Exemplo n.º 1
def print_tree ( o , indent = '' ) :
    """ Use RooPrintable::printTree function
    - see RooPrintable 
    - see Ostap::Utils::print_printable_tree
    if not valid_pointer ( o ) : return 'Invalid object'
    return Ostap.Utils.print_printable_tree ( o , indent )
Exemplo n.º 2
def _rfr_print_(self, opts='v'):
    """Easy print of RooFitResult
    >>> result = ...
    >>> print result    
    if not valid_pointer(self): return 'Invalid RooFitResult'
    return self.print_multiline(content=1, verbose=True)
Exemplo n.º 3
def print_stream  ( o , content = 1 , style = 3 , indent = '' ) :
    """ Use RooPrintable::printStream function
    - see RooPrintable 
    - see Ostap::Utils::print_printable2
    if not valid_pointer ( o ) : return 'Invalid object'
    return Ostap.Utils.print_printable2 ( o , content , style , indent )
Exemplo n.º 4
def print_multiline ( o , content = 1 , verbose = False , indent = '' ) :
    """ Use RooPrintable::printMultiline function
    - see RooPrintable 
    - see Ostap::Utils::print_printable1 
    if not valid_pointer ( o ) : return 'Invalid object'
    return Ostap.Utils.print_printable1 ( o , content , verbose , indent )
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__ ( self , tree = None ,  name = None , file = '' , first = 0 , nevents = -1 ) :

        if name and file :
            assert isinstance ( file , str ), '"File should be single file name!"'
        elif valid_pointer  ( tree )  :
            if isinstance ( tree , ROOT.TChain ) :
                assert 1 == len (  tree.files() ) , 'Tree is for ROOT.TTree only!'
        Chain.__init__ ( self , tree , name  ,files =  [ file ]  , first = first , nevents = nevents )
        assert 1 == len ( self.files ), 'Invalid number of files!'
Exemplo n.º 6
def _ds_print2_(dataset):
    """Print dataset"""
    if dataset.isWeighted() and not isinstance(dataset, ROOT.RooDataHist):
        store = dataset.store()
        if valid_pointer(store) and isinstance(store, ROOT.RooTreeDataStore):
            return _ds_print_(dataset)
    from ostap.utils.basic import terminal_size, isatty
    if not isatty(): return _ds_table_(dataset)
    th, tw = terminal_size()
    rep, wid = _ds_table_0_(dataset)
    if wid < tw: return rep
    return _ds_print_(dataset)
Exemplo n.º 7
def _iter_cuts_ ( self , cuts , first = 0 , last = _large , progress = False ) :
    """Iterator over ``good events'' in TTree/TChain:
    >>> tree = ... # get the tree
    >>> for i in tree.withCuts ( 'pt>5' ) : print i.y
    Attention: TTree::GetEntry is already invoked for accepted events,
    no need in second call 
    last = min ( last , len ( self )  )
    pit = cpp.Ostap.PyIterator ( self , cuts , first , last )
    if not pit.ok() : raise TypeError ( "Invalid Formula: %s" % cuts )
    from ostap.utils.progress_bar import ProgressBar 
    with ProgressBar ( min_value = first        ,
                       max_value = last         ,
                       silent    = not progress ) as bar :
        step = 13.0 * max ( bar.width , 101 ) / ( last - first ) 
        _t = pit.tree()
        _o = _t 
        while valid_pointer ( _t ) :

            yield _t
            _t      = pit.next()             ## advance to the next entry  

            if progress : 
                current = pit.current() - 1  ## get the current entry index 
                if not _t                          \
                       or  _t != _o                \
                       or current - first   < 120  \
                       or last    - current < 120  \
                       or 0 == current % 100000    \
                       or 0 == int ( step * ( current - first ) ) % 5  :
                    ## show progress bar 
                    bar.update_amount( current )
                    _o = _t
        if progress : bar.update_amount( last ) 

    del pit
Exemplo n.º 8
def _rfr_print_ ( self , opts = 'v' ) :
    """Easy print of RooFitResult
    >>> result = ...
    >>> print result    
    if not valid_pointer ( self ) : return 'Invalid RooFitResult'

    ## 1. try to use table print 
    table = _rfr_table_ ( self )
    lmax  = -1
    from ostap.utils.basic      import terminal_size 
    _ , width = terminal_size()
    from ostap.logger.colorized import decolorize 
    for row in table :
        lmax = max ( lmax , len ( decolorize ( row ) ) )
        if width < lmax : break

    ## if the table is narrow enough, print it 
    if 10 < lmax and lmax < width : return table 

    ## otherwise use natibe RooFit print 
    return self.print_multiline ( content = 1 , verbose = True )
Exemplo n.º 9
def _rd_len_(rdir):
    """Length of the directory : (recursive) number of keys
    >>> rdir = ...
    >>> len(rdir) 

    if not rdir: return 0

    with ROOTCWD():
        lst = rdir.GetListOfKeys()

        nkeys = lst.GetSize() if valid_pointer(lst) else 0

        for item in lst:

            inam = item.GetName()
            idir = rdir.GetDirectory(inam)

            if idir and not idir is rdir:
                nkeys += _rd_len_(idir)
    return nkeys
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__ ( self , tree = None ,  name = None , files = [] , first = 0 , nevents = -1  ) :

        assert ( name and files ) or valid_pointer  ( tree )  , 'Invalid arguments %s/%s/%s' % ( tree , name , files )        
        assert isinstance ( first , int ) and 0<= first       , "Invalid ``first'' %s" % first

        self.__first   =  int ( first )  
        self.__nevents =  nevents if 0 <= nevents < ROOT.TChain.kMaxEntries else -1 

        if files and isinstance ( files , str ) : files = files,

        if name and files :

            self.__name  = name
            self.__files = files

            chain = self.__create_chain() 
            assert valid_pointer ( chain ), 'Invalid TChain!'
            assert len ( files ) == len( chain.files() ) , 'Invalid length of files'

            self.__chain = chain 
        elif valid_pointer ( tree  ) :
            self.__name = tree.GetName()
            if isinstance ( tree ,  ROOT.TChain ) :
                self.__files = tree.files()
                self.__files = tuple ( self.__files )
                self.__chain = tree
            elif isinstance ( tree ,  ROOT.TTree ) :
                topdir = tree.topdir
                if isinstance ( topdir , ROOT.TFile ) :
                    self.__files = topdir.GetName() ,

                else :
                    fname  = CleanUp.tempfile ( suffix = '.root' , prefix = 'tree_' )
                    from ostap.core.core import ROOTCWD
                    with ROOTCWD() : 
                        import ostap.io.root_file
                        with ROOT.TFile ( fname , 'NEW') as rfile :
                            tname = tree.GetName() 
                            rfile[ tname ] = tree 
                    self.__files    = fname ,
                    self.tmpfiles += [ fname ]
                chain = ROOT.TChain( tree.GetName() )
                chain.Add ( self.__files[0] )
                tmp = chain
                assert len ( chain  ) == len ( tree ) , 'Somethnig wron happens here :-( '
                self.__chain = chain

        ##  last adjustment
        ll = len ( self )  
        if  ll < self.__first :
            logger.warning ( 'Tree/Chain will be empty %s/%s' %   ( self.__first , ll ) )
            self.__first   = ll
            self.__nevents = 0
        ## if number of events is specified: 
        if 0 < self.__nevents :
            self.__nevents = min ( self.__nevents , ll - self.__first )   
Exemplo n.º 11
def _tt_nonzero_ ( tree ) :
    """Check validity/emptiness  of TTree/TChain
    - require non-zero poniter and non-empty Tree/Chain
    return valid_pointer ( tree ) and 0 < len ( tree )
Exemplo n.º 12
def _tc_call_ ( self , first = 0 , last = -1  , cuts = None , progress = False ) :
    """Iterator over ``good events'' in TTree/TChain:
    >>> tree = ... # get the tree
    >>> for i in tree(0, 100 , 'pt>5' ) : print i.y
    if last < 0 : last = ROOT.Tree.kMaxEntries
    last = min ( last , len ( self )  )

    from ostap.utils.progress_bar import ProgressBar 
    with ProgressBar ( min_value = first        ,
                       max_value = last         ,
                       silent    = not progress ) as bar :
        step = 13.0 * max ( bar.width , 101 ) / ( last - first ) 

        pit = 1 
        if cuts :
            pit = cpp.Ostap.PyIterator ( self , cuts , first , last )
            if not pit.ok() : raise TypeError ( "Invalid Formula: %s" % cuts )
            _t = pit.tree()
            _o = _t 
            while valid_pointer ( _t ) :
                yield _t                         ## YIELD 
                _t      = pit.next()             ## advance to the next entry  
                if progress : 
                    current = pit.current() - 1  ## get the current entry index 
                    if not _t                          \
                           or  _t != _o                \
                           or current - first   < 120  \
                           or last    - current < 120  \
                           or 0 == current % 100000    \
                           or 0 == int ( step * ( current - first ) ) % 5  :
                    ## show progress bar 
                        bar.update_amount( current )
                        _o = _t
        else :
            ## just explicit loop 
            for current in range ( first , last + 1 ) :
                if progress :
                    if     current - first   < 120  \
                           or last - current < 120  \
                           or 0 == current % 100000 \
                           or 0 == int ( step * ( current - first ) ) % 5  :
                        bar.update_amount( current )
                if 0 >= self.GetEntry ( current ) : break
                yield self                         ## YIELD! 
        if progress : bar.update_amount( last ) 

    del pit
Exemplo n.º 13
 def evaluate(self):
     data = self.the_data
     assert valid_pointer(data), 'Invalid RooAbsData object'
     return -1
Exemplo n.º 14
 def evaluate(self):
     tree = self.the_tree
     assert valid_pointer(tree), 'Invalid TTree object'
     return -1
Exemplo n.º 15
def _ds_print_(dataset):
    """Helper print method:    
    >>> print dataset 
    if not valid_pointer(dataset): return 'Invalid dataset'
    return dataset.print_multiline(verbose=True)
Exemplo n.º 16
def _ds_table_0_(dataset, variables=[], cuts='', first=0, last=2**62):
    """Print data set as table
    varset = dataset.get()
    if not valid_pointer(varset):
        logger.error('Invalid dataset')
        return ''

    if isinstance(variables, str):
        variables = variables.strip()
        variables = variables.replace(',', ' ')
        variables = variables.replace(';', ' ')
        variables = variables.split()

    if 1 == len(variables): variables = variables[0]

    if isinstance(variables, str):

        if variables in varset:
            vars = [variables]
            vars = list(dataset.branches(variables))

    elif variables:
        vars = [i.GetName() for i in varset if i in variables]
        vars = [i.GetName() for i in varset]

    _vars = []
    for v in vars:
        vv = getattr(varset, v)
        s = dataset.statVar(v, cuts, first, last)
        mnmx = s.minmax()
        mean = s.mean()
        rms = s.rms()
        r = (
            vv.GetName(),  ## 0 
            vv.GetTitle(),  ## 1 
            ('%+.5g' % mean.value()).strip(),  ## 2
            ('%.5g' % rms).strip(),  ## 3 
            ('%+.5g' % mnmx[0]).strip(),  ## 4
            ('%+.5g' % mnmx[1]).strip())  ## 5



    report = '# %s("%s","%s"):' % (dataset.__class__.__name__,
                                   dataset.GetName(), dataset.GetTitle())
    report += allright('%d entries, %d variables' %
                       (len(dataset), len(varset)))

    if not _vars:
        return report, 120

    weight = None
    if isinstance(dataset, ROOT.RooDataHist):
        if dataset.isNonPoissonWeighted():
            report += attention(' Binned/Weighted')
            report += allright(' Binned')
    elif dataset.isWeighted():

        if dataset.isNonPoissonWeighted(): report += attention(' Weighted')
        else: report += attention(' Weighted(Poisson)')

        dstmp = None
        wvar = None

        ## 1) try to get the name of the weight variable
        store = dataset.store()

        if not valid_pointer(store): store = None

        if store and not isinstance(store, ROOT.RooTreeDataStore):
            dstmp = dataset.emptyClone()
            store = dstmp.store()
            if not valid_pointer(store): store = None

        if store and hasattr(store, 'tree') and valid_pointer(store.tree()):

            tree = store.tree()
            branches = set(tree.branches())
            vvars = set([i.GetName() for i in varset])
            wvars = branches - vvars

            if 1 == len(wvars):
                wvar = wvars.pop()

        if not wvar: wvar = Ostap.Utils.getWeight(dataset)
        if wvar: report += attention(' with "%s"' % wvar)

        store = None
        if dstmp:
            del dstmp
            dstmp = None

        ## 2) if weight name is known, try to get information about the weight
        if wvar:
            store = dataset.store()
            if not valid_pointer(store): store = None
            if store and not isinstance(store, ROOT.RooTreeDataStore):

                rargs = ROOT.RooFit.EventRange(first, last),
                if cuts:
                    ## need all variables
                    dstmp = dataset.reduce(ROOT.RooFit.Cut(cuts), *rargs)
                    ## enough to keep only 1 variable
                    vvs = ROOT.RooArgSet(varset[vars[0]])
                    dstmp = dataset.reduce(ROOT.RooFit.SelectVars(vvs), *rargs)

                store = dstmp.store()
                cuts, first, last = '', 0, 2**62

            if hasattr(store, 'tree') and valid_pointer(store.tree()):
                tree = store.tree()
                if wvar in tree.branches():
                    s = tree.statVar(wvar, cuts, first,
                                     last)  ## no cuts here...
                    mnmx = s.minmax()
                    mean = s.mean()
                    rms = s.rms()
                    weight = '*%s*' % wvar
                    r = (
                        weight,  ## 0 
                        'Weight variable',  ## 1 
                        ('%+.5g' % mean.value()).strip(),  ## 2
                        ('%.5g' % rms).strip(),  ## 3 
                        ('%+.5g' % mnmx[0]).strip(),  ## 4
                        ('%+.5g' % mnmx[1]).strip())  ## 5
                    with_weight = True

            store = None
            if not dstmp is None:
                del dstmp
                dstmp = None

    # ==============================================================================================
    # build the actual table
    # ==============================================================================================

    name_l = len('Variable') + 2
    desc_l = len('Description') + 2
    mean_l = len('mean') + 2
    rms_l = len('rms') + 2
    min_l = len('min') + 2
    max_l = len('max') + 2
    for v in _vars:
        name_l = max(name_l, len(v[0]))
        desc_l = max(desc_l, len(v[1]))
        mean_l = max(mean_l, len(v[2]))
        rms_l = max(rms_l, len(v[3]))
        min_l = max(min_l, len(v[4]))
        max_l = max(max_l, len(v[5]))

    sep = '# +%s+%s+%s+%s+' % ((name_l + 2) * '-', (desc_l + 2) * '-',
                               (mean_l + rms_l + 5) * '-',
                               (min_l + max_l + 5) * '-')
    fmt = '# | %%-%ds | %%-%ds | %%%ds / %%-%ds | %%%ds / %%-%ds |' % (
        name_l, desc_l, mean_l, rms_l, min_l, max_l)

    header = fmt % ('Variable', 'Description', 'mean', 'rms', 'min', 'max')

    report += '\n' + sep
    report += '\n' + header
    report += '\n' + sep

    vlst = _vars

    if weight: vlst = _vars[:-1]

    for v in vlst:
        line = fmt % (v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5])
        report += '\n' + line
    report += '\n' + sep

    if weight:
        v = _vars[-1]
        line = fmt % (v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5])
        report += '\n' + line.replace(weight, attention(weight))
        report += '\n' + sep

    return report, len(sep)