def test_multiply():
    private_key, public_key = create_key_pair(bit_length=TEST_BIT_LENGTH)
    a = 123
    b = 25
    expected = (123 * 25) % public_key.n

    ciphertext_a = encrypt(public_key, a)
    encrypted_result = multiply(public_key, ciphertext_a, b)
    result = decrypt(private_key, public_key, encrypted_result)

    assert result == expected
def encrypted_celsius_to_fahrenheit(public_key: PublicKey,
                                    ciphertext: int) -> int:
    Returns an encrypted integer representing 1/10ths of a degree Fahrenheit
    °F = °C * 1.8 + 32
    # First multiply the ciphertext by 18.
    multiplied_by_18 = multiply(public_key, ciphertext, 18)
    # Now encrypt 320.
    encrypted_320 = encrypt(public_key, 320)
    # Finally add them together. The result will need to be divided by 10.
    return add(public_key, multiplied_by_18, encrypted_320)
def test_multiply_by_one():
    private_key, public_key = create_key_pair(bit_length=TEST_BIT_LENGTH)
    a = 123
    b = 1
    expected = 123
    ciphertext_a = encrypt(public_key, a)
    naive_encrypted_result = ciphertext_a

    encrypted_result = multiply(public_key, ciphertext_a, b)
    assert encrypted_result != naive_encrypted_result

    result = decrypt(private_key, public_key, encrypted_result)
    assert result == expected
def encrypted_price_calculator(
    public_key: PublicKey,
    # a list of (encrypted price, plaintext quantity) tuples
    encrypted_cart: List[Tuple[int, int]],
) -> int:
    Returns the encrypted sum of multiplying each encrypted price by an unencrypted quantity
    item_subtotals = [
        multiply(public_key, price, quantity)
        for price, quantity in encrypted_cart

    total = encrypt(public_key, 0)
    for item_subtotal in item_subtotals:
        total = add(public_key, total, item_subtotal)

    return total