Exemplo n.º 1
def dropnow(wind_x, wind_y, drop_pt, timestamp, last_dropped, drop_pkg,

    # if vehicle velocity vector and vector to drop point are roughly collinear
    # then see how close the drop point is and drop accordingly
    # don't need to be "exaclty" collinear because of floating point math and
    # wind affect on the package as it falls
    # check for collinearity by comparing ratio of x and y components (should be exactly
    # equal if vectors are exactly collinear)
    # print("vehicle velocity: ", vehicle_velocity)
    # print("drop x, y: ", drop_x, drop_y)
    #if (abs(vehicle_velocity[0]/float(drop_x) - vehicle_velocity[1]/float(drop_y)) < 0.3):
    drop_x, drop_y = pm.convert_to_cartesian(drop_pt[0], drop_pt[1])
    vehicle_velocity = pm.convert_to_polar(velocity_adjusted[0],
    speed = vehicle_velocity[0]  #* math.cos(math.radians(vehicle_velocity[1]))
    # using horizontal launch and free fall equations
    # ignoring whether the wind will affect the trajectory on the way down
    # Range = speed * time of flight and time of flight is defined as 0.5
    fallrange = speed * 0.5
    if (abs(fallrange - pm.distance(drop_x, drop_y)) < 1.5):
        # edge case is that when there is a tree on the very edge, package is
        # being dropped
        # either this shouldn't be put in "maybe_drop point" or need to test
        # for that situation here

        # we don't want to drop 2 packages in same drop area, I figure that
        # if the vehicle is moving forward 30m/s and the drop zone is 10m
        # diameter, then 1 second later the vehicle wouldn't be in the same
        # drop zone. Obviously massive headwind and lateral motion back and
        # forth could make this assumption incorrect
        if (timestamp - last_dropped > 1000):
            drop_pkg = 1
    return drop_pkg
Exemplo n.º 2
def go_where(timestamp, recovery_x, wind_x, wind_y, recovery_y, lidar_samples,
             last_dropped, drop_pkg, prior_trees, my_velocity,
    # if recovery_distance is close, GO THERE EVEN IF ALL PACKAGES NOT DROPPED
    # if already dropped 10 packages, head to recovery center
    # avoid trees
    # find where the trees are and where delivery sites are that
    # drops and trees are lists of tuples with distance and angle
    # these are only deconflicted drops that don't have a tree in the way
    drops, trees = checklidar(lidar_samples, prior_trees)
    # if the recovery distance is close, then head there, avoiding trees
    recovery_dist = pm.distance(recovery_x, recovery_y)
    if (recovery_dist < 250):
        if (trees):
            desired_y = avoid_tree(wind_x, wind_y, trees)
            mag, theta = pm.convert_to_polar(recovery_x, recovery_y)
            desired_y = pm.target_velocity(wind_x, wind_y, theta, my_velocity)
    # find the closest drop point if there are drop points:
    elif drops:
        drop_pt = min(drops)
        print("angle to drop point: ", drop_pt[1])
        # the returned drop point will be drop point without a tree in the way
        # if the coast is clear to go to this point:
        desired_y = target_velocity(wind_x, wind_y, drop_pt[1], my_velocity)
        # decide whether the drop point is close enough to command a drop
        drop_pkg = dropnow(wind_x, wind_y, drop_pt, timestamp, last_dropped,
                           drop_pkg, velocity_adjusted)

    # if there is no course for a drop point without a tree in the way, check
    # to see if a tree should be avoided
        if (trees):
            desired_y = avoid_tree(wind_x, wind_y, trees, my_velocity)
            # if there are no trees, then just stay the straight course ie have
            # desired y be the opposite of the wind vector_y component
            desired_y = -wind_y

    # desired_y can only be in the parameters of what the game allows
    if (desired_y > 30):
        desired_y = 30
    elif (desired_y < -30):
        desired_y = -30
    return desired_y, drop_pkg, trees
Exemplo n.º 3
def target_velocity(wind_x, wind_y, desired_angle, my_velocity):
    # given the current wind speed, the desired angle of travel,
    # and the current velocity (global)
    # compute the y component of the new desired velocity vector
    # note: the x component never changes
    # vel_y = proportionality constant * (magnitude to travel/size timestep)
    #         * sin(desired_angle) - (wind vector dot velocity)/(magnitude velocity)
    # set magnitude to travel to 1m since with no wind and no lateral airspeed,
    # would be traveling 0.5 m/timestep

    timestep = 1 / 60  # size of timestep in seconds
    magnitude_v = pm.distance(my_velocity[0], my_velocity[1]) * timestep
    p = 20  # experimentally determined proportionality constant

    vel_y = ((1 * p / timestep) * math.sin(math.radians(desired_angle)) - (
        (wind_x * my_velocity[0] + wind_y * my_velocity[1]) / magnitude_v))

    return vel_y