Exemplo n.º 1
    def _set_command_options(self, command_obj, option_dict=None):
        """Set the options for 'command_obj' from 'option_dict'.  Basically
        this means copying elements of a dictionary ('option_dict') to
        attributes of an instance ('command').

        'command_obj' must be a Command instance.  If 'option_dict' is not
        supplied, uses the standard option dictionary for this command
        (from 'self.command_options').
        command_name = command_obj.get_command_name()
        if option_dict is None:
            option_dict = self.get_option_dict(command_name)

        logger.debug("  setting options for %r command:", command_name)

        for option, (source, value) in option_dict.items():
            logger.debug("    %s = %s (from %s)", option, value, source)
                bool_opts = [x.replace('-', '_')
                             for x in command_obj.boolean_options]
            except AttributeError:
                bool_opts = []
                neg_opt = command_obj.negative_opt
            except AttributeError:
                neg_opt = {}

                is_string = isinstance(value, str)
                if option in neg_opt and is_string:
                    setattr(command_obj, neg_opt[option], not strtobool(value))
                elif option in bool_opts and is_string:
                    setattr(command_obj, option, strtobool(value))
                elif hasattr(command_obj, option):
                    setattr(command_obj, option, value)
                    raise PackagingOptionError(
                        "error in %s: command %r has no such option %r" %
                        (source, command_name, option))
            except ValueError as msg:
                raise PackagingOptionError(msg)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def parse_config_files(self, filenames=None):
        if filenames is None:
            filenames = self.find_config_files()


        parser = RawConfigParser()

        for filename in filenames:
            logger.debug("  reading %s", filename)
            parser.read(filename, encoding='utf-8')

            if os.path.split(filename)[-1] == 'setup.cfg':
                self._read_setup_cfg(parser, filename)

            for section in parser.sections():
                if section == 'global':
                    if parser.has_option('global', 'compilers'):
                        self._load_compilers(parser.get('global', 'compilers'))

                    if parser.has_option('global', 'commands'):
                        self._load_commands(parser.get('global', 'commands'))

                options = parser.options(section)
                opt_dict = self.dist.get_option_dict(section)

                for opt in options:
                    if opt == '__name__':
                    val = parser.get(section, opt)
                    opt = opt.replace('-', '_')

                    if opt == 'sub_commands':
                        val = split_multiline(val)
                        if isinstance(val, str):
                            val = [val]

                    # Hooks use a suffix system to prevent being overriden
                    # by a config file processed later (i.e. a hook set in
                    # the user config file cannot be replaced by a hook
                    # set in a project config file, unless they have the
                    # same suffix).
                    if (opt.startswith("pre_hook.") or
                        hook_type, alias = opt.split(".")
                        hook_dict = opt_dict.setdefault(
                            hook_type, (filename, {}))[1]
                        hook_dict[alias] = val
                        opt_dict[opt] = filename, val

            # Make the RawConfigParser forget everything (so we retain
            # the original filenames that options come from)

        # If there was a "global" section in the config file, use it
        # to set Distribution options.
        if 'global' in self.dist.command_options:
            for opt, (src, val) in self.dist.command_options['global'].items():
                alias = self.dist.negative_opt.get(opt)
                    if alias:
                        setattr(self.dist, alias, not strtobool(val))
                    elif opt == 'dry_run':  # FIXME ugh!
                        setattr(self.dist, opt, strtobool(val))
                        setattr(self.dist, opt, val)
                except ValueError as msg:
                    raise PackagingOptionError(msg)