def test_file_packet(self):
        * Write a file
        * Convert to packet
        * Extract packet
        * Compare
        test_string = 'This is a test file for packetcommslib'
        filename = os.path.join(TEMP_DIR,'file_packet_test.txt')
        with open(filename,'w') as fid:

        label = 'File packet test'             
        file_packet = pcl.makeFilePacket(label,filename)
        #print('file_packet = ',file_packet)
        (label_out,(filename_out,file_contents)) = pcl.extractPacket(file_packet)
        self.assertTrue( label_out==label 
                        and file_contents.decode()==test_string 
                        and filename_out==filename)
 def test_text_string_packet(self):
     Create and extract text packets using string format
     # Input data
     data_label = "/Data/New_place"
     text = "Some text to send"
     # Packet
     text_packet = pcl.makeTextPacket(data_label,text)
     # Extracted packet
     (label,text_out) = pcl.extractPacket(text_packet)
     self.assertTrue(label==data_label and text_out==text)
    def test_text_list_packet(self):
        Create and extract text packets using list format
        # Input data
        data_label = "/Data/New_place"
        text_list = ["Sending","some","text","in","a","list"]
        # Packet
        text_list_packet = pcl.makeTextPacket(data_label,text_list)
        # Extracted data
        (list_label,text_list_out) = pcl.extractPacket(text_list_packet)

        self.assertTrue(list_label==data_label and text_list_out==text_list)
 def test_array_packet(self):
     Create and extract array packet
     # Make an array packet
     # -----------------------
     data_label ='array packet'
     array = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]).transpose()
     columns = ['col1','col2']
     packet = pcl.makeArrayPacket(data_label,array,columns)
     (label,array_out) = pcl.extractPacket(packet)
     print("Packet: %s" % label)
     print("Array :")
     self.assertTrue(label==data_label and all(array_out==array))
#%% Array Packet making/extracting test
import sys, imp
import packetcommslib as pcl

# Make an array packet
# -----------------------
array = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]).transpose()
columns = ['col1', 'col2']

packet = pcl.makeArrayPacket('label', array, columns)

(label, array_out) = pcl.extractPacket(packet)

print("Packet: %s" % label)
print("Array :")

#%% Text Packet making/extracting test
import sys, imp
import packetcommslib as pcl

data_label = "/Data/New_place"