Exemplo n.º 1
    def loadMultifilePrcFiles(self, mf, root):
        """ Loads any prc files in the root of the indicated
        Multifile, which is presumed to have been mounted already
        under root. """
        # We have to load these prc files explicitly, since the
        # ConfigPageManager can't directly look inside the vfs.  Use
        # the Multifile interface to find the prc files, rather than
        # vfs.scanDirectory(), so we only pick up the files in this
        # particular multifile.
        cpMgr = ConfigPageManager.getGlobalPtr()
        for f in mf.getSubfileNames():
            fn = Filename(f)
            if fn.getDirname() == '' and fn.getExtension() == 'prc':
                pathname = '%s/%s' % (root, f)

                alreadyLoaded = False
                for cpi in range(cpMgr.getNumImplicitPages()):
                    if cpMgr.getImplicitPage(cpi).getName() == pathname:
                        # No need to load this file twice.
                        alreadyLoaded = True

                if not alreadyLoaded:
                    data = file.open(Filename(pathname), 'r').read()
                    cp = loadPrcFileData(pathname, data)
                    # Set it to sort value 20, behind the implicit pages.
Exemplo n.º 2
 def loaderPhaseChecker(self, path, loaderOptions):
     if 'audio/' in path:
         return 1
     file = Filename(path)
     if not file.getExtension():
     mp = getModelPath()
     path = mp.findFile(file).cStr()
     if not path:
     match = re.match('.*phase_([^/]+)/', path)
     if not match:
         if 'dmodels' in path:
             self.errorAccumulatorBuffer += 'file not in phase (%s, %s)\n' % (
                 file, path)
     basePhase = float(match.groups()[0])
     if not launcher.getPhaseComplete(basePhase):
         self.errorAccumulatorBuffer += 'phase is not loaded for this model %s\n' % path
     model = loader.loader.loadSync(Filename(path), loaderOptions)
     if model:
         model = NodePath(model)
         for tex in model.findAllTextures():
             texPath = tex.getFullpath().cStr()
             match = re.match('.*phase_([^/]+)/', texPath)
             if match:
                 texPhase = float(match.groups()[0])
                 if texPhase > basePhase:
                     self.errorAccumulatorBuffer += 'texture phase is higher than the models (%s, %s)\n' % (
                         path, texPath)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def loaderPhaseChecker(self, path, loaderOptions):
     if 'audio/' in path:
         return 1
     file = Filename(path)
     if not file.getExtension():
     mp = getModelPath()
     path = mp.findFile(file).cStr()
     if not path:
     match = re.match('.*phase_([^/]+)/', path)
     if not match:
         if 'dmodels' in path:
             self.errorAccumulatorBuffer += 'file not in phase (%s, %s)\n' % (file, path)
     basePhase = float(match.groups()[0])
     if not launcher.getPhaseComplete(basePhase):
         self.errorAccumulatorBuffer += 'phase is not loaded for this model %s\n' % path
     model = loader.loader.loadSync(Filename(path), loaderOptions)
     if model:
         model = NodePath(model)
         for tex in model.findAllTextures():
             texPath = tex.getFullpath().cStr()
             match = re.match('.*phase_([^/]+)/', texPath)
             if match:
                 texPhase = float(match.groups()[0])
                 if texPhase > basePhase:
                     self.errorAccumulatorBuffer += 'texture phase is higher than the models (%s, %s)\n' % (path, texPath)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def loadMultifilePrcFiles(self, mf, root):
        """ Loads any prc files in the root of the indicated
        Multifile, which is presumed to have been mounted already
        under root. """

        # We have to load these prc files explicitly, since the
        # ConfigPageManager can't directly look inside the vfs.  Use
        # the Multifile interface to find the prc files, rather than
        # vfs.scanDirectory(), so we only pick up the files in this
        # particular multifile.
        cpMgr = ConfigPageManager.getGlobalPtr()
        for f in mf.getSubfileNames():
            fn = Filename(f)
            if fn.getDirname() == '' and fn.getExtension() == 'prc':
                pathname = '%s/%s' % (root, f)

                alreadyLoaded = False
                for cpi in range(cpMgr.getNumImplicitPages()):
                    if cpMgr.getImplicitPage(cpi).getName() == pathname:
                        # No need to load this file twice.
                        alreadyLoaded = True

                if not alreadyLoaded:
                    data = file.open(Filename(pathname), 'r').read()
                    cp = loadPrcFileData(pathname, data)
                    # Set it to sort value 20, behind the implicit pages.
    def buildAPP(self, output, platform):

        output = Filename(output)
        if output.isDirectory() and output.getExtension() != 'app':
            output = Filename(output, "%s.app" % self.fullname)
        Installer.notify.info("Creating %s..." % output)

        # Create the executable for the application bundle
        exefile = Filename(output, "Contents/MacOS/" + self.shortname)
        if self.includeRequires:
            extraTokens = {"host_dir": "../Resources"}
            extraTokens = {}
        self.standalone.build(exefile, platform, extraTokens)
        hostDir = Filename(output, "Contents/Resources/")
        self.installPackagesInto(hostDir, platform)

        # Create the application plist file.
        # Although it might make more sense to use Python's plistlib module here,
        # it is not available on non-OSX systems before Python 2.6.
        plist = open(
            Filename(output, "Contents/Info.plist").toOsSpecific(), "w")
        print >> plist, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
        print >> plist, '<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">'
        print >> plist, '<plist version="1.0">'
        print >> plist, '<dict>'
        print >> plist, '\t<key>CFBundleDevelopmentRegion</key>'
        print >> plist, '\t<string>English</string>'
        print >> plist, '\t<key>CFBundleDisplayName</key>'
        print >> plist, '\t<string>%s</string>' % self.fullname
        print >> plist, '\t<key>CFBundleExecutable</key>'
        print >> plist, '\t<string>%s</string>' % exefile.getBasename()
        print >> plist, '\t<key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>'
        print >> plist, '\t<string>%s.%s</string>' % (self.authorid,
        print >> plist, '\t<key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key>'
        print >> plist, '\t<string>6.0</string>'
        print >> plist, '\t<key>CFBundleName</key>'
        print >> plist, '\t<string>%s</string>' % self.shortname
        print >> plist, '\t<key>CFBundlePackageType</key>'
        print >> plist, '\t<string>APPL</string>'
        print >> plist, '\t<key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>'
        print >> plist, '\t<string>%s</string>' % self.version
        print >> plist, '\t<key>CFBundleVersion</key>'
        print >> plist, '\t<string>%s</string>' % self.version
        print >> plist, '\t<key>LSHasLocalizedDisplayName</key>'
        print >> plist, '\t<false/>'
        print >> plist, '\t<key>NSAppleScriptEnabled</key>'
        print >> plist, '\t<false/>'
        print >> plist, '\t<key>NSPrincipalClass</key>'
        print >> plist, '\t<string>NSApplication</string>'
        print >> plist, '</dict>'
        print >> plist, '</plist>'

        return output
    def buildAPP(self, output, platform):

        output = Filename(output)
        if output.isDirectory() and output.getExtension() != "app":
            output = Filename(output, "%s.app" % self.fullname)
        Installer.notify.info("Creating %s..." % output)

        # Create the executable for the application bundle
        exefile = Filename(output, "Contents/MacOS/" + self.shortname)
        if self.includeRequires:
            extraTokens = {"host_dir": "../Resources"}
            extraTokens = {}
        self.standalone.build(exefile, platform, extraTokens)
        hostDir = Filename(output, "Contents/Resources/")
        self.installPackagesInto(hostDir, platform)

        # Create the application plist file.
        # Although it might make more sense to use Python's plistlib module here,
        # it is not available on non-OSX systems before Python 2.6.
        plist = open(Filename(output, "Contents/Info.plist").toOsSpecific(), "w")
        print >> plist, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
        print >> plist, '<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">'
        print >> plist, '<plist version="1.0">'
        print >> plist, "<dict>"
        print >> plist, "\t<key>CFBundleDevelopmentRegion</key>"
        print >> plist, "\t<string>English</string>"
        print >> plist, "\t<key>CFBundleDisplayName</key>"
        print >> plist, "\t<string>%s</string>" % self.fullname
        print >> plist, "\t<key>CFBundleExecutable</key>"
        print >> plist, "\t<string>%s</string>" % exefile.getBasename()
        print >> plist, "\t<key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>"
        print >> plist, "\t<string>%s.%s</string>" % (self.authorid, self.shortname)
        print >> plist, "\t<key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key>"
        print >> plist, "\t<string>6.0</string>"
        print >> plist, "\t<key>CFBundleName</key>"
        print >> plist, "\t<string>%s</string>" % self.shortname
        print >> plist, "\t<key>CFBundlePackageType</key>"
        print >> plist, "\t<string>APPL</string>"
        print >> plist, "\t<key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>"
        print >> plist, "\t<string>%s</string>" % self.version
        print >> plist, "\t<key>CFBundleVersion</key>"
        print >> plist, "\t<string>%s</string>" % self.version
        print >> plist, "\t<key>LSHasLocalizedDisplayName</key>"
        print >> plist, "\t<false/>"
        print >> plist, "\t<key>NSAppleScriptEnabled</key>"
        print >> plist, "\t<false/>"
        print >> plist, "\t<key>NSPrincipalClass</key>"
        print >> plist, "\t<string>NSApplication</string>"
        print >> plist, "</dict>"
        print >> plist, "</plist>"

        return output
Exemplo n.º 7
    def loadMultifilePrcFiles(self, mf, root):
        """ Loads any prc files in the root of the indicated
        Multifile, which is presumed to have been mounted already
        under root. """

        # We have to load these prc files explicitly, since the
        # ConfigPageManager can't directly look inside the vfs.  Use
        # the Multifile interface to find the prc files, rather than
        # vfs.scanDirectory(), so we only pick up the files in this
        # particular multifile.
        for f in mf.getSubfileNames():
            fn = Filename(f)
            if fn.getDirname() == '' and fn.getExtension() == 'prc':
                pathname = '%s/%s' % (root, f)
                data = file.open(Filename(pathname), 'r').read()
                loadPrcFileData(pathname, data)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def loadMultifilePrcFiles(self, mf, root):
        """ Loads any prc files in the root of the indicated
        Multifile, which is presumed to have been mounted already
        under root. """

        # We have to load these prc files explicitly, since the
        # ConfigPageManager can't directly look inside the vfs.  Use
        # the Multifile interface to find the prc files, rather than
        # vfs.scanDirectory(), so we only pick up the files in this
        # particular multifile.
        for f in mf.getSubfileNames():
            fn = Filename(f)
            if fn.getDirname() == '' and fn.getExtension() == 'prc':
                pathname = '%s/%s' % (root, f)
                data = file.open(Filename(pathname), 'r').read()
                loadPrcFileData(pathname, data)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def loaderPhaseChecker(self, path, loaderOptions):
        # See if this path is in the phase system
        # It should look something like "phase_5/models/char/joe"

        # HACK: let's try .bam if it has no extension
        # Other way to do this: after we load the model, call model.node().getFullpath()
        if ("audio/" in path):
            return 1
        file = Filename(path)
        if not file.getExtension():
        mp = getModelPath()
        path = mp.findFile(file).cStr()
        if not path:

        match = re.match(".*phase_([^/]+)/", path)
        if (not match):
            if ('dmodels' in path):
                self.errorAccumulatorBuffer += "file not in phase (%s, %s)\n" % (
                    file, path)

        basePhase = float(match.groups()[0])
        if (not launcher.getPhaseComplete(basePhase)):
            self.errorAccumulatorBuffer += "phase is not loaded for this model %s\n" % (
        #grab the model
        model = loader.loader.loadSync(Filename(path), loaderOptions)

        if (model):
            model = NodePath(model)
            for tex in model.findAllTextures():
                texPath = tex.getFullpath().cStr()
                match = re.match(".*phase_([^/]+)/", texPath)
                if (match):
                    texPhase = float(match.groups()[0])
                    if (texPhase > basePhase):
                        self.errorAccumulatorBuffer += "texture phase is higher than the models (%s, %s)\n" % (
                            path, texPath)