Exemplo n.º 1
def main():

    print(f'Loading MP data from {MP_FPATH}...')
    mp_data = loadmat(MP_FPATH)
    pts = mp_data['means']
    wts = mp_data['weights']
    cov = mp_data['cov']

    print('Computing transformations...')
    alphas = []
    betas = []

    for t in range(N_FRAMES - 1):

        print(f'frames: {t} -> {t+1}')

        pts_1 = pts[t, 0:N_MPS, :]
        wts_1 = wts[t, 0:N_MPS, 0]
        pts_2 = pts[t + 1, 0:N_MPS, :]
        wts_2 = wts[t + 1, 0:N_MPS, 0]

        alpha, beta, _ = imagereg.ot_reg_linear_1(pts_1, pts_2, wts_1, wts_2)


    print(f'Saving results to {OUT_FPATH}')
    mat_dict = {
        'fname': MP_FPATH,
        'n_frames': N_FRAMES,
        'n_mps': N_MPS,
        'alphas': np.array(alphas),
        'betas': np.array(betas),
    savemat(OUT_FPATH, mat_dict)
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():

    print(f'Loading MP data from {MP_FPATH}...')

    mp_data = loadmat(MP_FPATH)
    pts = mp_data['means']
    wts = mp_data['weights']
    cov = mp_data['cov']

    print('Computing transformations...')

    # Points and weights for first frame
    pts_0 = pts[0, 0:N_MPS, :]
    wts_0 = wts[0, 0:N_MPS, 0]

    f_alpha = [None] * N_FRAMES
    f_beta = [None] * N_FRAMES
    rec_pts = [None] * N_FRAMES

    f_alpha[0] = np.array([0, 0, 0])
    f_beta[0] = np.eye(3)
    rec_pts[0] = pts_0

    for t in range(1, N_FRAMES):

        print(f'frame: {t}')

        # Points and weight distribution for previous frame
        pts_1 = pts[t - 1, 0:N_MPS, :]
        wts_1 = wts[t - 1, 0:N_MPS, 0]

        # Points and weight distribution for current frame
        pts_2 = pts[t, 0:N_MPS, :]
        wts_2 = wts[t, 0:N_MPS, 0]

        # Compute mapping from reconstruction of prev. frame to current frame
        alpha, beta, _ = ot_reg_linear_1(pts_1, pts_2, wts_1, wts_2)


        # Compute mapping from first frame to current frame using recursive update
        f_alpha[t] = beta @ f_alpha[t - 1] + alpha
        f_beta[t] = beta @ f_beta[t - 1]

        # Use mapping to reconstruct current frame from first frame
        rec_pts[t] = f_alpha[t] + pts_0 @ f_beta[t].T

    print(f'Saving results to {OUT_FPATH}')
    mat_dict = {
        'fname': MP_FPATH,
        'n_frames': N_FRAMES,
        'n_mps': N_MPS,
        'f_alpha': np.array(f_alpha),
        'f_beta': np.array(f_beta),
        'rec_pts': np.array(rec_pts),
    savemat(OUT_FPATH, mat_dict)
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():

    print(f'Loading MP data from {MP_FPATH}...')

    mp_data = loadmat(MP_FPATH)
    pts = mp_data['means'][1:N_FRAMES + 1, :, :]
    wts = mp_data['weights'][1:N_FRAMES + 1, :, :]
    cov = mp_data['cov']

    print('Computing transformations...')

    # Points and weights for first frame
    pts_0 = pts[1, 0:N_MPS, :]
    wts_0 = wts[1, 0:N_MPS, 0]

    wts_unif = np.ones(N_MPS) / N_MPS

    f_alpha = [None] * N_FRAMES
    f_beta = [None] * N_FRAMES
    p_mtx = [None] * N_FRAMES

    f_alpha[0] = np.array([0, 0, 0])
    f_beta[0] = np.eye(3)
    p_mtx[0] = np.eye(N_MPS)

    for t in range(1, N_FRAMES):

        print(f'frame: {t}')

        pts_t = pts[t, 0:N_MPS, :]
        wts_t = wts[t, 0:N_MPS, 0]

        alpha, beta, log = ot_reg_linear_1(pts_0, pts_t, wts_unif, wts_unif)

        f_alpha[t] = alpha
        f_beta[t] = beta
        p_mtx[t] = log['P']

    print(f'Saving results to {OUT_FPATH}')
    mat_dict = {
        'fname': MP_FPATH,
        'n_frames': N_FRAMES,
        'n_mps': N_MPS,
        'f_alpha': np.array(f_alpha),
        'f_beta': np.array(f_beta),
        'p_mtx': np.array(p_mtx),
    savemat(OUT_FPATH, mat_dict)