Exemplo n.º 1
        def _test(ax):
            xlim = ax.get_xlim()
            ax.set_xlim(xlim[0] - 5, xlim[1] + 10)
            result = ax.get_xlim()
            self.assertEqual(result[0], xlim[0] - 5)
            self.assertEqual(result[1], xlim[1] + 10)

            # string
            expected = (Period('1/1/2000',
                               ax.freq), Period('4/1/2000', ax.freq))
            ax.set_xlim('1/1/2000', '4/1/2000')
            result = ax.get_xlim()
            self.assertEqual(int(result[0]), expected[0].ordinal)
            self.assertEqual(int(result[1]), expected[1].ordinal)

            # datetim
            expected = (Period('1/1/2000',
                               ax.freq), Period('4/1/2000', ax.freq))
            ax.set_xlim(datetime(2000, 1, 1), datetime(2000, 4, 1))
            result = ax.get_xlim()
            self.assertEqual(int(result[0]), expected[0].ordinal)
            self.assertEqual(int(result[1]), expected[1].ordinal)
            fig = ax.get_figure()
        def _test(ax):
            xlim = ax.get_xlim()
            ax.set_xlim(xlim[0] - 5, xlim[1] + 10)
            result = ax.get_xlim()
            assert result[0] == xlim[0] - 5
            assert result[1] == xlim[1] + 10

            # string
            expected = (Period('1/1/2000',
                               ax.freq), Period('4/1/2000', ax.freq))
            ax.set_xlim('1/1/2000', '4/1/2000')
            result = ax.get_xlim()
            assert int(result[0]) == expected[0].ordinal
            assert int(result[1]) == expected[1].ordinal

            # datetim
            expected = (Period('1/1/2000',
                               ax.freq), Period('4/1/2000', ax.freq))
            ax.set_xlim(datetime(2000, 1, 1), datetime(2000, 4, 1))
            result = ax.get_xlim()
            assert int(result[0]) == expected[0].ordinal
            assert int(result[1]) == expected[1].ordinal
            fig = ax.get_figure()
 def test_get_datevalue(self):
     from pandas.plotting._converter import get_datevalue
     assert get_datevalue(None, 'D') is None
     assert get_datevalue(1987, 'A') == 1987
     assert (get_datevalue(Period(1987, 'A'),
                           'M') == Period('1987-12', 'M').ordinal)
     assert (get_datevalue('1/1/1987', 'D') == Period('1987-1-1',
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_get_datevalue(self):
     from pandas.plotting._converter import get_datevalue
     self.assertIsNone(get_datevalue(None, 'D'))
     self.assertEqual(get_datevalue(1987, 'A'), 1987)
     self.assertEqual(get_datevalue(Period(1987, 'A'), 'M'),
                      Period('1987-12', 'M').ordinal)
     self.assertEqual(get_datevalue('1/1/1987', 'D'),
                      Period('1987-1-1', 'D').ordinal)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_get_period_range_edges(self, first, last, freq, exp_first, exp_last):
        first = Period(first)
        last = Period(last)

        exp_first = Period(exp_first, freq=freq)
        exp_last = Period(exp_last, freq=freq)

        freq = pd.tseries.frequencies.to_offset(freq)
        result = _get_period_range_edges(first, last, freq)
        expected = (exp_first, exp_last)
        assert result == expected
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_resample_dup_index():

    # GH 4812
    # dup columns with resample raising
    df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(4, 12), index=[2000, 2000, 2000, 2000],
                   columns=[Period(year=2000, month=i + 1, freq='M')
                            for i in range(12)])
    df.iloc[3, :] = np.nan
    result = df.resample('Q', axis=1).mean()
    expected = df.groupby(lambda x: int((x.month - 1) / 3), axis=1).mean()
    expected.columns = [
        Period(year=2000, quarter=i + 1, freq='Q') for i in range(4)]
    assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_resample_basic(self):
     # GH3609
     s = Series(range(100), index=date_range(
         '20130101', freq='s', periods=100, name='idx'), dtype='float')
     s[10:30] = np.nan
     index = PeriodIndex([
         Period('2013-01-01 00:00', 'T'),
         Period('2013-01-01 00:01', 'T')], name='idx')
     expected = Series([34.5, 79.5], index=index)
     result = s.to_period().resample('T', kind='period').mean()
     assert_series_equal(result, expected)
     result2 = s.resample('T', kind='period').mean()
     assert_series_equal(result2, expected)
def _use_dynamic_x(ax, data):
    freq = _get_index_freq(data)
    ax_freq = _get_ax_freq(ax)

    if freq is None:  # convert irregular if axes has freq info
        freq = ax_freq
    else:  # do not use tsplot if irregular was plotted first
        if (ax_freq is None) and (len(ax.get_lines()) > 0):
            return False

    if freq is None:
        return False

    if isinstance(freq, DateOffset):
        freq = freq.rule_code
        freq = frequencies.get_base_alias(freq)
    freq = frequencies.get_period_alias(freq)

    if freq is None:
        return False

    # hack this for 0.10.1, creating more technical debt...sigh
    if isinstance(data.index, DatetimeIndex):
        base = frequencies.get_freq(freq)
        x = data.index
        if (base <= frequencies.FreqGroup.FR_DAY):
            return x[:1].is_normalized
        return Period(x[0], freq).to_timestamp(tz=x.tz) == x[0]
    return True
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __call__(self, x, pos=0):

        if self.formatdict is None:
            return ""
            fmt = self.formatdict.pop(x, "")
            return Period(ordinal=int(x), freq=self.freq).strftime(fmt)
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_period_index_construction_from_strings(klass):
    # https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/26109
    strings = ["2020Q1", "2020Q2"] * 2
    data = klass(strings)
    result = PeriodIndex(data, freq="Q")
    expected = PeriodIndex([Period(s) for s in strings])
    tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_finder_monthly_long(self):
     rng = period_range('1988Q1', periods=24 * 12, freq='M')
     ser = Series(np.random.randn(len(rng)), rng)
     ax = ser.plot()
     xaxis = ax.get_xaxis()
     rs = xaxis.get_majorticklocs()[0]
     xp = Period('1989Q1', 'M').ordinal
     self.assertEqual(rs, xp)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_resample_basic(self):
     # GH3609
     s = Series(
         index=date_range("20130101", freq="s", periods=100, name="idx"),
     s[10:30] = np.nan
     index = PeriodIndex(
         [Period("2013-01-01 00:00", "T"), Period("2013-01-01 00:01", "T")],
     expected = Series([34.5, 79.5], index=index)
     result = s.to_period().resample("T", kind="period").mean()
     tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)
     result2 = s.resample("T", kind="period").mean()
     tm.assert_series_equal(result2, expected)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def __call__(self, x, pos=0):

        if self.formatdict is None:
            return ''
            fmt = self.formatdict.pop(x, '')
            return Period(ordinal=int(x), freq=self.freq).strftime(fmt)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def test_finder_hourly(self):
     nhours = 23
     rng = date_range('1/1/1999', freq='H', periods=nhours)
     ser = Series(np.random.randn(len(rng)), rng)
     ax = ser.plot()
     xaxis = ax.get_xaxis()
     rs = xaxis.get_majorticklocs()[0]
     xp = Period('1/1/1999', freq='H').ordinal
     self.assertEqual(rs, xp)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def __call__(self, x, pos=0):

        if self.formatdict is None:
            return ""
            fmt = self.formatdict.pop(x, "")
            if isinstance(fmt, np.bytes_):
                fmt = fmt.decode("utf-8")
            return Period(ordinal=int(x), freq=self.freq).strftime(fmt)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def test_finder_minutely(self):
     nminutes = 50 * 24 * 60
     rng = date_range('1/1/1999', freq='Min', periods=nminutes)
     ser = Series(np.random.randn(len(rng)), rng)
     ax = ser.plot()
     xaxis = ax.get_xaxis()
     rs = xaxis.get_majorticklocs()[0]
     xp = Period('1/1/1999', freq='Min').ordinal
     self.assertEqual(rs, xp)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def test_finder_annual(self):
     import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     xp = [1987, 1988, 1990, 1990, 1995, 2020, 2070, 2170]
     for i, nyears in enumerate([5, 10, 19, 49, 99, 199, 599, 1001]):
         rng = period_range('1987', periods=nyears, freq='A')
         ser = Series(np.random.randn(len(rng)), rng)
         ax = ser.plot()
         xaxis = ax.get_xaxis()
         rs = xaxis.get_majorticklocs()[0]
         self.assertEqual(rs, Period(xp[i], freq='A').ordinal)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def __call__(self, x, pos: int = 0) -> str:

        if self.formatdict is None:
            return ""
            fmt = self.formatdict.pop(x, "")
            if isinstance(fmt, np.bytes_):
                fmt = fmt.decode("utf-8")
            period = Period(ordinal=int(x), freq=self.freq)
            assert isinstance(period, Period)
            return period.strftime(fmt)
Exemplo n.º 19
def get_datevalue(date, freq):
    if isinstance(date, Period):
        return date.asfreq(freq).ordinal
    elif isinstance(date,
                    (str, datetime, pydt.date, pydt.time, np.datetime64)):
        return Period(date, freq).ordinal
    elif (is_integer(date) or is_float(date)
          or (isinstance(date, (np.ndarray, Index)) and (date.size == 1))):
        return date
    elif date is None:
        return None
    raise ValueError(f"Unrecognizable date '{date}'")
Exemplo n.º 20
def get_datevalue(date, freq):
    if isinstance(date, Period):
        return date.asfreq(freq).ordinal
    elif isinstance(date, (compat.string_types, datetime,
                           pydt.date, pydt.time)):
        return Period(date, freq).ordinal
    elif (is_integer(date) or is_float(date) or
          (isinstance(date, (np.ndarray, Index)) and (date.size == 1))):
        return date
    elif date is None:
        return None
    raise ValueError("Unrecognizable date '%s'" % date)
Exemplo n.º 21
 def test_finder_quarterly(self):
     import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     xp = Period('1988Q1').ordinal
     yrs = [3.5, 11]
     for n in yrs:
         rng = period_range('1987Q2', periods=int(n * 4), freq='Q')
         ser = Series(np.random.randn(len(rng)), rng)
         ax = ser.plot()
         xaxis = ax.get_xaxis()
         rs = xaxis.get_majorticklocs()[0]
         assert rs == xp
         (vmin, vmax) = ax.get_xlim()
         ax.set_xlim(vmin + 0.9, vmax)
         rs = xaxis.get_majorticklocs()[0]
         assert xp == rs
Exemplo n.º 22
 def test_finder_daily(self):
     import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     xp = Period('1999-1-1', freq='B').ordinal
     day_lst = [10, 40, 252, 400, 950, 2750, 10000]
     for n in day_lst:
         rng = bdate_range('1999-1-1', periods=n)
         ser = Series(np.random.randn(len(rng)), rng)
         ax = ser.plot()
         xaxis = ax.get_xaxis()
         rs = xaxis.get_majorticklocs()[0]
         self.assertEqual(xp, rs)
         vmin, vmax = ax.get_xlim()
         ax.set_xlim(vmin + 0.9, vmax)
         rs = xaxis.get_majorticklocs()[0]
         self.assertEqual(xp, rs)
Exemplo n.º 23
 def test_finder_monthly(self):
     import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     xp = Period('Jan 1988').ordinal
     yrs = [1.15, 2.5, 4, 11]
     for n in yrs:
         rng = period_range('1987Q2', periods=int(n * 12), freq='M')
         ser = Series(np.random.randn(len(rng)), rng)
         ax = ser.plot()
         xaxis = ax.get_xaxis()
         rs = xaxis.get_majorticklocs()[0]
         self.assertEqual(rs, xp)
         vmin, vmax = ax.get_xlim()
         ax.set_xlim(vmin + 0.9, vmax)
         rs = xaxis.get_majorticklocs()[0]
         self.assertEqual(xp, rs)
Exemplo n.º 24
def format_dateaxis(subplot, freq, index):
    Pretty-formats the date axis (x-axis).

    Major and minor ticks are automatically set for the frequency of the
    current underlying series.  As the dynamic mode is activated by
    default, changing the limits of the x axis will intelligently change
    the positions of the ticks.

    # handle index specific formatting
    # Note: DatetimeIndex does not use this
    # interface. DatetimeIndex uses matplotlib.date directly
    if isinstance(index, PeriodIndex):

        majlocator = TimeSeries_DateLocator(freq,
        minlocator = TimeSeries_DateLocator(freq,

        majformatter = TimeSeries_DateFormatter(freq,
        minformatter = TimeSeries_DateFormatter(freq,

        # x and y coord info
        subplot.format_coord = lambda t, y: ("t = {0}  y = {1:8f}".format(
            Period(ordinal=int(t), freq=freq), y))

    elif isinstance(index, TimedeltaIndex):
        raise TypeError('index type not supported')

Exemplo n.º 25
    def test_take_fill_valid(self, arr1d):
        arr = arr1d
        dti = self.index_cls(arr1d)

        now = Timestamp.now().tz_localize(dti.tz)
        result = arr.take([-1, 1], allow_fill=True, fill_value=now)
        assert result[0] == now

        msg = f"value should be a '{arr1d._scalar_type.__name__}' or 'NaT'. Got"
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
            # fill_value Timedelta invalid
            arr.take([-1, 1], allow_fill=True, fill_value=now - now)

        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
            # fill_value Period invalid
            arr.take([-1, 1], allow_fill=True, fill_value=Period("2014Q1"))

        tz = None if dti.tz is not None else "US/Eastern"
        now = Timestamp.now().tz_localize(tz)
        msg = "Cannot compare tz-naive and tz-aware datetime-like objects"
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
            # Timestamp with mismatched tz-awareness
            arr.take([-1, 1], allow_fill=True, fill_value=now)

        value = pd.NaT.value
        msg = f"value should be a '{arr1d._scalar_type.__name__}' or 'NaT'. Got"
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
            # require NaT, not iNaT, as it could be confused with an integer
            arr.take([-1, 1], allow_fill=True, fill_value=value)

        value = np.timedelta64("NaT", "ns")
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
            # require appropriate-dtype if we have a NA value
            arr.take([-1, 1], allow_fill=True, fill_value=value)

        if arr.tz is not None:
            # GH#37356
            # Assuming here that arr1d fixture does not include Australia/Melbourne
            value = Timestamp.now().tz_localize("Australia/Melbourne")
            msg = "Timezones don't match. .* != 'Australia/Melbourne'"
            with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
                # require tz match, not just tzawareness match
                arr.take([-1, 1], allow_fill=True, fill_value=value)
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_corner_cases(simple_period_range_series, simple_date_range_series):
    # miscellaneous test coverage

    rng = date_range("1/1/2000", periods=12, freq="t")
    ts = Series(np.random.randn(len(rng)), index=rng)

    result = ts.resample("5t", closed="right", label="left").mean()
    ex_index = date_range("1999-12-31 23:55", periods=4, freq="5t")
    tm.assert_index_equal(result.index, ex_index)

    len0pts = simple_period_range_series("2007-01", "2010-05", freq="M")[:0]
    # it works
    result = len0pts.resample("A-DEC").mean()
    assert len(result) == 0

    # resample to periods
    ts = simple_date_range_series("2000-04-28", "2000-04-30 11:00", freq="h")
    result = ts.resample("M", kind="period").mean()
    assert len(result) == 1
    assert result.index[0] == Period("2000-04", freq="M")
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_corner_cases(simple_period_range_series, simple_date_range_series):
    # miscellaneous test coverage

    rng = date_range('1/1/2000', periods=12, freq='t')
    ts = Series(np.random.randn(len(rng)), index=rng)

    result = ts.resample('5t', closed='right', label='left').mean()
    ex_index = date_range('1999-12-31 23:55', periods=4, freq='5t')
    tm.assert_index_equal(result.index, ex_index)

    len0pts = simple_period_range_series('2007-01', '2010-05', freq='M')[:0]
    # it works
    result = len0pts.resample('A-DEC').mean()
    assert len(result) == 0

    # resample to periods
    ts = simple_date_range_series('2000-04-28', '2000-04-30 11:00', freq='h')
    result = ts.resample('M', kind='period').mean()
    assert len(result) == 1
    assert result.index[0] == Period('2000-04', freq='M')
Exemplo n.º 28
def _daily_finder(vmin, vmax, freq):
    periodsperday = -1

    if freq >= FreqGroup.FR_HR:
        if freq == FreqGroup.FR_NS:
            periodsperday = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000000000
        elif freq == FreqGroup.FR_US:
            periodsperday = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000000
        elif freq == FreqGroup.FR_MS:
            periodsperday = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
        elif freq == FreqGroup.FR_SEC:
            periodsperday = 24 * 60 * 60
        elif freq == FreqGroup.FR_MIN:
            periodsperday = 24 * 60
        elif freq == FreqGroup.FR_HR:
            periodsperday = 24
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ValueError(f"unexpected frequency: {freq}")
        periodsperyear = 365 * periodsperday
        periodspermonth = 28 * periodsperday

    elif freq == FreqGroup.FR_BUS:
        periodsperyear = 261
        periodspermonth = 19
    elif freq == FreqGroup.FR_DAY:
        periodsperyear = 365
        periodspermonth = 28
    elif resolution.get_freq_group(freq) == FreqGroup.FR_WK:
        periodsperyear = 52
        periodspermonth = 3
    else:  # pragma: no cover
        raise ValueError("unexpected frequency")

    # save this for later usage
    vmin_orig = vmin

    (vmin, vmax) = (
        Period(ordinal=int(vmin), freq=freq),
        Period(ordinal=int(vmax), freq=freq),
    span = vmax.ordinal - vmin.ordinal + 1
    dates_ = period_range(start=vmin, end=vmax, freq=freq)
    # Initialize the output
    info = np.zeros(span,
                    dtype=[("val", np.int64), ("maj", bool), ("min", bool),
                           ("fmt", "|S20")])
    info["val"][:] = dates_.asi8
    info["fmt"][:] = ""
    info["maj"][[0, -1]] = True
    # .. and set some shortcuts
    info_maj = info["maj"]
    info_min = info["min"]
    info_fmt = info["fmt"]

    def first_label(label_flags):
        if (label_flags[0]
                == 0) and (label_flags.size > 1) and ((vmin_orig % 1) > 0.0):
            return label_flags[1]
            return label_flags[0]

    # Case 1. Less than a month
    if span <= periodspermonth:
        day_start = period_break(dates_, "day")
        month_start = period_break(dates_, "month")

        def _hour_finder(label_interval, force_year_start):
            _hour = dates_.hour
            _prev_hour = (dates_ - 1 * dates_.freq).hour
            hour_start = (_hour - _prev_hour) != 0
            info_maj[day_start] = True
            info_min[hour_start & (_hour % label_interval == 0)] = True
            year_start = period_break(dates_, "year")
            info_fmt[hour_start & (_hour % label_interval == 0)] = "%H:%M"
            info_fmt[day_start] = "%H:%M\n%d-%b"
            info_fmt[year_start] = "%H:%M\n%d-%b\n%Y"
            if force_year_start and not has_level_label(year_start, vmin_orig):
                info_fmt[first_label(day_start)] = "%H:%M\n%d-%b\n%Y"

        def _minute_finder(label_interval):
            hour_start = period_break(dates_, "hour")
            _minute = dates_.minute
            _prev_minute = (dates_ - 1 * dates_.freq).minute
            minute_start = (_minute - _prev_minute) != 0
            info_maj[hour_start] = True
            info_min[minute_start & (_minute % label_interval == 0)] = True
            year_start = period_break(dates_, "year")
            info_fmt = info["fmt"]
            info_fmt[minute_start & (_minute % label_interval == 0)] = "%H:%M"
            info_fmt[day_start] = "%H:%M\n%d-%b"
            info_fmt[year_start] = "%H:%M\n%d-%b\n%Y"

        def _second_finder(label_interval):
            minute_start = period_break(dates_, "minute")
            _second = dates_.second
            _prev_second = (dates_ - 1 * dates_.freq).second
            second_start = (_second - _prev_second) != 0
            info["maj"][minute_start] = True
            info["min"][second_start & (_second % label_interval == 0)] = True
            year_start = period_break(dates_, "year")
            info_fmt = info["fmt"]
                     & (_second % label_interval == 0)] = "%H:%M:%S"
            info_fmt[day_start] = "%H:%M:%S\n%d-%b"
            info_fmt[year_start] = "%H:%M:%S\n%d-%b\n%Y"

        if span < periodsperday / 12000.0:
        elif span < periodsperday / 6000.0:
        elif span < periodsperday / 2400.0:
        elif span < periodsperday / 1200.0:
        elif span < periodsperday / 800.0:
        elif span < periodsperday / 400.0:
        elif span < periodsperday / 150.0:
        elif span < periodsperday / 70.0:
        elif span < periodsperday / 24.0:
        elif span < periodsperday / 12.0:
        elif span < periodsperday / 6.0:
        elif span < periodsperday / 2.5:
            _hour_finder(1, False)
        elif span < periodsperday / 1.5:
            _hour_finder(2, False)
        elif span < periodsperday * 1.25:
            _hour_finder(3, False)
        elif span < periodsperday * 2.5:
            _hour_finder(6, True)
        elif span < periodsperday * 4:
            _hour_finder(12, True)
            info_maj[month_start] = True
            info_min[day_start] = True
            year_start = period_break(dates_, "year")
            info_fmt = info["fmt"]
            info_fmt[day_start] = "%d"
            info_fmt[month_start] = "%d\n%b"
            info_fmt[year_start] = "%d\n%b\n%Y"
            if not has_level_label(year_start, vmin_orig):
                if not has_level_label(month_start, vmin_orig):
                    info_fmt[first_label(day_start)] = "%d\n%b\n%Y"
                    info_fmt[first_label(month_start)] = "%d\n%b\n%Y"

    # Case 2. Less than three months
    elif span <= periodsperyear // 4:
        month_start = period_break(dates_, "month")
        info_maj[month_start] = True
        if freq < FreqGroup.FR_HR:
            info["min"] = True
            day_start = period_break(dates_, "day")
            info["min"][day_start] = True
        week_start = period_break(dates_, "week")
        year_start = period_break(dates_, "year")
        info_fmt[week_start] = "%d"
        info_fmt[month_start] = "\n\n%b"
        info_fmt[year_start] = "\n\n%b\n%Y"
        if not has_level_label(year_start, vmin_orig):
            if not has_level_label(month_start, vmin_orig):
                info_fmt[first_label(week_start)] = "\n\n%b\n%Y"
                info_fmt[first_label(month_start)] = "\n\n%b\n%Y"
    # Case 3. Less than 14 months ...............
    elif span <= 1.15 * periodsperyear:
        year_start = period_break(dates_, "year")
        month_start = period_break(dates_, "month")
        week_start = period_break(dates_, "week")
        info_maj[month_start] = True
        info_min[week_start] = True
        info_min[year_start] = False
        info_min[month_start] = False
        info_fmt[month_start] = "%b"
        info_fmt[year_start] = "%b\n%Y"
        if not has_level_label(year_start, vmin_orig):
            info_fmt[first_label(month_start)] = "%b\n%Y"
    # Case 4. Less than 2.5 years ...............
    elif span <= 2.5 * periodsperyear:
        year_start = period_break(dates_, "year")
        quarter_start = period_break(dates_, "quarter")
        month_start = period_break(dates_, "month")
        info_maj[quarter_start] = True
        info_min[month_start] = True
        info_fmt[quarter_start] = "%b"
        info_fmt[year_start] = "%b\n%Y"
    # Case 4. Less than 4 years .................
    elif span <= 4 * periodsperyear:
        year_start = period_break(dates_, "year")
        month_start = period_break(dates_, "month")
        info_maj[year_start] = True
        info_min[month_start] = True
        info_min[year_start] = False

        month_break = dates_[month_start].month
        jan_or_jul = month_start[(month_break == 1) | (month_break == 7)]
        info_fmt[jan_or_jul] = "%b"
        info_fmt[year_start] = "%b\n%Y"
    # Case 5. Less than 11 years ................
    elif span <= 11 * periodsperyear:
        year_start = period_break(dates_, "year")
        quarter_start = period_break(dates_, "quarter")
        info_maj[year_start] = True
        info_min[quarter_start] = True
        info_min[year_start] = False
        info_fmt[year_start] = "%Y"
    # Case 6. More than 12 years ................
        year_start = period_break(dates_, "year")
        year_break = dates_[year_start].year
        nyears = span / periodsperyear
        (min_anndef, maj_anndef) = _get_default_annual_spacing(nyears)
        major_idx = year_start[(year_break % maj_anndef == 0)]
        info_maj[major_idx] = True
        minor_idx = year_start[(year_break % min_anndef == 0)]
        info_min[minor_idx] = True
        info_fmt[major_idx] = "%Y"

    return info
def _format_coord(freq, t, y):
    return "t = {0}  y = {1:8f}".format(Period(ordinal=int(t), freq=freq), y)
Exemplo n.º 30
def _daily_finder(vmin, vmax, freq):
    periodsperday = -1

    if freq >= FreqGroup.FR_HR:
        if freq == FreqGroup.FR_NS:
            periodsperday = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000000000
        elif freq == FreqGroup.FR_US:
            periodsperday = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000000
        elif freq == FreqGroup.FR_MS:
            periodsperday = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
        elif freq == FreqGroup.FR_SEC:
            periodsperday = 24 * 60 * 60
        elif freq == FreqGroup.FR_MIN:
            periodsperday = 24 * 60
        elif freq == FreqGroup.FR_HR:
            periodsperday = 24
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ValueError("unexpected frequency: %s" % freq)
        periodsperyear = 365 * periodsperday
        periodspermonth = 28 * periodsperday

    elif freq == FreqGroup.FR_BUS:
        periodsperyear = 261
        periodspermonth = 19
    elif freq == FreqGroup.FR_DAY:
        periodsperyear = 365
        periodspermonth = 28
    elif frequencies.get_freq_group(freq) == FreqGroup.FR_WK:
        periodsperyear = 52
        periodspermonth = 3
    else:  # pragma: no cover
        raise ValueError("unexpected frequency")

    # save this for later usage
    vmin_orig = vmin

    (vmin, vmax) = (Period(ordinal=int(vmin), freq=freq),
                    Period(ordinal=int(vmax), freq=freq))
    span = vmax.ordinal - vmin.ordinal + 1
    dates_ = PeriodIndex(start=vmin, end=vmax, freq=freq)
    # Initialize the output
    info = np.zeros(span,
                    dtype=[('val', np.int64), ('maj', bool),
                           ('min', bool), ('fmt', '|S20')])
    info['val'][:] = dates_._values
    info['fmt'][:] = ''
    info['maj'][[0, -1]] = True
    # .. and set some shortcuts
    info_maj = info['maj']
    info_min = info['min']
    info_fmt = info['fmt']

    def first_label(label_flags):
        if (label_flags[0] == 0) and (label_flags.size > 1) and \
                ((vmin_orig % 1) > 0.0):
            return label_flags[1]
            return label_flags[0]

    # Case 1. Less than a month
    if span <= periodspermonth:
        day_start = period_break(dates_, 'day')
        month_start = period_break(dates_, 'month')

        def _hour_finder(label_interval, force_year_start):
            _hour = dates_.hour
            _prev_hour = (dates_ - 1).hour
            hour_start = (_hour - _prev_hour) != 0
            info_maj[day_start] = True
            info_min[hour_start & (_hour % label_interval == 0)] = True
            year_start = period_break(dates_, 'year')
            info_fmt[hour_start & (_hour % label_interval == 0)] = '%H:%M'
            info_fmt[day_start] = '%H:%M\n%d-%b'
            info_fmt[year_start] = '%H:%M\n%d-%b\n%Y'
            if force_year_start and not has_level_label(year_start, vmin_orig):
                info_fmt[first_label(day_start)] = '%H:%M\n%d-%b\n%Y'

        def _minute_finder(label_interval):
            hour_start = period_break(dates_, 'hour')
            _minute = dates_.minute
            _prev_minute = (dates_ - 1).minute
            minute_start = (_minute - _prev_minute) != 0
            info_maj[hour_start] = True
            info_min[minute_start & (_minute % label_interval == 0)] = True
            year_start = period_break(dates_, 'year')
            info_fmt = info['fmt']
            info_fmt[minute_start & (_minute % label_interval == 0)] = '%H:%M'
            info_fmt[day_start] = '%H:%M\n%d-%b'
            info_fmt[year_start] = '%H:%M\n%d-%b\n%Y'

        def _second_finder(label_interval):
            minute_start = period_break(dates_, 'minute')
            _second = dates_.second
            _prev_second = (dates_ - 1).second
            second_start = (_second - _prev_second) != 0
            info['maj'][minute_start] = True
            info['min'][second_start & (_second % label_interval == 0)] = True
            year_start = period_break(dates_, 'year')
            info_fmt = info['fmt']
            info_fmt[second_start & (_second %
                                     label_interval == 0)] = '%H:%M:%S'
            info_fmt[day_start] = '%H:%M:%S\n%d-%b'
            info_fmt[year_start] = '%H:%M:%S\n%d-%b\n%Y'

        if span < periodsperday / 12000.0:
        elif span < periodsperday / 6000.0:
        elif span < periodsperday / 2400.0:
        elif span < periodsperday / 1200.0:
        elif span < periodsperday / 800.0:
        elif span < periodsperday / 400.0:
        elif span < periodsperday / 150.0:
        elif span < periodsperday / 70.0:
        elif span < periodsperday / 24.0:
        elif span < periodsperday / 12.0:
        elif span < periodsperday / 6.0:
        elif span < periodsperday / 2.5:
            _hour_finder(1, False)
        elif span < periodsperday / 1.5:
            _hour_finder(2, False)
        elif span < periodsperday * 1.25:
            _hour_finder(3, False)
        elif span < periodsperday * 2.5:
            _hour_finder(6, True)
        elif span < periodsperday * 4:
            _hour_finder(12, True)
            info_maj[month_start] = True
            info_min[day_start] = True
            year_start = period_break(dates_, 'year')
            info_fmt = info['fmt']
            info_fmt[day_start] = '%d'
            info_fmt[month_start] = '%d\n%b'
            info_fmt[year_start] = '%d\n%b\n%Y'
            if not has_level_label(year_start, vmin_orig):
                if not has_level_label(month_start, vmin_orig):
                    info_fmt[first_label(day_start)] = '%d\n%b\n%Y'
                    info_fmt[first_label(month_start)] = '%d\n%b\n%Y'

    # Case 2. Less than three months
    elif span <= periodsperyear // 4:
        month_start = period_break(dates_, 'month')
        info_maj[month_start] = True
        if freq < FreqGroup.FR_HR:
            info['min'] = True
            day_start = period_break(dates_, 'day')
            info['min'][day_start] = True
        week_start = period_break(dates_, 'week')
        year_start = period_break(dates_, 'year')
        info_fmt[week_start] = '%d'
        info_fmt[month_start] = '\n\n%b'
        info_fmt[year_start] = '\n\n%b\n%Y'
        if not has_level_label(year_start, vmin_orig):
            if not has_level_label(month_start, vmin_orig):
                info_fmt[first_label(week_start)] = '\n\n%b\n%Y'
                info_fmt[first_label(month_start)] = '\n\n%b\n%Y'
    # Case 3. Less than 14 months ...............
    elif span <= 1.15 * periodsperyear:
        year_start = period_break(dates_, 'year')
        month_start = period_break(dates_, 'month')
        week_start = period_break(dates_, 'week')
        info_maj[month_start] = True
        info_min[week_start] = True
        info_min[year_start] = False
        info_min[month_start] = False
        info_fmt[month_start] = '%b'
        info_fmt[year_start] = '%b\n%Y'
        if not has_level_label(year_start, vmin_orig):
            info_fmt[first_label(month_start)] = '%b\n%Y'
    # Case 4. Less than 2.5 years ...............
    elif span <= 2.5 * periodsperyear:
        year_start = period_break(dates_, 'year')
        quarter_start = period_break(dates_, 'quarter')
        month_start = period_break(dates_, 'month')
        info_maj[quarter_start] = True
        info_min[month_start] = True
        info_fmt[quarter_start] = '%b'
        info_fmt[year_start] = '%b\n%Y'
    # Case 4. Less than 4 years .................
    elif span <= 4 * periodsperyear:
        year_start = period_break(dates_, 'year')
        month_start = period_break(dates_, 'month')
        info_maj[year_start] = True
        info_min[month_start] = True
        info_min[year_start] = False

        month_break = dates_[month_start].month
        jan_or_jul = month_start[(month_break == 1) | (month_break == 7)]
        info_fmt[jan_or_jul] = '%b'
        info_fmt[year_start] = '%b\n%Y'
    # Case 5. Less than 11 years ................
    elif span <= 11 * periodsperyear:
        year_start = period_break(dates_, 'year')
        quarter_start = period_break(dates_, 'quarter')
        info_maj[year_start] = True
        info_min[quarter_start] = True
        info_min[year_start] = False
        info_fmt[year_start] = '%Y'
    # Case 6. More than 12 years ................
        year_start = period_break(dates_, 'year')
        year_break = dates_[year_start].year
        nyears = span / periodsperyear
        (min_anndef, maj_anndef) = _get_default_annual_spacing(nyears)
        major_idx = year_start[(year_break % maj_anndef == 0)]
        info_maj[major_idx] = True
        minor_idx = year_start[(year_break % min_anndef == 0)]
        info_min[minor_idx] = True
        info_fmt[major_idx] = '%Y'

    return info