def init_from_existing_tutorial(self, tuto_name): """Init a tutorial instance from an existing tutorial (data library and""" = tuto_name self.set_dir_name() if not self.exists(): raise Exception("The tutorial %s does not exists. It should be created" % # get the metadata information of the tutorial (from the top of the with open(self.tuto_fp, "r") as tuto_f: tuto_content = regex = '^---\n(?P<metadata>[\s\S]*)\n---(?P<body>[\s\S]*)' tuto_split_regex =, tuto_content) if not tuto_split_regex: raise Exception("No metadata found at the top of the tutorial") metadata = yaml.load("metadata")) self.title = metadata["title"] self.zenodo_link = metadata["zenodo_link"] self.questions = metadata["questions"] self.objectives = metadata["objectives"] self.time_estimation = metadata["time_estimation"] self.key_points = metadata["key_points"] self.contributors = metadata["contributors"] # the the tutorial content self.body ="body") # get the data library self.init_data_lib()
def load_preset_config(self, preset): config_fpath = preset[0] + "/zynconfig.yml" try: with open(config_fpath,"r") as fh: yml ="Loading preset config file %s => \n%s" % (config_fpath,yml)) self.preset_config = yaml.load(yml) return True except Exception as e: logging.error("Can't load preset config file '%s': %s" % (config_fpath,e)) return False
def load_previous_trials(output_name): print('>>>>> Loading previous results') with tf.gfile.GFile(output_name, 'r') as f: yaml_str = results_dict = yaml.load(yaml_str) x0 = [] y0 = [] if results_dict: for timestamp, scores_dict in results_dict.items(): score = scores_dict['score'] params_dict = scores_dict['input_fn_params'] params = [params_dict[] for d in space] x0.append(params) y0.append(score) else: x0 = None y0 = None return x0, y0
def api_guide(request): """Renders the API guide at opus/api Format: api/ or: api/guide.html To edit guide content edit the examples.yaml """ api_code = enter_api_call('api_guide', request) if not request or request.GET is None: ret = Http404('No request') exit_api_call(api_code, ret) raise ret uri = HttpRequest.build_absolute_uri(request) prefix = '/'.join(uri.split('/')[:3]) path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) guide_content_file = 'examples.yaml' with open(os.path.join(path, guide_content_file), 'r') as stream: text = text = text.replace('<HOST>', prefix) try: guide = yaml.load(text) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: log.error('api_guide error: %s', str(exc)) exit_api_call(api_code, None) raise Http404 slugs = get_fields_info('raw', collapse=True) ret = render(request, 'guide/guide.html', {'guide': guide, 'slugs': slugs}) exit_api_call(api_code, ret) return ret
return coarse_idx, medium_idx, fine_idx def load_taxonomy_codes(filepath): with open(filepath, 'r') as f: taxonomy_codes = yaml.load(f) return taxonomy_codes TAXONOMY_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'resources', 'taxonomy.yaml') FILTER_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'filter.yaml') with open(TAXONOMY_PATH, 'r') as f: TAXONOMY = yaml.load(f) with open(FILTER_PATH, 'r') as f: FILTER = yaml.load(f) MAPPINGS = get_taxonomy_mapping(TAXONOMY) COARSE_IDXS, MEDIUM_IDXS, FINE_IDXS = get_taxonomy_idxs(TAXONOMY) MOD_COARSE_IDXS, MOD_MEDIUM_IDXS, MOD_FINE_IDXS = get_modified_taxonomy_idxs( TAXONOMY, FILTER) MOD_MEDIUM_COUNTS = get_modified_taxonomy_medium_children_count( TAXONOMY, FILTER) NUM_COARSE = len(COARSE_IDXS) NUM_MEDIUM = len(MEDIUM_IDXS) NUM_FINE = len(FINE_IDXS)
def _get_config_from_file(self, file=None): """ Get config from file """ self._users = yaml.load(open(file))
def main(): # Arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='High Quality Monocular Depth Estimation via Transfer Learning') parser.add_argument('-c', '--configFile', required=True, help='Path to config yaml file', metavar='path/to/config') args = parser.parse_args() CONFIG_FILE_PATH = args.configFile with open(CONFIG_FILE_PATH) as fd: config_yaml = oyaml.load(fd) # Returns an ordered dict. Used for printing config = AttrDict(config_yaml) print(colored('Config being used for training:\n{}\n\n'.format(oyaml.dump(config_yaml)), 'green')) # Create a new directory to save logs runs = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(config.train.logsDir, 'exp-*'))) prev_run_id = int(runs[-1].split('-')[-1]) if runs else 0 MODEL_LOG_DIR = os.path.join(config.train.logsDir, 'exp-{:03d}'.format(prev_run_id + 1)) CHECKPOINT_DIR = os.path.join(MODEL_LOG_DIR, 'checkpoints') os.makedirs(CHECKPOINT_DIR) print('Saving logs to folder: ' + colored('"{}"'.format(MODEL_LOG_DIR), 'blue')) # Save a copy of config file in the logs shutil.copy(CONFIG_FILE_PATH, os.path.join(MODEL_LOG_DIR, 'config.yaml')) # Create a tensorboard object and Write config to tensorboard writer = SummaryWriter(MODEL_LOG_DIR, comment='create-graph') string_out = io.StringIO() oyaml.dump(config_yaml, string_out, default_flow_style=False) config_str = string_out.getvalue().split('\n') string = '' for line in config_str: string = string + ' ' + line + '\n\r' writer.add_text('Config', string, global_step=None) # Create model model = Model() print('Model created.') # to continue training from a checkpoint if config.train.continueTraining: print('Transfer Learning enabled. Model State to be loaded from a prev checkpoint...') if not os.path.isfile(config.train.pathPrevCheckpoint): raise ValueError('Invalid path to the given weights file for transfer learning.\ The file {} does not exist'.format(config.train.pathPrevCheckpoint)) CHECKPOINT = torch.load(config.train.pathPrevCheckpoint, map_location='cpu') if 'model_state_dict' in CHECKPOINT: # Newer weights file with various dicts print(colored('Continuing training from checkpoint...Loaded data from checkpoint:', 'green')) print('Config Used to train Checkpoint:\n', oyaml.dump(CHECKPOINT['config']), '\n') print('From Checkpoint: Last Epoch Loss:', CHECKPOINT['epoch_loss'], '\n\n') model.load_state_dict(CHECKPOINT['model_state_dict']) elif 'state_dict' in CHECKPOINT: # reading original authors checkpoints if config.train.model != 'rednet': # original author deeplab checkpoint CHECKPOINT['state_dict'].pop('decoder.last_conv.8.weight') CHECKPOINT['state_dict'].pop('decoder.last_conv.8.bias') else: # rednet checkpoint # print(CHECKPOINT['state_dict'].keys()) CHECKPOINT['state_dict'].pop('final_deconv.weight') CHECKPOINT['state_dict'].pop('final_deconv.bias') CHECKPOINT['state_dict'].pop('out5_conv.weight') CHECKPOINT['state_dict'].pop('out5_conv.bias') CHECKPOINT['state_dict'].pop('out4_conv.weight') CHECKPOINT['state_dict'].pop('out4_conv.bias') CHECKPOINT['state_dict'].pop('out3_conv.weight') CHECKPOINT['state_dict'].pop('out3_conv.bias') CHECKPOINT['state_dict'].pop('out2_conv.weight') CHECKPOINT['state_dict'].pop('out2_conv.bias') model.load_state_dict(CHECKPOINT['state_dict'], strict=False) else: # Old checkpoint containing only model's state_dict() model.load_state_dict(CHECKPOINT) # Enable Multi-GPU training print("Let's use", torch.cuda.device_count(), "GPUs!") if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1: print('Multiple GPUs being used, can\'t save model graph to Tensorboard') # dim = 0 [30, xxx] -> [10, ...], [10, ...], [10, ...] on 3 GPUs model = nn.DataParallel(model) device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") model = # Training parameters optimizer = torch.optim.Adam( model.parameters(), config.train.optimAdam.learningRate ) batch_size = config.train.batchSize prefix = 'densenet_' + str(batch_size) # Load data train_loader_list = [] test_loader_list = [] for dataset in config.train.datasetsTrain: train_data = getTrainingTestingData('rgb', 'train', dataset.images, dataset.labels) train_loader_list.append(train_data) for dataset in config.train.datasetsVal: print(dataset.images) test_data = getTrainingTestingData('rgb', 'eval', dataset.images, dataset.labels) test_loader_list.append(test_data) train_loader = DataLoader(, batch_size, num_workers=config.train.numWorkers, shuffle=True, drop_last=True, pin_memory=True) test_loader = DataLoader(, batch_size, num_workers=config.train.numWorkers, shuffle=False, drop_last=True, pin_memory=True) print(len( print(len(train_loader)) print(len(test_loader)) # Create a tensorboard object and Write config to tensorboard writer = SummaryWriter(MODEL_LOG_DIR, comment='create-graph') # Loss l1_criterion = nn.L1Loss() total_iter_num = 0 # Start training... for epoch in range(config.train.numEpochs): batch_time = AverageMeter() losses = AverageMeter() N = len(train_loader) # Log the current Epoch Number writer.add_scalar('data/Epoch Number', epoch, total_iter_num) # Switch to train mode model.train() end = time.time() running_loss = 0.0 for i, sample_batched in enumerate(train_loader): optimizer.zero_grad() total_iter_num += 1 # Prepare sample and target image = torch.autograd.Variable(sample_batched['image'].cuda()) depth = torch.autograd.Variable(sample_batched['depth'].cuda(non_blocking=True)) # Normalize depth depth_n = DepthNorm( depth ) # Predict output = model(image) # Compute the loss l_depth = l1_criterion(output, depth_n) l_ssim = torch.clamp((1 - ssim(output, depth_n, val_range = 1000.0 / 10.0)) * 0.5, 0, 1) loss = (1.0 * l_ssim) + (0.1 * l_depth) # Update step losses.update(, image.size(0)) loss.backward() optimizer.step() # statistics running_loss += loss.item() # Measure elapsed time batch_time.update(time.time() - end) end = time.time() eta = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(batch_time.val*(N - i)))) # Log progress niter = epoch*N+i if i % 5 == 0: # Print to console print('Epoch: [{0}][{1}/{2}]\t' 'Time {batch_time.val:.3f} ({batch_time.sum:.3f})\t' 'ETA {eta}\t' 'Loss {loss.val:.4f} ({loss.avg:.4f})' .format(epoch, i, N, batch_time=batch_time, loss=losses, eta=eta)) # Log to tensorboard writer.add_scalar('Train/Loss', losses.val, niter) if i % 50 == 0: LogProgress(model, writer, test_loader, niter) # Log Epoch Loss epoch_loss = running_loss / (len(train_loader)) writer.add_scalar('data/Train Epoch Loss', epoch_loss, total_iter_num) print('\nTrain Epoch Loss: {:.4f}'.format(epoch_loss)) metrics = compute_errors(depth_n, output) print(metrics) for keys, values in metrics.items(): print(str(keys) + ':' + str(values)) # Record epoch's intermediate results LogProgress(model, writer, test_loader, niter) writer.add_scalar('Train/Loss.avg', losses.avg, epoch) # Save the model checkpoint every N epochs if (epoch % config.train.saveModelInterval) == 0: filename = os.path.join(CHECKPOINT_DIR, 'checkpoint-epoch-{:04d}.pth'.format(epoch)) if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1: model_params = model.module.state_dict() # Saving nn.DataParallel model else: model_params = model.state_dict() { 'model_state_dict': model_params, 'optimizer_state_dict': optimizer.state_dict(), 'epoch': epoch, 'total_iter_num': total_iter_num, 'epoch_loss': epoch_loss, 'config': config_yaml }, filename)
def load_yaml(filepath): """Load the content of a YAML file to a dictionary.""" with open(filepath, "r") as m_file: content = yaml.load(m_file) return content
def parse_yaml(source_file): with open(source_file, mode='r') as f: data = load(, Loader=loader.Loader) return data
def train(annotation_path, taxonomy_path, train_feature_dir, val_feature_dir, output_dir, load_checkpoint, load_checkpoint_path, exp_id, label_mode, batch_size=32, n_epochs=100, kernel_size=3, layer_depth=[64, 128, 256, 512], chs=1, max_ckpt=20, lr=1e-3, hidden_layer_size=256, snapshot=5, num_hidden_layers=1, standardize=True, timestamp=None): """ Train and evaluate a MIL MLP model. Parameters ---------- annotation_path emb_dir output_dir label_mode batch_size num_epochs patience learning_rate hidden_layer_size l2_reg standardize timestamp random_state Returns ------- """ # Load annotations and taxonomy print("* Loading dataset.") annotation_data = pd.read_csv(annotation_path).sort_values( 'audio_filename') with open(taxonomy_path, 'r') as f: taxonomy = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.Loader) annotation_data_trunc = annotation_data[[ 'audio_filename', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'week', 'day', 'hour' ]].drop_duplicates() file_list = annotation_data_trunc['audio_filename'].to_list() latitude_list = annotation_data_trunc['latitude'].to_list() longitude_list = annotation_data_trunc['longitude'].to_list() week_list = annotation_data_trunc['week'].to_list() day_list = annotation_data_trunc['day'].to_list() hour_list = annotation_data_trunc['hour'].to_list() full_fine_target_labels = [ "{}-{}_{}".format(coarse_id, fine_id, fine_label) for coarse_id, fine_dict in taxonomy['fine'].items() for fine_id, fine_label in fine_dict.items() ] fine_target_labels = [ x for x in full_fine_target_labels if x.split('_')[0].split('-')[1] != 'X' ] coarse_target_labels = [ "_".join([str(k), v]) for k, v in taxonomy['coarse'].items() ] print("* Preparing training data.") # For fine, we include incomplete labels in targets for computing the loss fine_target_list = get_file_targets(annotation_data, full_fine_target_labels) coarse_target_list = get_file_targets(annotation_data, coarse_target_labels) train_file_idxs, valid_file_idxs = get_subset_split(annotation_data) if label_mode == "fine": target_list = fine_target_list labels = fine_target_labels num_classes = len(labels) y_true_num = len(full_fine_target_labels) elif label_mode == "coarse": target_list = coarse_target_list labels = coarse_target_labels num_classes = len(labels) y_true_num = num_classes else: raise ValueError("Invalid label mode: {}".format(label_mode)) X_train_meta, y_train, X_valid_meta, y_valid_meta, scaler \ = prepare_data(train_file_idxs, valid_file_idxs, latitude_list, longitude_list, week_list, day_list, hour_list, target_list, standardize=standardize) print('X_train meta shape', X_train_meta.shape) print('y_train shape', y_train.shape) print('X_valid_meta shape', X_valid_meta.shape) print('y_valid shape', y_valid_meta.shape) meta_dims = X_train_meta.shape[2] X_train = load_train_data(file_list, train_file_idxs, train_feature_dir) X_valid = load_train_data(file_list, valid_file_idxs, val_feature_dir) _, frames, bins = X_train.shape print('X_train shape', X_train.shape) print('X_valid shape', X_valid.shape) (mean_train, std_train) = calculate_scalar_of_tensor(np.concatenate(X_train, axis=0)) model = CNN9_Res_train(kernel_size, layer_depth, num_classes, hidden_layer_size) if not timestamp: timestamp ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") model_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'exp' + exp_id) if scaler is not None: scaler_path = os.path.join(model_path, 'stdizer.pkl') with open(scaler_path, 'wb') as f: pk.dump(scaler, f) if label_mode == "fine": full_coarse_to_fine_terminal_idxs = np.cumsum( [len(fine_dict) for fine_dict in taxonomy['fine'].values()]) incomplete_fine_subidxs = [ len(fine_dict) - 1 if 'X' in fine_dict else None for fine_dict in taxonomy['fine'].values() ] coarse_to_fine_end_idxs = np.cumsum([ len(fine_dict) - 1 if 'X' in fine_dict else len(fine_dict) for fine_dict in taxonomy['fine'].values() ]) # Create loss function that only adds loss for fine labels for which # the we don't have any incomplete labels def masked_loss(y_true, y_pred): loss = None for coarse_idx in range(len(full_coarse_to_fine_terminal_idxs)): true_terminal_idx = full_coarse_to_fine_terminal_idxs[ coarse_idx] true_incomplete_subidx = incomplete_fine_subidxs[coarse_idx] pred_end_idx = coarse_to_fine_end_idxs[coarse_idx] if coarse_idx != 0: true_start_idx = full_coarse_to_fine_terminal_idxs[ coarse_idx - 1] pred_start_idx = coarse_to_fine_end_idxs[coarse_idx - 1] else: true_start_idx = 0 pred_start_idx = 0 if true_incomplete_subidx is None: true_end_idx = true_terminal_idx sub_true = y_true[:, true_start_idx:true_end_idx] sub_pred = y_pred[:, pred_start_idx:pred_end_idx] else: # Don't include incomplete label true_end_idx = true_terminal_idx - 1 true_incomplete_idx = true_incomplete_subidx + true_start_idx assert true_end_idx - true_start_idx == pred_end_idx - pred_start_idx assert true_incomplete_idx == true_end_idx # 1 if not incomplete, 0 if incomplete mask = K.expand_dims(1 - y_true[:, true_incomplete_idx]) # Mask the target and predictions. If the mask is 0, # all entries will be 0 and the BCE will be 0. # This has the effect of masking the BCE for each fine # label within a coarse label if an incomplete label exists sub_true = y_true[:, true_start_idx:true_end_idx] * mask sub_pred = y_pred[:, pred_start_idx:pred_end_idx] * mask if loss is not None: loss += K.sum(K.binary_crossentropy(sub_true, sub_pred)) else: loss = K.sum(K.binary_crossentropy(sub_true, sub_pred)) return loss loss_func = masked_loss else: def unmasked_loss(y_true, y_pred): loss = None loss = K.sum(K.binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred)) return loss loss_func = unmasked_loss ### placeholder x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, frames, bins, chs], name='x') meta_x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, meta_dims], name='meta_x') y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, y_true_num], name='y') is_training = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, shape=None, name='is_training') ### net output output = model.forward(input_tensor=x, input_meta=meta_x, is_training=is_training) sigmoid_output = tf.nn.sigmoid(output, name='sigmoid_output') loss = loss_func(y, sigmoid_output) update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) learning_rate = tf.Variable(float(lr), trainable=False, dtype=tf.float32) learning_rate_decay_op = learning_rate.assign(learning_rate * 0.9) with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops): # train_op = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate=lr,momentum=momentum).minimize(loss) train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=learning_rate).minimize(loss) ### start session config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=max_ckpt) sess = tf.Session(config=config) if load_checkpoint: saver.restore(sess, load_checkpoint_path) ### tensorboard summary train_summary_dir = os.path.join(model_path, 'summaries', 'train') train_summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(train_summary_dir, sess.graph) loss_all = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=None, name='loss_all') tf.add_to_collection("loss", loss_all) loss_summary = tf.summary.scalar('loss', loss_all) val_summary_dir = os.path.join(model_path, 'summaries', 'val') val_micro_auprc_summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( os.path.join(val_summary_dir, 'micro_auprc'), sess.graph) val_macro_auprc_summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( os.path.join(val_summary_dir, 'macro_auprc'), sess.graph) val_val_micro_F1score_summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( os.path.join(val_summary_dir, 'micro_F1score'), sess.graph) val_summary = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=None, name='loss_all') tf.add_to_collection("val_summary", val_summary) val_summary_op = tf.summary.scalar('val_summary', val_summary) ### train loop print("* Training model.") class_auprc_dict = {} for epoch in range(n_epochs): train_loss = 0 n_batch = 0 for X_train_batch, X_meta_batch, y_train_batch in gen_train_batch( X_train, X_train_meta, y_train, batch_size): X_meta_batch = X_meta_batch.reshape(-1, meta_dims) X_train_batch = scale(X_train_batch, mean_train, std_train) X_train_batch = X_train_batch.reshape(-1, frames, bins, chs) _, train_loss_batch = [train_op, loss], feed_dict={ x: X_train_batch, meta_x: X_meta_batch, y: y_train_batch, is_training: True }) train_loss += train_loss_batch n_batch += 1 train_loss = train_loss / n_batch train_summary_op = tf.summary.merge([loss_summary]) train_summaries =, feed_dict={loss_all: train_loss}) train_summary_writer.add_summary(train_summaries, epoch) print("step %d" % (epoch)) print(" train loss: %f" % (train_loss)) pre = [] if ((epoch + 1) % snapshot == 0 and epoch > 0) or epoch == n_epochs - 1: for val_data_batch, val_meta_batch in gen_val_batch( X_valid, X_valid_meta, batch_size): val_meta_batch = val_meta_batch.reshape(-1, meta_dims) val_data_batch = scale(val_data_batch, mean_train, std_train) val_data_batch = val_data_batch.reshape(-1, frames, bins, chs) prediction =, feed_dict={ x: val_data_batch, meta_x: val_meta_batch, is_training: False }) pre.extend(prediction) # print(len(pre)) generate_output_file(pre, valid_file_idxs, model_path, file_list, label_mode, taxonomy) submission_path = os.path.join(model_path, "output.csv") df_dict = metrics.evaluate(prediction_path=submission_path, annotation_path=annotation_path, yaml_path=taxonomy_path, mode=label_mode) val_micro_auprc, eval_df = metrics.micro_averaged_auprc( df_dict, return_df=True) val_macro_auprc, class_auprc = metrics.macro_averaged_auprc( df_dict, return_classwise=True) thresh_idx_05 = (eval_df['threshold'] >= 0.5).nonzero()[0][0] val_micro_F1score = eval_df['F'][thresh_idx_05] val_summaries =, feed_dict={val_summary: val_micro_auprc}) val_micro_auprc_summary_writer.add_summary(val_summaries, epoch) val_summaries =, feed_dict={val_summary: val_macro_auprc}) val_macro_auprc_summary_writer.add_summary(val_summaries, epoch) val_summaries = val_summary_op, feed_dict={val_summary: val_micro_F1score}) val_val_micro_F1score_summary_writer.add_summary( val_summaries, epoch) class_auprc_dict['class_auprc_' + str(epoch)] = class_auprc print('official') print('micro', val_micro_auprc) print('micro_F1', val_micro_F1score) print('macro', val_macro_auprc) print('-----save:{}-{}'.format( os.path.join(model_path, 'ckeckpoint', 'model'), epoch)), os.path.join(model_path, 'ckeckpoint', 'model'), global_step=epoch), 'class_auprc_dict.npy'), class_auprc_dict) sess.close()
def test_history_r_install(r_setup): """Test the history.yaml in detail.""" # pylint: disable=line-too-long name = r_setup["name"] env = r_setup["env"] env_dir = r_setup["env_dir"] channels = r_setup["channels"] history_file = env_dir / "history.yaml" actual_history_content = history_file.read_text() print(actual_history_content) actual = yaml.load(actual_history_content, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) expected_packages = { "conda": {"r-base": "*", "r-devtools": "*"}, "r": { "jsonlite": 'library("devtools"); install_version("jsonlite",version="1.2")', "praise": 'install.packages("praise")', }, } expected_log = ( r'R --quiet --vanilla -e "library(\"devtools\"); ' r"install_version(\"jsonlite\",version=\"1.2\"); " r"install.packages(\"praise\")" ) expected_action = ( r'R --quiet --vanilla -e "library(\"devtools\"); ' r"install_version(\"jsonlite\",version=\"1.2\",date=\"2019-01-01\"); " r'library(\"devtools\"); install_mran(\"praise\",version=\"1.0.0\",date=\"2019-01-01\")"' ) expected_debug = 2 * [ { "platform": get_platform_name(), "conda_version": CONDA_VERSION, "pip_version": pip.get_pip_version(name=name), "timestamp": str(, } ] assert actual["name"] == name assert actual["channels"] == channels assert actual["packages"] == expected_packages assert actual["revisions"][-1]["log"] == expected_log assert len(actual["revisions"]) == 2 assert actual["revisions"][-1]["action"] == expected_action for i in range(len(actual["revisions"])): for key, val in expected_debug[i].items(): if key == "timestamp": assert actual["revisions"][i]["debug"][key].startswith(val) else: assert actual["revisions"][i]["debug"][key] == val dependencies = env.dependencies expected_history = [ f"name: {name}", f"id: {}", "history-file-version: '1.0'", "channels:", ] for channel in channels: expected_history.append(f" - {channel}") expected_history_start = "\n".join( expected_history + [ "packages:", " conda:", " r-base: '*'", " r-devtools: '*'", " r:", ' jsonlite: library("devtools"); install_version("jsonlite",version="1.2")', ' praise: install.packages("praise")', "revisions:", " - packages:", " conda:", " r-base: '*'", " r-devtools: '*'", " diff:", " conda:", " upsert:", f" - r-base={dependencies['conda']['r-base'].version}", f" - r-devtools={dependencies['conda']['r-devtools'].version}", " log: conda create --name r_end_to_end_test r-base r-devtools --override-channels", " --strict-channel-priority --channel r", " --channel defaults", " action: conda create --name r_end_to_end_test r-base", ] ) expected_second_revision = "\n".join( [ " - packages:", " conda:", " r-base: '*'", " r-devtools: '*'", " r:", ' jsonlite: library("devtools"); install_version("jsonlite",version="1.2")', ' praise: install.packages("praise")', " diff:", " r:", " upsert:", f" - jsonlite", f" - praise", r' log: R --quiet --vanilla -e "library(\"devtools\"); install_version(\"jsonlite\",version=\"1.2\");', r" install.packages(\"praise\")", r' action: R --quiet --vanilla -e "library(\"devtools\"); install_version(\"jsonlite\",version=\"1.2\");', r" install.packages(\"praise\")", ] ) index_first_action = actual_history_content.find( "action: conda create --name r_end_to_end_test r-base" ) + len("action: conda create --name r_end_to_end_test r-base") actual_history_start = actual_history_content[:index_first_action] assert actual_history_start == expected_history_start index_second_revision_start = actual_history_content.find( " - packages:", index_first_action ) index_second_debug = actual_history_content.find( "debug:", index_second_revision_start ) actual_second_revision = actual_history_content[ index_second_revision_start:index_second_debug ].rstrip() assert actual_second_revision == expected_second_revision
def test_remove_package(end_to_end_setup): """Test the removal of a package.""" name = end_to_end_setup["name"] env_dir = end_to_end_setup["env_dir"] channels = end_to_end_setup["channels"] channel_command = end_to_end_setup["channel_command"].replace( "--strict-channel-priority ", "") conda_remove(name=name, specs=["colorama"], yes=True) actual_env_content = (env_dir / "conda-env.yaml").read_text() assert "colorama" not in actual_env_content log_file = env_dir / "history.yaml" actual_history_content = log_file.read_text() print(actual_history_content) actual = yaml.load(actual_history_content, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) expected_packages = {"conda": {"python": "3.6", "pytest": "*"}} expected_log = f"conda remove --name {name} colorama" expected_debug = { "platform": get_platform_name(), "conda_version": CONDA_VERSION, "pip_version": get_pip_version(name=name), "timestamp": str(, } assert actual["packages"] == expected_packages assert actual["logs"][-1] == expected_log assert len(actual["logs"]) == 3 assert actual["channels"] == channels assert (actual["actions"][-1] == f"conda remove --name {name} colorama {channel_command}") assert len(actual["actions"]) == 3 for key, val in expected_debug.items(): if key == "timestamp": assert actual["debug"][2][key].startswith(val) else: assert actual["debug"][2][key] == val expected_start = [f"name: {name}", "channels:"] for channel in channels: expected_start.append(f" - {channel}") expected_history_start = "\n".join(expected_start + [ "packages:", " conda:", " python: '3.6'", " pytest: '*'", "logs:", " - conda create --name end_to_end_test python=3.6 colorama --override-channels --strict-channel-priority", " --channel main", f" - conda install --name {name} pytest", f" - {expected_log}", "actions:", f" - conda create --name {name} python=3.6", ]) end = actual_history_content.rfind("python=3.6") + len("python=3.6") actual_history_start = actual_history_content[:end] assert actual_history_start == expected_history_start
return text clap_app = od([("name", "openstack-client"), ("settings", ['ArgRequiredElseHelp']), ("args", [ od([("os-cloud", { "long": "os-cloud", "help": "use this as the cloud name from the clouds.yaml", "takes_value": True, })]) ]), ("subcommands", [])]) with open("data/commands.yaml") as f: commands = yaml.load(f) with open("data/resources.yaml") as f: resources = yaml.load(f) with open("data/actions.yaml") as f: actions = yaml.load(f) # print(commands) # pos_vals = parse_rust_enum_notation(t) # clap_app["args"].append(od({"help": "", "index": 1, "possible_values": pos_vals})) # possible_resources = [snake_to_kebabcase(x) for x in resources.keys()] # resources_blub = od([ # ("help", "resource to use"), # ("possible_values", possible_resources),
import os import re import json import sys import oyaml as yaml with open('kudos.yaml', 'r') as f: items = yaml.load(f) for i in items: i['name'] = i['name'].lower().replace(' ', '_') with open('kudos.yaml', 'w') as f: f.write(yaml.dump(items, default_flow_style=False))
obs.points = [ct.latlon2xy(pt) for pt in obs.points] obs.heading = ct.headingglobal2local(obs.heading, units='degrees') dynamic_obstacles.append(obs) print("Loaded %d static obstacles and %d dynamic obstacles" % (len(static_obstacles), len(dynamic_obstacles))) return static_obstacles + dynamic_obstacles if __name__ == '__main__': import os import oyaml as yaml import matplotlib.pyplot as plt with open(os.path.expandvars("$HOME/dev/sas_sim/data/obstacles_sim.yaml"), 'rb') as f: obstacles_dict = yaml.load( with open(os.path.expandvars("$HOME/dev/sas_sim/cfg/mission.yaml"), 'rb') as f: yaml_mission = yaml.load( obs = loadObstacles(obstacles_dict, yaml_mission) for o in obs: x, y = o.getBuffer().exterior.xy plt.figure() plt.plot(x, y)
def create(self): reporter = ResourceReporter() resource = Resource('kubeconf', 'Kubernetes configuration file', Status.not_exist, resource_id=self.kubeconf) reporter.progress(resource) try: if os.path.isfile(self.kubeconf): import oyaml as yaml with open(self.kubeconf, 'r') as cf: kc = yaml.load(cf) clusters = self._get_components(kc, 'clusters') cs = [c for c in clusters if c.get('name') ==] if not cs: clusters.append(OrderedDict([ ('cluster', OrderedDict([ ('certificate-authority-data', self.cluster_info.cert), ('server', self.cluster_info.endpoint), ])), ('name',, ])) else: for c in cs: c['cluster']['server'] = self.cluster_info.endpoint c['cluster']['certificate-authority-data'] = self.cluster_info.cert users = self._get_components(kc, 'users') us = [u for u in users if u.get('name') == self.user] if not us: users.append(OrderedDict([ ('name', self.user), ('user', OrderedDict([ ('exec', OrderedDict([ ('apiVersion', ''), ('command', self.heptio), ('args', ['token', '-i',]) ]))]))])) else: for u in users: u['user'] = OrderedDict([ ('exec', OrderedDict([ ('apiVersion', ''), ('command', self.heptio), ('args', ['token', '-i',]) ]))]) contexts = self._get_components(kc, 'contexts') cs = [c for c in contexts if c.get('context', {}).get('cluster') == and c.get('context', {}).get('user') == self.user] if not cs: contexts.append(OrderedDict([ ('context', OrderedDict([ ('cluster',, ('namespace', 'default'), ('user', self.user), ])), ('name',, ])) kc['current-context'] = with open(self.kubeconf, 'w') as cf: cf.write(yaml.safe_dump(kc, default_flow_style=False)) else: s = Environment().from_string(KubeConfig.KUBE_CONFIG_YAML).render(ci=self.cluster_info, user=self.user, heptio=self.heptio) with open(self.kubeconf, 'w') as cf: cf.write(s) resource.status = Status.created resource.resource_id = self.kubeconf reporter.succeed(resource) except Exception as e: resource.status = Status.failed raise EKSCliException(e) return
def parse(self, print_opt=True): ''' use update_fn() to do additional modifications on args before printing ''' # initialize parser with basic options if not self.initialized: self.initialize() # parse options opt = self.parser.parse_args() # get arguments specified in config file if opt.config_file: data = yaml.load(opt.config_file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) data = self._flatten_to_toplevel(data) else: data = {} # determine which options were specified # explicitly with command line args option_strings = {} for action_group in self.parser._action_groups: for action in action_group._group_actions: for option in action.option_strings: option_strings[option] = action.dest specified_options = set( [option_strings[x] for x in sys.argv if x in option_strings]) # make hierarchical namespace wrt groups # positional and optional arguments in toplevel args = {} for group in self.parser._action_groups: # by default, take the result from argparse # unless was specified in config file and not in command line group_dict = { a.dest: data[a.dest] if a.dest in data and a.dest not in specified_options else getattr( opt, a.dest, None) for a in group._group_actions } if group.title == 'positional arguments' or \ group.title == 'optional arguments': args.update(group_dict) else: args[group.title] = argparse.Namespace(**group_dict) opt = argparse.Namespace(**args) delattr(opt, 'config_file') # output directory if output_dir = else: output_dir = '_'.join([ opt.model, opt.transform, opt.walk_type, 'lr' + str(opt.learning_rate), opt.loss ]) if opt.model == 'biggan': subopt = opt.biggan if subopt.category: output_dir += '_cat{}'.format(subopt.category) elif opt.model == 'stylegan': subopt = opt.stylegan output_dir += '_{}'.format(subopt.dataset) output_dir += '_{}'.format(subopt.latent) elif opt.model == 'pgan': subopt = opt.pgan output_dir += '_{}'.format(subopt.dset) if opt.walk_type.startswith('NN'): subopt = opt.nn if subopt.eps: output_dir += '_eps{}'.format(subopt.eps) if subopt.num_steps: output_dir += '_nsteps{}'.format(subopt.num_steps) if opt.transform.startswith( 'color') and is not None: output_dir += '_chn{}'.format( if opt.suffix: output_dir += opt.suffix if opt.prefix: output_dir = opt.prefix + output_dir opt.output_dir = os.path.join(opt.models_dir, output_dir) # write the configurations to disk if print_opt: self.print_options(opt) self.opt = opt return opt
def index(): website_data = yaml.load(open('_config.yaml', encoding='utf8')) return render_template('index.html', data=website_data)
def handle(self, *args, **options): # config if options['debug']: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) network = options['network'] gitcoin_account = options['gitcoin_account'] gas_price_gwei = options['gas_price_gwei'] kudos_filter = options['kudos_filter'] if gitcoin_account: account = settings.KUDOS_OWNER_ACCOUNT private_key = settings.KUDOS_PRIVATE_KEY else: account = options['account'] private_key = options['private_key'] skip_sync = options['skip_sync'] kudos_contract = KudosContract(network=network) yaml_file = options['yaml_file'] with open(yaml_file) as f: all_kudos = yaml.load(f) for __, kudos in enumerate(all_kudos): if kudos_filter not in kudos['name']: continue image_name = urllib.parse.quote(kudos.get('image')) if image_name: # Support Open Sea if == 'rinkeby': image_path = f'{image_name}' external_url = f'{kudos_contract.address}/{kudos_contract.getLatestId() + 1}' elif == 'mainnet': image_path = f'{image_name}' external_url = f'{kudos_contract.address}/{kudos_contract.getLatestId() + 1}' elif == 'localhost': image_path = f'v2/images/kudos/{image_name}' external_url = f'http://localhost:8000/kudos/{kudos_contract.address}/{kudos_contract.getLatestId() + 1}' else: raise RuntimeError( 'Need to set the image path for that network') else: image_path = '' attributes = [] # "trait_type": "investor_experience", # "value": 20, # "display_type": "boost_number", # "max_value": 100 rarity = { "trait_type": "rarity", "value": get_rarity_score(kudos['numClonesAllowed']), } attributes.append(rarity) artist = {"trait_type": "artist", "value": kudos.get('artist')} attributes.append(artist) platform = { "trait_type": "platform", "value": kudos.get('platform') } attributes.append(platform) tags = kudos['tags'] price_finney = kudos['priceFinney'] # append tags if price_finney < 2: tags.append('budget') if price_finney < 5: tags.append('affordable') if price_finney > 20: tags.append('premium') if price_finney > 200: tags.append('expensive') for tag in tags: attributes.append({"trait_type": "tag", "value": tag}) readable_name = humanize_name(kudos['name']) metadata = { 'name': readable_name, 'image': image_path, 'description': kudos['description'], 'external_url': external_url, 'background_color': 'fbfbfb', 'attributes': attributes } if not options['mint_to']: mint_to = kudos_contract._w3.toChecksumAddress( settings.KUDOS_OWNER_ACCOUNT) else: mint_to = kudos_contract._w3.toChecksumAddress( options['mint_to']) is_live = options['live'] if is_live: try: token_uri_url = kudos_contract.create_token_uri_url( **metadata) args = (mint_to, kudos['priceFinney'], kudos['numClonesAllowed'], token_uri_url) *args, account=account, private_key=private_key, skip_sync=skip_sync, gas_price_gwei=gas_price_gwei, ) print('Live run - Name: ', readable_name, ' - Account: ', account, 'Minted!') except Exception as e: print(f'Error minting: {readable_name} - {e}') else: print('Dry run - Name: ', readable_name, ' - Account: ', account, 'Skipping!')
def evaluate_ensemble(annotation_path, taxonomy_path, mel_dir, models_dir1, models_dir2, output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # Load annotations and taxonomy print("* Loading dataset.") annotation_data = pd.read_csv(annotation_path).sort_values( 'audio_filename') with open(taxonomy_path, 'r') as f: taxonomy = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.Loader) file_list = annotation_data['audio_filename'].unique().tolist() train_file_idxs, test_file_idxs = get_subset_split(annotation_data) print('load mel spectrograms') mel_list = load_mels(file_list, mel_dir) model_list = [f for f in os.listdir(models_dir1) if 'pth' in f] val_loss = [float(f.split('_')[-1][:-4]) for f in model_list] model_filename = model_list[np.argmin(val_loss)] model1 = MyCNN() if torch.cuda.is_available(): model1.load_state_dict( torch.load(os.path.join(models_dir1, model_filename))) model1.cuda() else: model1.load_state_dict( torch.load(os.path.join(models_dir1, model_filename), map_location='cpu')) model1.eval() model_list = [f for f in os.listdir(models_dir2) if 'pth' in f] val_loss = [float(f.split('_')[-1][:-4]) for f in model_list] model_filename = model_list[np.argmin(val_loss)] model2 = MyCNN() if torch.cuda.is_available(): model2.load_state_dict( torch.load(os.path.join(models_dir2, model_filename))) model2.cuda() else: model2.load_state_dict( torch.load(os.path.join(models_dir2, model_filename), map_location='cpu')) model2.eval() y_pred = predict_ensemble(mel_list, test_file_idxs, model1, model2) aggregation_type = 'max' label_mode = 'coarse' generate_output_file(y_pred, test_file_idxs, output_dir, file_list, aggregation_type, label_mode, taxonomy) mode = 'coarse' prediction_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'output_max.csv') df_dict = evaluate(prediction_path, annotation_path, taxonomy_path, mode) micro_auprc, eval_df = micro_averaged_auprc(df_dict, return_df=True) macro_auprc, class_auprc = macro_averaged_auprc(df_dict, return_classwise=True) # Get index of first threshold that is at least 0.5 thresh_0pt5_idx = (eval_df['threshold'] >= 0.5).nonzero()[0][0] print("{} level evaluation:".format(mode.capitalize())) print("======================") print(" * Micro AUPRC: {}".format(micro_auprc)) print(" * Micro F1-score (@0.5): {}".format(eval_df["F"][thresh_0pt5_idx])) print(" * Macro AUPRC: {}".format(macro_auprc)) print(" * Coarse Tag AUPRC:") for coarse_id, auprc in class_auprc.items(): print(" - {}: {}".format(coarse_id, auprc))
def test_history_after_install(end_to_end_setup): """Test the history.yaml file in detail after pytest has been installed.""" name = end_to_end_setup["name"] conda_install(name=name, specs=["pytest"], yes=True) env_dir = end_to_end_setup["env_dir"] channels = end_to_end_setup["channels"] channel_command = end_to_end_setup["channel_command"] log_file = env_dir / "history.yaml" actual_history_content = log_file.read_text() print(actual_history_content) actual = yaml.load(actual_history_content, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) action_install_expected_pattern = ( rf"(conda install --name {name})(\s)(pytest=)(.*)({channel_command})") expected_packages = { "conda": { "colorama": "*", "python": "3.6", "pytest": "*" } } expected_log = f"conda install --name {name} pytest" expected_debug = 2 * [{ "platform": get_platform_name(), "conda_version": CONDA_VERSION, "pip_version": get_pip_version(name=name), "timestamp": str(, }] assert actual["packages"] == expected_packages assert actual["logs"][-1] == expected_log assert len(actual["logs"]) == 2 assert actual["channels"] == channels assert re.match(action_install_expected_pattern, actual["actions"][-1]) assert len(actual["actions"]) == 2 for key, val in expected_debug[1].items(): if key == "timestamp": assert actual["debug"][1][key].startswith(val) else: assert actual["debug"][1][key] == val expected_start = [f"name: {name}", "channels:"] for channel in channels: expected_start.append(f" - {channel}") expected_history_start = "\n".join(expected_start + [ "packages:", " conda:", " python: '3.6'", " colorama: '*'", " pytest: '*'", "logs:", " - conda create --name end_to_end_test python=3.6 colorama --override-channels --strict-channel-priority", " --channel main", f" - {expected_log}", "actions:", f" - conda create --name {name} python=3.6", ]) end = actual_history_content.rfind("python=3.6") + len("python=3.6") actual_history_start = actual_history_content[:end] assert actual_history_start == expected_history_start
def load_taxonomy_codes(filepath): with open(filepath, 'r') as f: taxonomy_codes = yaml.load(f) return taxonomy_codes
def main(): # Parsing user input parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '-g','--grammar_filename', nargs='?', type=str, required=True, help='Grammar specification file.' ) parser.add_argument( '-i','--input_filename', nargs='?', type=str, required=True, help='Input file to parse.' ) parser.add_argument( '-o','--output_filename', nargs='?', type=str, required=True, help='Output file.' ) parser.add_argument( '-y','--yaml_domain_file', nargs='?', type=str, default=None, help='YAML domain file.' ) args = parser.parse_args() # Reading the grammar with open(args.grammar_filename,'r') as f: grammar = # Setting up the parser parser = Lark(grammar).parse # Reading the input file with open(args.input_filename,'rb') as f: inp = # Parsing the input file tree = parser(inp) # If domain database has not been provided if args.yaml_domain_file is None: # Parsing domain database = AplDomainTransformer().transform(tree) else: # Loading domain with open(args.yaml_domain_file,'r') as f: domain = yaml.load( # Parsing problem database = AplProblemTransformer(domain).transform(tree) # Storing the result in the output file with open(args.output_filename,'w') as f: f.write(yaml.dump(database))
def unpack_competition(competition_dataset_pk): competition_dataset = Data.objects.get(pk=competition_dataset_pk) creator = competition_dataset.created_by status = CompetitionCreationTaskStatus.objects.create( dataset=competition_dataset, status=CompetitionCreationTaskStatus.STARTING, ) try: with TemporaryDirectory() as temp_directory: # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extract bundle try: with zipfile.ZipFile(competition_dataset.data_file, 'r') as zip_pointer: zip_pointer.extractall(temp_directory) except zipfile.BadZipFile: raise CompetitionUnpackingException("Bad zip file uploaded.") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Read metadata (competition.yaml) yaml_path = os.path.join(temp_directory, "competition.yaml") if not os.path.exists(yaml_path): raise CompetitionUnpackingException("competition.yaml is missing from zip, check your folder structure " "to make sure it is in the root directory.") with open(yaml_path) as f: competition_yaml = yaml.load( yaml_version = str(competition_yaml.get('version', '1'))"The YAML version is: {yaml_version}") if yaml_version in ['1', '1.5']: unpacker_class = V15Unpacker elif yaml_version == '2': unpacker_class = V2Unpacker else: raise CompetitionUnpackingException( 'A suitable version could not be found for this competition. Make sure one is supplied in the yaml.' ) unpacker = unpacker_class( competition_yaml=competition_yaml, temp_directory=temp_directory, creator=creator, ) unpacker.unpack() try: competition = except ValidationError as e: def _get_error_string(error_dict): """Helps us nicely print out a ValidationError""" for key, errors in error_dict.items(): try: return f'{key}: {"; ".join(errors)}\n' except TypeError: # We ran into a list of nested dictionaries, start recursing! nested_errors = [] for e in errors: error_text = _get_error_string(e) if error_text: nested_errors.append(error_text) return f'{key}: {"; ".join(nested_errors)}\n' raise CompetitionUnpackingException(_get_error_string(e.detail)) status.status = CompetitionCreationTaskStatus.FINISHED status.resulting_competition = competition # call again, to make sure phases get sent to chahub"Competition saved!") except CompetitionUnpackingException as e: # We want to catch well handled exceptions and display them to the user status.details = str(e) status.status = CompetitionCreationTaskStatus.FAILED raise e except Exception as e: # These are critical uncaught exceptions, make sure the end user is at least informed # that unpacking has failed -- do not share unhandled exception details logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) status.details = "Contact an administrator, competition failed to unpack in a critical way." status.status = CompetitionCreationTaskStatus.FAILED
def main(argv=None): try: # init citk_path = expanduser("~") + "/workspace/csra/citk" project_name = str(os.path.relpath(".", "..")) # setup command line parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= 'Script upgrades the given project within the distribution file.') parser.add_argument( "--project", help='The name of the project to apply the version upgrade.') parser.add_argument( "--citk", default=citk_path, help= 'Path to the citk project which contains the project and distribution descriptions.' ) parser.add_argument( "--distribution", help='The name of the distribution to apply the version upgrade.') parser.add_argument( "--version", help= 'Can be used to force the version update to the given project version.' ) parser.add_argument( "--dry-run", help= 'This mode does not push modified changes to any git repositories.', action='store_true') parser.add_argument( "-v", help= 'Enable this verbose flag to get more logging and exception printing during application errors.', action='store_true') # parse command line args = parser.parse_args(argv) # print proper help screen if not all needed arguments are given _LOGGER.debug(args) if not all([args.project, args.distribution]): parser.print_help() return 1 project_name = args.project citk_path = args.citk distribution_name = args.distribution version_to_force = args.version # config logger if args.v: _LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) coloredlogs.install(level='DEBUG', logger=_LOGGER) _LOGGER.debug('Debug log enabled.') else: _LOGGER.setLevel(logging.INFO) # post init project_file_name = os.path.join(citk_path, "projects", project_name + ".project") tmp_repo_directory = "/tmp/" + str( getpass.getuser()) + "/" + project_name distribution_file_uri = citk_path + "/distributions/" + distribution_name + ".distribution" distribution_tmp_file_uri = citk_path + "/distributions/." + distribution_name + ".distribution.tmp" # verify if not os.path.exists(distribution_file_uri): raise ValueError("distribution " + colored(str(distribution_file_uri), 'red') + " does not exist!") # load and process with open(project_file_name, "r+") as project_file: data = yaml.load(project_file) # load repo try: _LOGGER.debug( "cache repo " + colored(data["variables"]["repository"], 'blue') + " into " + colored(tmp_repo_directory, 'blue')) if os.path.exists(tmp_repo_directory): shutil.rmtree(tmp_repo_directory) repo = Repo.clone_from(data["variables"]["repository"], tmp_repo_directory) assert not repo.bare except Exception as ex: "project repository entry could not found in project description " + colored(project_file_name, 'red')) if ex.message: _LOGGER.error(colored("ERROR", 'red') + ": " + ex.message) _LOGGER.debug(ex, exc_info=True) return 233 # count existing branches if "branches" not in data["variables"]: branch_counter = 0 else: branch_counter = len(data["variables"]["branches"]) # remove existing branches data["variables"]["branches"] = [] # store branches for branch_type in repo.refs: # filter local branches if not branch_type.is_remote(): continue # filter head if branch_type.remote_head == "HEAD": continue # filter origin refs if branch_type.remote_head.startswith("origin"): continue branch = str(branch_type.remote_head) data["variables"]["branches"].append(branch) # sort branches data["variables"]["branches"].sort() # count existing tags if "tags" not in data["variables"]: tag_counter = 0 else: tag_counter = len(data["variables"]["tags"]) # remove existing tags data["variables"]["tags"] = [] # store tags for tag_type in repo.tags: tag = str(tag_type) data["variables"]["tags"].append(tag) # sort tags data["variables"]["tags"].sort() # store back if not args.dry_run: with open(project_file_name, "w") as project_file: project_file.write( yaml.dump(data, allow_unicode=True, default_flow_style=False, encoding="utf-8")) branch_counter = len(data["variables"]["branches"]) - branch_counter tag_counter = len(data["variables"]["tags"]) - tag_counter if branch_counter != 0:"update " + colored(str(branch_counter), 'green') + " branch" + ("" if branch_counter == 1 else "s") + " of project " + colored(project_name, 'green') + " in " + colored(project_file_name, 'blue') + "!") if tag_counter != 0:"update " + colored(str(tag_counter), 'green') + " tag" + ("" if tag_counter == 1 else "s") + " of project " + colored(project_name, 'green') + " in " + colored(project_file_name, 'blue') + "!") except Exception as ex:"versions [branches|tags] of project " + colored(project_name, 'red') + " not updated in " + colored(project_file_name, 'blue') + "!") if ex.message: _LOGGER.error(colored("ERROR", 'red') + ": " + ex.message) _LOGGER.debug(ex, exc_info=True) return 1 # check if forced version is available if version_to_force: forced_version_verified = False for tag_type in repo.tags: if version_to_force == str(tag_type): forced_version_verified = True for branch_type in repo.refs: # filter local branches if not branch_type.is_remote(): continue # filter head if branch_type.remote_head == "HEAD": continue if version_to_force == str(branch_type.remote_head): forced_version_verified = True if not args.dry_run and not forced_version_verified: _LOGGER.error( colored("ERROR", 'red') + ": the forced version " + colored(version_to_force, 'red') + " is not available for " + colored(project_name, 'blue')) return 1 # check if distribution updated is needed if not distribution_name: "skip project upgrade within distribution because no distribution was defined!" ) shutil.rmtree(tmp_repo_directory) return 0 if version_to_force: # force version selected_version = version_to_force else: if len(repo.tags) == 0: _LOGGER.error( colored("ERROR", 'red') + ": " + colored("no tags", 'red') + " available for project " + colored(project_name, 'blue')) return 22 # dectect version for tag_type in repo.tags: tag = str(tag_type) # skip if non regular version if not tag.startswith('v'): _LOGGER.debug("skip tag[" + tag + "] because it starts not with letter v") continue _LOGGER.debug("## found: " + tag) tagSplit = tag.split('-') versionSplit = tagSplit[0].split('.') major_version = int(versionSplit[0].replace("v", "")) if len(versionSplit) >= 2: minor_version = int(versionSplit[1]) else: minor_version = 0 if len(versionSplit) >= 3: patch_version = int(versionSplit[2]) else: patch_version = 0 if len(versionSplit) >= 4: build_number = int(versionSplit[3]) else: build_number = None if len(tagSplit) > 1: releaseType = tagSplit[1] else: releaseType = "stable" _LOGGER.debug("detected: major[" + str(major_version) + "] minor[" + str(minor_version) + "] patch[" + str(patch_version) + "] type[" + str(releaseType) + "]") current_tag = Version(major_version, minor_version, patch_version, build_number, releaseType, tag) try: selected_tag except NameError: selected_tag = current_tag continue else: if current_tag.major > selected_tag.major: selected_tag = current_tag continue elif current_tag.major < selected_tag.major: continue if current_tag.minor > selected_tag.minor: selected_tag = current_tag continue elif current_tag.minor < selected_tag.minor: continue if current_tag.patch > selected_tag.patch: selected_tag = current_tag continue elif current_tag.patch < selected_tag.patch: continue if build_number: if > selected_tag = current_tag continue elif < continue if not "rc" in current_tag.release_type and "rc" in selected_tag.release_type: selected_tag = current_tag continue elif not "beta" in current_tag.release_type and "beta" in selected_tag.release_type: selected_tag = current_tag continue elif not "alpha" in current_tag.release_type and "alpha" in selected_tag.release_type: selected_tag = current_tag continue if not selected_tag.tag: _LOGGER.error( colored("ERROR", 'red') + ": " + colored("no valid tags", 'red') + " available for project " + colored(project_name, 'blue')) return 23 selected_version = selected_tag.tag project_found = False # update version in distribution file with open(distribution_tmp_file_uri, 'w') as tmpFile: _LOGGER.debug("detect projects...") with open(distribution_file_uri) as distributionFile: for line in distributionFile.readlines(): if project_name in line: _LOGGER.debug("found project : " + str(line)) context = line.split('@') # verify project name if str(context[0]).startswith("- " + project_name + " "): # verify current version if context[1] == selected_version + "\n": colored(project_name, 'blue') + " is already " + colored("up-to-date", 'green') + " within " + colored(distribution_name, 'blue')) return 0 # upgrade "upgrade " + project_name + " version from " + colored(str(context[1]).replace("\n", ""), 'blue') + " to " + colored(selected_version, 'green')) context[1] = selected_version + "\n" line = '@'.join(context) _LOGGER.debug("update line to: " + line) project_found = True tmpFile.write(line) if not project_found: _LOGGER.debug("project " + colored(project_name, 'blue') + " skipped! " + colored("Entry not found", 'yellow') + " in " + colored(distribution_file_uri, 'blue')) return 0 # write back and cleanup if os.path.exists(tmp_repo_directory): shutil.rmtree(tmp_repo_directory) if not args.dry_run: shutil.move(distribution_tmp_file_uri, distribution_file_uri) return 0
from collections import OrderedDict import oyaml as yaml t = yaml.load(open("data/resources.yaml")) r = OrderedDict(sorted(t.items(), key=lambda x: (x[1]["resource_type"], x[0]))) yaml.dump(r, open("data/resources.yaml.tmp", "w"), default_flow_style=False)
def test_r_remove_package(r_setup): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals name = r_setup["name"] env_dir = r_setup["env_dir"] channels = r_setup["channels"] r_remove(name=name, specs=["praise"], yes=True) history_file = env_dir / "history.yaml" actual_history_content = history_file.read_text() print(actual_history_content) expected_packages = { "conda": {"r-base": "*", "r-devtools": "*"}, "r": { "jsonlite": 'library("devtools"); install_version("jsonlite", version="1.2")' }, } actual = yaml.load(actual_history_content, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) remove_command = r"remove.packages(c(\"praise\"))" expected_log = f'R --quiet --vanilla -e "{remove_command}"' assert actual["packages"] == expected_packages assert actual["revisions"][-1]["log"] == expected_log assert actual["revisions"][-1]["action"] == expected_log packages = get_dependencies(name=name) conda_packages = packages["conda"] expected_start = [f"name: {name}", "channels:"] for channel in channels + ["nodefaults"]: expected_start.append(f" - {channel}") expected_start.append("dependencies:") expected_conda_packages = [ " - r-base=" + conda_packages["r-base"].version, " - r-devtools=" + conda_packages["r-devtools"].version, ] expected = "\n".join(expected_start + expected_conda_packages) + "\n" actual = (env_dir / "environment.yml").read_text() print(actual) assert actual == expected install_r = "\n".join( ['library("devtools"); install_version("jsonlite", version="1.2")'] ) actual_install_r = (env_dir / "install.R").read_text() print(actual_install_r) assert actual_install_r == install_r expected_packages_section = "\n".join( [ "packages:", " conda:", " r-base: '*'", " r-devtools: '*'", " r:", ' jsonlite: library("devtools"); install_version("jsonlite",version="1.2")', "revisions:", ] ) assert expected_packages_section in actual_history_content expected_third_revision = "\n".join( [ " - packages:", " conda:", " r-base: '*'", " r-devtools: '*'", " r:", ' jsonlite: library("devtools"); install_version("jsonlite",version="1.2")', " diff:", " r:", " remove:", " - praise", rf' log: R --quiet --vanilla -e "remove.packages(c(\"praise\"))"', rf' action: R --quiet --vanilla -e "remove.packages(c(\"praise\"))"', ] ) index_first_revision = actual_history_content.find(" - packages:") index_second_revision = actual_history_content.find( " - packages:", index_first_revision + 1 ) index_third_revision = actual_history_content.find( " - packages:", index_second_revision + 1 ) third_action = f" action: {expected_log}" index_third_action = actual_history_content.find( third_action, index_third_revision ) + len(third_action) actual_third_revision = actual_history_content[ index_third_revision:index_third_action ] assert actual_third_revision == expected_third_revision
def evaluate(prediction_path, annotation_path, yaml_path, mode): # Set minimum threshold. min_threshold = 0.01 # Create dictionary to parse tags with open(yaml_path, 'r') as stream: yaml_dict = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.Loader) # Parse ground truth. gt_df = parse_ground_truth(annotation_path, yaml_path) # Parse predictions. if mode == "fine": pred_df = parse_fine_prediction(prediction_path, yaml_path) elif mode == "coarse": pred_df = parse_coarse_prediction(prediction_path, yaml_path) # Check consistency between ground truth and predictions. # Make sure the files evaluated in both tables match. pred_audio_set = set(pred_df['audio_filename'].tolist()) true_audio_set = set(gt_df['audio_filename'].tolist()) if not (pred_audio_set == true_audio_set): extra_files = pred_audio_set - true_audio_set missing_files = true_audio_set - pred_audio_set err_msg =\ "File mismatch between ground truth and prediction table.\n\n" \ "Missing files: {}\n\n Extra files: {}" raise ValueError(err_msg.format(list(missing_files), list(extra_files))) # Make sure the size of the tables match if not (len(gt_df) == len(pred_df)): err_msg =\ "Size mismatch between ground truth ({} files) " \ "and prediction table ({} files)." raise ValueError(err_msg.format(len(gt_df), len(pred_df))) # Initialize dictionary of DataFrames. df_dict = {} # Loop over coarse categories. for coarse_id in yaml_dict["coarse"]: # List columns corresponding to that category if mode == "coarse": columns = [str(coarse_id)] else: columns = [column for column in pred_df.columns if (str(column).startswith(str(coarse_id))) and ("-" in str(column)) and (not str(column).endswith("X"))] # Sort columns in alphanumeric order. columns.sort() # Restrict prediction to columns of interest. restricted_pred_df = pred_df[columns] # Restrict ground truth to columns of interest. restricted_gt_df = gt_df[columns] # Aggregate all prediction values into a "raveled" vector. # We make an explicit numpy, so that the original DataFrame # is left unchanged. thresholds = np.ravel(np.copy(restricted_pred_df.values)) # Sort in place. thresholds.sort() # Skip very low values. # This is to speed up the computation of the precision-recall curve # in the low-precision regime. thresholds = thresholds[np.searchsorted(thresholds, min_threshold):] # Append a 1 to the list of thresholds. # This will cause TP and FP to fall down to zero, but FN will be nonzero. # This is useful for estimating the low-recall regime, and it # facilitates micro-averaged AUPRC because if provides an upper bound # on valid thresholds across coarse categories. thresholds = np.append(thresholds, 1.0) # List thresholds by restricting observed confidences to unique elements. thresholds = np.unique(thresholds)[::-1] # Count number of thresholds. n_thresholds = len(thresholds) TPs = np.zeros((n_thresholds,)).astype('int') FPs = np.zeros((n_thresholds,)).astype('int') FNs = np.zeros((n_thresholds,)).astype('int') # FINE MODE. if mode == "fine": incomplete_tag = str(coarse_id) + "-X" # Load ground truth as numpy array. Y_true = restricted_gt_df.values is_true_incomplete = gt_df[incomplete_tag].values # Loop over thresholds in a decreasing order. for i, threshold in enumerate(thresholds): # Threshold prediction for complete tag. Y_pred = restricted_pred_df.values >= threshold # Threshold prediction for incomplete tag. is_pred_incomplete =\ pred_df[incomplete_tag].values >= threshold # Evaluate. TPs[i], FPs[i], FNs[i] = confusion_matrix_fine( Y_true, Y_pred, is_true_incomplete, is_pred_incomplete) # COARSE MODE. elif mode == "coarse": # Load ground truth as numpy array. Y_true = restricted_gt_df.values # Loop over thresholds in a decreasing order. for i, threshold in enumerate(thresholds): # Threshold prediction. Y_pred = restricted_pred_df.values >= threshold # Evaluate. TPs[i], FPs[i], FNs[i] = confusion_matrix_coarse(Y_true, Y_pred) # Build DataFrame from columns. eval_df = pd.DataFrame({ "threshold": thresholds, "TP": TPs, "FP": FPs, "FN": FNs}) # Add columns for precision, recall, and F1-score. # NB: we take the maximum between TPs+FPs and mu=0.5 in the # denominator in order to avoid division by zero. # This only ever happens if TP+FP < 1, which # implies TP = 0 (because TP and FP are nonnegative integers), # and therefore a numerator of exactly zero. Therefore, any additive # offset mu would do as long as 0 < mu < 1. Choosing mu = 0.5 is # purely arbitrary and has no effect on the outcome (i.e. zero). mu = 0.5 eval_df["P"] = TPs / np.maximum(TPs + FPs, mu) # Likewise for recalls, although this numerical safeguard is probably # less necessary given that TP+FN=0 implies that there are zero # positives in the ground truth, which is unlikely but no unheard of. eval_df["R"] = TPs / np.maximum(TPs + FNs, mu) # Compute F1-scores. # NB: we use the harmonic mean formula (2/F = 1/P + 1/R) rather than # the more common F = (2*P*R)/(P+R) in order circumvent the edge case # where both P and R are equal to 0 (i.e. TP = 0). eval_df["F"] = 2 / (1/eval_df["P"] + 1/eval_df["R"]) # Store DataFrame in the dictionary. df_dict[coarse_id] = eval_df # Return dictionary. return df_dict
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Parser for MIP testing') parser.add_argument( '-i', '--infile_path', nargs='?', type=str, default="/home/mlfrantz/Documents/MIP_Research/mip_research/test_fields/test_field_2.csv", help='Input file that represents the world', ) parser.add_argument( '-o', '--outfile_path', nargs='?', type=str, default="/home/mlfrantz/Documents/MIP_Research/mip_research/Pictures/", help='Directory where pictures are stored', ) parser.add_argument( '-g','--gradient', action='store_true', help='By adding this flag you will compute the gradient of the input field.', ) parser.add_argument( '-r', '--robots', nargs='*', type=str, default='glider1', help='List of robots to plan for. Must be in the robots.yaml file.', ) parser.add_argument( '--robots_cfg', nargs='?', type=str, default='cfg/robots.yaml', help='Configuration file of robots availalbe for planning.', ) parser.add_argument( '--sim_cfg', nargs='?', type=str, default='cfg/sim.yaml', help='Simulation-specific configuration file name.', ) parser.add_argument( '-n', '--planning_time', nargs='?', type=float, default=5, help='Length of the path to be planned in (units).', ) parser.add_argument( '-s', '--start_point', nargs='*', type=int, default=(0,0), help='Starting points for robots for planning purposes, returns list [x0,y0,x1,y1,...,xN,yN] for 1...N robots.', ) parser.add_argument( '-e', '--end_point', nargs=2, type=int, default=[], help='Ending point for planning purposes, returns list [x,y].', ) parser.add_argument( '-t', '--time_limit', nargs='?', type=float, default=0.0, help='Time limit in seconds you want to stop the simulation. Default lets it run until completion.', ) parser.add_argument( '-d', '--direction_constr', nargs='?', type=str, default='8_direction', help='Sets the direction constraint. Default allows it to move in any of the 8 directions each move. \ "nsew" only lets it move north-south-east-west. \ "diag" only lets it move diagonally (NW,NE,SW,SE).', ) parser.add_argument( '--same_point', action='store_false', help='By default it will not allow a point to be visited twice in the same planning period.', ) parser.add_argument( '--gen_image', action='store_true', help='Set to true if you want the image to be saved to file.', ) parser.add_argument( '--test', action='store_true', help='Will load ROMS maps by default, otherwise loads a test map.', ) parser.add_argument( '--experiment_name', nargs='?', type=str, default="Test Experiment", help='Name of the Experiement you are running', ) args = parser.parse_args() # Path lenth in time (hours). Np = args.planning_time # Load the map from either ROMS data or test file if not args.test: # ROMS map # Loading Simulation-Specific Parameters with open(os.path.expandvars(args.sim_cfg),'rb') as f: yaml_sim = yaml.load( fieldSavePath = '/home/mlfrantz/Documents/MIP_Research/mip_research/cfg/normal_field_{}_{}.npy'.format(str(abs(yaml_sim['sim_world']['center_longitude'])),yaml_sim['sim_world']['center_latitude']) try: field = np.load(fieldSavePath) norm_field = np.load(fieldSavePath) print("Loaded Map Successfully") except IOError: wd = World.roms( datafile_path=yaml_sim['roms_file'], xlen = yaml_sim['sim_world']['width'], ylen = yaml_sim['sim_world']['height'], center = Location(xlon=yaml_sim['sim_world']['center_longitude'], ylat=yaml_sim['sim_world']['center_latitude']), feature = yaml_sim['science_variable'], resolution = (yaml_sim['sim_world']['resolution'],yaml_sim['sim_world']['resolution']), ) # This is the scalar_field in a static word. # The '0' is the first time step and goes up to some max time # field = np.copy(wd.scalar_field[:,:,0]) field = np.copy(wd.scalar_field) norm_field = normalize(field) field = normalize(field) # This will normailze the field between 0-1 # fieldSavePath = '/home/mlfrantz/Documents/MIP_Research/mip_research/cfg/normal_field.npy', field) # Example of an obstacle, make the value very low in desired area # field[int(len(field)/4):int(3*len(field)/4),int(len(field)/4):int(3*len(field)/4)] = -100 field_resolution = (yaml_sim['sim_world']['resolution'],yaml_sim['sim_world']['resolution']) else: # Problem data, matrix transposed to allow for proper x,y coordinates to be mapped wih i,j field = np.genfromtxt(args.infile_path, delimiter=',', dtype=float).transpose() field_resolution = (1,1) if args.gradient: grad_field = np.gradient(field) mag_grad_field = np.sqrt(grad_field[0]**2 + grad_field[1]**2) # Load the robots.yaml Configuration file. with open(os.path.expandvars(args.robots_cfg),'rb') as f: yaml_mission = yaml.load( # Get the speed of each robot that we are planning for. steps = [] colors = [] for key,value in [(k,v) for k,v in yaml_mission.items() if k in args.robots]: # Number of 1Km steps the planner can plan for. # The expresseion solves for the number of waypoints so a +1 is needed for range. # For instance, a glider going 0.4m/s would travel 1.44Km in 1 hour so it needs at least 2 waypoints, start and end. plan_range = int(np.round(value['vel']*Np*60*60*0.001*(1/min(field_resolution))))+1 if plan_range > 0: steps.append(range(plan_range)) else: steps.append(range(2)) colors.append(value['color']) temp_len = [len(s) for s in steps] steps = [steps[np.argmax(temp_len)]]*len(steps) # This makes everything operate at the same time velocity_correction = [t/max(temp_len) for t in temp_len] # To account for time difference between arriving to waypoints # Make time correction for map forward propagation max_steps = max([len(s) for s in steps]) field_delta = int(max_steps/Np) t_step = 0 k_step = 0 field_time_steps = [] for i in range(max_steps): field_time_steps.append(t_step) k_step += 1 if k_step == field_delta: k_step = 0 t_step += 1 # Number of robots we are planning for. robots = range(len(args.robots)) DX = np.arange(field.shape[0]) # Integer values for range of X coordinates DY = np.arange(field.shape[1]) # Integer values for range of Y coordinates # Starting position contraint start = args.start_point if len(start) > 2: # More than one robot. start = [start[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(start), 2)] else: # One robot, extra list needed for nesting reasons. start = [start] # Greedy one step look ahead # Build the direction vectors for checking values if args.direction_constr == '8_direction': # Check each of the 8 directions (N,S,E,W,NE,NW,SE,SW) directions = [(0,1), (0,-1), (1,0), (-1,0), (1,1), (-1,1), (1,-1), (-1,-1)] elif args.direction_constr == 'nsew': directions = [(0,1), (0,-1), (1,0), (-1,0)] # N-S-E-W elif args.direction_constr == 'diag': directions = [(1,1), (-1,1), (1,-1), (-1,-1)] # Diag startTime = time.time() paths = [] for r in robots: for s in steps[r]: # Check each of the directions if s == 0: path = [start[r]] continue values = np.zeros(len(directions)) for i,d in enumerate(directions): try: if args.same_point: move = [path[-1][0] + velocity_correction[r]*d[0], path[-1][1] + velocity_correction[r]*d[1]] if move[0] >= 0 and move[0] <= field.shape[0]-1 and move[1] >= 0 and move[1] <= field.shape[1]-1: # print(move,move[0], move[1],move[0] >= 0 and move[0] < field.shape[0] and move[1] >= 0 and move[1] < field.shape[1]) # Makes sure we are in if [round(move[0],3),round(move[1],3)] not in [[round(p[0],3),round(p[1],3)] for p in path]: # print(move) values[i] = bilinear_interpolation(move, field) # values[i] = field[path[-1][0] + d[0], path[-1][1] + d[1], 0] else: continue else: # print(move[0], move[1],move[0] >= 0 and move[0] < field.shape[0] and move[1] >= 0 and move[1] < field.shape[1]) # Makes sure we are in continue else: move = [path[-1][0] + velocity_correction[r]*d[0], path[-1][1] + velocity_correction[r]*d[1]] if move[0] >= 0 and move[0] <= field.shape[0]-1 and move[1] >= 0 and move[1] <= field.shape[1]-1: values[i] = bilinear_interpolation(move, field) except: continue # print(values) new_point = [path[-1][0] + velocity_correction[r]*directions[np.argmax(values)][0], path[-1][1] + velocity_correction[r]*directions[np.argmax(values)][1]] # print(new_point, values, np.argmax(values), directions[np.argmax(values)]) path.append(new_point) paths.append(path) # print(paths) runTime = time.time() - startTime if args.gen_image: wd = World.roms( datafile_path=yaml_sim['roms_file'], xlen = yaml_sim['sim_world']['width'], ylen = yaml_sim['sim_world']['height'], center = Location(xlon=yaml_sim['sim_world']['center_longitude'], ylat=yaml_sim['sim_world']['center_latitude']), feature = yaml_sim['science_variable'], resolution = (yaml_sim['sim_world']['resolution'],yaml_sim['sim_world']['resolution']), ) if args.gradient: # plt.imshow(mag_grad_field.transpose())#, interpolation='gaussian', cmap= 'gnuplot') if not args.test: plt.imshow(wd.scalar_field[:,:,0].transpose(), interpolation='gaussian', cmap= 'gnuplot') plt.xticks(np.arange(0,len(wd.lon_ticks), (1/min(field_resolution))), np.around(wd.lon_ticks[0::int(1/min(field_resolution))], 2)) plt.yticks(np.arange(0,len(wd.lat_ticks), (1/min(field_resolution))), np.around(wd.lat_ticks[0::int(1/min(field_resolution))], 2)) plt.xlabel('Longitude', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('Latitude', fontsize=20) plt.text(1.25, 0.5, str(yaml_sim['science_variable']),{'fontsize':20}, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', rotation=90, clip_on=False, transform=plt.gca().transAxes) else: plt.imshow(field.transpose(), interpolation='gaussian', cmap= 'gnuplot') else: if not args.test: plt.imshow(norm_field[:,:,0].transpose(), interpolation='gaussian', cmap= 'gnuplot') plt.xticks(np.arange(0,len(wd.lon_ticks), (1/min(field_resolution))), np.around(wd.lon_ticks[0::int(1/min(field_resolution))], 2)) plt.yticks(np.arange(0,len(wd.lat_ticks), (1/min(field_resolution))), np.around(wd.lat_ticks[0::int(1/min(field_resolution))], 2)) plt.xlabel('Longitude', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('Latitude', fontsize=20) plt.text(1.25, 0.5, "normalized " + str(yaml_sim['science_variable']),{'fontsize':20}, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', rotation=90, clip_on=False, transform=plt.gca().transAxes) else: plt.imshow(field.transpose(), interpolation='gaussian', cmap= 'gnuplot') plt.colorbar() for i,path in enumerate(paths): path_x = [x for x,y in path] path_y = [y for x,y in path] plt.plot(path_x, path_y, color=colors[i], linewidth=2.0) plt.plot(path[0][0], path[0][1], color='g', marker='o') plt.plot(path[-1][0], path[-1][1], color='r', marker='o') points = [] for path in paths: for i, point in enumerate(path): points.append(points) if point in path and point not in point: plt.annotate(i+1, (path[i][0], path[i][1])) robots_str = '_robots_%d' % len(robots) path_len_str = '_pathLen_%d' % len(steps[0]) if len(args.end_point) > 0 : end_point_str = '_end%d%d' % (args.end_point[0], args.end_point[1]) else: end_point_str = '' if args.gradient: grad_str = '_gradient' else: grad_str = '' if args.time_limit > 0: time_lim_str = '_timeLim_%d' % args.time_limit else: time_lim_str = '' if args.direction_constr == 'nsew': dir_str = '_%s' % args.direction_constr elif args.direction_constr == 'diag': dir_str = '_%s' % args.direction_constr else: dir_str = '' # print(sum([field[p[0],p[1],0] for p in path])) try: score_str = '_score_%f' % sum([bilinear_interpolation(p, field) for path in paths for p in path]) except TypeError: score_str = '_no_solution' file_string = 'greedy_' + time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") + \ robots_str + \ path_len_str + \ end_point_str + \ grad_str + \ time_lim_str + \ dir_str + \ score_str + \ '.png' print(file_string) plt.savefig(args.outfile_path + file_string) else: filename = args.outfile_path check_empty = os.path.exists(filename) if args.direction_constr == 'nsew': dir_str = '_%s' % args.direction_constr elif args.direction_constr == 'diag': dir_str = '_%s' % args.direction_constr else: dir_str = '' constraint_string = dir_str try: score_str = sum([bilinear_interpolation(p, field) for path in paths for p in path]) except TypeError: score_str = 0#'_no_solution' with open(filename, 'a', newline='') as csvfile: fieldnames = [ 'Experiment', \ 'Algorithm', \ 'Map', \ 'Map Center', \ 'Map Resolution', \ 'Start Point', \ 'End Point', \ 'Score', \ 'Run Time (sec)', \ 'Budget (hours)', \ 'Number of Robots', \ 'Constraints'] writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames) if not check_empty: print("File is empty") writer.writeheader() writer.writerow({ 'Experiment': args.experiment_name, \ 'Algorithm': 'Greedy', \ 'Map': str(yaml_sim['roms_file']), \ 'Map Center': Location(xlon=yaml_sim['sim_world']['center_longitude'], ylat=yaml_sim['sim_world']['center_latitude']).__str__(), \ 'Map Resolution': (yaml_sim['sim_world']['resolution'],yaml_sim['sim_world']['resolution']), \ 'Start Point': args.start_point, \ 'End Point': args.end_point if len(args.end_point) > 0 else 'NA' , \ 'Score': score_str, \ 'Run Time (sec)': runTime, \ 'Budget (hours)': args.planning_time, \ 'Number of Robots': len(args.robots), \ 'Constraints': constraint_string})
def parse_fine_prediction(pred_csv_path, yaml_path): """ Parse fine-level predictions from a CSV file containing both fine-level and coarse-level predictions (and possibly additional metadata). Returns a Pandas DataFrame in which the column names are mixed (coarse-fine) IDs of the form 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, ..., 1-X, 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, ... 2-X, 3-1, etc. Parameters ---------- pred_csv_path: string Path to the CSV file containing predictions. yaml_path: string Path to the YAML file containing fine taxonomy. Returns ------- pred_fine_df: DataFrame Fine-level complete predictions. """ # Create dictionary to parse tags with open(yaml_path, 'r') as stream: yaml_dict = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.Loader) # Collect tag names as strings and map them to mixed (coarse-fine) ID pairs. # The "mixed key" is a hyphenation of the coarse ID and fine ID. fine_dict = {} for coarse_id in yaml_dict["fine"]: for fine_id in yaml_dict["fine"][coarse_id]: mixed_key = "-".join([str(coarse_id), str(fine_id)]) fine_dict[mixed_key] = "_".join([ mixed_key, yaml_dict["fine"][coarse_id][fine_id]]) # Invert the key-value relationship between mixed key and tag. # Now, tags are the keys, and mixed keys (coarse-fine IDs) are the values. # This is possible because tags are unique. rev_fine_dict = {fine_dict[k]: k for k in fine_dict} # Read comma-separated values with the Pandas library pred_df = pd.read_csv(pred_csv_path) # Assign a predicted column to each mixed key, by using the tag as an # intermediate hashing step. pred_fine_dict = {} for f in sorted(rev_fine_dict.keys()): if f in pred_df: pred_fine_dict[rev_fine_dict[f]] = pred_df[f] else: pred_fine_dict[rev_fine_dict[f]] = np.zeros((len(pred_df),)) warnings.warn("Column not found: " + f) # Loop over coarse tags. n_samples = len(pred_df) coarse_dict = yaml_dict["coarse"] for coarse_id in yaml_dict["coarse"]: # Construct incomplete fine tag by appending -X to the coarse tag. incomplete_tag = str(coarse_id) + "-X" # If the incomplete tag is not in the prediction, append a column of zeros. # This is the case e.g. for coarse ID 7 ("dogs") which has a single # fine-level tag ("7-1_dog-barking-whining") and thus no incomplete # tag 7-X. if incomplete_tag not in fine_dict.keys(): pred_fine_dict[incomplete_tag] =\ np.zeros((n_samples,)).astype('int') # Copy over the audio filename strings corresponding to each sample. pred_fine_dict["audio_filename"] = pred_df["audio_filename"] # Build a new Pandas DataFrame with mixed keys as column names. pred_fine_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(pred_fine_dict) # Return output in DataFrame format. # Column names are 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 ... 1-X, 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 ... 2-X, 3-1, etc. return pred_fine_df.sort_values('audio_filename')
def read_technology(url): filename = url.replace( "", "../../cloudmesh/technologies") with open(filename, "r") as f: content = return content #pprint (files) readmes = {} for readme in files: with open(readme, 'r') as stream: filename = readme.replace("/README.yml", "") # use dir name or so try: d = yaml.load(stream) readmes[filename] = d except yaml.YAMLError as exc: print(exc) template = {} template['paper'] = ''' @InBook{open}{LABEL}, author = "{name}", editor = "Gregor von Laszewski", title = "Paper: {title}", publisher = "Indiana University", year = "2018", volume = "Fall 2018", series = "Class", type = "Paper",
def parse_ground_truth(annotation_path, yaml_path): """ Parse ground truth annotations from a CSV file containing both fine-level and coarse-level predictions (and possibly additional metadata). Returns a Pandas DataFrame in which the column names are coarse IDs of the form 1, 2, 3 etc. Parameters ---------- annotation_path: string Path to the CSV file containing predictions. yaml_path: string Path to the YAML file containing coarse taxonomy. Returns ------- gt_df: DataFrame Ground truth. """ # Create dictionary to parse tags with open(yaml_path, 'r') as stream: yaml_dict = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.Loader) # Load CSV file into a Pandas DataFrame. ann_df = pd.read_csv(annotation_path) # Restrict to ground truth ("annotator zero"). gt_df = ann_df[ (ann_df["annotator_id"]==0) & (ann_df["split"]=="validate")] # Rename coarse columns. coarse_dict = yaml_dict["coarse"] coarse_renaming = { "_".join([str(c), coarse_dict[c], "presence"]): str(c) for c in coarse_dict} gt_df = gt_df.rename(columns=coarse_renaming) # Collect tag names as strings and map them to mixed (coarse-fine) ID pairs. # The "mixed key" is a hyphenation of the coarse ID and fine ID. fine_dict = {} for coarse_id in yaml_dict["fine"]: for fine_id in yaml_dict["fine"][coarse_id]: mixed_key = "-".join([str(coarse_id), str(fine_id)]) fine_dict[mixed_key] = yaml_dict["fine"][coarse_id][fine_id] # Rename fine columns. fine_renaming = {"_".join([k, fine_dict[k], "presence"]): k for k in fine_dict} gt_df = gt_df.rename(columns=fine_renaming) # Loop over coarse tags. n_samples = len(gt_df) coarse_dict = yaml_dict["coarse"] for coarse_id in yaml_dict["coarse"]: # Construct incomplete fine tag by appending -X to the coarse tag. incomplete_tag = str(coarse_id) + "-X" # If the incomplete tag is not in the prediction, append a column of zeros. # This is the case e.g. for coarse ID 7 ("dogs") which has a single # fine-level tag ("7-1_dog-barking-whining") and thus no incomplete # tag 7-X. if incomplete_tag not in gt_df.columns: gt_df[incomplete_tag] = np.zeros((n_samples,)).astype('int') # Return output in DataFrame format. return gt_df.sort_values('audio_filename')
# Return output in DataFrame format. # Column names are 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 ... 1-X, 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 ... 2-X, 3-1, etc. return pred_fine_df annotation_path = '/home/liuzhuangzhuang/DCASE_2020_TASK_5DATA/annotations.csv' yaml_path = '/home/liuzhuangzhuang/DCASE_2020_TASK_5DATA/dcase-ust-taxonomy.yaml' prediction_path = '/home/liuzhuangzhuang/pycharm_P/task5-多任务0.0/work_space/submissions/main/logmel_64frames_64melbins/taxonomy_level=fine/holdout_fold=1/Cnn_9layers_AvgPooling/submission.csv' annotation_2019 = '/home/liuzhuangzhuang/pycharm_P/dataset_root/annotations.csv' min_threshold = 0.01 # Create dictionary to parse tags with open(yaml_path, 'r') as stream: yaml_dict = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.Loader) # Parse ground truth. gt_df = parse_ground_truth(annotation_path, yaml_path) # Parse predictions. pred_df = parse_fine_prediction(prediction_path, yaml_path, gt_df) # if mode == "fine": # pred_df = parse_fine_prediction(prediction_path, yaml_path) # elif mode == "coarse": # pred_df = parse_coarse_prediction(prediction_path, yaml_path) # Check consistency between ground truth and predictions. # Make sure the files evaluated in both tables match. pred_audio_set = set(pred_df['audio_filename'].tolist()) true_audio_set = set(gt_df['audio_filename'].tolist())
def config(self, name="~/.cloudmesh/cloudmesh4.yaml"): name = os.path.expanduser(name) # reads in the yaml file with open(name, "r") as stream: self._conf = yaml.load(stream) print(yaml.dump(self._conf))