Exemplo n.º 1
    def _run(self, simData):
        ra_pi_amp = np.zeros(np.size(simData), dtype=[('ra_pi_amp', 'float')])
        dec_pi_amp = np.zeros(np.size(simData),
                              dtype=[('dec_pi_amp', 'float')])
        ra_geo1 = np.zeros(np.size(simData), dtype='float')
        dec_geo1 = np.zeros(np.size(simData), dtype='float')
        ra_geo = np.zeros(np.size(simData), dtype='float')
        dec_geo = np.zeros(np.size(simData), dtype='float')
        ra = simData[self.raCol]
        dec = simData[self.decCol]
        if self.raDecDeg:
            ra = np.radians(ra)
            dec = np.radians(dec)

        for i, ack in enumerate(simData):
            mtoa_params = palpy.mappa(2000., simData[self.dateCol][i])
            # Object with a 1 arcsec parallax
            ra_geo1[i], dec_geo1[i] = palpy.mapqk(ra[i], dec[i], 0., 0., 1.,
                                                  0., mtoa_params)
            # Object with no parallax
            ra_geo[i], dec_geo[i] = palpy.mapqk(ra[i], dec[i], 0., 0., 0., 0.,
        x_geo1, y_geo1 = self._gnomonic_project_toxy(ra_geo1, dec_geo1, ra,
        x_geo, y_geo = self._gnomonic_project_toxy(ra_geo, dec_geo, ra, dec)
        ra_pi_amp[:] = np.degrees(x_geo1 - x_geo) * 3600.
        dec_pi_amp[:] = np.degrees(y_geo1 - y_geo) * 3600.
        simData['ra_pi_amp'] = ra_pi_amp
        simData['dec_pi_amp'] = dec_pi_amp
        return simData
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _run(self, simData, cols_present=False):
        if cols_present:
            # Column already present in data; assume it is correct and does not need recalculating.
            return simData
        ra_pi_amp = np.zeros(np.size(simData), dtype=[('ra_pi_amp', 'float')])
        dec_pi_amp = np.zeros(np.size(simData), dtype=[('dec_pi_amp', 'float')])
        ra_geo1 = np.zeros(np.size(simData), dtype='float')
        dec_geo1 = np.zeros(np.size(simData), dtype='float')
        ra_geo = np.zeros(np.size(simData), dtype='float')
        dec_geo = np.zeros(np.size(simData), dtype='float')
        ra = simData[self.raCol]
        dec = simData[self.decCol]
        if self.degrees:
            ra = np.radians(ra)
            dec = np.radians(dec)

        for i, ack in enumerate(simData):
            mtoa_params = palpy.mappa(2000., simData[self.dateCol][i])
            # Object with a 1 arcsec parallax
            ra_geo1[i], dec_geo1[i] = palpy.mapqk(ra[i], dec[i],
                                                  0., 0., 1., 0., mtoa_params)
            # Object with no parallax
            ra_geo[i], dec_geo[i] = palpy.mapqk(ra[i], dec[i],
                                                0., 0., 0., 0., mtoa_params)
        x_geo1, y_geo1 = self._gnomonic_project_toxy(ra_geo1, dec_geo1,
                                                     ra, dec)
        x_geo, y_geo = self._gnomonic_project_toxy(ra_geo, dec_geo, ra, dec)
        # Return ra_pi_amp and dec_pi_amp in arcseconds.
        ra_pi_amp[:] = np.degrees(x_geo1-x_geo)*3600.
        dec_pi_amp[:] = np.degrees(y_geo1-y_geo)*3600.
        simData['ra_pi_amp'] = ra_pi_amp
        simData['dec_pi_amp'] = dec_pi_amp
        return simData
Exemplo n.º 3
def _icrsFromAppGeo(ra, dec, epoch=2000.0, mjd=None):
    Convert the apparent geocentric position in (RA, Dec) to
    the mean position in the International Celestial Reference
    System (ICRS)

    This method undoes the effects of precession, annual aberration,
    and nutation.  It is meant for mapping pointing RA and Dec (which
    presumably include the above effects) back to mean ICRS RA and Dec
    so that the user knows how to query a database of mean RA and Decs
    for objects observed at a given telescope pointing.

    WARNING: This method does not account for apparent motion due to parallax.
    This means it should not be used to invert the ICRS-to-apparent geocentric
    transformation for actual celestial objects.  This method is only useful
    for mapping positions on a theoretical celestial sphere.

    This method works in radians.

    @param [in] ra in radians (apparent geocentric).  Can be a numpy array or a number.

    @param [in] dec in radians (apparent geocentric).  Can be a numpy array or a number.

    @param [in] epoch is the julian epoch (in years) of the equinox against which to
    measure RA (default: 2000.0)

    @param [in] mjd is an instantiation of the ModifiedJulianDate class
    representing the date of the observation

    @param [out] a 2-D numpy array in which the first row is the mean ICRS RA and
    the second row is the mean ICRS Dec (both in radians)

    are_arrays = _validate_inputs([ra, dec], ['ra', 'dec'], "icrsFromAppGeo")

    # Define star independent mean to apparent place parameters
    # palpy.mappa calculates the star-independent parameters
    # needed to correct RA and Dec
    # e.g the Earth barycentric and heliocentric position and velocity,
    # the precession-nutation matrix, etc.
    # arguments of palpy.mappa are:
    # epoch of mean equinox to be used (Julian)
    # date (MJD)
    params = palpy.mappa(epoch, mjd.TDB)

    if are_arrays:
        raOut, decOut = palpy.ampqkVector(ra, dec, params)
        raOut, decOut = palpy.ampqk(ra, dec, params)

    return np.array([raOut, decOut])
Exemplo n.º 4
    def testParallax(self):
        This test will output a catalog of ICRS and observed positions.
        It will also output the quantities (proper motion, radial velocity,
        and parallax) needed to apply the transformaiton between the two.
        It will then run the catalog through PALPY and verify that the catalog
        generating code correctly applied the transformations.

        # create and write a catalog that performs astrometric transformations
        # on a cartoon star database
        cat = parallaxTestCatalog(self.starDBObject, obs_metadata=self.obs_metadata)
        parallaxName = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_catUtils'), 'tests',
                                    'scratchSpace', 'parallaxCatalog.sav')

        if os.path.exists(parallaxName):


        data = np.genfromtxt(parallaxName, delimiter=',')
        self.assertGreater(len(data), 0)

        epoch = cat.db_obj.epoch
        mjd = cat.obs_metadata.mjd
        prms = pal.mappa(epoch, mjd.TDB)
        for vv in data:
            # run the PALPY routines that actuall do astrometry `by hand' and compare
            # the results to the contents of the catalog
            ra0 = np.radians(vv[0])
            dec0 = np.radians(vv[1])
            pmra = np.radians(vv[4])
            pmdec = np.radians(vv[5])
            rv = vv[6]
            px = vv[7]
            ra_apparent, dec_apparent = pal.mapqk(ra0, dec0, pmra, pmdec, px, rv, prms)
            ra_apparent = np.array([ra_apparent])
            dec_apparent = np.array([dec_apparent])
            raObserved, decObserved = _observedFromAppGeo(ra_apparent, dec_apparent,

            self.assertAlmostEqual(raObserved[0], np.radians(vv[2]), 7)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(decObserved[0], np.radians(vv[3]), 7)

        if os.path.exists(parallaxName):
    def testParallax(self):
        This test will output a catalog of ICRS and observed positions.
        It will also output the quantities (proper motion, radial velocity,
        and parallax) needed to apply the transformaiton between the two.
        It will then run the catalog through PALPY and verify that the catalog
        generating code correctly applied the transformations.

        #create and write a catalog that performs astrometric transformations
        #on a cartoon star database
        cat = parallaxTestCatalog(self.starDBObject, obs_metadata=self.obs_metadata)
        parallaxName = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_catUtils'), 'tests',
                                    'scratchSpace', 'parallaxCatalog.sav')

        if os.path.exists(parallaxName):


        data = numpy.genfromtxt(parallaxName,delimiter=',')
        self.assertGreater(len(data), 0)

        epoch = cat.db_obj.epoch
        mjd = cat.obs_metadata.mjd
        prms = pal.mappa(epoch, mjd.TDB)
        for vv in data:
            #run the PALPY routines that actuall do astrometry `by hand' and compare
            #the results to the contents of the catalog
            ra0 = numpy.radians(vv[0])
            dec0 = numpy.radians(vv[1])
            pmra = numpy.radians(vv[4])
            pmdec = numpy.radians(vv[5])
            rv = vv[6]
            px = vv[7]
            ra_apparent, dec_apparent = pal.mapqk(ra0, dec0, pmra, pmdec, px, rv, prms)
            ra_apparent = numpy.array([ra_apparent])
            dec_apparent = numpy.array([dec_apparent])
            raObserved, decObserved = _observedFromAppGeo(ra_apparent, dec_apparent,


        if os.path.exists(parallaxName):
def _icrsFromAppGeo(ra, dec, epoch=2000.0, mjd = None):
    Convert the apparent geocentric position in (RA, Dec) to
    the mean position in the International Celestial Reference
    System (ICRS)

    This method undoes the effects of precession, annual aberration,
    and nutation.  It is meant for mapping pointing RA and Dec (which
    presumably include the above effects) back to mean ICRS RA and Dec
    so that the user knows how to query a database of mean RA and Decs
    for objects observed at a given telescope pointing.

    This method works in radians.

    @param [in] ra in radians (apparent geocentric).  Must be a numpy array.

    @param [in] dec in radians (apparent geocentric).  Must be a numpy array.

    @param [in] epoch is the julian epoch (in years) of the equinox against which to
    measure RA (default: 2000.0)

    @param [in] mjd is an instantiation of the ModifiedJulianDate class
    representing the date of the observation

    @param [out] a 2-D numpy array in which the first row is the mean ICRS RA and
    the second row is the mean ICRS Dec (both in radians)

    # Define star independent mean to apparent place parameters
    # palpy.mappa calculates the star-independent parameters
    # needed to correct RA and Dec
    # e.g the Earth barycentric and heliocentric position and velocity,
    # the precession-nutation matrix, etc.
    # arguments of palpy.mappa are:
    # epoch of mean equinox to be used (Julian)
    # date (MJD)
    params = palpy.mappa(epoch, mjd.TDB)

    raOut, decOut = palpy.ampqkVector(ra, dec, params)

    return numpy.array([raOut, decOut])
def _solarRaDec(mjd, epoch=2000.0):
    Return the RA and Dec of the Sun in radians

    @param [in] mjd is the date (TDB) in question as an MJD

    @param [in] epoch is the mean epoch of the coordinate system
    (default is 2000.0)

    @param [out] RA of Sun in radians

    @param [out] Dec of Sun in radians

    params = palpy.mappa(epoch, mjd)
    # params[4:7] is a unit vector pointing from the Sun
    # to the Earth (see the docstring for palpy.mappa)

    return palpy.dcc2s(-1.0*params[4:7])
Exemplo n.º 8
 def _run(self, simData):
     ra_pi_amp = np.zeros(np.size(simData), dtype=[('ra_pi_amp','float')])
     dec_pi_amp = np.zeros(np.size(simData), dtype=[('dec_pi_amp','float')])
     ra_geo1 = np.zeros(np.size(simData), dtype='float')
     dec_geo1 = np.zeros(np.size(simData), dtype='float')
     ra_geo = np.zeros(np.size(simData), dtype='float')
     dec_geo = np.zeros(np.size(simData), dtype='float')
     for i,ack in enumerate(simData):
         mtoa_params = palpy.mappa(2000., simData[self.dateCol][i])
         ra_geo1[i],dec_geo1[i] = palpy.mapqk(simData[self.raCol][i],simData[self.decCol][i],
         ra_geo[i],dec_geo[i] = palpy.mapqk(simData[self.raCol][i],simData[self.decCol][i],
     x_geo1,y_geo1 = self._gnomonic_project_toxy(ra_geo1, dec_geo1, simData[self.raCol],simData[self.decCol])
     x_geo, y_geo = self._gnomonic_project_toxy(ra_geo, dec_geo, simData[self.raCol], simData[self.decCol])
     ra_pi_amp[:] = np.degrees(x_geo1-x_geo)*3600.
     dec_pi_amp[:] = np.degrees(y_geo1-y_geo)*3600.
     simData['ra_pi_amp'] = ra_pi_amp
     simData['dec_pi_amp'] = dec_pi_amp
     return simData
Exemplo n.º 9
def _solarRaDec(mjd, epoch=2000.0):
    Return the RA and Dec of the Sun in radians

    @param [in] mjd is the date represented as a
    ModifiedJulianDate object.

    @param [in] epoch is the mean epoch of the coordinate system
    (default is 2000.0)

    @param [out] RA of Sun in radians

    @param [out] Dec of Sun in radians

    params = palpy.mappa(epoch, mjd.TDB)
    # params[4:7] is a unit vector pointing from the Sun
    # to the Earth (see the docstring for palpy.mappa)

    return palpy.dcc2s(-1.0 * params[4:7])
    def test_applyProperMotion(self):
        Compare the output of _applyProperMotion to control outputs
        generated by recreating the 'space motion' section of code
        from palMapqk.c in palpy/cextern/pal

        nSamples = 1000

        mjdList = numpy.random.random_sample(20)*20000.0 + 45000.0

        for mjd in mjdList:

            raList_icrs = numpy.random.random_sample(nSamples)*2.0*numpy.pi
            decList_icrs = (numpy.random.random_sample(nSamples)-0.5)*numpy.pi

            # stars' original position in Cartesian space
            x_list_icrs = numpy.cos(decList_icrs)*numpy.cos(raList_icrs)
            y_list_icrs = numpy.cos(decList_icrs)*numpy.sin(raList_icrs)
            z_list_icrs = numpy.sin(decList_icrs)

            pm_ra = (numpy.random.random_sample(nSamples)-0.5)*radiansFromArcsec(1.0)
            pm_dec = (numpy.random.random_sample(nSamples)-0.5)*radiansFromArcsec(1.0)
            px = numpy.random.random_sample(nSamples)*radiansFromArcsec(1.0)
            v_rad = numpy.random.random_sample(nSamples)*200.0

            ra_list_pm, dec_list_pm = _applyProperMotion(raList_icrs, decList_icrs,
                                                         pm_dec, px, v_rad, mjd=ModifiedJulianDate(TAI=mjd))

            # stars' Cartesian position after proper motion is applied
            x_list_pm = numpy.cos(dec_list_pm)*numpy.cos(ra_list_pm)
            y_list_pm = numpy.cos(dec_list_pm)*numpy.sin(ra_list_pm)
            z_list_pm = numpy.sin(dec_list_pm)

            # The code below is copied from palMapqk.c in palpy/cextern/pal
            params = pal.mappa(2000.0, mjd)
            pmt = params[0]
            eb = numpy.array([params[1], params[2], params[3]])

            pxr = px*pal_das2r

            w = VF*v_rad*pxr

            motion_per_year = numpy.array([-1.0*pm_ra*y_list_icrs - pm_dec*numpy.cos(raList_icrs)*numpy.sin(decList_icrs) + w*x_list_icrs,
                                     pm_ra*x_list_icrs - pm_dec*numpy.sin(raList_icrs)*numpy.sin(decList_icrs) + w*y_list_icrs,
                                     pm_dec*numpy.cos(decList_icrs) + w*z_list_icrs])

            xyz_control = numpy.array([
                                      x_list_icrs + pmt*motion_per_year[0] - pxr*eb[0],
                                      y_list_icrs + pmt*motion_per_year[1] - pxr*eb[1],
                                      z_list_icrs + pmt*motion_per_year[2] - pxr*eb[2]

            xyz_norm = numpy.sqrt(numpy.power(xyz_control[0],2) + numpy.power(xyz_control[1],2) + numpy.power(xyz_control[2],2))

            # stars' Cartesian position after applying the control proper motion method
            xyz_control[0] = xyz_control[0]/xyz_norm
            xyz_control[1] = xyz_control[1]/xyz_norm
            xyz_control[2] = xyz_control[2]/xyz_norm

            # this is the Cartesian distance between the stars' positions as found by _applyProperMotion
            # and the distance as found by the control proper motion code above
            distance = numpy.sqrt(numpy.power(x_list_pm-xyz_control[0],2) + numpy.power(y_list_pm-xyz_control[1],2) +

            # this is the Cartesian distance between the stars' original positions on the celestial sphere
            # and their positions after the control proper motion was applied
            correction = numpy.sqrt(numpy.power(xyz_control[0]-x_list_icrs,2) + numpy.power(xyz_control[1]-y_list_icrs,2) +

            dex = numpy.argmax(distance)
            msg = 'pm %e %e vr %e px %e; time %e; err %e arcsec; corr %e' % \
            (arcsecFromRadians(pm_ra[dex]), arcsecFromRadians(pm_dec[dex]),
             v_rad[dex], arcsecFromRadians(px[dex]), pmt, arcsecFromRadians(distance[dex]),

            self.assertLess((distance/correction).max(), 0.01, msg=msg)
def _appGeoFromICRS(ra, dec, pm_ra=None, pm_dec=None, parallax=None,
                   v_rad=None, epoch=2000.0, mjd = None):
    Convert the mean position (RA, Dec) in the International Celestial Reference
    System (ICRS) to the mean apparent geocentric position

    units:  ra (radians), dec (radians), pm_ra (radians/year), pm_dec
    (radians/year), parallax (radians), v_rad (km/sec; positive if receding),
    epoch (Julian years)

    @param [in] ra in radians (ICRS).  Must be a numpy array.

    @param [in] dec in radians (ICRS).  Must be a numpy array.

    @param [in] pm_ra is ra proper motion multiplied by cos(Dec) in radians/year

    @param [in] pm_dec is dec proper motion in radians/year

    @param [in] parallax in radians

    @param [in] v_rad is radial velocity in km/sec (positive if the object is receding)

    @param [in] epoch is the julian epoch (in years) of the equinox against which to
    measure RA (default: 2000.0)

    @param [in] mjd is an instantiation of the ModifiedJulianDate class
    representing the date of the observation

    @param [out] a 2-D numpy array in which the first row is the apparent
    geocentric RAand the second row is the apparent geocentric Dec (both in radians)

    if mjd is None:
        raise RuntimeError("cannot call appGeoFromICRS; mjd is None")

    if len(ra) != len(dec):
        raise RuntimeError('appGeoFromICRS: len(ra) %d len(dec) %d '
                        % (len(ra),len(dec)))

    if pm_ra is None:

    if pm_dec is None:

    if v_rad is None:

    if parallax is None:

    # Define star independent mean to apparent place parameters
    # palpy.mappa calculates the star-independent parameters
    # needed to correct RA and Dec
    # e.g the Earth barycentric and heliocentric position and velocity,
    # the precession-nutation matrix, etc.
    # arguments of palpy.mappa are:
    # epoch of mean equinox to be used (Julian)
    # date (MJD)
    prms=palpy.mappa(epoch, mjd.TDB)

    # palpy.mapqk does a quick mean to apparent place calculation using
    # the output of palpy.mappa
    # Taken from the palpy source code (palMap.c which calls both palMappa and palMapqk):
    # The accuracy is sub-milliarcsecond, limited by the
    # precession-nutation model (see palPrenut for details).

    # because PAL and ERFA expect proper motion in terms of "coordinate
    # angle; not true angle" (as stated in erfa/starpm.c documentation)
    pm_ra_corrected = pm_ra/numpy.cos(dec)

    raOut,decOut = palpy.mapqkVector(ra,dec,pm_ra_corrected,pm_dec,arcsecFromRadians(parallax),v_rad,prms)

    return numpy.array([raOut,decOut])
Exemplo n.º 12
def _appGeoFromICRS(ra,
    Convert the mean position (RA, Dec) in the International Celestial Reference
    System (ICRS) to the mean apparent geocentric position

    units:  ra (radians), dec (radians), pm_ra (radians/year), pm_dec
    (radians/year), parallax (radians), v_rad (km/sec; positive if receding),
    epoch (Julian years)

    @param [in] ra in radians (ICRS).  Can be a numpy array or a number.

    @param [in] dec in radians (ICRS).  Can be a numpy array or a number.

    @param [in] pm_ra is ra proper motion multiplied by cos(Dec) in radians/year.
    Can be a numpy array or a number or None.

    @param [in] pm_dec is dec proper motion in radians/year.
    Can be a numpy array or a number or None.

    @param [in] parallax in radians.  Can be a numpy array or a number or None.

    @param [in] v_rad is radial velocity in km/sec (positive if the object is receding).
    Can be a numpy array or a number or None.

    @param [in] epoch is the julian epoch (in years) of the equinox against which to
    measure RA (default: 2000.0)

    @param [in] mjd is an instantiation of the ModifiedJulianDate class
    representing the date of the observation

    @param [out] a 2-D numpy array in which the first row is the apparent
    geocentric RAand the second row is the apparent geocentric Dec (both in radians)

    if mjd is None:
        raise RuntimeError("cannot call appGeoFromICRS; mjd is None")

    include_px = False

    if (pm_ra is not None or pm_dec is not None or v_rad is not None
            or parallax is not None):

        include_px = True

        if isinstance(ra, np.ndarray):
            fill_value = np.zeros(len(ra), dtype=float)
            fill_value = 0.0

        if pm_ra is None:
            pm_ra = fill_value

        if pm_dec is None:
            pm_dec = fill_value

        if v_rad is None:
            v_rad = fill_value

        if parallax is None:
            parallax = fill_value

        are_arrays = _validate_inputs(
            [ra, dec, pm_ra, pm_dec, v_rad, parallax],
            ['ra', 'dec', 'pm_ra', 'pm_dec', 'v_rad', 'parallax'],
        are_arrays = _validate_inputs([ra, dec], ['ra', 'dec'],

    # Define star independent mean to apparent place parameters
    # palpy.mappa calculates the star-independent parameters
    # needed to correct RA and Dec
    # e.g the Earth barycentric and heliocentric position and velocity,
    # the precession-nutation matrix, etc.
    # arguments of palpy.mappa are:
    # epoch of mean equinox to be used (Julian)
    # date (MJD)
    prms = palpy.mappa(epoch, mjd.TDB)

    # palpy.mapqk does a quick mean to apparent place calculation using
    # the output of palpy.mappa
    # Taken from the palpy source code (palMap.c which calls both palMappa and palMapqk):
    # The accuracy is sub-milliarcsecond, limited by the
    # precession-nutation model (see palPrenut for details).

    if include_px:
        # because PAL and ERFA expect proper motion in terms of "coordinate
        # angle; not true angle" (as stated in erfa/starpm.c documentation)
        pm_ra_corrected = pm_ra / np.cos(dec)

    if are_arrays:
        if include_px:
            raOut, decOut = palpy.mapqkVector(ra, dec, pm_ra_corrected, pm_dec,
                                              v_rad, prms)
            raOut, decOut = palpy.mapqkzVector(ra, dec, prms)
        if include_px:
            raOut, decOut = palpy.mapqk(ra, dec, pm_ra_corrected, pm_dec,
                                        arcsecFromRadians(parallax), v_rad,
            raOut, decOut = palpy.mapqkz(ra, dec, prms)

    return np.array([raOut, decOut])