Exemplo n.º 1
    def assign_label(self):
        """ VOs have a different structure than skiplists, so their label
            assignment algorithm is completely different. If a node has a
            right neighbor, then that node must have been a plateau node; if
            not, then its right neighbor must have been a tower node.

        if self.down is None:
            self.label = reduce(
                [AuthNode._hash(x.serialize()) for x in reversed(self.elem)])

        if isinstance(self.down, VONode):
            down_hash = self.down.label
            down_hash = self.down

        if self.right is None:
            # Just assign the bottom hash, since the right neighbor was a
            # tower node
            self.label = down_hash

        if isinstance(self.right, VONode):
            right_hash = self.right.label
            right_hash = self.right

        self.label = AuthNode.chash(down_hash, right_hash)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_non_membership_comp(self):
        """ Ensure that non-elements of the skip list are not in it,
            comparing the results to the authenticated skip list.

        for i in xrange(0, 10 * self.num_iters):
            elems = map(IntElem, self.generate_elems(0, 25, 5))
            esl = EmbeddedSkipList.new(elems,
            asl = AuthSkipList.new(elems,

            bad_elem = IntElem(random.randint(-100, 100))
            while bad_elem in elems:
                bad_elem = IntElem(random.randint(-100, 100))

            bad_elems = [IntElem(-150), IntElem(150), bad_elem]

            for elem in bad_elems:

                evisited, eclosest = esl.root.search(elem)
                avisited, aclosest = asl.root.search(elem)

                new = []
                for n, f in evisited:
                    new.append((n, f))
                evisited = new

                eelems, eproof = esl.do_query(evisited, eclosest, elem)
                aelems, aproof = asl.do_query(avisited, aclosest, elem)

                efound = eelems[0] == elem
                afound = aelems[0] == elem

                eproof = [
                    AuthNode._hash(x.serialize()) for x in reversed(eelems)
                ] + eproof
                aproof = [
                    AuthNode._hash(x.serialize()) for x in reversed(aelems)
                ] + aproof

                self.assertEqual(efound, afound)
                self.assertTrue(not efound)

                self.assertEqual(AuthSkipList.verify(aproof), asl.root.label)

                # Make sure the embedded one isn't cheating somehow
                self.assertEqual(esl.root.label, asl.root.label)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_comparison_to_auth(self):
        """ Test embedded list and authenticated list side-by-side to see where
            the former goes wrong. Mostly here for debugging.

        for i in xrange(0, self.num_iters):
            elems = map(IntElem, self.generate_elems(0, 50, 10))
            esl = EmbeddedSkipList.new(elems,
            asl = AuthSkipList.new(elems,

            for elem in elems:
                evisited, eclosest = esl.root.search(elem)
                avisited, aclosest = asl.root.search(elem)

                new = []
                for n, f in evisited:
                    new.append((n, f))
                evisited = new

                eelems, eproof = esl.do_query(evisited, eclosest, elem)
                aelems, aproof = asl.do_query(avisited, aclosest, elem)

                efound = eelems[0] == elem
                afound = aelems[0] == elem

                eproof = [
                    AuthNode._hash(x.serialize()) for x in reversed(eelems)
                ] + eproof
                aproof = [
                    AuthNode._hash(x.serialize()) for x in reversed(aelems)
                ] + aproof

                # Make sure the embedded one isn't cheating somehow
                self.assertEqual(esl.root.label, asl.root.label)

                self.assertEqual(AuthSkipList.verify(aproof), asl.root.label)

                # Make sure the embedded one isn't cheating somehow
                self.assertEqual(esl.root.label, asl.root.label)
    def do_query(self, visited, closest, elem):
        """ Given the input to a search for an element and that element, return
            a proof that either that element is in the skiplist or that it is
            not (so a proof that the elements on either side of it are adjacent
            in the skiplist.

            visited - the nodes visited in the skiplist stored in reverse order,
                      paired with a flag indicating whether the next step was
                      to go right or down.
            closest - the node of the base list containing either the element
                      being queried or the greatest element in the skiplist
                      less than the element being queried.
            elem - the element being queried
            ret_elems - The elements in the base list starting from 'closest'
                        and going to (and including) the next tower node in the
                        base list.
            proof - A list of hash values that, when combined with ret_elems,
                    proves whether or not elem is in the skiplist.
        proof = []

        last = closest
        found = (last.elem == elem)

        ret_elems = []

        ## First, return the elements of each node to the right of the node
        ## where the search ended until a tower node is reached. This provides
        ## enough information to verify a query in either the positive or
        ## negative direction, as well as enough information for a range
        ## query to be able to search for the next tower node in the base
        ## list.
        nxt = last
        while (not nxt.right.tower) and nxt.right.right:
            nxt = nxt.right

        for v, flag in visited:
            if not v.right.tower:
                # its right neighbor is a plateau node, so add things
                if v.right is not last:
                elif v.down is None:

            last = v

        # Return the elements from the end node in the base list to the next
        # tower node; this provides enough information for proof of membership
        # and proof of lack of membership, plus some extra information for
        # other functions that use do_query()
        return ret_elems, proof
Exemplo n.º 5
    def assign_label(self):
        """ One possible source of optimization for this function would
            be to figure out how to streamline/cache the lookups it
        node = self
        right = node.right

        if right is None:
            node.label = str(0)

        if node.down is None:
            if right.tower:
                node.label = AuthNode.chash(
                node.label = AuthNode.chash(
            if right.tower:
                node.label = node.down.label
                node.label = AuthNode.chash(node.down.label, right.label)
    def contains(self, elem):
        """ Override of super method. Now returns a proof that elem either is
            or is not in the skip list.

            NB: I have no idea what this algorithm is trying to do, why
                it's right, or how to verify it, I'm just transcribing it
                from the paper's pseudocode into Python.
        visited, closest = self.root.search(elem)
        elems, proof = self.do_query(visited, closest, elem)

        return elems[0] == elem, [
            AuthNode._hash(x.serialize()) for x in reversed(elems)
        ] + proof
    def test_verified_insert(self):
        """ Test that verified insert actually allows the client to compute
            the new root label.
        lower_bound = -1000
        upper_bound = 1000
        num_elems = 10
        num_new_elems = 150

        for i in range(0, self.num_iters):
            elems = gen_elems(lower_bound, upper_bound, num_elems)
            elems = set(elems)
            sl = AuthSkipList.new(elems, IntElem(lower_bound-1),

            old_label = sl.root.label

            new_elems = gen_elems(lower_bound, upper_bound, num_new_elems)
            new_elems = [elem for elem in new_elems if elem not in elems]

            for elem in new_elems:
                print 'inserting elem %d' %elem.key
                print 'into list %s' %str(sl.to_list_of_lists())
                ret_elems, proof, proof_diff = sl.insert_with_diff(elem)
                print 'result list: %s' %str(sl.to_list_of_lists())

                         for e in reversed(ret_elems)] + proof),

                new_proof = AuthSkipList.update_query(
                    ret_elems, proof, proof_diff, elem)

                x, qproof = sl.contains(elem)
                    'Claims just-inserted element is not in list')
                self.assertEqual(AuthSkipList.verify(qproof), sl.root.label)

                np = AuthSkipList.verify(new_proof)
                print 'Root label: %s' %str(sl.root.label)
                print 'Recv label: %s' %str(np)
                self.assertEqual(np, sl.root.label)

                old_label = sl.root.label
    def _verify_range_query(proofs, lower, upper, root_label):
        """ Verifies a range query done with (the deprecated function)
            _range_query(). Also deprecated.
        labels = [
                 for x in reversed(elems)] + proof) for elems, proof in proofs

        if not labels:
            raise InvalidVerificationObjectException(
                'Empty list of proofs returned')

        all_elems = proofs[0][0]

        for elems, proof in proofs[1:]:

        ## Check to make sure the original list of elements is sorted
        if not (sorted(all_elems) == all_elems):
            raise InvalidVerificationObjectException(
                'Returned list of elements not sorted')

        ## There might be more than one upper boundary that got included, so
        ## make sure to get rid of all of them from the returned list
        while all_elems[-1] > upper:

        ## The lower boundary may or may not have been needed, so make sure to
        ## include it just in case
        if all_elems[0] < lower:
            all_elems = all_elems[1:]

        if not all([label == root_label for label in labels]):
            raise InvalidVerificationObjectException(
                'Invalid path exists in VO')

        if not all([lower <= elem <= upper for elem in all_elems]):
            raise InvalidVerificationObjectException(
                'Elements returned not in requested range')

        return all_elems
Exemplo n.º 9
    def newnode(vo, down, right, elem, assign_label=False):
        if isinstance(down, str) and isinstance(right, str):
            return AuthNode.chash(down, right)
        elif isinstance(down, str) and right is None:
            return down
        elif isinstance(right, str) and down is None:
            return right
        elif down is None and right is None:
            return super(VONode, VONode).newnode(vo, None, None, elem,

        if not isinstance(down, VONode):
            node = super(VONode, VONode).newnode(vo, None, right, elem,
            node.down = down
            node = super(VONode, VONode).newnode(vo, down, right, elem,
            down.tower = True

        return node
Exemplo n.º 10
    def verify(self, lower, upper):
        """ Verify that a node (including its subtree) is correct, recursively
            assigning labels along the way
        # TODO: recursion won't work for nontrivial cases in python;
        #       rewrite iteratively at some point
        node = self

        if node.down is None:
            if node.right is not None:
                raise VerificationObjectException(
                    'Malformed VO: base VO nodes have no children')
            if len(node.elem) < 2:
                raise VerificationObjectException(
                    'Malformed VO: base element list must have at least 2 elements'

            for i in range(len(node.elem) - 1):
                if node.elem[i] > node.elem[i + 1]:
                    raise VerificationObjectException(
                        'Malformed VO: elements in base must be in order')

            if node.elem[-1] < lower:
                raise VerificationObjectException(
                    'Malformed VO: element out of range (less than minimum)')

            # Don't want to check if right end is greater than maximum---might
            # have returned a base list whose first element is in the range,
            # but whose next element is the right boundary element
            if node.elem[0] > upper:
                raise VerificationObjectException(
                    'Malformed VO: element out of range (greater than maximum)'

            node.label = reduce(
                [AuthNode._hash(x.serialize()) for x in reversed(node.elem)])

            return node.elem

        # If it's not a base element (and therefore has a lower neighbor)
            if node.right is None:

                if isinstance(node.down, VONode):
                    if node.down.down and node.elem != node.down.elem:
                        raise VerificationObjectException(
                            'Malformed VO: element of lower node must be same as parent'
                    elif (node.down.down is None
                          and node.elem != node.down.elem[0]):
                        raise VerificationObjectException(
                            'Malformed VO: first element of leaf list must be same as parent'
                    down_elems = node.down.verify(lower, upper)
                    node.label = node.down.label

                    return down_elems
                    raise VerificationObjectException(
                        'Malformed VO: Branch not collapsed when it should have been (right neighbor None)'

                if not (isinstance(node.down, VONode)
                        or isinstance(node.right, VONode)):
                    raise VerificationObjectException(
                        'Malformed VO: Branch not collapsed when it should have been (neither neighbor VOnode)'

                down_elems = []
                right_elems = []

                down_label = node.down
                right_label = node.right

                if isinstance(node.down, VONode):
                    if node.down.down and node.elem != node.down.elem:
                        raise VerificationObjectException(
                            'Malformed VO: element of lower node must be same as parent'
                    elif (node.down.down is None
                          and node.elem != node.down.elem[0]):
                        raise VerificationObjectException(
                            'Malformed VO: element of lower node must be same as parent'

                    down_elems = node.down.verify(lower, upper)
                    down_label = node.down.label
                elif lower <= node.elem <= upper:
                    # This branch definitely should have been returned!
                    # This check keeps a malicious server from omitting
                    # branches in the middle of a range.
                    raise VerificationObjectException(
                        'Malformed VO: branch omitted that should not have been'

                if isinstance(node.right, VONode):
                    if node.right.elem < node.elem:
                        raise VerificationObjectException(
                            'Malformed VO: elements on right must be >= elements on left'

                    right_elems = node.right.verify(lower, upper)
                    right_label = node.right.label

                    # Cut off the overlap, if it exists
                    if down_elems:
                        down_elems = down_elems[:-1]

                node.label = AuthNode.chash(down_label, right_label)

                return down_elems + right_elems
    def update_query(base_elems, old_proof, proof_diff, elem):
        """ Updates a query of an element from an old skiplist without
            that element in it to a query of that element in the skiplist
            resulting from inserting it into the old one. Used to update
            the root label after an insert.

        # No matter what, we're going to insert elem into the proof, so do it
        # first
        elem_loc = 1  # will always be immediately after the left neighbor
        base_elems.insert(elem_loc, elem)

        i = 0
        current = None

        # Recall that a proof is just a path from a base level node to the root
        # of the skip list. This partitions the path into three parts:
        # - Everything from the base of the new path to the top of the new tower
        #   created by adding elem
        # - The label of the node below the node to the left of the new plateau
        #   node, if such a node exists (i.e. if at least one new non-base node
        #   was added). This is calculated from elements in the old proof.
        # - Everything further up in the proof than the new tower reached, whose
        #   order is unchanged.
        # The element i keeps track of the difference between these locations:
        # everything to the left of i (not including i) is in the first group,
        # everything to the right of i (including i) is in the third group, and
        # the variable 'current' is the second group.

        for action in proof_diff:
            if action == 'MEET':
                # If we meet a plateau node on the right, we need to make sure
                # it occurs in the proof before the values we're accumulating
                # (since they need to get hashed into the overall value only
                # after the new tower stops & starts going left)
                i = i + 1
            elif action == 'UP':
                # This action should only occur once per insert, if the inserted
                # element's tower ends up going above the base list.

                # First, we accumulate all the elements in the base list to
                # the left of the new element (and including the new element
                # itself) that occur in the proof.
                current = AuthNode.chash(
                current = reduce(AuthNode.chash, old_proof[:i], current)

                # Next, we update the proof we're modifying. The first element
                # in it now needs to be the label of the bottom node in the
                # new tower.
                old_proof = old_proof[i:]
                i = 1

                # To compute this label, hash the elements from the inserted
                # element to the next base-level tower node, then accumulate
                # them together in order with the commutative hash.
                proof_order_hashes = [
                    for e in reversed(base_elems[elem_loc:])
                new_elem_node_label = reduce(AuthNode.chash,
                old_proof = [new_elem_node_label] + old_proof

                # base_elems has been folded into old_proof, so we can set it
                # to the empty list.
                base_elems = []
            else:  # passed a plateau node
                # Accumulate the next 'acc_levels' elements of the old proof
                # into the current value.
                acc_levels = int(action)
                for z in range(acc_levels):
                    passed = old_proof.pop(i)
                    current = AuthNode.chash(passed, current)

        if current is not None:
            old_proof.insert(i, current)

        # Return the single list to feed in to verify()
        return ([AuthNode._hash(e.serialize())
                 for e in reversed(base_elems)] + old_proof)