Exemplo n.º 1
def format_lexeme(lexical_entry, font):
    import output.tex as tex
    result = ""
    lexeme = font[VERNACULAR](handle_tilde(
    if lexical_entry.is_subentry():
        result += "\\subparagraph{\\dollar\\blacksquare\\dollar "
        result += "\\paragraph{\\hspace{-0.5cm} "
    if lexical_entry.get_homonymNumber() is not None:
        # Add homonym number to lexeme
        lexeme += " \\textsubscript{" + str(
            lexical_entry.get_homonymNumber()) + "}"
    if lexical_entry.get_contextual_variations() is not None and len(
            lexical_entry.get_contextual_variations()) != 0:
        # Format contextual variations
        for var in lexical_entry.get_contextual_variations():
            result += " " + font[VERNACULAR](handle_tilde(var))
        result += " (from: " + lexeme + ")."
        # Format lexeme
        result += "{\Large " + lexeme + "}"
    result += "} \\hypertarget{" + tex.format_uid(lexical_entry,
                                                  font) + "}{}" + EOL
    if not lexical_entry.is_subentry():
        result += "\markboth{" + lexeme + "}{}" + EOL
    return result
Exemplo n.º 2
def format_lexeme(lexical_entry, font):
    result = ""
    if len(lexical_entry.get_components()) != 0:
        lexeme = ""
        for component in lexical_entry.get_components():
            lexeme += component.get_lexeme() + ","
        # Remove last punctuation
        lexeme = lexeme.rstrip(",")
        # Apply font
        # lexeme = font[VERNACULAR](lexeme)
        if lexical_entry.is_subentry():
            lexeme = font[VERNACULAR](lexical_entry.get_lexeme())
            lexeme = ""
    if lexical_entry.is_subentry():
        # result += "\\subparagraph{\\dollar\\blacksquare\\dollar "
        # result += "\\begin{adjustwidth}{1em}{} "
        result += "\\begin{subentry}{"
    # print "totototototototototototototo"
        if len(lexical_entry.get_components()) != 0:
            result += "\\begin{entry}{"
            result += "\\begin{entry}{" + lexical_entry.get_lexeme()  # + "}"
        # result += "\\vspace{0.5cm} \\paragraph{\\hspace{-0.5cm} "
    if lexical_entry.get_homonymNumber() is not None:
        # Add homonym number to lexeme
        lexeme += " \\textsubscript{" + str(
            lexical_entry.get_homonymNumber()) + "}"
    if lexical_entry.get_contextual_variations() is not None and len(
            lexical_entry.get_contextual_variations()) != 0:
        # Format contextual variations
        for var in lexical_entry.get_contextual_variations():
            result += " " + font[VERNACULAR](var)
        result += " (de : " + lexeme + ")."
        # Format lexeme
        result += lexeme
    for form in lexical_entry.get_variant_forms(type="phonetics"):
        result += " / " + font[VERNACULAR](form)
    result += "} \\hypertarget{" + tex.format_uid(lexical_entry,
                                                  font) + "}{}" + EOL
    if not lexical_entry.is_subentry():
        # result += "\markboth{" + lexeme + "}{}" + EOL
    if len(lexical_entry.get_components()) != 0:
        # Add components part of speech
        result += "pc("
        for component in lexical_entry.get_components():
            if component.get_lexical_entry() is not None:
                result += tex.format_part_of_speech(
                    component.get_lexical_entry(), font)
                result = result.rstrip(". ") + ", "
        # Handle last punctuation
        result = result.rstrip(", ")
        result += ("). ")
    return result
Exemplo n.º 3
def format_lexeme(lexical_entry, font):
    import output.tex as tex
    result = ""
    inf_dev = font[NATIONAL](lexical_entry.get_citation_forms(script_name="devanagari")[0]) # lc_dev
    inf_api = font[VERNACULAR](lexical_entry.get_citation_forms(script_name="ipa")[0]) # lc
    root_api = font[VERNACULAR](lexical_entry.get_lexeme()) # lx
    if lexical_entry.is_subentry():
        result += "\\subparagraph{\\dollar\\blacksquare\\dollar "
        result += "\\vspace{0.5cm} \\paragraph{\\hspace{-0.5cm} "
    if lexical_entry.get_homonymNumber() is not None:
        # Add homonym number to lexeme
        root_api += " \\textsubscript{" + str(lexical_entry.get_homonymNumber()) + "}"
    result += inf_dev + " " + inf_api + " (" + root_api + ")"
    result += "} \\hypertarget{" + tex.format_uid(lexical_entry, font) + "}{}" + EOL
    if not lexical_entry.is_subentry():
        result += "\markboth{" + inf_dev + "}{}" + EOL
    return result
Exemplo n.º 4
def format_lexeme(lexical_entry, font):
    result = ""
    if len(lexical_entry.get_components()) != 0:
        lexeme = ""
        for component in lexical_entry.get_components():
            lexeme += component.get_lexeme() + ","
        # Remove last punctuation
        lexeme = lexeme.rstrip(",")
        # Apply font
        lexeme = font[VERNACULAR](lexeme)
        lexeme = font[VERNACULAR](lexical_entry.get_lexeme())
    if lexical_entry.is_subentry():
        result += "\\subparagraph{\\dollar\\blacksquare\\dollar "
        result += "\\vspace{0.5cm} \\paragraph{\\hspace{-0.5cm} "
    if lexical_entry.get_homonymNumber() is not None:
        # Add homonym number to lexeme
        lexeme += " \\textsubscript{" + str(lexical_entry.get_homonymNumber()) + "}"
    if lexical_entry.get_contextual_variations() is not None and len(lexical_entry.get_contextual_variations()) != 0:
        # Format contextual variations
        for var in lexical_entry.get_contextual_variations():
            result += " " + font[VERNACULAR](var)
        result += " (de : " + lexeme + ")."
        # Format lexeme
        result += lexeme
    for form in lexical_entry.get_variant_forms(type = "phonetics"):
        result += " / " + font[VERNACULAR](form)
    result += "} \\hypertarget{" + tex.format_uid(lexical_entry, font) + "}{}" + EOL
    if not lexical_entry.is_subentry():
        result += "\markboth{" + lexeme + "}{}" + EOL
    if len(lexical_entry.get_components()) != 0:
        # Add components part of speech
        result += "pc("
        for component in lexical_entry.get_components():
            if component.get_lexical_entry() is not None:
                result += tex.format_part_of_speech(component.get_lexical_entry(), font)
                result = result.rstrip(". ") + ", "
        # Handle last punctuation
        result = result.rstrip(", ")
        result += ("). ")
    return result
Exemplo n.º 5
def format_lexeme(lexical_entry, font):
    import output.tex as tex
    result = ""
    inf_dev = font[NATIONAL](lexical_entry.get_citation_forms(
        script_name="devanagari")[0])  # lc_dev
    inf_api = font[VERNACULAR](
        lexical_entry.get_citation_forms(script_name="ipa")[0])  # lc
    root_api = font[VERNACULAR](lexical_entry.get_lexeme())  # lx
    if lexical_entry.is_subentry():
        result += "\\subparagraph{\\dollar\\blacksquare\\dollar "
        result += "\\vspace{0.5cm} \\paragraph{\\hspace{-0.5cm} "
    if lexical_entry.get_homonymNumber() is not None:
        # Add homonym number to lexeme
        root_api += " \\textsubscript{" + str(
            lexical_entry.get_homonymNumber()) + "}"
    result += inf_dev + " " + inf_api + " (" + root_api + ")"
    result += "} \\hypertarget{" + tex.format_uid(lexical_entry,
                                                  font) + "}{}" + EOL
    if not lexical_entry.is_subentry():
        result += "\markboth{" + inf_dev + "}{}" + EOL
    return result
Exemplo n.º 6
def format_lexeme(lexical_entry, font):
    import output.tex as tex
    result = ""
    lexeme = font[VERNACULAR](handle_tilde(handle_tones(lexical_entry.get_lexeme())))
    if lexical_entry.is_subentry():
        result += "\\subparagraph{\\dollar\\blacksquare\\dollar "
        result += "\\paragraph{\\hspace{-0.5cm} "
    if lexical_entry.get_homonymNumber() is not None:
        # Add homonym number to lexeme
        lexeme += " \\textsubscript{" + str(lexical_entry.get_homonymNumber()) + "}"
    if lexical_entry.get_contextual_variations() is not None and len(lexical_entry.get_contextual_variations()) != 0:
        # Format contextual variations
        for var in lexical_entry.get_contextual_variations():
            result += " " + font[VERNACULAR](handle_tilde(var))
        result += " (from: " + lexeme + ")."
        # Format lexeme
        result += "{\Large " + lexeme + "}"
    result += "} \\hypertarget{" + tex.format_uid(lexical_entry, font) + "}{}" + EOL
    if not lexical_entry.is_subentry():
        result += "\markboth{" + lexeme + "}{}" + EOL
    return result
Exemplo n.º 7
def format_uid(lexical_entry, font):
    """Forbidden characters in filenames on Windows:
    < (less than) => none
    > (greater than) => none
    : (colon) => none
    " (double quote) => none
    / (forward slash) => none
    \ (backslash) => £
    | (vertical bar; pipe) => €
    ? (question mark) => Q
    * (asterisk) => F
    import output.tex as tex
    text = ""
    if options.uid:
        text = tex.format_uid(lexical_entry, font)
        if text.find("|") != -1:
            text = text.replace('|', u"€")
        if text.find("?") != -1:
            text = text.replace('?', 'Q')
        if text.find("*") != -1:
            text = text.replace('*', 'F')
        text = " \\textcolor{red}{UID=" + text + "} "
    return text
Exemplo n.º 8
def format_uid(lexical_entry, font):
    """Forbidden characters in filenames on Windows:
    < (less than) => none
    > (greater than) => none
    : (colon) => none
    " (double quote) => none
    / (forward slash) => none
    \ (backslash) => £
    | (vertical bar; pipe) => €
    ? (question mark) => Q
    * (asterisk) => F
    import output.tex as tex
    text = ""
    if options.uid:
        text = tex.format_uid(lexical_entry, font)
        if text.find("|") != -1:
            text = text.replace('|', u"€")
        if text.find("?") != -1:
            text = text.replace('?', 'Q')
        if text.find("*") != -1:
            text = text.replace('*', 'F')
        text = " \\textcolor{red}{UID=" + text + "} "
    return text