Exemplo n.º 1
def _check_promote(
    Auxiliary function to unify testing of scalar/array promotion.

    dtype : dtype
        The value to pass on as the first argument to maybe_promote.
    fill_value : scalar
        The value to pass on as the second argument to maybe_promote, either as
        a scalar, or boxed into an array (depending on the parameter `boxed`).
    boxed : Boolean
        Parameter whether fill_value should be passed to maybe_promote
        directly, or wrapped in an array (of dtype box_dtype).
    box_dtype : dtype
        The dtype to enforce when wrapping fill_value into an np.array.
    expected_dtype : dtype
        The expected dtype returned by maybe_promote (by design this is the
        same regardless of whether fill_value was passed as a scalar or in an
    exp_val_for_scalar : scalar
        The expected value for the (potentially upcast) fill_value returned by
    exp_val_for_array : scalar
        The expected missing value marker for the expected_dtype (which is
        returned by maybe_promote when it receives an array).
    assert is_scalar(fill_value)

    if boxed:
        # in this case, we pass on fill_value wrapped in an array of specified
        # box_dtype; the expected value returned from maybe_promote is the
        # missing value marker for the returned dtype.
        fill_array = np.array([fill_value], dtype=box_dtype)
        result_dtype, result_fill_value = maybe_promote(dtype, fill_array)
        expected_fill_value = exp_val_for_array
        # here, we pass on fill_value as a scalar directly; the expected value
        # returned from maybe_promote is fill_value, potentially upcast to the
        # returned dtype.
        result_dtype, result_fill_value = maybe_promote(dtype, fill_value)
        expected_fill_value = exp_val_for_scalar

    assert result_dtype == expected_dtype
    _assert_match(result_fill_value, expected_fill_value)
Exemplo n.º 2
def _take_preprocess_indexer_and_fill_value(
    arr: np.ndarray,
    indexer: np.ndarray,
    out: np.ndarray | None,
    allow_fill: bool,
    mask_info = None

    if not allow_fill:
        dtype, fill_value = arr.dtype, arr.dtype.type()
        mask_info = None, False
        # check for promotion based on types only (do this first because
        # it's faster than computing a mask)
        dtype, fill_value = maybe_promote(arr.dtype, fill_value)
        if dtype != arr.dtype:
            # check if promotion is actually required based on indexer
            mask = indexer == -1
            needs_masking = mask.any()
            mask_info = mask, needs_masking
            if needs_masking:
                if out is not None and out.dtype != dtype:
                    raise TypeError("Incompatible type for fill_value")
                # if not, then depromote, set fill_value to dummy
                # (it won't be used but we don't want the cython code
                # to crash when trying to cast it to dtype)
                dtype, fill_value = arr.dtype, arr.dtype.type()

    indexer = ensure_platform_int(indexer)
    return indexer, dtype, fill_value, mask_info
Exemplo n.º 3
def _check_promote(dtype, fill_value, expected_dtype, exp_val_for_scalar=None):
    Auxiliary function to unify testing of scalar/array promotion.

    dtype : dtype
        The value to pass on as the first argument to maybe_promote.
    fill_value : scalar
        The value to pass on as the second argument to maybe_promote as
        a scalar.
    expected_dtype : dtype
        The expected dtype returned by maybe_promote (by design this is the
        same regardless of whether fill_value was passed as a scalar or in an
    exp_val_for_scalar : scalar
        The expected value for the (potentially upcast) fill_value returned by
    assert is_scalar(fill_value)

    # here, we pass on fill_value as a scalar directly; the expected value
    # returned from maybe_promote is fill_value, potentially upcast to the
    # returned dtype.
    result_dtype, result_fill_value = maybe_promote(dtype, fill_value)
    expected_fill_value = exp_val_for_scalar

    assert result_dtype == expected_dtype
    _assert_match(result_fill_value, expected_fill_value)
Exemplo n.º 4
def _take_preprocess_indexer_and_fill_value(
    arr: np.ndarray,
    indexer: npt.NDArray[np.intp],
    allow_fill: bool,
    mask_info = None

    if not allow_fill:
        dtype, fill_value = arr.dtype, arr.dtype.type()
        mask_info = None, False
        # check for promotion based on types only (do this first because
        # it's faster than computing a mask)
        dtype, fill_value = maybe_promote(arr.dtype, fill_value)
        if dtype != arr.dtype:
            # check if promotion is actually required based on indexer
            mask = indexer == -1
            needs_masking = mask.any()
            mask_info = mask, needs_masking
            if not needs_masking:
                # if not, then depromote, set fill_value to dummy
                # (it won't be used but we don't want the cython code
                # to crash when trying to cast it to dtype)
                dtype, fill_value = arr.dtype, arr.dtype.type()

    return dtype, fill_value, mask_info
Exemplo n.º 5
    def get_new_values(self):
        values = self.values

        # place the values
        length, width = self.full_shape
        stride = values.shape[1]
        result_width = width * stride
        result_shape = (length, result_width)
        mask = self.mask
        mask_all = mask.all()

        # we can simply reshape if we don't have a mask
        if mask_all and len(values):
            new_values = (self.sorted_values.reshape(
                length, width, stride).swapaxes(1, 2).reshape(result_shape))
            new_mask = np.ones(result_shape, dtype=bool)
            return new_values, new_mask

        # if our mask is all True, then we can use our existing dtype
        if mask_all:
            dtype = values.dtype
            new_values = np.empty(result_shape, dtype=dtype)
            dtype, fill_value = maybe_promote(values.dtype, self.fill_value)
            new_values = np.empty(result_shape, dtype=dtype)

        new_mask = np.zeros(result_shape, dtype=bool)

        name = np.dtype(dtype).name
        sorted_values = self.sorted_values

        # we need to convert to a basic dtype
        # and possibly coerce an input to our output dtype
        # e.g. ints -> floats
        if needs_i8_conversion(values):
            sorted_values = sorted_values.view("i8")
            new_values = new_values.view("i8")
        elif is_bool_dtype(values):
            sorted_values = sorted_values.astype("object")
            new_values = new_values.astype("object")
            sorted_values = sorted_values.astype(name, copy=False)

        # fill in our values & mask

        # reconstruct dtype if needed
        if needs_i8_conversion(values):
            new_values = new_values.view(values.dtype)

        return new_values, new_mask
Exemplo n.º 6
def take_2d_multi(
    arr: np.ndarray,
    indexer: tuple[npt.NDArray[np.intp], npt.NDArray[np.intp]],
) -> np.ndarray:
    Specialized Cython take which sets NaN values in one pass.
    # This is only called from one place in DataFrame._reindex_multi,
    #  so we know indexer is well-behaved.
    assert indexer is not None
    assert indexer[0] is not None
    assert indexer[1] is not None

    row_idx, col_idx = indexer

    row_idx = ensure_platform_int(row_idx)
    col_idx = ensure_platform_int(col_idx)
    indexer = row_idx, col_idx
    mask_info = None

    # check for promotion based on types only (do this first because
    # it's faster than computing a mask)
    dtype, fill_value = maybe_promote(arr.dtype, fill_value)
    if dtype != arr.dtype:
        # check if promotion is actually required based on indexer
        row_mask = row_idx == -1
        col_mask = col_idx == -1
        row_needs = row_mask.any()
        col_needs = col_mask.any()
        mask_info = (row_mask, col_mask), (row_needs, col_needs)

        if not (row_needs or col_needs):
            # if not, then depromote, set fill_value to dummy
            # (it won't be used but we don't want the cython code
            # to crash when trying to cast it to dtype)
            dtype, fill_value = arr.dtype, arr.dtype.type()

    # at this point, it's guaranteed that dtype can hold both the arr values
    # and the fill_value
    out_shape = len(row_idx), len(col_idx)
    out = np.empty(out_shape, dtype=dtype)

    func = _take_2d_multi_dict.get((arr.dtype.name, out.dtype.name), None)
    if func is None and arr.dtype != out.dtype:
        func = _take_2d_multi_dict.get((out.dtype.name, out.dtype.name), None)
        if func is not None:
            func = _convert_wrapper(func, out.dtype)

    if func is not None:
        func(arr, indexer, out=out, fill_value=fill_value)
        # test_reindex_multi

    return out
Exemplo n.º 7
    def dtype(self):
        if self.block is None:
            raise AssertionError("Block is None, no dtype")

        if not self.needs_filling:
            return self.block.dtype
            return get_dtype(maybe_promote(self.block.dtype, self.block.fill_value)[0])
Exemplo n.º 8
    def dtype(self):
        if self.block is None:
            raise AssertionError("Block is None, no dtype")

        if not self.needs_filling:
            return self.block.dtype
            return _get_dtype(maybe_promote(self.block.dtype,
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_maybe_promote_dimensions(any_numpy_dtype_reduced, dim):
    dtype = np.dtype(any_numpy_dtype_reduced)

    # create 0-dim array of given dtype; casts "1" to correct dtype
    fill_array = np.array(1, dtype=dtype)

    # expand to desired dimension:
    for _ in range(dim):
        fill_array = np.expand_dims(fill_array, 0)

    # test against 1-dimensional case
    expected_dtype, expected_missing_value = maybe_promote(
        dtype, np.array([1], dtype=dtype))

    result_dtype, result_missing_value = maybe_promote(dtype, fill_array)

    assert result_dtype == expected_dtype
    _assert_match(result_missing_value, expected_missing_value)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def fill_value(self, value):
     if not is_scalar(value):
         raise ValueError('fill_value must be a scalar')
     # if the specified value triggers type promotion, raise ValueError
     new_dtype, fill_value = maybe_promote(self.dtype, value)
     if is_dtype_equal(self.dtype, new_dtype):
         self._fill_value = fill_value
         msg = 'unable to set fill_value {0} to {1} dtype'
         raise ValueError(msg.format(value, self.dtype))
Exemplo n.º 11
 def fill_value(self, value):
     if not is_scalar(value):
         raise ValueError('fill_value must be a scalar')
     # if the specified value triggers type promotion, raise ValueError
     new_dtype, fill_value = maybe_promote(self.dtype, value)
     if is_dtype_equal(self.dtype, new_dtype):
         self._fill_value = fill_value
         msg = 'unable to set fill_value {fill} to {dtype} dtype'
         raise ValueError(msg.format(fill=value, dtype=self.dtype))
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_maybe_promote_dimensions(any_numpy_dtype_reduced, dim):
    dtype = np.dtype(any_numpy_dtype_reduced)

    # create 0-dim array of given dtype; casts "1" to correct dtype
    fill_array = np.array(1, dtype=dtype)

    # expand to desired dimension:
    for _ in range(dim):
        fill_array = np.expand_dims(fill_array, 0)

    if dtype != object:
        # test against 1-dimensional case
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="fill_value must be a scalar"):
            maybe_promote(dtype, np.array([1], dtype=dtype))

        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="fill_value must be a scalar"):
            maybe_promote(dtype, fill_array)

        expected_dtype, expected_missing_value = maybe_promote(
            dtype, np.array([1], dtype=dtype)
        result_dtype, result_missing_value = maybe_promote(dtype, fill_array)
        assert result_dtype == expected_dtype
        _assert_match(result_missing_value, expected_missing_value)
Exemplo n.º 13
def _take_preprocess_indexer_and_fill_value(
    arr: np.ndarray,
    indexer: Optional[np.ndarray],
    axis: int,
    out: Optional[np.ndarray],
    allow_fill: bool,
    mask_info = None

    if indexer is None:
        indexer = np.arange(arr.shape[axis], dtype=np.int64)
        dtype, fill_value = arr.dtype, arr.dtype.type()
        indexer = ensure_int64(indexer, copy=False)
        if not allow_fill:
            dtype, fill_value = arr.dtype, arr.dtype.type()
            mask_info = None, False
            # check for promotion based on types only (do this first because
            # it's faster than computing a mask)
            dtype, fill_value = maybe_promote(arr.dtype, fill_value)
            if dtype != arr.dtype and (out is None or out.dtype != dtype):
                # check if promotion is actually required based on indexer
                mask = indexer == -1
                # error: Item "bool" of "Union[Any, bool]" has no attribute "any"
                # [union-attr]
                needs_masking = mask.any()  # type: ignore[union-attr]
                # error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type
                # "Tuple[Union[Any, bool], Any]", variable has type
                # "Optional[Tuple[None, bool]]")
                mask_info = mask, needs_masking  # type: ignore[assignment]
                if needs_masking:
                    if out is not None and out.dtype != dtype:
                        raise TypeError("Incompatible type for fill_value")
                    # if not, then depromote, set fill_value to dummy
                    # (it won't be used but we don't want the cython code
                    # to crash when trying to cast it to dtype)
                    dtype, fill_value = arr.dtype, arr.dtype.type()

    return indexer, dtype, fill_value, mask_info
Exemplo n.º 14
    def get_new_values(self, values, fill_value=None):

        if values.ndim == 1:
            values = values[:, np.newaxis]

        sorted_values = self._make_sorted_values(values)

        # place the values
        length, width = self.full_shape
        stride = values.shape[1]
        result_width = width * stride
        result_shape = (length, result_width)
        mask = self.mask
        mask_all = self.mask_all

        # we can simply reshape if we don't have a mask
        if mask_all and len(values):
            # TODO: Under what circumstances can we rely on sorted_values
            #  matching values?  When that holds, we can slice instead
            #  of take (in particular for EAs)
            new_values = (
                sorted_values.reshape(length, width, stride)
                .swapaxes(1, 2)
            new_mask = np.ones(result_shape, dtype=bool)
            return new_values, new_mask

        # if our mask is all True, then we can use our existing dtype
        if mask_all:
            dtype = values.dtype
            new_values = np.empty(result_shape, dtype=dtype)
            name = np.dtype(dtype).name
            dtype, fill_value = maybe_promote(values.dtype, fill_value)
            if isinstance(dtype, ExtensionDtype):
                # GH#41875
                cls = dtype.construct_array_type()
                new_values = cls._empty(result_shape, dtype=dtype)
                new_values[:] = fill_value
                name = dtype.name
                new_values = np.empty(result_shape, dtype=dtype)
                name = np.dtype(dtype).name

        new_mask = np.zeros(result_shape, dtype=bool)

        # we need to convert to a basic dtype
        # and possibly coerce an input to our output dtype
        # e.g. ints -> floats
        if needs_i8_conversion(values.dtype):
            sorted_values = sorted_values.view("i8")
            new_values = new_values.view("i8")
        elif is_bool_dtype(values.dtype):
            sorted_values = sorted_values.astype("object")
            new_values = new_values.astype("object")
            sorted_values = sorted_values.astype(name, copy=False)

        # fill in our values & mask

        # reconstruct dtype if needed
        if needs_i8_conversion(values.dtype):
            # view as datetime64 so we can wrap in DatetimeArray and use
            #  DTA's view method
            new_values = new_values.view("M8[ns]")
            new_values = ensure_wrapped_if_datetimelike(new_values)
            new_values = new_values.view(values.dtype)

        return new_values, new_mask
Exemplo n.º 15
def take_nd(
    arr: ArrayLike,
    axis: int = 0,
    allow_fill: bool = True,
) -> ArrayLike:
    Specialized Cython take which sets NaN values in one pass

    This dispatches to ``take`` defined on ExtensionArrays. It does not
    currently dispatch to ``SparseArray.take`` for sparse ``arr``.

    Note: this function assumes that the indexer is a valid(ated) indexer with
    no out of bound indices.

    arr : np.ndarray or ExtensionArray
        Input array.
    indexer : ndarray
        1-D array of indices to take, subarrays corresponding to -1 value
        indices are filed with fill_value
    axis : int, default 0
        Axis to take from
    fill_value : any, default np.nan
        Fill value to replace -1 values with
    allow_fill : bool, default True
        If False, indexer is assumed to contain no -1 values so no filling
        will be done.  This short-circuits computation of a mask.  Result is
        undefined if allow_fill == False and -1 is present in indexer.

    subarray : np.ndarray or ExtensionArray
        May be the same type as the input, or cast to an ndarray.
    if fill_value is lib.no_default:
        fill_value = na_value_for_dtype(arr.dtype, compat=False)
    elif isinstance(arr.dtype, np.dtype) and arr.dtype.kind in "mM":
        dtype, fill_value = maybe_promote(arr.dtype, fill_value)
        if arr.dtype != dtype:
            # EA.take is strict about returning a new object of the same type
            # so for that case cast upfront
            arr = arr.astype(dtype)

    if not isinstance(arr, np.ndarray):
        # i.e. ExtensionArray,
        # includes for EA to catch DatetimeArray, TimedeltaArray
        if not is_1d_only_ea_obj(arr):
            # i.e. DatetimeArray, TimedeltaArray
            arr = cast("NDArrayBackedExtensionArray", arr)
            return arr.take(indexer,

        return arr.take(indexer, fill_value=fill_value, allow_fill=allow_fill)

    arr = np.asarray(arr)
    return _take_nd_ndarray(arr, indexer, axis, fill_value, allow_fill)
Exemplo n.º 16
def _check_promote(dtype, fill_value, boxed, box_dtype, expected_dtype,
                   exp_val_for_scalar=None, exp_val_for_array=None):
    Auxiliary function to unify testing of scalar/array promotion.

    dtype : dtype
        The value to pass on as the first argument to maybe_promote.
    fill_value : scalar
        The value to pass on as the second argument to maybe_promote, either as
        a scalar, or boxed into an array (depending on the parameter `boxed`).
    boxed : Boolean
        Parameter whether fill_value should be passed to maybe_promote
        directly, or wrapped in an array (of dtype box_dtype).
    box_dtype : dtype
        The dtype to enforce when wrapping fill_value into an np.array.
    expected_dtype : dtype
        The expected dtype returned by maybe_promote (by design this is the
        same regardless of whether fill_value was passed as a scalar or in an
    exp_val_for_scalar : scalar
        The expected value for the (potentially upcast) fill_value returned by
    exp_val_for_array : scalar
        The expected missing value marker for the expected_dtype (which is
        returned by maybe_promote when it receives an array).
    assert is_scalar(fill_value)

    if boxed:
        # in this case, we pass on fill_value wrapped in an array of specified
        # box_dtype; the expected value returned from maybe_promote is the
        # missing value marker for the returned dtype.
        fill_array = np.array([fill_value], dtype=box_dtype)
        result_dtype, result_fill_value = maybe_promote(dtype, fill_array)
        expected_fill_value = exp_val_for_array
        # here, we pass on fill_value as a scalar directly; the expected value
        # returned from maybe_promote is fill_value, potentially upcast to the
        # returned dtype.
        result_dtype, result_fill_value = maybe_promote(dtype, fill_value)
        expected_fill_value = exp_val_for_scalar

    _safe_dtype_assert(result_dtype, expected_dtype)

    # for equal values, also check type (relevant e.g. for int vs float, resp.
    # for different datetimes and timedeltas)
    match_value = (result_fill_value == expected_fill_value
                   # disabled type check due to too many xfails; GH 23982/25425
                   # and type(result_fill_value) == type(expected_fill_value)

    # for missing values, None == None and iNaT == iNaT (which is checked
    # through match_value above), but np.nan != np.nan and pd.NaT != pd.NaT
    match_missing = ((result_fill_value is np.nan
                      and expected_fill_value is np.nan)
                     or (result_fill_value is NaT
                         and expected_fill_value is NaT))

    assert match_value or match_missing
Exemplo n.º 17
def putmask_smart(values: np.ndarray, mask: np.ndarray, new) -> np.ndarray:
    Return a new ndarray, try to preserve dtype if possible.

    values : np.ndarray
        `values`, updated in-place.
    mask : np.ndarray[bool]
        Applies to both sides (array like).
    new : `new values` either scalar or an array like aligned with `values`

    values : ndarray with updated values
        this *may* be a copy of the original

    See Also
    # we cannot use np.asarray() here as we cannot have conversions
    # that numpy does when numeric are mixed with strings

    # n should be the length of the mask or a scalar here
    if not is_list_like(new):
        new = np.repeat(new, len(mask))

    # see if we are only masking values that if putted
    # will work in the current dtype
        nn = new[mask]
    except TypeError:
        # TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index
        # make sure that we have a nullable type if we have nulls
        if not isna_compat(values, nn[0]):
        elif not (is_float_dtype(nn.dtype) or is_integer_dtype(nn.dtype)):
            # only compare integers/floats
        elif not (is_float_dtype(values.dtype)
                  or is_integer_dtype(values.dtype)):
            # only compare integers/floats

            # we ignore ComplexWarning here
            with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
                warnings.simplefilter("ignore", np.ComplexWarning)
                nn_at = nn.astype(values.dtype)

            comp = nn == nn_at
            if is_list_like(comp) and comp.all():
                nv = values.copy()
                nv[mask] = nn_at
                return nv

    new = np.asarray(new)

    if values.dtype.kind == new.dtype.kind:
        # preserves dtype if possible
        return _putmask_preserve(values, new, mask)

    # change the dtype if needed
    dtype, _ = maybe_promote(new.dtype)

    values = values.astype(dtype)

    return _putmask_preserve(values, new, mask)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def get_new_values(self):
        values = self.values

        # place the values
        length, width = self.full_shape
        stride = values.shape[1]
        result_width = width * stride
        result_shape = (length, result_width)
        mask = self.mask
        mask_all = mask.all()

        # we can simply reshape if we don't have a mask
        if mask_all and len(values):
            new_values = (self.sorted_values
                              .reshape(length, width, stride)
                              .swapaxes(1, 2)
            new_mask = np.ones(result_shape, dtype=bool)
            return new_values, new_mask

        # if our mask is all True, then we can use our existing dtype
        if mask_all:
            dtype = values.dtype
            new_values = np.empty(result_shape, dtype=dtype)
            dtype, fill_value = maybe_promote(values.dtype, self.fill_value)
            new_values = np.empty(result_shape, dtype=dtype)

        new_mask = np.zeros(result_shape, dtype=bool)

        name = np.dtype(dtype).name
        sorted_values = self.sorted_values

        # we need to convert to a basic dtype
        # and possibly coerce an input to our output dtype
        # e.g. ints -> floats
        if needs_i8_conversion(values):
            sorted_values = sorted_values.view('i8')
            new_values = new_values.view('i8')
            name = 'int64'
        elif is_bool_dtype(values):
            sorted_values = sorted_values.astype('object')
            new_values = new_values.astype('object')
            name = 'object'
            sorted_values = sorted_values.astype(name, copy=False)

        # fill in our values & mask
        f = getattr(_reshape, "unstack_{name}".format(name=name))

        # reconstruct dtype if needed
        if needs_i8_conversion(values):
            new_values = new_values.view(values.dtype)

        return new_values, new_mask
Exemplo n.º 19
def _check_promote(
    Auxiliary function to unify testing of scalar/array promotion.

    dtype : dtype
        The value to pass on as the first argument to maybe_promote.
    fill_value : scalar
        The value to pass on as the second argument to maybe_promote, either as
        a scalar, or boxed into an array (depending on the parameter `boxed`).
    boxed : Boolean
        Parameter whether fill_value should be passed to maybe_promote
        directly, or wrapped in an array (of dtype box_dtype).
    box_dtype : dtype
        The dtype to enforce when wrapping fill_value into an np.array.
    expected_dtype : dtype
        The expected dtype returned by maybe_promote (by design this is the
        same regardless of whether fill_value was passed as a scalar or in an
    exp_val_for_scalar : scalar
        The expected value for the (potentially upcast) fill_value returned by
    exp_val_for_array : scalar
        The expected missing value marker for the expected_dtype (which is
        returned by maybe_promote when it receives an array).
    assert is_scalar(fill_value)

    if boxed:
        # in this case, we pass on fill_value wrapped in an array of specified
        # box_dtype; the expected value returned from maybe_promote is the
        # missing value marker for the returned dtype.
        fill_array = np.array([fill_value], dtype=box_dtype)
        result_dtype, result_fill_value = maybe_promote(dtype, fill_array)
        expected_fill_value = exp_val_for_array
        # here, we pass on fill_value as a scalar directly; the expected value
        # returned from maybe_promote is fill_value, potentially upcast to the
        # returned dtype.
        result_dtype, result_fill_value = maybe_promote(dtype, fill_value)
        expected_fill_value = exp_val_for_scalar

    _safe_dtype_assert(result_dtype, expected_dtype)

    # GH#23982/25425 require the same type in addition to equality/NA-ness
    res_type = type(result_fill_value)
    ex_type = type(expected_fill_value)
    assert res_type == ex_type

    match_value = result_fill_value == expected_fill_value

    # Note: type check above ensures that we have the _same_ NA value
    # for missing values, None == None and iNaT == iNaT (which is checked
    # through match_value above), but np.nan != np.nan and pd.NaT != pd.NaT
    match_missing = isna(result_fill_value) and isna(expected_fill_value)

    assert match_value or match_missing