Exemplo n.º 1
    def add_package(self, filename, optimize_index=True, check_uuids=False):
        repo_filename = os.path.join(self.path, os.path.basename(filename))

        # Check if the package needs to be copied.
        needs_copy = True

        if os.path.exists(repo_filename):
            pkg2 = packages.open(self.pakfire, self, repo_filename)

            if check_uuids:
                pkg1 = packages.open(self.pakfire, None, filename)

                # Package file does already exist, but the UUID don't match.
                # Copy the package file and then re-open it.
                if pkg1.uuid == pkg2.uuid:
                    needs_copy = False
                needs_copy = False

        # Copy the package file
        if needs_copy:
            if not os.path.exists(self.path):

            # Copy the file.
                os.link(filename, repo_filename)
            except OSError:
                shutil.copy2(filename, repo_filename)

            # Re-open the package.
            pkg2 = packages.open(self.pakfire, self, repo_filename)

            # The package needs to be signed.
            if self.key_id:

        # Add package to the index.

        if optimize_index:
Exemplo n.º 2
	def add_package(self, filename, optimize_index=True, check_uuids=False):
		repo_filename = os.path.join(self.path, os.path.basename(filename))

		# Check if the package needs to be copied.
		needs_copy = True

		if os.path.exists(repo_filename):
			pkg2 = packages.open(self.pakfire, self, repo_filename)

			if check_uuids:
				pkg1 = packages.open(self.pakfire, None, filename)

				# Package file does already exist, but the UUID don't match.
				# Copy the package file and then re-open it.
				if pkg1.uuid == pkg2.uuid:
					needs_copy = False
				needs_copy = False

		# Copy the package file
		if needs_copy:
			if not os.path.exists(self.path):

			# Copy the file.
				os.link(filename, repo_filename)
			except OSError:
				shutil.copy2(filename, repo_filename)

			# Re-open the package.
			pkg2 = packages.open(self.pakfire, self, repo_filename)

			# The package needs to be signed.
			if self.key_id:

		# Add package to the index.

		if optimize_index:
Exemplo n.º 3
	def open(self):
		# Find all files in the repository dir.
		files = self.search_files(self.path)

		# Create progress bar.
		pb = util.make_progress(_("%s: Reading packages...") % self.name, len(files))
		i = 0

		# Add all files to the index.
		for file in files:
			if pb:
				i += 1

			pkg = packages.open(self.pakfire, self, file)

		if pb:

		# Mark repo as open.
		self.opened = True
Exemplo n.º 4
    def open(self):
        # Find all files in the repository dir.
        files = self.search_files(self.path)

        # Create progress bar.
        pb = util.make_progress(
            _("%s: Reading packages...") % self.name, len(files))
        i = 0

        # Add all files to the index.
        for file in files:
            if pb:
                i += 1

            pkg = packages.open(self.pakfire, self, file)

        if pb:

        # Mark repo as open.
        self.opened = True
Exemplo n.º 5
	def create(self, path):
		# Just check if the file really exist
		assert os.path.exists(path)

		_pkg = packages.open(pakfire.PakfireServer(), None, path)

		hash_sha512 = misc.calc_hash(path, "sha512")
		assert hash_sha512

		query = [
			("name",        _pkg.name),
			("epoch",       _pkg.epoch),
			("version",     _pkg.version),
			("release",     _pkg.release),
			("type",        _pkg.type),
			("arch",        _pkg.arch),

			("groups",      " ".join(_pkg.groups)),
			("maintainer",  _pkg.maintainer),
			("license",     _pkg.license),
			("url",         _pkg.url),
			("summary",     _pkg.summary),
			("description", _pkg.description),
			("size",        _pkg.inst_size),
			("uuid",        _pkg.uuid),

			# Build information.
			("build_id",    _pkg.build_id),
			("build_host",  _pkg.build_host),
			("build_time",  datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(_pkg.build_time)),

			# File "metadata".
			("path",        path),
			("filesize",    os.path.getsize(path)),
			("hash_sha512", hash_sha512),

		if _pkg.type == "source":
			query.append(("supported_arches", _pkg.supported_arches))

		keys = []
		vals = []
		for key, val in query:

		_query = "INSERT INTO packages(%s)" % ", ".join(keys)
		_query += " VALUES(%s) RETURNING *" % ", ".join("%s" for v in vals)

		# Create package entry in the database.
		pkg = self._get_package(_query, *vals)

		# Dependency information.
		for d in _pkg.prerequires:
			pkg.add_dependency("prerequires", d)

		for d in _pkg.requires:
			pkg.add_dependency("requires", d)

		for d in _pkg.provides:
			pkg.add_dependency("provides", d)

		for d in _pkg.conflicts:
			pkg.add_dependency("conflicts", d)

		for d in _pkg.obsoletes:
			pkg.add_dependency("obsoletes", d)

		# Add all files to filelists table
		for f in _pkg.filelist:
			pkg.add_file(f.name, f.size, f.hash1, f.type, f.config, f.mode,
				f.user, f.group, f.mtime, f.capabilities)

		# Return the newly created object
		return pkg
Exemplo n.º 6
	def open(cls, _pakfire, path):
		# Just check if the file really does exist.
		assert os.path.exists(path)

		p = pakfire.PakfireServer()
		file = packages.open(p, None, path)

		# Get architecture from the database.
		arch = _pakfire.arches.get_by_name(file.arch)
		assert arch, "Unknown architecture: %s" % file.arch

		hash_sha512 = misc.calc_hash(path, "sha512")
		assert hash_sha512

		query = [
			("name",        file.name),
			("epoch",       file.epoch),
			("version",     file.version),
			("release",     file.release),
			("type",        file.type),
			("arch",        arch.id),

			("groups",      " ".join(file.groups)),
			("maintainer",  file.maintainer),
			("license",     file.license),
			("url",         file.url),
			("summary",     file.summary),
			("description", file.description),
			("size",        file.inst_size),
			("uuid",        file.uuid),

			# Build information.
			("build_id",    file.build_id),
			("build_host",  file.build_host),
			("build_time",  datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(file.build_time)),

			# File "metadata".
			("path",        path),
			("filesize",    os.path.getsize(path)),
			("hash_sha512", hash_sha512),

		if file.type == "source":
			query.append(("supported_arches", file.supported_arches))

		keys = []
		vals = []
		for key, val in query:
			keys.append("`%s`" % key)

		_query = "INSERT INTO packages(%s)" % ", ".join(keys)
		_query += " VALUES(%s)" % ", ".join("%s" for v in vals)

		# Create package entry in the database.
		id = _pakfire.db.execute(_query, *vals)

		# Dependency information.
		deps = []
		for d in file.prerequires:
			deps.append((id, "prerequires", d))

		for d in file.requires:
			deps.append((id, "requires", d))

		for d in file.provides:
			deps.append((id, "provides", d))

		for d in file.conflicts:
			deps.append((id, "conflicts", d))

		for d in file.obsoletes:
			deps.append((id, "obsoletes", d))

		if deps:
			_pakfire.db.executemany("INSERT INTO packages_deps(pkg_id, type, what) \
				VALUES(%s, %s, %s)", deps)

		# Add all files to filelists table.
		filelist = []
		for f in file.filelist:
			if f.config:
				config = "Y"
				config = "N"

			# Convert mtime to integer.
				mtime = int(f.mtime)
			except ValueError:
				mtime = 0

			filelist.append((id, f.name, f.size, f.hash1, f.type, config, f.mode,
				f.user, f.group, datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(mtime),

		_pakfire.db.executemany("INSERT INTO filelists(pkg_id, name, size, hash_sha512, \
			type, config, mode, user, `group`, mtime, capabilities) \
			VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", filelist)

		# Return the newly created object.
		return cls(_pakfire, id)