Exemplo n.º 1
    def _init_dict(self, data, axes, dtype=None):
        items = axes[0]

        # prefilter if items passed
        if items is not None:
            items = _ensure_index(items)
            data = dict((k, v) for k, v in data.iteritems() if k in items)
            items = Index(_try_sort(data.keys()))

        # figure out the index, if necessary
        if index is None:
            index = extract_index(data)

        # don't force copy because getting jammed in an ndarray anyway
        # homogenized = _homogenize(data, index, columns, dtype)

        data, index, columns = _homogenize(data, intersect=intersect)

        # segregates dtypes and forms blocks matching to columns
        blocks = form_blocks(homogenized, index, columns)

        # consolidate for now
        mgr = BlockManager(blocks, [columns, index])
        return mgr.consolidate()
Exemplo n.º 2
def hist_frame(data, grid=True, xlabelsize=None, xrot=None,
               ylabelsize=None, yrot=None, ax=None,
               sharex=False, sharey=False, **kwds):
    Draw Histogram the DataFrame's series using matplotlib / pylab.

    grid : boolean, default True
        Whether to show axis grid lines
    xlabelsize : int, default None
        If specified changes the x-axis label size
    xrot : float, default None
        rotation of x axis labels
    ylabelsize : int, default None
        If specified changes the y-axis label size
    yrot : float, default None
        rotation of y axis labels
    ax : matplotlib axes object, default None
    sharex : bool, if True, the X axis will be shared amongst all subplots.
    sharey : bool, if True, the Y axis will be shared amongst all subplots.
    kwds : other plotting keyword arguments
        To be passed to hist function
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    n = len(data.columns)
    rows, cols = 1, 1
    while rows * cols < n:
        if cols > rows:
            rows += 1
            cols += 1
    _, axes = _subplots(nrows=rows, ncols=cols, ax=ax, squeeze=False,
                        sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey)

    for i, col in enumerate(com._try_sort(data.columns)):
        ax = axes[i / cols][i % cols]
        ax.hist(data[col].dropna().values, **kwds)

        if xlabelsize is not None:
            plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=xlabelsize)
        if xrot is not None:
            plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=xrot)
        if ylabelsize is not None:
            plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=ylabelsize)
        if yrot is not None:
            plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), rotation=yrot)

    for j in range(i + 1, rows * cols):
        ax = axes[j / cols, j % cols]

    ax.get_figure().subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, hspace=0.3)

    return axes
Exemplo n.º 3
def _sanitize_and_check(indexes):
    kinds = list(set([type(index) for index in indexes]))

    if list in kinds:
        if len(kinds) > 1:
            indexes = [Index(com._try_sort(x)) if not isinstance(x, Index) else x for x in indexes]
            return indexes, "list"

    if len(kinds) > 1 or Index not in kinds:
        return indexes, "special"
        return indexes, "array"
Exemplo n.º 4
def _sanitize_and_check(indexes):
    kinds = list(set([type(index) for index in indexes]))

    if list in kinds:
        if len(kinds) > 1:
            indexes = [Index(com._try_sort(x))
                       if not isinstance(x, Index) else
                       x for x in indexes]
            return indexes, 'list'

    if len(kinds) > 1 or Index not in kinds:
        return indexes, 'special'
        return indexes, 'array'
Exemplo n.º 5
def _sanitize_and_check(indexes):
    kinds = list({type(index) for index in indexes})

    if list in kinds:
        if len(kinds) > 1:
            indexes = [Index(com._try_sort(x))
                       if not isinstance(x, Index) else
                       x for x in indexes]
            return indexes, 'list'

    if len(kinds) > 1 or Index not in kinds:
        return indexes, 'special'
        return indexes, 'array'
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _init_dict(self, data, axes, dtype=None):
        items, major, minor = axes

        # prefilter if items passed
        if items is not None:
            items = _ensure_index(items)
            data = dict((k, v) for k, v in data.iteritems() if k in items)
            items = Index(_try_sort(data.keys()))

        for k, v in data.iteritems():
            if not isinstance(v, DataFrame):
                data[k] = DataFrame(v)

        if major is None:
            indexes = [v.index for v in data.values()]
            major = _union_indexes(indexes)

        if minor is None:
            indexes = [v.columns for v in data.values()]
            minor = _union_indexes(indexes)

        axes = [items, major, minor]

        reshaped_data = data.copy() # shallow
        # homogenize

        item_shape = (1, len(major), len(minor))
        for k in items:
            if k not in data:
                values = np.empty(item_shape, dtype=dtype)
                reshaped_data[k] = values
                v = data[k]
                v = v.reindex(index=major, columns=minor, copy=False)
                if dtype is not None:
                    v = v.astype(dtype)
                values = v.values
                shape = values.shape
                reshaped_data[k] = values.reshape((1,) + shape)

        # segregates dtypes and forms blocks matching to columns
        blocks = form_blocks(reshaped_data, axes)
        mgr = BlockManager(blocks, axes).consolidate()
        return mgr
    def compare_variables(self, cuts= None, **kwargs): 
        # data1: DataFrame
        # data2: DataFrame
        # column: string or sequence
        # If passed, will be used to limit data to a subset of columns
        if 'alpha' not in self.kwargs:
            kwargs['alpha'] = 0.5
        # if column is not None:
        #     if not isinstance(column, (list, np.ndarray, Index)):
        #         column = [column]
        #     data1 = data1[column]
        #     data2 = data2[column]
        if cuts != None:
            if passed_cut (evt, cuts)
        self.data1 = self.data1._get_numeric_data()
        self.data2 = self.data2._get_numeric_data()
        naxes = len(self.data1.columns)
        fig, axes = plotting._subplots(naxes=naxes, ax=ax, squeeze=False,
        _axes = plotting._flatten(axes)
        for i, col in enumerate(com._try_sort(self.data1.columns)):
            ax = _axes[i]
            low = min(data1[col].min(), data2[col].min())
            high = max(data1[col].max(), data2[col].max())
                    bins=bins, range=(low,high), **kwds)
                    bins=bins, range=(low,high), **kwds)
            plotting._set_ticks_props(axes, xlabelsize=xlabelsize, xrot=xrot,
                                      ylabelsize=ylabelsize, yrot=yrot)
            fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, hspace=0.7)
            return axes
Exemplo n.º 8
def hist_frame(data, grid=True, xlabelsize=None, xrot=None,
               ylabelsize=None, yrot=None, ax=None, **kwds):
    Draw Histogram the DataFrame's series using matplotlib / pylab.

    grid : boolean, default True
        Whether to show axis grid lines
    xlabelsize : int, default None
        If specified changes the x-axis label size
    xrot : float, default None
        rotation of x axis labels
    ylabelsize : int, default None
        If specified changes the y-axis label size
    yrot : float, default None
        rotation of y axis labels
    ax : matplotlib axes object, default None
    kwds : other plotting keyword arguments
        To be passed to hist function
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    n = len(data.columns)
    k = 1
    while k ** 2 < n:
        k += 1
    _, axes = _subplots(nrows=k, ncols=k, ax=ax)

    for i, col in enumerate(com._try_sort(data.columns)):
        ax = axes[i / k][i % k]
        ax.hist(data[col].dropna().values, **kwds)

        if xlabelsize is not None:
            plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=xlabelsize)
        if xrot is not None:
            plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=xrot)
        if ylabelsize is not None:
            plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=ylabelsize)
        if yrot is not None:
            plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), rotation=yrot)

    return axes
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _init_dict(self, data, index, columns, dtype=None):
        # pre-filter out columns if we passed it
        if columns is not None:
            columns = _ensure_index(columns)
            data = dict(
                (k, v) for k, v in compat.iteritems(data) if k in columns)
            columns = Index(_try_sort(list(data.keys())))

        if index is None:
            index = extract_index(list(data.values()))

        sp_maker = lambda x: SparseArray(x,
        sdict = DataFrame()
        for k, v in compat.iteritems(data):
            if isinstance(v, Series):
                # Force alignment, no copy necessary
                if not v.index.equals(index):
                    v = v.reindex(index)

                if not isinstance(v, SparseSeries):
                    v = sp_maker(v.values)
            elif isinstance(v, SparseArray):
                v = v.copy()
                if isinstance(v, dict):
                    v = [v.get(i, nan) for i in index]

                v = sp_maker(v)
            sdict[k] = v

        # TODO: figure out how to handle this case, all nan's?
        # add in any other columns we want to have (completeness)
        nan_vec = np.empty(len(index))
        for c in columns:
            if c not in sdict:
                sdict[c] = sp_maker(nan_vec)

        return to_manager(sdict, columns, index)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def _iter_data(self):
        from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame
        if isinstance(self.data, (Series, np.ndarray)):
            yield com._stringify(self.label), np.asarray(self.data)
        elif isinstance(self.data, DataFrame):
            df = self.data

            if self.sort_columns:
                columns = com._try_sort(df.columns)
                columns = df.columns

            for col in columns:
                empty = df[col].count() == 0
                # is this right?
                values = df[col].values if not empty else np.zeros(len(df))

                col = com._stringify(col)
                yield col, values
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _iter_data(self):
        from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame
        if isinstance(self.data, (Series, np.ndarray)):
            yield com._stringify(self.label), np.asarray(self.data)
        elif isinstance(self.data, DataFrame):
            df = self.data

            if self.sort_columns:
                columns = com._try_sort(df.columns)
                columns = df.columns

            for col in columns:
                empty = df[col].count() == 0
                # is this right?
                values = df[col].values if not empty else np.zeros(len(df))

                col = com._stringify(col)
                yield col, values
Exemplo n.º 12
    def _init_dict(self, data, axes, dtype=None):
        haxis = axes.pop(self._info_axis_number)

        # prefilter if haxis passed
        if haxis is not None:
            haxis = _ensure_index(haxis)
            data = OrderedDict(
                (k, v) for k, v in compat.iteritems(data) if k in haxis)
            ks = list(data.keys())
            if not isinstance(data, OrderedDict):
                ks = _try_sort(ks)
            haxis = Index(ks)

        for k, v in compat.iteritems(data):
            if isinstance(v, dict):
                data[k] = self._constructor_sliced(v)

        # extract axis for remaining axes & create the slicemap
        raxes = [
            self._extract_axis(self, data, axis=i) if a is None else a
            for i, a in enumerate(axes)
        raxes_sm = self._extract_axes_for_slice(self, raxes)

        # shallow copy
        arrays = []
        haxis_shape = [len(a) for a in raxes]
        for h in haxis:
            v = values = data.get(h)
            if v is None:
                values = np.empty(haxis_shape, dtype=dtype)
            elif isinstance(v, self._constructor_sliced):
                d = raxes_sm.copy()
                d['copy'] = False
                v = v.reindex(**d)
                if dtype is not None:
                    v = v.astype(dtype)
                values = v.values

        return self._init_arrays(arrays, haxis, [haxis] + raxes)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _init_dict(self, data, index, columns, dtype=None):
        # pre-filter out columns if we passed it
        if columns is not None:
            columns = _ensure_index(columns)
            data = dict((k, v) for k, v in compat.iteritems(data) if k in columns)
            columns = Index(_try_sort(list(data.keys())))

        if index is None:
            index = extract_index(list(data.values()))

        sp_maker = lambda x: SparseArray(x,
        sdict = {}
        for k, v in compat.iteritems(data):
            if isinstance(v, Series):
                # Force alignment, no copy necessary
                if not v.index.equals(index):
                    v = v.reindex(index)

                if not isinstance(v, SparseSeries):
                    v = sp_maker(v.values)
            elif isinstance(v, SparseArray):
                v = sp_maker(v.values)
                if isinstance(v, dict):
                    v = [v.get(i, nan) for i in index]

                v = sp_maker(v)
            sdict[k] = v

        # TODO: figure out how to handle this case, all nan's?
        # add in any other columns we want to have (completeness)
        nan_vec = np.empty(len(index))
        for c in columns:
            if c not in sdict:
                sdict[c] = sp_maker(nan_vec)

        return dict_to_manager(sdict, columns, index)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def _init_dict(self, data, axes, dtype=None):
        haxis = axes.pop(self._info_axis_number)

        # prefilter if haxis passed
        if haxis is not None:
            haxis = _ensure_index(haxis)
            data = OrderedDict((k, v) for k, v
                               in compat.iteritems(data) if k in haxis)
            ks = list(data.keys())
            if not isinstance(data, OrderedDict):
                ks = _try_sort(ks)
            haxis = Index(ks)

        for k, v in compat.iteritems(data):
            if isinstance(v, dict):
                data[k] = self._constructor_sliced(v)

        # extract axis for remaining axes & create the slicemap
        raxes = [self._extract_axis(self, data, axis=i)
                 if a is None else a for i, a in enumerate(axes)]
        raxes_sm = self._extract_axes_for_slice(self, raxes)

        # shallow copy
        arrays = []
        haxis_shape = [len(a) for a in raxes]
        for h in haxis:
            v = values = data.get(h)
            if v is None:
                values = np.empty(haxis_shape, dtype=dtype)
            elif isinstance(v, self._constructor_sliced):
                d = raxes_sm.copy()
                d['copy'] = False
                v = v.reindex(**d)
                if dtype is not None:
                    v = v.astype(dtype)
                values = v.values

        return self._init_arrays(arrays, haxis, [haxis] + raxes)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def _init_dict(self, data, axes, dtype=None):
        items, major, minor = axes

        # prefilter if items passed
        if items is not None:
            items = _ensure_index(items)
            data = dict((k, v) for k, v in data.iteritems() if k in items)
            items = Index(_try_sort(data.keys()))

        for k, v in data.iteritems():
            if isinstance(v, dict):
                data[k] = DataFrame(v)

        if major is None:
            major = _extract_axis(data, axis=0)

        if minor is None:
            minor = _extract_axis(data, axis=1)

        axes = [items, major, minor]
        reshaped_data = data.copy() # shallow

        item_shape = len(major), len(minor)
        for item in items:
            v = values = data.get(item)
            if v is None:
                values = np.empty(item_shape, dtype=dtype)
            elif isinstance(v, DataFrame):
                v = v.reindex(index=major, columns=minor, copy=False)
                if dtype is not None:
                    v = v.astype(dtype)
                values = v.values
            reshaped_data[item] = values

        # segregates dtypes and forms blocks matching to columns
        blocks = form_blocks(reshaped_data, axes)
        mgr = BlockManager(blocks, axes).consolidate()
        return mgr
Exemplo n.º 16
    def _init_dict(self, data, axes, dtype=None):
        items, major, minor = axes

        # prefilter if items passed
        if items is not None:
            items = _ensure_index(items)
            data = dict((k, v) for k, v in data.iteritems() if k in items)
            items = Index(_try_sort(data.keys()))

        for k, v in data.iteritems():
            if isinstance(v, dict):
                data[k] = DataFrame(v)

        if major is None:
            major = _extract_axis(data, axis=0)

        if minor is None:
            minor = _extract_axis(data, axis=1)

        axes = [items, major, minor]
        reshaped_data = data.copy()  # shallow

        item_shape = len(major), len(minor)
        for item in items:
            v = values = data.get(item)
            if v is None:
                values = np.empty(item_shape, dtype=dtype)
            elif isinstance(v, DataFrame):
                v = v.reindex(index=major, columns=minor, copy=False)
                if dtype is not None:
                    v = v.astype(dtype)
                values = v.values
            reshaped_data[item] = values

        # segregates dtypes and forms blocks matching to columns
        blocks = form_blocks(reshaped_data, axes)
        mgr = BlockManager(blocks, axes).consolidate()
        return mgr
Exemplo n.º 17
def hist_frame(data, grid=True, **kwds):
    Draw Histogram the DataFrame's series using matplotlib / pylab.

    kwds : other plotting keyword arguments
        To be passed to hist function
    n = len(data.columns)
    k = 1
    while k ** 2 < n:
        k += 1
    _, axes = _subplots(nrows=k, ncols=k)

    for i, col in enumerate(com._try_sort(data.columns)):
        ax = axes[i / k][i % k]
        ax.hist(data[col].dropna().values, **kwds)

    return axes
Exemplo n.º 18
    def _init_dict(self, data, axes, dtype=None):
        items, major, minor = axes

        # prefilter if items passed
        if items is not None:
            items = _ensure_index(items)
            data = dict((k, v) for k, v in data.iteritems() if k in items)
            items = Index(_try_sort(data.keys()))

        for k, v in data.iteritems():
            if isinstance(v, dict):
                data[k] = DataFrame(v)

        if major is None:
            major = _extract_axis(data, axis=0)

        if minor is None:
            minor = _extract_axis(data, axis=1)

        axes = [items, major, minor]
        arrays = []

        item_shape = len(major), len(minor)
        for item  in items:
            v = values = data.get(item)
            if v is None:
                values = np.empty(item_shape, dtype=dtype)
            elif isinstance(v, DataFrame):
                v = v.reindex(index=major, columns=minor, copy=False)
                if dtype is not None:
                    v = v.astype(dtype)
                values = v.values


        return self._init_arrays(arrays, items,  axes)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def _init_dict(self, data, axes, dtype=None):
        items, major, minor = axes

        # prefilter if items passed
        if items is not None:
            items = _ensure_index(items)
            data = dict((k, v) for k, v in data.iteritems() if k in items)
            items = Index(_try_sort(data.keys()))

        for k, v in data.iteritems():
            if isinstance(v, dict):
                data[k] = DataFrame(v)

        if major is None:
            major = _extract_axis(data, axis=0)

        if minor is None:
            minor = _extract_axis(data, axis=1)

        axes = [items, major, minor]
        arrays = []

        item_shape = len(major), len(minor)
        for item in items:
            v = values = data.get(item)
            if v is None:
                values = np.empty(item_shape, dtype=dtype)
            elif isinstance(v, DataFrame):
                v = v.reindex(index=major, columns=minor, copy=False)
                if dtype is not None:
                    v = v.astype(dtype)
                values = v.values


        return self._init_arrays(arrays, items, axes)
Exemplo n.º 20
def hist_frame(data,
    Draw Histogram the DataFrame's series using matplotlib / pylab.

    grid : boolean, default True
        Whether to show axis grid lines
    xlabelsize : int, default None
        If specified changes the x-axis label size
    xrot : float, default None
        rotation of x axis labels
    ylabelsize : int, default None
        If specified changes the y-axis label size
    yrot : float, default None
        rotation of y axis labels
    ax : matplotlib axes object, default None
    kwds : other plotting keyword arguments
        To be passed to hist function
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    n = len(data.columns)
    rows, cols = 1, 1
    while rows * cols < n:
        if cols > rows:
            rows += 1
            cols += 1
    _, axes = _subplots(nrows=rows, ncols=cols, ax=ax, squeeze=False)

    for i, col in enumerate(com._try_sort(data.columns)):
        ax = axes[i / cols][i % cols]
        ax.hist(data[col].dropna().values, **kwds)

        if xlabelsize is not None:
            plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=xlabelsize)
        if xrot is not None:
            plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=xrot)
        if ylabelsize is not None:
            plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=ylabelsize)
        if yrot is not None:
            plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), rotation=yrot)

    for j in range(i + 1, rows * cols):
        ax = axes[j / cols, j % cols]

    ax.get_figure().subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, hspace=0.3)

    return axes
Exemplo n.º 21
    def signal_background(self, data1, data2, column=None, grid=True,
                          xlabelsize=None, xrot=None, ylabelsize=None,
                          yrot=None, ax=None, sharex=False,
                          sharey=False, figsize=None,
                          layout=None, bins=10, sample_weights='globalTimesEventWeight',
        """Draw histogram of the DataFrame's series comparing the distribution
        in `data1` to `data2`.

        data1: DataFrame
        data2: DataFrame
        column: string or sequence
           If passed, will be used to limit data to a subset of columns
        grid : boolean, default True
           Whether to show axis grid lines
        xlabelsize : int, default None
           If specified changes the x-axis label size
        xrot : float, default None
           rotation of x axis labels
        ylabelsize : int, default None
           If specified changes the y-axis label size
        yrot : float, default None
           rotation of y axis labels
        ax : matplotlib axes object, default None
        sharex : bool, if True, the X axis will be shared amongst all subplots.
        sharey : bool, if True, the Y axis will be shared amongst all subplots.
        figsize : tuple
           The size of the figure to create in inches by default
        layout: (optional) a tuple (rows, columns) for the layout of the histograms
        bins: integer, default 10
           Number of histogram bins to be used
        kwds : other plotting keyword arguments
           To be passed to hist function

        # NOTE: All sample weights for both signal and background are set to 1 for now
        background_weight =  pd.DataFrame(1., index=np.arange(data1.shape[0]), columns=['sample_weights']) 
        signal_weight = pd.DataFrame(1., index=np.arange(data2.shape[0]), columns=['sample_weights'])*manification

        if "alpha" not in kwds:
            kwds["alpha"] = 0.5

        w, h = (10, 6)
        figsize = (w, h)

        if column is not None:
            if not isinstance(column, (list, np.ndarray, Index)):
                column = [column]
                data1 = data1[column]
                data2 = data2[column]

        data1 = data1._get_numeric_data()
        data2 = data2._get_numeric_data()
        naxes = len(data1.columns)

        self.fig, self.axes = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=4,

        #xs = plotting._flatten(axes)
        self.xs = self.axes.flat

        for i, col in enumerate(com._try_sort(data1.columns)):
            self.ax = self.xs[i]
            low = min(data1[col].min(), data2[col].min())
            high = max(data1[col].max(), data2[col].max())
            self.ax.hist(data1[col].dropna().values, weights=background_weight,
                         bins=bins, histtype='stepfilled', range=(low,high), **kwds)
            self.ax.hist(data2[col].dropna().values, weights=signal_weight,
                         bins=bins, histtype='stepfilled', range=(low,high), **kwds)
            self.ax.legend(['background', 'signal (%s)'% (manification)], loc='best')

            # Customize the major grid
            self.ax.grid(which='major', linestyle='-', linewidth='0.2', color='gray')

        #plotting._set_ticks_props(axes, xlabelsize=xlabelsize, xrot=xrot,
        #                         ylabelsize=ylabelsize, yrot=yrot)
        self.fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.5, hspace=0.8)

        return plt.show()