Exemplo n.º 1
def test_user_config_path_set(header, shared_datadir):
    # arrange
    config_path = str(shared_datadir / "without_logging")

    # act
    config = panaetius.Config(header, config_path)

    # assert
    assert str(config.config_path) == config_path
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_user_config_path_without_header_dir_set(header, shared_datadir):
    # arrange
    config_path = str(shared_datadir / "without_header")

    # act
    config = panaetius.Config(header, config_path, skip_header_init=True)

    # assert
    assert str(config.config_path) == config_path
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_config_file_contents_read_success(header, shared_datadir, testing_config_contents):
    # arrange
    config_path = str(shared_datadir / "without_logging")

    # act
    config = panaetius.Config(header, config_path)
    config_contents = config.config

    # assert
    assert config_contents == testing_config_contents
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_config_file_without_header_dir_exists(header, shared_datadir):
    # arrange
    config_path = str(shared_datadir / "without_header")

    # act
    config = panaetius.Config(header, config_path, skip_header_init=True)
    _ = config.config

    # assert
    assert config._missing_config is False
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_config_file_exists(header, shared_datadir):
    # arrange
    config_path = str(shared_datadir / "without_logging")

    # act
    config = panaetius.Config(header, config_path)
    _ = config.config

    # assert
    assert config._missing_config is False
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_missing_config_read_from_default(header, shared_datadir):
    # arrange
    config_path = str(shared_datadir / "nonexistent_folder")

    # act
    config = panaetius.Config(header, config_path)
    panaetius.set_config(config, "missing.key_read_from_default", default=True)

    # assert
    assert getattr(config, "missing_key_read_from_default") is True
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_set_config(header, shared_datadir):
    # arrange
    config_path = str(shared_datadir / "without_logging")

    # act
    config = panaetius.Config(header, config_path)
    panaetius.set_config(config, "some_top_string")

    # assert
    assert getattr(config, "some_top_string") == "some_top_value"
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_config_file_does_not_exist(header, shared_datadir):
    # arrange
    config_path = str(shared_datadir / "nonexistent_folder")

    # act
    config = panaetius.Config(header, config_path)
    config_contents = config.config

    # assert
    assert config._missing_config is True
    assert config_contents == {}
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_key_level_too_deep(header, shared_datadir):
    # arrange
    config_path = str(shared_datadir / "without_logging")
    config = panaetius.Config(header, config_path)
    key = "a.key.too.deep"

    # act
    with pytest.raises(KeyErrorTooDeepException) as key_error_too_deep:
        panaetius.set_config(config, key)

    # assert
    assert str(key_error_too_deep.value) == f"Your key of {key} can only be 3 levels deep maximum."
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_missing_config_read_from_env_var_invalid_python(header):
    # arrange
    os.environ[f"{header.upper()}_INVALID_PYTHON"] = "a string without quotes"
    config = panaetius.Config(header)

    # act
    with pytest.raises(InvalidPythonException) as invalid_python_exception:
        panaetius.set_config(config, "invalid_python")

    # assert
    assert str(invalid_python_exception.value) == "a string without quotes is not valid Python."

    # cleanup
    del os.environ[f"{header.upper()}_INVALID_PYTHON"]
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_missing_config_read_from_env_var(env_value, expected_value, header, shared_datadir):
    # arrange
    config_path = str(shared_datadir / str(uuid4()))
    os.environ[f"{header.upper()}_MISSING_KEY_READ_FROM_ENV_VAR"] = env_value

    # act
    config = panaetius.Config(header, config_path)
    panaetius.set_config(config, "missing.key_read_from_env_var")

    # assert
    assert getattr(config, "missing_key_read_from_env_var") == expected_value

    # cleanup
    del os.environ[f"{header.upper()}_MISSING_KEY_READ_FROM_ENV_VAR"]
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_get_value_missing_key_from_default(header, shared_datadir):
    # arrange
    config_path = str(shared_datadir / "without_logging")
    config = panaetius.Config(header, config_path)
        default=["some", "default", "value", 1.0, True],

    # act
    default_value = getattr(config, "missing_key_from_default")

    # assert
    assert default_value == ["some", "default", "value", 1.0, True]
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_get_value_environment_var_override(header, shared_datadir):
    # arrange
    os.environ[f"{header.upper()}_SOME_TOP_STRING"] = "some_overridden_value"
    config_path = str(shared_datadir / "without_logging")
    config = panaetius.Config(header, config_path)
    panaetius.set_config(config, "some_top_string")

    # act
    config_value = getattr(config, "some_top_string")

    # assert
    assert config_value == "some_overridden_value"

    # cleanup
    del os.environ[f"{header.upper()}_SOME_TOP_STRING"]
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_get_value_missing_key_from_env(header, shared_datadir):
    # arrange
    os.environ[f"{header.upper()}_MISSING_KEY"] = "some missing key"

    config_path = str(shared_datadir / "without_logging")
    config = panaetius.Config(header, config_path)
    panaetius.set_config(config, "missing_key")

    # act
    value_from_key = getattr(config, "missing_key")

    # assert
    assert value_from_key == "some missing key"

    # cleanup
    del os.environ[f"{header.upper()}_MISSING_KEY"]
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_get_value_from_key(set_config_key, get_config_key, expected_value, header, shared_datadir):
    Test the following:

    - keys are read from top level key
    - keys are read from two level key
    - inline arrays are read correctly
    - inline tables are read correctly
    - inline tables & arrays read bools correctly
    # arrange
    config_path = str(shared_datadir / "without_logging")
    config = panaetius.Config(header, config_path)
    panaetius.set_config(config, set_config_key)

    # act
    config_value = getattr(config, get_config_key)

    # assert
    assert config_value == expected_value
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_default_config_path_set(header):
    # act
    config = panaetius.Config(header)

    # assert
    assert str(config.config_path) == str(pathlib.Path.home() / ".config")