Exemplo n.º 1
        v = self.visit(node.code)
        # Return our new lambda with the new set of argument names, and paramAllocs, paramInits, and localAllocs
        # prepended to the list of statements.
        return Lambda(argnames, node.defaults, node.flags,
                      Stmt(paramAllocs + paramInits + localAllocs + v.nodes))

    def visit_CallFuncIndirect(self, node):
        return CallFuncIndirect(self.visit(node.node),
                                [self.visit(x) for x in node.args])

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys, compiler
    import logging.config
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    # configure logging
    testcases = sys.argv[1:]
    for testcase in testcases:
        p2unique = P2UniquifyVars()
        p2explicator = P2Explicate(VariableAllocator())
        p2heap = P2Heapify(p2explicator)

        ast = compiler.parseFile(testcase)
        unique = p2unique.transform(ast)
        explicated = p2explicator.explicate(unique)
        ast = p2heap.transform(explicated)

        print prettyAST(ast)
        #print ast
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, explicate):
     self.log = logging.getLogger('compiler.heapify')
     self.explicate = P2Explicate(explicate.varalloc, False)
     self.freevars = P2FreeVars()
     self.heapvarset = set([])
Exemplo n.º 3
    import sys, compiler
    from p2uniquifyvars import P2UniquifyVars
    from p2explicate import P2Explicate
    from p2heapify import P2Heapify
    from p2closureconvert import P2ClosureConversion
    from p2flattener import P2Flattener
    from p2insselector import P2InstructionSelector
    from p2regallocator import P2RegAllocator
    from p2ifinsselector import P2IfInstructionSelector
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    testcases = sys.argv[1:]
    for testcase in testcases:
        varalloc = VariableAllocator()
        p2unique = P2UniquifyVars()
        p2explicator = P2Explicate(varalloc)
        p2heap = P2Heapify(p2explicator)
        p2closure = P2ClosureConversion(p2explicator, varalloc)
        p2flatten = P2Flattener(varalloc)
        p2insselector = P2InstructionSelector(varalloc)
        ifinsselector = P2IfInstructionSelector(varalloc,

        ast = compiler.parseFile(testcase)
        unique = p2unique.transform(ast)
        explicated = p2explicator.explicate(unique)
        heaped = p2heap.transform(explicated)
        astlist = p2closure.transform(heaped)
        for ast in astlist:
            ast = p2flatten.flatten(ast)
            program = p2insselector.transform(ast)