Exemplo n.º 1
    def start_ssh(self, url):
        start an ssh connection
        :param url:
        # use current user if none was passed in.
        if self.ssh_user is None:
            self.ssh_user = getpass.getuser()

        # if we haven't already started this connection, start it
        if url not in self.connections:
                # paramiko.util.log_to_file("paramiko.log")
                ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
                ssh.allow_agent = False
                ssh.connect(url, username=self.ssh_user, password=self.pw)

            except Exception as e:
                out(0, red("SSH connection to {} failed: ".format(url)))
                return False
            # add this connection to the list of open connections
            self.connections[url] = ssh

        # set ssh_alias as the current connection key to be used in exec_shell
        self.current_conn_key = url

        return True
Exemplo n.º 2
    def update_server(self, ssh_alias=None, url=None, git_user='******'):
        Update Individual Server
        :param ssh_alias:
        :param url:
        :param git_user:
        # run this file on the desired server.
        command = "python -u " + self.gpull_local_location

        if ssh_alias is not None:
            # start a remote connection to the server
            command += " -u {} -e {} -n '{}' ".format(git_user, self.email_to, self.ssh_user)
            if self.start_ssh(url) is False:
                # failed connection, so don't continue updating directories
                return False

        # add path:
        command += " -p {}".format(' '.join(self.dir))

        # run through optional commands (force, branch)
        if self.branch is not None:
            command += " -b {}".format(self.branch)

        if self.force:
            command += " -f "

        if self.all_dirs:
            command += " -a "

        out(0, green("running git updates on " + url))

        out(0, self.exec_shell(command))
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_maps(path):
    min_x = None
    min_z = None
    max_x = None
    max_z = None

    map_files = os.listdir(path)
    maps = []
    for filename in map_files:
        if filename.find("map_") == 0:
            map = MCMap(path + filename)

            scale = 2 ** map.scale;
            real_width = map.width * scale
            real_height = map.height * scale

            left = map.xCenter - (real_width / 2)
            top = map.zCenter - (real_height / 2)
            right = map.xCenter + (real_width / 2)
            bottom = map.zCenter + (real_height / 2)

            if min_x is None or left < min_x:
                min_x = left
            if min_z is None or top < min_z:
                min_z = top
            if max_x is None or right > max_x:
                max_x = right
            if max_z is None or bottom > max_z:
                max_z = bottom

    out("Loaded " + str(len(maps)) + " maps.\n")
    return (min_x, min_z, max_x, max_z, maps)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def update_server(self, ssh_alias=None, url=None, git_user='******'):
        Update Individual Server
        :param ssh_alias:
        :param url:
        :param git_user:
        # run this file on the desired server.
        command = "python -u " + self.gpull_local_location

        if ssh_alias is not None:
            # start a remote connection to the server
            command += " -u {} -e {} -n '{}' ".format(git_user, self.email_to,
            if self.start_ssh(url) is False:
                # failed connection, so don't continue updating directories
                return False

        # add path:
        command += " -p {}".format(' '.join(self.dir))

        # run through optional commands (force, branch)
        if self.branch is not None:
            command += " -b {}".format(self.branch)

        if self.force:
            command += " -f "

        if self.all_dirs:
            command += " -a "

        out(0, green("running git updates on " + url))

        out(0, self.exec_shell(command))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def start_ssh(self, url):
        start an ssh connection
        :param url:
        # use current user if none was passed in.
        if self.ssh_user is None:
            self.ssh_user = getpass.getuser()

        # if we haven't already started this connection, start it
        if url not in self.connections:
                # paramiko.util.log_to_file("paramiko.log")
                ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
                ssh.allow_agent = False
                ssh.connect(url, username=self.ssh_user, password=self.pw)

            except Exception as e:
                out(0, red("SSH connection to {} failed: ".format(url)))
                return False
            # add this connection to the list of open connections
            self.connections[url] = ssh

        # set ssh_alias as the current connection key to be used in exec_shell
        self.current_conn_key = url

        return True
Exemplo n.º 6
    def exec_shell(self, command):
        Execute a shell command and get the output.
        :param command: script command
        :return: string | False
        if self.current_conn_key:
            ssh = self.connections[self.current_conn_key]
            encoded = pipes.quote(self.pw)
            sudo_cmd = "echo {pw} | sudo -S ".format(pw=encoded)

            stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(sudo_cmd + command, get_pty=True)
            out(0, stdout.read())

            if stderr:
                for line in stderr.readlines():
                    line = line.strip()
                    # ignore sudo password prompts
                    if '[sudo] password for' not in line:
                        out(0, line)
                # try to run the process, or return an error
                process = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), bufsize=0,
                                           stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

                stdout, stderr = process.communicate()

                if stdout is not None:
                    return stdout
            except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
                print("Could not finish your request: " + e.output.decode('UTF-8'))
                return False

        return ''
def execute(processCount):
    n = 10000000  # 100 times fewer than C due to speed issues.
    delta = 1.0 / n
    startTime = time()
    with Pool(processes=processCount) as pool:
        pi = 4.0 * delta * sum(pool.imap(partial(f, delta=delta), range(1, n), n // processCount))
    elapseTime = time() - startTime
    out(__file__, pi, n, elapseTime, processCount)
def execute(processCount):
    n = 10000000  # 100 times fewer than C due to speed issues.
    delta = 1.0 / n
    startTime = time()
    with Pool(processes=processCount) as pool:
        pi = 4.0 * delta * sum(pool.map(partial(f, delta=delta), range(1, n)))
    elapseTime = time() - startTime
    out(__file__, pi, n, elapseTime, processCount)
def execute(threadCount):
    n = 100000000  # 10 times fewer than C due to speed issues.
    delta = 1.0 / n
    startTime = time()
    value = arange(n, dtype=double)
    pi = 4.0 * delta * evaluate('1.0 / (1.0 + ((value - 0.5) * delta) ** 2)').sum()
    elapseTime = time() - startTime
    out(__file__, pi, n, elapseTime, threadCount)
def execute(processCount):
    n = 1000000000
    delta = 1.0 / n
    startTime = time()
    sliceSize = n // processCount
    with Pool(processes=processCount) as pool:
        results = [pool.apply_async(processSlice, args=(i, sliceSize, delta)) for i in range(0, processCount)]
        pi = 4.0 * delta * sum(item.get() for item in results)
    elapseTime = time() - startTime
    out(__file__, pi, n, elapseTime, processCount)
def execute(processCount):
    n = 1000000000
    delta = 1.0 / n
    startTime = time()
    sliceSize = n / processCount
    pool = Pool(processes=processCount)
    results = [pool.apply_async(processSlice, args=(i, sliceSize, delta)) for i in range(0, processCount)]
    pi = 4.0 * delta * sum(item.get() for item in results)
    elapseTime = time() - startTime
    out(__file__, pi, n, elapseTime, processCount)
def execute(threadCount):
    n = 100000000  # 10 times fewer than C due to speed issues.
    delta = 1.0 / n
    startTime = time()
    value = arange(n, dtype=double)
    pi = 4.0 * delta * evaluate(
        '1.0 / (1.0 + ((value - 0.5) * delta) ** 2)').sum()
    elapseTime = time() - startTime
    out(__file__, pi, n, elapseTime, threadCount)
def execute(processCount):
    n = 10000000  # 100 times fewer than C due to speed issues.
    delta = 1.0 / n
    startTime = time()
    sliceSize = n // processCount
    with Pool(processes=processCount) as pool:
        results = [pool.apply_async(processSlice, args=(i, sliceSize, delta)) for i in range(0, processCount)]
        pi = 4.0 * delta * sum(item.get() for item in results)
    elapseTime = time() - startTime
    out(__file__, pi, n, elapseTime, processCount)
def execute(processCount):
    n = 1000000000
    delta = 1.0 / n
    startTime = time()
    sliceSize = n // processCount
    with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=processCount) as executor:
        results = [executor.submit(processSlice, i, sliceSize, delta) for i in range(processCount)]
    pi = 4.0 * delta * sum(item.result() for item in results)
    elapseTime = time() - startTime
    out(__file__, pi, n, elapseTime, processCount)
Exemplo n.º 15
def execute(processCount):
    n = 10000000  # 100 times fewer than C due to speed issues.
    delta = 1.0 / n
    startTime = time()
    sliceSize = n / processCount
    server = Server(secret='blahblahblah')
    jobs = [server.submit(processSlice, (i, sliceSize, delta)) for i in xrange(0, processCount)]
    pi = 4.0 * delta * sum(job() for job in jobs)
    elapseTime = time() - startTime
    out(__file__, pi, n, elapseTime, processCount)
Exemplo n.º 16
def execute(processCount):
    n = 1000000000
    delta = 1.0 / n
    startTime = time()
    sliceSize = n // processCount
    resultsQueue = Queue()
    processes = [Process(target=processSlice, args=(i, sliceSize, delta, resultsQueue)) for i in range(0, processCount)]
    for p in processes:
    pi = 4.0 * delta * sum(resultsQueue.get() for i in range(0, processCount))
    elapseTime = time() - startTime
    out(__file__, pi, n, elapseTime, processCount)
def execute(threadCount):
    n = 1000000000
    delta = 1.0 / n
    startTime = time()
    sliceSize = n / threadCount
    results = Queue(threadCount)
    threads = [Thread(target=processSlice, args=(i, sliceSize, delta, results)) for i in xrange(0, threadCount)]
    for thread in threads:
    pi = 4.0 * delta * sum(results.get() for i in xrange(threadCount))
    elapseTime = time() - startTime
    out(__file__, pi, n, elapseTime, threadCount)
def execute(processCount):
    n = 1000000000
    delta = 1.0 / n
    startTime = time()
    sliceSize = n // processCount
    resultsQueue = Queue()
    processes = [Process(target=processSlice, args=(i, sliceSize, delta, resultsQueue)) for i in range(0, processCount)]
    for p in processes:
    pi = 4.0 * delta * sum(resultsQueue.get() for i in range(0, processCount))
    elapseTime = time() - startTime
    out(__file__, pi, n, elapseTime, processCount)
def execute(processCount):
    n = 1000000000
    delta = 1.0 / n
    startTime = time()
    sliceSize = n // processCount
    with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=processCount) as executor:
        results = [
            executor.submit(processSlice, i, sliceSize, delta)
            for i in range(processCount)
        pi = 4.0 * delta * sum(item.result() for item in results)
    elapseTime = time() - startTime
    out(__file__, pi, n, elapseTime, processCount)
def execute(threadCount):
    n = 10000000  # 100 times fewer than C due to speed issues.
    delta = 1.0 / n
    startTime = time()
    sliceSize = n // threadCount
    global results
    results = Queue(threadCount)
    threads = [Thread(target=processSlice, args=(i, sliceSize, delta)) for i in range(0, threadCount)]
    for thread in threads:
    pi = 4.0 * delta * sum(results.get() for i in range(threadCount))
    elapseTime = time() - startTime
    out(__file__, pi, n, elapseTime, threadCount)
Exemplo n.º 21
def main(url=None):
	if not sys.stdin.isatty() and url is None:
		for line in sys.stdin.readlines():
			line = line.replace("\n","")
			main(line) # recursively run every line
		return 0 # and then exit
	parser=argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Simple HTTPLib front-end",conflict_handler='resolve')
		help = "GET [path]",metavar='path')
		help = "hostname",metavar='hostname')
		help = "overrides the other hostname argument", metavar="hostname")
		help = "verbosity")
		help = "only request HEAD")
	args = parser.parse_args()
	if not args.host2 is None:
		args.host = args.host2

	if not url is None:
		args.path = url
	if args.v>=3:
		print args

	if args.test:
		method = "HEAD"
		method = "GET"

	# finally, make connection
	if not args.v:
			data = connect(path=args.path,host=args.host,method=method)
			return 0
		except AssertionError as e:
			return 1
		resp = get_response(path = args.path, host = args.host, method=method)
		print "%s%s - %s %s"%(args.host,args.path,resp.status,resp.reason)
		if args.v>=2:
			for header in resp.getheaders():
				print "%s: %s"%header
		return 0
Exemplo n.º 22
def execute(processCount):
    n = 10000000  # 100 times fewer than C due to speed issues.
    delta = 1.0 / n
    startTime = time()
    sliceSize = n / processCount
    server = Server(secret='blahblahblah')
    jobs = [
        server.submit(processSlice, (i, sliceSize, delta))
        for i in xrange(0, processCount)
    pi = 4.0 * delta * sum(job() for job in jobs)
    elapseTime = time() - startTime
    out(__file__, pi, n, elapseTime, processCount)
Exemplo n.º 23
def execute(threadCount):
    n = 10000000  # 100 times fewer than C due to speed issues.
    delta = 1.0 / n
    startTime = time()
    sliceSize = n // threadCount
    global results
    results = []
    threads = [Thread(target=processSlice, args=(i, sliceSize, delta)) for i in range(0, threadCount)]
    for thread in threads:
    for thread in threads:
    pi = 4.0 * delta * sum(results)
    elapseTime = time() - startTime
    out(__file__, pi, n, elapseTime, threadCount)
def execute(threadCount):
    n = 1000000000
    delta = 1.0 / n
    startTime = time()
    sliceSize = n // threadCount
    results = Queue(threadCount)
    threads = [
        Thread(target=processSlice, args=(i, sliceSize, delta, results))
        for i in range(0, threadCount)
    for thread in threads:
    pi = 4.0 * delta * sum(results.get() for i in range(threadCount))
    elapseTime = time() - startTime
    out(__file__, pi, n, elapseTime, threadCount)
Exemplo n.º 25
def execute(workerCount):
    n = 1000000000
    delta = 1.0 / n
    startTime = time()
    sliceSize = n // workerCount
    context = create_some_context()
    queue = CommandQueue(context)
    with open('processSlice_opencl.cl', 'r') as f:
        kernel = Program(context, f.read()).build()
    results = numpy.array(range(workerCount), dtype=numpy.float64)
    buffer = Buffer(context, mem_flags.WRITE_ONLY, results.nbytes)
    kernel.processSlice(queue, results.shape, None, numpy.int32(sliceSize), numpy.float64(delta), buffer)
    enqueue_read_buffer(queue, buffer, results).wait()
    pi = 4.0 * delta * numpy.sum(results)
    elapseTime = time() - startTime
    out(__file__, pi, n, elapseTime)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def exec_shell(self, command):
        Execute a shell command and get the output.
        :param command: script command
        :return: string | False
        if self.current_conn_key:
            ssh = self.connections[self.current_conn_key]
            encoded = pipes.quote(self.pw)
            sudo_cmd = "echo {pw} | sudo -S ".format(pw=encoded)

            stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(sudo_cmd + command,
            out(0, stdout.read())

            if stderr:
                for line in stderr.readlines():
                    line = line.strip()
                    # ignore sudo password prompts
                    if '[sudo] password for' not in line:
                        out(0, line)
                # try to run the process, or return an error
                process = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command),

                stdout, stderr = process.communicate()

                if stdout is not None:
                    return stdout
            except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
                print("Could not finish your request: " +
                return False

        return ''
Exemplo n.º 27
    def git_merge_all(self, from_branch, to_branch, working_path='/var/release'):
        Merge all Git Repositories from one branch into another.
        :param from_branch: What branch to merge from
        :param to_branch: What branch to merge into
        :param working_path:
        if not os.path.exists(working_path):
            # if path doesn't exist, create it:


        for repo in self.config.repositories:
            out(1, blue("\n------- REPO: " + repo + " -------"))
            # see if the repo exists
            path = working_path+'/'+repo

            output = ''
                if not os.path.exists(path):
                    output += self.exec_shell('git clone '+self.git_server+'/'+repo+'.git ' + path)

                    if 'Access denied.' in output:
                        out(2, yellow('skipped'))


                output += self.exec_shell('git reset --hard HEAD')
                output += self.exec_shell('git checkout --force {}'.format(from_branch))
                output += self.exec_shell('git pull')
                output += self.exec_shell('git checkout --force {}'.format(to_branch))
                output += self.exec_shell('git pull')
                output += self.exec_shell('git merge {}'.format(from_branch))
                output += self.exec_shell('git push origin {}'.format(to_branch))

                for line in output.splitlines(True):
                    if line.startswith('error') or line.startswith('CONFLICT'):
                        out(2, red(line))
                        out(2, green(line))

            except Exception as e:
                out(2, red('Error: '))
                out(2, red(output))
                out(2, red(e))
                return False
        return output
Exemplo n.º 28
    def git_merge_all(self,
        Merge all Git Repositories from one branch into another.
        :param from_branch: What branch to merge from
        :param to_branch: What branch to merge into
        :param working_path:
        if not os.path.exists(working_path):
            # if path doesn't exist, create it:


        for repo in self.config.repositories:
            out(1, blue("\n------- REPO: " + repo + " -------"))
            # see if the repo exists
            path = working_path + '/' + repo

            output = ''
                if not os.path.exists(path):
                    output += self.exec_shell('git clone ' + self.git_server +
                                              '/' + repo + '.git ' + path)

                    if 'Access denied.' in output:
                        out(2, yellow('skipped'))


                output += self.exec_shell('git reset --hard HEAD')
                output += self.exec_shell(
                    'git checkout --force {}'.format(from_branch))
                output += self.exec_shell('git pull')
                output += self.exec_shell(
                    'git checkout --force {}'.format(to_branch))
                output += self.exec_shell('git pull')
                output += self.exec_shell('git merge {}'.format(from_branch))
                output += self.exec_shell(
                    'git push origin {}'.format(to_branch))

                for line in output.splitlines(True):
                    if line.startswith('error') or line.startswith('CONFLICT'):
                        out(2, red(line))
                        out(2, green(line))

            except Exception as e:
                out(2, red('Error: '))
                out(2, red(output))
                out(2, red(e))
                return False
        return output
Exemplo n.º 29

import output

if __name__ == "__main__":
def accumulator(channel, n, delta, startTime, processCount):
    pi = 4.0 * delta * sum(channel() for i in xrange(0, processCount))
    elapseTime = time() - startTime
    out(__file__, pi, n, elapseTime, processCount)
def accumulator(channel, n, delta, startTime, processCount):
    pi = 4.0 * delta * sum(channel.read() for i in range(0, processCount))
    elapseTime = time() - startTime
    out(__file__, pi, n, elapseTime, processCount)
Exemplo n.º 32
 def accumulator():
     pi = 4.0 * delta * sum(channel.read() for channel in channels)
     elapseTime = time() - startTime
     out(__file__, pi, n, elapseTime, processCount)
Exemplo n.º 33
def build(config):
    world_path = config['worldpath']
    output_path = config['outputpath']
    region_path = world_path + "/region/"

    if config['usemask']:
        (min_x, min_z, max_x, max_z, maps) = get_maps(world_path + "/data/")
        if len(maps) < 1:
            out("No maps to build from.\n")

        combined_width = max_x - min_x
        combined_height = max_z - min_z
        out("Combined map: %d x %d (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n" % (combined_width,combined_height,min_x,min_z,max_x,max_z))

        map_data = [0] * (combined_width * combined_height)
        regions_with_data = []

        for map in maps:
            scale = 2 ** map.scale
            x = map.xCenter - (map.width * scale / 2) - min_x
            z = map.zCenter - (map.height * scale / 2) - min_z

            for cz in range(0, map.height):
                for cx in range(0, map.width):
                    c = map.colors[cx + cz * map.width] #color_map[map.colors[cx + cz * map.width]]
                    if c > 3:
                        for row in range(0,scale):
                            for col in range(0,scale):
                                block_x = x + cx * scale + col
                                block_z = z + cz * scale + row
                                map_data[block_x + block_z * combined_width] = 1
                                # TODO write True into a region look up for "are there pixels here"

        out("Ignore maps; building full sized combined map\n")

        region_files = os.listdir(region_path)
        region_files.sort(key=lambda x: int(x.split(".")[1]) + int(x.split(".")[2]) / 10000)

        map_data = None
        min_x = 0
        min_z = 0
        max_x = 0
        max_z = 0

        for f in region_files:
            chnk = f.split('.')
            left = int(chnk[1]) * 512
            top = int(chnk[2]) * 512
            right = left + 511
            bottom = top + 511

            if left < min_x:
                min_x = left
            if top < min_z:
                min_z = top
            if right > max_x:
                max_x = right
            if bottom > max_z:
                max_z = bottom

    region_files = os.listdir(region_path)
    out(str(len(region_files)) + " regions to check.\n")

    # TODO check for tile directory existence, create it if necessary

    if os.path.exists(output_path + '/tile/markers.json'):
        markers = json.load(open(output_path + '/tile/markers.json'))
        out("Loaded markers.json\n")
        markers = {}
        out("Creating markers.json\n")

    if os.path.exists(output_path + '/tile/tiles.json'):
        tiles = json.load(open(output_path + '/tile/tiles.json'))
        out("Loaded tiles.json\n")
        tiles = {}
        out("Creating tiles.json\n")

    # TODO start using a hints.json which stores whatever; specifically I can start
    # storing the southern edge of height maps so I can calculate the shading
    # on the next tile to the south
    #hints = []

    # assumes at most 10000 regions square; that's an area of roughly 5120 km to a side so
    # it's probably okay for most worlds
    region_files.sort(key=lambda x: int(x.split(".")[1]) + int(x.split(".")[2]) / 10000)
    out("Region files sorted.\n")

    tile_generator = TileGenerator(config, map_data, make_colors(), min_x, min_z, max_x, max_z)

    for f in region_files:
        out("  " + f + ": ")

        f_parts = f.split(".")
        tx = f_parts[1]
        ty = f_parts[2]
        output_f = output_path + "/tile/tile." + tx + "." + ty + ".png"
        tiles[f] = { 'src':"tile/tile." + tx + "." + ty + ".png", 'x':int(tx)*512, 'y':int(ty)*512 }

        if int(tx) * 512 > max_x or int(ty) * 512 > max_z or (int(tx) + 1) * 512 < min_x or (int(ty) + 1) * 512 < min_z:
            out(" Region is entirely outside of mapped area. Skipping.\n")

        if (not config['forcebuild'] and os.path.exists(output_f) and os.path.getmtime(output_f) > os.path.getmtime(region_path + f)):
            out(" Tile exists and is newer than the region file. Skipping.\n")

        region = AnvilRegion(region_path + f)

        out(" " + str(len(region.chunks)) + " chunks loaded");

        (tile_im, m) = tile_generator.makeTile(region)

        markers[f] = m


    f = open(output_path + "/tile/markers.json", "w")
    json.dump(markers, f)
    out("Wrote markers.json\n")

    f = open(output_path + "/tile/tiles.json", "w")
    json.dump(tiles, f)
    out("Wrote tiles.json\n")
Exemplo n.º 34
def out():
    ret = output.out()
    return str(ret)
Exemplo n.º 35
def build(world_path, output_path):
    (min_x, min_z, max_x, max_z, maps) = get_maps(world_path + "/data/")
    if len(maps) < 1:
        out("No maps to build from.\n")

    combined_width = max_x - min_x
    combined_height = max_z - min_z
    out("Combined map: %d x %d (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n" % (combined_width,combined_height,min_x,min_z,max_x,max_z))

    map_data = [0] * (combined_width * combined_height)
    regions_with_data = []

    for map in maps:
        scale = 2 ** map.scale
        x = map.xCenter - (map.width * scale / 2) - min_x
        z = map.zCenter - (map.height * scale / 2) - min_z

        for cz in range(0, map.height):
            for cx in range(0, map.width):
                c = map.colors[cx + cz * map.width] #color_map[map.colors[cx + cz * map.width]]
                if c > 3:
                    for row in range(0,scale):
                        for col in range(0,scale):
                            block_x = x + cx * scale + col
                            block_z = z + cz * scale + row
                            map_data[block_x + block_z * combined_width] = 1
                            # TODO write True into a region look up for "are there pixels here"


    path = world_path + "/region/"
    region_files = os.listdir(path)
    out(str(len(region_files)) + " regions to check.\n")

    if os.path.exists(output_path + '/tile/markers.json'):
        markers = json.load(open(output_path + '/tile/markers.json'))
        out("Loaded markers.json\n")
        markers = {}
        out("Creating markers.json\n")

    if os.path.exists(output_path + '/tile/tiles.json'):
        tiles = json.load(open(output_path + '/tile/tiles.json'))
        out("Loaded tiles.json\n")
        tiles = {}
        out("Creating tiles.json\n")

    # TODO start using a hints.json which stores whatever; specifically I can start
    # storing the southern edge of height maps so I can calculate the shading
    # on the next tile to the south
    hints = []

    # assumes at most 10000 regions square; that's an area of roughly 5120 km to a side so
    # it's probably okay for most worlds
    # TODO this sorting actually doesn't really work; it reverses negative y
    region_files.sort(key=lambda x: int(x.split(".")[1]) + float(x.split(".")[2]) / 10000)
    out("Region files sorted.\n")

    tile_generator = TileGenerator(map_data, make_colors(), min_x, min_z, max_x, max_z)

    for f in region_files:
        out("  " + f + ": ")

        f_parts = f.split(".")
        tx = f_parts[1]
        ty = f_parts[2]
        output_f = output_path + "/tile/tile." + tx + "." + ty + ".png"
        tiles[f] = { 'src':"tile/tile." + tx + "." + ty + ".png", 'x':int(tx)*512, 'y':int(ty)*512 }

        if int(tx) * 512 > max_x or int(ty) * 512 > max_z or (int(tx) + 1) * 512 < min_x or (int(ty) + 1) * 512 < min_z:
            out(" Region is entirely outside of mapped area. Skipping.\n")

        if (os.path.exists(output_f) and os.path.getmtime(output_f) > os.path.getmtime(path + f)):
            out(" Tile exists and is newer than the region file. Skipping.\n")

        region = AnvilRegion(path + f)

        out(" " + str(len(region.chunks)) + " chunks loaded");

        (tile_im, m) = tile_generator.makeTile(region)

        markers[f] = m


    f = open(output_path + "/tile/markers.json", "w")
    json.dump(markers, f)
    out("Wrote markers.json\n")

    f = open(output_path + "/tile/tiles.json", "w")
    json.dump(tiles, f)
    out("Wrote tiles.json\n")
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8; -*-

#  Calculation of π using quadrature. Sequential algorithm using reduce.
#  Copyright © 2008–2012 Russel Winder

from output import out
from time import time

if __name__ == '__main__':
    n = 10000000  # 100 times fewer than C due to speed issues.
    delta = 1.0 / n
    startTime = time()
    pi = 4.0 * delta * reduce(lambda s, i: s + 1.0 / (1.0 + ((i - 0.5) * delta) ** 2), xrange(n), 0.0)
    elapseTime = time() - startTime
    out(__file__, pi, n, elapseTime)
        elif int(cont) == 2:
    elif int(choice) == 3:
        dt = cutting.cut(df14_20)
        prev = df14_20
        df14_20 = dt
        cont = input("はい:1 ,いいえ:2---->")
        if int(cont) == 1:
        elif int(cont) == 2:
    elif int(choice) == 4:
        cont = input("はい:1 ,いいえ:2---->")
        if int(cont) == 1:
        elif int(cont) == 2:

    elif int(choice) == 5:
        pd.set_option("display.max_rows", 1000)
 def accumulator():
     pi = 4.0 * delta * sum(channel.read() for channel in channels)
     elapseTime = time() - startTime
     out(__file__, pi, n, elapseTime, processCount)
Exemplo n.º 39
#! /usr/bin/env python3

#  Calculation of π using quadrature. Sequential algorithm using Cython.
#  Copyright © 2008–2012, 2014, 2015  Russel Winder

from output import out
from time import time

from processAll_extension_cython import sequential

if __name__ == '__main__':
    n = 1000000000
    delta = 1.0 / n
    startTime = time()
    pi = sequential(n, delta)
    elapseTime = time() - startTime
    out(__file__, pi, n, elapseTime)
Exemplo n.º 40
    def makeTile(self, region):
        tile_im = Image.new("RGBA", (512,512), color=(0,0,0,0))
        markers = []

        counter = 0
        heights = [None] * (16 * 16 * 32 * 32)

        for ch in region.chunks:
            counter = counter + 1
            if counter % 64 == 0:

            if ch[1] and isinstance(ch[1].value, dict) and ch[1].value and 'Level' in ch[1].value:
                data = ch[1]['Level']

                worldX = data['xPos'].value * 16
                worldZ = data['zPos'].value * 16

                if 'Sections' in data.value and 'HeightMap' in data.value:
                    sections = [None] * 16
                    for s in data['Sections'].value:
                        sections[s['Y'].value] = s

                    for x in range(16):
                        for z in range(16):
                            mapX = worldX + x - self.world_offset[0]
                            mapY = worldZ + z - self.world_offset[1]
                            tileX = (worldX % 512) + x
                            tileZ = (worldZ % 512) + z

                            if mapX >= 0 and mapX < self.combined_width and mapY >= 0 and mapY < self.combined_height and self.mask_data[mapX + (mapY * self.combined_width)] != 0:
                                h = data['HeightMap'].value[x + z * 16] + 2
                                cl = 0
                                water_depth = 0
                                light = 0.5

                                while (cl == 0 or water_depth > 0) and h >= 0:
                                    h = h - 1
                                    sect = int(h/16)
                                    if sections[sect]:
                                        blockIndex = x + z * 16 + (h % 16) * 256

                                        bl = sections[sect]['Blocks'].value[blockIndex]

                                        if sections[sect]['Add'] != None:
                                            addValue = self.get_nibble(sections[sect]['Add'].value, blockIndex)
                                            bl = bl + (addValue << 8)

                                        if bl == 8 or bl == 9: # water handling
                                            water_depth += 1
                                        elif bl == 10 or bl == 11: # lava handling
                                            cl = self.colors['block'][bl]
                                            light = 1
                                            if water_depth > 0:
                                                if water_depth < 12 or (water_depth < 24 and (mapX + mapY) % 2):
                                                    cl = self.colors['water'][0]
                                                    cl = self.colors['water'][1]
                                                water_depth = 0
                                                cl = self.colors['block'][bl]

                                        if not bl:
                                            light = 0.50 + (self.get_nibble(sections[sect]['BlockLight'].value, blockIndex) * 0.034)

                                        if bl in [31,32,37,38,39,40,78]:
                                            h = h - 1
                                        heights[tileX * 512 + tileZ] = h

                                    if h == 0 and cl == 0:
                                        out("!!" + str(x) + "," + str(z) + "!!")

                                if cl < 0:
                                    dataValue = self.get_nibble(sections[sect]['Data'].value, blockIndex)
                                    cl = self.colors['tint_colors'][-cl][dataValue]
                                color = self.colors['actual'][cl]

                                if tileZ > 0 and heights[tileX * 512 + (tileZ - 1)] and heights[tileX * 512 + (tileZ - 1)] > h:
                                    color = self.colors['dark'][cl]
                                elif tileZ > 0 and heights[tileX * 512 + (tileZ - 1)] and heights[tileX * 512 + (tileZ - 1)] < h:
                                    color = self.colors['bright'][cl]

                                tile_im.putpixel((tileX, tileZ), (int(color[0] * light), int(color[1] * light), int(color[2] * light)))

                if 'TileEntities' in data.value and len(data['TileEntities'].value) > 0:
                    for e in data['TileEntities'].value:
                        if e['id'].value == 'Sign':
                            x = e["x"].value - self.world_offset[0]
                            z = e["z"].value - self.world_offset[1]

                            # strip the " characters off the beginning and end of the string
                            text1 = e["Text1"].value[1:-1]
                            text2 = e["Text2"].value[1:-1]
                            text3 = e["Text3"].value[1:-1]
                            text4 = e["Text4"].value[1:-1]

                            if x > 0 and x < self.combined_width - 1 and z > 0 and z < self.combined_height - 1:
                                if text1 == 'X' or text1 == "x" or text1 == "(X)" or text1 == "(x)":
                                    label = text2
                                    if text3 != "":
                                        label = label + " " + text3
                                    if text4 != "" and text4 != text1:
                                        label = label + " " + text4
                                    markers.append({"x": e["x"].value, "z": e["z"].value, "type": "x", "label": label })
                                elif text1 == '^^':
                                    label = text2
                                    if text3 != "":
                                        label = label + " " + text3
                                    if text4 != "" and text4 != text1:
                                        label = label + " " + text4
                                    markers.append({"x": e["x"].value, "z": e["z"].value, "type": "portal", "label": label })
                                elif text1 == '(R)':
                                    label = text2
                                    if text3 != "":
                                        label = label + " " + text3
                                    if text4 != "" and text4 != text1:
                                        label = label + " " + text4
                                    markers.append({"x": e["x"].value, "z": e["z"].value, "type": "ruins", "label": label })
                                elif text1 == '(M)':
                                    label = text2
                                    if text3 != "":
                                        label = label + " " + text3
                                    if text4 != "" and text4 != text1:
                                        label = label + " " + text4
                                    markers.append({"x": e["x"].value, "z": e["z"].value, "type": "mine", "label": label })
                                elif text1 == '(K)':
                                    label = text2
                                    if text3 != "":
                                        label = label + " " + text3
                                    if text4 != "" and text4 != text1:
                                        label = label + " " + text4
                                    markers.append({"x": e["x"].value, "z": e["z"].value, "type": "keep", "label": label })
                                elif text1 == '(T)':
                                    label = text2
                                    if text3 != "":
                                        label = label + " " + text3
                                    if text4 != "" and text4 != text1:
                                        label = label + " " + text4
                                    markers.append({"x": e["x"].value, "z": e["z"].value, "type": "tower", "label": label })
                                elif text1 == '(F)':
                                    label = text2
                                    if text3 != "":
                                        label = label + " " + text3
                                    if text4 != "" and text4 != text1:
                                        label = label + " " + text4
                                    markers.append({"x": e["x"].value, "z": e["z"].value, "type": "farm", "label": label })
                                elif text1 == "[*]":
                                    label = text2
                                    if text3 != "":
                                        label = label + " " + text3
                                    if text4 != "" and text4 != text1:
                                        label = label + " " + text4
                                    markers.append({"x": e["x"].value, "z": e["z"].value, "type": "square", "label": label })
                                elif text1 == "(*)":
                                    label = text2
                                    if text3 != "":
                                        label = label + " " + text3
                                    if text4 != "" and text4 != text1:
                                        label = label + " " + text4
                                    markers.append({"x": e["x"].value, "z": e["z"].value, "type": "circle", "label": label })
                                elif text1 == "((*))":
                                    label = text2
                                    if text3 != "":
                                        label = label + " " + text3
                                    if text4 != "" and text4 != text1:
                                        label = label + " " + text4
                                    markers.append({"x": e["x"].value, "z": e["z"].value, "type": "big_circle", "label": label })
        return (tile_im, markers)