Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_compare_mismatched_resolutions(self, comparison_op):
        # comparison that numpy gets wrong bc of silent overflows
        op = comparison_op

        iinfo = np.iinfo(np.int64)
        vals = np.array([iinfo.min, iinfo.min + 1, iinfo.max], dtype=np.int64)

        # Construct so that arr2[1] < arr[1] < arr[2] < arr2[2]
        arr = np.array(vals).view("M8[ns]")
        arr2 = arr.view("M8[s]")

        left = DatetimeArray._simple_new(arr, dtype=arr.dtype)
        right = DatetimeArray._simple_new(arr2, dtype=arr2.dtype)

        if comparison_op is operator.eq:
            expected = np.array([False, False, False])
        elif comparison_op is operator.ne:
            expected = np.array([True, True, True])
        elif comparison_op in [operator.lt, operator.le]:
            expected = np.array([False, False, True])
            expected = np.array([False, True, False])

        result = op(left, right)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)

        result = op(left[1], right)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)

        if op not in [operator.eq, operator.ne]:
            # check that numpy still gets this wrong; if it is fixed we may be
            #  able to remove compare_mismatched_resolutions
            np_res = op(left._ndarray, right._ndarray)
            tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(np_res[1:], ~expected[1:])
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_simple_new_requires_match(self, unit):
        arr = np.arange(5, dtype=np.int64).view(f"M8[{unit}]")
        dtype = DatetimeTZDtype(unit, "UTC")

        dta = DatetimeArray._simple_new(arr, dtype=dtype)
        assert dta.dtype == dtype

        wrong = DatetimeTZDtype("ns", "UTC")
        with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match=""):
            DatetimeArray._simple_new(arr, dtype=wrong)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_normalize(self, unit):
        dti = pd.date_range("2016-01-01 06:00:00", periods=55, freq="D")
        arr = np.asarray(dti).astype(f"M8[{unit}]")

        dta = DatetimeArray._simple_new(arr, dtype=arr.dtype)

        assert not dta.is_normalized

        # TODO: simplify once we can just .astype to other unit
        exp = np.asarray(dti.normalize()).astype(f"M8[{unit}]")
        expected = DatetimeArray._simple_new(exp, dtype=exp.dtype)

        res = dta.normalize()
        tm.assert_extension_array_equal(res, expected)
Exemplo n.º 4
def make_block(
    values, placement, klass=None, ndim=None, dtype: Optional[Dtype] = None
) -> Block:
    This is a pseudo-public analogue to blocks.new_block.

    We ask that downstream libraries use this rather than any fully-internal
    APIs, including but not limited to:

    - core.internals.blocks.make_block
    - Block.make_block
    - Block.make_block_same_class
    - Block.__init__
    values, dtype = extract_pandas_array(values, dtype, ndim)

    if klass is None:
        dtype = dtype or values.dtype
        klass = get_block_type(values, dtype)

    elif klass is DatetimeTZBlock and not is_datetime64tz_dtype(values.dtype):
        # pyarrow calls get here
        values = DatetimeArray._simple_new(values, dtype=dtype)

    if not isinstance(placement, BlockPlacement):
        placement = BlockPlacement(placement)

    ndim = _maybe_infer_ndim(values, placement, ndim)
    check_ndim(values, placement, ndim)
    return klass(values, ndim=ndim, placement=placement)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_non_nano(self, unit, reso, dtype):
        arr = np.arange(5, dtype=np.int64).view(f"M8[{unit}]")
        dta = DatetimeArray._simple_new(arr, dtype=dtype)

        assert dta.dtype == dtype
        assert dta[0]._reso == reso
        assert tz_compare(dta.tz, dta[0].tz)
        assert (dta[0] == dta[:1]).all()
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_fields(self, unit, reso, field):
        dti = pd.date_range("2016-01-01", periods=55, freq="D")
        arr = np.asarray(dti).astype(f"M8[{unit}]")

        dta = DatetimeArray._simple_new(arr, dtype=arr.dtype)

        res = getattr(dta, field)
        expected = getattr(dti._data, field)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res, expected)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_infer_freq_non_nano():
    arr = np.arange(10).astype(np.int64).view("M8[s]")
    dta = DatetimeArray._simple_new(arr, dtype=arr.dtype)
    res = frequencies.infer_freq(dta)
    assert res == "S"

    arr2 = arr.view("m8[ms]")
    tda = TimedeltaArray._simple_new(arr2, dtype=arr2.dtype)
    res2 = frequencies.infer_freq(tda)
    assert res2 == "L"
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_std_non_nano(self, unit):
        dti = pd.date_range("2016-01-01", periods=55, freq="D")
        arr = np.asarray(dti).astype(f"M8[{unit}]")

        dta = DatetimeArray._simple_new(arr, dtype=arr.dtype)

        # we should match the nano-reso std, but floored to our reso.
        res = dta.std()
        assert res._reso == dta._reso
        assert res == dti.std().floor(unit)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def dta_dti(self, unit, dtype):
        tz = getattr(dtype, "tz", None)

        dti = pd.date_range("2016-01-01", periods=55, freq="D", tz=tz)
        if tz is None:
            arr = np.asarray(dti).astype(f"M8[{unit}]")
            arr = np.asarray(dti.tz_convert("UTC").tz_localize(None)).astype(

        dta = DatetimeArray._simple_new(arr, dtype=dtype)
        return dta, dti
Exemplo n.º 10
def make_block(values,
               dtype: Optional[Dtype] = None) -> Block:
    This is a pseudo-public analogue to blocks.new_block.

    We ask that downstream libraries use this rather than any fully-internal
    APIs, including but not limited to:

    - core.internals.blocks.make_block
    - Block.make_block
    - Block.make_block_same_class
    - Block.__init__
    if isinstance(values, ABCPandasArray):
        # Ensure that we don't allow PandasArray / PandasDtype in internals.
        # For now, blocks should be backed by ndarrays when possible.
        values = values.to_numpy()
        if ndim and ndim > 1:
            # TODO(EA2D): special case not needed with 2D EAs
            values = np.atleast_2d(values)

    if isinstance(dtype, PandasDtype):
        dtype = dtype.numpy_dtype

    if klass is None:
        dtype = dtype or values.dtype
        klass = get_block_type(values, dtype)

    elif klass is DatetimeTZBlock and not is_datetime64tz_dtype(values.dtype):
        # TODO: This is no longer hit internally; does it need to be retained
        #  for e.g. pyarrow?
        values = DatetimeArray._simple_new(values, dtype=dtype)

    if not isinstance(placement, BlockPlacement):
        placement = BlockPlacement(placement)

    if ndim is None:
        # GH#38134 Block constructor now assumes ndim is not None
        if not isinstance(values.dtype, np.dtype):
            if len(placement) != 1:
                ndim = 1
                ndim = 2
            ndim = values.ndim

    return klass(values, ndim=ndim, placement=placement)
Exemplo n.º 11
def make_block(values,
               dtype: Dtype | None = None) -> Block:
    This is a pseudo-public analogue to blocks.new_block.

    We ask that downstream libraries use this rather than any fully-internal
    APIs, including but not limited to:

    - core.internals.blocks.make_block
    - Block.make_block
    - Block.make_block_same_class
    - Block.__init__
    if dtype is not None:
        dtype = pandas_dtype(dtype)

    values, dtype = extract_pandas_array(values, dtype, ndim)

    if klass is ExtensionBlock and is_period_dtype(values.dtype):
        # GH-44681 changed PeriodArray to be stored in the 2D
        # NDArrayBackedExtensionBlock instead of ExtensionBlock
        # -> still allow ExtensionBlock to be passed in this case for back compat
        klass = None

    if klass is None:
        dtype = dtype or values.dtype
        klass = get_block_type(dtype)

    elif klass is DatetimeTZBlock and not is_datetime64tz_dtype(values.dtype):
        # pyarrow calls get here
        values = DatetimeArray._simple_new(values, dtype=dtype)

    if not isinstance(placement, BlockPlacement):
        placement = BlockPlacement(placement)

    ndim = maybe_infer_ndim(values, placement, ndim)
    if is_datetime64tz_dtype(values.dtype) or is_period_dtype(values.dtype):
        # GH#41168 ensure we can pass 1D dt64tz values
        # More generally, any EA dtype that isn't is_1d_only_ea_dtype
        values = extract_array(values, extract_numpy=True)
        values = ensure_block_shape(values, ndim)

    check_ndim(values, placement, ndim)
    values = maybe_coerce_values(values)
    return klass(values, ndim=ndim, placement=placement)
Exemplo n.º 12
def make_block(values,
               dtype: Dtype | None = None) -> Block:
    This is a pseudo-public analogue to blocks.new_block.

    We ask that downstream libraries use this rather than any fully-internal
    APIs, including but not limited to:

    - core.internals.blocks.make_block
    - Block.make_block
    - Block.make_block_same_class
    - Block.__init__
    if dtype is not None:
        dtype = pandas_dtype(dtype)

    values, dtype = extract_pandas_array(values, dtype, ndim)

    if klass is None:
        dtype = dtype or values.dtype
        klass = get_block_type(values, dtype)

    elif klass is DatetimeTZBlock and not is_datetime64tz_dtype(values.dtype):
        # pyarrow calls get here
        values = DatetimeArray._simple_new(values, dtype=dtype)

    if not isinstance(placement, BlockPlacement):
        placement = BlockPlacement(placement)

    ndim = maybe_infer_ndim(values, placement, ndim)
    if is_datetime64tz_dtype(values.dtype):
        # GH#41168 ensure we can pass 1D dt64tz values
        values = extract_array(values, extract_numpy=True)
        values = ensure_block_shape(values, ndim)

    check_ndim(values, placement, ndim)
    values = maybe_coerce_values(values)
    return klass(values, ndim=ndim, placement=placement)
Exemplo n.º 13
def make_block(values,
               dtype: Optional[Dtype] = None) -> Block:
    This is a pseudo-public analogue to blocks.new_block.

    We ask that downstream libraries use this rather than any fully-internal
    APIs, including but not limited to:

    - core.internals.blocks.make_block
    - Block.make_block
    - Block.make_block_same_class
    - Block.__init__
    # error: Argument 2 to "extract_pandas_array" has incompatible type
    # "Union[ExtensionDtype, str, dtype[Any], Type[str], Type[float], Type[int],
    # Type[complex], Type[bool], Type[object], None]"; expected "Union[dtype[Any],
    # ExtensionDtype, None]"
    values, dtype = extract_pandas_array(values, dtype,
                                         ndim)  # type: ignore[arg-type]

    if klass is None:
        dtype = dtype or values.dtype
        klass = get_block_type(values, dtype)

    elif klass is DatetimeTZBlock and not is_datetime64tz_dtype(values.dtype):
        # pyarrow calls get here
        values = DatetimeArray._simple_new(values, dtype=dtype)

    if not isinstance(placement, BlockPlacement):
        placement = BlockPlacement(placement)

    ndim = _maybe_infer_ndim(values, placement, ndim)
    check_ndim(values, placement, ndim)
    values = maybe_coerce_values(values)
    return klass(values, ndim=ndim, placement=placement)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_add_datetimelike_scalar(self, tda, tz_naive_fixture):
        ts = pd.Timestamp("2016-01-01", tz=tz_naive_fixture)

        msg = "with mis-matched resolutions"
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, match=msg):
            # mismatched reso -> check that we don't give an incorrect result
            tda + ts
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, match=msg):
            # mismatched reso -> check that we don't give an incorrect result
            ts + tda

        ts = ts._as_unit(tda._unit)

        exp_values = tda._ndarray + ts.asm8
        expected = (DatetimeArray._simple_new(

        result = tda + ts
        tm.assert_extension_array_equal(result, expected)

        result = ts + tda
        tm.assert_extension_array_equal(result, expected)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_non_nano(self, unit, reso):
        arr = np.arange(5, dtype=np.int64).view(f"M8[{unit}]")
        dta = DatetimeArray._simple_new(arr, dtype=arr.dtype)

        assert dta.dtype == arr.dtype
        assert dta[0]._reso == reso