Exemplo n.º 1
    def addcomment (self, body, slug):
        # Verify user is logged in.
        if (not pageutils.is_logged_in_p()):
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect ("/login")
        # Remove any leading or trailing spaces from comment text.
        body = string.strip(body)

        user_id = pageutils.get_user_id()
        if (user_id == None):
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect ("/login")
            # Connect to the database and insert the values.
            dbconnection = pgdb.connect (database_connect_fields)
            dbcursor = dbconnection.cursor()
            dbcursor.execute ("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE slug=%s", [slug])
            results = dbcursor.fetchone()
            if (results == None):
                return pageutils.generate_page ("Invalid Article Specified", "Unable to post comment.")
            article_id = results[0] # article_id is the first column in the table.

            dbcursor.execute ("INSERT INTO articles (author_id, body, display, refers_to, creation_date) " +
                              "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, current_timestamp)",
                              [str(user_id), body, "1", str(article_id)])


            # Close the database cursor and connection.
            return pageutils.generate_page ("Invalid SQL Query", "Unable to add comment.")
Exemplo n.º 2
    def process(
        # Verify user is logged in.
        if not pageutils.is_logged_in_p():
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/login")

        # Make sure the title and description are present.
        if title == None or description == None:
            return self.index(missing=True, title=title, description=description)

        # Prepare start/end date strings.
        start_date = start_year + "-" + start_month + "-" + start_day
        end_date = None
        if end_year <> "" and end_month <> "" and end_day <> "":
            end_date = end_year + "-" + end_month + "-" + end_day

        # Get the user_id.
        user_id = str(pageutils.get_user_id())

        # Insert the event into the database.
            # Connect to the database and insert the values.
            dbconnection = pgdb.connect(database_connect_fields)
            dbcursor = dbconnection.cursor()

            # Category value currently unused; default to 0.

            if end_date <> None:
                    "INSERT INTO events (category, author_id, creation_date, title, "
                    + "description, start_date, end_date, display) "
                    + "VALUES (%s, %s, current_timestamp, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
                    ["0", user_id, title, description, start_date, end_date, "1"],
                    "INSERT INTO events (category, author_id, creation_date, title, "
                    + "description, start_date, display) "
                    + "VALUES (%s, %s, current_timestamp, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
                    ["0", user_id, title, description, start_date, "1"],

            # Close the database cursor and connection.
            return pageutils.generate_page("Database Error", '<div class="error">Unable to add event.</div>\n')
        raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/events/")
Exemplo n.º 3
    def process (self, body=None, subject=None, refers_to=None):
        # Verify user is logged in.
        if (not pageutils.is_logged_in_p()):
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect ("/login/access")

        # FIXME: Make sure we have all of the data we need in the form.

        # Remove any leading or trailing spaces from comment text.
        if (body <> None):
            body = string.strip(body)
        if (subject <> None):
            subject = string.strip(subject)

        # Make sure refers_to, if it exists, is an integer.
        if (refers_to <> None):
                refers_to = str(int(refers_to))
                return pageutils.generate_page ("Invalid Reference",
                                                "<div class=\"error\">Unable to add discussion element.</div>\n")

        user_id = pageutils.get_user_id()
        if (user_id == None):
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect ("/login/access")
        # Insert the discussion / comment into the database.
            # Connect to the database and insert the values.
            dbconnection = pgdb.connect (database_connect_fields)
            dbcursor = dbconnection.cursor()

            # Category value currently unused; default to 0.

            # Is this a top-level discussion?
            if (refers_to == None):
                dbcursor.execute ("INSERT INTO discussions (category, author_id, subject, body, display, creation_date) " +
                                  "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, current_timestamp)",
                                  ["0", str(user_id), subject, body, "1"])
            # Or is this a reply?
                dbcursor.execute ("INSERT INTO discussions (refers_to, category, author_id, subject, body, display, creation_date) " +
                                  "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, current_timestamp)",
                                  [str(refers_to), "0", str(user_id), subject, body, "1"])


            # Close the database cursor and connection.
            return pageutils.generate_page ("Database Error",
                                            "<div class=\"error\">Unable to add discussion element.</div>\n")
        if (refers_to == None):
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect ("/discussions/")
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect ("/discussions/" + str(refers_to))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def comment (self, article_slug=None):
        # Verify user is logged in.
        if (not pageutils.is_logged_in_p()):
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect ("/login")

        if (article_slug == None):
            return pageutils.generate_page ("No Article Specified", "Unable to add comment.")

        # Form to add a comment.
        pagecontents = ""
        pagecontents += "<form action=\"/articles/addcomment\" method=\"post\">"
        pagecontents += "<textarea cols=80 rows=10 name=\"body\"></textarea>\n"
        pagecontents += "<br><br>"
        pagecontents += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"slug\" value=\"" + str(article_slug) + "\">"
        pagecontents += "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Add Comment\">"
        pagecontents += "</form>"

        pagecontents += pageutils.generate_disclaimer()

        return pageutils.generate_page ("Add a comment", pagecontents)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def new (self):
        # Verify user is logged in.
        if (not pageutils.is_logged_in_p()):
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect ("/login/access")
        pagetext = ""
        pagetitle = "Start a New Discussion"

        pagetext += "<form action=\"/discussions/process\" method=\"post\">"
        pagetext += "<b>Subject</b>:"
        pagetext += "<br>"
        pagetext += "<input type=\"text\" name=\"subject\">\n"
        pagetext += "<br><br>"
        pagetext += "<b>Message</b>:\n<br>\n"
        pagetext += "<textarea cols=80 rows=10 name=\"body\"></textarea>\n"
        pagetext += "<br><br>"
        pagetext += "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Start New Discussion\">"
        pagetext += "</form>"

        pagetext += pageutils.generate_disclaimer()
        return pageutils.generate_page (pagetitle, pagetext)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def reply (self, discussion_id=None):
        # Verify user is logged in.
        if (not pageutils.is_logged_in_p()):
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect ("/login")
        # Verify a discussion_id was supplied, so we know where this comment goes.
        if (discussion_id == None):
            return pageutils.generate_page ("Discussion Reference Missing",
                                            "<div class=\"error\"><p>Unable to add comment.</p></div>")

        pagetext = ""
        pagetitle = "Add a Reply"

        pagetext += "<form action=\"/discussions/process\" method=\"post\">"
        pagetext += "<textarea cols=80 rows=10 name=\"body\"></textarea>\n"
        pagetext += "<br><br>"
        pagetext += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"refers_to\" value=\"" + (str(discussion_id)) + "\">\n"
        pagetext += "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Add Comment\">"
        pagetext += "</form>"
        pagetext += pageutils.generate_disclaimer()
        return pageutils.generate_page (pagetitle, pagetext)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def index (self, discussion_id=None):
        # If discussion_id is None, display main discussion table of contents.
        # Else, display specified discussion.
        # Available to all, logged in or not.
        # Toplevel index.
        if (discussion_id == None):
            description = None
            results = None
            author_description = None
            author_results = []

            # Get discussion listing from database
                # Try to connect to the database.
                dbconnection = pgdb.connect (database_connect_fields)
                dbcursor = dbconnection.cursor()
                dbcursor.execute ("SELECT * FROM discussions WHERE refers_to IS null ORDER BY creation_date")
                # Get the cursor description and results from the query.
                description = dbcursor.description
                results = dbcursor.fetchall()

                # Get and store the user (author) data.
                for result in results:
                    dbcursor.execute ("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id=%s",
                                      [str(result[sqlutils.getfieldindex("author_id", description)])])
                    if (dbcursor.description <> None):
                        author_description = dbcursor.description
                    author_results.append (dbcursor.fetchone())

                # Close the database cursor and connection.
                return pageutils.generate_page ("Database Error",
                                                "<div class=\"error\">Can't get discussion data.</div>\n")

            # Build the page.
            pagetext = ""
            if (pageutils.is_logged_in_p()):
                pagetext += "<a href=\"/discussions/new\">Start New Discussion</a>\n"
                pagetext += "<a href=\"/login\">Log In</a> to start a new discussion</a>\n"
            pagetext += "<ul>\n"
            for result in results:
                pagetext += "<li>\n"
                pagetext += ("<a href=\"/discussions/" +
                             str(result[sqlutils.getfieldindex ("discussion_id", description)]) +
                             "\">" + result[sqlutils.getfieldindex ("subject", description)] + "</a> (posted by ")
                for author in author_results:
                    if author == None:
                    if author[0] == result[sqlutils.getfieldindex ("author_id", description)]:
                        pagetext += author[sqlutils.getfieldindex ("name", author_description)]
                pagetext += " on " + result[sqlutils.getfieldindex ("creation_date", description)] + ")\n"
                pagetext += "</li>\n"
            pagetext += "</ul>\n"
            return pageutils.generate_page ("Discussions", pagetext)
        # Display a specific discussion.
            # Make sure we have a potentially-valid discussion id.
                discussion_id = str(int(discussion_id))
                return pageutils.generate_page ("Invalid Discussion",
                                                "<div class=\"error\">Can't present the requested discussion.</div>\n")
            description = None
            results = None
            reply_results = []
            author_description = None
            author_results = []

            # Get discussion listing from database
                # Try to connect to the database.
                dbconnection = pgdb.connect (database_connect_fields)
                dbcursor = dbconnection.cursor()
                dbcursor.execute ("SELECT * FROM discussions WHERE discussion_id=%s", [discussion_id])
                description = dbcursor.description
                results = dbcursor.fetchone()

                # Get the user (author) data for the main discussion.
                dbcursor.execute ("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id=%s",
                                  [str(results[sqlutils.getfieldindex("author_id", description)])])
                author_description = dbcursor.description
                author_results.append (dbcursor.fetchone())

                # Get any comments/replies for this discussion thread.
                dbcursor.execute ("SELECT * FROM discussions WHERE refers_to=%s", [discussion_id])
                reply_results = dbcursor.fetchall()

                # Get and store the user (author) data.
                for result in reply_results:
                    dbcursor.execute ("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id=%s",
                                      [str(result[sqlutils.getfieldindex("author_id", description)])])
                    author_results.append (dbcursor.fetchone())

                # Close the database cursor and connection.
                return pageutils.generate_page ("Database Error",
                                                "<div class=\"error\">Can't get discussion data.</div>\n")
            # Build page.
            pagetitle = results[sqlutils.getfieldindex("subject", description)]
            pagetext = "<p>" + results[sqlutils.getfieldindex("body", description)] + "</p>\n"
            for author in author_results:
                if author == None:
                # Find the author info to display.
                if author[0] == results[sqlutils.getfieldindex ("author_id", description)]:
                    pagetext += "<p><i>posted by " + author[sqlutils.getfieldindex ("name", author_description)]
                    pagetext += (" on " + results[sqlutils.getfieldindex ("creation_date", description)] +
            if (pageutils.is_admin_p()):
                pagetext += ("<p>[<a href=\"/admin/discussions/delete/" +
                             str(results[sqlutils.getfieldindex("discussion_id", description)]) +
                             "\">Delete Discussion</a>]</p>")
            pagetext += "<hr width=\"50%\">\n"
            pagetext += "<h3>Replies</h3>\n"
            # Do we have any replies to show?
            if (reply_results <> None):
                for result in reply_results:
                    pagetext += "<p>"
                    pagetext += result[sqlutils.getfieldindex ("body", description)]
                    for author in author_results:
                        if author == None:
                        # Find the author info to display.
                        if author[0] == result[sqlutils.getfieldindex ("author_id", description)]:
                            pagetext += "<p><i>posted by " + author[sqlutils.getfieldindex ("name", author_description)]
                            pagetext += (" on " +
                                         result[sqlutils.getfieldindex ("creation_date", description)] +
                    pagetext += "</p>\n"
                    # If the user is admin, post link to delete the reply.
                    if (pageutils.is_admin_p()):
                        pagetext += ("<p>[<a href=\"/admin/discussions/delete/" +
                                     str(result[sqlutils.getfieldindex ("discussion_id", description)]) +
                                     "\">Delete Reply</a>]</p>\n")
                    pagetext += "<hr width=50%>\n"
            # If user is logged in, post link to add a reply.
            if (pageutils.is_logged_in_p()):
                pagetext += "<p><a href=\"/discussions/reply/" + discussion_id + "\">Add a reply</a></p>\n"
                pagetext += "<p><a href=\"/login\">Log in</a> to add a reply</a></p>\n"
            # Generate page
            return pageutils.generate_page (pagetitle, pagetext)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def index(self, event_id=None):
        # If event_id is None, display main event table of contents.
        # Else, display specified event details.
        # Available to all, logged in or not.

        # Build table of contents.
        if event_id == None:
            description = None
            results = None

            # Get event listing from database
                # Try to connect to the database.
                dbconnection = pgdb.connect(database_connect_fields)
                dbcursor = dbconnection.cursor()
                dbcursor.execute("SELECT * FROM events ORDER BY start_date")

                # Get the cursor description and results from the query.
                description = dbcursor.description
                results = dbcursor.fetchall()

                # Close the database cursor and connection.
                return pageutils.generate_page("Database Error", '<div class="error">Can\'t get event data.</div>\n')
            # Build the page.
            pagetext = ""
            if pageutils.is_logged_in_p():
                pagetext += '<a href="/events/new">Add New Event</a>\n'
                pagetext += '<a href="/login">Log In</a> to add a new event</a>\n'
            pagetext += "<ul>\n"
            most_recent_month = None
            most_recent_year = None
            for result in results:
                start_date = result[sqlutils.getfieldindex("start_date", description)]
                end_date = result[sqlutils.getfieldindex("end_date", description)]
                if most_recent_year <> pageutils.get_year(start_date):
                    most_recent_year = pageutils.get_year(start_date)
                    pagetext += "</ul><h2>" + str(most_recent_year) + "</h2><ul>\n"
                if most_recent_month <> pageutils.get_month(start_date):
                    most_recent_month = pageutils.get_month(start_date)
                    pagetext += "</ul><h3>" + most_recent_month + "</h3><ul>\n"
                pagetext += (
                    + '<a href="/events/'
                    + str(result[sqlutils.getfieldindex("event_id", description)])
                    + '">'
                    + result[sqlutils.getfieldindex("title", description)]
                    + "</a> ("
                    + str(pageutils.get_month(start_date))
                    + " "
                    + str(pageutils.get_day(start_date))
                if result[sqlutils.getfieldindex("end_date", description)] <> None:
                    pagetext += " - " + pageutils.get_month(end_date) + " " + str(pageutils.get_day(end_date))
                pagetext += ")</li>\n"
            pagetext += "</ul>\n"
            return pageutils.generate_page("Events", pagetext)

        # Show specific event.
            description = None
            result = None

            # Get event listing from database
                # Try to connect to the database.
                dbconnection = pgdb.connect(database_connect_fields)
                dbcursor = dbconnection.cursor()
                dbcursor.execute("SELECT * FROM events WHERE event_id=%s", [str(event_id)])

                # Get the cursor description and results from the query.
                description = dbcursor.description
                result = dbcursor.fetchone()

                # Close the database cursor and connection.
                return pageutils.generate_page("Database Error", '<div class="error">Can\'t get event data.</div>\n')
            # Build the page.
            pagetext = ""
            start_date = result[sqlutils.getfieldindex("start_date", description)]
            end_date = result[sqlutils.getfieldindex("end_date", description)]
            pagetext += "<h3>" + pageutils.get_month(start_date) + " " + str(pageutils.get_day(start_date))
            if end_date <> None:
                pagetext += " - " + pageutils.get_month(end_date) + " " + str(pageutils.get_day(end_date))
                pagetext += ", " + pageutils.get_year(end_date)
                pagetext += ", " + pageutils.get_year(start_date)
            pagetext += "</h3>\n"
            pagetext += "<p>" + result[sqlutils.getfieldindex("description", description)]
            pagetitle = result[sqlutils.getfieldindex("title", description)]

            if pageutils.is_admin_p():
                pagetext += (
                    '<p>[<a href="/admin/events/delete/'
                    + str(result[sqlutils.getfieldindex("event_id", description)])
                    + '">Delete Event</a>]</p>'

            return pageutils.generate_page(pagetitle, pagetext)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def new(self, missing=False, title=None, description=None):
        # Create new event, available to logged in users.

        # Verify user is logged in.
        if not pageutils.is_logged_in_p():
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/login")

        # Form to create new event.
        pagecontents = ""
        if missing:
            pagecontents += '<div class="error"><h2>Error</h2>Be sure to fill in both the '
            pagecontents += "title and description fields.</div>\n"
        pagecontents += '<form action="/events/process" method="post">'
        pagecontents += "<b>Title</b>:"
        pagecontents += "<br>"
        pagecontents += '<input type="text" '
        if title <> None:
            pagecontents += 'value="' + title + '" '
        pagecontents += 'name="title">'
        pagecontents += "<br><br>\n"
        pagecontents += "<b>Description</b>:"
        pagecontents += "<br>"
        pagecontents += '<textarea cols=80 rows=10 name="description">'
        if description <> None:
            pagecontents += description
        pagecontents += "</textarea>\n"
        pagecontents += "<br><br>"
        pagecontents += "<b>Start Date</b>:"
        pagecontents += "<br>"
        pagecontents += '<select name="start_month">\n'
        for month in [
            ["01", "January"],
            ["02", "February"],
            ["03", "March"],
            ["04", "April"],
            ["05", "May"],
            ["06", "June"],
            ["07", "July"],
            ["08", "August"],
            ["09", "September"],
            ["10", "October"],
            ["11", "November"],
            ["12", "December"],
            pagecontents += '<option value="' + month[0] + '">' + month[1] + "</option>\n"
        pagecontents += "</select>\n"
        pagecontents += '<select name="start_day">\n'
        for day in [
            pagecontents += '<option value="' + day + '">' + day + "</option>\n"
        pagecontents += "</select>\n"
        pagecontents += '<select name="start_year">\n'
        for year in ["2009", "2010", "2011", "2012"]:
            pagecontents += '<option value="' + year + '">' + year + "</option>\n"
        pagecontents += "</select>\n"
        pagecontents += "<br><br>\n"
        pagecontents += "<b>End Date</b>: (<i>Leave blank for one-day events</i>)"
        pagecontents += "<br>"
        pagecontents += '<select name="end_month">\n'
        for month in [
            ["", ""],
            ["01", "January"],
            ["02", "February"],
            ["03", "March"],
            ["04", "April"],
            ["05", "May"],
            ["06", "June"],
            ["07", "July"],
            ["08", "August"],
            ["09", "September"],
            ["10", "October"],
            ["11", "November"],
            ["12", "December"],
            pagecontents += '<option value="' + month[0] + '">' + month[1] + "</option>\n"
        pagecontents += "</select>\n"
        pagecontents += '<select name="end_day">\n'
        for day in [
            pagecontents += '<option value="' + day + '">' + day + "</option>\n"
        pagecontents += "</select>\n"
        pagecontents += '<select name="end_year">\n'
        for year in ["", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012"]:
            pagecontents += '<option value="' + year + '">' + year + "</option>\n"
        pagecontents += "</select>\n"
        pagecontents += "<br><br>\n"
        pagecontents += '<input type="submit" value="Create New Event">'
        pagecontents += "</form>"

        pagecontents += pageutils.generate_disclaimer()

        return pageutils.generate_page("Create New Event", pagecontents)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def index (self, article_slug=None):
        # If article_slug is None, display main article table of contents.
        # Else, display specified article.
        # Available to all, logged in or not.

        if (article_slug == None):
            article_slug = "map"

        description = None
        results = None
        comments_description = None
        comments_results = None
        author_results = []
        author_description = None
        # Get article, comment, and comment-author data from database.
            # Try to connect to the database.
            dbconnection = pgdb.connect (database_connect_fields)
            dbcursor = dbconnection.cursor()
            dbcursor.execute ("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE slug=%s", [article_slug])
            # Get the cursor description and results from the query.
            description = dbcursor.description
            results = dbcursor.fetchone()

            # Get any comments for the article.
            if (results <> None):
                dbcursor.execute ("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE refers_to=%s",
                                  [str(results[sqlutils.getfieldindex ("article_id", description)])])
                comments_description = dbcursor.description
                comments_results = dbcursor.fetchall()
                # Store the user info for the author of the comment, for use when we display the comment.
                for result in comments_results:
                    dbcursor.execute ("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id=%s",
                                      [str(result[sqlutils.getfieldindex ("author_id", comments_description)])])
                    author_description = dbcursor.description
                    author_results.append (dbcursor.fetchone())

            # Close the database cursor and connection.

        if (results == None):
            # The "welcome" article is the main front page.  We need to have this page.
            if (article_slug == "welcome"):
                return pageutils.generate_page ("Welcome",
                                                "You will need to create an article with the slug: welcome")
            # We also need a "map" page.
            elif (article_slug == "map"):
                return pageutils.generate_page ("Map",
                                                "You will need to create an article with the slug: map")
                raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect ("/404")

        # Obtain the article title from the database results.
        pagetitle = ""
            pagetitle += results[sqlutils.getfieldindex ("title", description)]
            pagetitle = "Database Error."

        # Obtain the article body from the database results.
        pagetext = ""
            pagetext += results[sqlutils.getfieldindex ("body", description)]
            pagetext += "<p>Database Error.</p>"

        # Do we want to show comments on this page?
            if (int(results[sqlutils.getfieldindex ("display", description)]) > 1):
                pagetext += "<hr><h3>User Comments</h3>"
                # Do we have any comments to show?
                if (comments_results <> None):
                    for result in comments_results:
                        pagetext += "<p>"
                        pagetext += result[sqlutils.getfieldindex ("body", comments_description)]
                        for author in author_results:
                            if author == None:
                            # Find the author info to display.
                            if author[0] == result[sqlutils.getfieldindex ("author_id", comments_description)]:
                                pagetext += "<p><i>posted by " + author[sqlutils.getfieldindex ("name", author_description)]
                                pagetext += " on " + result[sqlutils.getfieldindex ("creation_date", comments_description)] + "</i></p>\n"
                        # If the user is admin, post link to delete the comment.
                        if (pageutils.is_admin_p()):
                            pagetext += ("<p>[<a href=\"/admin/articles/delete/" +
                                         str(result[sqlutils.getfieldindex ("article_id", comments_description)]) +
                                         "\">Delete Comment</a>]</p>\n")
                        pagetext += "</p>"
                        pagetext += "<hr width=50%>\n"
                        # If user is logged in, post link to add a comment.
                if (pageutils.is_logged_in_p()):
                    pagetext += "<p><a href=\"/articles/comment/" + article_slug + "\">Add a comment</a></p>\n"
                    pagetext += "<p><a href=\"/login\">Log in</a> to add a comment</a></p>\n"

        # Build the whole page and return it.
        return pageutils.generate_page (pagetitle, pagetext)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def thanks (self):
     if (pageutils.is_logged_in_p()):
         return pageutils.generate_page ("Thanks for Registering!",
                                         "<div class=\"notice\">Your account is active!</div>\n")
         raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect ("/register")