Exemplo n.º 1
def test_bucket_ordering():
    first = KBucket(0, 50)
    second = KBucket(51, 100)
    third = NodeFactory()
    assert first < second
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        assert first > third
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_kbucket_remove():
    bucket = KBucket(0, 100, size=25)

    nodes = NodeFactory.create_batch(bucket.size)
    for node in nodes:
    assert bucket.nodes == nodes
    assert bucket.replacement_cache == []

    replacement_count = 10
    replacement_nodes = NodeFactory.create_batch(replacement_count)
    for replacement_node in replacement_nodes:
    assert bucket.nodes == nodes
    assert bucket.replacement_cache == replacement_nodes

    for node in nodes:
    assert bucket.nodes == list(reversed(replacement_nodes))
    assert bucket.replacement_cache == []

    for replacement_node in replacement_nodes:
    assert bucket.nodes == []
    assert bucket.replacement_cache == []
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_kbucket_replacement_cache():
    # Check that the replacement cache has a limited size and doesn't contain duplicates.
    # The min/max IDs are irrelevant here as we'll forcibly add nodes to the bucket.
    bucket = KBucket(0, 10, size=10)
    for node in NodeFactory.create_batch(bucket.size):
    assert bucket.replacement_cache == []

    # Our bucket is now full, so new entries will go to the replacement cache in the order they
    # were added.
    assert bucket.is_full
    overflow_nodes = NodeFactory.create_batch(bucket.size)
    for node in overflow_nodes:
    assert bucket.replacement_cache == overflow_nodes

    # If we try to add a node that is already in the replacement cache, it is simply moved to the
    # tail of the list.
    assert bucket.replacement_cache.index(overflow_nodes[3]) == bucket.size - 1

    # Adding a fresh batch of nodes will cause the ones currently in the replacement cache to be
    # discarded.
    cache_overflow_nodes = NodeFactory.create_batch(bucket.size)
    for node in cache_overflow_nodes:
        assert bucket.replacement_cache[-1] == node
    assert bucket.replacement_cache == cache_overflow_nodes
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_kbucket_split():
    bucket = KBucket(0, 100)
    for i in range(1, bucket.size + 1):
        node = NodeFactory()
        # Set the IDs of half the nodes below the midpoint, so when we split we should end up with
        # two buckets containing k/2 nodes.
        if i % 2 == 0:
            node._id_int = bucket.midpoint + i
            node._id_int = bucket.midpoint - i
    assert bucket.is_full
    bucket1, bucket2 = bucket.split()
    assert bucket1.start == 0
    assert bucket1.end == 50
    assert bucket2.start == 51
    assert bucket2.end == 100
    assert len(bucket1) == bucket.size / 2
    assert len(bucket2) == bucket.size / 2
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_kbucket_add():
    bucket = KBucket(0, 100)
    node = NodeFactory()
    assert bucket.add(node) is None
    assert bucket.nodes == [node]

    node2 = NodeFactory()
    assert bucket.add(node2) is None
    assert bucket.nodes == [node, node2]
    assert bucket.head == node

    assert bucket.add(node) is None
    assert bucket.nodes == [node2, node]
    assert bucket.head == node2

    bucket.size = 2
    node3 = NodeFactory()
    assert bucket.add(node3) == node2
    assert bucket.nodes == [node2, node]
    assert bucket.head == node2
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_bucket_ordering():
    first = KBucket(0, 50)
    second = KBucket(51, 100)
    third = NodeFactory()
    assert first < second
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        assert first > third

    "bucket_list, node_id",
        (list([]), 5),
        # test for node.id < bucket.end
        (list([KBucket(0, 4)]), 5),
        # test for node.id > bucket.start
        (list([KBucket(6, 10)]), 5),
        # test multiple buckets that don't contain node.id
            KBucket(1, 5),
            KBucket(6, 49),
            KBucket(50, 100),
        ]), 0),
def test_binary_get_bucket_for_node_error(bucket_list, node_id):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        binary_get_bucket_for_node(bucket_list, node_id)

@pytest.mark.parametrize("bucket_list, node_id, correct_position", (