plug-in') + ':\n' + traceback.format_exc()) self._sleep(60)
def run(self): try: import smbus # for PCF 8583 self.bus = smbus.SMBus(1 if get_rpi_revision() >= 2 else 0) except ImportError: log.warning(NAME, _('Could not import smbus.')) if self.bus is not None: self.pcf = set_counter(self.bus) # set pcf8583 as counter log.clear(NAME) once_text = True # text enabled plugin two_text = True # text disabled plugin val = 0 # actual water per second sum_water = options['sum'] # saved value of summary water minute_water = 0 # actual water per minutes hour_water = 0 # actual water per hours last_minute_time = int(time.time()) last_hour_time = int(time.time()) actual_time = int(time.time()) while not self._stop.is_set(): try: if self.bus is not None and options[ 'enabled']: # if water meter plugin is enabled val = counter(self.bus) / options['pulses'] self.status['meter'] = val if once_text: log.clear(NAME), _('Water Meter plug-in is enabled.')) once_text = False two_text = True if self.pcf is None: log.warning(NAME, _('Could not find PCF8583.')) else:, _('Please wait for min/hour data...')), '________________________________'), _('Water in liters')) NAME, _('Saved water summary') + ': ' + str(sum_water)) if self.pcf is not None: sum_water = sum_water + val minute_water = minute_water + val hour_water = hour_water + val actual_time = int(time.time()) if actual_time - last_minute_time >= 60: # minute counter last_minute_time = actual_time log.clear(NAME), _('Water in liters')) NAME, _('Water per minutes') + ': ' + str(minute_water)) NAME, _('Water per hours') + ': ' + str(hour_water)) NAME, _('Water summary') + ': ' + str(sum_water)) minute_water = 0 options.__setitem__( 'sum', sum_water ) # save summary water to options only 1 minutes if actual_time - last_hour_time >= 3600: # hour counter last_hour_time = actual_time hour_water = 0 else: if two_text: self.status['meter'] = '0.0' log.clear(NAME), _('Water Meter plug-in is disabled.')) two_text = False once_text = True self._sleep(1) except Exception: self.bus = None log.error( NAME, _('Water Meter plug-in') + ':\n' + traceback.format_exc()) self._sleep(60)