Exemplo n.º 1
def main(args):
    info('build-graph.py', ['graph', 'SeqAn'])

    report_on_config(args, hashtype='nodegraph')
    base = args.output_filename
    filenames = args.input_filenames

    for fname in args.input_filenames:
        check_input_files(fname, args.force)

    # if optimization args are given, do optimization
    args = functions.do_sanity_checking(args, 0.01)

    check_space(args.input_filenames, args.force)
    check_space_for_hashtable(args, 'nodegraph', args.force)

    print('Saving k-mer presence table to %s' % base, file=sys.stderr)
    print('Loading kmers from sequences in %s' %
          repr(filenames), file=sys.stderr)
    if args.no_build_tagset:
        print('We WILL NOT build the tagset.', file=sys.stderr)
        print('We WILL build the tagset (for partitioning/traversal).',

    print('making nodegraph', file=sys.stderr)
    htable = khmer_args.create_nodegraph(args)

    functions.build_graph(filenames, htable, args.threads,
                          not args.no_build_tagset)

    print('Total number of unique k-mers: {0}'.format(htable.n_unique_kmers()),

    print('saving k-mer presence table in', base + '.pt', file=sys.stderr)
    htable.save(base + '.pt')

    if not args.no_build_tagset:
        print('saving tagset in', base + '.tagset', file=sys.stderr)
        htable.save_tagset(base + '.tagset')

    info_fp = open(base + '.info', 'w')
    info_fp.write('%d unique k-mers' % htable.n_unique_kmers())

    fp_rate = \
        khmer.calc_expected_collisions(htable, args.force, max_false_pos=.15)
    # 0.18 is ACTUAL MAX. Do not change.

    print('false positive rate estimated to be %1.3f' % fp_rate,
    print('\nfalse positive rate estimated to be %1.3f' % fp_rate,

    print('wrote to', base + '.info and', base + '.pt', file=sys.stderr)
    if not args.no_build_tagset:
        print('and ' + base + '.tagset', file=sys.stderr)

Exemplo n.º 2
def main():  # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements

    info('normalize-by-median.py', ['diginorm'])
    args = get_parser().parse_args()


    report_fp = args.report
    force_single = args.force_single

    # if optimization args are given, do optimization
    args = oxutils.do_sanity_checking(args, 0.1)

    # check for similar filenames
    # if we're using a single output file only check for identical filenames
    # otherwise, check for identical BASE names as well.
    filenames = []
    basenames = []
    for pathfilename in args.input_filenames:
        if args.single_output_file:
            continue  # nothing more to worry about

        basename = os.path.basename(pathfilename)
        if basename in basenames:
            print('ERROR: Duplicate filename--Cannot handle this!',
            print('** Exiting!', file=sys.stderr)


    # check that files exist and there is sufficient output disk space.
    check_space(args.input_filenames, args.force)
    if args.savetable:
        check_space_for_hashtable(args, 'countgraph', args.force)

    # load or create counting table.
    if args.loadtable:
        print('loading k-mer counting table from ' + args.loadtable,
        htable = khmer.load_counting_hash(args.loadtable)
        if args.unique_kmers != 0:
            print('Warning: You have specified a number of unique kmers'
                  ' but are loading a precreated counting table--'
                  'argument optimization will NOT be done.', file=sys.stderr)
        print('making countgraph', file=sys.stderr)
        htable = khmer_args.create_countgraph(args)

    # create an object to handle diginorm of all files
    norm = Normalizer(args.cutoff, htable)
    with_diagnostics = WithDiagnostics(norm, report_fp, args.report_frequency)

    # make a list of all filenames and if they're paired or not;
    # if we don't know if they're paired, default to allowing but not
    # forcing pairing.
    files = []
    for element in filenames:
        files.append([element, args.paired])
    if args.unpaired_reads:
        files.append([args.unpaired_reads, False])

    corrupt_files = []
    outfp = None
    output_name = None

    if args.single_output_file:
        if args.single_output_file is sys.stdout:
            output_name = '/dev/stdout'
            output_name = args.single_output_file.name
        outfp = args.single_output_file

    # main loop: iterate over all files given, do diginorm.

    for filename, require_paired in files:
        if not args.single_output_file:
            output_name = os.path.basename(filename) + '.keep'
            outfp = open(output_name, 'w')

        # failsafe context manager in case an input file breaks
        with catch_io_errors(filename, outfp, args.single_output_file,
                             args.force, corrupt_files):

            screed_iter = screed.open(filename, parse_description=False)
            reader = broken_paired_reader(screed_iter, min_length=args.ksize,

            # actually do diginorm
            for record in with_diagnostics(reader, filename):
                if record is not None:
                    write_record(record, outfp)

            print('output in ' + output_name, file=sys.stderr)
            if output_name is not '/dev/stdout':

    # finished - print out some diagnostics.

    print('Total number of unique k-mers: {0}'

    if args.savetable:
        print('...saving to ' + args.savetable, file=sys.stderr)

    fp_rate = \
        khmer.calc_expected_collisions(htable, args.force, max_false_pos=.8)
    # for max_false_pos see Zhang et al., http://arxiv.org/abs/1309.2975

    print('fp rate estimated to be {fpr:1.3f}'.format(fpr=fp_rate),

    if args.force and len(corrupt_files) > 0:
        print("** WARNING: Finished with errors!", file=sys.stderr)
        print("** I/O Errors occurred in the following files:",
        print("\t", " ".join(corrupt_files), file=sys.stderr)
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():  # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements

    info('normalize-by-median.py', ['diginorm'])
    args = get_parser().parse_args()


    report_fp = args.report
    force_single = args.force_single

    # if optimization args are given, do optimization
    args = oxutils.do_sanity_checking(args, 0.1)

    # check for similar filenames
    # if we're using a single output file only check for identical filenames
    # otherwise, check for identical BASE names as well.
    filenames = []
    basenames = []
    for pathfilename in args.input_filenames:
        if args.single_output_file:
            continue  # nothing more to worry about

        basename = os.path.basename(pathfilename)
        if basename in basenames:
            print('ERROR: Duplicate filename--Cannot handle this!',
            print('** Exiting!', file=sys.stderr)


    # check that files exist and there is sufficient output disk space.
    check_space(args.input_filenames, args.force)
    if args.savetable:
        check_space_for_hashtable(args, 'countgraph', args.force)

    # load or create counting table.
    if args.loadtable:
        print('loading k-mer counting table from ' + args.loadtable,
        htable = khmer.load_counting_hash(args.loadtable)
        if args.unique_kmers != 0:
            print('Warning: You have specified a number of unique kmers'
                  ' but are loading a precreated counting table--'
                  'argument optimization will NOT be done.', file=sys.stderr)
        print('making countgraph', file=sys.stderr)
        htable = khmer_args.create_countgraph(args)

    # create an object to handle diginorm of all files
    norm = Normalizer(args.cutoff, htable)

    # make a list of all filenames and if they're paired or not;
    # if we don't know if they're paired, default to allowing but not
    # forcing pairing.
    files = []
    for element in filenames:
        files.append([element, args.paired])
    if args.unpaired_reads:
        files.append([args.unpaired_reads, False])

    corrupt_files = []
    outfp = None
    output_name = None

    if args.single_output_file:
        if args.single_output_file is sys.stdout:
            output_name = '/dev/stdout'
            output_name = args.single_output_file.name
        outfp = args.single_output_file

    # main loop: iterate over all files given, do diginorm.

    for filename, require_paired in files:
        if not args.single_output_file:
            output_name = os.path.basename(filename) + '.keep'
            outfp = open(output_name, 'w')

        # failsafe context manager in case an input file breaks
        with catch_io_errors(filename, outfp, args.single_output_file,
                             args.force, corrupt_files):

            screed_iter = screed.open(filename, parse_description=False)
            reader = broken_paired_reader(screed_iter, min_length=args.ksize,

            # actually do diginorm
            for record in with_diagnostics(filename, norm, reader, report_fp):
                if record is not None:
                    write_record(record, outfp)

            print('output in ' + output_name, file=sys.stderr)
            if output_name is not '/dev/stdout':

    # finished - print out some diagnostics.

    print('Total number of unique k-mers: {0}'

    if args.savetable:
        print('...saving to ' + args.savetable, file=sys.stderr)

    fp_rate = \
        khmer.calc_expected_collisions(htable, args.force, max_false_pos=.8)
    # for max_false_pos see Zhang et al., http://arxiv.org/abs/1309.2975

    print('fp rate estimated to be {fpr:1.3f}'.format(fpr=fp_rate),

    if args.force and len(corrupt_files) > 0:
        print("** WARNING: Finished with errors!", file=sys.stderr)
        print("** I/O Errors occurred in the following files:",
        print("\t", " ".join(corrupt_files), file=sys.stderr)