Exemplo n.º 1
 def forward(self, hidden_states):
     hidden_states = self.dropout(hidden_states)
     hidden_states = self.dense(hidden_states)
     hidden_states = F.tanh(hidden_states)
     hidden_states = self.dropout(hidden_states)
     hidden_states = self.out_proj(hidden_states)
     return hidden_states
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_usr_feature(self, usr_var):
        # 获取到用户数据
        usr_id, usr_gender, usr_age, usr_job = usr_var
        # 将用户的ID数据经过embedding和Linear计算,得到的特征保存在feats_collect中
        feats_collect = []

        usr_id_feat = F.relu(self.usr_fc(self.usr_emb(usr_id)))

        # 计算用户的性别特征,并保存在feats_collect中
        usr_gender_feat = F.relu(

        # 选择是否使用用户的年龄-职业特征
        if self.use_usr_age_job:
            usr_age_feat = F.relu(self.usr_age_fc(self.usr_age_emb(usr_age)))

            usr_job_feat = F.relu(self.usr_job_fc(self.usr_job_emb(usr_job)))

        # 将用户的特征级联,并通过Linear层得到最终的用户特征
        usr_feat = paddle.concat(feats_collect, axis=-1)
        user_features = F.tanh(self.usr_combined(usr_feat))

        # 通过3层全链接层,获得用于计算相似度的用户特征和电影特征
        for n_layer in self._user_layers:
            user_features = n_layer(user_features)

        return user_features
Exemplo n.º 3
    def forward(self, inputs, encoder_word_pos, gsrm_word_pos):
        b, c, h, w = inputs.shape
        conv_features = paddle.reshape(inputs, shape=[-1, c, h * w])
        conv_features = paddle.transpose(conv_features, perm=[0, 2, 1])
        # transformer encoder
        b, t, c = conv_features.shape

        enc_inputs = [conv_features, encoder_word_pos, None]
        word_features = self.wrap_encoder_for_feature(enc_inputs)

        # pvam
        b, t, c = word_features.shape
        word_features = self.fc0(word_features)
        word_features_ = paddle.reshape(word_features, [-1, 1, t, c])
        word_features_ = paddle.tile(word_features_,
                                     [1, self.max_length, 1, 1])
        word_pos_feature = self.emb(gsrm_word_pos)
        word_pos_feature_ = paddle.reshape(word_pos_feature,
                                           [-1, self.max_length, 1, c])
        word_pos_feature_ = paddle.tile(word_pos_feature_, [1, 1, t, 1])
        y = word_pos_feature_ + word_features_
        y = F.tanh(y)
        attention_weight = self.fc1(y)
        attention_weight = paddle.reshape(attention_weight,
                                          shape=[-1, self.max_length, t])
        attention_weight = F.softmax(attention_weight, axis=-1)
        pvam_features = paddle.matmul(attention_weight,
                                      word_features)  #[b, max_length, c]
        return pvam_features
Exemplo n.º 4
 def forward(self, x):
     x_in = x
     for i, layer in enumerate(self.convs):
         x = layer(x)
         if i != (len(self.convs) - 1):
             x = F.tanh(x)
     x = self.last_bn(x_in + x)
     return x
Exemplo n.º 5
    def select_action(self, state):
        state = paddle.to_tensor(state.reshape(1, -1)).astype('float32')
        mean, log_std = self.forward(state)
        std = log_std.exp()
        normal = Normal(mean, std)
        z = normal.sample([1])
        action = self.max_action * F.tanh(z).detach().numpy()[0].reshape([-1])

        return action
Exemplo n.º 6
 def forward(self, hidden_states):
         hidden_states (Tensor):
             Hidden states of the classification model.
     hidden_states = self.dropout(hidden_states)
     hidden_states = self.dense(hidden_states)
     hidden_states = F.tanh(hidden_states)
     hidden_states = self.dropout(hidden_states)
     hidden_states = self.out_proj(hidden_states)
     return hidden_states
Exemplo n.º 7
def GRU(x, h_nei, W_z, W_r, U_r, W_h):
    hidden_size = x.shape[-1]
    sum_h = paddle.sum(h_nei, axis=1)
    z_input = paddle.concat([x, sum_h], axis=1)
    z = F.sigmoid(W_z(z_input))

    r_1 = paddle.reshape(W_r(x), shape=[-1, 1, hidden_size])
    r_2 = U_r(h_nei)
    r = F.sigmoid(r_1 + r_2)

    gated_h = r * h_nei
    sum_gated_h = paddle.sum(gated_h, axis=1)
    h_input = paddle.concat([x, sum_gated_h], axis=1)
    pre_h = F.tanh(W_h(h_input))
    new_h = (1.0 - z) * sum_h + z * pre_h
    return new_h
Exemplo n.º 8
 def pointer(self, x, state):
     x_ = paddle.fluid.layers.expand(state.unsqueeze(1),expand_times=[1, x.shape[1], 1])
     out = paddle.concat([x, x_], axis=2)
     s0 = F.tanh(self.linear(out))
     s = self.weights(s0).reshape(shape=[x.shape[0], x.shape[1]])
     a = F.softmax(s)
     res = a.unsqueeze(1).bmm(x).squeeze(1)
     if self.normalize:
         if self.training:
             # In training we output log-softmax for NLL
             scores = F.log_softmax(s)
             # ...Otherwise 0-1 probabilities
             scores = F.softmax(s)
         scores = a.exp()
     return scores,res
Exemplo n.º 9
    def forward(self, inputs):
        # 公共网络层 
        x = F.relu(self.conv1(inputs))
        x = F.relu(self.conv2(x))
        x = F.relu(self.conv3(x))
        # 行动策略网络层
        x_act = F.relu(self.act_conv1(x))
        x_act = paddle.reshape(
                x_act, [-1, 4 * self.board_height * self.board_width])
        x_act  = F.log_softmax(self.act_fc1(x_act))        
        # 状态价值网络层
        x_val  = F.relu(self.val_conv1(x))
        x_val = paddle.reshape(
                x_val, [-1, 2 * self.board_height * self.board_width])
        x_val = F.relu(self.val_fc1(x_val))
        x_val = F.tanh(self.val_fc2(x_val))

        return x_act,x_val
Exemplo n.º 10
    def forward(self, s_t_hat, encoder_outputs, encoder_feature,
                enc_padding_mask, coverage):
        b, t_k, n = encoder_outputs.shape

        dec_fea = self.decode_proj(s_t_hat)  # B x 2*hidden_dim
        dec_fea_expanded = paddle.expand(dec_fea.unsqueeze(1),
                                         [b, t_k, n])  # B x t_k x 2*hidden_dim
        dec_fea_expanded = paddle.reshape(dec_fea_expanded,
                                          [-1, n])  # B * t_k x 2*hidden_dim

        att_features = encoder_feature + dec_fea_expanded  # B * t_k x 2*hidden_dim
        if config.is_coverage:
            coverage_input = paddle.reshape(coverage, [-1, 1])  # B * t_k x 1
            coverage_feature = self.W_c(
                coverage_input)  # B * t_k x 2*hidden_dim
            att_features = att_features + coverage_feature

        e = F.tanh(att_features)  # B * t_k x 2*hidden_dim
        scores = self.v(e)  # B * t_k x 1
        scores = paddle.reshape(scores, [-1, t_k])  # B x t_k

        attn_dist_ = F.softmax(scores, axis=1) * enc_padding_mask  # B x t_k
        normalization_factor = attn_dist_.sum(1, keepdim=True)
        # attn_dist = attn_dist_ / normalization_factor
        attn_dist = attn_dist_ / (
            paddle.reshape(normalization_factor, [-1, 1]) +
            paddle.ones_like(paddle.reshape(normalization_factor, [-1, 1])) *
        # See the issue: https://github.com/atulkum/pointer_summarizer/issues/54

        attn_dist = attn_dist.unsqueeze(1)  # B x 1 x t_k
        c_t = paddle.bmm(attn_dist, encoder_outputs)  # B x 1 x n
        c_t = paddle.reshape(c_t,
                             [-1, config.hidden_dim * 2])  # B x 2*hidden_dim

        attn_dist = paddle.reshape(attn_dist, [-1, t_k])  # B x t_k

        if config.is_coverage:
            coverage = paddle.reshape(coverage, [-1, t_k])
            coverage = coverage + attn_dist

        return c_t, attn_dist, coverage
Exemplo n.º 11
    def get_mov_feat(self, mov_var):
        """ get movie features"""
        # 获得电影数据
        mov_id, mov_cat, mov_title, mov_poster = mov_var
        feats_collect = []
        # 获得batchsize的大小
        batch_size = mov_id.shape[0]
        # 计算电影ID的特征,并存在feats_collect中
        mov_id = self.mov_emb(mov_id)
        mov_id = self.mov_fc(mov_id)
        mov_id = F.relu(mov_id)

        # 如果使用电影的种类数据,计算电影种类特征的映射
        if self.use_mov_cat:
            # 计算电影种类的特征映射,对多个种类的特征求和得到最终特征
            mov_cat = self.mov_cat_emb(mov_cat)
            mov_cat = paddle.sum(mov_cat, axis=1, keepdim=False)

            mov_cat = self.mov_cat_fc(mov_cat)

        if self.use_mov_title:
            # 计算电影名字的特征映射,对特征映射使用卷积计算最终的特征
            mov_title = self.mov_title_emb(mov_title)
            mov_title = F.relu(
            mov_title = paddle.sum(mov_title, axis=2, keepdim=False)
            mov_title = F.relu(mov_title)
            mov_title = paddle.reshape(mov_title, [batch_size, -1])


        # 使用一个全连接层,整合所有电影特征,映射为一个200维的特征向量
        mov_feat = paddle.concat(feats_collect, axis=1)
        mov_features = F.tanh(self.mov_concat_embed(mov_feat))

        for n_layer in self._movie_layers:
            mov_features = n_layer(mov_features)

        return mov_features
Exemplo n.º 12
    def forward(self, h, x, mess_graph):
        mask = paddle.ones([h.shape[0], 1])
        mask[0] = 0
        for it in range(self.depth):
            h_nei = index_select_ND(h, 0, mess_graph)
            sum_h = paddle.sum(h_nei, axis=1)
            z_input = paddle.concat([x, sum_h], axis=1)
            z = F.sigmoid(self.W_z(z_input))

            r_1 = paddle.reshape(self.W_r(x), shape=[-1, 1, self.hidden_size])
            r_2 = self.U_r(h_nei)
            r = F.sigmoid(r_1 + r_2)

            gated_h = r * h_nei
            sum_gated_h = paddle.sum(gated_h, axis=1)
            h_input = paddle.concat([x, sum_gated_h], axis=1)
            pre_h = F.tanh(self.W_h(h_input))
            h = (1.0 - z) * sum_h + z * pre_h
            h = h * mask
        return h
Exemplo n.º 13
    def get_movie_feature(self, mov_var):
        # 获得电影数据
        mov_id, mov_cat, mov_title, mov_poster = mov_var
        feats_collect = []
        # 获得batchsize的大小
        batch_size = mov_id.shape[0]
        # 计算电影ID的特征,并存在feats_collect中
        mov_id_feat = F.relu(self.mov_fc(self.mov_emb(mov_id)))

        # 如果使用电影的种类数据,计算电影种类特征的映射
        if self.use_mov_cat:
            # 计算电影种类的特征映射,对多个种类的特征求和得到最终特征
            mov_cat_feat = self.mov_cat_emb(mov_cat)
            mov_cat_feat = paddle.sum(
                mov_cat_feat, axis=1,
                keepdim=False)  # shape: [btc, feature_size]
            mov_cat_feat = F.relu(self.mov_cat_fc(mov_cat_feat))

        if self.use_mov_title:
            mov_title_feat = self.mov_title_emb(mov_title)
            mov_title_feat = self.mov_title_conv2(
            mov_title_feat = paddle.sum(
                mov_title_feat, axis=2,
                keepdim=False)  # shape: [bat, 1, feature_size]
            mov_title_feat = F.relu(mov_title_feat)
            mov_title_feat = paddle.reshape(mov_title_feat, [batch_size, -1])

        # 使用一个全连接层,整合所有电影特征,映射为一个200维的特征向量
        mov_feat = paddle.concat(feats_collect, axis=-1)
        mov_features = F.tanh(self.mov_concat_embed(mov_feat))
        # 继续使用深度网络提取特征
        for n_layer in self._movie_layers:
            mov_features = n_layer(mov_features)

        return mov_features
Exemplo n.º 14
    def get_usr_feat(self, usr_var):
        """ get usr features"""
        # 获取到用户数据
        usr_id, usr_gender, usr_age, usr_job = usr_var
        # 将用户的ID数据经过embedding和Linear计算,得到的特征保存在feats_collect中
        feats_collect = []
        usr_id = self.usr_emb(usr_id)
        usr_id = self.usr_fc(usr_id)
        usr_id = F.relu(usr_id)

        # 计算用户的性别特征,并保存在feats_collect中
        usr_gender = self.usr_gender_emb(usr_gender)
        usr_gender = self.usr_gender_fc(usr_gender)
        usr_gender = F.relu(usr_gender)
        # 选择是否使用用户的年龄-职业特征
        if self.use_usr_age_job:
            # 计算用户的年龄特征,并保存在feats_collect中
            usr_age = self.usr_age_emb(usr_age)
            usr_age = self.usr_age_fc(usr_age)
            usr_age = F.relu(usr_age)
            # 计算用户的职业特征,并保存在feats_collect中
            usr_job = self.usr_job_emb(usr_job)
            usr_job = self.usr_job_fc(usr_job)
            usr_job = F.relu(usr_job)

        # 将用户的特征级联,并通过Linear层得到最终的用户特征
        usr_feat = paddle.concat(feats_collect, axis=1)
        user_features = F.tanh(self.usr_combined(usr_feat))

        # for n_layer in self._user_layers:
        #     user_features = n_layer(user_features)

        return user_features
Exemplo n.º 15
    def forward(self, input):
        """Calculate forward propagation.

        input: Tensor [shape=(B, T_mel, C)]
            Output sequence of features from decoder.
        output: Tensor [shape=(B, T_mel, C)]
            Output sequence of features after postnet.


        for i in range(len(self.conv_batchnorms) - 1):
            input = F.dropout(F.tanh(self.conv_batchnorms[i](input)),
        output = F.dropout(self.conv_batchnorms[self.num_layers - 1](input),
        return output
Exemplo n.º 16
    def forward(self,
            src_ids (`Variable` of shape `[batch_size, seq_len]`):
                Indices of input sequence tokens in the vocabulary.
            sent_ids (optional, `Variable` of shape `[batch_size, seq_len]`):
                aka token_type_ids, Segment token indices to indicate first and second portions of the inputs.
                if None, assume all tokens come from `segment_a`
            pos_ids(optional, `Variable` of shape `[batch_size, seq_len]`):
                Indices of positions of each input sequence tokens in the position embeddings.
            input_mask(optional `Variable` of shape `[batch_size, seq_len]`):
                Mask to avoid performing attention on the padding token indices of the encoder input.
            attn_bias(optional, `Variable` of shape `[batch_size, seq_len, seq_len] or False`):
                3D version of `input_mask`, if set, overrides `input_mask`; if set not False, will not apply attention mask
            past_cache(optional, tuple of two lists: cached key and cached value,
                each is a list of `Variable`s of shape `[batch_size, seq_len, hidden_size]`):
                cached key/value tensor that will be concated to generated key/value when performing self attention.
                if set, `attn_bias` should not be None.

            pooled (`Variable` of shape `[batch_size, hidden_size]`):
                output logits of pooler classifier
            encoded(`Variable` of shape `[batch_size, seq_len, hidden_size]`):
                output logits of transformer stack
            info (Dictionary):
                addtional middle level info, inclues: all hidden stats, k/v caches.
        assert len(
        ) == 2, 'expect src_ids.shape = [batch, sequecen], got %s' % (repr(
        assert attn_bias is not None if past_cache else True, 'if `past_cache` is specified; attn_bias should not be None'
        d_seqlen = P.shape(src_ids)[1]
        if pos_ids is None:
            pos_ids = P.arange(0, d_seqlen, 1,
                               dtype='int32').reshape([1, -1]).cast('int64')
        if attn_bias is None:
            if input_mask is None:
                input_mask = P.cast(src_ids != 0, 'float32')
            assert len(input_mask.shape) == 2
            input_mask = input_mask.unsqueeze(-1)
            attn_bias = input_mask.matmul(input_mask, transpose_y=True)
            if use_causal_mask:
                sequence = P.reshape(
                    P.arange(0, d_seqlen, 1, dtype='float32') + 1.,
                    [1, 1, -1, 1])
                causal_mask = (sequence.matmul(1. / sequence, transpose_y=True)
                               >= 1.).cast('float32')
                attn_bias *= causal_mask
            assert len(
            ) == 3, 'expect attn_bias tobe rank 3, got %r' % attn_bias.shape
        attn_bias = (1. - attn_bias) * -10000.0
        attn_bias = attn_bias.unsqueeze(1).tile([1, self.n_head, 1,
                                                 1])  # avoid broadcast =_=

        if sent_ids is None:
            sent_ids = P.zeros_like(src_ids)

        src_embedded = self.word_emb(src_ids)
        pos_embedded = self.pos_emb(pos_ids)
        sent_embedded = self.sent_emb(sent_ids)
        embedded = src_embedded + pos_embedded + sent_embedded

        embedded = self.dropout(self.ln(embedded))

        encoded, hidden_list, cache_list = self.encoder_stack(
            embedded, attn_bias, past_cache=past_cache)
        if self.pooler is not None:
            pooled = F.tanh(self.pooler(encoded[:, 0, :]))
            pooled = None

        additional_info = {
            'hiddens': hidden_list,
            'caches': cache_list,

        if self.return_additional_info:
            return pooled, encoded, additional_info
        return pooled, encoded
Exemplo n.º 17
usr_gender_feat = usr_gender_fc(usr_gender_emb(usr_gender_var))
usr_gender_feat = F.relu(usr_gender_feat)

usr_combined = Linear(in_features=80, out_features=200)

# 收集所有的用户特征
_features = [usr_id_feat, usr_job_feat, usr_age_feat, usr_gender_feat]

print("打印每个特征的维度:", [f.shape for f in _features])

_features = [k.numpy() for k in _features]
_features = [paddle.to_tensor(k) for k in _features]

# 对特征沿着最后一个维度级联
usr_feat = paddle.concat(_features, axis=1)
usr_feat = F.tanh(usr_combined(usr_feat))

# 自定义一个电影ID数据
mov_id_data = np.array((1, 2)).reshape(-1).astype('int64')
# 对电影ID信息做映射,并紧接着一个FC层
MOV_DICT_SIZE = 3952 + 1
mov_emb = Embedding(num_embeddings=MOV_DICT_SIZE, embedding_dim=32)
mov_fc = Linear(32, 32)

print("输入的电影ID是:", mov_id_data)
mov_id_data = paddle.to_tensor(mov_id_data)
mov_id_feat = mov_fc(mov_emb(mov_id_data))
mov_id_feat = F.relu(mov_id_feat)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def forward(self, x):
     return paddle.clip(
         (x + F.tanh(self.layers(((x * 1).detach()) - 0.4462414))), 0.0, 1.0)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def forward(self, x, fusions):
     r_f = paddle.concat([x, fusions], axis=2)
     r = F.tanh(self.linear_r(r_f))
     g = F.sigmoid(self.linear_g(r_f))
     o = g * r + (1-g) * x
     return o
Exemplo n.º 20
    def forward(self, state):
        a = F.relu(self.l1(state))
        a = F.relu(self.l2(a))

        return self.max_action * F.tanh(self.l3(a))
Exemplo n.º 21
 def forward(self,inputs_emb):
     r = self.linear_r(inputs_emb)
     g = self.linear_g(inputs_emb)
     r,g = F.tanh(r),F.sigmoid(g)
     o = g*r + (1-g)*self.weights(inputs_emb)
     return o
Exemplo n.º 22
usr_gender_var = paddle.to_tensor(usr_gender_data)
usr_gender_feat = usr_gender_fc(usr_gender_emb(usr_gender_var))
usr_gender_feat = F.relu(usr_gender_feat)

# 自定义一个用户职业数据
usr_job_data = np.array((0, 20)).reshape(-1).astype('int64')
# 用户职业的最大ID是20,所以Embedding层size的第一个参数设置为20 + 1 = 21
usr_job_emb = Embedding(num_embeddings=USR_JOB_DICT_SIZE, embedding_dim=16)
usr_job_fc = Linear(in_features=16, out_features=16)

usr_job = paddle.to_tensor(usr_job_data)
usr_job_feat = usr_job_emb(usr_job)
usr_job_feat = usr_job_fc(usr_job_feat)
usr_job_feat = F.relu(usr_job_feat)

# 收集所有的用户特征
_features = [usr_id_feat, usr_job_feat, usr_age_feat, usr_gender_feat]
_features = [k.numpy() for k in _features]
_features = [paddle.to_tensor(k) for k in _features]

id_feat = F.tanh(FC_ID(_features[0]))
job_feat = F.tanh(FC_JOB(_features[1]))
age_feat = F.tanh(FC_AGE(_features[2]))
genger_feat = F.tanh(FC_GENDER(_features[-1]))

# 对特征求和
usr_feat = id_feat + job_feat + age_feat + genger_feat
print("用户融合后特征的维度是:", usr_feat.shape)
Exemplo n.º 23
 def forward(self, state):
     a = F.relu(self.l1(state))
     a = F.relu(self.l2(a))
     # 输出层激活函数采用tanh,将输出映射至[-1,1]
     return F.tanh(self.l3(a))
Exemplo n.º 24
def mish(x):
    return x * F.tanh(F.softplus(x))
mov_title_data = paddle.to_tensor(mov_title_data)
print("电影名称数据的输入形状: ", mov_title_data.shape)
# 1. 通过Embedding映射电影名称数据;
mov_title_feat = mov_title_emb(mov_title_data)
print("输入通过Embedding层的输出形状: ", mov_title_feat.shape)
# 2. 对Embedding后的向量使用卷积层进一步提取特征;
mov_title_feat = F.relu(mov_title_conv(mov_title_feat))
print("第一次卷积之后的特征输出形状: ", mov_title_feat.shape)
mov_title_feat = F.relu(mov_title_conv2(mov_title_feat))
print("第二次卷积之后的特征输出形状: ", mov_title_feat.shape)

batch_size = mov_title_data.shape[0]
# 3. 最后对特征进行降采样,keepdim=False会让输出的维度减少,而不是用[2,1,1,32]的形式占位;
mov_title_feat = paddle.sum(mov_title_feat, axis=2, keepdim=False)
print("reduce_sum降采样后的特征输出形状: ", mov_title_feat.shape)

mov_title_feat = F.relu(mov_title_feat)
mov_title_feat = paddle.reshape(mov_title_feat, [batch_size, -1])

mov_combined = Linear(in_features=96, out_features=200)
# 收集所有的电影特征
_features = [mov_id_feat, mov_cat_feat, mov_title_feat]
_features = [k.numpy() for k in _features]
_features = [paddle.to_tensor(k) for k in _features]

# 对特征沿着最后一个维度级联
mov_feat = paddle.concat(_features, axis=1)
mov_feat = mov_combined(mov_feat)
mov_feat = F.tanh(mov_feat)
print("融合后的电影特征维度是:", mov_feat.shape)